Gathered To Lead / Rich Nathan

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[Music] good morning everyone welcome to vineyard columbus whether you are tuning in online or you're here in the room with us we are so glad that you're here today thanks for being here at vineyard columbus we like to begin our services by making space for god through worship so um would you stand with us if you're able we're gonna sing a few songs together now come holy spirit this is the day [Applause] [Music] your joy awaits my praise [Music] [Applause] grateful god [Music] [Applause] [Music] here i stand you are my god your faithfulness [Music] is [Music] is [Music] and as we lift our hands [Music] our god has spoken over us [Music] spoken over [Music] of your mercy [Music] i won't forget all the battles you have what i am thank you [Music] [Music] my hallelujah belongs to you my hallelujah to you my hallelujah belongs to my hallelujah belongs to you you deserve it you deserve [Applause] [Music] belongs to all of the glory belongs to [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] my face [Music] hallelujah belongs to you [Music] oh my hallelujah belongs to [Music] my hallelujah belongs to you [Music] you deserve it [Music] you deserve [Music] [Music] would you lift your hands right now just in an act of surrender all that i have got all that i came in here with today i offer to you [Music] my pain my problems my hopes and dreams all of my fears lord my family my job i place it all in your perfect hands i trust you lord thank you god [Music] the lord is he goes before me defender filled with anointing my cups overflowing no weapon can harm me i won't fear sing hallelujah he's my comfort he's my conqueror always he always guides [Music] and me [Music] his joy is refreshing we're seeing goodness his glory [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my girlfriend [Music] your spirit is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] he oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh i believe that today is [Music] [Music] sing is [Music] know it isn't he's my heart [Music] and i will see of the goodness [Music] with every breath that i can make [Music] of the goodness [Music] [Applause] of the goodness of god [Music] of the goodness of god [Music] [Applause] isn't he good sometimes you just gotta praise him when you don't feel like praising him he prays and we don't feel like praising him you praise him when it's good he praises what is not so good because he's always there god we thank you for showing up today in jesus name amen amen amen amen amen please be seated we'll now move into a time of offering my name is john and i'm part of the pastor's residency program here at vineyard columbus [Applause] thank you for those of you who didn't clap let me explain to you what that is um it's a two-year pastor development program that began with the vision of raising leaders that will plant more or new churches and open more campuses of this church all around the city and beyond yeah that's awesome and our program is led by our founding pastor rich nathan and yeah there's there's been a rumor that he's retired but i assure you he has not um he's been leading us and grounding us and shaping us in the history and in the theology and in the practice of the kingdom work that god is doing here in the vineyard and i share this with you to let you know that when you give when you give here at vineyard columbus not only are you meeting the needs of the local church here and the communities that surround us but you're actually making an investment into the future leadership of the church so thank you [Applause] one of the easiest ways that you can give is to text the word give to the number 98977 um i think there's other ways you can do that via our app or our webpage if you're here with us in person the ushers will come and pass the plates and while they do that why don't we pray together for the offering let's pray [Music] lord we thank you thank you that your father that delights and that is happy when you give to us and god we have received so much from you and lord although many of us have received in different ways that compare differently to others god we all have received the perfect gift of your son jesus christ and so we are so grateful but lord we are also grateful that through him you teach us that actually the way that we can be more blessed is if we give because you say it is more blessed to give than to receive so god we exercise our faith this morning and we press into your kingdom and we give back to you all that you have given us and so lord we worship you with our offering may be pleasing to you in jesus name amen amen before we hear the message for today just want to connect with those of you who are new maybe this is your first time or you haven't connected with us yet in our setting we encourage you to take out your phone and text the word hi h i uh to number 98977 and you will get a form if you fill it out for the for every form we receive it's awesome we will donate five dollars to this local organization called advocating opportunity and they are doing some amazing advocacy work with survivors of human trafficking so please take time and do that so that we can get connected in community here's pastor rich well thanks john and uh the residency program is an extraordinary thing here we just started it this last year and uh we're training up a new generation of pastors to to go out and start new churches and expand see the kingdom of god expanded so so really grateful for that programs praise god you're enjoying the olympics yeah we're doing well we're doing well um anyway let me begin if you were