Gordon Ramsay Offers A Prisoner A Job | The F Word

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okay ready i'll order four covers table ten four oyster soup main course four turkey yes one no breadcrumbs watch that table yes russell and miller are the two commies in the kitchen this evening by the end of tonight one is going to win a job in one of my restaurants and the other one's going home sorry [ __ ] you're nearly going home watch the tickets please russell i'm trying to run a [ __ ] hot plate here and you're knocking them all over the place yeah come on you know you're like a baby [ __ ] rhinoceros come on russell move your ass table six yes four easter soup yeah yeah try and serve it before [ __ ] midnight now tonight's starter is oysters in champagne with a cucumber paprika deli don't turn your nose about oysters they are delicious and a real gourmet treat if you don't like raw oysters try cooking them because they taste amazing and can be enjoyed by the most squeamish guests now first of all gotta open the oysters don't be scared of doing this because it's actually quite straightforward all you have to do is get the knife and pierce inside the muscle not at the side not at the end because that's where the shell is really brittle just push down on top of the oyster until you get through and then just twist and the shell just pops off open up just cut through the muscle and out into the bowl these are rock oysters and they're from devon and they're one of the tastiest you can get this time of year right cucumber not too much cucumber yes all we do is get the peeler place the cucumber down and peel these really nice strips of cucumber and they not only look fantastic but it means they actually sort of look identical to papadely pasta and they take seconds to cook bring to the boil a couple of ladles of vegetable stock add the cucumber oyster juice and the cream bring back to the boil and add your oysters you've really got to move your ass because the oyster is overcooked within seconds so you've really got to be quick and 30 seconds off the heat next add a pinch of salt and a sprinkling of fresh chives and then we're gonna finish the soup with champagne the only thing is missing now the touch of lettuce and that literally goes in seconds before you serve it take your cucumber and that is a fantastically light tasty sumptuous beautiful soup that's been finished with champagne and lettuce service please table seven jean-baptiste ali use a ladle please we're gonna be all night so russell i said a ladle i can't keep on telling you again yes there's no lettuce in there oh come on excuse me get me the suit back from the table gordon is every happy week so sorry apparently nothing yeah come on do you find it's funny you're laughing away i want the [ __ ] suit back just get the [ __ ] bowl from the table let's go two more pans what happened there miller half the table had lettuce the other table didn't give him a pan please [Music] back up to the boil quickly and the oysters are overcooked let's start again hurry up hello ladies no you've got the best table in the house he's all to yourself i'm a lucky man do you enjoy your oysters it's very good first time as well oh really anything happening downstairs not quite yet i'm not very good mighty should i have half an hour ago huh dear i don't how are you danny hmm good to see you thank you merry christmas merry christmas welcome welcome welcome now christmas yes in the osborne household yes that must be mad no it's really you know hustle bustle hectic dogs kids yeah a whole lot like imagine aussie biting the head off a turkey before it goes neal but no he ends up cooking it he does he ends up cooking because i can't i can't believe that he does the [ __ ] cooking in your house what's he like what kind of things does he cook good old english thick chips he says and they're brilliant ready you get excited about going out to dinner with good food i do i really i you know there's such a difference between good food and food yeah now it's been well documented your relationship with food bulimia for instance it's a thing of when we all need to eat and i would need to eat but i would hate the fact that i needed to eat so i'd want to get rid of it yeah and then i i just wouldn't feel clean i had to just get it out of my body because it was crap that i was eating i mean that's all under control now that's been yeah yeah yeah it is extraordinary the fact that you look amazing how did you keep it up and what was the last thing you had done oh cosmetics yes my boobs your boobs yeah but i don't like them now they're too big so i'm going to have them changed does aussie think they're too big no he likes them but they're amazing you don't need to change them no they're too big they weigh and honestly seriously they weigh a lot and it's like really yeah i've never had oysters before i haven't because i think they look like bogies big bogeys