Complete Google Ads(AdWords) Tutorial - How To Create Profitable Ads Step BY Step

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hey what's going on guys rasmus in the house and welcome to the ultimate google ads tutorial in which i'm going to share with you seven years of experience running google ads and i'm also going to show you step-by-step very powerful strategies that i've developed throughout the years that they can be applied to people who are just getting started with google ads or advanced marketers who are already running campaigns on google adwords i'm also going to show you a special ninja trick that is going to double and even triple your profits from google adwords using something that i don't think anybody is using or probably one percent of the people are using which is the google modifiers this is an essential part of running google ads and again i don't see people talk about that i don't see people using it so today this is what i'm going to show you how to start making money or start getting profits right away from the bad and you don't have to be a software engineer to implement the google modifiers you don't have to be a web developer as well the strategy and the system i'm going to show you today is going to be perfect for people who are running ecommerce stores shopify stores drop shipping or if you're running affiliate campaigns this is what i do also if you're just a google media buyer you're buying media you're an advertising company or advertising agency and you want to increase the profits for your clients on the other hand if you're a local business for example i show these strategies to one of my business partners who owns a hotel and he actually increased his customers and customer base and also my other business partner brian he has a hosting business in las vegas he uses these strategies on a daily basis as well and overall the system i'm about to show you works for people who want to increase their profits from google ads or google adwords and by the end of the video i'm going to share with you a gift that i've created for you which is my ninja file with the google modifiers i'm actually going to show you how to implement them to increase your profits we're going to focus on this file in just a second but without further ado let me share my screen and we start setting up our first campaign on google shall we all right guys welcome back so the first thing obviously you need to do is go over to and sign up for an account after you sign up probably this is what you're going to see i have a picture here because i have already signed up and i have multiple accounts so i don't have access to this window anymore but once you see this this is the welcome tab instead of clicking next click switch to expert mode because we are experts and we're going to be using the expert mode to increase our profits so click the expert mode and then this is what you're going to see now this is our expert mode this is what we're going to be working on and i know in the beginning it looks kind of complicated with google ads but today i will try to simplify everything so you have everything like a blueprint so you can follow along without any hesitation and i see a lot of people on youtube and other courses and trainings are trying to overcomplicate something that is very simple which is not good they're doing it for the sake of them looking fancy and i don't like that so the first thing we need to do is obviously we need something to advertise and i have here one of my landing pages which i am selling a resistance bands so this is a workout equipment we're going to be using this product as an example today but like i said the strategies are going to apply to every niche i have a simple landing page here which is actually not simple but it's actually very stylish landing page but it's simple by the way it's built and if you actually want a video of me showing you how to build this kind of uh very stylish and very clean looking landing pages let me know in the comments below and i'll build one in the next video so let's go back to google ads right here and this is your first tab that you're going to see now these are different goals that you can set up for your campaigns this is based of your desire whether you want to create collect leads to your webs from your website you want to drive website traffic or you want to make sales what action do you want people to take on your website on your landing page is it to collect leads is it to sign them up for let's say a free trial or to sign up for like a visitation to your hospital or something like that is it to just drive traffic to read an article or you want to make sales and usually i always pick sales because i'm into sales i want to make sales in my affiliate marketing i want to make sales with my ecom today we we're going to pick a sales so click that and here comes the first important step you have to choose a campaign type you can type you can choose shopping because i'm doing um e-commerce right now you can do discover you can do smart but i see a lot of people are having problem with display and search now the search network will be just google if i just go and type this is going to be my search campaign whatever they type here let's say resistant bans if people type resistant bands here this is the search on the other hand display is these display ads that you see on different websites when you go on different websites you see little banners on the right side little banner on top on the bottom etc how i use the display ads and this is how you should use them i always always use the display ads for warm traffic meaning first when people visit my website with the search campaign then i create a different campaign which is called retargeting remarketing campaign and if they don't buy my product if they don't buy the resistant bands here i then remarket them with the display ad if you have to give you an example think about if you're looking to buy new shoes and let's say you start searching for new shoes to buy and all of a sudden you start seeing ads all around your browser or on your phone or your computer with shoes shoes you have shoes