going to create a new mount rushmore of the 20th century's greatest world leaders who would you put on your mount rushmore who do you think like if there were four or five you know uh bus carved who would you put on mount rushmore some of you are talking with your spouses let's see if you can figure out uh well nelson mandela would he be on there yeah okay or how about uh winston churchill churchill all right got a churchill fan uh dr martin luther king jr absolutely okay maybe mahatma gandhi right did you think about him you know whenever we uh start talking about the greatest of anything of course there's lots of controversy right you know folks argue about you know who's the greatest basketball player of all time is it lebron or michael jordan it's lebron uh you know who's the greatest guitarist jimi hendrix of all time you know or or you know the greatest uh uh boxer of whatever the area is there's always going to be some dispute some of you would say gee i can't believe that you can put up mother teresa she's you know really up there or or you know dr billy graham isn't he well let me bring this closer to home well but before that there's one person that you may not have included but might be on my list brian stevenson many of you might not be familiar with brian stevenson but he's he's really quite an extraordinary person uh brian was a harvard law grad and instead of you know deciding that he's going to go into corporate law and make the big bucks he he went down south after law school and he started a non-profit to represent people who were on death row not a particularly lucrative career choice and he started a non-profit called the equal justice initiative and in the last 30 years brian stevenson has seen 130 death row inmates these are people who were were going to be put to death completely exonerated 130 people and they've represented many more folks over the years he also uh opened up uh just a few years ago the national memorial for peace and justice it's it's better known as the lynching museum down in montgomery alabama and it commemorates the names and places where 4 000 of our fellow americans were lynched including you might not know this 15 people here in the state of ohio so uh this wasn't just a southern problem this was everywhere if you are not familiar with brian i would really encourage you to check out the movie just mercy just mercy a wonderful movie i would absolutely commend it to your attention well closer to home let me talk about a few heroes of mine one is a pastor here on staff the second is a member of our congregation the pastor on staff that i call your attention to is pastor dianne bauman pastor diane is amazing she for more than uh last 20 years over two decades uh diane has led our value life ministry and if you're not familiar with our value-like ministry value life comes alongside of women who are facing unintended pregnancies and offers women material relational emotional and spiritual support so that they have a real alternative to aborting their children and do you know that because of diane and her team in this ministry vineyard columbus has seen thousands of babies born alive it is really an extraordinary ministry well let me tell you about amy amy is a member of the church for the past six years amy has volunteered at our fifth avenue food pantry and every wednesday evening she's missed almost no wednesdays in six years she has served hundreds and hundreds of our homeless friends in the community meals every wednesday and amy is even mentoring a woman right now who lives in a tent behind the columbus convention center it's coming alongside of so many folks who are in need amy is a leader now listen we have been uh doing a series here uh for the past uh few weeks uh from the book of acts and uh i want to talk about leadership today if if you were to define the term leadership someone would say well what does it mean for you to be a leader what would you say how would you define leadership let me offer a couple of really basic definitions of leadership you might have your own but here's a few basic definitions of leadership a leader is somebody who sees things that need to be improved and rallies people towards a better vision of life so a leader is somebody who has a vision for a better way to do life they say you know you don't have to live that way you can live a step above and then they rally people towards that better vision let me give you another even simpler definition of leadership a leader is some a person who influences others to serve god's purposes in the world a leader is someone who influences others to serve god's purpose in the world now many of you consider yourselves followers of jesus you say that's who i am that's how i think about myself i am a follower of jesus christ would any of you say that i don't want to influence others to serve god's purposes in the world i'd suggest that you know honestly i don't know that you could be a follower of jesus christ and not want to influence other people to serve god's purposes in the world as i said we've been doing a series from the book of acts in the new testament and the series is called gathered and this you know as we're coming through this pandemic and re-gathering in person one of the questions we need to ask ourselves is why are we gathering in person why are we encouraging that and one of the reasons that we're going to discover today is that we gather together as john mentioned to raise up leaders we come together so that we could raise up a community of leaders who will influence the world towards god's purposes let's invite god's presence and we'll turn to his word together let's pray heavenly father