Full Google Shopping Course (0 to $100k Sales) | Blueprint For Ecommerce Beginners

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hey guys my name is nick armenis in this video i'm going to take you through a full course on how to get your google shopping ad set up for your store so this is going to be a complete course from a to z i'm going to take you through a bit of the theory i'm going to show you how to install proper conversion tracking how to set up all your accounts how to do product research for google ads specifically some bits and pieces like uh how to not get your merchant center account banned i've got a bunch of bonuses right at the end so make sure you stay tuned right at the end i'm also going to take you through how to set up your first google shopping campaigns what to do once they're up and running and then how to optimize them i'll also cover off in detail how to scale these ads okay so you're going to get a full course for completely free right here on youtube if you do like the content guys please give the video a thumbs up hit subscribe the notification bell and leave a comment comment below telling me what you liked about the video thanks so much guys and let's get into the video welcome everyone to my intro course for google ads for e-commerce okay so who am i my name is nick armenis guys and i'm the founder of my manus digital it's an e-commerce agency in australia and specializes in google ads so obviously google ads for e-commerce so i've probably scaled multiple google ad accounts past six seven and even eight figures some of these my own a lot of these clients i live and breathe google ads i've got a youtube channel specializing in google ads for e-commerce and then i also run a facebook group called google ads for e-commerce entrepreneurs and agency business owners again i live and breathe google ads guys so guys in this video i'm literally just going to take you through things like uh what's the difference between google ads and facebook ads uh why would you use google ads and how they obviously differ from what you're probably used to in a non-ppc uh advertising platform so the first topic i want to take you through guys is google ads versus facebook ads what's the difference so basically guys google ads we're trying to capture here high intent search based traffic right so this is completely different to social media advertising which is disruption advertising right we're trying to stop the scroll uh using facebook and instagram ads whereas with google we're trying to capture buyers when they're looking for products or typing terms similar to what we're selling now for example someone typing red nike air jordans is probably quite likely to buy now if you showed a random person red nike air jordans you don't know if they're ready to bait to buy right even if they're interested in nike or michael jordan or basketball they're not necessarily looking to buy a pair of shoes yet right so for the most part google uses keyword targeting okay so facebook uses intra interest-based targeting which is probably what you're used to so we're going to use keywords and the our ads are going to trigger when those keywords are typed into google search engine so google uses a pay-per-click model where primarily although you can in some instances now pay for different uh types of delivery facebook is mainly a cpm model so cost per thousand impressions model it also google also allows you to hit people at different stages the buying cycle compared to say a facebook ads right so facebook is more top of funnel traffic google is although you can capture top of funnel traffic it's probably more towards the medium and bottom of funnel traffic right you should also be using both guys to maximize your sales potential brand awareness and overall reach so a lot of people ask me which one should i use i recommend using both guys so you're obviously you're more than likely well-versed in facebook ads you're probably getting some good sales google is a perfect way to tack that on you can definitely rely on entirely on google ads but i recommend using both so why advertise on google right so i've already shown you some of the reasons right so again it's intent based rather than disruption we're hitting different shoppers a big part though is we're giving your brand the added trust of google's brand power if you're appearing on google you're going to appear like a bigger brand than what you actually are i feel like facebook still has that connotation that it could be potentially a scam given it's on there given how many scams are on there people just seem to trust google a bit more and as you've seen guys as you can see in this matrix here on the right hand side you've got online shoppers right we're hitting different types of shoppers here someone that shops on amazon is different to the person that's shopping on facebook who's different again to shopping on google they're all different people you should try and advertise on all of them because you're going to capture them the entirety of the internet these guys are the juggernauts the google customer is totally different so if you're on facebook you're going to be capturing some people obviously shop on all of these right but at different stages people use different types of tools right so they're using different methods of where they're going to buy so if you're across all of these you're going to maximize your chance of building a big brand and maximize your chance of getting sales so that's my other point so you're going to cover more of the internet and at the very least you're going to be able to retarget on the different platforms right so facebook and google so it's easier in google in my opinion to test lots of products quickly therefore making it perfect for general store or broad niche stores right i myself have clients with in excess of 40 000 products on