Gordon Ramsay Served Pizza With Ranch Dressing | Kitchen Nightmares

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south bend indiana a middle-class town made famous by the university of notre dame just a few miles down the road is jay willy's restaurant owned by husband and wife rick and trisha and their friend john william we're having a great day a day jay willis this is richard speaking how may i help you when we took this over it was making great money every year consistently this made great money yo yo let's make money man come on the day-to-day management of jay willis has left to john as rick and trisha live over three hours away where they own another restaurant who knows what's gonna happen tonight we assumed that john would be able to uphold the service standards and the food quality that we have and it will continue to make money i can do it and john has run us in to the ground john has just let things go i certainly got off kilter he needs to step up he's got to be the spark he's got to be the fire he can't just be back there thinking and contemplating what he's supposed to do he's got to do it it's really been tough since we were struggling and we weren't really bringing in the cash we don't have a chef in the kitchen i'm just here to to serve what he wants me to serve and get it out as fast as possible all right got an order up you get a lot of complaints about the quality of the food here and that was just a frozen patty i'd rather have a little bird that was really gross it's not much fun working in a restaurant when all you have to experiment with is canned beans and uh enchilada sauce out of a jar the standards have declined so far that i i'm not even sure we can revive it i don't think we'll come back unless something sticks sales have just pretty much flatlined you know this sucks this is tough now this place is so depressing it's hard to even talk about it because it just makes me want to cry now it's just slipped into complete failure once it closes all the money i put in everything you know my inheritance everything it's gone if we don't make that 22 000 a week then we're cooked we've cashed in our 41ks we have no savings and there's nothing left some i mean if this doesn't work we will no longer be here we're going to end up homeless and it's all because of jay willis [Music] but it's just you know that's it [Music] j willie's bar and grill that's fine but as for that ghastly sign at the bottom whenever a science flashing it means desperation the outside building well that looks like it closed down 10 years ago let's hope inside is much better my god good afternoon good morning rick sutton rick good to see you gordon david benning david nice to see you first of all who put that ghastly sign up outside the one with the flashing lights i believe our owner john is john yes he is i can't wait to meet him very embarrassed to have gordon ramsay coming here uh he's a world-renowned chef and we're not even close to being up to a decent standard chef ramsey john william john good to see you so you are jay willy yes sir excellent good take a seat hey chef this is uh my wife and first name sorry trisha trisha nice to see you nice to meet you so trisha and rick yeah and we're together and john is your partner yes i'm gonna have a good look at the menu and uh look forward to catching up with all three of you i'm really nervous about what he might order because there's quite a few items on the menu and i know he's not gonna like the pictures in there always nervous when there's menus with ghastly pictures did you need a pretty marmalade i'm going to order the uh loaded potato pizza yeah let's go for the famous ribs i'll go for this pulled pork cheese boat not a problem thank you thank you very much thank you so much say a little prayer trust me i already said a prayer today okay here's his order is that ramsay yes sir i'm just hoping gordon ramsay isn't too hard on me because this type of food wasn't my is ready to idea god it's grim in here sad and grim and a carpet that looks like he's had a thousand buffaloes walking all over it holy [ __ ] i now have loaded baked potato pizza lovely thank you man holy mackerel that's the strangest pizza i've ever seen i'm gonna ask my beloved father to bless my food gentlemen cause a quick favor yes yes would you mind just blessing my food oh yeah would you sure yeah if you'd be so kind absolutely well good and gracious god we asked you bless this food plus chef gordon as he is about to receive it that it may nourish him we ask this through christ our lord amen thank you fingers crossed god oh my god where's the wild man that is a ranch sauce so they put a ranch dressing on the pizza yes it's almost like sort of wallpaper paste so the pizza sucks your pizza has bombs to be honest i i've tasted the pizza and it tasted good i didn't see what he was talking about the ribs gonna be right huh what do you think yep perfect room finally the roots thank you okay welcome i was hoping maybe just maybe he'd like the ribs chef i'm doing all right here who's the response for the sauce the chef's recipe or it's a generic sauce it's a shame because it just destroys the flavor i they are embarrassing yeah i mean you've got cartilage in there a mouthful of fat grease on the outside that's not even trimmed sad i agree i'm very bearish a bit like the restaurant sad dude who's serving an untrained red man what do you want to try about the bat all ribs have fat on john doesn't get it he's warding an inferior rib he's trying