Google Shopping Ads Tutorial (Made In 2021 for 2021) - Step-By-Step for Beginners

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hey guys yvonne here at in this video i want to show you how to create google shopping ads which is an awesome ad format which is pretty targeted but it also has images all right so something that looks like this if i type in buy new shoes you're going to see a bunch of different images here definitely really cool draws way more attention than regular search ads so this works best for like drop shipping e-commerce products things like that however uh this could also work for one-off products like if you have just one product that you're selling for example if we type in buy research which is a popular clickbank affiliate product uh you will see some images here as well which is really cool and sometimes they're not going to be up at the top sometimes they'll be like on the sides yeah there's nothing on the sides here but it's just a really good way to kind of get these ads in front of people right because these draw more attention than these with no images so i'm going to show you how to do everything here in this video in order to create shopping ads though we do have to do two things so we do have to have a google ads account and we have to create a campaign there uh but we also have to create a merchant account all right so i'm going to show you how to do everything both of these things before we get into it though guys make sure to hit like and subscribe hit the notification bell icon so you get notified when i release more videos just like this to help you succeed online okay that being said what are we waiting for let's get straight into it so the first thing we have to do is obviously create a google ads account if you haven't created an account yet simply go to okay so if you for example go here obviously you'll type that in the browser but it's going to be this site right here okay so just click here if you scroll down click here see click on that you're going to have an option that's going to say sign up if you don't have an account at the top click on sign up so once you fill in some basic contact information you're going to see this right so it's going to ask you what your main advertising goal is don't select anything here simply click on switch to expert mode okay so click this at the bottom we don't want to do any of these we are not going to be able to actually create shopping ads if we do this so click on switch to expert mode once you do that and then over here we're just going to click on create an account without a campaign because we first have to integrate our merchant center with google ads we have to do a few things first before we actually create a campaign we can't create a campaign now because we need the merchant account like i said so click on create an account without a campaign now i have received some you might have to enter your billing information here so do that i've already done all that so you should see a page that looks like this once you're there um i have seen some comments of people saying hey my interface looks a little bit different i don't have switch to expert mode if that's the case simply well try to find it somewhere maybe it'll be like at the top of the page instead of at the bottom google always changes these things around if you don't see it there then once you do actually log like once you enter like this dashboard once you see here click on tools and settings and you should see an option there that's going to say switch to expert mode okay so the the option should be somewhere you you should have it somewhere it's just google changes it around unfortunately i don't know what your specific interface will look like this is what it looks like for me this is what it has been looking at um looking like for quite some time so just letting you know that there is an option to switch to expert mode in case you didn't see it okay but um once you do that you're good with your google ads account now we have to create a merchant account and then integrate the two and then we'll be back here so what you want to do is click on tools and settings here at the top once you land here and click on google merchant center and it's just going to redirect us to the official merchant site okay so generally you could just go here like retail solutions but i just find it easier to just do it this way and then what you're gonna do is click on either sign in if you already have a gmail account or click on get started so i already have a gmail account right this is the account i use for google ads so i'm just gonna go ahead click on sign in sign in to merchant center and what i'm going to do is select my email that i use for my google ads and i'm just going to log into the account here so i went ahead and selected my gmail account the one that i want to use for my merchant center that we will associate with our google ads later on and by the way we can close out of this and now we just have to go down the list and fill in all these blanks okay so we'll do it together so let's scroll down here and we can start by entering the business name so what is the name of the business so you do need to have like obviously some sort of website right where you're gonna sell products again it doesn't have to be like an e-commerce uh you could have like just one product so over here i created this unbalanced page well actually i just use the template and let's suppose we want to promote this shopify bag okay for 550 right just as an example to give you an idea for you you might have hundreds of different products that's okay the process is exactly the same okay so our business name here in this case it's producto just the random template name so we can just say producto and the business country you're