Google Shopping Optimization Secrets (2021)

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tell me if this sounds familiar you're running Google shopping campaigns but they aren't profitable but you know they can work because you see come your competitors advertising the same products on Google Shopping and they've been there there for a while so something must work right but they're not sure what to do and how do you get those campaigns profitable and all the India tries to get from Google is pretty basic they tell you to raise your CBC's or raise your budget but which campaigns that already aren't very profitable those two things won't benefit your business and the truth is that Google doesn't care about your store or your profitability they just want you to spend as much money as possible so in this training I'm gonna share with you smarter approaches to improving your shopping campaigns I'm gonna share some tactics and strategies that we use to get results for our own clients I hope you enjoy so in this training I'm going to share a couple of insider and secrets that I use to to get better results for Google shopping clients I'll start off with a few that you might have heard of but aren't using to their full potential yet and as we go along in this training I'll be sharing some more advanced ones that you might not have heard of so let's jump to the first one so the first secret is uncovering your biggest ad spend wasters and the great thing about Google shopping is that you don't have to put a lot of work into keyword research or structuring your campaigns Google does pretty much all of that for you but even though you can choose which keywords or you don't have to choose which keywords you want to show up for you can choose which keywords you don't want to show up for and taking care or taking care of these keywords and making sure that you don't appear for them is one of the biggest and quickest ways to get some to get some wins and to save some of your your ad budget so we're looking for searches with a very low likelihood of converting and these are irrelevant search queries these are competitors search queries or very generic search queries the best tool for this is your search terms report in your google adwords account so what you do is you open up a specific shopping campaign then you go to keywords and then you pick up top you pick search terms and that will list I usually also sort on impressions and that will sort and show you all of the keywords of all of the search queries that your product ads appeared for so just going through this list and if you're looking at a big time scale it can take a lot of time to do it especially if you've never done it but this is the best place to start and so remember we're looking for three big groups we're looking for relevant search queries we're looking for competitive search queries and we're looking for generic search queries now let's look at each one of them in more detail let's start with the irrelevant search queries these are the easiest ones you just go down the list and spot the ones where you don't want to appear for for example project that you don't sell I had a client who was selling fans but he was actually showing up for people searching for aircon units which is certainly not what he what he was selling so we excluded those or another one was a slight variation of a product that was a little bit higher in in specs that had some some better specs and we were the client my client wasn't selling that one either so slight variations in model models colors you have to spot because if you don't sell the product and Google is matching it with with the search it's gonna it's probably not gonna lead to a sale also products that are targeted at a different age or gender for example for another client we were selling products that were targeted at adults but there was also a children's children's version but we weren't selling that so all of the smaller sizes and and searches related to kids or children were actually irrelevant like there was no another chance to you to convert so we do searches it's pretty easy you just add these as negative keywords or add these to negative keyword lists so so the advantage of adding in to a negative keyword list is that you can apply those negative cures to multiple campaigns instead of having to replicate it so the second group of search queries that we're looking for our competitor search queries so these are search queries where you have the name of a competitor that this can be a direct competitor or another site that sells the same products or a brand that sells a slight variation of what you're selling so in the indiscreet shot you can see here and it's a screenshot of a client of mine who sells products that are also on Amazon offered at Amazon also sells Amazon sells a lot of things so so this is obvious but what you can see here is that he actually in the first row you can see that there was one conversion from this search so then the question becomes it's it's less straightforward than with the totally irrelevant ones with the totally irrelevant search queries you don't have a chance of converting because people are looking for product that you don't have here is trickier because as you can see we made one sale which was worth about $70 but then this is only a small part of the campaign and I only made like one sale and and you can see the total cost because this is only a small selection and it was about $58 for keywords that involved and we only made back 70 so this wasn't even a profitable sale and this client is already like a big client when it comes to to to address an end to their offering so for this client in this case every case is specific your store is different from the one I'm showing here but for this one and we've excluded Amazon for some