Faith | Minister Anita Davis | July 28, 2021

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so uh we're going to go ahead and go first and foremost to hebrews chapter 11. when you go there with me hebrews chapter 11 and uh i've really been on this faith um and the lord's really been working on me with it in regards to faith and he is really you know telling me that i need to do more uh in regards to faith and and i want to say that to you i want to encourage you to listen to this message um and get out of it whatever you can if you if you know faith how many i know faith is like the fundamentals of of you know being christ-like of of of living for him being saved born again being a christian however you want to say it it's the fundamentals of it you know without faith you know you couldn't even be born again right so it is the the foundation of what we believe it's it's faith so go over to again hebrews chapter 11 and i want to just touch on exactly what this whole faith thing is in hebrews chapter 11. and in hebrews chapter 11 i really uh want to encourage you to to read this whole chapter but i'm going to start at verse 30 and read just a little bit it says by faith the walls of jericho fell down now i know we could stop there and just shout whoo the jericho walls fail y'all know we didn't learn about the jericho walls right they went around them sometimes but how many you know it was faith that brought them down you know because because it makes no natural sense to walk around a big old wall and expect it to fall in but it was faith that brought the walls of jericho down and i want you to think of some walls that have come up in your life and i want to tell you that it's faith that will bring those walls down if there are walls in your finances it is faith that's going to bring it down walls in your marriage faith will bring it down walls and concern to your health faith is what's going to bring it down and and the natural solution for what you need to do in the natural may not make sense that's why giving nothing makes sense to the world when we say give and it'll come back to me good measure press down checking together and running over they don't understand that they try and think we crazy and all of this but no that what i'm supposed to do naturally it's not going to make sense it shouldn't make sense that i give and i get more than i gave he said if you give i'll give you back what 10 50 100 however many folds but the point is is that when you give it it's going to come back to me after they were compassed about for seven days by faith the harlot rahab perished not with them that believe not when she had received the spies with peace this is what she did by faith according to what she believed and what shall i more say for the time would fail me to tell of gideon and barack and samson and jephthah and david also and samuel and of the prophets who all these people who through faith subdued kingdoms so not faith to bring a wall down faith take pain out your piggy toe and and faith will let you subdue a kingdom and and then and then i i questioned then why aren't we using our faith more if we can see what faith can produce okay subdue kingdoms brought righteousness obtained promises i want you to circle that obtained promises because some of us are wondering in the world how come i don't see this promise or this promise in my life and the answer is where is your faith because what god has promised he's already set it in motion it's already done right he's already supplied every last one of your needs he's not trying to he not finna he's not gonna he's already done it so if you're having an issue obtaining that promise i'm telling you right now check your face because the problem is not on his end it is not it's not on his end there are a number of reasons why we want to make it on his end number one so it ain't my fault i can blame somebody else it's you you the reason look at her she's like what that's how we obtain the promise how many all know this is filled with promises filled with them that have to do with every area of your life and the way you obtain it is by your faith we're going to talk about it they stopped the mouths of lions quenched the violence of fire my word escaped the edge of the sword out of weakness were made strong some of us are doing that every day wax valiant and fight turn to flight the armies of the aliens all of this is what faith can produce what faith can do now go over to hebrews 11 1 and i want to look at this because it says now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen i want to stay here for just a minute it's the substance of things that are expected that are hoped for and it's the evidence of stuff i don't see a lot of times we use that for just uh believe you receive right this whole obtaining the promises and and i need to merge these two things together a little bit before i go there go over to uh uh hebrews chapter 10. go over to hebrews chapter 10 we're right there go up a little bit verse 35 it says cast not away therefore your confidence which have great recompense of reward for ye have need of patience that after you have done the will of god he might receive the promise now you can preach that whole thing don't you throw away your confidence don't you throw away your faith he says what do you need you need some what patience you need some patience and in this world that we live in it's a whole bunch of i want it right now i want it right now i want it right now i want it right now i want that big house right now so you go out you get