their stores and google has been the primary traffic driver there just purely because of ease right so it's much easier to get a bunch of products in a shopping campaign get that up and running rather than needing lots of creative on facebook so another beautiful thing is you obviously don't need much creative on google right if you're a logical person versus a creative which i myself am not very creative this is why i've always swung towards google i also find google to be much easier for high ticket products just purely because of the nature of it if someone is typing something like outdoor furniture 11 piece set white it's much easier to sell to that person rather than getting thousands of clicks on facebook that are completely irrelevant the other reason guys you should sell on google is it's strongly focusing on e-commerce and it's creating lots of new products constantly to get advertisers sales so google is taking this very seriously it wants to monetize this and so it's going to capitalize on all the data it's got to help you guys make more sales so most people don't have a clue what the different platforms are on google and when to use them right so google search ads are the text ads okay google shopping ads are beneath the search bar you will see images pop up and there's also a shopping tab within google and this is their shopping comparison network you can actually go to google shopping which is an actual site itself and peru's there as well the display network which is banners across over two million websites across the internet youtube you're all well aware of there's multiple placements there and the newest platform discovery now this course is going to focus on shopping because to be honest that's where 80-90 of your sales are probably going to come from there are obviously some uh channels like youtube where can you can do quite well and search where if you have something and you're selling it's quite specific you can do really well but for the purpose of this i'm gonna mainly use shopping and show you guys how to advertise with shopping one thing i wanted to cover off before i get into the meat and bone the meat and potatoes of the course is the mindset for success with google i'm not a huge mindset teacher guys but there are very important differences in how you need to think about advertising on google google traffic is based on people intentionally searching this is something you need to have in the back of your mind when you're auditing ad accounts when you're trying to improve your ads on on whatever basis you check it this means the person is in a different mindset when they're seeing your ad versus a facebook understanding the psychological difference will make a huge difference in your success you need to put yourself in the shoes of the person searching right it's totally different to what you're used to try and do it and tweak how you you think about different search terms like you might think that bidding on shoes is a good idea given that you are selling shoes but i can tell you right now that is going to drive a bunch of irrelevant traffic and you're probably going to need to bid much lower for that term versus the specific shoe size color and style if you bid on that you're much more likely to get a sale now the second point is i see a lot of people going oh but amazon and ebay and all these big companies advertise on there i can tell you right now having done it myself multiple times you can outrank and outsell bigger competitors 100 but only if you spend the time to implement my strategies properly optimized and a patient if you aren't patient this is the most important thing with google it is slower than facebook to start delivering it is slow to get sales it is slow to optimize takes time to optimize it's tedious but if you stick to it and you stick to it for a long time you're gonna see success the best clients i've had have stuck with me for six nine twelve eighteen months two years they're the ones that are doing really really well they're the accounts that are killing them okay in this video i'm going to talk you through how to set up all the accounts you need to get started with google shopping okay so guys there are four accounts you need to set up your google account which if you have a gmail address or any google product you will already have a google ad account a google analytics account and a google merchant center account i'm going to now show you how to set all of these up properly to get started okay so if you just google google account you'll be brought to this page so as i said if you've already got a gmail account you don't need to do this you can just use that account to sign up to the other ones okay so create an account and just i'll quickly fill these in create it and we can go from there so you'll then come to a privacy page agree and you've created your google account guys so just make sure you save this email because we're going to be using this for all the other things right so just use the same email across the board so get started if you go google ads you're going to be brought to that page i just had click get started now i want you to switch to expert mode here don't go through this method here click switch to expert mode if you get lost along the way guys all you're gonna have to do is make sure you create a campaign if you do the other step and then just turn it off okay and so here we're gonna create an account down the bottom here people always miss this create an account without a campaign okay you can set your country time zone and the billing currency click submit and we've now got an account guys let's just keep that there ready to go so just in case we forget anything we can come back into it okay and it's it's up and ready if you want to have a look at it click explore account so let's use that email and let's create a google analytics account enter