Gordon Ramsay's Thanksgiving Recipe Guide

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now we're going to make an amazing butter and this is sort of the start of the the most important part keeping that bird incredibly moist soft butter a touch of salt and pepper little touch of olive oil in there that stops the butter from burning next add the zest of two lemons and their juice this gives the flavored butter a wonderful citrus zing three cloves of garlic turkey's a very delicate dainty meat and that's why i want the garlic pureed so it sort of disintegrates and flavors a turkey gently without becoming too overpowering then add a generous handful of chopped parsley wow that smells incredibly light give that a good mix turkey's a very very very lean bird and it dries out so it's so important to make sure that we help it to cook perfectly butter done now prepare the turkey we'll season the bird inside the cavity and pepper next half two onions and pop them in as they roast they steam inside the bird giving it a lovely sweetness put in the lemon and a couple of bay leaves for their bittersweet spicy flavour [Music] we're sort of lining the inside of the turkey with these fantastic sort of flavors you can see the bird is upright and it's looking sort of like it's standing to attention now it's time to add the flavoured butter just very very carefully open up the skin go through over the back of the breast and keep the skin intact the idea is to gently loosen the skin with your fingers so the butter can be stuck underneath it now once you've loosened all the skin off the top of the thighs turn the bird round and just go through here again hand up and just release a little bit but don't completely break it because i don't want all that butter to run out right from there now take your butter put it into a bowl it smells amazing lemony citrusy and just sort of flatten it and stick that in there underneath one side now once you've got it in there pull back the skin and just use that to sort of slide all the way down what we want to do now is line the top of the breast with all that butter there that butter is going to keep the turkey breast really seriously moist turn the bird round and finish covering the breasts with the butter turkeys originally came from north america and they are best young and plump my favorite breed for christmas is either north of black or norfolk bronze both of which have a wonderful gamey taste take the rest of the butter and carefully massage over the breast legs and wings you can do all this the night before and simply cover the turkey with tim fall and keep it in the fridge ready to be cooked on christmas day into the tray a little touch of olive oil now olive oil on top again that protects it gets that skin really nice and crispy and it stops the butter from burning now in the oven at 220 for 10 minutes to get really nice and brown quickly in she goes beautiful [Music] that smells fantastic after 10 minutes take the turkey out of the oven and baste then cover the breasts with smoked streaky bacon what i want to do is add a little bit more flavor i'm already starting to think about my gravy so the bacon protects it stops it from drying out but it's going to start to really give my gravy a wonderful base turn down the oven to 180 degrees this five kilogram bird will feed eight people comfortably it needs roasting for two and a half hours or half an hour per kilo basting every so often [Music] back in and now she's on the way look at that beautiful that smells fantastic wow look at that beautiful that is 90 of your work done there to test the turkey is cooked stick a knife into the bottom of the thigh and if the juices run clear it's done the secret now is to let the turkey rest uncovered for two and a half hours as the meat relaxes it reabsorbs its juices making it succulent and tender plus it'll be easier to carve it might seem like a long time to let it rest but remember the turkey doesn't need to be piping hot because i'm serving it with hot gravy that looks like a million dollars let that rest because the flavor will be 10 times more exciting once it's rested as that turkey's resting i want to make the most amazing gravy when i say amazing i really do mean amazing drain the excess fat from the roasting tray and put it back on the heat then remove the bacon from the top of the turkey and the roasted onions from the cavity look at them my god they smell amazing finally take out the roasted lemon first of all cut up the bacon lovely bacon into the tray you know how crispy that is that's the start of our gravy the onion look at it beautiful doesn't get any better than that chop that up onion and bacon in that smells incredible when i first got the chance to cook christmas lunch for the chefs in paris they taught me one crucial thing i was only 21 at the time and they made me rest the turkey for as long as i cooked it so i cooked it for three hours and i rested it for three hours what a difference incredible next chop up the roasted lemon and add to the tray put in a couple of sprigs of rosemary to give it a lovely aromatic punch and fry then add three chopped tomatoes which helps thicken the gravy and give it a lovely fresh taste [Music] now it's time to really get the