to cut corners i'm just so frustrated that i feel like banging my head against the [Music] wall thank you processed cheese that just like gluing [Music] pulled pork sandwich yeah that's pulled straight out of the bin sweet taste of nothing and absolutely ghastly oh dear we have a pulled pork sandwich oh um sorry excuse me forgive me father but oh they have sinned and i had a respect for you guys you're not gonna eat that okay okay i don't wanna go straight to hell oh man forgive me they have sinned after saving the priests from an ungodly meal dear or dear gordon's anxious to meet the creative minds responsible for the food jeff gordon are you the chef we don't really have a chef how can we not have a chef the recipes don't really change everything's prepared the same way you seem to stand proud of that the menu was designed to cut a lot of the labor out cut a lot of labor out and serve [ __ ] i finally am glad that i have somebody who agrees with me as far as the standards on the food john doesn't listen to me hopefully he'll listen to gordon i think at midwest cuisine you think of the excitement in terms of you know a lovely braised rib a fantastic sauce the sauce was synthetic we saw a lot of them is that an excuse to serve [ __ ] because you said a lot of them are you that lazy oh you sell them so [ __ ] it who cares oh sorry the attitude stinks can we have a chat as owners yes somewhere yeah together right now joe ready hi well that went about as if as i expected yeah dissatisfied with the answers found in the kitchen gordon takes the owners aside hoping to determine the root of the problem what's wrong with the business john john has to be the leader here he's not taking any ownership passion exactly and there's none i try but without any money the passion is tough when you when you're going downhill how much rainfall that close adults more million two so you're you're on your ass i'll is the first and only house i've ever owned yeah we've never owned a house before any children anywhere no we can't have kids i'm too busy babysitting two restaurants trisha she deserves to have kids too [Music] my wife would love to have a child she deserves it [Music] we can't do it because because of jay willis i mean i just feel so bad because i keep she's such a beautiful woman i can't give her what she she deserves [Music] i this wasn't how we planned our lives we are in the ship we're screwed is hoping tonight's dinner service will give him some more answers as to why this restaurant is failing hi hi there welcome to jay willis how you folks doing today [Music] blood gates is i don't want to be getting it you might have potato skins sure i'm thinking the fish sandwich oh got a 16 inch pizza what's that for it's a special pizza that's a frozen dough frozen dough ranch dressing and then the what are these fish food pellets yeah pre-frozen sausage that's a static excuse i've ever seen for a piece of my life there's no doubt i've taken some i've cut some corners some of the items are frozen and that's just from a cost point of view what's that there uh cooked chicken i mean there's like cat food in here well that'll get fully cooked [Applause] it's really hard when you're trying to stay open and what's in here some baked potatoes you're going to clean them before they go in there's four skills my god that's the i didn't put them in the oven [Music] everything's reheat god bless middle america the quality of the food is just not there i wouldn't feed it to my dog it's embarrassing it really is buy it defrost it fry it send it you can't call yourself a restaurant no wonder no one's coming back jay willis is doing bad because john is not upholding the standards put her up okay thank you the things that i see in this restaurant it's like he he accepts it all and rolls up rolled over and died you think it's too great so you sent your fish back yes i did [Music] what is that salmon fish sandwich yeah i like it okay it's frozen holy mackerel my sandwich is like all fat i want something i'm gonna eat what have we got here what's wrong with that dolly she doesn't like it she doesn't like it looks like a dog's dinner what is that oh my god that is a shock um i'm absolutely devastated i mean they're cutting corners but all the wrong places and john's clueless nobody's responsible for the kitchen but overall it's an insult to fast food it's a [ __ ] disgrace oh so number one why's the ribs first i i don't know what to say food just put in the process line more food coming back has been sent out i mean it's almost like you guys have just you know given up i'm standing here in my jaw on the floor this was definitely humiliating eye-opening embarrassing gordon ramsay's appearance at the restaurant may have brought in some extra customers we're not eating we're gonna eat something else but unfortunately the food has scared many of them away jay willis is doing bad because john's killing off the business that's bottom line [Music] after a miserable dinner service gordon decides that he needs to meet with not only the owners but with the entire staff we have some serious issues back there i wanted you all together to get an idea of how you felt and how does it make you feel when you serve that food embarrassing embarrassing i'm amazed you guys put up with it it's getting harder and harder every day because the paychecks keep getting slimmer and slimmer and our sales are dropping like a rock because of john's inability to make anything happen rick you're not here you're killing this man over