the password click start measuring use your store name here so let's just go test store next leave it as web next then just grab the url here that you're going to use i just click over here your time zone again which is important just accept the privacy and terms dismiss this and we've now created our analytics account let's now create the next account the merchant center i'm just getting all these set up for you guys because what i'll do is i'll actually need to link them all together in a moment so i just want them all set up first and then from there we can link them all together click get started here in the google merchant center so if you just google that you come to this google retail page click create an account for google merchant center so we're just going to test store australia select your time zone click shopify create your account now there is a way where you can list your products straight away guys i'm going to show you a different method just it's the method i use but there is a really quick way that you can actually just log in go through shopify get all your products across i'm going to show you the method i use please go ahead and use this method it is very very straightforward to set up and you can actually get shopify to help you as well but i am going to go continue with merchant center and just set it up the way i have using the apps that i normally use because they give you greater control and they're better at managing the feed especially if you have a big catalog okay so we've now got a google merchant center account so in this next step guys let's add the google analytics tracking code to your shopify store okay so bring up your shopify store okay guys so in this next step please come to your shopify store and what we're going to want to do is we want to grab our analytics code and install it on our shopify store okay so that way we're going to be able to track visitors and then send that info to your google ads your analytics account and then link all the two with the merchant center as well so to do this go into google analytics now what we want to do is we want to grab this tracking code here right we want to go over to our shopify store we want to go actions on the themes page under online store we want to click edit code then we want to go and find the theme liquid file okay so that's the theme liquid and right underneath the head section put a space you're going to install this global site tag that we just did and what we're going to do is we're going to click save okay so now that this is saved this will start sending information back to google analytics now in the next step we're going to start linking some more things together so let's add our set up google analytics correctly uh and then what we're also going to do is we're going to set up google ads and link it to google analytics and then we're also going to link the merchant center to our google ad account so we're in here right let's link our google ads account tick this so we're under property in our settings so in admin property product linking google ads click continue name the link so just call it um test store turn all website data on and then let's link the account this is the reason i say to use the same email if you haven't used the same email you won't be able to complete this step click done so this is now going to allow us to import conversions into google ads guys okay so in the next step let's actually link our google merchant center to our google analytics and our google ads account okay under the spanner here let's go linked accounts we're gonna go google ads and our google ads account because we use the same email is already there so let's just link that now now that is going to send a request over here in our google ad account it's refresh we should get a request here saying to authorize this link here we go it's just in this bell icon right here view the request and then just click approve now the merchant center and google ads and analytics are all linked together so in this next step here what we're going to do is let's click over to business information and yet you're going to want to fill all this out with your relevant business info guys you want your url email phone number and make sure this information matches across the whole spectrum right so what's having your google ads account uh what's having your analytics everywhere you've got this information make sure it matches okay guys uh on your shopify store whatever details you have there make sure this match is all right because they're bots crawl and if they don't match this is when you're going to have that untrustworthy ban up the top let's go over to website we're going to grab our shopify store url and put it in here just grab this here enter it there click save now there's a few ways you can verify it right we've got a google analytics account so let's just use that otherwise what you can do is you can upload in that same theme liquid file a little link here that they'll give you so they're the two different ways let's just use google analytics so this is now being verified and claimed guys and you're good to go here in the next video i'll show you a bit more detail as to what we need to do to make sure that this is all squeaky clean and ready to go in this video guys i'm going to show you how to properly track conversions and then import them into your google ads account so this is a really tricky one sometimes guys sometimes people get double conversion tracking or you know native out of the box google ads does not track conversion value so people get confused with you know the actual they're only tracking the number of conversions so i'm going to clarify all that and i'm going to show you the simplest way to set up conversion tracking okay let's get into it so guys the easiest way is to actually use google analytics we're going to turn on ecom and