Gordon Ramsay Learns About Mutton | The F Word Full Episode

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okay guys yes are we ready yes carrie you ready yeah serious face on yeah let's go okay on order six couples table two six and haruka bean soup make all six pheasants let's go pheasants in please let's go now tonight start as a rich sumptuous hariko bean soup with tiger prawns now these beans have been soaked overnight in water and what that does it actually softens the bean and makes him cook a lot quicker in with the bacon onion and carrot and once you brought it to the ball quickly cook out for about 25 to 30 minutes now tiger prawns has his own built-in cooking gauge when they're raw they're grey when they're cooked they're nice and pink we cook the prawns for 30 seconds in boiling water and vegetables we call that a cork bouillon now prawns are the perfect choice for a seafood beginner because they're nice and sweet slightly meaty and so easy to cook we peel them from the shell when they're warm because it's a lot easier when they're warm get the tail and push with your finger and thumb and the whole thing just pops out once the beans have been drained of its stock just take a couple of handfuls out because that's going to be in with the prawns and the mushrooms the bottom of the soup the rest of the beans into the mixer [Music] a couple of ladles of bean puree into the pan we add our chicken stock and bring it up to the boil once we start to boil it we're going to add a touch of cream now this comes to the boil for the exciting part is where we start to froth the soup and make it really nice and light a bit of a chef's thing you don't have to prop it up but it's just a way of making it a little bit lighter and if you don't have a stick mix then just serve it as a normal white bean soup nothing wrong with it whatsoever that's it okay take your ladle out give it a little buzz kerry give it in the blessings outside oh come on now tonight in the kitchen my three comment chefs are phil russell and kerry they've already survived one round in the f-word kitchen and whoever stays tonight will come back to battle it out for a job in one of my restaurants okay why are we making two pounds i want three portions the suit's made to order you've got four portions there he's got four portions why don't you do the garnish yeah yeah and you do the soup but no one's talking yeah are you just making no sense whatsoever so talk to one another check the seasoning please taste it carrot come on and then set the garnish up here and so we can start slowly yeah wait yeah half this table yeah the garnish for the soup are the tiger prawns along with the tiger prawns we've got these little japanese samoji mushrooms and we're just going to saute the mushrooms off get your cloth on the front here that's it okay get some color on the mushrooms first before you put the prawns in now we're using a japanese mushroom but if you're quite frank any mushroom will work lovely with this 30 seconds for the prawns get your beans put your beans in with the prawns and there we have a really nice garnish right now they've studied off the garnish yeah just season it with some fresh parsley shut up and just listen that's all if you listen you're gonna do well but fresh parsley then from there over to the bowl let's go okay take your garnish and be generous with the garnish your prawns your beans and your mushrooms into the plate no just three portions come on kerry please wake up just three portions one two three you're on your fourth oh sorry garlic so you take half the froth and half the soup and you pour it gently over the garnish yeah and then you go back to the beginning yeah let's put a little bit more froth in there can you just concentrate for me yeah and try to wake up a little bit it'll make life a lot easier for you the customers and me yes good girl it's not difficult you know that i know now this is a perfect winter soup great for the cold nights ahead and check out the f-word website for the recipe service please well it was delicious soup the horns i'm not sure how they were cooked but they had a beautiful flavor thumbs up to gordon really i'm afraid sorry big suck up but absolutely he's gorgeous and says his food what more can i say that's why it was easier ladies good evening hello how are you veroni i love watching you in there how was your soup it was very very good yes yes thank you no i love pizza food do you cook at home i sort of share it because we've got little kids so whoever puts the kids to bed doesn't do the cooking really i'm quite good with the with a recipe yep but i'm not my husband's got the flare i haven't got the flare and what would you say his pierced the resistance says what's his favorite dish my favorite dish that he does is it's just sea bass baked sea bass and he does sort of some grilled vegetables and then he'll put them in the tray with the seat bass open the foil and put it in sounds a little bit like jamie oliver to me that one though is he using that swear word we're not going to say that you're not on a particular diet or anything like that i don't know how do you keep so fit work out work out i mean i basically eat what i want yeah um because i work out and