going to select that so i'm going to go ahead and select canadia so i'm just going to type in canadia right there time zone you can set the time zone again set what you want this case doesn't really matter i can leave it at pacific because this is just a test campaign but obviously you know select your um like if i write eastern panama yeah so we can select that um what do you want the customers to check out so you can select all that apply like do you have an actual physical store or do you have an online store like a website so we're going to say on the website this is what we're doing if you have like an actual store maybe you want to select this option and this just sets what information google is going to show to people right because if you have a physical store google is going to say well hey you know if you are located here you're two miles away from this actual physical store you can select other tools that apply so if you're integrated with shopify paypal you can set these up we're going to leave it blank for now it says would you like to sign up for emails um no i'll say no to that but you do have to agree to their terms right and once you do that okay just go through this make sure everything is good scroll back down click on create account and you will have created your merchant account we still have to fill in some blanks and we still have to verify our website we're not done yet but we're definitely getting there so once you land here let's click on continue and it's just gonna give us the steps for what to do now this is free listing setup okay you can definitely do this this is cool this is if you want your product to show up on without paying for ads so like free products right like um sometimes if you have an e-commerce store this is gonna show up automatically you do not have to pay for ads so you can go ahead and just fill in the blanks like set up tax setup shipping the the steps are going to be exactly the same for the paid one for the shopping ads which is the point of this video so what i'm going to do is show you how to do the one for the shopping ads and you can apply the knowledge and just fill this out for the free listing all right but because this video is about shopping ads i kind of want to get straight to the point i want to make it clear and concise so we're just going to click on cancel setup here we'll click on confirm and we're gonna see the option uh with all their old google ads different options so we have to select shopping ads right here and again guys if your interface looks a little bit different google has a little bit of a different interface for everybody just find shopping ads okay so find this option here we are looking for shopping ads because this option gives us the ability to integrate between google ads and our shopping center which is what we need right so find shopping ads and we'll click on get started and we're going to fill in the blanks here so we're going to go from top to bottom we have to set up the tags the shipping like i said all right all these options are the same all these they're all the same for the free listing whatever you do so just apply what i'm going to show you here to the free listing and you'll be good to go so let's start off at the top we're going to click on set up tax and you might be a bit confused because it doesn't have anything here so just click on save and then click on select all and then here you can set what you want the tax to be like if you want the tax to be for example 10 in alabama you can go ahead and do that i'm just going to leave it blank here so i'm going to let google set the text automatically for all these different states um just for the purpose of illustration but if you if your company has different taxes right for all these different states you can go ahead here set the tax or click on you know if the shipping and handling is taxable select this option here um so that's that's generally the process right super simple but we're just gonna let google automatically set the tax so we're going to go ahead and click save and we should be done with the tax part so now google's guiding us it's telling us what else we have to do so we're going to go from top to bottom whoops okay so it doesn't automatically redirect us we just have to click here and now we have to set up shipping so we have to specify you know what the cost of shipping is or is it free shipping for certain countries things like that so we're going to click that option we're going to click on plus and we're going to say for example let's say free shipping to canadian and we're going to select the country so let's say canadian to the address and then you can say the order cut off time so let's say you know the order cut off time you cannot order more later than 9 a.m in the morning for example on let's say eastern time i don't know let's just set that um so handling time if you're unsure about any of these just click on the little uh question mark and it's going to tell you so handling time is the is the time between when somebody orders and when it's given to the shipping person right or the shipping company whoever actually delivers it so let's say between one two three days is the time it takes to actually get the order processed and set up and then we're going to say select days and let's say this is available monday through sunday so seven days a week and then transit time is the time for shipping so the time between which uh the order is done so be not the order is done between uh which the order is given to the the person or the company shipping and between when it arrives to you so it might take for example you can say between four to seven days for you to get your product right uh this is just basic information that google is asking for that you do have to let people know