Gordon Ramsay Makes A Chef STORM OUT Of The Kitchen! | The F Word

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payback time yes yes first we refuse to pay for that main course for of still refusing to pay for this starter see we get 50 customers happy to pay to a souffle yes right rhubarb and ginger soup layer get it right it works infection yeah it works stop wait you've got a [ __ ] disaster your hands okay simple basically pastry cream is like a thick custard yeah that's the base okay we havein got a proper base in the souffle it doesn't give any momentum okay and inside the pastry cream is eggs sugar cream milk that's it and a touch of corn flour thicken it this base is always the same in every soup plate the first thing you do get your whisk and whisk in your pastry cream did you move up okay okay then beat your egg whites now they're getting really nice and fluffy on the street all one label of sugar in there very slowly vigorously be 2/3 of egg whites into the pastry cream and rhubarb puree they've all the things that gotta be really delicate with a souffle if you are really delicately play what comes out is that lumpy mess of egg white no lumps anywhere nice and smooth yeah the rest of the mix this is what we fold it in now okay we don't beat it and we just sort of fold and turn obviously crucial the mods have got to be buttered properly and when you bang down it all evens down the bottom of the mold so there's no unevenness if we didn't do that and it sits on even the superlative just explode out okay fill up the mold now take your palette knife and look from one over there like that yeah off and just to get a little lip on there look get your thumb and roll it down the side and that was a little bit of a lip on your souffle [Music] yeah hey guys dr. souffle means too puffed up yes yes yeah not bolton's Cowpat pair that in mind I want to see something souffles Adrian yes sure let's go guys yes come on guys any in yeah come on right guys the first souffle should be in by now Damon yes are those molds spotless I can see [ __ ] and junk and egg white all over them and if you shamed to make a perfect soufflé then spoil it with a filthy dirty mold Adrian agent have you put the pure at the bottom realize you are poor big boy I just said to earlier how important it was to be not to [ __ ] this birthday block what yeah just an aside look sounds like you've got too much egg in there right yeah and not enough pastry cream yeah what's the upshot the upshot is the bin and don't slam the [ __ ] but you're not the area at the souffle come on heart [ __ ] hell guys and obviously [ __ ] balls is not favourites which is the first to me hey I don't know I'm [ __ ] laughing I don't know as a laugh cry or [ __ ] jump in the Thames but this is the first well it's to play sir with a [ __ ] straw there exploding now look at those mouths look at those nails guys gentlemen yeah it's an hour ago since that first ticket come in Dean Dean it's taken us now to get this out chef so basically hello guys step up again until the movie arsenal video yes yeah gentlemen couples out there now on the verge of leaving because they're waiting too long for the [ __ ] desert 150 customers served with 50 souffles and 50 [ __ ] bills paid you've gotta help me guys yeah guys you at least get them on the tray for me I'll do something on the plate yes right I'm gonna ask you an honest question now yeah look at those moles you tell me you happy for that I'm not up to no nor mine you want me to check on back duel again I'm asking you are you happy with not not happy with them would you pay for them no nor would [ __ ] I well the five people who are getting them I'll pay the [ __ ] bill all right agent yes yeah if you thought you're coming in this restaurant to run it with your standards you needn't bother coming I'm running it with my standards because whether you like it or not it's my reputation on the line the [ __ ] story yes yeah Thank You chef you'd finish him off your [ __ ] speaking to Milla okay you're finished well it's finger to you're going home what do you mean to say well done for [ __ ] them and you still won't get you says something once mr. Rumsey and then shut the [ __ ] up Oh what do you mean sure just tell me once you're not happy and then leave me alone do me a favor get out and cool down take some [ __ ] fresh air and have a big thick thank you get the plates please I'll dust them you put them on the plates you [ __ ] thank you could you deliver [ __ ] ten beds out in my van to satisfaction for customer spending ten thousand pony we hope damaging a piece of wallpaper a [ __ ] don't tip how long me there please Damon five years chef thank you where is it right yep sorry it's really important for me yeah to get you back in there and finish it and the reason why I push you so hard is because I want the best yeah and take me out of the equation I don't give a [ __ ] if you hate my guts don't is the customers you ever like to be upset because they're a pile of [ __ ] pretty important for me for you to go out in the kitchen and do the last two tables on your own no object no no no let's do it together then call it fester yes yes it beat the [ __ ] out of it pretend that's my head in there okay let's get more egg white please there you go to make now you [ __ ] spit up now hang [ __ ] we're ending on a high good there we go service please look at that beautiful goat that's okay now I'm not going to [ __ ] Bolton for holiday that's for sure okay guys two seconds please how the souffle has gone down not very well we having 39 people who aren't happy to pay for the desserts out of 49 out of 50 yeah so only 11 customers would pay for the souffle yeah memories Ernie's witting time and back consistency that's for that you want to pay for the suit 13 that they want to pay for the main I'm 39 but they want to pay for the souffle so just 94 were paid for out of 150 that's over a third guys yeah that's not [ __ ] good is it no nope more importantly yeah Webber went through the tempestuous [ __ ] service they went through yeah no one [ __ ] give up and I'm glad you came back thank you I for me I'm glad you came back you may have been slightly shite but you're not [ __ ] quitters if you invited me back next week dude again I really would sincerely and if you're back in my kitchen [ __ ] me will I'll be down the gym a week before [Laughter] you
Channel: The F Word
Views: 4,536,972
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Keywords: F word, f word uk, gordon Ramsay, f word gordon Ramsay, gordon Ramsay cooking, gordon Ramsay recipe, gordon Ramsay food, f word full episode, f word recipe, f word watch online, f word online, Gordon Ramsay F Word, Gordon Ramsay F Word Full, Gordon Ramsay F Word Recipe, Gordon Ramsay F Word Compilation, Gordon Ramsay F Word full episode
Id: YfBVm1hh5cM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 35sec (455 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 19 2018
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