Google Shopping Best Practices

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what are the must do things for your shopping  ads to beat out the competition and to scale   up your campaigns profitably I'm gonna show  you exactly what I do in this video let's go hey all in this video I'm gonna show you the  best practices for your Google Shopping ads and   Google Merchant Center I've been running shopping  campaigns for years and years scaling up several   different ecommerce stores to seven figures and  above give you a new here my name is Sam and I   help ecommerce store owners grow their stores  remotely if this video is helping please let me   know in the comments also smash the like button  and smash the subscribe button to get more useful   tips on how to grow your ecommerce store only  I'm giving away all my knowledge all right okay   the first thing you want to do is optimize your  product feed so your product feed allows you to   give Google all the information about your  products it's a major point of optimization   and a way that you can get a big edge of your  competition few people actually take the time   to go into their feet and make sure it's lined  up perfectly how do we do this one optimize your   titles if you pay attention to anything in this  video pay attention to this point Google puts a   lot of value on the titles in your product field  they will judge them intensely your titles and   not just what people see before they click  to go to your product page your titles are   what Google uses to figure out what the heck  your products are there have been many cases   where I've optimized the title in a product feed  and Google has then shown my product to way more   people and I've got way more clicks and therefore  more conversions it's not just in the performance   of that product but it's in the volume of clicks  and impressions that you're gonna get with Google   ok so how do you optimize the title there's a lot  to get into here and I made another video going   deeper into this or leave it in the description to  that video it really just involves using structure   in your titles and using language that your  customers use to search and speak about your   product I will say that you should highlight  the important attributes that your customers   are interested in give the people what they want  stuff like brand name color if it's for a certain   gender size and type anything that describes  a product you don't want to make the titles   super long but go check out that video I'll put  a link in the description and I go deeper into   this the next point after titles is to optimize  your descriptions descriptions are treated in a   similar way do titles Google uses them to figure  out your product but less people are going to see   the descriptions if someone searches for a term  that triggers your shopping ads they're just gonna   see the title the price the image and if you  have reviews on there they'll see the reviews   they'll need to actually click the shopping tab  after searching and then go find your product   click on that to see the actual description okay  your description isn't as in-your-face as your   titles and a lot of people will just disregard  them they won't put any effort into making sure   their descriptions are good in their product feed  this is a big big mistake because even though not   many customers will see the descriptions unless  they go into that shopping tab Google does see   the description Google does read and crawl your  description to figure out what your product is   so make sure you put descriptive information in  there it may not be as in-your-face as your titles   and people have to go to the actual shopping tab  and click on your product to see the description   but Google will see it Google will always crawl  your descriptions the descriptions give Google   much more information about what your product is  how it is used and all the other information that   can't be fit into the product title make sure  to spend the time here to write a description   that's long enough and informative enough to show  Google what differentiates your product from the   competition if you don't have product descriptions  on your website and your feed is in Google sheets   so it's not actually pulling from the website that  I recommend taking a step back first and improving   your website adding in a comprehensive description  before then going to your feed and improving that   side of things make sure this description has  a lot of information about what your product   is what it does and how it is used a quick tip I  love is to add product videos to my descriptions   on my website not on my feed don't be picky here  you don't need a professional video you can just   get your phone and make a video and add that  in it's super easy just show the product in use   what I also love doing is give incentives to my  customers and for them to create their own video   talking about the product the video is taken with  the phone actually performed way better than any   professional videos because they look real they're  not some corporate video they're real by a real   demonstrating the product ok the next tip is shoes  a really good image a lot of people will just let   google pull the first image from the website and  it's not the best one what you should do is really   think about your image and how it stands out on  Google compared to the competition I recommend   going to Google right now and searching for  products related to yours and seeing what the   competition is using as their image you might see  that there's one or two products that really stand   out maybe they're using a different background  maybe there's a different angle but this sort of   thing can see a massive jump in click-through  rates compared to the competition think about   what can you do to stand out hey guys ok let's  jump into Google and let's search and see some   images so let's search for something like kids  playground ok let's go into the shopping campaigns   ok so take a look at these results here what do  you think stands out the most you have these kids   playgrounds here that have a white background they  look pretty