right like hey how long will be before i get my order um this is especially true for physical products right if you have online products it doesn't really matter too much but especially for physical products this is pretty important so we're gonna click on next and then this is where you're gonna set what your um what your shipping costs are like is it range based so like for order prices be you know less than five dollars i'm going to charge one dollar shipping things like that right you can insert another range and for order prices above this things like that uh we're just going to save free shipping right super simple to do free shipping for people in canada all right so super simple uh you can do free shipping over a certain amount like if you order over 20 you get free shipping again more so for physical products for our online products it doesn't really matter uh but we're going to go ahead and select free shipping uh you know we're going to confirm everything make sure this looks good we're going to click on view all shipping addresses and just confirm that this has been added this looks good okay so we're gonna go back to shopping ad setup we're almost done here almost done creating our merchant center account profile we're gonna integrate this with google ads and then we'll be good to go we can create the campaign in google so next thing we have to do is we have to actually add our website url and verify it okay this is important so you do have to have access to the website which means if you are an affiliate and you are direct linking with no website you cannot do this you cannot do shopping ads you do have to have access to the website because you have to add code in there or whichever other way you'll see that you can verify but you have to be able to verify that the website is yours you have to prove that you have control over it okay so we're going to click on provide your website url in this case i'm using this website as an example we're using unbounce to build pages if you're at like an e-commerce store unbounce might not be the best solution for you but this is just an example and we're going to enter this url here looks good we'll click on continue and now we have to verify right so like i said all these different options if you already have google tag manager if you're using it you can follow the steps and just verify if you're using google analytics that's perfect you can just click verify website but we're going to add a code to the page to prove that it's ours so here is the code that we have to add and it's telling you paste the code in the html code of the site it should go in the head section okay so what you're going to do is click on this little copy sign we're going to go back to our website builder this is on bounce the website builder we're going to click edit and we are going to look for javascript we're going to go over here now i'm showing this to you in onbalance guys you know i'm aware that a lot of you are using many different builders i can't possibly make a video showing like all the 20 different ways to do this but the idea is you have to add the code if you're using this method you have to add this code in the head section of your website so if you're for example using wordpress you would go into your wordpress code and you would just add the code in the head section after you verify your website you can delete it okay so this is just a temporary step to prove to google that you own the website but once you do this you can delete the code right wordpress also has plugins that allow you to do this so if you look at like google verification plugin you'll come across a bunch of plugins where you just add this you verify and then you can delete it okay so things like that you know if you're using click funnels you would go into the click funnels tracking code section put this in the head okay so i'm just using this as an example but again regardless of what you're using you have to put this code that they gave you in the head section however you do it okay so we're gonna go ahead and select head we're gonna put it here we're gonna label this here we'll just say google verification so we know what this is and then we can delete it later on but we're gonna click done we're gonna click save we have to click publish so i'm gonna republish here and then we're going to verify this site okay so google has to scan the site confirm that it's ours let's click verify might take a few minutes might be instant so awesome it's been verified google knows that the website belongs to us and that's pretty much it uh we do have to also claim websites so all we got to do is click and it's going to be claimed okay perfect we're good to go here we can go back to shopping ads setup and now we have two more things we have to do the main thing is add the products of course right and then integrate it with google ads so that's the easy part so we're gonna go ahead and click add product data now there are multiple ways you can go about doing this you can add one product at a time just clicking on add product you can add one product at a time google makes it very easy for you if you are an affiliate and you are promoting like just the one product this is probably the easier way for you because google makes it clear exactly what you need it it can verify make sure that you have all the data the other option involves an excel sheet and you have to put stuff there you know there's there's guidance you're guided but i think this single product method is easier if you have just the one product so i'm going to show you both ways to do it so we can click on see all methods and we can just go through all of them so over here we're gonna select the country canada we're gonna select language english uh the destination is the shopping ads right again