search queries or some categories I have to say and others or still advertising on it but it's it's a good rule of thumb that if you're hurting for profitability it's better better to exclude them especially if there's enough searches without is these branded terms so if you see other big players like Amazon Walmart Target yeah it's it's better to you how to exclude them so my suggestion would be checking your own account see if you're appearing for searches with these big brands and see if it makes sense for you to be there and if not or or like you're like we're seeing here where the difference is it's pretty big I would suggest you to exclude them next are the very generic search queries and these are search queries which are the most the broadest ones for your for the category of products that you're selling and usually when you increase your your budget the number of these searches will also increase so as you can see here this is another report for a client of mine from that search terms report that I showed you look at those click-through rates 0.02 percent 0.13 percent 0.39 percent these are very very poor search queries and let me show you an example to show what why that's so poor let's say you're looking for microphones which is a pretty generic it which is an example of one of those pretty generic search queries and you see there a selection of like Google makes an estimate okay these are the five most likely products you to lead to a conversion and a couple of them are pretty fixed because they know they're pretty popular but Google will pick sometimes like three up to four and change it around to see which one's work best and you can see a couple of big retailers Sweetwater it's a big retailer that sells a lot of audio equipment you see Amazon there and you see Walmart so imagine that your product you're also selling a microphone and I did your dairy in the fifth place well then the question becomes it does how well does your product match this generic search so you see they're like the first one it's a pretty microphone it has a lot of purposes then you can see like more of recording and and our podcasting microphones or something which are already pretty specific but if you want to be there to discuss these the websites that are there for example Sweetwater or Amazon or Walmart they just want you they just want to pique your interest to click through and get to their site because once you're on their site they have probably Amazon sells like hundreds and the same for Walmart hundreds of different of microphones for all kinds of different purposes so the chances of them making a sale even though the click-through rate is pretty low is a lot higher than if you're selling if you have like two or three microphones on your website so that's what makes it super hard to compete with these these bigger brands who are actually the perfect candidates to to target a search as generic as microphones so my suggestion would be to look through your account and exclude those very generic ones where you can see that the impressions are super high and you only get a few clicks which indicates that your product actually doesn't really match very well with with a search query so if it's the first time you're doing this and excluding these search queries it will take you a lot of time but over time you'll you will see that the number of generic ones that pop up will go down and the quality you will see the click-through rate increase which means that the match between your product and actually a search query is improving so that's kind of like a in between if you're still waiting for sales and in between indicator of your quality are moving on to our second secret I want you to focus on your winners and this one is one that I see a lot many business owners know their products in their market very well they know what does well they know which products should do well or which are popular with their clients they also know a lot about which products they make a lot of money on like where it is the margin the best so but when it comes to Google Shopping it seems that or they forget all that product knowledge or they don't know how to leverage it in your shopping campaigns and this is actually one of the I won't say one of the biggest things you can do but a really important week to make to to make your campaigns more profitable and that is just through better product selection because any commerce the costs the differences in cost per click aren't that huge some clicks might be 10 cents or 12 cents and some might be a couple of years but nothing like lice industries like lead generation where it can easily pay up to you twenty-five dollars for each click if the the cost per click is the same and your conversion rate on different products it's very similar you have the choice further for the same cost should you try to advertise the product where you make five dollars in profit or advertise one where you'll make sixty five dollars in profit well the answer is pretty clear most people would love sixty five dollars in profit instead of five so that means that you don't need to advertise on all product it's not because you're doing Google shopping that you have to pull in all of your products from your store to advertise on we can pick a category you can pick a brand it gets set a minimum price you can only pull in products with a minion price you can only pull in products with a minimum margin or even just list specific products that you would advertise on so you don't have to choose like this product I want this I don't want you can do that but the difference is less black and white there's also room for like a gray area where you pick like products that have a lower margin or are lower priced and you adjust your CPC from that so that way you're not excluding these products from being