similar then you have these ones here   probably from the same brand that I have like a  background they have a lot of bright colors and   they really stand out this is just one example  what you want to do is test but you want to go   into Google and search the competition and see  what stands out that stands out but that's for an   inflatable one maybe the customers aren't looking  for that but that's something you need to go and   do check out what actually stands out these  changes can bump up the clicks a lot if you're   also running Facebook ads I recommend keeping  an eye on what content is performing well what   images of your product videos are doing really  well on Facebook we've seen that taking those   images and getting them on the product feed can  get pretty good results too you've already done   the testing on Facebook sometimes these also work  really well on the product feed keep in mind that   Google does have restrictions on what images you  can add but I always try and get things approved   give it a go because even if you can't it's better  off trying and if you can you've got a bit of an   edge over the competition and when you're dealing  with large shopping campaigns once you've scaled   these up those little edges mean big profits  also make sure you have high quality images HD   I can't believe it when I see shopping ads that  are all blurry it just is so frustrating Google   also doesn't like it if you have promotional text  or logo on your images I found that if I can get   these approved they sometimes perform better  but it really depends on the product and the   brand like I said I like to push the boundaries  here and see what I can get approved test out   different images because sometimes those perform  much better and the competitors are not testing   them ok the next tip is to add the Google product  category to your feed this is really important and   often gets overlooked Google has its own list  of all the different product categories for   all e-commerce stores and you need to go through  and find out which one yours is get the code and   add that to your feed for each individual product  maybe all your products are under the one category   that's ok put that one code for every single  one in there this is part of your feed and it's   usually optional by Google but it gives Google a  bit of an extra edge in figuring out what the heck   your products are it's so easy to do as well you  might as well do it you just check the list find   the category that suits yours and then add it in  to your feed next to the product boom you're done   that's it end of story check the description  to link to the blog post for this video and   I'll put a link in there to all the different  food battery so you can easily find which one   you need to put for your products and then add  it into your feed the next tip is to maximize   your feed as much as possible a lot of people get  frustrated with their feed and they give up with   just the compulsory fields they get it done and  they leave it and that's it bye-bye feed you're   finished you're approved I don't want to look at  you ever again this is a big mistake you should   be always looking for opportunities to add more  fields more data more information to your feed   because the more information you provide Google  the more information it has about your products   and it knows who to show those products to there  are so many other optional fields in the product   feed that you can add that a lot of people  just leave blank this deserves its own video   I'll probably make one about this to subscribe if  you want to get a notification for that video but   your feed is a baby and you want to care for that  baby as much as you can give Google the best shot   at showing your products this is how you beat out  the competition on Google shopping even those huge   brands and you can make way more profits it's  easy ok the next one is super important as well   keep your products always approved in Merchant  Center I recommend checking your Merchant Center   right now see if there are any errors warnings or  disapprovals as soon as you get a disapproval boom   your ad is gonna stop showing in Google Shopping  you're losing revenue by the hour you're missing   out on sales make sure to check your Google  Merchant Center account every day if you can   set a reminder if there are any disapprovals  get them approved ASAP as soon as possible   people please I have a whole video dealing with  Google Merchant Center disapprovals I'll leave a   link in the description I even talked about how  to call Google and get things approved in there   for you so check it out like I said if a product  is disapproved in Google Motor Centre you won't   be showing any ads boom you're missing out on  sales so get this fixed up regularly okay that   was a deep dive into the product feed let's now  talk about your Google Shopping campaigns okay   the first one is the campaign settings this is a  big big one and when I ordered people to Google   ads accounts I find so many opportunities just  in the campaign settings there are so many rookie   mistakes I can't believe it I'm going to jump  into my computer right now and talk you through   how I set up my campaign settings for shopping  campaigns as I'm going to quickly show you how   to set up your Google Shopping campaigns with the  settings that I recommend I have a whole video   on setting this up properly where I go into much  more detail but I'm gonna quickly show you right   now let's create a new campaign you campaign over  here goal is gonna be sales gonna put on shopping   I'm gonna make sure our magic can is selected and  standard shopping campaign is okay let's go into   the actual settings now call campaign name it's  gonna put a shopping campaign fantastic - EPC I'm   okay with that budget I like to start with fifty  dollars per day thirty to fifty dollars turn off   these make sure this is set to this and that's  good to go that is and then I grew up understand   all products this popping I like to start with  one dollar and later bump it up to two to three   dollars depending on how well those ads rank and  how all those show depending on how the