as we choose on facebook you have art as we choose in your email you have ads wherever you go after you visit after you start searching for shoes you start seeing ads for shoes and this is why we use the display only for people who have already searched for these for our product and then we remarket them so they can actually visualize the product that way they're more likely to purchase it so we're going to focus today on the search ads so let's click search from here you can i can say just website visits and now i'm going to insert my website url which is this one uh i haven't hooked up a domain yet so it's still showing some random numbers but if we go back and i'm going to paste my domain name here and there we go so we have our website selected so this is your landing page where you're going to drive the traffic to so for tracking your sales on your website you have to on your website you have to create a conversion action but we can you can do that later so let's hit continue and we have three different levels of our google ad campaigns the first level is that the one we just created which is called the campaign where we define what kind of action we want people to take on our website the second level is the ad group here we're going to define um more stuff we're going to say what language we want to target what countries we want to target etc so let me show you the first thing you need to do actually name your campaign to a resistance bands let's say lp1 because this is going to be landing page one lp stands for landing page one now from the networks here i told you we don't want to target the display network right now we want to only remarket them or retarget them so we want to exclude that scroll down and now we come to the location now you can target different cities you can target different zip codes if you want you can narrow your search to just a neighborhood here or you can target different countries this is based on your product for me my product this resistance bands are sold worldwide so i'm going to leave the targeting open to all countries and territories but hearing the language i want to target only english-speaking people so people who speak english that's what we need i don't want people who don't speak english to land on this page and they can't even read it now another important thing here is click the location options this is something that a lot of people leave just like that and that's not right and read through all the settings here now the first setting by default is set to presence or interest people in or regularly in or who have shown interest in your targeted locations that means if my product is sold only united states but i have people from france who are interested in united states but they are in france they still are going to see my ads and i don't want to show them my ads that's why i choose the second one people in or regularly in your target location so for example if i'm on united states this option will target people only who live in united states the first one will target people all around the world who have interested in united states moving on to the next thing which is the budget and bidding i usually start my campaigns with 20 to 30 bucks per per campaign so here we're going to set up 20 bucks and here we're going to change the bid strategy this is again important uh if you want to make your campaign profitable so click change bit strategy and then click select b strategy directly which is says not recommended but of course google wants you to spend money that's why they don't recommend it so we're going to select instead of maximize clicks you can say targeted cpa the targeted cpa cpa stands for cost per action meaning how much you are willing to pay for a conversion how much is your margin for let's say if i'm selling a product for 50 bucks i'm willing to spend 25 dollars to acquire a customer because i'm going to be left with 25 bucks in profit this is a good option targeted cpa but when you're getting started click manual bid strategies and this is what google doesn't want you to do because of course if you do that let me click it i'm actually going to tell google exactly how much to spend on my campaigns and this is why they give me warning oh beats setting bits manually may result in lower performance blah blah blah of course because otherwise you're going to spend my money man that's why we don't want to do automatic bidding so leave it to manual bidding manual cpc this is what we want to actually increase our money and don't lose our shirt because trust me if you leave it to on automatic or maximize clicks you're going to lose your shirt with google ads i had a case where i turned my campaigns and it spent 500 dollars in just six minutes six minutes boom 500 dollars are gone so that's why we use manual bidding the next thing that google is going to provide is a site link extensions callout extensions and call extensions these are good to have but if you don't have in my case i don't have any site links in any callout extensions but if you have one you can create new sitelink extension basically these extensions let me see i can show if i can show you what they are if you search for something let's say i've already oh there you go i've already searched for resistant bands and as you can see this is an ad that says add resistant bands and if i scroll down i have another ad and another ad but look at the bot the first ad this one you see it's kind of it takes more real estate you see has different options these are the extensions this is what it's called google ads extensions this one is extension this one this one and this one these are cycling extensions so if you make them you're going to have more real estate and you're going to have more exposure and more eyeballs to your ad so it's a very good strategy to make that if you have it because i don't have any menus as you can see i don't have any different products i have just one product with one landing page so i don't have any anything else to offer or any other articles so if you have them site link extensions are pretty good for your brand to get more exposure call extensions are actually your phone