that's one very good reason to work out isn't it so you can eat what you want yeah but have you ever been on a diet i did that work brilliantly i lost six plans in two weeks amazing but i was obsessed by bread like if somebody picked up that piece of bread over there i'd see you at 500 paces and they'd be like oh my god they're using birds and then i'd say okay i'll have sundays off so i'd started eating sweets and bread at seven in the morning and i'd literally be like pasta you know until the end of the day it was just ridiculous there is one negativity against the sort of atkins diet you know because it's not very good for your sex life did you just say the word sex in my ear you said about sex in my ear but does it have a name in my ear no you can't do things like that to me oh i'll tell you what it is well i couldn't poo i mean if you're going to say sex let's say poo i couldn't poof hey cooking it was awful because you don't eat vegetables and with that hello heinous breath so obviously sex life is gonna go out the window because you can't snog and if you can't snog you're not gonna have sex you took me there gordon next on the menu along with our main course of pheasant with a fantastic red sauce the commies start to crack under pressure you're gonna kill someone you can't serve raw bacon and just when i thought things couldn't get any worse for charles corrin we sent [Applause] okay one minute for the cabbage how long for your hands one minute let's go so you can start playing up in 30 seconds jess welcome back to the f-word time now for the main course roasted pheasant braised cabbage bread sauce with devils on horseback [Music] pheasant the secret behind cooking this birth is actually lining the breasts with some streaky bacon because it really is a very lean bird with hardly any fat thai not too tight a keeps the bacon on and b it actually keeps the bird in a really good shape hot pan olive oil seasoned thyme pheasant nice hot pan streaky bacon thyme straight into the oven red sauce thyme salt pepper [Applause] [Music] the big daddy black pepper pull in the china shop this is the one that actually brings it all together sweat milk let it infuse bring it to the ball slowly back to pheasant baste that keeps the pheasants really nice and moist finish the sauce sieve that milk is amazing bread crumbs in butter now we have a really nice smooth smart sexy bread sauce [Applause] [Music] okay pheasant rest 15 minutes and turn it upside down because all the juices from the top of the carkers run into the bottom of the breast and so by the time it's cooled down it's full of flavour [Music] my whole leg just falls away delicious present with bread sauce done now with the pheasant i'm also serving some red cabbage and we we all grew up with this stuff pickled in a jar but this is done in a very simple form it started on top of the stove it's got butter in with it and then we season it with brown sugar over the cabbage and then tablespoon of vinegar add that to the brown sugar salt pepper and then we braise it in the oven for about 45 to 50 minutes so it cooks nice and slowly absorbs the vinegar the sugar caramelizes it and makes it a really nice tasty cabbage now i'm serving devils and horseback with a pheasant and that's basically a prune that's been wrapped in bacon the sweetness and the saltiness of the bacon goes brilliantly with a pheasant cocktail stick keep the bacon on there into a pan get some really good color on the bacon gets nice and crispy and that crispy bacon with a sweet prune is amazing now don't forget to take the cocktail sticks out before you serve them there it is yeah five pheasant one ravioli yeah journalist have watched that table there's joan journalists so the pheasant first then the ravioli okay okay be very very careful yeah now earlier today i set the commies a challenge and that was to try and separate the men from the boys challenge time we got a table of vegetarians in this evening now vegetarian food has to be just as exciting as the normal menu so on this table in front of us we've got an array of vegetables i want you to think of a vegetarian filling for a ravioli think about it spinach ricotta sauteed mushrooms rocket basil you know just have a look you've got half an hour let's go yes [Music] what's going through your mind what are you doing cheese work and dog at the same time we're against the clock you'd like a fully booked restaurant yes it's not just about your cheese and tomatoes so what you're going to do cheese tomato mozzarella okay is that okay yeah that sounds nice and you're going to season it with fresh basil yeah hurry up yes right russell what are you doing i'm thinking of a open top ravioli open top ravioli nice and what's in the open top ravioli right i'm thinking sun dried then i've also got a roasted pepper going on there just give it that flavor just get get it going i'm gonna put some blue cheese into it as well blue cheese as well yeah and as you know we haven't got all day you know that yeah yeah okay so move your ass yeah yep yes sure okay what are you gonna do i'm gonna do a tomato and basil with a buffalo mozzarella okay you put the mozzarella in when it's cooled down so it doesn't melt just so it doesn't melt so we can