if you want your ads or if you want your product to show up just on google without paying for ads you're gonna go to the just shopping list option right and i'll i get i'll show you how to do that real quick uh but let's click on continue so you have all these different options so this is how you do it if you have more products right um before i do this let me quickly show you how to do let's not save this over here if you go to products if you just add a product let me quickly show you this option here so we'll click on add a product and this is how you do menu like if you have the one product right so over here for example i have this one product let's say we're selling a shopify bag right so you're gonna select all this say shopping ads identifier if you don't have an identifier like if you're selling your own product you might not have one just deselect it not a problem id or sku again if you don't have it if you don't know what that is then just leave it up to google to determine but over here we do need the title so let's say we're going to say right shopify bag the brand let's say shopify description let's say incredible shopify bag for all your shopify needs for example all right and now we need a landing page link so we're just going to copy that i click on control c ctrl v to paste now we need an image link or we need the actual image so what i'm going to do is i'll just quickly save image as i'm going to save it again i already have that image here and then we're going to come back here we're just going to drag it right there and the image is going to be processed this is the image that's going to show up on google ads right or or on google and then next we have to set a price so this is 550. so we're just going to say 550 you can say canadian or you know american whatever currency you're using availability in stock you know limited availability out of stock you can set what you want here condition this is going to be new if you have various options like let's say you have different colors right like let's say we have a green bag a blue bag and a teal bag you can enter the colors here you can say teal enter you can say blue enter you can say red enter for example and this is just gonna you know let people know that there are different options like different colors if you have different sizes you enter here so all these options you can set so let's suppose you know we don't want let's suppose we don't want anything we're just going to stick to the basic and we are going to click save that's pretty much it for adding this one product but if you have many different products there is an easier way of doing it so let me show you how to do that too and by the way the product is going to be reviewed by google okay so google will still verify that everything is correct that it is this price that it is in stock like what the item is it's going to verify everything before you can actually run it so we're going to go to go to old products and let me show you now the other way you can do this so over here as you can see here's the product and here it's going to say that it's the offer is being processed okay and over here you're going to see a status it's going to say pending in a little bit as well but we're going to go to feeds okay and this is where we're going to add like a feed where if you update items on that feed it's going to automatically update in google okay so you can do that so we're going to click on plus let me show you the different ways here so here we're going to select canada we're going to select english we're going to select shopping ads and over here you can do a scheduled fetch like so so this is what it is right if you select this option you go back let me just show you you would import your file url and then whenever you make changes to that file it's going to update here on google okay but if you're not sure what that is if you if you have no idea how to set that up and you just want to kind of do the basics you can select this google sheets option here okay and google is going to make it really easy for you let's let's go over that so primary feed name let's say this is our shopify feed or whatever and once you do that you're going to click on continue it's going to ask you to select an account and it's going to ask for your permission to integrate google sheets with this account okay so i'm going to click continue quickly do that so here i went ahead and selected my email and it's just asking for permission so you're going to say allow and now we're going to update our spreadsheet okay so you can select an existing spreadsheet if you have one i don't really have any for this specific case so we're just going to generate a new sheet okay and google is going to give you that share and that's where you add the information so you're going to click on create feed it's going to ask you for permission again you're going to click on allow pop-up block by blouse or by brow okay so i have this pop-up blocker so let me let me say always allow pop-ups and let's try it again we're gonna give it permission again might have to okay no we don't perfect and we should be able to now click on this sheet and start adding all the information to it okay so after it loads give it a bit okay so that loaded so we're gonna go ahead and click open right here see the shopify feed right that's the name we gave it we're gonna go ahead and click open and now this is where we can add all this information so before they used to have tabs here at the bottom with examples with specific pieces of information they don't have that anymore so what you can do is refer to these two sites okay so we do have to open these because we do have to refer to them so you know it tells you what to do here we're just going to delete that because i i will be telling you