Google   algorithm reacts that's to start with and save and  then your campaign is gonna be live let me get out   of this now bot that video I'll leave a link in  the description work are much more deeply into   setting up your shopping thanks fortune hey guys  this bit here really screwed up with the footage   someone's gonna read to it here right now for you  guys so basically the next bit is on bidding make   sure you do the right bidding for your campaigns  okay so what I like to do is I generally start off   with manual bidding with enhanced CPC wait until  I have 50 or more conversions per month and then I   like to change to an automated bidding strategy  like a target row as bidding strategy based on   that data that I've already generated now why does  this work well in the beginning you really want to   kick-start those campaigns give Google enough  data to work with with a good product feed but   also give them the boost in the right direction by  being able to manually adjust the product the bids   for your products on a product level and what do I  mean by this I'm gonna actually show you right now   for an actual old campaign that was run last year  so basically I'm in the shopper campaign now I'm   in the ad groups I'm gonna click into there and  you'll see here that these are all expanded out   for these products okay to do that you click the  plus sign and then you're gonna see me and then   you subdivide by item ID you're gonna see all the  products select all continue to edit page they're   gonna go up to this page and then click continue  any bids then it'll basically save and then allow   you to see all the bids and if you've never done  this before it'll just have whatever your default   bid was save was $1.00 all of these we want dollar  and then you're gonna be able to see here and   adjust the columns and look at how each product is  actually performed individually which is insanely   valuable to see okay well maybe I should actually  have a higher bid for this product because it's   actually performing much better for example like  these ones these bids aren't gonna line up with   performance because this is from a period from  last year and we've gone up and down with this   campaign in particular but basically what you  want to do is change those bids on that products   level because different products are going to  perform differently each of these products has a   different order value that is generated basically  like I can even show you that right now if you're   gonna modify columns conversions fairly divided by  conversions it's gonna say how much they look at   that there's a vast difference a lot of variance  here this one is generating a hundred twenty six   dollars on average per conversion that's insane  and so depending on your profit margin you might   even have different profit margins on a product  level maybe not but even then the profit generated   Co order is gonna be vastly different so I know  I don't know about you but I'm gonna want to pay   a lot more for these orders that generate a one  hundred twenty six dollars in sales compared to   a fifty nine or fifty dollar average order value  there so that's something that's a really really   important best practice to do I like to do that  for a month or until I get those 50 conversions   this one obviously is performing really well will  actually try out that there's a target rowers or   another automated bidding strategy see how Google  responds you've got to give it a couple of weeks   and then compare it with the results we're getting  from a manual but this is an incredibly insanely   valuable strategy I have a video where actually  go deeper deeper into this and how we actually   have a template that figures out the exact bid  that you should be bidding to break even on every   single product based on your past data and it  works for you just you download all your data   you use our template and then form it'll tell  you how much they've been and I'll put a link   in the description to that video that video then  has a link to the templates you have to download   that but it's worthwhile because dozens and  dozens of campaigns we've scaled like crazy   by doing this strategy because you really  give Google that information that it needs   in the beginning so that's it okay the next way  you can optimize your google shopping in pains   is to use negative keywords a lot of people  never do this and it blows my mind you have   the opportunity here to tell Google exactly what  you don't want to show for and most people don't   even do it they're lazy oh it takes time I have  to do it every single week yeah but it provides   consistent results and improvements over time  let's jump into my computer I'm gonna show you   what I do here okay guys this is a really easy  way to get your negative keywords from your data   you already have go into your account go to the  campaign you want to add keywords for and go to   keywords on the left then go down to search  terms this is gonna show all the search of   the people are actually using before they click  your ads it's awesome now you can have a lot of   conversions in here depending on how long you've  been running your account what you want to do is   create a filter to just show the ones that don't  have conversions so I'm gonna go down to filters   and go to conversions convert it and I'm gonna  make it so if we have less than one conversion   then we're going to show all the search terms  and so now we have all these search terms that   haven't got less than one conversion maybe they  contributed to a conversion like these ones over   here but overall you know they're they've only  seen a tiny bit of conversion data or zero and   then what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna sort them  by cost so like this so you see that these are   keywords here like this one he has spent thirty  seven dollars no conversion so far depending on   what your benchmarks are that might be too high  especially maybe the cost per conversion is like   two dollars like that's way way too high to spend  on a search query or you could hear some of these   are already added recently but basically you can  then grab