just keep those solid cubes there yeah so as it starts to cook in the ravioli it just slightly melts inside yeah okay good looks like something i have a sci-fi movie a taste tonight well we'll find out won't we [Music] okay guys that's it let's go carry on the hot plate russell let's go phil kerry there want to stand next to it right uh russell pastor stone cold you need to heat the pasta up chef phil he started blanching his pasta and you followed suit rather than you remaining as an individual because your filling looked nice unfortunately so far i've got stone cold pasta overcooked pasta let's hope the last one at least has got something what's that the raw sage leaf no yeah we only put on a plate what we can eat yeah never forget that and look at that you can see why i don't change nappies insepared bland and nothing what i asked for a simple ravioli unfortunately i'm not going to serve any of them in the restaurant by vegetarians you know that tonight get your [ __ ] together yeah clear down all right let's go carry please yes uh four pleasant away now yeah four pheasant away now let's go oh yeah i don't understand what you're doing kerry you're dropping your spoon you're putting it back in your pocket come on let's go why are you asking me when you're putting it on come on because i think we do pheasant please now peasants come on this is where it's getting really tough now yes yep down let's go okay it's not cooked it's raw oh the bacon's raw for god's sake kerry come here a minute you it's raw it is raw young lady you're going to kill someone you can't serve raw bacon not good enough not good enough take your apron off and go forget it out um right and start the table again please god's sake and start the table again now it will soon be time to slaughter the turkey so i've been trying to get the kids ready to say goodbye we're a week away from slaughtering the turkeys the children have been fattening up for christmas i'm getting worried that the kids are getting too attached oh well done let's have a look is that anthony tilly loves cuddling anthony and megan's been keeping her own video diary julie have been even more grumpy than yesterday i asked janice horton wallis from the turkey club uk how to deal with it her suggestion was rather radical you may have to consider possibly just keeping a couple back so that then they they they think well okay yeah those go but we will still have some turkeys here will we get any turkey eggs they start um mating properly in january or february and then the girls usually start laying eggs about four weeks after the mating process they're very good layers and the eggs are wonderful in baking really oh they are definitely worth trying like a duck egg or they're not as strong as a duck egg they're slightly larger than a chicken's egg but they uh because of the extra album they're very good in pastry sauces and things like that and what about her indoors i gotta explain that to her oh she'll love eating their eggs i'm not that convinced and i don't think tana will be very enthusiastic either she mentioned if the kids are getting really sort of attached there is a strong possibility we could keep them or maybe keep half of them and cook half i think we've always been very honest with them and this is what's happening and i think they are prepared for that and we stick to what we originally planned i'm you know happy to go along with what we set out to do but i'm just asking you to think about an alternative we've done your project i've supported you in that we've fattened up the turkeys and now you're backtracking because you like them dean is shaking because you're shouting so you're upsetting let me go and sit over with her you go sit with delia can't believe come on daley come on there have been times when it's really driven me crazy having the turkeys here all the mess and everything like that but it's been a fantastic learning curve for the children we've only got a couple of days left of the turkeys and then they're going to be slaughtered so i thought let's throw a turkey party they can explain to their friends exactly what's going on and also it'll really put it clear in their minds that this is happening and they won't sort of wake up surprised to know that it's the final day we're eating them [Music] they're gonna kill jack's turkey first yeah he's so fat the kids actually seem fine about killing the birds but i need to know whether i've got enough turkey to feed the diners at the restaurant so peter the vets going to do a final weigh-in what are we doing why so we can find out if they're fat how fat they are we want them very fat for christmas don't they that's six kilos [Music] you need help lifting that one up wait wait wait wait wait nigel okay who's got the balance turn who's next [Music] you're very good at this [Music] all right ainsley i know seven kilos who would like a sandwich you can't do that matt how are you evening chef good to see you good to see you i'm not only your wine writer but you're actually jamie oliver's similar yep you're his wine waiter at 15. yep no you bought some wines absolutely you thought we were going to go well do you know what but do you know what i think when it comes to kind of food and wine