everything so let's click on this url here and let's click on this one as well and we will be using both of them okay so i will kind of uh be guiding you and telling you what they are so uh just real quick these are just basic instructions about what this is about like what you can put in right so actually i don't think we need this one we do need this one though okay the product specifications this is going to give you more information about what each of these mean so for example if you're looking at id you're wondering hey what does the id mean so you can scroll down and here it says your products unique identifier right and it tells you what this is so this is just like a unique identifier number for your product so if you don't have one you can just make one up it's just like like a way to identify your product so we're going to use this as an example for example so a2b4 we'll come back here and we're just gonna paste it okay and whatever you put here this is gonna be transferred to google right so whatever prop uh whatever products you add here is gonna automatically be added to your merchant center and then we can create the google ads for it okay uh so you've we've done that title is pretty clear but let's go in here and see hey what does the title mean well here it's the product's name right so in our case it's let's say shopify bag and this kind of bothers me that it's uneven so let me delete that and oops i might have to remove formatting okay so i just went ahead and removed the formatting just to make it a bit more consistent with everything else and maybe if you want by the way we can control b it you know to make it bold so for the description again pretty obvious but you're wondering hey what is the description well here let's take a look let's look at some examples right see what this is that all of this information could show up on google ads once you run ads it could show up you know as part of your product so you do want to enter as much as you can as much as you know so for the description we can say you know great shopify back for all your shopify needs right as an example and then we can expand the section so we can double click it and it's just going to expand it to the max and now we need a link okay so link what is the link well here the product's landing page so we're going to go in here we're going to ctrl c we're going to paste it here we're going to click enter and we can expand this as well just so we can see more information for the condition you have to add a condition now this is why i was saying that it was easier to use um like like if you just have one or two products it's easier to use that other option because you don't have to guess what to write for the condition you select from a drop down right but in this case you don't know what to write for conditions so you come back here you look at and if you don't see condition you know you can do ctrl f to find on the page and type in condition and boom here's the condition so here are the options you can say new refurbished or used so refurbished means that uh it was broken and then somebody fixed it okay so select any one of these three options so in this case we'll say new and we'll just confirm that it matches perfect and then for the price you can say price you do have to add a currency here as well so if you're using dollars make sure to add the dollar sign so price is 550. now sometimes you might have a dollar sign for different currencies like canadian and american both have dollar signs so what do you do so in that case you'd want to be clear and then you can delete this and you could you would just say something like usd 550 usd or if you're canadian you would say cad i think is canadian availability again same thing you would write whether it's in stock whether it's not available so let's say availability uh so you're gonna look for that and then over here it's saying in stock out of stock or pre-order so one of these right so we're just gonna say in stock so we're gonna say in stock you do need an image link so you will need a url of the image so normally images are going to be hosted on like your website's server so like if you're using wordpress you know you you have this like special library of media images and they give you a url of the image so you would add that image over here if you have it if you don't you can use websites i don't know any of the top of my head but i know that they do exist if you type in like upload image url something like that you'll be able to update your image to like a server and then they're going to give you the url of that image so you can add that over here but like i said that's why it's easier using the other option right if you're out uploading just individual items because you have the option to just upload that image right away you don't need some url right so we're just going to leave this blank for now gtin if you don't have it you can skip it but over here if you type in gtin right it's going to tell you that it's optional unless it's a new product assigned by the manufacturer so if you don't have it that's okay you can skip it but the mpn i believe you do need so if we type in mpn here it says that it is required if your product does not have a gtin so we don't right we don't have the gtin so we do need npn so i'm just going to go ahead and use this as an example since this is a test campaign we're gonna paste it here and again we're gonna remove the formatting there you go and now we can enter the brand so let's say the brand is shopify and google product category this is kind of fun you have two ways of doing it you can put a number or you can put the whole chain of the category okay so let me show you how to do that so we're gonna type in google product category right here and you have to click on this