here saying that he's not good at anything i wouldn't be here if this restaurant wasn't dying so you don't you can't blame this on me i'm not blaming you on you there's stuff everywhere i'm saying don't blame everything on him yeah you're never here i cannot come down here and run this restaurant we lived three and a half hours away john has to do it has to come from john the point the point is you're just not helping the business and you're blaming john for it and it's wrong he's here he's here every [Music] this is our business too i have mouths at home to feed nail me to the cross rick's ridiculous i really just want a pun trick sometimes to be honest this whole issue is not what the problem is with this restaurant the problem here whether we all like it or not is the food sucks and it's not fresh and even frozen food is handled badly all three of you should be ashamed to stand there and allow it to go on is it time to get somebody else in to run it i mean you know have you had enough i believe it's still in me i just need somebody to help i need somebody to cover my back all three of you need to wake up and wake up quickly after the staff meeting gordon takes a peek into the kitchen storage what's that there and uncovers the unthinkable this is basic hygiene it doesn't get drained and the blood is set out in a warm kitchen it's not even cold john there's more when chef gordon pulled those potato skins out i knew that he had found something that i wasn't gonna like say hold on a bit that's gonna be deep fried tomorrow yeah that's really gonna make it taste better right potatoes are rot and we're sat here wondering why the business is on his ass it starts at the top john it's called responsibility no wonder you've given up i've been in denial and i've lowered my standards and it takes somebody like a gordon ramsay to come in and wake you up rotten tomatoes soft rotten rotten peppers the whole box is wrong i wanted to crawl under the table and hide my face so people wouldn't associate me with such crap if you seriously aren't honest with yourself that you are starting again then we start again well we'll do whatever it takes i'd be [ __ ] ashamed you sure if i'm embarrassed [Music] where do i start with the problems in this restaurant the staff have got their issues but that's irrelevant the big problem is the food and the quicker they all get up to speed with how [ __ ] the food is the better because that is embarrassing john yeah you gonna pitch all this crap chef ramsay's gave us a challenge to see if we're committed to changing this food and making it better it's a fresh start for every everybody everything right oh my god are they taking all the food out damn i guess we start new tomorrow i guess i was absolutely ecstatic that he was throwing everything away it has been a huge complaint for a long time so how does it feel to throw their way does it feel like a purge yeah i have to now it could let it go just let it all go it's a huge amount of food that we threw away this evening john does it feel good yeah we're starting fresh and that means getting rid of everything when i finally saw john throwing out food that he would have otherwise saved i knew that we were taking the first step to making progress okay this is fresh start to a fresh day after the owners took it upon themselves to clean out their restaurant this morning gordon is looking for the owners to bear their souls good morning how are we good tough day yesterday cleaned out the restaurant cleaned out the kitchen and i'd like to think we started a new chapter i want to chat with you i want to clean out our conscience rick go first yeah let's go [Music] okay clue in your conscience is about reaching inside and being honest with yourself yeah biggest fear is what my fate rests in john's hands and that really scares me i want this to work desperately i just haven't got much to work with that's what i'm struggling with most people who face depression the problems i have give up and i refuse to do that i'll fight till the last dog dies i like your determination you know i appreciate chef who'd you jump to i don't have anybody to voice my concerns so it's been tough everything's pretty much inside that's not easy truthfully i'm just struggling to find an internal flight have you got it because i don't feel it with support i've got it inside me it's there what i saw last night was huge what i felt last night was huge and what i feel this morning i'm ready to go look forward to seeing you later [Music] trish what do you want to see happen i want john to be jay willy if i could take half a rick and put it in john's body i think things would be a little bit better he'd have more enthusiasm a little bit more passion he's just lacking in that thank you trisha thanks having gained a deeper understanding of the owner's situation gordon is ready to start implementing his plan beginning in the place that needs it the most come through the kitchen look at all the ingredients what's that for barbecue sauce excellent barbecue sauce first off garlic ketchup chili ground coffee soy sauce spice first off olive oil yeah quite generous on the olive oil that gives the shine on the sauce yeah it was an absolutely amazing experience working with gordon ramsay nicely caramelized i'm just in utter awe of his ability as a chef and then a molasses that gives it its barbecue flavor okay that is that barbecue sauce we're serving fresh homemade barbecue sauce tonight in addition to the new jay willis signature barbecue sauce