jean-baptiste oh did you hear that that accent no i don't think you're going to chew sharon being shown you're going to swallow ready baby does it have a little smell smells like an old fanny this is a high quality oyster you can absolutely i can't believe you just said that by my oyster i'll take this big one ready so tilt down finger all right let's smell your breath now and the low fat as well this one it's a little okay can't wait it feels like a testicle all right come back straight down what was that like it's like being in brighton and taking a mouthful of sea water damn you didn't like that no that's supposed to be an aphrodisiac he's aussie in for a good night not with this breath he's not it'll murder him [Music] next on the menu the kids get to eat anthony and if things go wrong i'll be stuck with a family of vegetarians bye anthony bye watch let's go i'm off to harrogate in north yorkshire to get a vicar's wife back in the kitchen the freezer is central to my cookie give us this day our daily bread and i'll leave the comments in charge of the kitchen so it could be me that ends up stuffed is it [ __ ] warm no no so you want to serve that now get the sprouts off and get them in the [ __ ] pan let's go [Applause] russell you're sending table 16 16 million table three table three welcome back to the f-word now next up the main course home-grown roasted turkey turkey the one hit wonder an absolute amazing bird stuff onion orange garlic thyme and bailey season truffle butter this little beauty helps to take the turkey to a different division these cost 50 quid for that size yes it's expensive but boy is it worth it don't chop the truffle too small because we want to taste and identify the truffle parsley tarragon salt touch of pepper tablespoon of olive oil and that stops the butter from burning take your piping bag and fill it separate skin from meat [Music] bag in pine butter massage salt pepper olive oil roast citrus breadcrumbs [Music] pancetta [Applause] onion good old chef trick and pull down and just peel it off his lovely flowers pine nuts [Applause] butter bread orange lemon [Music] [Applause] and to start browning sprinkle your orange and lemon breadcrumbs lemon juice [Applause] there you go beautiful rest tin foil keeps it nice and warm and cool down slowly so the breasts become really nice and moist calm what you can smell of course is that amazing truffle absolutely beautiful turkey with truffle butter and citrus breadcrumbs done now let me show you something quick come here anthony nigella and dean are all in the oven have a quick look don't touch there you go that's anthony in there for the past three months my kids megan holly jack and matilda have been rearing their own turkeys for christmas tonight they'll finally get to eat them wave goodbye anthony quick you're in there you bye anthony bye watch out go right at the table up at the table he's gone he's going in the oven come on at the table matilda dear idea okay now now four minutes on hot plate yet so move your ass yeah a little bit of energy yes in fact lots of energy yes and yes it is a race miller let's go down now with the turkey we're serving roast potatoes carrots and brussels sprouts brussels sprouts always get a hard time and we only get to eat them once a year however do not put a cross at the bottom like my mum does when you criss-cross the bottom of that you end up with them soggy overcooked sprout leave them whole into the boiling water and cook for three and a half to four minutes then take them out and dump them straight in ice water so it stops them from overcooking then we're going to soak them very very quickly with some almonds so the sprouts just start to colour and the almonds just start going that really nice nut brown flavor now the roast potatoes that go with the turkey are charlotte's they're small rich and very waxy so you don't need to part ball them before you roast them and this way the flavour is extraordinary into the pan seasoning color on the stove in goose or duck fat and if you give the potatoes color before they go in the oven you get this really nice crispy flavor around the outside come on come on come on really important now the fingers are moving fast yes come here you don't serve it are you happy with that yeah reasonably you are yes haven't even tested it to see if it's warm yeah should still warm because this bit's warm as well yeah touch that there come on russell yeah that's not quite at all is it [ __ ] warm no it's not no so do you want to serve that no chef now get the sprouts off and get them in the [ __ ] pan let's go yep so delicious turkey nice hot potatoes yeah roasted carrots and [ __ ] stone cold brussels sprouts come on right russell come here miller come here that wasn't good enough [Applause] a little bit all over the shop you know that you stone cold vegetables your turkey carving is shocking how can you call that carved it's like you've