shown you're just not bidding as aggressively on a product where it can make sixty five dollars in profit versus one where you could make five let me show you how to do that so in AdWords you can subdivide your product group like this and you can do you can subdivide it on a number of different attributes right here this campaign is subdivided on item ID because yeah the this client doesn't have that many products but you could also do it on category based on brand item ID like I've just shown you on condition on product type channel channel exclusivity and then on custom labels yeah so this is the this is the most basic way to you subdivide it you can set number or you can set different bids for different brands or if you don't have that many products just break out all the products individually and set cpc's based on that so instead of subdividing your actual product groups you can also set up specific campaigns with based on one of those attributes so that's something you do through an inventory filter which you can find in the sales section of your in the settings section of your campaigns so you're we're not using any filter advertising all of the products in the country of sale which means all of the products that were pulling in from Merchant Center so here you can set a filter and again we see those same attributes so you could select brand or category and actually enter a value there and click Save and that campaign will only show the products that match that that exact attribute you can choose any of the product attributes that I've just shown you to has subdivide your product groups or to create different campaigns weight but as you might feel it's kind of limited the only thing you can really do is set your split up your your camp your your product groups by item ID and then set the specific bits but sometimes you in Google Shopping you don't always know the exact price or you have to know everything about a product so and there's also no way to really sort them on price or on margin or or any of the DOS stuff those type of attributes so that's something you can do through custom labels so what you see on the screen right now is like a product an example of a product feat this is what your product feed will look like for going it's it's a sample I just filled in some random data there's a lot of columns missing that should be filled in but let's not not worry about that what I want to focus on our two columns here custom label number zero and custom label one so Google shopping allows you to fill up five different custom labels custom variable 0 through 4 and in these custom labels you can actually put a lot of to that business logic that we talked about so for example the custom labels 0 it's actually talking about margin and here it indicates like the the bracket of the margin where this product falls into you so we have here a product here on the first line which is between 0 and 20 percent margin which is very low and and then we have here one which is between 40 and 45 percent margin so we might want to be a bit more aggressive on that so this way we can actually sort our campaigns we can create different campaigns for high margin items for low margin items or we can subdivide these product groups and set bids on a product group level to help us structure structure those campaigns you can do the same with price you can push in like a price bracket like between 0 and 20 this could also be prices and then the way you see here the custom label one it's actually the seasonality so some products are really popular in certain seasons and you want to bring that logic into your shopping campaigns to know which ones to push one so for example these first two are popular in spring so at that this might be popular end of year is to end of year and is lost to their popular about spring and end of year so I could create a specific campaign with all the products that are popular during springtime and and give it their own bids and after your spring season when the spring season season finishes I just reduced the bits or I pause the campaigns and that way I'm not running up my spend for campaigns that are or for products that are a lot less likely to convert in in summer time for example so right now I've done this here in this in the spreadsheet but there's ways at how you can do it if you're using a data feed management software or actually in your stores back-end if you're using an app for Shopify or something there's usually a way to add these these custom labels in the previous section we saw how to select the products to advertise on and which ones to push harder in specific product groups or even in specific campaigns and now we're gonna look at what that push harder means because that's one that one's related to your your Maxie PC and if you've selected the right products to advertise on well the chances of leading to you due to higher sales and better profits are very likely but it doesn't matter how well you select your product your products or which products you're gonna hit a ceiling because you want your CPC or the max CPC that you set in your account to be high enough to get enough clicks you'll see if you set low CBC's you won't get any impressions or any clicks so it needs to be high enough but you don't want to set it too high because we're trying to fix our profitability so if we set it to hot we're gonna set it high enough that we're visible but if we set it too high we're gonna spend too much for each click so to see your specific ceiling and the ceiling for for any advertiser on AdWords depends on a couple of things it depends on the conversion rate it depends on your average order value depends on your margin it depends on your acquisition strategy maybe you don't mind losing a little bit of money on that first sale because you know you're gonna