enhance the e-commerce and we're going to import into google ads and track these conversion values because google analytics is going to talk with shopify now and then we're going to import all that information into google ads and then that's what's going to report and make sure we're tracking actual values not just the number of conversions because out of the box as i said google only tracks the number of conversions there are a number of other ways you can set up conversion tracking this is the simplest way i've found and it's the easiest in my eyes it's normally the most accurate as well so i'm going to jump into google analytics and show you exactly how to do this okay so now we're in google analytics i want you to go to admin i want you to then go to e-commerce settings i want you to enable e-commerce and i want you to enable enhanced ecommerce reporting and then click save once this is all done guys let's head into google ads and what we're going to do is we're going to go into tools and settings we're going to click conversions we're going to hit this little plus conversions here we're then going to click import data which is going to allow us to import this in let's click google analytics click continue and then you're going to see the only event we have there which you can go into google analytics later and create new events based on whatever your needs are let's import and continue click these transact click transactions and then click import and continue and done guys it is actually as simple as that and so this is the easiest way i used to use the conversion tracking code in the past and this is much much simpler if you want to make it even better guys use tag manager it's a bit more advanced and hence why i haven't done this but to keep all the website code clean google tag manager is the best way to install analytics and then obviously have all this stuff in there okay so if you want to do a bit more research do that in your own time guys but just stick to this if you're a beginner and it's going to be more than enough to accurate accurately track your conversions and obviously have that report correctly in google ads thanks guys and see you in the next video in this video i'm going to show you how to manage and set up your google merchant center feed so we've already set up our merchant center account we now need to link it to our shopify store and we also need to make sure that the feed is now going to send our product info into the merchant center so we can then run ads so there's a few ways you can do this guys these are the three i would recommend one is a google sheet i'm not going to show you how to do that but it's very simple there's a format you just got to go into the merchant center uh have a look at the format that they acquire manage that sheet right there's a section within there to upload it a bit more tedious bit more manual not my preferred approach there's lots of free and cheap apps to do this which are going to save you tons of time and in the end money so there's the free google shopping feed app by shopify again i don't like that one i prefer to use this very cheap paid app i believe it's five dollars per month and they do a 21 day free trial so this is the method i'm going to show you guys because it's the best way to manage your feed in my eyes and it's a very cheap app it's definitely worth the investment the the other free app has lots of issues in my opinion and the actual the way it manages the feed is quite clunky and it takes you a lot of time to then go and add information to the feed where the google shopping feed app uh by symposis is very very good and the support team is amazing so that's why i'd recommend them to be honest though a lot of you will be able to get away with just using the free google shopping feed app but i'm going to show you the sim process method just because it's my preferred approach and i believe it's the best one for you so before we get too much into it guys i want to make sure that you fill in all this info in the merchant center so we're back in the merchant center go and fill all this information as i said and work your way through all of these sections okay so shipping and returns we need to create a shipping rate in here so click the plus add shipping service and let's just call it us shipping okay and we're going to do the united states and now one little thing guys no matter the currency of your store if you select united states here the currency needs to be usd so the currency isn't the currency of your store it's the currency here that you're targeting okay so shipping and handling time let's say it's one to two days monday to friday transit time let's go two to 15 days monday to friday just put whatever your shipping times are make sure you put in there if you have any holiday cut-off periods you want to put in here put it here guys otherwise let's create a shipping rate and click add the easiest way to set one up guys is to create a single rate for all orders otherwise there's one based on price weight number of items and destination i just prefer to do one rate and this is a free shipping rate and we're going to name it as such free shipping now say you have multiple layers then you're going to have to go back and you're going to go either you're going to if you use carriers use carrier rate and so on and so forth okay guys so there's a bunch of different ways you can set it up i'm just going to show you this method otherwise if you have any issues just let me know but this is the easiest way to set it up just click continue but obviously basically what you got to do though is you have to match whatever is in your shopify store so yeah next section is sales tax oh make sure you save so the next section is sales tax and obviously whatever the law dictates where you are so if you're in the us and you need to collect sales tax make sure you set