number you can actually set up your phone number you can click new call extension and you can type your phone number so on a mobile when people see this is not going to be shown on desktop but on a mobile when you set up the call extensions people will have access to your phone number and they can actually click the button call now and they can call you right away from your ad but in my case we don't have anything here so we're going to close that and close this and we're going to continue to the most important step right now setting up our keywords and setting up our ad so let's go hit save and continue and also set up our bidding now the first thing you're going to see here is of course the ad group name give your ad group a name related to your product and now this is the default bit as you can see we can read here this is the maximum cpc that we're willing to pay and this is option that we wouldn't have had if we have let google decide what's the maximum cpc so here i always start small i always start with let's say 0.6 that means 60 cents and this is actually another strategy that i'm giving you this is how i start my campaign with the default bit so i always start small start small and then increase your bit based of your uh clicks if you don't get enough clicks the next day increase your bid and the next day increases more so this is how it works let's say i set up my bid for let's say 0.2 20 cents per click i'm willing to pay 20 cents per click and if i don't see results on the next day i'm going to say you know what i'm going to increase my bid to 0.3 and i will see how many clicks i will get and then the next day i'm going to increase it to 0.4 and 0.5 so every day monitor your bits and increase them if you're not getting the desired clicks so you really have to play around with the default bit but if you would left google to predict your bit they would spend google would spend your money like in a fraction of time and now we come to the actual to the most important part this is actually the most important part of this video tutorial which is the keywords and this is where let me delete all these keywords all right so here you can type your keywords this is where you define what you want people to type in google in order to see your ads and in our example we're going to be using resistant bands so resistance bands and i'm going to type resistance band there we go so we have resistant bands but here is the most important part down here that says match type we have a broad match we have a phrase match and we have an exact match now broad match is just your two keywords resistance bands like that phrase match you have to put parentheses like that an exact match is i don't worry i'm just going to go over in just a second how to use them an exact match goes like that in a square bracket what's the difference between these three match types now the first match type which is the broad match if you leave your keyword like that broad match google can pick each of these words and put it in a sentence or a search term which is not good because let's say for example i have resistance and bands and if somebody types in google best metal bands or best rock bands rock bands this can actually trigger my ad because google i i told google to use band broadly they can use it in any search term that's why you can lose a lot of money if you don't define that so that's why you never use broad match just like that and i see a lot of people are using it by the way and they're losing a lot of money so if i go back phrase match on the other hand if i put quotation that is something else now i tell google google i want these two words to be within a phrase for example now when somebody type let's say resistance workout bands this is what is going to trigger my ad now this is much more narrower now you have much more refined search so you're showing the right ad to the right people and now they can purchase your product and you can make money but this also can lose you a lot of money because let's say somebody types in google bans that or musical bands that resisted i don't know let's say bands that resist musical bands that resisted i don't know arrest something like that you got the point right so musical bands that resisted arrest i still have my two keywords bans and resistant and google can pick synonyms to your keywords or plurals or singulars but that also can trigger my ad and i can lose a lot of money because people will be clicking my ad but there have nothing to do with resistant bands they are looking for bands musical bands that they have resisted arrest something like that okay but before i show how to fix it and how to use the ninja tactics that i'm gonna show in just a second let me just show you the last match type which is the exact match and when you put these square brackets like that you tell google people have to type these two keywords exactly how they're written here in this box in order for my ad to be shown to them let's say they type resistance bands okay right this is going to trigger your ad perfect but what if they say resistant bands for sale this is not going to trigger your ad and these are people who are begging who are looking for your product these are people who want to buy your product badly but they're not going to see your ad because you have defined this you won't just exact much of your keyword and here it comes my special trick my ninja google modifiers which i have created for you right here and i'm going to show in just a second now that we know we have broad much of the keywords we have a phrase match of the keywords and we have exact match of the keywords what we want to do now we want to use special characters here let's delete these brackets and what we want to do we want to use phrase match like that in quotation but here is something i'm going to put between these keywords these two keywords i'm going to put a period just like that what this is going to do is actually going to bind these words together this tells google google i want to show my ads to people who use a phrase match for example the phrase match uh how to buy or where to buy resistant bands these keywords are