matching um you know i think a lot of people kind of get unnecessarily kind of you know confused with it and stressed with it and they tend to think that you know the best matches end up being you know the most expensive matches and it's not always the case definitely definitely and um here i mean this is the one word to describe this one is that it's sexy sexy you get kind of that sort of um dark cherry yeah get dark cherry you get a little bit of spice but straight away you're getting things like cinnamon cloves yeah absolutely you know star anise all the kind of things that you use when you're cooking the pheasant out there all those kind of ingredients are starting to come through and i guess that's one of the key things when it comes to food and wine matching yeah you want to look for kind of like similar sort of waste between food and wine you also want to look a similar similar kind of intensity of flavor and keep it sexy absolutely now um you're highly competitive yes i am i've got a test for you okay three of the most extraordinary wines i want to try and tell me what you think they are there we go i'm not saying anything [Applause] he's gonna be something like blue nun five quid under [Applause] one of my favorites the heat is on big boy you should always trust your first instincts and for me first thing i sort of smell is kind of cedar you know it's it's got there's a fair bit of oak in there there's a fair bit of fruit weight as well um dark plum dark fruit you know straight away i'm kind of thinking big rich full body grape variety probably thinking new world as well so really okay little taste huh now the heat is on and you can see he's looking nervous come on that's turbocharged there's some muscle and intensity behind that that's kind of like it's awesome shiraz or cabernet from probably from australia here we go oh oh well done should i say awesome awesome churros well done thanks very much huh great okay you're ready yeah i'm ready [Laughter] okay instantly what you think what when i look at this one well i'm noticing the color the color is nowhere near near as deep as the as the previous one sight's kind of probably the least important of all your three senses you know yeah i mean you can close your eyes and that's how i always find it a lot easier what are you getting about a very different league right between that wine and this wine okay so it's not giving away much on the nose it's pretty flat pretty dull soft simple it's even a little bit corked gordon i can't believe you put on a wine that's just i would not do that to you come on do you think it's just a little bit caught i'm not gonna argue with you i mean i don't mind fighting but that's definitely not cooked you do the cooking i'll do the wine oh god taxi okay have a little taste god it's probably gonna be amazing bordeaux or something like that isn't it three two one we'll see if it's border it's cabernet based wine from bordeaux yeah what would you pay for it how much would you pay for that 30 40 quid 30 40 quid you've been eating far too many kangaroos you know that that was a thousand pound bottle of a [Laughter] truce [Music] was it meatloaf that said two out of three ain't bad next on the menu it's pudding time sarah beanie takes me on with a chocolate brownie also i think that putting nuts in it is a bit like putting leeks in macaroni cheese oh really it's just wrong charles goes in the sewer it's disappearing into human [ __ ] and devina has to sing for her supper just an old sweet song keeps georgia on my mind [Applause] okay uh phil russell come here yeah one's gone yes yes we've tried to put raw bacon on a plate now my brigade are leaving and you two are gonna run the f-word restaurant you've got a table of four and you've got a table of four yeah yes hey everything from bread source to cabbage to pheasant yeah mark out and out neil bye bye let's go come on russell wakey wakey bacon's burning she's already gone home on the back of that let's go come on big boy nice and crispy little touch of butter in there phil to finish it off with yeah phil you got table 10 ready chef yes and russell we got table 14 yes yes chef well you know was talking to one another hello we're in the same restaurant so are you ready russ yeah how long you got i'm ready mate you're here move let's go yeah i'm looking for presentation yeah each and every plate looking exactly the same let's go stand by table 14 stand by look at each other's plates check that we've got the same things going on the same size portions yes yeah come on don't forget it's the same restaurant yes come on pheasant on first they're last that's the garnish yes there you go think about what you're doing come on russell a chef put the tray down work with two hands it's twice as quick right take your time don't spoil it now yes gently gently gently let's go are you happy dirty plate i'm not happy with that hair there on the pheasant pull it out come on wake up you got four eyes let's go up go table 14 go right come here both of you well done that's what it's like in the real world that's one table each out of 20 tonight clear down start again well done chef [Applause] hello there nice to see you how are you yeah well thank you how are you good very