that and then go into negative keywords   and then add that as a negative and you do that  by just clicking the plus sign here this is adding   it on the campaign level and you can do it as a  phrase match or an exact match it means putting   in those brackets that's just to be sure at the  start that's only gonna negative that that search   query out if they search exactly that you're  gonna need your judgment here and just a bit   of experience as you go through and and do this  more and more with your account that think about   okay like this one here Optus roaming offices like  you know a telecommunications company and that's   people searching for actually Optus and maybe  that's not great for for this brand at all so we   want to totally remove anything about roaming or  that that other competitive because they're very   different from what we actually do here with this  brand so we might go in and add in Optus roaming   as a full- broad match keyword which could be  totally fun in this case anyway that's how you   find negative keywords in your search terms report  and then add them in as negative keywords okay the   next thing you can do for your google shopping  campaigns is to actually improve your website and   your product pages a lot of people just focus on  the traffic they focus on their shopping campaigns   their product feed when half your battle is also  on the store on your product pages on your website   you spend all this time and money sending  people to your website but you don't spend   time optimizing that website so it converts those  people into customers here are my best practices   for your e-commerce stores product page okay  number one is reviews you need to have reviews   please please get get reviews on your store this  will make you stand out competition and help you   increase your sales dramatically you should have  set up a post purchase review collection sequence   with emails this is when you send an email to  your customers sometime after their purchased   seven to fourteen days depending on how long your  shipping is asking them for a review if you never   asked you're never gonna get it but adding this in  it's fully automated you're gonna start collecting   reviews for your store which is massive for  social proof and increasing your conversion   rates to convert other customers if you haven't  set this up already I recommend checking out my   playlist on email marketing setups I go through  the full setup for your ecommerce store of all the   floors you need to create check the playlists on  my channel I'll also put a link in the description   I really recommend it I put it's a full course  everything you need to set up email marketing   for your ecommerce store if it's not there yet  just hold on for a week or two because after   this video is up it's the next thing I'm working  on so whole time if it's not there bug me in the   comments hey Sam where's the email cause where's  the email cause I'm gonna put it up as soon as   possible okay so once you've set this up you're  gonna start collecting reviews for your store   where do you put them I recommend putting reviews  on the product page obviously and hopefully you're   collecting UGC which stands for user-generated  content so you're asking your customers to send   in videos and photos of your products and then  using them putting them on your product page   is amazing because it allows other customers  to see your products being used in different   hands different circumstances by different people  and especially if you have a clear target market   they're gonna see other people very similar to  them using the same products this is huge I also   recommend getting a page on your website called  the reviews page where you can embed all those   reviews in one spot some people gonna be on your  website just looking for those reviews just seeing   how other people are experiencing your products  you can have that page they go there boom it has   all that content on there all the reviews for  all the products in one place I also recommend   having those reviews on the home page if you have  a branding campaign on search you're going to be   sending people to your homepage and maybe other  search campaigns maybe your Facebook campaigns   even organic and direct traffic are gonna go to  your home page and you want to treat that as like   a landing page in a sense and social proof is  so important for converting those customers I   recommend having a section on your home page that  has the reviews right there near the top you want   to make it really clear papé people love our  product real people are experiencing our product   and having a great experience just like I said  collects videos and photos from your customers   and get them all over your website I recommend  using an app like Stampa euro I'll leave a link   in the description as well getting that installed  on your Shopify store automates this whole process   and they have a great widget that is put on your  product page home page as a side bar they even   create that reviews page for you so you didn't  have to do anything it's all done it's super   super easy they also have their own email flow  so it collects those emails on your baha it's   all automated it's fantastic ok the next thing  just like having great images in your feed make   sure you have fantastic images on your website if  your dropshipping don't just take the supply image   and use that get the product shipped to your  house and take your own photos your own videos   and get them on that product page you want to see  that product in different locations in different   hands in different use cases you want to show  that product off as much as you can and don't   just have one image have 5 to 10 images they're  really showcasing the product and its value make   sure the images are in a high resolution but  don't make it so high that it slows down your   website I recommend using an image optimization  app on your Shopify store I'll recommend one in   the description these decrease the size of the  images so it improves the speed of your website   it doesn't decrease the quality of those images  ok we talked about this already but