it up otherwise given i'm not in the us i don't have to so i'm going to click save again i'm not a tax expert so please consult your accountant or professional that assists you with this and that's the section done and dusted as i said fill in the business information section and then affiliates no need there surfaces i've covered off in another program in another video if you have a google my business listing guys you can actually register that as well so under linked accounts just click google my business and add it in here but otherwise the most important things are shipping and returns they need to match whatever's on your store sales tax business information and from here guys we can go on to the next step where we're going to actually install the the apps and we'll go from there so visit the shopify store guys type in google shopping and what i'll do is i'll actually install both of the apps that i recommend there's this one here click add app click install now just click allow saying you will allow some process access to these things now you're going to find your google merchant center here if you've used the same email again this is why i said use the same email otherwise if you haven't done these steps they've got them all there guys and these guys are going to want you they have all the good video content here that if i've missed anything these guys are going to have it they've got tons of cool video content about it guys so let's just click yes of enable programs it's now going to make sure that we verify the domain okay so if you haven't done that then this won't work see this is the next step shipping information that's why i've already set it up for you guys we've got shipping information if you haven't set all this stuff up this will not be ready to go okay so from here guys what i like to do is uh there's two methods to manage your feed you can do all products or you can create a google shopping collection and just do those okay it's totally up to you for now let's go all products for the title i like to use the seo title the reason for this is i don't have to change my store type my product page description and i can just change the seo one and then you can do the same for the product description as well and here it totally depends on one your budget and two what type of product i normally submit all variants okay if you don't include taxing prices make sure you select this and here global format is the most common one and that's what i use now let's just click sync now this is going to sync our store and the google merchant center account together uh and your feed will be ready to go and you'll actually once all of this stuff is approved i'll go into your back into the google merchant center account so you'll actually have information pop up here for services and once this is all done here once products actually are set up so once we've actually got products through coming here you'll be able to click this i've agreed agree to the policies and activate until this is set up and this can take up to 10 hours as per the the little message that popped up there uh you'll click activate it'll then take anywhere up to seven days guys sometimes even longer to actually get that feed approved so you're gonna have to wait that time before you can actually do ads so best bet is to jump on this and do this quickly okay so but otherwise guys that feed is ready to go what i can do is i will show you how to do it with the free app as well so to sell for free with google shopping using the shopify integration what you can do is guys is jump into here sales channels and then select google add the sales channel allow this is going to give you the store requirements as well so you need to have a refund policy you need to have your payment methods visible and your contact information is visible as well if you don't have this guys you will not be able to set this up properly and you'll get your merchant center account banned if you actually want to actually go and create a smart campaign you can do this straight away just from here guys if you want to sync your product feed as i just showed you just click this and get started okay but the way to do this you need to have these here and once you're ready to go that's all you need to do if you need to do a smart campaign again you just need to click that as i said i'll show you the my main method which is using this in process app and the reason i recommend that is you're going to be able to use a lot more features that are missing in this app here this app is great for beginners so if you are a beginner feel free to use this if you do have a bit more money and want to save yourself some time use this in process app okay so you're good to go just wait the uh anywhere from two to seven up to ten days for your feed to get approved and once you've got that you can actually move on and start and create your next your action you can actually get started and create your first google shopping campaign welcome back guys so in this video i'm going to take you through the elements of a winning google product now while i don't like the phrase winning google product because i find that google you are able to sell pretty much anything on there as long as people are searching for it or searching phrases where they might buy something like it i'm going to show you the elements that i think that contribute to being a really successful product on google so let's get into it guys there's seven things i've found where products are gonna do well on google right so the first one is mass appeal and or a large addressable market now if something has large appeal or the market is large now think phone accessories right everyone almost on the planet has a phone so phone accessories and phones themselves are a huge addressable market right so other things are like beauty health wealth laziness anything relating