the big house and now what you want i want somebody to not evict me right now i need the money for my mortgage right now and it's a whole bunch of stuff that you're doing this whole right now mentality and i'm telling you right now the best things in life are the ones that you wait for that you actually sit there and you utilize your patience for because the stuff that you get quick check all the people that won the lottery i guarantee you first of all the tithe off of the lottery is slim to none second of all a whole bunch of them brokered and they started off patience you lack patience check your patience how often are you looking at the calendar saying god where are you because he as soon as you do that you have just cut off your faith that's a that's a that's a you know that's a trick don't don't get caught up in that some of us need to get used to slow cooking instead of the microwave and do you all notice when you put something in the microwave it don't hold the heat that long it's just a real good boom you better eat this real quick that's about to dry up it'd be hard better eat it but you put it in the slow cooker you put it in the toast oven and let it just slowly get up to its temperature you could sit there and just enjoy i don't know where that illustration came from but i trusted bless somebody [Music] so look for you have need of patience that after you have done the will of god you might receive the promise for yet a little while and that shall come will come and will not tarry somebody say a little while say it again a little while say it one more time a little while your faith needs to be just a little while a little while i don't know it's right there i got it yes just a little i won't be able to taste it i believe i have it right now but i'm talking about when i could actually bite into it because i'm here no we yep anyway all right so then verse 39 but we are not uh verse 38 now that now the just shall live by what but if any man draw back my soul shall have what no pleasure man no pleasure it's a whole lot of people god ain't getting no pleasure out of none and watch how it slides right into now faith is the substance of things hoped for the just shall live by faith and faith is the substance of things hoped for as the evidence of things not seen so this thing you're living by is also the same thing that you're receiving by do you understand it goes one and the other this whole thing about believing that how many all know when the word of god says again we talked about in malachi when he talks about give you the tithes and i'll open up the windows of heaven pour you out of blessing that you will not have room enough to receive it how many all believe that right so you do two things number one you act according to that word you don't give your tithe when that tither's confession come you can say it with pride cause you know this apply to me [Music] so you know you could tell when somebody ain't tired they ain't saying that confession would with a lot of umph because they know they disqualified this i'm preaching this is true some of y'all don't did it oh i can't say that again i got to put let me pull this up pay my tab right quick and it messes but when you live by your faith so now i know that that the word says that i should bring my tithe into the storehouse i believe that i believe that's what i'm supposed to do so i'm going to do that but i also know that's me living by my faith right i also know that when i pay this time i should expect what the windows of heaven to open and blessing to come out so with that same faith and belief that caused me to pay my tithe it is that same faith that causes me to say my tithe is confession and believe it it's the same thing sometimes we want to separate these two where you aren't you you don't have to to uh act according to the word but you can declare all the promises all you want no no ma'am no sir it's the same faith it's the same faith and if it's dead on you paying your tithe i'm telling you it's dead on you receiving the blessing from it it's both sides of that so then everything we do the just shall what live by faith live by faith that's every step you take y'all that's the decisions you make somebody get on your nerves what does faith tell you to do walk in love somebody said it right that's what we believe right we believe that god is calling us to walk in love so then when you cuss out where was your faith but it's funny how we expect other people to walk in it when it comes to us right you ain't no christian yeah baby bible also talks about turning out the cheek cat's not your pearls but first one some of us arguing with people we ain't never gonna win that fight just let that go you ain't never getting that 20 back let it go some of y'all holding out mad funky as all get out of your twin you better let that that's a seed song and if it was background you shouldn't have gave it in the first place i'm just kidding i'm just kidding you have to live by it and this is talking about your entire life y'all every facet of it do not compartmentalize god for the big things healing prosperity my my going to church and looking like i'm a christian uh-uh it reached down in how you treating your kids what the life you live in front of your coworkers what you did at that grocery store when you acted a fool straight fool y'all ain't got no lanes open huh how y'all got audience you noticed this saturday i don't want to self-check out we believe how many of y'all believe that god is everywhere yes but then how many y'all have nutted up somewhere where