Why Does The Kaioken HURT GOKU?

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hey guys it's Mike here and in this video I'm going to be discussing a subject that dates back all the way to the start of Dragon Ball Z that would have to do with an iconic technique that Goku uses throughout the course of the Dragon Ball franchise and that would be the Kaio Ken and more specifically why does the Kaioken hurt Goku's body when he uses it well I'm going to be discussing that in depth in this video but before I begin if you're new here consider subscribing and enabling notifications so you could stay up to date with all my future videos additionally make sure to like this video share it out let me know your own thoughts down below and let's get into the video so I tend to like to go chronological order with this so let's begin with the first example of us being introduced to the Kaio Ken Goku was on King Kai's planet after his death at the hands of Piccolo I talked about who would actually win in a fight between him and Piccolo in the top right corner that you could see there and also below the description and where they usually hide those things but during this training after you've caught bubbles King Kai was impressed and he said right here he's even more amazing than I thought he's already mastered the gravity here hasn't he and with 118 days remaining he may be the one to master the coyote Ken and what does King Kai say here right now as well he actually says the Kaioken that I've yearned of but have never been able to master myself now that's an interesting point the guy who created the Kaio Ken the guy who was the one who trained Goku to use it named after himself the Kaio Fist of the kai the king of Worlds the fact of the matter is that he himself can't even master and use this ability however Goku ends up being able to as we see with the first example of him doing this which is where he is in the midst of fighting against Napa however he's losing here in wrapper that is and so Vegeta tells him that he's going to deal with Kakarot himself but because Napa is somebody who doesn't really listen to orders that well he decides to rush in to attack uh Gohan and Krillin at this point Goku realizes that he's at a disadvantage in terms of distance and speed here and so he decides to rev his power up by using the Kaioken now I talked about in depth in a video you can see in the top right corner exactly how the Kaioken Works in terms of its multiplier and what the multiplier for this Kaioken is that Goku's using right here at this point he breaks Napa's back and it doesn't actually hurt him by using it however Goku goes on to explain how this ability Works where Krillin says Goku how did you do that was that something you learned from that Kai Osama guy Goku says yeah it's called the Kaioken by controlling all of the key in your body you can amplify it moment if you do it right your power speed and destructive and defensive Force multiply several times over and then Krillin says that's awesome so you're saying that as strong as you already are you can multiply it at well and Vegeta is getting annoyed because he can't hear what they're saying but he also noted Goku's increase in power overall and you know he's saying right here that uh Krone says if you have that up your sleeve you should have used it from the start Goku says sorry it doesn't work that way if I don't control it just right when I'm throttling my energy I could really mess myself up and here we see a flashback to when he was learning about this technique basically and then King Kai takes over just to re-emphasize at this point you can't rely on the Kaioken too heavily if you slip up and lose control at any point you can easily destroy your body don't go beyond a double Kaioken understood performing at Kaioken beyond that will put too great of a strain on your body it won't be able to keep up with the technique and it will backfire on you Goku says that he understands and this is what leads into US seeing the effects of that during the fight between Goku and Vegeta the iconic battle between these two that would be the first of many to come in different series now during this fight Goku is not a big disc fan inch in terms of power Vegeta before he even went to full power was still way above Goku's 8000 and as a result Goku needed to use his Kaioken in order to be able to do battle against him using the regular Kaioken doubling his power and then in turn going to fight Vegeta right here and uh you know not actually being able to get the better of him because the fact that again Vegeta had a power level of 18 000 which is well above the power Goku would be able to put out here and they even have a little explanation here not even doubling his strength through the Kaioken was enough to stop the Saiyan so this is what eventually prompts Goku to have to turn it up a little bit more uh where he goes after Vegeta Powers up to full as we could see right here and decides to put his body on the line by going further than the times two that we could see right here when he says that he's going to have to increase it 2 a times 3. now notice at this point King Kai immediately interjects and he's telling Goku no you can't go over the two times power once again reiterating what he said before but he also relents that then again it's true that the way that things are going he doesn't stand a chance and so he has to actually go to the times three which causes him to get the better of Vegeta here dealing some serious damage knocking Vegeta back and shattering his pride as I talked about in another video you could see in the top right corner which you guys should definitely check out however after Goku does use that ability you start to see that it already is taking damage on him and taking a toll where he's huffing and puffing and we can see the after effects in this awesome cover that Toriyama Drew where he says right here sure enough it looks like using the triple Kaioken is too much for me if this drags out for much longer I'll be the one who's done him first but Goku does in fact need use it into an even higher degree after this where he starts with a triple Kaio Ken Kamehameha against Vegeta's galic gun however after Vegeta fires it and the two of them match up in terms of their powers Goku has to exceed this even more by going to a times four at which point he's able to get the better of Vegeta but you could just see immediately the detriment to Goku that was Unleashed right here the ultimate damage it started due to him especially when yadirobi comes up here to congratulate him where he just slaps him on the back kind of gently at least for yajirobe and you could see that Goku is screaming in agony because he put too much strain on his body which again is kind of a running theme