get back or maybe the first sale is all you can Khanna and you need to make your profits in that first sale so all of those variables will decide where to where actually to set that bid but luckily in Google Shopping AdWords gives us a little bit of a clue and we can learn from from our competitors what they're doing how high there are our setting or how big they're their budgets are or reaching and that will help us together with information about your store to decide if you're being aggressive enough or not aggressive enough so to place to find this report is in your shopping campaigns you can do this at the ad group level or at your campaign group level and there you'll see a tab called auction insights and that will give you an overview of who else is advertising or who else is showing up with as for the same search queries than you are so it's best to look at it on ad group or even or campaign level but this is just I'm looking across campaigns to just give you an overview so you'll see three columns you'll see impression share which is the number of impressions that that you've showed up for versus the total of impressions that were out there you'll see over lap rate which means that if your ad showed up how often another advertiser showed up and you'll see out ranking shares which means how often a competitor's ad outperformed yours or showed up in a better position so you'll see a list of competitor names and you'll also see you which means you as an advertiser so for this advertiser for this time period and this selection of shopping campaigns we've shown up in about 40% of all impressions you'll see here the top one at Walmart which is at 70% of impressions and we're also seeing Amazon which is a little bit above us which is at 45% so what do you learn what can you learn from this well you can learn who you are spending against so obviously like almost all of the players in this in this list have bigger budgets then they're my client so it's it's worth looking at this from if you have like different campaigns or different ad groups to look at it ad groups specifically because maybe in some campaigns you're you are getting good results and in others you can't because if you're as I said earlier with the very generic search grace if you're advertising on those very generic ones you'll have a hard time making them work while Walmart Amazon you might get a click on that product ad and people end up buying a fringe which is totally not what ever looking for but these these queries just help bring traffic do those big platforms they don't necessarily need to convert that exact sale so it's it's something to keep in mind and it's something to pay a lot of attention to you if you see a lot of of these really huge competitors show up so now we know who were competing against it's worth taking a look how that works for our specific project groups or even our different products so as you can see here this is a small overview from from from a couple of columns that I've added to to my product groups overview and to see this in your own Google Ads account you go to the campaign's tab you select the columns icon click modify columns and you can competitive metrics and then you can add every one of those search grace so I'm quickly gonna run through and tell you like how do you how to use it so first we'll start with search impression share which is percentage of impressions versus the total impressions out there and if you have a hundred percent your ads always show up for related search queries so what why don't you show up a hundred percent of the time well it's pretty obvious the search Lost's is impression share budget will indicate how many times your ads didn't show up because you didn't have enough budget you can see in this case it's 0% so if you are getting a percentage there it means that your budget is insufficient and a quick fix is to raise it the second reason why your impression share why you might not be showing up the most of the time is because of rank and you see for this advertiser eighty five percent forty two thirty three more than 90 percent it's all due to this rank what are some underlying factors or what is this rank well it could be that your CPC is too low so actually other people are bidding higher and that's why you're not showing up or it could be that your quality score is too whoa so quality score is a score that Google gives for that is associated with with a search worried and with an ad and Google is Google's estimate of how relevant your ad is for a specific search query so two fixes for that so the CPC is the obvious one you just raise the CBC and see how that number is affected to improve that quality score you can refine your search queries to improve your click-through rate which is something we saw with the very generic search queries or the search queries where you weren't getting any clicks or something so if you took care of the of that first secret or tip on improving your negative keyword list you'll definitely impact this and the second one is to improve the data in your product feed this is a pretty vague one but I'll come back to it in the in the next section of the training besides the general search impression share there's also the search absolute top impression chair which you can see is less than than 10% in this case and it's Google's estimate of the best seller for that search it's a specific position in the search results is that first shopping ad that you'll see there and you'll see that if you refresh it a couple of times a specific search you'll see that that product often stays in the same place while products two to five depending on your layout will will switch so that's often the best deal and you can monitor that if you have liked best sellers and to make sure that you're if you have a really good offer of