Graham Norton Funniest Moments (24)

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they will sue this cannot say you run the Garifuna spaniel favorito from the UK roller coaster pooper-scooper oompa loompa kawasaki for unrelated words but if you want to do the Geordie accent how people talk from Newcastle those words roller Coster and bats koopa boom boom bah [Applause] roller coaster roller coaster first combo pullback school [Applause] is it really just about the fans and think there's a very sweet your very very first fan letter you ever got yeah and that's what you put in the book would you mind reading I saved it I was fifteen years old I was on a bad sitcom and the producers came down one day said here's your bag of famine I've never had a bag of fan mail my life I was so excited and I picked it up and I saved it and I read it to you where is it here's dear mr. Rob Lowe I enjoyed you very much on the TV show the new kind of family you are a great actor can you please send me an autographed photo of yourself if possible in a bathing suit or in your underwear sincerely Michael LeBron number four four four one two Pelican Bay State Prison in sorrow you know lots people do sword fights and it's all choreographed you know what I mean did you train with the Spanish Olympic team I did I did for four months I trained with this [Music] Who am I gonna survive I thought you just do it I thought you do what kind of like a make it do things okay I think seven positions okay okay so first of all you put this ring hang on like this [Music] okay this is the first position I know all four I killed what you want come on okay so here we go yeah first position desk first and then take on at first and second third and fourth hay fever I've got my own leg but six and then we're fancy one in cases somebody attack you in the back like this yes Francie [Applause] [Applause] soccer player huh yes could have been a professional soccer player I could have but I broke my left foot when I was 15 years old weren't you good enough to be an Olympic gymnast that's true football player a bit like I don't know if you've been to a pub in England but there is one man in every pub trials for Spurs [Music] and you could have been an Olympic gymnast it's probably more information than you want but I always had a thing about gymnast really was fantasized about having sex with a gymnast not just because they're really bendy and flexible and you could do loads of extrordinary positions but also because they do amazing dismounts [Laughter] I imagine after after saying to you what you would be by the side of the bed like you found your legs even just a little bit I could make you do it again I used to be written to by this woman I came to know as the jigsaw woman and choose to send me a graphic graphic letters graphic sexual letters very neatly caught into perfect dicks or shapes so you had to piece them together yeah it was very proper and very sweet woman would carefully sellotape this together to make sure all the filthy words were readable and she used to sign it with this mysterious symbol and she wrote me loads of these things and then I was on to her and my two manager said others a woman from a local radio station wants to interview you and I said yeah okay that's fine so she came in and we spoke and she said here's my card if you want to contact me again and I looked any add this symbol on him and I said you're you're the you're the jigsaw woman aren't you and she said well you know oh that's that's all in the past I said I got the last one three weeks and I said I'm really I'm actually quite frightened there they don't really want you to go and she said no no don't don't so I said please I really want you to go we're all scream and she said let me sleep with you tonight I said you are out of your mind so mitenai / wake up with it with a knife between my shop will not even wake up absolutely not she said please oh you'll never hear from me again I'll never bother you again just one night and I'll go and I said no absolutely just go or honestly on I'll go crazy please go and she lifted up her jompa and she had a bra on but it's quite nice bra and I said and you promise me I'll never hear [Applause] I'm not but I did it thank you sharing so much I'm not gonna sleep with these Austrian break it to them like this Jessa dear wet yeah I would smell vaguely guilty when friends from America come over to premieres and you know they've just been in LA and it pauses rain yeah lovely suit and everything you look lovely but is this your red carpet look have you changed since the record is this way you did the reception yeah okay you look good you look good here's what you don't understand all right am I glad to read between the lines you Barbie neon and that's fine no I've had I've been scout for my new I'm playing I'm doing a film at the moment I have got the most heinous haircut you've ever seen - man car [Applause] the cinema next year we don't reveal trade secrets around very carefully constructed to be very very quick because we need to get on but have you heard about these miracle berries no nope have you heard about the miracle berries briefly just okay it's one of these is America well they say miracle berries this is terrible it does look like money right so these are miracle berries no freeze-dried miracle berry okay now what you do is they're from West Africa right and they make bitter and sour foods taste sweet well that's why they're miracle berries so you take a little bit and you Susa run your mouth right and then you can bake what look here's things right so apparently I don't quite get this because apparently if you eat a little bit of this so pretty pretty legs Guinness tastes like chocolate milk it makes lemons taste like sherbert this is drew I'm good