and part of what I'm going to be getting into exactly why it does that in depth momentarily but we see that as Goku continues on to increase his power he's able to actually use even higher degrees of the kaio-ken like right here he uses the right regular Kaioken against Captain Ginyu which revs his power up from 90 000 to 180 and then he explains that he could do far more in short burst and we know that he could do far more because the fact that we actually do go on to see him do this it when he's fighting against Frieza specifically when Frieza decides to use his 50 power which Goku at first thinks is probably a bluff until right here he realizes straight away that it isn't as Frieza starts to deal some serious damage to him and even though he's still kind of toying with him in terms of his tactics he is not really toying that much in terms of his power Goku unleashes the Kaioken at this point and he's still getting knocked back because even his Kaioken times 10 here isn't capable of matching up to uh 50 Frieza it only match up to his 25 percent during this point Tien is actually saying aren't you forgetting about the kaio-ken technique at this level of training Goku should be able to multiply apply it by a factor of 10 and he does in fact do that but at no point during this do we see that Goku is actually taking any damage to his body when he's using the technique it's not exhausting him it's not stressing him too much but why exactly is that whoa we actually get an explanation of this in the manga before this point where Goku's training on his way to Planet Namek and as you could see he's dealing some significant damage to himself and he's getting zenkai boost in the process which it says right here over and over Goku trains until he nears his own demise then eats a sensu be in order to restore his strength the seven sensu beans given him by Karan Sama are now down to only three whether he realizes it or not this kind of training greatly benefits him as a Saiyan Goku's strength increases each time he overcomes death and so afterward when Goku shows you know himself just how much of an increase he's gotten by lowering the gravity down into a regular Earth gravity one more time which as we could see right here he throws a stone and he's able catch it he's incredibly light and uh you know lightweight and so at this point what does he say right here he says that I bet I could even take a 10 times coyote cat so Goku not only trained himself on his way dynamic in order to be able to do that but additionally he also got a massive zenkai boost which allowed him to even fight against freeze in the first place however that does not necessarily mean that he was capable of taking it even higher than 10 because as we could see right here Goku decides to rev it up to a times 20 because he doesn't see any other way for him to be able to defeat freeze at this point otherwise so he goes far beyond his limits two times in fact Andy proceeds to unleash this and he deals damage to Frieza firing this epic Kamehameha which I still don't understand why they did the coloration with uh yellow instead of blue in the manga but that's a whole other side thing and then we end up seeing he uh does not actually hurt Frieza at all but he actually deals even more damage to himself at this point because when he lowers to the ground once again we see that sign that is reminiscent of what we saw in the Saiyan Saga he's huffing and puffing he dealt some serious damage to himself to where he can't really even fight back against Frieza which is what prompts him to use the Spirit Bomb and then eventually it also prompts him to uh become a Super Saiyan at which point he is seemingly restored to full power or is he you could find out in another video in the top right corner I got one more left this video guys I'm sure I'm gonna use it now with this being said this is the last time that Goku uses the Kaioken in the manga however he does go on to use it in the filler after the cell Saga where he's fighting against pycon and he uses the super Kaioken whereas the Super Saiyan he uses Kaioken on top of it to be able to deal damage to pycon who is above Goku in terms of his overall power knocking him into one of the rotating orbiting moons that is around the stadium and then in turn gets knocked back down because he didn't really deal that much damage to pycon leading to the climax where he uses the warp Kamehameha to give him a ring out which of course already came after the fact that both of them got a ring out when they touched the ceiling now Goku doesn't show any kind of negativity when he uses this which I'll actually get into when we're talking about the next example of Goku being able to use this ability it doesn't seem to hurt him at all which you can attribute to him being in his dead spiritual body kind of like how he didn't have all the same detriments when he was using Super Saiyan 3 and other forms in the afterlife as we saw in the Buu saga that would come after this the next example of Goku using the Kaioken on top of another form is in the Dragon Ball super anime only in the anime of course in which Goku is using it against hit during the uh Universe 6 tournament the tournament of Destroyers at this point he revs it up to a times 10 Kaioken on top of his Super Saiyan blue which then leads to him being able to get the advantage over hit at least temporarily and you know being able to even go through his uh time skip ability somehow by I guess increasing his power so much that he transcends the bounds of the fourth dimension that he was trapped within however after this point Goku experiences something that he did not experience with the prior situations or perhaps a far worse version of it which is delayed onset key disorder which is something that harms his body causes it to where he can't use his uh key to its proper levels and I guess you could say that maybe this is a far worse variation of anything that he had seen when he was in the Dragon Ball Manga or it could be just because it was a combination of him controlling his key with the Super Saiyan blue and then needing perfect key control for the Kaioken on top of it otherwise he would blow up but again what is all this blowing up here what is all this damage that the Kaioken does well I think it comes down to what King Kai said in the Dragon Ball Manga so let's get into that right now so when Goku is talking to Krillin explaining what the Kaioken is he says by controlling all of the key in your body you can amplify it momentarily which will increase all of your various attributes multiple times over akin to whichever version of it you're using the times two the times three the times 10 and so on but with that being said the fact of the matter is that there are different aspects of it that can go wrong