we welcome you and lord i praise you that you are a faithful god all your ways are faithful and you keep your promises today lord would you speak to us through your word i pray lord that your holy spirit would be active in calling people into leadership stir us god inspire us in jesus name amen i'm going to be looking at acts chapter 6. you can follow along with me and if you're watching online you can open your bible acts chapter 6. here's what we read in those days when the number of disciples were increasing the hellenistic jews among them complained against the hebraic jews because their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food so the 12 gathered all the disciples together and said it would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of god in order to wait on tables brothers and sisters choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the spirit and wisdom we will turn this responsibility over to them and we'll give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word let me stop there let me read verse 1 again and underline it for you it says in those days when the number of disciples was increasing the hellenistic jews among them complained against the hebraic jews because their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food now there's lots of folks these days who are complaining that uh why are there so many problems in the church i want to go to a church where there are no problems i'm going to look for a church where there are no problems because i'm tired of all the problems in the church that i'm presently attending or we hear folks sometimes say wouldn't it be nice if if we could go back to the early church oh i i wish we could be living in the days of the early church and i always think to myself which early church would you like to be a part of because every early church had real problems do you want to join the corinthian church with its lawsuits and sexual problems and divisions maybe you'd like to attend the church at ephesus with all of its false teaching or how about the church in galatia and you could listen to a bunch of legalism maybe you'd like to go to thessalonica and be persecuted i mean every church throughout all of history has had problems why is it why is it that every church in every place every denomination always is going to be filled with problems until the lord returns why is that why should we expect problems in the church you could say because you're there but the deeper reason is first of all because satan creates problems in the church i'm never tired of retire of reminding you that there is another team on the field we're not playing the game of life by ourselves we're not playing the game of church by ourselves now i know in the 21st century it's not popular to talk about satan or the demonic and anytime we talk about the spiritual realm the only thing we want to think about is good spirits and god and that there's as if there is nothing evil or or there's no opposition but jesus deeply believed in and taught us his followers to believe in a dark spiritual world a world of opposition we are always playing the game of life with opposition and headwinds in our faces we see that in the book of acts in acts chapter 4 satan stirs up persecution against the early church in acts chapter 5 he stirs up corruption in acts chapter 6 he stirs up disunity there will never be a time friend until the lord returns where you won't have opposition against you you have opposition against your family you're wondering why are we having so many problems well one reason is because you have an opponent you have opposition against your marriage there's always going to be somebody trying to sow division and the same thing is true against your body against your health and against the church satan creates problems why will we always have problems in the church well diversity creates problems look what it says in verse 1. we read there's a dispute between the hellenistic jews and the hebraic jews in those days when the number of disciples was increasing the hellenistic jews among them complained against the hebraic just because their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food let me just give you a little bit of background to what's going on here the hellenistic jews were the grecian jews they were jewish people they're both jews or both both groups are jews but these were jews drawn from the roman empire outside the promised land and uh the hellenistic jews were jews whose first language was greek and when they went to synagogue their synagogue services was were conducted in greek and they were open much more open to greek culture and greek uh philosophy they we could say they were more assimilated to the culture than the hebraic jews who were the breaches the brain jews were jews primarily from the promised land their first language was not greek it was aramaic which is a language related to hebrew when these jews went to synagogue their synagogue services were conducted in hebrew now many of the jews in the promised land were actually trilingual they spoke aramaic as their first language they spoke hebrew in the synagogues but many of the jews spoke greek but they were uncomfortable with the degree to which the hellenistic jews had absorbed greek culture and so what you have is a classic clash a cultural clash but also a clash between these what we would call conservative jews the hebraic jews on the one hand and more progressive jews on the other diversity creates problems it always does now i don't know if you have noticed here at vineyard columbus that we are a very diverse church i don't know if you've noticed that but we are we're coming together