to try bit now okay okay I'm gonna try a bigger cause I've set I did this in rehearsal wasn't such a miracle really it just tastes like Guinness I tried it right don't try lemon it's a good lemon service me it works you don't like it now it does work yeah bearing in mind both of you drink green tea hello no it makes it sweet try it it's amazing sherbert it is it's like the mature but now the weird thing that no one I would not try it we haven't got anyone to do this but apparently if you do this you can even drink vinegar price so does anyone have a go yeah you look at it yeah is this the free drink syndrome apparently it will make it taste like treacle okay so I would have quite a bit of my magic berries I don't put them in your thing there yeah I'd get all that down you it really is vinegar oh it is that that that's been it is but it just makes me want some chips all right we've got all run your mouth okay okay this is the ultimate test for our miracle berry okay okay you swallow it if you want to swallow it I'm not I'm just this is here just in case it didn't work type [Laughter] did anyone see the Oscars yes no you didn't poor Jennifer Lawrence fell over which she went to collect her Best Actress Award honestly I can't remember the last time I saw a Hollywood star face down on the floor [Applause] I actually can I didn't know I did not know - last week in the red chair the first guy in the red chair was this man called Harris and he's wearing the t-shirts take edge effectively he didn't know what it meant either those t-shirts have nothing to do with you have they it's not your new clothing line right no alas means cool yes it's another word for cool ass pants Vantage did you arrange for that one airy down here it gives us the definition D'Oench another meeting for sick or nice something is well D'Oench you can say that is well Judi Dench [Applause] it's down on the back of it D'Oench gang yes great because dude you knew this cuz you're good on the street no I'd not heard that I'd not heard dent but isn't your son teaching you now some of the Earl here he tries to I'm not very good at it easy words like moist and bond and sick you mentioned sis yes as well suspense well sick yeah I don't mean this rudely in any way well I I'm still getting over the fact that you you I think you kind of criticized what I was wearing this wife made such an effort tonight red carpet like that okay I had this appalling haircut for her for a job I was doing and I didn't want to spoil the surprise hairline back to here so I sort of chose and the beard was for the job that's why I was at when you hear your children banned you from coming to the ctd but it's not the first time they've banded I recently wore a very large pair of sideburns for a good six months and I was banned again it did a great job but you had trouble you were trouble with everything you were peeing incident on the mountain actually going to the toilet was the worst part about Mount Kilimanjaro because obviously for guys it's easy you can do it anywhere the first lady's it was really difficult you just have to find anywhere and one time I I found somewhere private and I was really pleased with myself till I stacked it and nearly fell off the side of the mountain and I'm grabbing on for dear life and then when I emerged in front of everyone else house I've got a long and I'd really try to act calm as if nothing had happened I'm so embarrassed because of how it happened oh yes did you go all over yourself no no I know like the fountains in Vegas we'll stop talking about Jose but the only I do want to save I promise Department of assess it's not here because we really put we have this vault yeah about 127 hours me to participate well you see me wearing this jacket huh so the costume department spent hours making this fake jacket you see that I would be wearing and then the arm rips off well do you want to acid out I'll be James missing you James I'd say what we thought because everything sounds better in French yes we thought of that what would this show be like in French right so we thought we might rerun a little bit of the show but in French audience you are now going to be a French audience okay so should I yeah I'm gonna do a bit of the montag so should i crack a joke right remember how you laughed before this time you need to laugh as French people so imagine your church audience find something funny now [Music] [Applause] good doesn't commit to it more one more time so something funny in French okay all right okay let's start again bit of music and also to get back in it [Applause] volume is really usually a mere Bienvenue qu'est-ce que c'est don't let papier sets of n natural least so be Scaletta your wanking that's a bone meal a Pharma dwarf or some pooping girl doesn't show us were actress for me table Juliette Binoche your teeth on a stroke the ship I'm glad we shove the AC miserable may Gordon case I said only Pantaloon [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] give him here to outdoor adults we shadolla don't go Dino see most hasta la nose motion the p80 norm oh yeah not - nampalli grande bouche [Applause] copal Saifu volume welcome welcome do you speak we which part for say of it for blacks okay my aunts Oh ja ja homes emit a song she wrote a famous after so far she had harmony mission forgotten [Laughter] what's French for annoying show up
Channel: Denise F
Views: 469,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graham Norton Funniest Moments (24), graham norton funny moments, graham norton funniest guests, graham norton compilation, the graham norton show 2017, graham norton, graham norton denise f, gordon ramsey on graham norton
Id: Fcdd5kFyRRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2017
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