been in there with a [ __ ] shovel if i had to make the decision on those last two tables there russell you'd be going home pull it back one table of five each let's go again how about getting the turkey sliced on the tray this time yeah getting your vegetables piping hot yeah and plating your turkey and your veg at the same time yes here we go make it count move your ass yes clean your [ __ ] place come on nice portions piping hot veg let's go good well done big boy yes you saved your skin there big boy go double 12. nice go please come on miller yes 12 please go [Music] right i'm gonna nip in there how was nigella breast moist i have to say you you've pulled off the hardest thing in turkey cooking really which is moist breast with i'm a turkey skeptic i know you are you're a plucking [ __ ] finicky turkey grower uh yes and i and i'm fussy about turkey yes and very very rarely is it cooked properly yes and that's really hard to pull off so it's coming from you i'm honored thank you no it was really really good how do you feel about nigella being a man confused nigella a man cared for by jack h5 i mean there's a provenance i mean i like menus where they talk about the provenance you know traceability yeah traceability now i'll see you later for dessert yes i'll see you for the pudding challenge how are you feeling about that i'm slightly nervous huh good to see you the turkey is lovely and moist there's a lot of lemon in it sometimes i'm not sure about lemon so much lemon but i did enjoy it and i thought that the actual texture of the meat is lovely and the sprouts are just the kind of al dente that i struggle to get she said you're a little duck hey good to see you what have you noticed about your sprouts and my sprouts excuse me excuse me hold on no no no no no no no no no no no don't you start ganging up on me there was no crisscrosses on my spreadsheet so they weren't soggy mom yeah we served them all for once see you shortly yes given his christmas i thought i'd get a vicar's wife back in the kitchen and believe me she needed a miracle christmas for a vicarage family i would say it's wall-to-wall church mark does all the cooking except at christmas when it does fall to me i don't think i've ever really learned to cook give us this day our daily bread the freezer is central to my cooking and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us an alternative christmas lunch will be would be interesting the ideal christmas meal for me would be something that could be prepared in advance that was easily cooked and served but that also was exciting and that i had done for myself and i would really love to see the family's face when i put that down hi ruth hi gordon how are you all right how are you i feel like santa claus great glad to see you um christmas yeah what's the problem on christmas morning i'm up really early trying to um prepare vegetables or whatever can be done in advance which is when i get really stressed my solution to this of course it would be something simple and something like a salmon on crude right you can get prepped yes go off to church return cook in the oven yeah once that's cooked in the oven then you get the vegetables on that will be done within the time of the salmon being cooked fantastic first and foremost important get the salmon done so it's just going to be um layers of salmon sandwiched together between the fillets maybe some butter saltines some ginger some lemon and thyme and the nice thing about this particular dish is quite you know it's quite festive there's the salmon skin pinbone get the butter paste this all over the sound we get the head and the tail yeah opposite one right so lift up the salmon place that on there any particular reason for that or is it so it cooks evenly this is short crust yeah roll the pastry out get the salmon into the pastry we're gonna use an egg wash to stick this together i want you to brush around the whole rim nice and left over on your tray that goes in the fridge excellent imagine it's christmas morning right someone's done yeah big weight off your shoulders you're back from the church what's next check the oven temperature yep whack it up and then get the salmon yeah straight in and we're gonna do like a creamed leek it looks fantastic at the table it tastes amazing and we're gonna season with a little bit of curry powder right don't worry a little bit of wash on there please we don't need dirty leaks on christmas day do we oh that'll spread like wildfire around here yes the vicar's wife's got dirty leaves so leaks into the pan nice and lightly seasoned curry powder all right yeah that's delicious cream in the leeks right job done take it out beautiful nice slowly it feels really meaty that slice is beautiful i want you to put the potatoes on all right main ingredient in the left-hand side of the plate look at that cream leeks there we go now my dear vicar's wife yes happy christmas wow massive