and we're not just a single generation church it's not just all young people or all old people we have baby boomers worshiping alongside of gen xers alongside millennials and gen zers we have folks that come from an amazing or you know diverse uh educational backgrounds economic backgrounds political perspectives different races ethnicities we draw people from over 130 different nations here at vineyard colombia it's an incredibly diverse church now frenzy it is infinitely easier to get along with people who are exactly like you it is way easier for us to do that it's way easier to get together and get along with folks who look like us and you know support the same sports teams that we do and like the same food and enjoy exactly the same music and have exactly the same political perspectives that is easy there is a sociological principle birds of a feather flock together absolutely and that's why most churches are basically one group because that's easy but it doesn't require jesus everyone everyone agrees with that everyone christian or non-christian can get along with people who are just like them it takes jesus christ to get along with people who are different than us and let me be honest with you and tell you that i've always wanted to be part of a church that when people come in and they look around they say the only possible reason that all these people are being are together is jesus it's only jesus there is no way this group would be together apart from jesus because this church can only be held together by our miracle working god it takes god to pull this diversity off that's the kind of church we want a church that speaks continually about our need for god but diversity creates problems and uh so does coming to jesus christian faith creates problems now i don't know if you were told this i bet you weren't if you have accepted jesus as your lord i bet when you responded to the gospel it sounded something like this come to jesus and your life will be so much better come to jesus and you get heaven thrown in and all of that is true but i bet they didn't read to you the fine prince i bet no one said oh um and you're gonna have lots of problems too like nobody ever says that when they're inviting people to jesus all the good stuff right it's all the blessing no one ever says come to jesus and it's going to be really hard for you how come nobody is coming to the altar today but we see over and over again in scripture in our own lives that following jesus creates problems the hellenistic jewish widows had problems because they were followers of jesus see back in the first century there was no government welfare at all uh these were widows who were dependent upon local synagogues for their financial support they used to be candid they local synagogues handed out food and when they came to jesus historians tell us the local synagogues cut them off and so now they're without any support and their families are living way outside the promised land they can't turn to their families so they come to the church what's the church going to do i can tell you what vineyard columbus would do because we did it for those of you who have been with us for 15 or so years at least we've been through two recessions as a nation in the last 15 years one in 2008 the second during the pandemic and in both recessions our church took up a huge offering to assist members of our church who were thrown out of work because of the recession church members who couldn't meet their necessities couldn't pay their mortgage couldn't pay their rent or electric and we came alongside them you guys gave over a million dollars during the recession to help people in the church so i know what we would have done if the widows came to us but it takes leadership to influence people to rally towards the cause and the early church had leaders the apostles influenced the congregation into god's purposes here's what we read so the 12 gathered the disciples together and said it would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word in order to wait on tables brothers and sisters choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the spirit and wisdom we will turn this responsibility over to them what is a leader well first of all leaders are people who address problems leaders address problems you can't be a leader of a business and not address problems can't be a leader of a family and not address problems you can't be a leader of a church and not address problems leaders are people who if there is a problem they deal with it when it's small rather than wait till it's big any of you who have raised children you know this one it is way easier to deal with a mouthy five-year-old than to try to deal with a mouthy fifteen-year-old right some of you missed that lesson but if you're a parent a new parent deal with your kids when they're young older parents we will tell you it works way better and the book of proverbs says this proverb says this discipline your son while there is hope and do not desire his death because you will when they get to be 15. challenging your spouse's credit card habits is way easier when the debt is a hundred dollars than when the debt is ten thousand dollars and listen newly married folks uh let me speak to you as a pastor here if you are seeing issues early in your marriage as most of us do it's so much easier to deal with them early on when the cement is still wet you know if you are having problems with conflicts or communication or sex your sexual life or whatever it is uh to just you know turn to our incredible marriage and family ministry here at vineyard and say hey can you coach us can you point us in the right direction