to those is going to have some more search volume right so the more search volume the better people always ask me how much search volume guys in short the more the better don't focus on it too much if you're going to build a whole store around it yes focus on it a bit more right but if you're running a general store or you find something that has a couple of hundred searches obviously that's not a lot but when you add up all the different variations you're going to get to several thousand very quickly if you find something with a few thousand on one keyword definitely going to be all good if you find something 10 100 000 huge market it's going to do well right potentially second one is a benefit or solution that is fairly obvious okay if something doesn't have an obvious solution or there's not a phrase that can be typed into google that isn't specific you're probably going to need creative like video or an image to better explain it right and this is where google does not do well in my opinion unless you're using youtube so number three sell accessories to complement large well-known product releases now a perfect example of this is when apple or samsung release a new product right any accessories related to those are going to skyrocket normally this occurs in q4 so something like that if you can search for some product releases you're gonna find accessories to complement those and if you sell those on google you're probably gonna do reasonably well number four perceived value is high or not well known this is a common e-commerce attribute of something that's going to do well guys think jewelry jewelry always is quite cheap to buy but the actual sale price is much much much higher right so the perceived value of jewelry is normally quite high so guys my ideal profit margin is 25 plus the reason i say it is your cost per conversion on your ads is probably going to be 10 to 15 sometimes 20 right if you don't have enough there to cover the cost of the goods and all other factors related to running your store then you're not going to be making money right so 50 is far more feasible hence why i say great to seller higher ticket products now when i say this you can actually find lower cost per conversions if something is just going gangbusters at a particular time of year you know you might see three four five dollar cost per conversions right so you can find lower profit margin products and sell them my recommendation is you stick to higher ones it's just going to be much easier for you and don't make life harder than it needs to be for yourself so number six people have an emotional connection to it anything that people have an emotion or connection to kids pets uh their health all those sort of things uh their beauty this is something that is gonna do well because people are gonna have questions around it and they're gonna be looking for solutions right so the more the bigger the connection the stronger the chance of having a sale and number seven a recognizable brand or product equivalent to the branded option now if you're selling branded products and you're legally able to obtain them these sell really easily on google because people are searching for it they're just wanting that specific product if you put the right product in front of them at the right price they're going to buy it the same thing goes for if you can find alternatives to well-known brands that are potentially cheaper or better then this is another key element i find that can do really really well so in my experience guys if you have four of the above then you've got a much better shot at hitting over six figures if you have at least five or six more likely to hit seven plus figures and if you have all of these right you're far more likely to hit eight figures now this is absolutely no guarantee guys so these are just the factors i've seen that contribute to six seven eight figure products guys you can definitely even with just one if the addressable market is big enough then you know you can definitely hit those higher numbers now one little note guys people overthink product research for google in a big way i personally have had stores and managed stores uh managed accounts selling in small countries just like the country i'm in australia we've only got 25 million uh people and i've helped six seven and eight figure stores guys so you can definitely do it even in small markets just be patient persistent and willing to try lots of new things it can be a bit of a grind but if you find something that hits these factors here i guarantee you you're going to have a much better shot than if you just approach this willy-nilly right don't overthink it guys so in today's video guys i wanted to take you through my favorite product research strategies for google ads okay so we're going to following on from the elements of a winning google product i want to show you how i then go and find these right now the first thing i'm going to say as i said in the previous video is don't over complicate this i've got four of my favorite strategies here i use tons of other ones as well but these are probably the four i would use the most i'd say and they're not very complicated strategies guys they're not using fancy tools they're actually just you know going out there having a look seeing what's selling uh can i find something similar can i improve it right so in a past life i was actually a buying manager i would go overseas and find new products to put in the stores uh that i'd worked for in their head office and it was similar to bass pro in the us so camping fishing products and stuff right so i do probably have good experience in this in in even in big businesses as to what works with this and to be honest guys a lot of what happens is you're either going to be a first mover or you're going to find someone else that has moved first and then tack on to that and a lot of