like that in that order this is what tells google hey google i want to see i want to show my ads just to people who who are searching for different terms different phrases but i want these exact two keywords to be in that order in that search term and here i have a table let me show you that's why this is very powerful i don't know maybe it looks kind of complicated in the beginning but pause this video watched a couple of times trust me if you get this you're going to be very very very profitable here is the file i created for you so you have a match type broad match broad match with modifier phrase match exact match and phrase match with modifier and i have the resistance resistance bands as an example here let's say if we go back here in resistance bands and i say resistant bands for sale just like that now i told google show either these binded keywords these two have to be shown together but for sale it's not necessarily to be shown and it's not necessary to be shown together so for example google can show my results to people who just type resistant bands workouts or resistant bands for working out or they actually can show my ads to for sale workout bands or something like that so what we do here we put plus on this keyword and then we bind these two together and then we put a plus on this one oops on this one as well now what we did we told google hey we want this binded keyword package and these two keyword package as well these two keywords combined we want them together in the search term the plus sign tells google no matter what you do we want these keywords to be existent in the search term so for example i have given you here so by putting the plus sign in front of a keyword we tell google we want this keyword to be existent every time people search for something into the phrase within the phrase by putting the plus sign on the first group of keywords and of the second we tell google we want both of these keyword groups that are binded with period to be within the phrase search and this is what it means this is how it looks like so somebody can type cheap resistant bands online for sale or they can type best resistance bands online for sale or they can type high quality oops quality high quality resistance bands for sale we tell google whatever they type we need these two keywords to be in the search and these two keywords to be in the search and i can actually i'm going to give you this file in the description by the way so you have it for your reference resistant bands in that order let me both this text make this border and for cell this is going to be bolder and so this italic maybe let's say okay like that italic and online italic so no matter what they type resistant bands and for cell must be existent in the search so they can type high quality resistant bands um near me for sale or um online for sale or walmart for sale again do you see the power here folks this is why we use the keyword modifiers and this is why they're so so powerful take a look at all of the examples i have given you here i'm going to provide you with the link so you can focus i know it's it's going to be kind of complicated in the beginning it took me a couple of days for me when i was working with the modifiers actually a couple of months because i was testing different modifiers i was testing different strange characters i was testing by the way uh hashtags in my ads dollar science percent science all of these weird stuff i was testing and by far these are the ones that they work the best and if we go back the next step you can do is i can actually open my broad match i can say instead of a phrase match this is going to be a broad match like that without the phrases and and now what i can tell google i actually forgot here let me see broad match i have forgotten to put a plus right here now if i put pluses on these broad match keywords for example i delete the for sale and i delete the plus sign actually i delete the period here and i can just plus a hit plus in beginning of this keyword and then i hit plus on this keyword in the beginning what i tell google i want a broad match i want absolutely broad match but i want these two keywords to be existent in my search term but again if i do that resistant bands i again somebody can type musical bands that resisted something and my words are still will be existed existing in the search term but they're not relevant so what you need to do is resistant bands that bands of period bands now this is the the search term i want in that order and i can actually type another that another period and i can say resistant bands for period sale in that order resistance bands for sale with the plus sign we want always always in our search terms these keywords to be existent and if you go back to my file with the google keyword modifiers you can take a look at them and you can actually re read through all of these read through the broad match the broad match type i know i'm taking too much time on the modifiers but really this is what is going to make or lose your money if you start showing your ads to people that have nothing to do with resistance bands they're just looking for musical bands or hair bands you know you can have a hair band you're going to lose a lot of money that's why it's very important for you to focus on and get really dive into these keyword modifiers dive into the keyword match types spend some time here spend some time a day or two even a week or two weeks and really really learn how to use the match types and the modifiers now once you're done with the match types and the modifiers click save and continue and this is what is going to bring us to the top where we have to create our first ad this is what people are going to see and to do that instead of creating something from scratch what you have to do just research your competitors this is what i do on a daily basis but don't copy them never copy anyone you have to be unique what i do is i would just type resistant bands resistance bands and i would see all the other ads for resistance bands and i can scroll down i can see this is an ad and then i can i can see they say fitness equipment save up to 80 percent