well you enjoyed the pheasant yes i did enjoy the present although i've got something for you here there's a bit of shocks that's great news yeah so it was not one of those posh birds it's a real the combination of everything was really good but the the professor was just cooked to perfection absolute perfection really lovely hi how are you yeah well thank you good to see you nice to see you how was the pheasant it was very nice yes very nice it could have been a little bit more veg i felt cool well i'm just saying you don't need more veg without pheasants and the devils and horseback and the red swords and the devils on horseback were pretty superb wonderful the way that it was cooked this evening was fantastic it fell off the bone and the fact that the plate itself isn't actually loaded with with superfluous vegetables as well made it very very nice time for pudding this week sarah bean is going to try and beat me with her favorite dessert chocolate brownie now there's hundred recipes of chocolate brownies and i'm doing something quite sort of unique some just delicious we're finishing this time with some little pecans but this is not a big tray of chocolate brownie they're going to be done in little blini pans we're going to butter them line them with chocolate and cook them individually almost like a little sort of pancake but pancake chocolate brownie this is a children's chocolate brownie because i don't think you should put extra bits in it should just be pure chocolate brownie this is really cheap so you can make it if you're having masses of people to a party you can make it for loads of people we had it at our wedding actually not that i'm a cheap skate or anything so get your brush and lightly brush the inside of the pan now all it is is a block of chocolate break it in half and just grate and just pour the chocolate in there and then roll it round right sarah how are we doing this is cocoa sugar and flour yep and then this is the eggs and you just pour it in there and that's it that's it yeah well it doesn't taste great i'm sure it does no chocolate in there no it's got it's got cocoa powder just cocoa powder yeah and then i have to grease the tin and that looks like something you've nicked from your granny um yeah and that goes in there and how long does that cook for 25 minutes or maybe a bit more if it doesn't look cooked because it should be nice and crispy on the outside and soft and gooey that's the word you're a lady who likes pressure you've got 37 guests coming round boxing day christmas day christmas day yes that's a big table that 37. that is a big takeaway you're cooking not single-handedly surely well sort of single-handed i've got this turkey that's kind of huge huge so have you got lots of christmas i think we've got about um 18 or 20. hey that's just as bad i know crazy so do you do lots of entertaining then i'm not very good at the dinner party thing you know that it's not the kind of thing i um i really enjoy doing to totally honest so this is why i couldn't be a cook because i think this is taking ages and it's really boring i'm thinking god hurry up how do you know so much about property i've got a building company i do a boys job you see you do girls job i do boys i do a girl's job yeah that's the whole gripe i wish women would get back in there and do their job you know that the women do make the best chefs you know that i know well obviously women do everything best no no i'm not quite everything hello not quite everything you're a bit of a matchmaker aren't you i am it is a bit of an obsession mine it always has been actually serious now did you do that over food yeah well the best place to meet someone is over food and booze food and booze yes yes stick food and booze and a few single people together and they're going to get married and what about someone like our resident food critic i mean is there an is a woman out there that's mad enough to sort of date him how would you describe him moany whingy beardy short ass i think he definitely gets someone it definitely gets flipping egg now the chocolate and the butter has melted i've whisked the eggs lightly i've folded them in sarah's is going to be slightly gungy in the center she said sounds very ominous and mine of course is going to be lined with like chocolate buttons and these little things pecans i have to say at this stage without getting too carried away a damn time more appetizing than sarah's mind you i said that about the trifles last week as well didn't i also i think that putting nuts in it is a bit like putting leeks in macaroni cheese oh really it's just wrong it's like ruining the purity i'm now just going to lift that out and put them in for the moulds and then hopefully we'll be ready so when you fill the mold up two thirds because they're gonna rise slightly and then we leave it nice and soft and gooey in the center those chocolate buttons hopefully will be intact but slightly runny i could have refurbished a five bedroom house and the time it takes to melt some butter like half a smoothie this one's gonna eat it and you've just got washing up to do whilst you're uh pregnant okay and obviously my wife's been pregnant three times i put weight on to make her feel happy does it