improvement now how was that really good it's very nice yes yeah and ruth not too stressed out very chilled fantastic i've never said this to the vicar before but get out the kitchen yes and stay in the church where you belong new year's resolution get back in the kitchen absolutely merry christmas bye bye-bye hello ruth nice to see you mark how are you hi you're well yeah fine thank you are you feeling less scared now about cooking are you done a bit you've done a bit of it fantastic tried the pastry again and it didn't stick to the pin already plenty of flour that's great news fantastic well done nice to see you thank you merry christmas thank you good to see you thank you how's the turkey it's really nice yes very nice um as you know it's been my objective to get women back in the kitchen and it's gone very well thousands of requests not just from desperate housewives but some from men as well and one that really sort of i suppose touched my heart what's this man sharon happens to be in my opinion the worst cook on the face of the earth she couldn't even make a piece of dogs without burning gordon would you do me a big favor i'm fed up of having takeaway food delivered to my house teach it to cook um what would i really like lamb chops and meat sauce he likes lamb chocolate very much teacher please please i'm starving oh when did you do that it was his plea it was his message to me together how cute is he listen that's one man i definitely don't want to do upset come on mrs osborne it's good to have you in the kitchen i can do this right i know i can't now these are very simple lamb chops pan onto the stove olive oil that's right if i start it off with butter it'll burn too quickly so it goes black so a little bit in nice hot pan rumors have it okay that you didn't even realize i how to work the oven and be what was in your kitchen for is that true you weren't that bad no my oven has always had the instructions how to work it still inside taped to the side of the oven because i never turn it on no it was my husband's hiding place for his booze because he knew i'd never opened it unbelievable and he's weird and everything and his rosemary special rosemary moroccan black yes all right i want you to turn them now they're ready for turning just one finger on there like that and turn it over now be careful you don't don't don't smash yourself now my kids are constantly banging on about me even at the age of seven six and five that i'm embarrassing every time i go out do your kids ever get embarrassed about some of the things that you say and do please my kids have been so i mean come on look at them i know i know come on can you imagine the old man of me turning up at parents night at school i mean my kids went through hell and back with us i mean their dad turning up in black velvet and all his jewelry for school meetings and sports though they used to fall asleep at parents meetings snoring yeah honestly but no matter what this is the one thing no matter what you look like what you do every kid is still embarrassed really so you might as well be something to be embarrassed about yeah i'm gonna make a little doggy bag now and take these back the best thing to do is keep them wrapped in the tin foil okay put a little bubble butter in there yes and into the oven and what would be best to serve with that with that you know what a nice mashed potato you know how to make a mashed potato yeah you get powder and you pour boiling water in it i'm oh to come around christmas day you know that i'll have some help i'll see you in a minute yes next on the menu is dessert time hugh fury whittingstall takes me on with his chocolate chestnut truffle cake suddenly all your confidence is just sapping away and sharon osborne is doing the judging one of them i really love and the other one i do not like and charles cohen finds out why we should eat christmas dinner every day they're less likely to become addicted to alcohol cigarettes drugs so sitting there in front of the tv eating their tv dinners basically they're turning themselves into the crack heads of tomorrow these tables for my wife yes and children let's go one table i do not want to [ __ ] up come on let's go go up wakey wakey good holly what do you think good good yes megan nice hmm jack what do you think i'm good and you like the brown meat as well yeah matilda what do you think of anthony nice does he taste the way you thought he was going to taste oh no oh so you want to have turkeys back in the garden again what about pigs in the garden yeah little pigs what do you think about matilda's idea with chickens pigs is probably more encouraging you're happy with the pigs yes mommy said yes to the pigs that's fantastic news i'm gonna get back to the kitchen yes we'll take some of your teacher give me a kiss see you later i'm going back to work back in the kitchen right listen clean plates yes or no dessert yes hopefully chocolate tart see you