are you you acting like god they see that like god saw you he saw you the just shall live by what you believe live by it how many y'all uh believe the scripture when it talks about we need to renew our minds by the word of god by what the what but the news social media tv our friends are shaping our mindset more than the word of god if you have a strong passionate belief the first place i want you to look to back that belief up is the word of god if you're using a bunch of facts a bunch of this this that and the other and a bunch of he said she said this is why we should be doing this because they did this and they did that a question if you should really be believing that and going after that that's why joining yourself up with an organization ask yourself why are you doing that what what what where is that in scripture that i should support this organization where where is that where where where because the jews shall live by faith not not occasionally not ever so often not when i feel like it not when it fits me but the gesture lived by faith so where does that come from what's the motive behind that and if you're getting defensive right now there are honey you know nowadays there are a lot of alternative lifestyles um and and i don't have to name them one just popped in your head because you're just like [Music] and and in that we also have a lot of christians that are falling into those lifestyles and a lot of them are doing it some of them i'll say i can't say a lot are doing it out of hurt and pain that they have experienced it is not based on this word so then more so when you ask them why it is not based on the bible it's based off experiences and based off feelings and and based off of that and then what they do then is that they pervert the word of god to fit that right if you have a strong passion about something if you're fighting for something on social media and you giving it all just tell it i need you to check and first make sure that's in the bible because the judge shall live by faith not by feelings not by passions not by desires not by protests not by social justice the just shall live by faith and that faith will then infiltrate and will make an impact on social justice on education on your life that faith will then turn around and do that but you can't put the cart before the horse you can't do that okay the just shall live by faith one of the translations of that is by his faith by what you believe sometimes you should just write out do i believe that god wants me to have to have a a mouth that doesn't speak uh uh evil in fact go over there now the lord's leading let's go over to ephesians chapter four ephesians chapter four i'm gonna skip ahead some ephesians chapter four verse 29 you see another belief that you have to ask is is the word of god true ah that's one is it true and it can't be true sometimes right no if it's true sometimes how many you know i don't want that if i got if i if i believe that any part of that is false i don't want any of it i don't want any of it but if you believe that that word is true and that i'm supposed to line my life up by it then you got to just settle that stop trying to wiggle your way into some stuff you want to do i don't believe the lord would have me deal with this for for five years i don't believe this is not the lord's will well sometimes it was your will but then you stuck you're stuck in that you this is not god's will that i should have this financial burden would you the one put all that on your credit card no it ain't the lord's will but but you the one put you did it this toxic marriage you're the one causing people out toxic marriage if he so if it's what if it's what you're supposed to be doing look at this let no corrupt communication let no corrupt communication of your mouth but that which is good to the use of edifying that it may minister grace unto the hears after you done with a conversation i want you to ask yourself lord did i edify the person did i enrich them now watch this it doesn't mean like you can be truthful and honest in the conversation and a person not receive it but this is not based off of whether or not you received it is based off of whether or not i gave it right do you understand what i'm saying if i give it right i did my part right if i give it right i did not if i gave it funky that i'm part of the problem and a lot of us are rapping truth and and and stuff that needs to be said in a funky attitude and you're wondering why it ain't received just because you are right does not give you the right to say it any all kind of way [Applause] okay i'm gonna go further with that but okay then amy so i want to make sure okay so look so i want to go over to the amplified and then i'm going to catch up with the thought i just had that okay let no foul or polluting language polluting some of us are polluting our own atmospheres at home with the stuff that's coming out of our mouth and we wonder why there's no peace there watch your mouth ask yourself would god be pleased with what i'm saying would he be like yes son daughter you said that right or would he say yeah you said the right stuff but you ain't had to say it like that how many all know you can tell somebody uh hey can you come sit next to me or you can say get your and come in and sit right here how many are gonna be more inclined off of the first salutation get me so listen even when it comes to and i'm gonna get to this further if you are really desiring these things in your life right peace in your home ask yourself if you really desire peace in your