gordon introduces a new hamburger special that jay willis has never offered before one made with fresh ingredients homemade burger so with a homemade barbecue sauce and fresh cut homemade fries are we ready yes as customers arrive just follow me the kitchen prepares the new burger specials we're serving real food tonight and everyone seems eager to make tonight's service a success we have a homemade fresh ground beef burger i am gonna have a burger yeah thank you got your ticket go ahead and uh get those fries coming four orders you can do it tonight prove it yes it's a half hour into dinner service kobe's are done and the new burger specials are flying out of the kitchen it's really fresh isn't it that barbecue sauce smells good it's incredible in there the difference in the energy is extraordinary and it just goes to prove one single thing on the menu freshly made homemade sounds like hotcakes oh boy walking in we got three chef's specials going well done the tickets kept coming in and i got real nervous i could barely read the tickets two medium wells and a medium take that two well done's five mid well i thought you said two mediums i'll make it make it a medium well dude i need you to tell me what i have dude because now i'm all [ __ ] up i was frustrated i wanted to throw stuff i wasn't okay with the organization at all [ __ ] dude i don't know what's going on i'm [ __ ] up burgers is this burger you gave you sent the well done no it was you said midwell that's done dude all right got an order up thank you despite the confusion over the burgers burger burger burger they are rushed out to the dining room a new burger and the customers are in for an unpleasant surprise all right how many bugs we got left uh one more burger okay christian 86 burger yes yes stop all right yes yes make sure everybody knows david please yes sir chris i need two re-cooks medium on the fly yeah if we can't make that burger we're completely out of ground beef oh my gosh all of a sudden burgers came back undercooked overcooked and it's fat we don't have it if we don't have it we don't have it we got a word we're coming back supposed to be well done no we're out unbelievable i got another re-cook this is ridiculous we were all kind of freaking out you know it was scary burger's sitting over here burger's here burger's here and i don't know what to do it's an hour into dinner service and the kitchen has run out of its special fresh hamburgers we're completely out of ground beef and the burgers that have been served are unfortunately coming back with no one taking control of the situation i don't know what to do the kitchen and the restaurant for that matter is in a state of confusion dave could you all grab us a package of the old burgers sweet sourdough then a buns we got to do what we got to do get them out the burger they're going to love it anyway sourdough or butter oh yeah i was just going to keep trying to put the food out going back to regular fries so we started making the burgers on sourdough bread and using the frozen french fries in the frozen ground beef dude this i can't serve this can i i don't care if there'll be one i mean i i guess i have to it doesn't matter in an effort to make good on the orders order up ashley a desperate kitchen staff lowers its standards and starts delivering cheap substitutes sorry about that your bun that is all we have is a bun and the disappointment combined with the long wait is too much for one customer to bear i'm really gonna cry he's like something else [Music] yeah what is that pile of [ __ ] what's that for the special burgers what whoa hey guys why is that burger on there the processed one john why did the 86 it when i said take it off we were dropping the standards just a bit but we were under tremendous pressure because there were so many people out there that were anxious to try the food we haven't got the right buns we shouldn't be serving it and what's the point in lowering the standard just to keep it on it doesn't make [ __ ] sense boys that's gotta go bad he's afraid of pink sorry now i got two paper plates around some sort of big meatball how do you run out of potatoes what do they say it's disgusting unedible unbelievable such a shame because we got off to a really good start but then standard started dropping but john and rick accepted the standards dropping and they just were happy to send slob so a real sad ending into the evening because right now we're back to square one should be ashamed i busted my balls all day today thinking a way of marketing this place and putting it back on the map oh [ __ ] it can't do it don't give up on the [ __ ] i'm not gonna do anything until i'm 100 convinced that you guys are ready to turn the corner i seriously want to help i need to know from each and every one of you that you're ready to commit i commit i'm ready to commit okay see in the morning i'm here early taking the staff's word of commitment to heart gordon moves forward with his plan to transform jay willis from a dreary restaurant into a more inviting establishment right guys good morning how are you feeling dc right now yes um does that look great j willy's barbecue awesome yes yeah this is gonna be the best barbecue house in town yes rick what's the matter thank you but if we don't execute tonight this is for [ __ ] you're absolutely right but we are going to play dress strength tonight and let's get positive come on i am okay good you own part of this place so i'm going to be looking towards you to drive this forward