option right there and it's going to give you it's going to allow you to either download an excel sheet or a plain text so if you click on excel sheet yeah this issue always happens so what i'm going to do is i'm going to copy link address i'm going to paste it here and let me just show you what that's going to look like no that's stuck okay let me use this plain text here it's the same thing okay so we're just going to use plain text i don't know why this doesn't work for me happened before too i don't have adblock plus enabled and it just just doesn't open that's okay anyway it's going to be the exact same thing this sheet here right here okay so what you're going to do is and if you have excel is the same thing you would have to find your category for this like what category does this fit in and then you have to add it and this is useful because if people are typing in for example cat litter boxes right your your ads going to show up for that so you have to make sure it shows up for the proper category so in our case i don't even know what to call it like maybe let's see if we can find something about shopify i really doubt it yeah shopping cart and hi no um this is like e-commerce stuff no did i even spell that does that have a dash in there yeah so i don't know maybe bag right maybe like it's a bag um so here you would like you want to look for right so pet waste no that's not it so you would go through it see if you can find bag um golf bag and accessories tackle bags right so i don't know let's say it's a golf bag okay because i don't know what like like like i said this is just a test product right so let's say this is a golf bag so you have two ways you can go about it one is you can simply copy this number so you can go in and you can copy this so ctrl c and you can paste it here and that's it right that's your product category the second thing you can do is copy this whole thing and actually this is why it's easier using um this text file as opposed to the excel file because the excel file doesn't give you the whole chain the excel file gives you each category like in each block so it's going to tell you sporting goods in one column then it's going to say outdoor recreation another column so it's easier to actually do it this way using text so we're going to go ahead and copy that come back here and if you delete that you can simply paste that here okay so this is the other way of doing it looks a bit messy but for those of you that are like experts in excel and all these i'm sure you can make all this look nicer but this is the idea right and once you're done you simply close out of that so you just click close and it should be added here it might take some time to fetch it but if you want to speed up the process click over here click on shopify feed and it says here no feed ready yet if you just uploaded a feed wait a few minutes so we can go ahead and click fetch now and it's going to fetch all the data that we added here okay and that's when this information will be added so this feed is still being processed but this is the idea right so now if we go back to feeds we should eventually see a one there so you can come back in here and just double check make sure it's been added um you know it still says file uploaded on the feed upload is still being processed okay so it's gonna take some time but it should be added and this is the idea right this is how you do it so if you want to do using google sheets you know how if you want to add them individually you know how so if you want to add them individually again click on all products and just click on plus and as you can see here it's a little bit easier because they guide you step by step they give you drop downs and things like that you can add images like that so really easy so we're just going to go back we'll click on continue we don't want that let's check our feeds real quick again yeah so still being updated and let me quickly show you by the way um if we go back to overview i wanted to show you how how you do it if you wanted to show your ads for free right if it's not just for shopping ads so if you click on explore more options to grow it's going to be free product listings okay so this is the option you'd want to go with you want to click on get started and then this is where you fill in all these blanks again and then your products are going to show on google for free if someone types in that specific category right so in this case product was disapproved very likely because this is a fake product and it doesn't have any information on it but i don't think you are as well so if we click on review let's see what the issue was yeah i know so this is still pending i don't know it says disapprove but that's the idea okay so you want to go to free listing setup fill it in and your products are going to show for free on google if someone types in that category but we're going to go back let's go back to overview i got that let's click on shopping ads because we're not done here and we just want to finish this process up real quick right so we want to integrate this now with google ads so what we're going to do is click on link your account we're going to select our google ads account it should everything should be set here automatically however if you don't see the right account number here like our account number is 400 173 if you don't see that one then you do have to link it kind of manually but that's okay it's still fast so what you're going to do is click on link account and you're going to enter your google ads id so in our case it's 400 173 and we're just going to send a link to this account 9801 okay and we're going to click on send link request and it just says it's in the incorrect format so let's edit that oops so we're gonna we have to add these dashes and we're