turkey flavor into the gravy snap off the wing take off all your little trimmings all these little bits here add that into your crafty these are the bits we never use everyone throws them away off there that little baby there take him off i want that bang flavor delicious try that off it smells incredible next pour in the dry cider this adds a lovely subtle apple flavor that really lifts the taste of the turkey meat as the cider starts to reduce pour in the delicious resting juices from the roasted turkey wow there you go the most amazing flavor [Music] when the liquid has reduced by half crush the vegetables and the turkey pieces with a masher to extract the maximum amount of flavor and basically what's happening now is that we're giving the gravy a little bit of body pour in the chicken stock and reduce again in now a little taste wow i mean just close your eyes and wow it oozes flavor and turkey now sieve it use the back of the ladle to push it through the sieve extracting every last drop of flavor pop in a sprig of rosemary and leave to infuse ready for the finishing touch [Music] simply add crushed walnuts to the bottom of the gravy boat and ladle in the hot gravy i'm just going to do again a little twist the potatoes we do need some goose fat no no goose fat and we're going to do a really nice lightly spiced roast potato okay little chili flake really yeah chili flake just put a little bit of heat in there for the christmas lunch yup chili flake and a little bit of turmeric i can't believe you're doing roast potatoes for chili now would you be so kind just to give them a little cuts cut their peeled potatoes into quarters and put into salted cold water in they go okay bring them up to the boil and simmer for around eight minutes drain and let them steam then season with salt and pepper on there and just a little teaspoon of chili flake no that's the sort of thing i would make for supper and a saturday night or something really chilly flakes in add a teaspoon of turmeric turmeric is a member of the ginger family it stains the potatoes a wonderful golden color and has a lovely earthy taste next drizzle in a little olive oil and shake to coat them just let them roll around yeah that smells nice beautiful could you get me the stuffing please from the fridge put in a preheated baking tray with extra olive oil and cook at 200 degrees celsius for about 40 minutes give it a little shake to make sure they don't stick and then i'll just stick the stuffing up on top yeah now that will take roughly about the same time as potatoes stuffing in potatoes done nice why are you gonna play with the kids i will do here okay see you shortly thank you bye-bye now they look and smell fantastic look at that beautiful chicken with garlic and chestnut stuffing packed with flavor and earthy richness for the stuffing fry finely chopped onion garlic and celery in hot olive oil next add pine nuts which have a lovely creamy taste and chopped earthy cooked chestnuts both add a wonderfully chewy texture and richness to stuffings season and add chopped parsley [Music] then stir in cooked wild rice [Music] next take a whole deboned chicken it's fitting to do at home but if you ask your butcher will do it for you and pile the stuffing mixture along the center now simply roll the chicken up tightly and tie it with your butcher's string [Music] then roast in a hot oven for just over an hour [Music] simply carve into magnificent thick slices so impressive so easy and trust me this is a dish guaranteed to get a fantastic reaction on any occasion turkey the one hit wonder i'm absolute amazing bird stuff onion orange garlic thyme and bailey season truffle butter this little beauty helps to take the turkey to a different division these cost 50 quid for that size yes it's expensive but boy is it worth it [Music] [Applause] don't chop the truffle too small because we want to taste and identify the truffle parsley tarragon salt touch of pepper tablespoon of olive oil and that stops the butter from burning take your piping bag and fill it separate skin from meat [Music] bag in butter massage salt pepper olive oil roast citrus breadcrumbs [Music] pancetta [Applause] onion [Applause] thyme good old chef trick and pull down and just peel it off his lovely flowers pine nuts butter [Music] [Applause] bread orange lemon [Music] [Applause] and to start browning sprinkle the orange and lemon breadcrumbs lemon juice [Applause] there we go beautiful rest tin foil keeps it nice and warm and it cool down slowly so the breasts become really nice and moist calm what you can smell of course is that amazing truffle absolutely beautiful turkey with truffle butter and citrus breadcrumbs done
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 6,848,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Recipes, Food, Cooking, Cookery, Gordon Ramsay Turkey, Gordon Ramsay thanksgiving, Gordon Ramsay turkey recipe, Gordon Ramsay how to cook turkey, Gordon Ramsay thanksgiving recipe, thanksgiving, thanksgiving recipes, roast turkey, roast turkey recipe, turkey recipe, thanksgiving meals, how to cook turkey, Gordon Ramsay easy thanksgiving recipes
Id: dJZeAAs2V2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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