rather than wait till the cement hardens after 20 years and it's baked in a kiln and you've got decades of anger and disappointment deal with stuff early on leaders are people who deal with problems so let me ask you a personal question are you a leader are you a leader when when a problem comes up you know in a relationship of yours do you avoid it or do you address it when a problem comes up in your family do you avoid it you just play video games or i don't want to talk about it or do you address it in your marriage in your business leaders address problems and leaders are people who know their calling and i want to make this really simple you know i think one of the problems in the church today is that many people are trying to be something that they're not instead of fulfilling the calling that god has for our lives we're trying to be like someone else and a leader is somebody who has spent enough time with god to know here's what i'm made for here's what i am and here's what i'm not i'm not trying to be this other person i'm not trying to have gifts that i don't have i'm going to walk in the calling that i have because god has a good plan for my life now listen the apostles were people who knew who they were they knew that there were thousands of ministries in the church they knew their ministry was to preach the word of god they knew other people's ministries were to take care of the widows in the church and it's interesting that luke uses the same word for the ministry of the word and the ministry of waiting on tables it's the greek word yakonia where we get the english word deacon from it just means service there's not one that's better than the other it's what is the lord saying to you now i want to mention one way that all of us can serve in this next week just one simple way listen kids in our community are going back to school in a week and a half and for the last 20 plus years vineyard columbus has engaged in a back to school giving drive where people in our church have brought in school supplies to help families and kids whose families couldn't get them off to the right start because they don't have the the money for school supplies if you are part of vineyard columbus i want to appeal to you if you're watching online listen to me now you got five extra dollars you have 10 extra dollars or 20 or 50. this week will you make a commitment to just buy some school supplies for kids who are going back to school and you can just look online at back to school what are we asking you to buy you at the store pick up some school supplies bring it to church next week august 8th on sunday you say hey i'm watching online i still don't feel comfortable being in a crowd fine drop the stuff off during the week would gratefully take it from you or you can bring it during the week or next weekend bring the school supplies we want to supply hundreds and hundreds of kids this year just like we have for the last 20 years amen so leaders are people who address problems and they know their calling and last thing leaders are qualified to lead acts 6 verse 3 gives us three qualifications of leadership whenever we're trying to choose a church leaders we ought to look for these three qualifications here's what we read brothers and sisters 27 men from among you who are known to be full of the spirit and wisdom we will turn this responsibility over to them now it's not as clear in the niv new international version as it is in the original greek i think the nasb the new american standard and the esb the english standard version has it better you can see the three qualifications more clearly here there is here it is in the nasb instead brothers and sisters select from among you seven men of good reputation full of the spirit and of wisdom whom we may put in charge of this task in the english standard version therefore brothers pick out from among you seven men of good repute full of the spirit and of wisdom and so there are three qualifications that you see for leadership in the church first of all you don't pick a leader in the church who doesn't have a great reputation in the community second they need to be full of the holy spirit and third they need to be full of wisdom now let me tick these off as we finish today first of all when we're choosing leaders in the church we have to ask what is the person's reputation and i think this is a problem in the church today we don't follow biblical criteria for choosing leaders we don't do it and so all over the place folks are flocking to people simply because they are gifted because this person has a talent for leading worship or they have a talent for preaching but we're not asking do they fulfill the biblical requirements the qualifications of spiritual leadership first of all do they have a good reputation and what we're simply getting at here is the biblical statement that that you ought to care about the way you're thought of in the community what's your reputation proverbs 22 verse 1 says a good name is more desirable than great riches to be esteemed is better than silver or gold paul tells us in first timothy 3 that we shouldn't pick elders who don't have a good reputation he must also have a good reputation with outsiders so it'll not fall into disgrace in the devil's trap so let me press this home in a more personal way for you what is your reputation when your name comes up at your workplace right now how do people think about you what do they say what's the first thing that comes to mind when they think about you what would they say or at a former job what would they say about you what would your neighbors say about you or your classmates what would they say your teammates you know the