like price and and and yeah or or or availability you can really push that hard and it can be huge being in that first position because you get a big big percentage of all of the clicks and the last one in that row of competitive metrics is the click share which is the number the percentage of clicks versus the total of klicks out there so you can see it's like less than 10% 32% 50% and if you if you compare this to the impression chair and if you have like a high search impression share but a very very low click share it can indicate that it's an unattractive offer which means maybe it's not the right product for the for that specific search or your price is novel attractive or you're not offering free shipping and all of the other competitors do offer free shipping so so there's a lot of reasons why or why this might be happening but it's worth investigating a bit more into detail and there's two other metrics which I wanted to highlight and you can get that at a product group level or even actual product level if you break down your product groups into two different items and those two metrics are benchmark CTR and benchmark CPC and those are actually estimates by Google of other advertisers that sell similar products what type of click-through rates and CPCs they dare bidding or they're getting and can be good indicators of why a certain product isn't getting the impression share that it that it should be getting or why you're not getting enough visibility but do keep in mind that Google Google's goal is to spend is for you to spend as much as possible so actually if you just look at the CPC and see that it's a lot higher it doesn't mean that you have to match all the way to that bit it could mean that you have to look bit a little bit more so if we here take a look at for example for this product we are actually we have a clicker rate of 0.87 and a benchmark CTR of 1.33 so we're a bit behind here if we look at the CPC we're bidding and we're paying about 20 cents and our max CPC set to 25 cents and other advertisers set it to 30 cents so yeah that could be an indicator in the other cases I just want to illustrate that that you don't have to go as high here we're bidding 25 cents for this product we're getting a 2.25 click-through rate and actually the benchmark CTR is 0.76 so we're scoring almost more than three times as high while bidding like half of what we what AdWords indicates we should be bidding so it's it's a good way to to have a look at at different brands or items but I wouldn't stare I wouldn't focus too much on this once you get deeper into Google Shopping optimization you'll hear about a lot about a product feed optimization and as the practice of optimizing the data that you have in your product feed about your titles and descriptions and stuff to make it more suitable for Google but a lot of the articles or information that you that you get or C is actually untested people will often recommend to enhance your Google the descriptions of your products that you should send true but that can be a very time-consuming task without really being sure of the actual impact of this so here today secret number four is the second most powerful lever in Google shopping and if I tell you about the second most powerful one however you also want to know the first one and the most important one is price and price is made up or how Google Shopping sees price is your product price plus your shipping so if you have a great deal there you're gonna see your number of impressions and number of clicks skyrocket but of course lowering your price will only hurt your profitability and you also might be limited in the high of your pricing or the the bottom of your pricing better to say so we're gonna stay away from that but remember it's important and we're gonna look at the second most important lever which is your product title and the the biggest win you can get is to include important missing queries in your in your title and what I mean by that is if you look at your google shopping search terms report the one the first report will we looked at you'll see these these generic search queries popping up and you can actually include these these search queries also in your titles if it makes sense in your product titles because if people are searching for that if it's in your title your title or your product will see more relevant for that specific user so the chances of them clicking true will be a lot a lot higher the second thing to be aware of with the product title is a character cutoff this is it changes a bit Google does a lot of experimentation on their search results but right now it's it's it's around like 30 characters which means that if your title is longer they will it will be cut off so you have to pay attention to your word or are you putting the most important phrases or words at the beginning of your product titles that can be different attributes depending on your category so while in in fashion / or apparel the channel will be really important in order for other products the color might be the most important one or or size or something so you have to think if you're if you're doing things right on that level and and this is also where Google Shopping meets SEO so you're using and the data from your search terms report to make your product title stronger but if you make them stronger and you make changes in the back end of your store to be more to score better you also improve the SEO because these are also the dict phrases that people search for and they click on organic results and so it actually will will improve both of them so let me take you through two examples so here I'm looking for fish oil and you'll see here the shopping ads popping up and you'll see that the three dots after each title it means the title was cut off so you can see actually almost