later ice cream now this man hugh fury winning store is going to attempt to beat me with his chocolate chestnut cake no chance you reckon um what are you doing exactly i'm going to do a a nice gooey chocolate and chestnut cake nice should be quite soft and moussey in the middle it's one of the things you could you can literally eat it straight out of the oven as a kind of hot chocolate pudding yeah good and you won't even manage to slice it you just have to scoop it out oh nice good luck good luck so i'm doing a very simple straightforward chocolate tart no frills no spills no creme fresh no vanilla chocolate tart with roasted hazelnuts um we're gonna make the most amazing pastry um roll it out line it in this flan ring put the cream of milk on to boil add that to my little chocolate buttons there's a very well known elizabeth david chocolate cake that uses ground almonds instead of flour and keeps it lovely and moist and quite fudgy in the middle this is really based on that except i'm just using chestnuts cooked in a little cream and milk mash instead of the ground almonds but really it's a tribute to her recipe it's lovely at christmas because it's got the chestnuts in milk cream up to the bowl hazelnut praline on top of the chocolate buttons and then quite simply cream and milk onto the chocolate and stir away now the thickening agent of this particular tart are whole eggs and what the egg does is as the cream and the chocolate and the milk cook of course the eggs help to set it lightly whisk up the eggs and fold that in to the chocolate now i'm just going to lightly toast my nuts now you're highly competitive aren't you even though you're living in the countryside you still have that chef's competitiveness streak in you don't you yeah i yeah i like to win gordon whoa no it's all right you thought it had all gone horribly wrong for me there didn't you i was hoping it had you know that's cute i'd get fired from your kitchen so far when i look at my part look at that look oh my god does that matter bring you out in a sweater i'd be getting clipped around the head if this was i probably am about to be clipped by the head when you fired from the river cafe for being a messy puppy yes yes in a word yes put it in the heck there we go we're baking the tart blind that means we're going to line this ring with a pastry and then bake that off first so that's an added insurance policy that a the pastry stays nice and crisp and b all we have to do then is just cook the chocolate filling so baking blind simply means cooking it twice do you miss not being a professional chef running a restaurant full time i don't miss it at all because i was quite i was quite a bad professional chef really i just you know i have a bit like jamie i haven't got the discipline but what i do now i enjoy very much you know what we do in dorset isn't really a restaurant it's more informal than that it's about telling people where the food comes from i have a great kitchen team but it's sort of more of a cookery school than a restaurant and um did you have long straggly hair at the river cafe i've always had long straggly hair how many times a year do you wash it i think i'm due for about once a month seasonal seasonal did you have to wear a hair nap i could be due for my pre-christmas wash any day now you're distracting me and you're making me over whip the egg whites the thing about folding in egg whites is never fold more than you need to but you do have to get it properly incorporated which means going deep to the bottom of the bowl and just lifting the mix and that's it and in it goes that just goes in there for 25 minutes the really important not to overcook it so that you don't want it to dry out so out nuts sprinkle the nuts at the bottom chocolate in does look very good we don't fill the tart right to the very top here two thirds of the way in open the oven door and then get the rest of your mixture and top up the tart uh so that's so you don't have to carry a really full tart over to the exactly so it gets really nice and full that's obviously a very useful tip for chefs who've been drinking too much on christmas day absolutely oh [ __ ] i dropped the cloth in it i've already messed up my pudding are you okay yeah i just went in to have a little look and i dropped the cloth you see that's why i got fired things like that i dropped the cloth in the middle of my cake i hope that's a clean one now it's all down to [ __ ] sharon osbourne you know that and you know i've got for the first time in the f-word series a proper chef in my kitchen so if there's any time now that i really want to win it's [ __ ] today that's very kind of you to describe me as a chef i'm not a good loser you know that huh well you better be i've got i'm now in that state of mind where i actually really want to win seriously yeah mine's in the oven now it's got to go in there and 90 degrees for an hour and 10 to an hour and 15 minutes