bigger businesses actually do the second and a lot of the smaller ones are the first movers right the fine innovative products now for google you don't need to reinvent the wheel you do not need to find totally new products if you do the problem with it is that there's going to be no search volume right so unless it's solving some amazing sort of problem there's going to be no surge volume and you're actually better off finding things that are being searched for right and this brings me to my first method and it's called the big product launch accessory method so i want you to research what top companies like for example apple samsung microsoft playstation nintendo whatever it might be right go out and have a look if you want to find big companies literally just go type into google what are the biggest companies in the world what are the biggest brands find out what products they're launching this queue for or at any point in time right and then find the accessories to suit them and you can just go on their website see what accessories they're selling see what accessories for those sort of products have sold in the past and then source them and then you can get into a bit more of the nitty gritty right you can go and find more niche specific phone cases or eye watch bands or you can go and find things with cool patterns or whatever it might be right different materials this is the sort of stuff you need to look for and the beautiful thing is as i said with google shopping you can test all this stuff really really quickly you don't need to make new creative right so that is the first one the big product launch accessory method so the second is the branded product or equivalent method right so if you can legally source branded products or find top brands of products and find similar equivalents so things that could be swapped out right a cheaper version more expensive version whatever it might be right but it needs to be similar to the branded product these are the best products to sell on google in my opinion because you've got that brand recognition you've got search volume there that's going to be constant right and there's people promoting that brand constantly which then flows through into your google as well so they're also perfect candidates for branded single product stores right guys so if you can find something that's branded you can then make a single product store and this is how i find most single product stores would work well on google right now as i said make sure you legally source these find wholesalers or suppliers that are willing to sell to you and actually do it legally if you do this illegally you will get your account banned potentially and you do not want that and you do not want the legal implications that could come with that right guys try and run a proper business here so the next one is the google shopping method right so just jump into google shopping i can jump in and show you in a second and type in like popular niche name popular dog products gifts for skateboard lovers or gifts best gift for gamers best gaming product of 2020 whatever it might be guys spend some time in there see what's ranking high when you're searching make sure you mix it up and actually use websites from i search from or a vpn to see what's working in different sorts of countries that you might be able to then bring into your own country or sell somewhere else right but if you keep doing it from your own site without a vpn you're going to find a bit of a skew if in the results and obviously you won't be able to see different countries results so use a website i search from or a vpn and change your location to then see products in there right in a different country so google merchant bestsellers is another strategy i use so on the left hand side click growth and then best sellers i'll jump in there and show you some of these now guys so just jumping out of here and we'll go and show you some of these strategies so let's say we type in best gifts for gamers right and straight away the first thing that i find is this ergonomic gaming desk right so there straight away is an idea it's a high ticket idea and i'm sure you'd be able to source this product from somewhere else kogan is a big retailer here online retail in australia they source most their products from china so let's go into the shopping tab here and let's have a look around okay cool here's a potential product right so you could potentially sell this gaming mug here or if you're running a print-on-demand store you could actually get gaming ideas right here's a clock you could potentially sell there's lots of different bits and pieces pieces guys you could start a store on gaming chairs and sell a variety of gaming chairs they're high ticket and again you know really really good search volume guaranteed with these uh guys there's lots of different ideas here right there's even ideas here that you could then go and sell on facebook ads as well so just keep looking through here here we go here's another little obviously not gaming related but this little stand here might do really well guys for a christmas gift or something like that you could start a whole store around arcade machines and and gaming products like this gaming map here lots of ideas here guys so this is a really good strategy really simple and you know you're going to find hundreds of product ideas just doing this straight away right just go best gifts products for best gift of 2020 all these different things and i find that this is the way i find tons of product ideas otherwise the other stuff you could do guys is literally just go through say an amazon or another big website go through all their different categories and just start going into each one of those and seeing what is selling at the time so once you're in your merchant center guys go over here and click growth and then come down to best