Gordon and Matilda Ramsay Cook a Christmas Breakfast | This Morning

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and so what's the what's it like doing it doing sort of cookery and bringing it into that sort of children's environment and what I found it really fun because dad's recipes are different that kids are a bit more boring like and a bit posh and mine is fun and more like child friendly so do you have for everyone to learn from what is tell me about the kitchen in your house um the kitchens very busy you have dad trying to like rule it and own it really nice better why am I not surprised yeah and so mums probably the one that does the dinner at home at night so then dad comes in and takes over half of a good I like this comes how we get credit don't you seasoning that's all just a touch you didn't top in ado the little the little glittery bit you know the shiny bits we should ask you what you're doing on the pan Christmas around our household is crazy so we start off with a little sort of breakfast we start that late so it sort of goes around 11:00 11:30 so it's a bit of a sort of early lunch and then we don't sit down to the Turkish about five six left nothing so they only eat twice cuz you know what it's like yesterday pretty money so this is a typical scrambled eggs bacon until he puts her twist on it with the bacon what you do telling so I've made this bacon I'm going to make it into maple syrup bacon it's something that my brother and I really enjoy and we do it gives a bit of a twist and it's really delicious so we'll let that brown up a little bit whilst you're tell me that perfect scrambled egg you didn't know you didn't you put the whole eggs into the pan you didn't put them into a pot the pro hand well-observed you know it's a great great great way starting skill deck you know sometimes when you seasoned it to begin with the salt breaks down the eggs makes them really runny so you can't get that nice texture so you don't season scrambled eggs till the very last minute but the secret behind any good scrambled egg is to stop it from overcooking so we'll put a little tablespoon of crème fraiche right at the very end bacon gets into the pan non-stick pan just literally to caramelize yeah and then place two three day old castles just cut into little sort of rounds toast it that's a really nice way of just using leftovers brioche panettone as well works and I was a little bit sweet with raisins but it still works especially younger kids yeah and with army and then till he gets all bossy starts taking over about who's doing what I get bossy yeah you're making it very good now you take over so I'm now just gonna start put some maple syrup into this bowl and then just brush it on but you don't want to do it too early cuz always it gets soggy and I assume also you've got be careful it doesn't it doesn't burn as well cause it'll catch on the pan won't see if it's sugary yeah and that's something I need to keep reminding dad about not burning history written keep burning a lot that's it he loses the Sadducees temple to the showers thing see I think what we all know that we I mean you make that quite clear on the telly I'm under herbes but to Lydia would you mind me to chop some of the herbs and put them into there and then I'll cut them up maybe I'm coming you've got it oh is that what it says that dill oh yeah we've got some dill what are you putting the Dylan so we're gonna put that on top of the scrambled eggs yes nice doesn't finish you touch that make you look lovely major quick see Turkey in your house then because it's quite few chefs in your house now mum cooked the turkey dashing oh she's the best at it yeah has your dad ever had any cooking disasters believe it mr. self and well he's nearly set on fire how does everything do you feel pretty good everything I won't mine he burns a lot like he burns a lot of whoops well he's been lying what have you done before well you know sometimes it's down to the oven regulation as you know Holly and you put it in you get distracted you take a call you come back and it's like charcoal yeah however we've all been there it's how you finish yeah not how you start so you know I quite like coming back from disaster sometimes because it makes you where would you like your the herbs it's gonna go in there in a minute okay I'm gonna show you a little trick now just with the scrambled eggs so it is important thing that until I left home I never had scrambled egg that wasn't made in the microwave no I'm not joking always and my sister still does it like that my mum actually doesn't like my scrambled eggs she's still liking the microwave your momma's are very wise lady however I think the thing is when you see and taste the texture of this thing it's a look already I know no salt in there and we're gonna use a little bit of smoked salmon maybe pastures a little sliver guess the one you know just a little bit and what I'll do then get some those fine oh yeah what I'll do it break that up I'll be putting it straight in that's gonna help a season it some salt from the salmon will seasoning Oh touch of salt a little bit of pepper and then this is the magic a little bit of creme fraiche and what does that do that stops it from cooking because it takes temperature down that's right taste temperature down and then makes it nice and light and creamy so oh my gosh that's super I bring it when I thought you were doing scrum we don't get that well what else can you do it yeah see but actually when you do it like this I know if you judge is a bit special but Tilly what do you like cooking your dad what's his favorite food that you cook him um uh he likes baked beans on toast so I do you do you have simple food when you're at home yeah yeah it is much more simple if it's up to dad for cooking dinner or probably just be like beans and eggs on toast do you add anything to your beans what fancy-pants stuffs you adding every time we go back the US would bring some sriracha what's that really nice I'm sort of amazing amazing amazing sort of spicy sort of chili sauce and then from that what we do is just finish it with a little bit of um look almost like a sort of spicy ketchup oh my god oh my ghoul Smee just a little touch of lemon why'd you put them on there till just to give a little cuz it'll Xing a little zing okay when are you next on the telly with that with your show so season two coming out it's going to air around springtime yeah and what about you what's next what's next for you to start the production for MasterChef a beginning of next year fabric and papa Q jr. now and then we just finished that delightful little flying little documentary in hotel hell Oh another not to not forget that black like I'm checking into those rooms yeah important no listen to you either know that that's frustrating and they asked me in there yeah and sometimes I put that black light on it does look like the inside of Star Wars do you think you're gonna take over from him hopefully one I think it's begun hasn't it telly yeah as a compilation may waffle on that bacon is incredible is it really sure I forgot have a lovely Christmas thank you
Channel: This Morning
Views: 5,533,733
Rating: 4.9180956 out of 5
Keywords: celebrity interviews, celebrity gossip, tv news, soap news, holly willoughby, real stories
Id: AlkTxCY1G9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 51sec (411 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 18 2015
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