TOY HAULER CONVERSION - Momentum 395MS Mobile Office & Kid Room Tour!

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hey guys brian here from five to go we're here with uh one of our brand new road runners we're on our summer caravan here with caleb and uh he has done some awesome stuff with his brand new rig this is a 2021 grand design momentum 395. ms it's a beautiful rig it's brand new this is the first place they've had it set up and it is a full toy hauler but they've done a lot of work made a kid's room and turned the back into a bedroom and an office for for him and his wife and other awesome stuff like that so we're gonna pop in this thing here uh we gotta go past that gaudy yellow thing right there it is a toy hauler though so he's using it properly so let's we're gonna head in to the back and we're gonna work our way forward and save the kids room for last so let's head back that way okay so real quick i just want to give a outside view of these porches uh porches on toy haulers are awesome it's actually the ramp that you use to load stuff in and out and you can get them in a porch configuration where they come with a wire and those wires these porches hold how many pounds that's a great question i don't know yet you don't know yet okay it's a lot so as long as it can hold the motorcycle and i don't fall over on it yeah yeah so it's a it's handy so it will go down as a full ramp uh but it is in porch mode it does have an awning up top i'm assuming there's a light strip on the awning there is there is all right and uh then it's got sliding glass doors in there which we'll show in just a second so let's go ahead and head in the rear entry here and check out your office slash master bedroom all right so in here so you have the combo washer dryer unit yep which is nice so there is an option to have a half bath there there is but the half bath takes up about this much space and requires an extra second black tank on this side right and that wasn't something i wanted to have to deal with so with this scenario we only have uh two gray tanks and one black tank over on that end okay so yeah so you just have the one full bath for the whole rig they just have the one full bath for the whole rig right uh you know which could be bad at times but okay you'll be fine i think half bats more often than not are a waste of space this is a nice use of the space there's no extra walls so you have storage up here a tv up here and then you have your little network cabinet up here yep and the door to the front and the uh the ladies are up there with the kids at the moment and then the really cool thing that i wanted to show all you guys is this desk that he has manufactured so why don't you walk us through it so this is the happy jack system that comes with these models and it turns out if you just unscrew the couches you can just take them off and i took the top of a jarvis desk and set it on top of where the couch used to be okay screwed that in and the measurements came out almost perfect it doesn't reach all the way to the door and it doesn't bump up against the all-season doors and uh the odd thing is when this is at working height the couch is not yeah that's that's annoying it's a little bit annoying but at the same time you get a beautiful view working back here yeah um you'd have to add a little extra light because all the lights on this side are blocked by the queen bed oh this is true yeah so there are ceiling lights but they're up there exactly and that's not very useful aside from that is pretty much the only mod i did over here was swapping out one happy jack for the jarvis desktop um that and drilling a hole through my wall right there right uh actually we'll patch up later so what do you have hiding up there hiding up there i have a 40 terabyte synology nas uh pi hole raspberry pi um and a couple of other pieces of network equipment including a peplink duo to have multiple sim card connections so i have four sim cards in there right now wow uh he's working on the road two of them are resellers others are first party and resellers come and go all the time yeah so i want to ensure that have something to fall back on yeah exactly fallbacks um all right yeah so just to show this a little bit better so this is the stock rail that the other couch was sitting on top of and then you just bolted the desk straight i did screw it right in nice and then i guess presumably because it is on a happy jack system if you wanted that higher or lower yeah so for instance if we wanted to if i wanted to have a standing desk for the day just to lift this up but that goes with it yeah the couch always goes with it but at this point you can roll away the chair yeah and uh you know we're extended that's awesome man i love that thanks did you see someone else do that or did it just pop into your head i watched uh chad and tara's video okay i'm changing lights yes and i thought i could do something similar to that okay and uh it's not quite exactly the same but i really like it nice yeah they've done some cool stuff with their rig let's show the porch real quick from outside um and then this is an awning that just slides out uh it does appear to be pre-wired for a backup camera while we're out here i don't see a truck yeah so this is the special limited edition unobtainium ford expedition oh he's 50 000 pounds downhill very quickly on the roof yeah now we had it towed here with the silicon shortage our f350 dually was ordered in february and will not be here until the second week of july wow so you know what is what it is yeah um but the good news is we get to live in it now we had it towed here yeah yeah it's nice there are services that do that and i i did get a kick out of that's a nuclear power plant yeah and right across the street and there's also a monthly alarm that'll scare the bejesus out of you nice every uh every so often sounds like an air raid