happen the same with you it's a sweet tea does he put weight on to make you feel he is actually less fat in bed no he does still say good god you're fat every time i have no clothes seriously so which is true yeah to be honest no i'm going to say confident now because it's not cooked now let me have a quick look at yours okay just like the bike sheds you can look at mine let me look at yours yeah cheeky that's nice i've got to say you yours does look like you cook for a living and mine does it like i don't and i desperately desperately desperately need to win okay okay here we go it'll taste great though um i'm sure it will we know that [Applause] hello charles hello gordon are you well yeah i'm i'm not bad at all i'm happy at least i've been fed you've been fed yeah now what you've been up to this week um i've been down a sewer um i'm so used to the healthy hygienic places like professional kitchens bins squirrels kebabs and but no but that was because i was investigating food here i was investigating quite the opposite i was i was up to my up to my elbows in uh in [ __ ] seriously um yeah and it's because of the fat that gets thrown away fat is a huge problem in britain i'm not talking about fat people i'm talking about cooking fat when you flush them away down the sewers as we all do sometimes they'll cool solidify and harden and cause blockages and when that happens we're in big trouble last year alone we spent 15 million pounds clearing our pipes and 3 000 properties were flooded as a result of blockage with christmas approaching the water companies are expecting a 25 increase in the amount of fat that we're flushing down our drains which means that we're going to be adding over christmas to an already existing problem in the underbelly of our cities but what does that really mean i'm not dressed up like this just because it looks sexy it's cause i'm gonna go down there and find out well i understand the issues about this fat being thrown away but it looks all fairly harmless when it goes down the sink so what does it look like here i don't understand well you'll soon see joel's when you get around this corner here oh it smells nasty now if i drown or something are you gonna do mouth to mouth you won't drown what's this that's uh that's the fat what you're gonna go into that's fat yeah it's fat out of people's kitchens gone down the sink and yeah oh no oh and there's things sitting in there oh [ __ ] and it's everywhere cheers but if i need a radioactive anti-thingy death suit just be careful of you oh god the chefs of the world who would love to see me disappear under there ah it's disappearing into human [ __ ] you got some sanitary towels why am i doing this i don't know there is that's your fat that's it turkey roast your lovely grannies and grandchildren come around you cook that up for them and you toss it down the sink without a thought he comes down here solidifies and people like kenny have to walk up and down and they're shoveling it up and throwing it away it's absolutely disgusting i'm i'm i probably knew that already i didn't need to come down here to prove it but we'll do it again uh well this is the third shower i've had since i got back from the sewer and i haven't got close to removing the smell having seen the scale of the problem though i promise you i'm determined to find out what we can do about it so i've discovered a clever little device you can use at home fat tramps which is a thing like this that you leave by the sink instead of throwing your used fat down the sink you just pour it into there in this manner you put some nuts in it you give it a shake to make a lovely little feast and you put it out for the birds or in fact if you haven't got one of those you can do the same thing with a baked bean tin apparently if we all do this if we all use these fat traps and stop throwing our stuff down the sinks we can make a huge difference to the state of our sewers and drains having said that restaurants and fast food joints to the biggest fatty villains and they also need to shape up by law they're obliged to have waste fat collected although thousands of them are still illegally pouring it down the drain but some councils are fighting back they're collecting the fat for free and turning it into diesel for cars so i've got a gallon here of delightful waste cooking oil from the f-word restaurant which i bought into my garden because it's the last thing i want in my house uh because i've got a fellow here who reckons he can turn it into uh into car fuel yeah what we're doing is we're converting it into biodiesel and so how much will our gallon of f-word waste cooking fat make how much diesel one gallon of used cooking oil you'll get one gallon of biodiesel so do you need to do anything to the engine of your car to make this stuff work in it if you've got a properly produced biodiesel it's a direct replacement you have to modify things you're saying i just throw into the drum that's used fat yeah literally pour it in slightly green ah and then i just hit hit this this green button here pump on correct is that it is as no i need to add caustic soda and methanol okie dokie so i pop that in the hopper here and start pumping the methanol over and how long does this