gonna click send link request and now it's gonna link it to this account so what what we're gonna do here now is in google ads we're gonna click on tools and settings so now on google we have to confirm right that this account actually belongs to us so in this case we're going to go to linked accounts we're going to select the merchant center and we're going to link the two and then we can create our shopping ads all right so we're going to go here we're going to find google merchant center and then here it's asking us right it's saying producto here's the id here's the site so we confirm that this is us indeed that's not some hacker trying to send us access right make sure that this website's yours this is the name right remember we said predicto we're going to click on view details and we're going to say approve and now these two are going to be integrated now we can create shopping ads it's going to automatically be set if you make any changes in your google merchant account it's also going to be updated here in google ads as well so we've integrated the two here let's close out of that we can close out of that close out of that i think everything else is good we can refresh this page just confirm that it says here that they're they're linked it should so here it says active that's perfect again i don't know whose account number that is and why that keeps changing but uh anyway uh we're gonna come back here so we're done with google ads let's go back and let's actually create the shopping campaign all right so we're finally at the stage where we can create the ads so we're going to go to campaigns we're going to click on the little plus sign here we're going to say new campaign had to let it load a little bit and you can select any of these options again i do like to go with sales and leads if you have some conversion data if you don't know how to set up conversions take a look at my free youtube video i'll put it in the description on how to set up google ads conversion tracking if you're just starting out for example you can click on website traffic or that's what we'll use for this example we're gonna then go ahead and select shopping and now our account should automatically be linked here right there see so if you wouldn't have gone through this whole process you would not see this option you would not be able to proceed so you do have to do literally every single step we did in this video in order to see this option here and to integrate the two okay but now they're done we're gonna select the country where the products are sold let's say canadia and so we're just gonna go ahead and click on continue and again we're just gonna fill in some blanks but this these shopping campaigns they are pretty automatic okay so you don't enter keywords you don't create ads everything you've done everything you've entered you're now gonna leave it up to google to connect the dots and based on the categories that you said based on your description based on all that you're gonna let google find the right people for your ads okay so we're gonna enter a campaign name again let's say shopify bag uh we're gonna set a budget and bid so i like to go with manual cpc i like to set my own cost per click so we're to deselect that we're going to set a budget let's say a hundred dollars i get this question again what my budget should be however much you want to spend the more you spend the faster you get the data there is no right answer the minimum is i believe one dollar a day but uh it you know it's going to take you a long time getting all the data so the the more the better campaign priority this is if you have many different campaigns which have some of the same items uh which priority do you want a given campaign to be so for example if i have two campaigns with the same shopify bag maybe i want one of them to be high and the other one to be low priority so the one with the high priority shows up more has priority over the other one right pretty straightforward in this case we just have one doesn't matter so we're just gonna go with low because it that's the only campaign so we're gonna scroll down uh i do like to deselect this we don't wanna show our ads on youtube gmail and discover uh we wanna be as specific and as targeted as possible so that means only google and maybe even not their search partner so so strictly google that is it if you do want to test and like see what other options there are and see if maybe you can have success on other google partner websites you can click this option we don't know what the google partner websites are they don't reveal a whole list of them but it's things like for example ask i believe for example right so it's like other search sites that are similar to google that are partnered with them where your ads could show up over here you would select the targeting so in this case let's suppose we are targeting only canada or you can say old countries right but we're gonna leave canada here we're gonna click on save and continue and as you can see it's it's a pretty straightforward process right like there's no keywords there's no ads you don't have to do any of that uh so over here you can select the ad group type do you want like the one specific product so if somebody types in your specific thing like you saw the category right in our feed it said like uh you know fishing gear uh you know specific fishing gear go like fishing bags or whatever right so if somebody types in that like level of specificity like specific fishing bags for outdoor fun or whatever then your single product is going to show up if you select showcase shopping then if somebody just types in phishing for example all of your products are gonna show up okay so this is up to you obviously there's less competition for you know this very specifics um but you