descriptions   really put some time and thought into those  descriptions on your product pages add really   good information about your product don't copy  competitors and if you are drop shipping don't   just copy the suppliant description really think  about your target market think about who's gonna   be buying these products what's the language you  can use to draw them in what are the benefits what   is the problem that your product is solving this  is a whole other series but I recommend getting   on the phone to your customers and having a good  15 to 30 minute conversation with them to find out   what is the problem that you're trying to solve  what is their problem what's the need that you   fulfilling what is the value of your product what  are the benefits and features of your product that   solved that need of the customer the more that  you can hone in on that problem and show that   your product solves the problem that they have  the more successful your product is going to   be on your store doing this will solve years of  pain and years of mistakes in your marketing and   copywriting because you know exactly what problem  you're solving as well as that the customers want   to know what the product is what the sizing is  what the colors are all that sort of stuff add   that into your descriptions too and that's gonna  help educate the customer exactly what the product   is think about this if they walk into a store  what would you tell them about the product you   want to try and create that same experience in  your description on your site because they can't   touch it they can't see it up close unless you  have a zoom function on your photos so you want   to create that experience as much as possible on  your product pages this is the sort of stuff that   other stores aren't doing but the ones that do  the ones that I'm working with they're killing   it because people go to the site and they check  the competitors this one stands out far more it   does a way better job at enticing that customer  to to buy the product even though the price might   be much more because they demonstrate value  that's what it's about okay leading on from   the descriptions is adding in videos I recommend  getting multiple videos of your product even gifts   or gifs on heaven however you want to say it  but get videos of your product being used by   customers and by yourself in the descriptions this  is really valuable because people can see how it   actually fits into whatever environment whatever  use case that is meant for okay the other part of   your product pages and overall website is mobile  friendliness so many clicks a great proportion   I don't know what the statistic is but like a  graceful portion of traffic on your website is   gonna be from mobiles okay the next point is all  about your website and product pages overall you   need to make sure that they're mobile friendly  I know everyone says this but really test it out   how does your product page look on your phone I'm  also going to show you how to use google chrome   developer tools to see how your website looks on  mobile right here hey guys okay to see how your   website and your product pages and everything  looks on mobile with that you're using some   other platform Ernie thing just make sure you have  Google Chrome installed you're using Google Chrome   go to your website and just right click and then  go inspect and then it's gonna pull up this little   window here on the left it's gonna be able to let  you seal the HTML and all that sort of stuff but   what we really care about is this button here  toggle device toolbar this is something gonna   create this toolbar here or you can click and see  how your website looks on different sizes you can   drag it if you like to but I like to just put  this in here because it has the standards widths   for each size mobile small mobile media mobile  and larger mobile and then you can see and it   use even uses the scene that maybe that's broken  you'll see but it all there it is it's just to   be slow so yeah this you know it doesn't have  a curse on normal curse it's a little circle   because that's trying to represent what it looks  like we're having a thumb on your touch screen   and so you can scroll down and see how it actually  performs on mobile by doing that but also check it   out on your phone because then you can see it in  action you want to make sure that your live chat   button isn't covering up the Buy button because  then people aren't gonna be on a fire that it's   gonna be an ax talk to you which is gonna make  them incredibly frustrated ok there are my best   practices for Google shopping ends if you have  any questions about anything I've gone through   in this video leave a comment below I answer  every single comments as quick as I can so leave   a comment with your question and I'll get back  to as soon as I can if this video did help you   out with your shopping campaigns please give this  video a like that tells YouTube hey this guy is   making good content for his audience if you want  to see more tutorials just like this one and other   strategy videos on how to grow your ecommerce  store remotely please consider subscribing and   make a lot of videos just like this one going deep  into the strategies and really help my audience   grow their e-commerce stores while traveling  while remotely or living wherever they want   in the world thanks so much for watching  I'll see you in the next video bye for now
Channel: Mr Sam Baldwin
Views: 45,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Google Shopping Best Practices, Google Shopping Best Practices 2020, google shopping ads optimization, shopping campaign optimization, shopping ads optimization, optimizing google shopping campaigns, google google shopping ads best practices, google shopping ads, google shopping ads tutorial, google shopping optimization, shopify google shopping ads, google shopping shopify, google shopping campaign, google shopping tutorial, google shopping campaigns, Sam Baldwin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 19sec (1579 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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