home why won't you get there by way of doing what the word of god says i need you to understand you're cussing you're hollering you're spitting you're crying you're falling up and out stomping out the door telling people off going off and doing this is that threatening folks all of that is never going to end in peace never so if you and i want you to get the irony of it and how the devil works you really want peace in your home but yet your actions are giving you contrary but i want peace but that's not what you're doing you're not doing what's necessary to get it i want prosperity but you're not doing what's necessary to get it i want a promotion you ain't even showing to work on time how you mad she got promoted and you did you know i mean violations is in your folder violation so then when it comes to doing what is best for us to obtain what we really truly want why is it that we can't do what's necessary to get it i i i thought of uh selfishness real briefly and and and i got a little check on that in the sense of if there were really truly people who did what was best for themselves a whole lot of other folks would be better off in your house if you if you're having turmoil in your house if you truly did what was necessary to have peace in your house because you wanted it maybe not even because you wanted it for somebody else not your husband you just wanted to peace i'm going to do what's necessary to get the peace how many you know that what you're going to do is going to benefit everybody else in the house if you truly did what was best for you not what your flesh wanted [Music] we get these spurts of satisfaction and they only come when we have dumped everything that our flesh wanted us to dump did everything that our flesh we get this moment of satisfaction after we eat that fifth slice of pizza it's brief it's present but it's brief and then we get upset that the scale is not showing any difference and if it is it's going up instead of down but you want so dearly to lose weight the just shall live by faith by what you believe in every area of your life based on this word and i'm telling you if you do it you'll have that god kind of life in every area but you got to live by faith by what you believe in this room right here y'all this is called wednesday night bible study if it was called wednesday night preach session it'd probably be packed even to the to the hill but it's bible study because we're getting in word and i'm telling you right now you guys know this you do not have a faith problem you have a discipline problem you have a patience problem you have a problem with your flesh that's where the problem lies it is not with god it is not with him being unfair it is not with his promises not being true for you it is about you not doing your part okay so then let's see here i went all over the world uh go over to romans chapter 10. i'll hit this and then i'll keep going romans chapter 10 for those of you who are newer this is a good verse for you romans chapter 10 verse 17 you're like minister davis i ain't been here that long right here verse 17. so then faith comes by what and hearing by what as i am talking based on the word of god faith is coming your faith is growing it's changing your beliefs are being molded based off of you just sitting in here listening to this word if you lack faith or your faith is not strong i urge you to get into the word of god over it whatever area it is if it's a lack of faith that yes if i give my tithes because some of y'all y'all know how many all remember the day you decided to pay off the gross and not the net i remember so that's a that's a distinct moment when you figure out oh lord i've been doing this wrong my budget is it's just going to be blown out of what lord g and when you figure out that you got a tithe you're like my god ten percent and then have you ever got the statement from the church you saw the total it was like i could have bought a car or something that's like that oh my god i could be living lives i'm just kidding but what it does is it takes faith to take that step and say no i believe i'm headed to more than i'm leaving behind i believe that he is going to open the windows of heaven and pour me out a blessing one way that i know my faith works is because i never look at the gas prices i'm just telling you i don't and you know everybody's faith works in a different way but i recognize that that's god working on me because i know god got me i don't care how much gas is i got to get to point a point b i'm gonna put this in there you get what i'm saying and i'm gonna keep rolling some of it at the gas station just shut 50 dollars i remember when i could fill up my tank for 13. faith i believe i believe god's going to take care of that i'm not going to stress over this 3.79 gas now occasionally i will drive a little bit to get to detroit they got to check but but if i can't find it i ain't gonna stress and i just call that looking around to see it's my stewardship i'm gonna look around but i surely am not going to just run over here and be like man i miss that no if i got to pull over right here i'll pull over god guide me and eventually you get that way over bigger stuff that ten percent and all this nothing cause you get there why because you're living by faith you're walking by faith right now it's not a big deal yeah lord i cut you off that 10 percent he'll go another fast boom bishop come up here we need a plane i got your bishop on a plane [Applause] i got you bishop when he came up here we want to play the building off i got you