MY SECRET To Not Getting Bothered While Sleeping In a NOT SO STEALTH VAN | Van Life Rainy Day

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oh this is some serious rain there's like an inch of rain out there that's insane that's crazy a little unsure about all this the thunder and the lightning i've never seen rain like this and i was born and raised in vancouver this is insanely heavy [Music] come on baby somebody give it to me good give it give it get it this is a blast oh here we go [Music] oh here we go here we go yeah here's these puddles it crosses the whole road look how big that is yep i've seen people do it i'm not stupid here's another big one ah let's hit this one not the whole thing but let's get through it ready yeah dude when i see stuff like this i get excited see what the sign says ah commercial truck parking only i always like it when i see a series of semi trucks and there's a tiny little spot right at the front which won't fit another full semi truck like that's my jam right there that's perfect [Music] just pulling into calgary alberta and it looks like there's a brand new subdivision area that looks like a big apartment building or something um stuff like that it's usually a pretty good place to sleep oh there's an apartment building or a big hospital what is that place it's huge oh right along this street would be perfect oh these are great yeah places like this are places i really enjoy to sleep i'm gonna go take a little drive around here and take a look what is that place the old folks home i think yeah so on this side here there's no side doors or entrances yeah jackpot baby over here there's an anytime fitness but a bang right there i could park right here too like right out front just gonna drive around a little bit you guys see i don't want to park here for the night because if these are staff cars for any of these businesses then it's going to be empty tonight and i don't like being the last and only standing vehicle on the street i'd rather be among others what is this big building it's not a hospital what is this place aged care so yeah seniors housing [Music] i don't feel right about that side so we're gonna go pull up on the other side always trust that feeling in your stomach my that was the craziest rain i have ever seen anyway guys we're off to bed i'll see you guys first thing in the morning [Music] just in case you get hungry tonight [Music] oh [Music] all right you guys you don't need to stick around for this take my clothes all right guys see you in the morning crazy that sounds so disgusting in here good night everyone good night crazy somebody's thirsty holy cow buddy how much can you drink morning crazy hi buddy we're in calgary alberta bro i don't know if you've ever been here hey maybe you have you were when you were a puppy i remember that we met a subscriber in a parking lot you were just a little guy [Music] [Music] a pretty nice day out there after that nasty rain last night that's a nice thing to see i had a really good night's sleep here last night right on the side of a road beside a senior's housing complex and there is nobody in front of me or behind me it's just me alone on this side of the road and we slept really really good and a big bonus is that my morning shower was right across the street from where i slept and right up here around the corner is a mcdonald's which means my morning coffee is within like a few feet of where i slept there's a mcdonald's right there happy morning to me oh nine foot of clearance that's the street i was looking at parking on last night right behind the gym even down to the tail end of that building would have been great i myself wouldn't sleep on either side of this entrance way but while we're on the subject of parking let's just go drive around and show you guys this morning cool spots right around where i am now i would not park in front of the town houses because obviously that's where they park and then last night you guys seen me park on this side and i didn't like the feeling so i moved over and we parked right over there on that side of the road and anywhere down here looks like it's pretty undeveloped like you could have parked anywhere along here last night there's a gold mine for parking and i just pulled in right off the highway this was the very first stop right off the highway look at this all these amazing places to sleep at night this is perfect [Music] the lighting up here looks pretty good no glare on my glasses really when i look up you can see it pretty damn good having dual uses for everything in your van is so key this one was a complete fluke so above my van here i've got my one porch light right above me and it turns out it's pretty awesome for filming in a darker situation so i don't know where i am i took the gps into uh calgary and i'm on the top corner side of calgary so when we came in um this was all brand new development so pulling in here and seeing all this new stuff kind of got me excited because i'm like okay it's got everything i need my gym is there place for morning coffee and if i probably looked around there's probably a hose tap around here somewhere for me to fill up my water and a very safe place to sleep so sleeping is a very big subject when it comes to living a nomadic lifestyle because some people over think it way overthink this whole parking scenario huge suggestion for me to you treat your first month of your van life as a everyday different parking spot experiment figure out what works for you in the first 30 days if you park beside a corner store one night and you sleep good you're good to go next night maybe try a place like i did messiah beside a senior's housing on the opposite side of the building you have a good sleep good to go pull outs on the side of the highway good to go little spot like this where you're in a completely undeveloped street in a very nice looking neighborhood good to go it's a constant experiment and what i think you will find if you keep moving around trying different places all the time you will find out what works for you and what doesn't work for you and what places work and don't work over the years i've had