as he says if I don't control it just right when I'm throttling my energy I could really mess myself up and King Kai says if you slip up and lose control any point you can easily destroy your body and performing a Kaioken beyond that will put too great of a strain on his body and backfire on him the reason for this has to do with the same reason why when Goku is powering himself up over the course of the story he's in turn able to use even higher degrees of the Kaioken as we see with him using the Kaioken times 10 against Frieza without actually dealing any damage to himself because the fact that Goku's body is not used to it is not trained up to the degree to where it is able to actually utilize that amount of power so one Goku is using the kaio-ken he is amplifying his power beyond the bounds that he would normally be able to typically if you want to increase your power about 10 times for example you'd want to do something like train yourself like increase the capability of your body and the amount of chi that you have with inside of it so that you're able to bring it out to that level naturally whereas if Goku had used the Kaioken times 10 on Earth he would have been able to increase his power to 80 to 90 000 but on Namek when he shows up after zenkai and after training with all the different zankais on his way to the plane and 100 times gravity he can naturally output ninety thousand however his body is far more capable of doing that at that time than he would have been when he was on Earth which is why if he used to times 10 there he probably would have just blown himself up because you're bringing out so much of your Chi violently in a way to where it's an instant burst that if you repeatedly do that or you maintain that as we see Goku kind of doing later on it will start to deal more and more damage to you because you're going far beyond the normal capabilities of your body your mind and your spirit that would be able to sustain and withstain all that damage that you're doing to yourself that you wouldn't be doing kind of like you're doing later on when Goku is using the times 10. it'd also be kind of akin to let's say for example somebody trying to lift 10 times the amount of uh weight that they can on the bench press when they first start lifting weights compared to when they're 10 years down the line if you can only bench 50 pounds and then you go to bench 500 or roughly 23 or 230 kilograms for all my International audiences out there then it's probably going to fall on you and kill you in the very same way that if Goku was to train under 100 times Gravity from the start it probably would have also killed him instead of starting in the times 10 and then going to the times 20 so that he could go up naturally same thing with the coyote cat if Goku just used a Kaioken times 100 the second he was fighting Vegeta he would explode and maybe take Vegeta with him but you also have to factor in that Goku likely has a much greater volume of key at the same time which is another reason why Goku is able to continuously use it in the story so as a result I think that it makes sense in that regard like I said before with regard to the super Kaioken I think that Goku was able to use the Super Saiyan and the Kaioken on top of it because he was dead whereas in the Dragon Ball super anime and manga they explained that if he were to have used it when he was alive it would have killed him because of the imbalance when he is controlling his energy and his mind and everything when he's a Super Saiyan and then a coyote on top of it of course that is a different continuity that came afterward and of course Goku using it right here um you know was filler so toei just has a different idea too probably than Toriyama about how a lot of these things work I mean after all you could see when pycon showed up and Goku was gonna go Super Saiyan to fight against the ginu force and they dyed his hair back to black even though they kept the same Aura color on him and then Dragon Ball super they tell us that he has much greater key control and it's able to in turn use it however after the tournament to power we don't really seem to see Goku having the same issue again when he's using his Super Saiyan blue unless maybe it happened recently in the manga so the fact of the matter is that Goku only really had gone up to two times this and increased his power significantly greater since the universe 6 tournament to the tournament to power but it seems like the after effects and negativity of Kaioken right now isn't really as great as it was before or at least the way that Goku's been using it and I think that a lot of that also ties into the reason why Goku stopped using Kaioken to begin with because the fact of the matter is that it dealt too much damage to his body over time and that it would have been much easier for him to use Transformations which also make his body go through a physical metamorphosis to be able to withstand the 50 times the hundred times the 400 times or the thousands or more times that the new forms have that it would be able to do without harming Goku's body where he was not able to do that with Kaio Ken which is a technique that does it in a totally different way and so as a result I think that's probably the reason why Goku stopped using it after his fight against friezon Namek because he had Super Saiyan other forms that would be much better and far less risky wave him increasing his power along with training his base form that would make it to where Kaioken was something that he kind of did away with and for anyone who's interested I actually have a video that you can see in the top right corner where I broke down in depth how the Kaioken Works see I told you I was gonna use that last card make sure to check it out but let me know your own thoughts Down Below in the comments guys what do you think about this subject also if you're new here consider subscribing enabling notifications so you could stay up to date with all my future videos thanks for watching and make sure to stick around because there's a lot more to come in the future yeah and you better subscribe
Channel: Laughingstock Media
Views: 18,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: why does the kaioken hurt goku, goku, kaioken, goku kaioken, goku kaioken x10, goku kaioken x20, kaioken x10, kaioken x20, kaioken x4, kaioken dragon ball z, goku uses kaioken for the first time, goku uses kaioken in super saiyan blue, super saiyan blue kaioken, super saiyan blue kaioken x20, kaio, king kai, dragon ball, dragon ball z, dbz, dragon ball super, dbs, db super, dragon ball gt, goku vs vegeta, saiyan saga, db, laughingstock media, laughing stock media, anime, manga
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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