so it cooks nice and slowly we can't afford to turn up any higher than 90 95 degrees otherwise it splits and separates and i'm damned if i'm going to lose this challenge for me the best thing about christmas of course the food the worst thing about christmas the leftovers now i've come to see a bunch of guys that just can't escape from that unwanted turkey don't cast the prison may not be renowned for his good food but like many prisons it runs a professionally recognised catering course to help rehabilitate inmates this is our kitchen gordon again with bars on there yes huh flip an egg this is a real hell's kitchen [ __ ] hell there are three and a half thousand meals a day going out of this kitchen three and a half thousand meals a day yes not too concerned about my dog tag i'm just concerned the fact that i can get the [ __ ] out of here now it's time that's all okay turkey leftover curry hi guys i'll be cooking with kieran baby daz and jacko i'm told they're the keenest cooks on x-wing serious broomer has it huh and you're supposed to be a sort of curry expert yeah i won't say it next to it no but you love a curry i like it for the year yeah curry is the most popular dish in the prison and it's also a great way to deal with leftover christmas turkey so i'm going to show the men of x-wing how to make a thai red curry uh red chillies okay obviously garlic lemongrass and ginger um have you used lemongrass before no no cut it in half okay yeah have a little smell lovely and that's pretty nice and fragrant you've smelled that before have a smell that lovely fresh lemongrass beautiful and that'll do just because it smells nice and sweet almost like vanilla really nice and lemony and fresh and fragrant that lightens up the curry so this is where we make the paste and the way to mix it now is just get all the ingredients into a blender [Applause] we're doing it today with turkey but you know this paste is great if you're making a fish curry right there's your onion yes there's my onion oh no no no no no no hold on hold on let's have a competition you know how competitive chefs are yes huh right would you reckon we'll take it with the first half or do you reckon they will be finished before me he's pretty good right knife down the whole thing chopped and ready to go right come on kieran first half [Applause] hold on a minute hey hey fancy john hey i'm serious fancy a job yeah not 25 good a week big boy 25 quid a day yeah when you're out 2007. okay 2007 give me a call and come spend a day with me at the kitchen okay to make the curry we fry off the onions add our curry paste and then pour in coconut milk for a rich creamy flavor then as it cooks down we add some monster for colour and a bit of bite what they're called garden then they're called monge2 or snow peas snow peas yeah it gives a really nice sort of um texture slightly sweet as well now the turkey meat that makes it through nice keep on mixing that in my man back up to the ball um now with the rice we're going to make a almost like a sticky rice and we've got some creamed coconut here and the idea of course is to get the rice cut up the coconut and then just crumble that through there like this yep then from there sprinkle the coriander through there and what it does it makes a really nice fragrant rice okay um 30 minutes of the rice yeah once that's cooking um i'd love to go and look where you uh boy sleep in the cell excellent coffee and smaller yeah who snores the loudest tough really you yeah fart's the loudest [ __ ] you mind if i lie down yeah that's yours [Laughter] how's the rice lovely good should we get over there hi big boy it smells lovely yes finished with fresh thank you yeah good man so what do you recommend so far yeah yes yes really nice guys right you enjoy that yeah beautiful merry christmas don't be late look at that suddenly all your confidence is just sapping away you're absolutely [ __ ] right that's really that's ready for sharon now look it's not quite firm but it's good isn't it you want it a bit gooey a little bit gooey let's try it wee oh that looks beautiful it does look very very nice homemade villain ice cream looks lovely mr wedding stall it does look rather yummy that you know that i'm slightly concerned that it looks too [ __ ] good however it's gonna be close isn't it gonna be very close they look great they both look good aren't they can i just they do look fantastic i just have a little sliver of yours yeah cool come on just a little [Applause] all right please all right and have a little bit of this one and the cream it's very good it's incredibly rich okay jean-baptiste take them over to sharon hope she likes them yes yep hey listen remember she doesn't you're [ __ ] yes we have a job i know that yeah i'm fed up with [ __ ] losing hello sharon what have i got i'm fine here we go so we have two desserts yes so i need to try the first one i love dessert it's my favorite part of the meal