the chance to park in just about every scenario possible because i've never really cared my first night in the van was sleeping right downtown vancouver by the huge arena that was over there and i had an amazing night's sleep it was busy like cars were whipping by constantly it was just so cool for me to be right down in the thick of it on the first night but i moved around a lot when i first got into it and figured it out so there's no real answer to where's the right place to park and where's the wrong place to park you need to figure this out on your own you need to you need to get this you need to hone this skill and i hate to say that it's a skill because i literally pull over i'm like ah this'll do both windows on back to bed sleepy sleeve we're out there's only been a few times on my journey where i've actually had to move in the middle of the night like i've gotten somewhere pulled over gotten into bed lied there for a few minutes kind of had a listen for what was going on around me and something inside of my stomach just said not here and i moved just moved a couple blocks away i'm like yeah this is better sometimes it takes driving around the neighborhood a couple of blocks to get a feel for the area before you know you're comfortable enough to sleep in that spot like you guys seen last night i pulled up on one side right by the seniors home ready to go and i'm like no and i just went across the street and it worked it's that feeling you just really really honestly gotta trust it but but take your first month experiment around park absolutely everywhere park in places that you think maybe i shouldn't park here i'm probably gonna get in trouble if i park it park there anyway it's your first month have some fun with it if you get a couple of knocks then you know okay these are places not to park but i think you will find if you're a constant mover like me where you're continually adventuring around the places that you travel that no matter where you pull over and sleep you're gonna be just fine don't pull out like this when you're sleeping with the doors open and making food in your chairs don't do that leave those to the places around that area and move to somewhere completely different to sleep that night and i think maybe that's where some people do get into trouble is that people can see them living in the van or living around the van that may cause you a problem with the locos the like especially if they've never experienced it like what is going on my gosh people living in that van you never know what the communities are exposed to how much van life they've ever seen and and that can change the whole experience you have there but um bringing up the the whole keyword of stealth stealth is not a thing have you seen my van have you seriously seen this thing no matter where you look at it it's got solar rooftop carrier and uh everything else and on this other side it's got a huge pop out window which is open at night you know because even with my little divider that i put on it i leave that thing open because even with the little wood on it you can still get a draft through it so the whole stealth thing is not a thing my friends being stealth is not letting people see you living in your van when you're in your van so if i'm parked on the side of the road that's why my divider was on last night because i had my lights on i put my cover on the side window my front curtains are always shut i don't want people to see me living in the van you need to be stealth while you're in it your van doesn't need to look stealth you just need to be stealth while you're in it don't leave the front curtains open with your lights on so everybody driving by we're like whoa hold on what's going on inside there you don't want that be stealth in it your van doesn't have to look stealth because mine clearly does not look stealth whatsoever hopefully these little chat videos i've made so many of these videos on my channel um but the other day i asked you guys if you needed anything from me wanted me to cover some subjects so i'm gonna start including some of these into our videos coming up here that way you guys get a feel for what i'm doing because i don't really show parking much anymore i don't show it much anymore because it's just a part of my everyday and because i've made so many videos on this very very subject um it's really hard for me to repeat these things but i do know we're forever growing we have lots of new people on here so hopefully a video like this one helped you guys out in ease your mind let's go and have some fun with this lifestyle it's not that hard at all my hands are freezing cold i can't believe what's the temperature outside it's currently 7 degrees 7 degrees 7 degrees celsius is 44.6 degrees fahrenheit 44.6 so just so you guys know in my videos when people always ask me hey can you do that temperature in fahrenheit it's that easy google it yourself a lot of people ask me that one too like i really wish you would put fahrenheit in your thing i'm like no i live in canada we do celsius and that's my thing all right everybody um go have some fun park around park in the fun places like different i i love that i love pulling into a town going maybe park here just obey the parking signs if it says no parking it means no parking all right everybody thanks for watching say bye mr crazy he's a dad give me some of that muffin i know you bought a muffin dad give me some of that muffin ah my boy you're so warm today hey you're so toasty warm [Music]
Views: 522,734
Rating: 4.892344 out of 5
Keywords: stealth camping, camping, vanlife, van life, steve wallis, hunker down, car camping, van conversion, truck camping, wild camping, vanlife in the city, stealth camping in the city, stealth camping van, stealth camping steve wallis, how to shower living in a van, van life where to park, van life parking, van life sleeping, van life shower, stealth van living, stealth van build, stealth van conversion, stealth van life, stealth van camper, stealth van parking, van, ford e250
Id: SaP0qkOlI-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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