on that building sir let me put that in there that's because you're living by faith it's just coming out of you it's natural go over to james go over to james chapter 2. so if you're struggling with the action of faith it is because you need more word regarding that if you're struggling to give you need more word on what happened when you give and more word on the fact that you need to do what the bible tell you to do james chapter 2 uh let's look at verse let's see 14 it said what does it profit my brother and though a man say he have faith and have not works can faith save him the answer is no if a brother or sister be naked and destitute of daily food and one of you saying to them depart be in peace and be warmed and filled not withstanding you give them not those things which are needful to the body what does that profit see the the just you'll live by faith you that's what you do when we see someone in need we go after it we got word of faith care is coming up on october 2nd i'm working on it right now getting organizations lined up for us to go serve and one of the things we have to do is we have to put our feet or yep nope yep yeah you just got to do what we say we all about i was trying to get that phrase the one coming you got to do it you can't say that god help the poor and he'll you know clean up and and and this is that other this is what i'm all about helping and you don't want to volunteer for nothing you don't want to help nobody out i'm going to teach it sorry okay so uh james chapter 2 then he says in in verse 17 even so faith if it have not works is dead now watch this this is not me working up something i believe i receive i believe it receive yes no it is a natural reaction based off of what i know got to be true i know that if i give i'll get it back so i'm gonna give i know i ain't supposed to cuss nobody out so i ain't gonna cuss them out i know i'm supposed to raise my children in the nurture and admonition of the lord so i'm going to do the best i can with that when i get upset i'm just going to walk away the just shall what live by faith and in that natural living the action comes that's why again if the action is not natural for you you need to get in the word over that right ask god about that for some of you all praise and worship is not natural i and i really encourage you to get in the word over how praise can be used as a tool not just to receive things from god and natural things but to receive like this spiritual like empowerment when you start praising god and saying you are good you are awesome you are magnificent you make him bigger than your problems there's nobody like you lord you get some of y'all get stirred up when you start saying that kind of stuff i never let a rock cry out in my place never the just shall live by faith if you struggle naturally in an area to act according to it get up romans 10 17 where it says the faith comes about what hearing and hearing by the word of god if you're new in here and you're like i haven't been saved long or maybe i haven't been acting save long just get in the building if you just get here and just sit i'm telling you your faith is going just like skyrocket this is a place that teaches the word of god when i first started going here i'm telling you my faith skyrocket was like oh my god yes i believe it yes now watch this go over to mark chapter 11 go over to mark chapter 11. because i want you to see how jesus did this mark chapter 11. i'm going to start at verse 12. it's a long passage but we'll get through it and now on the morrow when there were come from bethany he was hungry talking about jesus and seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves he came if happily he might find anything there on and we came to it he found nothing but leaves for the time of figs was not yet so it wasn't even time for the fruit to come but he was he was like yeah uh-uh you i come over here for fruit you're supposed to have fruit and jesus answered unto it and said no man eat fruit of thee hereafter forever and his disciples what they heard it this one no that's how i got in the bible they heard it and then he says uh in verse 15 and they come and and they come to jerusalem and jesus went into the temple and began to cast out them that sold and bought in the temple and overthrew the temples of the money changes maybe it's because he was upset he ain't get no fruit i don't know and the seeds of them that sold doves and would not suffer that any man should carry any vessel through the temple and he taught saying unto them it is not it is is it not written my house should be called called of all nations the house of prayer but you have made it a den of thieves so this whole moment happens awesome moment jesus goes in there wrecks the whole place up and said didn't i tell y'all that my house was supposed to be a house of prayer a den of thieves so then and the scribes and the chief priests heard it and sought how they might destroy him for they feared him because all the people was astonished of that is doctor and when the evilness come he went out of the city verse 20. and in the morning as it passed by they saw the fig tree dried up from the root now watch this no two things here i'm gonna i'm gonna touch on the first thing is i thought it awesome that we had an opportunity to see jesus use his faith where it did not take root immediately where you could see it he said ain't no man gonna eat fruit from you ever and then he walked off and i'm sure his disciples who heard it was like this man is crazy he's just talking the truth