i love to meet you [Applause] this is interesting have you made your mind on this one yeah yeah yeah okay so this is the number two [Music] compared to the first one well let's leave it like this [Applause] one of them i really love and the other one i do not like i'm very excited i'm very excited you've been working really hard i've been having a lovely dinner i know i'm in a state of deep relaxation about this hi huh how are you sorry sharon hugh very well this is very tense you know that why well because well i must say that i have heard that your desserts have not been going down great no rumor has it on the street yes pressure's on i am the chocolate queen oh yes good fantastic yeah the winner is which one would you go back to a restaurant for this is the one that's absolutely and completely [ __ ] wonderful jesus christ and what about this one with the hazelnuts i would never eat that is [ __ ] brilliant i was born i did love you i do love you too oh my god this is wonderful can i finish it please do can i spoon feed you oh yes darling that was just fabulous mmm um sharon yes darling may i yes please what else do you cook here what do you like gordon man no you must come on next on the menu it's decision time i give one of the comments the break of a lifetime a job in my kitchens the person that i'm going to offer a job to is and charles corin here's an amazing excuse for eating in front of the telly there's always the excuse the dog always eats something that's no good you eat in front of the telly because the dog at the table [Applause] welcome back to f word now time to find out what our diners thought about the dessert did they agree with sharon's stupid verdict let's go russell light moist chocolatey gooey i mean it's great the queen that he made with his with the satan was fantastic very tasty but a little bit too sweet and a bit too rich christmas is hard work but not for our professional eater charles corin he wishes every day was christmas day [Music] at this shopping center it's been christmas every day since the end of october but what if it really worked what if we had christmas lunch every day of the year well presumably we'd all be fat broke and miserable because christmas dinner is famously fattening expensive and stressful but maybe we've got it all wrong there's some convincing evidence around that if we ate christmas lunch every day we would in fact be happier healthier and better off the first excellent reason to have christmas lunch every day is that it's a meal you prepare from scratch and not a ready meal that means it's like to be a lot better for you well if you look at these labels you see a list of additives and preservatives and many of them are high in salt and fat so you've got less control over what you're eating so so christmas dinner is better for us than what people eat every day well if you think about it turkey breast without the skin is a great low-fat source of protein you've got carrots parsnips brussels sprouts a great selection of vegetables helping you to achieve your recommended five a day but don't smother them in butter no salt that's the key steamed vegetables lightly cooked then you've got your potatoes well if you keep them large keep the skin on explain if you keep them large they absorb less fat so actually you've got a lower fat potato just by keeping the potatoes larger so a big flowery not too crunchy potato with its skin on sounds delicious certainly does another potentially worrying thing about eating christmas lunch every day is that it costs so much money it is a big family occasion it is and it is a big meal so do you think it's more expensive than a normal meal i would say yes i think you must go a little bit extra at christmas with the food preparation everything kills you but that's where you're wrong because the second reason to have christmas lunch every day is that it's actually a bargain according to the good housekeeping institute your christmas food shop actually costs 40 less than your normal food shop you go to the supermarket and you buy all these ingredients and then when you take them home you can cook um one big meal but then you have leftovers yeah everything else this is the famous turkey curry that i've heard so much about exactly and turkey sandwiches and turkey souffle and turkey creme brulee that's right turkey turkey pasta turkey rice risotto stir-fries sandwiches well i think that's about enough turkey the third reason we should have christmas lunch every day is that it's a meal we eat at the table with our family unlike the rest of the year where did you eat you in front of the telly or yeah at the moment mostly the dog at the table there's always an excuse the dog always needs something that's no good you eat in front of the telly because the dog at the table they're not alone a recent survey found that three quarters of people eat dinner in front of the tv and one in five families only