all of them I searched for fish oil almost all of them included the word fish oil here fish oil out to start omega-3 fish oil and we get three fish and this this specific retailer decided to put supplement sale first so that could be a specific tactic or it could be actually a mistake I don't know the company so it's hard to know here cod liver oil which is similar here this advertiser decided to put their brand first and we can actually see see the worked fresh oil there so probably this one doesn't have an amazing picture rate while these two these two can have it another example is I have here four nag running shoes so we choose it's a lot of shoes these days are kind of unisex but some of them aren't and immediately you see here that actually people will put or retailers will put the date of the actual shoe of the of the release for the actual product and also the the gender in there so here you see Nike woman's here see men's and here also men's and here they even start out men's night flex contact so they start out and nobody wants to buy if you're a man wants to buy women's shoes and run around with them so or the other way around so these are this could be important attributes so it it makes sense to pay attention to the type of phrases that are very important for your products or even if you're selling different categories it could be different attributes so the way you can actually a small tip on the on the implementation you can do it in the backend of your store or you can actually use third-party feed management tools to put that information in so you can actually supply different product titles to your Google Shopping feed as compared to the stuff you have on your website so that can be interesting to to do tests or to also push through values that you don't want to show off for in your in your store backend so we've already covered four secrets to improve your google shopping campaign performance and I have one more I want to share with you which is the tactic that has had the biggest impact on the performance of my shopping high paints in the last three years but before I do that I want to take one minute to talk to you about something else what we covered in this training the tactics strategies tips and tricks is a small selection of what we cover in our course that's dedicated to Google Shopping which is called Google shopping success so in this course I show you a lot of examples I show a lot of real campaigns to make everything super practical Google shopping success is a self-paced online video course it uses a mix of presentations and over-the-shoulder screen sharing as I've already shown you in this training and it uses real campaigns from my own accounts or from clients which makes it super easy for you to follow along and apply these lessons to your own campaigns so what do we cover in the course well we have we talked about Google shopping Google shopping 101 what is it how does it play into your or your overall strategy and we talked about setting up for success which are all of the various tools that you need how to set up your product feed how to fix problems with your product feed to make sure all the data is coming into Google successfully we talk about basic things you can do to optimize the results of your campaigns and we also talk about more advanced topics both in adverts and also in Merchant Center and these will really help you to get to profitability and then we also talked about scaling beyond shopping so looking at google shopping you know in and of its own is good to start or to get the ball rolling but of course it plays into your larger approach of advertising maybe there's other Google ads products that you can use that will amplify the effects that you had that you get through shopping so we've had a lot of students through the course a lot of successful students here's Lisa from News 8 the course worked out great I followed it to a tee to set up Google Ads campaign and I finally got my product feed working she was really struggling with our product feet and the step-by-step approach outlining the course really helped her to get started but then also to improve the products later and then Evelyn from Belgium she says I applied the step by step program of the video course to my own kids clothing store and saw the results rolling in from the first week so if you're interested in this course check it out the link is in the description now let's look at a fifth and final secret I want to share with you in this training which is called search query level bidding and in the first lesson I mentioned that you can choose which keywords you want to appear for that's still true but there's a way to use multiple campaigns and negative keywords to your advantage in order to do target specific keywords don't worry if this sounds complicated I'll take you to an example in a minute so search query level bidding what's that about well it's about different cpc's it's about setting different cpc's in your shopping campaigns for different search queries so this is actually something you might know you might already know off from your Google Texas or search ads where you target different search queries and you can set like bits depending on the search break this means that your cost per click or your maximum cost per click can reflect a search intent for example if somebody is looking for a generic search query which is okay it might be with two generic but it's probably not gonna be worked a whole lot let's say somebody's looking for a branded search query which is already a lot better because you know okay this person is looking for something in this category and they're considering a brand I have to offer so that's good or a specific product search query these are often very valuable there's a lot of competitive competition as well there but