ain't no yeah that's like going to a car a car and start and you ain't gonna start for nobody and then just walk it off but notice they didn't see anything happen it wasn't like they ruined it but they took note of what they saw when they came back and they said oh my god the tree is dried up but this is jesus just living by faith i believe that if i speak it it's gonna be so ain't nobody eating from you ever walk on off that's why when you get your bill i but i say this bill is paid and i and in fact i'm gonna get even y'all know how y'all get one of them like they tell your stuff not only paid but you got like a credit some of y'all need to go past the page and say i get i'm getting the credit that i apply to future purposes and then you just need to walk off see what let me tell you this it didn't say jesus got an unction it didn't say that he was the the the windows crack cursed that tree it didn't say none of that he was just living by faith you know i know if i say you ain't nobody from you he walk away the disciples is outdone that he can do this mess but how many y'all know you have the same ability you have the authority of jesus and he says over watch this he says over in the word of god and in fact go to matthew chapter 17 go there matthew chapter 17. now i went both places in fact go back to hold your finger there in matthew chapter what do i say 17 go over back over to mark chapter 11. i need to finish that and then we need to go one more place and then we're going in uh verse 20 and in the morning as they pass by they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots and peter calling to remember it saying to the master behold the fig tree which thou curses is withered away he all done and jesus answered him and said what have faith in god this he didn't raise nobody from the dead he ain't he ain't split in the eye and get him healed of an eye infection he cursed a tree that didn't give him some fruit and he turned around and say have faith in god some of us are limiting the faith that we have access to when you are walking around and you see an accident you point your finger at that car and you say everybody in there i'll be whole and healed in jesus name i don't need no unction for that that's why he straight said believer said what like hands on the sick it didn't say selective sick and they say everybody sink except for the ones in the cubicle next to you you walk over to that cubicle you say ma'am is it all right if i pray for you most people gonna say yeah okay then you put that hand right on their shoulder you say in the name of jesus sickness you leave this body right now the key is you're doing it by faith but some of us ain't got faith to go to the next cubicle go to the next one you see somebody struggling to pay their bill in that walmart don't just sit there while they take stuff out their cart and get upset [Applause] the just shall live by faith i know that if i give to the poorest person i'm given to jesus himself what do you and if i can't buy everything i'm gonna ask what out of this do you need the most i'll pay for it i'll cover it i don't even know if i need to go over the mark uh nope with four minutes left no do this go over to first corinthians do i need to okay no this is the last verse matthew chapter seven go there matthew chapter seven matthew chapter seven we're in here i'm telling you are more powerful than you believe everybody's out here looking for a superhero and i'm telling you i got a room full of them right here [Music] you can go out here and start speaking some stuff that's why that tiger's confession is so important because it's got you speaking and sometimes you just got to start speaking on some stuff you got some kids that's acting like they don't lost their mind don't keep saying that my kids are lost they're mad you better start saying something all of my kids is in their right mind they know jesus as their personal lord and savior and they act accordingly where i say go matthew 7. matthew chapter seven nah i need my phone verses 13 through 14. it says nge at the straight gate for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and many there be which go in there at because straight is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life and few there be that find it so i want to i want to read this in the amplified actually in a couple other versions i'm going to read it in the uh english standard version enter by the narrow gate for the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction it's easy don't be shocked that most people are going contrary to the word of god it's easier that way it's easier for people to buck up against the word of god to put all kinds of filthiness on social media and all this other kind of stuff why is the way to destruction if you find yourself going with the crowd of society i want you to question the way that you're going if you agree with the majority of people in this world i need you to question what you believe in i need you to question it because why is the way easy is the way if it comes so quick to you i i guarantee you it's not the right way because i mean you know you want to cut somebody out before you want to love them that's the first instinct i got a whole bunch of stuff i could say right now what we go but that's not the action you want you want the second one that comes from the spirit because your flesh will lead you down this big old road to destruction look at this in the message bible don't look for shortcuts to god the market is flooded with sure-fire easy-going formulas for a