Gordon Ramsay Gets Jonathan Ross To Kill A Lobster! | The F Word With Foxy Games

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still AM how you doing but I'm very good it's good to see it yeah it's good to see you thank you for having me how's the soup not great what's me not great it's a fresh soup Mesa water I tell you what's wrong with it exactly too hot too hot right too hot we've been peppering - no too hot either Brown I find it amazing that you've actually finished he thirds of it now you start complaining well because I'm a good guest and I don't know if that came in a can I wouldn't buy again what went wrong tonight yeah sure I'm always you leaving your talent on the paisa which is where the super sucking came from look at the color of that but this fresh is vibrant okay let me also know what it was nice but here's the other thing as well is probably to have sex with one of these people when the table ate one but now we've all got green stuff in our teeth but now you've got to think ahead that means you keep your mouth closed for you isn't it yeah of course I can't be quiet at last time I was on your show yes sir you cook for me yes excellently I gave you a model octopi it was a disaster well the octopus are still chewing it three days after I think it's still alive even now and that was months ago if you had one thing that you'd asked me to sort of help teach you to do what would it be well okay I tell you what what what do you think you know the war material oh god we've got someone here who's burning with ambition I'm young I'm keen I'll put in the hours I know you chefs work 2 or 3 hours a day cooking lobster properly that's what I do that I don't know how'd it go I wouldn't want to put it in a live bird I to put it onthis in life it's only way you can identify as fresh found either I've got to do it no no I've got to break that now you've got to get a lobster in a pot alive I don't need one if I know it's been one run over or died of all right let me just show you now yes but two minutes a quick secret how to cook a lobster probably the best shot good night okay okay Sarge I've got a new coming and any idea I love you dying to see you in this look at the size of it will I fit that what I put on first this is to put that on there first week all right you know what I might wear this I went to scare Jamie thinking I've got a proper job again it's a lie okay I'm not eating that hey listen if you got the bollocks to eat each other bollocks to actually cook it there you go right way there two seconds owlette is not well this one one thing mrs. very good now you told me if I look silly two seconds per day that's why she's alive that's horrible that's a horrible thing to do look at that is waving he wants to be friends have you seen this you know what they're gonna do that these you okay with that why don't we all just walk out why don't we just why don't we just all mutiny let's go now all right he's killing live lobsters here a lot of people prefer to put that yeah nicely there look nice through the cross yeah and then just through there and straight through then from there into the water so you've eat enough of them you know what I just realized though I'm on the Atkins that it's good food and remember careful don't evil Sterling's up going in Paul McCartney's watching I apologize there's got that nice pinky colour now that's right yeah that's where it starts getting nice and pink let's get it out oh no here we go I'm a chef that's right my nose flesh anyone what was that so you're actually in the kitchen in a kitchen yeah I cooked breakfast my little boy this morning I put in boiled eggs and toast does that count there's there it does not pop a big meal that Ivan got a puppy mill four years service but Jane does all take your hand on there like that first lobster killed with my own fair hands see well that leaves now a little glass of wine and what would be nice is actually take it over and ask Gary to have a little taste and tell him you cooked it yeah and when you're asking what he thinks about the soup right did you need fingers if I'll come with you come on I have prepared this for you it's all fish there's nothing on it we would like you to try and silly thing Jonathan Ross first ever live lobster killed and cooked yep sweet fresh very fresh you know what tasty sang to it while I was killing it well and then I think got it in the right mood for brutal murder and immerse it in boiling water that is the most succulent lobster taste is it better than at that place in hot it went was a good Hospital right so and this is presumably is better than the soup you headed this evening which I thought wasn't very good what do you think of the soup what was it I'm gonna get on the main course and try to keep you guys happy yes it go come up with a new recipe for starter you go back to your table I'll see what's going on with Gary yes of course thank you I might wash my hands I've got lobster blood on it
Channel: The F Word
Views: 2,778,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: F word, f word uk, gordon Ramsay, f word gordon Ramsay, gordon Ramsay cooking, gordon Ramsay recipe, gordon Ramsay food, f word full episode, f word recipe, f word watch online, f word online, gordon ramsay jonathan ross, gordon ramsay jonathan ross 2017, jonathan ross, jonathan ross gordon ramsay, gordon ramsay lobster, gordon ramsay lobster episode, jonathan ross gordon ramsay 2017, jonathan ross gordon ramsay cooking
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 57sec (297 seconds)
Published: Mon May 14 2018
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