you want to make sure that you maximize your budget or on those specific products and maybe spend a little bit less on those branded or generic searches so practically how do you do it well you create multiple shopping campaigns that contain the exact same products and have the exact same settings the only difference between these campaigns are to cpc's or your maxy pcs which will set differently your negative keywords and your campaign priority now let me show you how this is done in practice and it will make everything more easy to understand okay here are two campaigns that have the same products inside the only difference is the CBC is different the campaign priority is different and they have make different negative keywords and you can see that the average CPC for the branded campaign which is the top one is a lot higher than a non branded one and you can also see that they have like a different different return on adspend and they bring in a different amount of money also look here at a search impression share our goal with this account is to match maximize the search impression share for these branded search queries so by splitting this up we're able to maximize the branded searches we actually don't need to maximize the the search impression share for the non-branded campaign but looking here at this return we can definitely increase this one and and then see if we would if we can keep it profitable in that way because like the CPC is almost half maybe there's something we can do okay so with that explained let me show you how to set this up in your own account the first step to set us up in your own account is to add the brand as a negative keyword to the known branding campaign so here we're in the keywords tab in negative keywords tab and we've added the brand as a negative keyword if there's variations of you of the brand or if there's like product searches are something that you also want to exclude you also added here so that's the first step that prevents branded searches from showing up in this non branded campaign the next part is the CPC okay so if we take a look at the second step is setting the CPC's so here we can see the branded campaign and we're setting maxie pieces of 50 cents for each of the items if we go to the non branded campaign we can see that the bids there are 25 cents so almost half and that way we're actually bidding less for search queries that don't include the brand name and now the third element and the most important one to make this filtering works and that's campaign priority you can find it in the settings of a campaign and there you'll see campaign for RT low medium or high so here we have the branded campaign which has a campaign party set to low which might be a little counterintuitive but don't worry and we have the number on that campaign which has medium as its campaign priority let me show you an example to make it a bit more practical so let's look at an example let's say user searches for nike running and you're of course selling my current issues Google checks which advertisers want to appear for this and since you you're selling night running shoes you're one of them so they come to your account and they look for campaigns and they look for the campaign with the highest priority or if you only have one campaign it will they will just show that but it turns out they campaign with the highest priority is Nike shoes on branded which has a high priority and CPC set to zero point five dollars per click but that campaign is focused on on branded search queries and since Naik is in the run in the search query and you have Naik added as a negative keyword to this campaign it's blocked and Google can show the ad from this campaign no worries Google just goes and searches for the campaign with the second highest priority which is night shoes branded it has a campaign priority set to medium and a 1.5 dollar cost per click and this campaign will serve the ad it's a lot to take in if this is new to you you're probably gonna need some time in setting this up in testing it in looking through your search terms report to make sure the filtering is working correctly but if it don't well this can works wonder this can work wonders for your profitability in this example I shown I've shown an example with two campaigns but you can also expand this to trade campaigns where you might have one campaign targeting the generic search queries one focused on branded search queries and the other focused on individual products so you can go as crazy as you can with this but I would suggest to set up a trial run with it check the results and yeah and expand from from it that way okay so this brings us to the end of this training we solve five secrets that you could use to improve the performance of your shopping campaigns these were negative keywords product selection using competitive insights improving your product fee titles and do the search query level bidding so if you liked this video and you're hungry for more I would suggest to do subscribe and definitely check out our course link below thanks [Music]
Channel: Store Growers
Views: 65,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ecommerce, google shopping optimization, google shopping, google merchant center, google ads, google ads commerce, google adwords ecommerce, google shopping campaigns, pla, google shopping shopify, google shopping training, google shopping ads, product listing ads, google adwords tutorial, google shopping ads shopify, ecommerce ppc strategy, ecommerce ppc advertising, shopify google shopping, e commerce, ecommerce business, ecommerce website, ecommerce marketing
Id: IvqrNkoccho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 23sec (2963 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 06 2018
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