successful life that can be practiced in your spare time don't fall for that stuff even though crowds of people do the way to life to god is vigorous and requires total attention the just shall live by faith that is a narrow way i'm telling you right now it's a narrow way not everybody is going to not every christian is going to actually put forth the energy to live by faith and i'm telling you that is an extraordinary life where everything in your life is popping it's just popping that doesn't mean you're gonna come into hard times but it means you bounce back from it you get the victory in it you shout and you know you got it you know what i'm saying you ain't shocked by this and pulled down by that and depressed by this and all this other stuff you know what the word of god says about those situations and therefore you act accordingly with joy knowing that stuff is going to turn around for your good. talking about the just shall live by faith the word of the word of god talks about praying in that unknown tongue and when it after he talks about that over in where where is after it says all that it goes on to say right after that and we know that all things work together for the good of those who love god who are called according to his purpose but all of that happens when you're walking by faith you're using that language you're praying in the spirit you're laying hands on the sick you're volunteering at the church you're raising your kids up the way you're supposed to you're loving on your husband or your wife this is the kind of life you were born to live and it is a narrow way narrow way i tell my nieces all the time the way to even get a promotion at your job is by doing the stuff that everybody else is not willing to do show up on time stop gossiping do your work and do it well stop complaining do what your boss tells you to do how they tell you to do it when they tell you to do it this is this is this is just regular stuff but everybody ain't willing to do it everybody ain't willing to do it in every area if it comes easy to you i want you to go the hard way on purpose and it's hard on what your flesh and i'm in there it's hard on your flesh that's what it's talking about remember the word of god talks about take my yoke my yoke is easy my burdens are light he's talking about all of that stuff but the thing that makes it hard is that you have to crucify your flesh once and for all so you can live the life that you desire to live i am out of time god bless you all [Applause] every head bond in every eye close every head bowed in every eye closed if you're in here and you have been inspired to live this life for god you've been inspired and encouraged and you feel even empowered to do this thing right if that's you and you in here and you need to either receive jesus as your lord and savior or you need to rededicate your life to god if that's anyone in here and you're like today is the day i'm living by faith this is it i'm cutting out all that mess i'm doing what i know i'm supposed to do and i'm going to live this life for god if that's you in here i want you to raise your hand if that's anyone in here and you're making that decision tonight even if you're online and you're making that decision i'm telling you right now god is going to meet you wherever you are and when you make a decision to live for him i'm telling you he's going to back you up he is going to back you up he's going to show up in every area he's going to make everything right he's going to show you how powerful you are how wonderful you are how loved you are if that's anyone in here and you need to receive jesus as your lord and save you need to rededicate your life to god i mentioned quickly about the infilling of the holy spirit the ability to pray in the spirit in another language that's your heavenly language that is only known between you and god if that's you i'm telling you there's power in that don't leave any blessing any anything that god has given you don't leave it on the table grab it all if you're in here and you're like yep minister davis is that time i want to receive that if that's anybody in here i want you to raise your hand or if you're in here and you can say you know what i can see this is the church that i need to join up with this is my church home i want pastor uh bishop pastor michelle i want them to be my pastors and i want this church family to be with me on my journey as i walk this thing out if that's you and you want to join word of faith would you raise your hand as well [Music] is that anyone in here want to be saved to rededicate your life i see that hand [Music] right there where you are we have a young one in the building and we i know we know we have someone online that is struggling with this right now and you're like you know what this is it would everyone repeat this prayer have to be heavily father in the name of jesus i believe that jesus died on the cross for my sin but it didn't end there lord i know you raised him from the dead and set him at your own right hand i believe right now that as a result heaven is my home i say right now that i'm turning away from anything and everything that is not like you and i'm making a decision to live my life for you thank you lord i am saved i'm back in fellowship in jesus name amen
Channel: WordoffaithCC
Views: 1,737
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: F-8EGdZKnKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 25sec (3085 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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