can get potentially more uh demand for like showcase for people typing in broad stuff so it's up to you there's no right answer because we only do have one product we're going to go with product shopping but it's up to you ad group name we can just specify that this is product shopping let's say shopify bag or we don't even have to say shopify bag because that's in the campaigns we'll just say product shopping for the bid so how much are you willing to pay per click let's say one dollar start low you know maybe even less than one dollar if you want maybe you can start like 25 cents and then you can increase it as you go so you don't have to start with a dollar keep it 25 cents maybe or however much you want and then observe your campaign over the next day the next two days if you're not getting enough clicks if you're not going to get up impressions and by enough i mean whatever is good for you if 500 clicks isn't enough for you then you would increase your bid okay if you know if 1000 impressions isn't good enough for you you would increase the bid okay so just start low and then you can always increase it or decrease it so you're gonna click save and that is it guys all right so we have created our shopping campaign so let me just quickly show you around real quick and by the way it has this little shopping symbol there to indicate that this is shopping this symbol means that it's display okay so just for you to kind of uh be able to quickly tell between the different campaign types so you have all the products here you know it says doesn't have any submitted products it will show up here once our product goes off review or if it gets disapproved because it's a fake product um you would go in there you would fix it and then it's gonna show up okay so the two will talk together you don't have to do anything else in google ads all right everything is gonna be done in merchant shopping center might not be immediate but it will be there okay you can also add subdivisions if you click here so if you want to add like different product categories you can do that uh you have all the different products here so like i said all the products will become available here once they become approved you have all the different landing pages so once you get clicks you're gonna see like which landing page was clicked on if you have different products you have keywords now you do not set your keywords right that's the difference between this and search uh you can only see what people typed in to see your products but you don't set the keywords but that's useful because then you can set negative keywords so negative keywords you can set negative keywords are words that you don't want to trigger your ads to show up so if somebody types in for example golfbag for free maybe you don't want people typing in free stuff and seeing your ad and then paying for it right if somebody clicks on it so maybe you want to add free as a negative keyword free for example right you can do that so that's what negative keywords are again search terms is what somebody actually types in so you're going to see what somebody's going to type in to come across your ad then you have devices here you can see you know how well these devices are doing insights is going to be kind of like a recommendations tab where it's going to give you like any insights right any things that google thinks you can do better you have recommendations which is a bit more specific insights is a bit more subtle it's like hey here's what's going on um you know maybe it would be good doing this recommendations is more specific more straightforward like do this do this do this to improve your performance and then you have the overview alright so pretty straightforward but that is it for the shopping campaign uh you've done like this is the most amount of work you you have to do now it's really just the fun part the easy part just integrating them adding your products things like that all right so that is it for this video guys if you enjoyed this content definitely take a look at my website at i give you a free 55-page affiliate marketing guide teaching you everything you have to know about affiliate marketing and how to make money with it i've been doing affiliate and online marketing for four and a half years now generating a full-time six-figure income doing it working from home me and my laptop can travel anywhere in the world and i teach you how to do the same also definitely take a look at my other content on youtube if you just you know head over to youtube and type in evon mana i have a library of videos that you can use that you can find value in so if you type anyone mana and go over here you will see a bunch of other different useful videos for you for example my latest one on google display ads um you know how to make money with quora for free how to set up microsoft tracking all of these take a look it's a library full of full of useful content that can help you make money online including google ad stuff all right that being said thank you for watching i will see you in the next video
Channel: Ivan Mana
Views: 36,028
Rating: 4.9140987 out of 5
Keywords: Google Shopping Ads Tutorial, Google Shopping Ads Full Tutorial, Google Shopping Ads, Google Shopping Ads Tutorial 2021, Google Shopping Ads Tutorial 2020, Google Shopping Ads Setup, Google Shopping Ads for Dropshipping, Google Shopping Ads Dropshipping, Google Shopping Ads Walkthrough, Google Shopping Ads Complete Tutorial, Complete Google Shopping Setup, google merchant center, google merchant center data feed, google ads, google tutorial, google adwords, shopping campaign
Id: xoF1seY3RHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 46sec (2326 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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