take to make it takes about an hour mixing and then it's that easy and then hey presto we have biodiesel hey presley have biodiesel pump it into your car and you can drive on and here it comes real diesel although that said uh i think i'm first gonna have to put it in the car and go for a drive just to make absolutely sure it works do you think i can just put this straight in the car you just pour it straight in in it goes right here then it's the moment of truth will the car start hurrah it has i didn't believe it would it's amazing it smells it smells more like a chip shop than a car though um i have a gallon of gordon's used fat in this car and given that it's as good as diesel uh that will get me if i head north from my home as far as luton well lucky me excited yeah yeah this is gonna be fantastic this is uh i'm actually slightly nervous oh no is it burnt i know it's got a nice crack on the top oh okay now how you're going to serve yours i'm going to serve it in slices like a cake yeah you just want yeah send it like that and give them a spoon but the difficulty is you have to make them with all sort of posh stuff in don't you not at all chocolate buttons that's not posh you can finish mine with a touch of creme fraiche this is called a blob that's called a blob nice are you happy with that jean baptiste um take sarah's upstairs first okay yes yes and if they don't like it we can line their lofts with some new cavity wall insulation yeah can i just say it's bloody heavy honestly it feels like one of your breeze blocks from one of your buildings hello how are you guys hello what's he so danny this is number one i like the texture on the top as well like the kind of crunch it's kind of nice and gooey in the middle and it's like nice kind of crunchy outside because might be slightly too gooey actually just if i was going to add some constructive criticism to that but i find it i like the gooeyness because it makes it quite contrast from the crust okay daddy this is this number two okay thank you wow i'm not sure about this one i'm not sure about the cream yeah it's the cream it's quite dry actually isn't it it's quite flaky on the top i shouldn't be overconfident about you know the brownies at this stage but i have to say i bloody adam you know that because if i lose this challenge this week honestly i'm gonna say oh i will start liking andrew roll thompson that's how confident i am i'm gonna win yeah i think i've had enough of that one yeah yeah ali jb what so this week the winner is yes well done sarah oh get out with us pissing around oh no sarah won yes i'll get it again really sorry the result you know that i'm gonna go upstairs to the judges where are they yeah i'm glad you find it funny um just out of interest i mean taste that again for me okay yeah all of you and then i can start with the lady at the end now tell me what you're tasting it tastes bitter bitter yeah it's quite kind of like almost burnt taste to it burnt yes look out look look just look how wet that is in the center in the middle but you're going to get through the dry outside to get to the middle i you know i i don't understand it just slightly too dry yeah it's like i'm sorry all three of you can off out of here now as well yes dear oh dear useless i'm not gonna serve it i'm gonna serve my chocolate brownie my restaurant my customers and and my reputation on the line that's that and that's it i'm really sorry but no it is okay because you do think this is food no it's just it you know it's not it's not bad but it's not good come here let me get around that bump oh sent out here like this well done well done next on the menu i rediscovered britain's most underrated but delicious meat by you i'd have it any day and phil and russell find out which one of them is staying and who's going home one of you is a follower and one of you is a creator [Applause] right sarah yes i know it's not your dessert but you can still yeah get the pan do you want me to pick the nuts out make it better i don't mind you picking my nuts at all for god's sake like a knife i do yeah it stuck you see mine didn't stick so ah send that to joel please now oh my god oh no look at the buttons in mine yeah see disappointing really isn't it i'm glad you think so thanks so much chocolate bruni with creme fraiche can you just say that for me one more time chocolate chocolate boonie with creme crush oh my god that was so cute a chocolate broody ladies enjoy your chocolate brownie very succulent and lovely kind of dessert you want to take the bed right perfect i can tell you it's on the outside and soft on the inside yes and you've got a little bit of chocolate dripping down here and it's perfect this week i'd be looking at one of britain's tastiest but sadly most unfashionable meats once upon a time mutton was a very reasonably priced meat that everyone ate before it fell off the kitchen radar and not only do you want to see it back in restaurants back on their menus but at home as well because this is part of our culinary heritage mutton is a meat from a sheep that's at least two years old it's rarely sold in supermarkets and can be hard to get your hands on these days most of our mutton gets eaten in europe when was the last time you had