first person you live with in the dormitory some of you you know have incredible reputations some of you that say she was the best boss i ever had she was incredibly kind he was amazing i can't imagine trying to run this place without him i am so glad i hired him best neighbor ever you know before i met them i didn't know what a christian really was i've seen media stuff about christians but i didn't know what a real christian was and they showed me this is what it means to be a christian how are you thought of some of you might say you know my reputation rich is not that great go back to my job and i'd go it's the biggest whiner a complainer everything is like you know oh my neighbor is i mean there's there's so many conflicts and arguments about where i'm parking the car and and they're yelling at my kids and and you know they have you just have a terrible reputation worst hire i ever made hate their attitude if that's what a christian is i'd never want to be one let me ask you again what is your reputation if you don't like the answer the good news is we can change our reputation you know with god's help we don't have to have the same future as we had our past we can be different with god's help we can be different here's a song that we frequently sing here at vineyard columbus and i want you to hear it as the lord the holy spirit speaking to you right now this is what the spirit of god is saying to you i will change your name you shall no longer be called wounded outcast lonely or afraid i will change your name your new name shall be confidence joyfulness overcoming one faithfulness friend of god one who seeks my face that's what the lord says about you to be a leader is to have a good reputation what's the second qualification leaders have to be full of the holy spirit it says brothers and sisters choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the spirits the apostles never confused secular leadership and spiritual leadership never they never said well because you're a leader out in the world you're now automatically a leader in the church they never thought well you know if you're a ceo in a corporation you could lead here if you're a professor with a phd you're a leader if you're a division one church coach you're a leader they knew that to lead in the church you had to be filled with the holy spirit what does it mean to be full of the holy spirit what is that to be full of the holy spirit is not just to be gifted to be full of the holy spirit as a character quality it means that you have yielded your emotions you have yielded your mind you have yielded your will to the domination and control of the spirits you have opened up your heart and you said lord i want the spirit's leadership in every area of my life i want the holy spirit to lead me in my relationships i want the holy spirit to lead me regarding my finances i want the spirit to lead me in my sexual life i want the spirit to lead me in what i'm going to say and what i'm giving myself to so let me ask you again are you a leader have you asked the holy spirit to come and take control of your life do you regularly do that spirit of god lead me and if you say no i don't think about that you could do that you could regularly say to the spirit holy spirit take control what is a leader a leader is somebody who has a good reputation they're full of the spirit and last thought they're full of wisdom full of wisdom to be a leader in god's church you have to have wisdom that doesn't mean you have to be the smartest person in the room to have wisdom means in a biblical sense that you have skill in doing life you have skill in managing your relationships you have skill and dealing with big problems the apostles were tossed a hot potato there's a cultural clash a racial clash here and now they've got to sort it out they had skill in that you have skill in relating to god skill and relating to people you're not a bull in a china shop constantly bombs are going off all over the place you're skillful we need wise leaders so let me ask you again are you a leader are you someone who god is calling to lead and influence people for his purposes here's what i'd like to do i'm going to ask you to stand and if you're watching online just stay with me hang with me because i want you to pray as well you stand up in the balcony and down here on the floor would you stand up and i want to invite two groups of you to come forward online you can simply text 9 7 9 8 9 7 7 9 8 9 7 7 here at vineyard columbus listen any week that you come you don't need to be a member of the church if you would like prayer you can come forward you have an issue a problem with yourself someone else that you care about you would like somebody to stand with you in prayer you come up and somebody will pray with you but i want to invite two groups of you to come up today off of this message the first group is this i feel like the lord is stirring some of you to be leaders not in the church but out in the community that god is prompting some of you to start something new maybe in your business maybe in your school maybe in your neighborhood he's prompting you to lead out in the community to start something new to influence others towards his purposes if that's you in a moment i'm going to ask you to come forward and there's a second group of you now listen we're going to have a meeting immediately after church in the el el1 which is right next to the bookstore in the east lobby but here's who we're going to invite to go to that meeting and i'm going to ask you first to come up here today if you used to lead a small group here at vineyard columbus and maybe through the pandemic or something the group