then i have buy buy resistance bands loop improve your business roi resistance band super strength series okay so you can take an idea of how your ad should look like and then you can go back to google you have to go back to google leave the final url should be uh for me is but i'm not using clickfunnels anymore i'm using a different page builder which is actually pretty good by the way clickfunnels is the tool i used to build this page but um i i migrated this page to a new tool which is much cheaper the click funnels and i can collect emails and i can do a lot of um workflows inside the new tool i'm going to link it down in the description if you want to build pages like this one basically it's a business in a box and it's much much cheaper than click funnels so yeah that was just an additional thing uh here in the final url this is your final url and then what we need to do is the headline the ultimate home workout google automatically picks my title from my landing page this one right here the actually the subtitle it picked the ultimate homework out set which is fine i like it the ultimate home workout and as you can see on the right side you can see how your ad is going to look like you can split test between different headlines i recommend you fill all of these fields so let i'm not going to do it right now for the sake of the video for the time of the video but feel all of this give your ad different headlines and like i told you research the headlines of your competitors and make your own based on theirs and in the description here describe what you're selling work out at home with these powerful resistant bands take your workout to the next level in the comfort of your home and this is what i have on my website but you can start typing buy resistant bands resistance bands 50 off today something like that and once you create your ads add you can click save and continue and here is what you're going to see and actually before i end this video let me show you just a second how to use the keyword tool inside google adwords if you go to tools and settings and go over to planning go over to keyword planner because if you let's say i don't wanna publish this let's exit first is go over to click discover new keywords and here we can type as you can see meo delivery or leather boots and we're going to type resistance bands and then click get results so now google is going to give us different type of keywords that we can use in our ads and as we can see these are related broaden your search by exercise equipment fitness products full body workout workout fitness etc they give us a suggestion as exercise bands workout bands mini bands stretch bands which are very related to our product and you can actually this is what i do take a notepad collect all of these keywords copy them from here this button right here and open a notepad or just say text edit and just paste the words you found for example i'm going to paste them here so now i have these keywords and start typing each of these keywords that's another trick start typing each of these keywords copy let me in google and start looking for what kind of ads you see so exercise bands okay let's see what kind of ads we have so we have add here page number two etc etc then we start finding different keywords for example let's go to workout bands and just do a research you have to do a lot of research for your product or for your offer that you're running or for your client workout bands okay we have an ad here we have another ad here and start looking how people are promoting their products and what they're using and what kind of products are popping up as you can see the resistance bands has 100 000 to 1 million monthly searches which is a very good niche for me very very i have a lot of a bigger very big audience but then i have exercise bands which is not bad at all 100 000 people still not bad but as you can see here so this is the difference best resistance bands i still have a decent audience but look at the top of the page cpc that is the cost per click that doesn't mean you have to pay one dollar but that's the estimate again i told you to start with point six point seven etc etc and increase your bid every day until you start getting results for comparison resistance bands will cost me a rough estimate of two dollars per click to show my ad on top of the page whereas best resistance bands will cost me just a dollar and 20 cents so this is what is worth split testing between different keywords and don't put all these keywords in one campaign i always do one campaign one ad group and i have no more than four very closely related keywords in one ad group then i would create another campaign and i would have let's say in my first campaign i would just have resistance bands in my second campaign i'll have best resistant bands and in my third campaign i'll have workout bands something like which is closely related to the workout bands uh to the resistance bands but it's actually a synonym and that's how i create uh my ads in google adwords folks i know there is a lot more to talk about but i wanted to kind of summarize the most the most important stuff the most essential things which is the google modifier again i'm gonna give you let me delete that i'm gonna post a link down in the description for this table that i created for you and if you want to have my tool that i create these beautiful landing pages i'm going to link it down as well now the page builder and let me know what you think in the comments below let me know what else you want to see and give this video a thumbs up if you like it if you don't like it give thumbs up anyways and i will see you in the next video thank you cheers
Channel: Ross Minchev
Views: 32,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: google ads tutorial, google advertising tutorial, google adwords tips, google ads secrets, how to make money with google ads, google adwords training, profitable google ads, google adwords tutorial
Id: ib_OhSsU-Ew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 3sec (1863 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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