yes yes last night the minute you guys left yeah my team arrived i've been working all night let's go yep now come through first of all new wallpaper new paint vinyl tablecloths yes it's a new place oh my i'm god overwhelmed there are no words there are no words look at it and this oh my gosh that's just amazing the brick was started to give you some warmth oh my gosh it's classy yeah it was overwhelming for me just everything blew me away warm vibrant and exciting carpet first time in 15 years hey john keep it clean yes yes and i'm not sticking to the floor john what'd you think it's awesome yes awesome rick what'd you think that we don't deserve this what do you mean don't deserve it huh smack him i i just want to yell and scream woohoo this is too much too much every top bbq house in the country has the best source and that is what we're going to be famous for look over there on site homemade hey exclusive and when people come to visit south bend jay willis the best barbecue house in town it's my gosh i want to stay in this restaurant i want to spend money in here today's a moving experience both in my career as well as my attitude and i just there's so much potential i just can't wait with the staff energized by the changes to the restaurant gordon now unveils his plan for the food 75 items on the last menu no wonder we can control it hey it's now in half it's fresh and it's gonna be quick from the homemade burger the blt to the pool pork potato skins no processed cheese anywhere barbecue chicken uh spicy chicken wings and legs yes at this point i think with the momentum that chef ramsay has given us we are now committed to making this thing right i'm going to do something i've never ever done before i've had my concerns about the lack of strength in the kitchen they need a proper training and a proper insight to what's going on i'm bringing in not one not two but four chefs scott kim michael please and april this kind of tuition has never been done before it's awesome chef ramsay let us know that he was there for us we will be ready for the relaunch of jay willis tonight let's go jay willis has come a long way in a matter of days oh my gosh it's awesome and it's only minutes from relaunch tonight it's come back night yes yes so john you've got to motivate the place push it through his highs and lows don't just do it for chef do it for the gipper yes the dipper okay guys let's go we're opening four minutes yeah let's go yes let's go let's go outside your coleslaw looks a little different now chef ramsay is hoping his chefs will give jay willy's kitchen staff the support it needs to make this critical night a success welcome to new jay willis i'll take the baby back ribs yo yo kitchen it's wrong let's go we're gonna be busy i'm so apprehensive because if we aren't perfect then none of this matters now i might as well just get in my car and drive home let's rock this [ __ ] out dave you've got to expedite you and steve you've got to stay connected come on let's go let's get this [ __ ] out of all my being i didn't want to fail i was a little scared order up 122. these guys have never been held to these standards yeah barbecue chicken good sauce difference it's all really good sean that's it that's it yeah got a good start um vibrant in there food looking good but it's not how you start it's how you finish how are we the no bacon on the potato skins was not cool damn damn damn yeah let me check on your entrees nice to see you all yes yeah andres will be fabulous okay guys the skins they just sent was that there's no bacon in there please concentrate yes sir cream corner mech it's all good no dave we do not send a dirty plate we're getting busy guys we're starting to slip come on yes sir my gosh chef ramsay busted me out you know there's a little barbecue sauce in the corner get it out this is our ticket time i'm so hungry now we all are very hungry it's the heart of dinner service and in spite of the pressure to get dishes out unbelievable gordon insists on the staff maintaining its standards kept the customers waiting we can't keep them waiting for the fans yes gotcha what's up seven o'clock there you go all right 114 steve we're waiting for an hour 114 that's our next check okay come on come on come on let's push it steve come on man it's 8 30. it is it is it's late and i'm tired and i'm hungry john sanders come on yeah the kitchen really got behind part of it was my fault because it was overwhelming for me come on guys can we stop pushing food around the outside of the plate they can't eat off the rim of a plate guys yes chef okay we can't drop standards last [ __ ] time okay one's fine twice slightly pissed three times take your jacket off and [ __ ] off yeah yeah thank you now clean it job as the backup in the kitchen continues to grow john turns his attention to the potential disaster in the front of the house and i need someone she trusts me okay i uh i gotta talk to these people yeah and uh okay just trust me you name them my name j willy jay oh that's me jake john mayer i need some proof okay okay i'm gonna do my best how long is the wait it's running pretty late right now let's worry about our standards and not worry about that all right john why are you going to run out with that john look at look look look you taste that then and it's think of a nice pile of [ __ ] yes customers are waiting but are we happy with that you are happy with it come on then standards there's so much stress the guests were starting to get pretty tired of waiting i did drop