collapsed or or you just got tired burned out you stepped away you used to lead i'd like to invite you to come up here and to say lord do you want me to lead again get off the sidelines and lead again second if you're in a group where there's lots of leaders maybe you're in a group with 12 or 15 folks and you had a bunch of leaders that you need to leave and go start a new group i'd like to ask you to come up and third if you used to lead in another church now you're coming to vineyard columbus they say you know i've been watching i've been you know standing on the sidelines will you come up and then afterwards we're going to ask you to go to that meeting we want to get to know you in terms of leading here in the church so please start coming forward there's two two basic groups that i'm asking to come forward today number one the lord is speaking to you about starting something in the community you may be up in the balcony down here on the floor starting something in your neighborhood starting something in your school you come forward second you used to lead you were leading here at vineyard columbus come on up and we want to pray for you that you know you listen to the holy spirit god are you asking me to do it again maybe he used to lead in your old church you're coming to vineyard columbus you haven't been leaning here you come forward or you're in a group with lots of leaders and you're not needed as a leader in the group will you come up here and pray god would you call me to lead i'm going to ask our prayer ministry team lots of folks are going to continue to come forward as they did in the first service you make your way up here prayer ministry team start coming up small group leaders women's group leaders prayer ministry leaders we need dozens and dozens of you to pray today for these women and men would you make your way up here let's make sure we try to get to each and every person prayer ministry leaders come on up we're going to close our time with the last worship song and uh the taking of communion online do call one of our pastors 989-777 we still need about 25 or 30 prayer ministry leaders to make your way up here we've got lots of folks who would like to receive prayer you've been trained to pray please help us out today don't hang back [Music] i will change you shall no longer [Music] i will change your new name shall be [Music] god's joyful [Music] friend of god i will change [Music] you shall no longer [Music] i will change your name your new name shall be [Music] confidence joyful [Music] of god one who seeks my face [Music] um if you're praying please continue to pray and if you haven't received prayer please stay we would love to pray with you but for the rest of us we'll turn our attention to the communion table and we do this each week to remind us the finished work of jesus christ and so to help us prepare our hearts for the table we're going to read from the gospel of mark chapter 10. so would you read it with me jesus called them together and said you know that those who are regarded as rulers the gentiles lorded over them and their high officials exercise authority over them but not so with you instead whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all for even the son of man did not come to be served but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many on the night that jesus was betrayed he gathered his disciples and he took the bread and he broke it and he said this is my body broken for you as often as you eat it do it in remembrance of me let's take the bread together and when the supper was over he took the cuff and he again looked at his disciples and said this is my blood that is shed for you the blood of the new covenant and as often as you drink it drink it in remembrance of me let's take the cup together amen if you're praying please please continue to pray if you need prayer online please text the word prayer to our number 98977 just a few quick announcements before we go as pastor rich mentioned if the spirit of god has been moving in you to lead a small group or if you have questions about leading here at vineyard we want to encourage you to go to east lobby number one it's a door outside out that way there will be the small groups team and other pastors to answer your questions and also get you connected so please do that and next week once again a reminder the school supply drive you can go to back to school get the list and we would love it with your help to bring some school supply items lastly as we do always here there is a a donation box and here at cooper that is designated for the poor so if you have ways that you'd like to give specifically for the poor um yeah you can do that and always give in other ways as well let's pray together before we close oh god we thank you we thank you for being here with us in our worship together holy spirit what you have begun to do in in each of us and how you begun to speak to all of us god would you continue and may we make space for you so that we can be molded to be your servants to be leaders to go out and lead in the ways that you desire for us to lead so we worship you we thank you for this time together let me pray this in jesus name amen go and be blessed [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] you
Channel: Vineyard Columbus
Views: 804
Rating: 4.6666665 out of 5
Keywords: Gathered To Lead, Leadership, Multicultural church, Sunday Service, Morning Worship, Worship, Vineyard Columbus, Leading Well, Church Leadership
Id: oJ2L1iWXksA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 43sec (4843 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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