eat together once a week so why does it matter then why why should we all sit around together eating a freshly prepared meal instead of sitting in front of the tv i don't see why well if you're sitting down and you're eating and you're watching television then you're not speaking to each other and communication is actually the way that we form strong bonds in a family is there any proof i mean it sounds a nice idea is there any proof that it's true i mean there have been loads of surveys into this particular subject but there's a really big survey to thousands of teenagers and their parents by the university of columbia and that stretched out over 10 years and it found that it sort of improves children's skills communication wise their academic skills they're less likely to become addicted to alcohol cigarettes drugs are less likely to become addicted to drugs if they sit down to a square meal every night yeah absolutely so sitting there in front of the tv eating their tv dinners basically they're turning themselves into the crackheads of tomorrow well i suppose you could say that there you have it eating christmas lunch every day could make you happier healthier and better off and best of all it might make your children less likely to end up on crack [Music] right i got a present for you yes um i've thought long and hard and spent a fortune on it and something that i've been dying to sort of give you may chris is very heavy yes excuse me anything to get you more noticed now make you look a bit taller try them on hey i've already got a pair thank you very much give the audience a 12 give up give a little tell over there give us yes tonight the f word comm is i've been fighting out for a job in my kitchen how are you totally [ __ ] it i didn't think i did myself justice well we all make mistakes trust me how are you i i really enjoyed being in the in the kitchen it was um yeah it was the hardest it's been it all began three months ago when i scoured the country to find new chefs with promise over a thousand applied we shortlisted 12. now what in the [ __ ] do we have here each week two commies have gone head-to-head in the f-word kitchen now two remain but only one of them will get a job with me russell he's creative quietly confident and he has flair good well done big boy yes but sometimes his judgment is off taste it you tasted it yes chef yeah and i think it's okay chef it has to be cooked stop if i don't win i would be absolutely gutted miller she's a fast learner confident and she has an eye for detail one minute nicely sourced but the question is can she cope with pressure having got this far i really want to win this miller look at the pass that's going in the bin where's your passion there's a lot of passion i hope you realize by now um that i'm obsessed with all things food people look at me and tell me i'm crazy why do you want to do this because of the food because i want to work with food because i want to cook so you're not really just posh tutor you really want to cook for a living i really want to cook for a living you really want to really want to cook for a living yeah describe your day today i felt that i've done crap to be honest i just didn't perform i felt you've got to be able to take the pressure and when the [ __ ] is the fan it hits the fan yeah and my reputation's at stake as well if you can't handle this this evening and you made so many fuck-ups what's it gonna be like when you're in a real serious kitchen well that's why i wanna have that opportunity to try and get myself up to scratch i feel that you're a person that can actually iron me out anyway my conclusion to you both is you've come a long way i have to base my decision on individuals that can absorb more be push more and ones that can become stronger under more pressure and the person that i'm going to offer a job to is camilla well done thank you i'm well done to you well done thank you and well done to you yes don't give up yeah keep cooking stay focused yes and push yourself yeah well done okay thank you thanks for watching the f-word hope you enjoyed your meal please please keep cooking you've got to eat so you may as well eat well happy plucking christmas you
Channel: The F Word
Views: 410,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: F word, f word uk, gordon Ramsay, f word gordon Ramsay, gordon Ramsay cooking, gordon Ramsay recipe, f word full episode, f word recipe, f word watch online, f word online, Gordon Ramsay F Word, Gordon Ramsay F Word Full, Gordon Ramsay F Word Recipe, Gordon Ramsay F Word Compilation, Gordon Ramsay F Word full episode, gordon ramsay prison, gordon ramsay offers prisoner job, gordon ramsay cutting onion, gordon ramsay prison onion, gordon ramsay prison cutting onion
Id: dbkzb35Vhto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 35sec (2795 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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