sign doesn't it it's pretty terrifying all right so you got an f350 dually on on order that will absolutely pull this beast so yeah all right so let's uh let's work our way forward and check out the living room and kitchen all right sounds good all right so coming into the living room uh we've got a kids area here which we'll get to in just a second uh but we will start over here that's the stock couch everything on this side is stock right everything on this side is all stock haven't done anything fancy over here yet uh we were just lamenting the the lack of a hole yeah anywhere on this surface leading up from anywhere else so this this looked like it would have been a great you know viable area for apple tvs and switches and playstations but but there's no way to get a cable there's there one tv there's no way to get a cable to the tv and i'm uncomfortable drilling through this so nintendo switch lives over here yeah that's okay but if you have like an xbox or a playstation it would yeah it would have to be out here because it's it's the only place big enough so that's kind of an oversight advocacy just a little bit but the uh the bluetooth speaker system makes up for it it's even turned up to five percent is decently loud okay um so i don't want to turn it up all the way here but when we're at our family's house yeah i'm cranking this thing up just to see what he can do yeah um it's also is there a drawer behind the behind the fireplace fireplace what are these cutouts there is there's controls the heat event that's just a dummy i guess okay it look kind of looked like a handle another thing i'm noticing if you wanted to put a sound bar there's really nowhere to put it not a lot of room to put it no and the tv takes up most of the space yeah uh i'm not too fond of the roku tvs that are pre-installed so i might end up with more room later right but as it stands now no yeah okay so we've got normal storage up in there uh and then since you guys only have one young end right now that's all just basically storage up there correct so you have quite a lot of storage for two dots and a child which uh it comes in handy because the basement is so incredibly small it's like a three and a half by four foot cubic area and that's it's practically nothing that's rough a lot of the fifth wheels have really bad outside storage um see these recline these two these bolts recline yeah we've got a handle right here okay so it's not the electric ones no they're pull handles uh just not saying you have to but you know you can take that plastic off right oh yeah no i uh we had ours on there for a while and we were like wait this is perforated oh yeah there's also some labels on the stove we haven't managed to get up cleanly yep so you know well it's like my brother still has things on his dvd player from you know 20 years ago honor the first thing i did was she bought a new instant cooker uh instant pot yeah and there was still still a little transparent peel on it it just didn't feel so good to pull out yes yes all right so before we get into the kitchen let's talk about uh kids area number one yeah so this area was thomas pan theater seating at first yep and we're not going to need it we used this elk couch right here yeah plus who wants to watch a tv from the side from from this side to absolutely nobody uh so we took those out and put them in storage along with the happy jack couch that took out and now there's a humongous play area which i know you consider bringing books hauling dead tree stumps that's not that many i saw that i see people with book shelves oh no no thank you that's what kindles are for yes but kids books kids books they get a pass because kids need you know tangible things yeah and he enjoys them so you've just got a couple little baskets of books here and a white board with magnets that's great so where does where does this stuff go when you're underway that's a great question we haven't been underweight yet so i should answer that okay so in theory where are you going to put it when you're underway uh that's a great question that uh my wife would be able to answer um i cannot got it yeah so it's just a stock table with that little drop leaf on the end yeah okay that's about it and then you guys you also have three dogs right we do have three dogs okay so i see one of the crates over there yeah this is uh this is a small one for the smallest dog he gets the most uppity he's an old man he's crotchety um do the other two stay in crates as well the other two don't generally stay in crazy they're really good dogs um and traveling with three dogs you know it's uh it's fun it's it's it's actually as fun keeps you on your toes yeah so let's talk about kitchens for a second uh erin and i have been in a lot of toy haulers and a lot of fifth wheels and the kitchens tend to be the afterthought especially in toy haulers yeah so you know you looked i thought that all of the momentum kitchens were eh you're mostly right yeah this one's nice though i don't know is this a new model new ish i think this floor plan only came out in the past uh year or two okay it's pretty recent from what i remember because i know that i have never been in this floor plan before uh i like this kitchen so you have an island out here with a sink that little notch over there is when the slide comes in that slides in over the counter so obviously nothing can be affixed there also great place for shoes by the way thank you that was my wife's idea fantastic yeah it's just pretty much all shoes yeah um so you got a little island with the sink out here uh the fridge is over here this is not a residential fridge no it's not this is a dual fuel yeah um and you've got i see a water bowl down there yep for the dogs okay and then we've got a couple drawers a couple cabinets over here oh there's an outlet all right so outlet here because you will be using appliances in this area because