my standard and i shouldn't have been ready to go home we'll get free desserts right uh i'll do my best to take care of you i had so many people were upset and i was embarrassing i i was just i was ready to pack up and leave at that point i'm sorry we cooking fresh to order come on guys tonight's too important to [ __ ] it up come on i'll be back come on please dave no one's getting a handle of this and i'm getting [ __ ] irritated here all right the thought of crumbling existed most of the night but the feeling was i hope it just doesn't explode i'm leaving two hours no food and it's just tough i just want you know this isn't gonna lie thank you come on guys tonight jay willy's kitchen is being tested like it's never been tested before do not send a dirty plate and although the standards are better than ever it's been way too long i'll be back one customer is fed up with the wait two hours no food right and it's just tough i just want you know this isn't gonna last i'm leaving john break two seconds both see a minute i know tables have walked out and we can't just all walk around with their heads on the floor come on then dig deeper tables are backed up it's not the end of the world is it we still gotta keep it going right but if you give up they give up i'm play to the very end means the last ticket i'm with it okay come on guys okay let's go we got it we're gonna have to push the staff or else this whole thing is just gonna fall apart wait a minute this is cold this can't go out that's all we needed fox sounds just like gordon come on okay no problem with the owners stepping up the staff gets inspired which in turn motivates manager dave come on let's let's calm down and focus we need some rings and chicken baby deserve it no i do feel that i'm gonna have to step up and take charge and get her done six combos i need now all right let's do it full rack tri-tip entree in a half ray let's worry about our standards you hear that they should have ribs are hot oh they're hot they're beautiful service please come on you in my pit let's go the kitchen has shifted into high gear and with one final push the highly anticipated food is on its way to the customers mine's very good tender spicy all right very best i've ever had thank you appreciate it all right gotta order up now we're moving now we're doing good let's keep it up food's coming out right i believe that john he's realized he will not accept substandard quality good deal all right we got a dining room full of locusts man they've eaten everything except for the plate every plate i've picked up has been cleaned awesome all we got to do is get these tickets out man just this last batch oh i think i see the light at the end of the tunnel folks now i i don't feel like i'm a man on an island alone i know that rick and trish will be here to support me that food looked beautiful yeah this hamburger is the best hamburger there's one word to wait i guess and we will be back with the locals seal of approval jay willis is on the road to recovery it was so nice to see clean plates coming back yes yes and we were so busy 165 customers i know there was some complaints and it was difficult but the kitchen got slammed and more importantly we held on to our standards and now that we know how to do it don't stop okay they won't let me no no chef ramsay has taught us have a passion and make perfect and don't accept any excuses john if they offer you a little less expensive cheese no no no no no no no no no no the staff has changed john has changed i'm overwhelmed with sincere thanks for chef ramsay without him we would not be here now what's the feedback from the dining room yeah the word is starting to spread definitely you've got your foot on the ladder it's really important that you continue climbing you all did a bloody good job and i'm really proud of you bye guys bye ladies thank you very much john has a new bounce and a step he has to know that we're on his side and that we're all in this together and it's just not him taking on the world it's all of us and get ready because we're gonna take on the world wow it's been very interesting for me to come to the heart of america and meet a really nice bunch of hard-working humble individuals but when i first arrived i honestly thought the restaurant was beyond salvation but tonight showed a little glimmer of hope so long may continue and haven't helped them [Music] in the days that followed everyone at j willie's worked hard to keep their standards up do it start hauling out thank you gentlemen and continued to perfect their barbecue sauce a sauce that earned jay willie's first prize at the college football hall of fame ribs cook-off with a taste of success the staff at jay willis continues to work together to make its new barbecue house a success you
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares
Views: 8,937,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon Ramsay kitchen nightmares, Gordon Ramsay best insults, kitchen nightmares full episodes, kitchen nightmares online, kitchen nightmares watch online, kitchen nightmares HD, kitchen nightmares best moments, Gordon Ramsay, Kitchen Nightmares, kitchen nightmares funniest moments, kitchen nightmares fridges, kitchen nightmares worst food, kitchen nightmares worst fridges, kitchen nightmares argument, kitchen nightmares food
Id: oXqHEBIc90E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 33sec (2433 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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