mutton years ago years ago and who cooked it my grandmother it's a bit sort of old-fashioned and a beer it's not very sort of sexy is it modern i've never eaten mine at all ever he's a cheap car me most people now earn more money they buy better cuts than me it looks like mutt has been completely forgotten so why did mutton disappear totally financial in the 1940s the imports from australia and new zealand came um the price of lamb and wool went down and it wasn't worth farmers keeping use for more than a single season so it wasn't about the flavor it it's just about the price of wolves absolutely why should the british public out there be eating more mutton because it's been extensively grazed it cannot be factory farmed it's the wildest and most natural meat that we can possibly eat and one of the most delicious to produce the best mutton sheep need a diet of good green grass and correct treatment once they've been slaughtered a mutton carcass should be hung whole for around about two weeks the meat is extraordinary it's amazing the difference in mutton and lamb how dark it is and it's surrounded by a lot more fat you can deal with that you know in in the cooking process you can use the same cuts as you do in lamb from mutton and what's the price of mutton now it's about half the price of lamb and twice as much flavor someone at home cooking for the first time what would you recommend oh i'd say i'd say the diced the dice that'll be the one that's diced up ready now for a stew ready to go mutton has a reputation for being slightly tough and the secret behind this particular dish is the length of the cooking time so what i'm cooking here is the simplest of mutton stews generous for the seasoning run it through some flour shake it and into the pan so what we'll do now is put some flavor on it [Music] once it's browned into the colander and just leave it to drain vegetables now this is a stew so we don't have any little sort of fine dices garlic just in there in half celery the leeks frigger rosemary and a nice sprig of thyme peppercorns lightly crush them tomato puree roast it off half bottle of house red wine take your mutton mix that in pour boiling hot water on top so that's it two and a half hours on a low gas perfect it's ready now let's see if we can convert south london to mutton you want me to know that kind of spell cooked the mountain that is delicious oh it's lovely you enjoy that cooked by you i'd have it any day am i allowed tomorrow promise me you'll try a mutton stew this weekend deal deal so come on you not give mutton a go it is a tasty meat and let's be honest it does deserve a second chance [Applause] how's your brownie can i just tell you what i love corn see that that's really runny oh yeah there's a little chocolate buttons inside they're runny they get off that's mine [ __ ] shower no romantic dishwasher there's only one thing that i don't do and that's to share my footings your background in food you lived in paris i lived in paris and you worked part-time there i did i did i was oh god i was a singing waitress but can i just say very good waitress so karaoke was in that long ago serious that was good that's fine you ever need i can't believe you're doing that with your finger underneath there and spoon on to that jimmy car's in tonight yes where is he oh there he is there he is there set up right looking nice now he presented last year the hundred worth quickens yeah i came 82nd and you came 95th was a bit out did i yes now that you've told me that yes i'll name him as well later as well yeah i'm going to get him to catapult school yeah big time he actually sits like a little public school boy over there isn't it he's like he's talking about you [Laughter] oh god first of all to both of you well done one step away from working with me personally phil how bad do you want it um the knowledge i'd learn after you go and just be unreal and it's a case of i want to soak up all the knowledge you can teach me so i can take it away and then open my own restaurant um russell how bad do you want it i want it really bad this is what i'm trying to train for and just to have that chance and like nothing like this ever happens to me um literally being a whole small town chinese lad in the take away to this what more can i say it's a tough decision for me however there's one big difference between you both this evening because one of you is a follower and one of you is a creator and phil you followed russell and that's the reason why you're going home tonight i'm really sorry thank you keep going i will do yes yes chef you cheers get some sleep yeah yeah yeah get your [ __ ] together thank you chef you
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 172,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Recipes, Food, Cooking, Cookery, gordon ramsay the f word, the f word, the f word full episode, the f word watch online, gordon ramsay the f word uk, gordon ramsay the f word usa, gordon ramsay the f word watch online, gordon ramsay cooking, gordon ramsay cooking tips, gordon ramsay cooking challange
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 9sec (2769 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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