i'm not gonna say two outlets on this side and then over here we've got a one of the the bigger the newer bigger onion or onions that's an oven actually a big onion that's a very big onion uh yeah so this is not like the other older propane ovens where basically the bottom third is unusable so these are much larger this is a new pretty new ish line by oh the sticker's still on it yeah it's insignia so that's nice big four huge burners it's a nice backsplash did not get the convection oven we did not you asked for it but it didn't come with it oh yeah we asked for it didn't come with it but they were under a lot of pressure a lot of orders yeah we didn't want to be too picky and we're just happy that we got one yeah no so i down the road if that breaks replace it with a convection very nice so where do you store food in here where is your pantry most of the food goes uh in the fridge as people tend to do i don't know why they do that but you know fridges what about non-fridge food non-fridge foods go in the three shelves that are in this cabinet okay um and that's generally it we only tend to buy food about three to four days out uh to keep the space limited yeah um and reduce waste okay yeah but yeah that's about it all right heading up into the bathroom you get a sneak peek of the kids room there so this is a stock bathroom got a porcelain foot flush over here a little sink with a vanity area here hello and then we've got the door that also goes up into the front which is traditionally the master bedroom but we'll get to that in a second uh three drawers here a nice little open area i'm not sure what you would use that for but this is the new shower that grand design is doing in i think it's just the momentums at the moment uh that's a nice shower head isn't it yes it's very nice and you can twist the knob and it can come out of all three uh nozzles it's absolutely dreamy and i love it more than any bathroom i've had in any house i've lived in dreamy nice i love it and there's also a uh like antique little bench that comes down right it does oh that's real tight yep very cool i like it yeah that's uh that's nice that's uh i like that all right that's enough of bathrooms let's check out this amazing kids room that you guys put together so this is normally the master bedroom yes it normally is so what did it look like when you first got it all right when we first got it basically imagine the outline of this rug was the entirety of the queen bed um as you could tell it would take up most of the bedroom and it did i thought it was a king uh yeah sorry king it was a can we got the king uh so that when this is stretched long ways he has more space um if it was queen these would be equal with that side right so that one so you'd have a cabinet on both sides rather than this tiny little one over here exactly so we ordered the the king to give that more length over there and then i took out the bed frame completely which would normally have uh storage underneath like this just to lift up and uh yeah took that out cut a support right here to go underneath okay um and then i took a handsaw and i cut the mattress by two-thirds to line up with this um and that was pretty much it uh that carpeting was already there and it fits these cubes too deep all the way across so you get tons of extra so it's just like a little square cube so oh wow so you have 6 you have 24 cubes in here uh no i can't do math plus there's all the storage in here and we still use this for clothes for you guys for for us oh yeah so yeah there's no storage there's no storage in the garage so this is this ottoman this is you guys and then yeah your sun's up there okay wow this is great i mean is this this just a bean bag this is just a bean bag with some blankets and other squishy things in there yeah but yeah we wanted uh to hit the road and still wanted our son to have his own bedroom yeah um and we you know the garage is humongous we're already in there all the time with work and there's a clean bed up there so there's plenty of space so this is uh this is basically it for the foreseeable future very cool that's a great space and it also gives him a play area too yes it's a humongous play area along with all the books over there in the living room alrighty so that is a very cool grand design momentum 395 ms thank you very much caleb thank you bro this is great yeah this room is amazing um i am trying to figure out how you can make it for two or three kids but that's uh that might be for a future project all right thank you guys for watching uh caleb is a roadrunner and we are spending our entire summer with as many roadrunners as we can meet so if you do not know what a roadrunner is go to roadrunners that's what we call our patrons and we are sharing our entire summer route with all of them and they're all going to come camping with us so we're not actually at this campground we're just a little ways down the road but we've been able to get together and go visit some places and have dinner with these guys a few times this week so that's what we want to do with everybody we can so if you want to meet up with us this summer become a road runner you can see our whole rat come camp with us and we'll see you on the road thanks guys
Channel: Five2Go
Views: 165,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toy hauler conversion, rv tour, toy hauler tour, grand design, grand design momentum, momentum 395ms, toy hauler remodel, toy hauler renovation, toy hauler living, rv remodel, rv lifestyle, rv life, fifth wheel, rv desk, rv office, toy hauler, full time rv, rv office setup, rv office desk, full time rv life, rv travel, working on the road, rv computer desk, rv renovation tour, 5th wheel, rv tour full time, rv tour family, grand design rv, Rv living
Id: 5xtvzkPLgsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 29 2021
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