sellers this is going to show you the top products and top brands that are currently selling on google shopping by country and category right so this here is set to united states and animal and pet supplies and it's going to show us all the most popular products right okay and straight away here you can start getting ideas of the stuff that sells well on google even the brands and then the price points right so this folding dog crate you could start a whole business around folding dog crates or dog crates right and it's going to even give you the price range here all the information there and so again you can use this as a strategy to sell on other channels as well or just for ideas and just keep scrolling down okay fine see obviously some of this stuff you're not going to be able to get access to but you know robotic litter box if you can find someone that sells that or a supplier you can come in here you can change the country you can change the actual category as well and you can go drill down into baby toys and equipment right and straight away you can start seeing what is selling in this industry even if you find things that are branded guys you're going to be able to find branded equivalents or actually try and reach out to this brand and see if you can become a registered supplier and sell their products so again guys just have it come in here play around and you're going to find lots of product ideas on what to sell on google so thanks so much guys and i'll see you in the next video so in this video i'm going to take you through my google shopping strategy and also how to set up your first google shopping campaign so my main strategy i call it the cold testing strategy basically guys we're going to create a standard shopping campaign with all the products you want to promote so i recommend having 10 to 50 products at a minimum you can do less but more is totally fine actually i find the more products you've got with google the better it actually tends to do i recommend just starting off with one country so say the united states and then setting your bidding strategy to maximize clicks with a max cpc of if you're a beginner or doing lower ticket products 25 to 30ish sends and then 30 to 50 cents if you're doing something that's a bit more expensive or a bit more competitive you might find need to play with that if you're not getting impressions but just for now just stick to that so budget you can start off with as little as 10 to 100 would be my beginner budget preferably 50 to 100 otherwise it's going to take you a long time to get any uh amount of solid data and the campaign priority you want to set is low so once you've settled that up guys i'm going to show you in a moment but run it for i reckon at least seven days five to seven days before touching anything the longer the better to be honest just because if you don't well five days is the window for learning uh and and to be honest to fully optimize it probably needs 14 days from there guys we're going to look to see if we're getting products with conversions what's getting clicks what's getting impressions and what i follow guys is my method is okay if you're not getting impressions let's increase your cpc bids very slowly couple of cents here and there if you're getting clicks but no conversions then make sure your page images are optimized your title go through the optimization video basically guys and is your price competitive so a lot of google shopping is about looking at competitors and seeing what's going on and where can we make improvements so from here products that are profitable will be put in their own campaign so then you're going to move on to the scaling video when you're in this circumstance if they get consistent profitable sales okay so from here have a look at keywords right the keywords tab remove unprofitable keywords so unprofitable is come up with a strategy where say you want to only spend two dollars to five dollars per keyword if it doesn't make a sale get rid of it okay uh ideally i like to leave things get 100 to 200 clicks but obviously i know that not everyone's got the budget to do that so if you're on a smaller budget do less than that you can also remove un irrelevant keywords guys so anything that's too broad or not exactly what you're selling so make sure from here guys you're adding products to this consistently if you want to keep scaling if you've got a store doing with tons of traffic already you're probably not going to need to do this step but then you're going to need to use some more advanced strategies than this particular one so the the reason this strategy works guys is because we're bidding really low and we're being conservative if you don't bid low then it will not work and it's definitely not best practice okay so best practice is to use more segmentation which i talk about in other videos in this course from here guys check one two i'm gonna say two max i've got three here but i probably wouldn't need necessarily say three you can check it but i wouldn't make changes three times a week i'd keep it to one to two times a week to make changes and batch them as i've told you in other videos so as i've already elaborated guys i've already said before uh this strategy only works when we're bidding low it's perfectly suited for beginners just because it's simple and this is why i recommend it if you have a larger account this strategy may not work for you i've still seen it work on big accounts but you may need to get a bit deeper and a bit more targeted with segmentation and bidding at the more specific product profit margin level or by collection or products which is best practice right so best practices to segment your campaigns or ad groups by profit margin price point collection seasonal item and things basically what we're wanting to do is better control our bids and what keywords we're coming up for through the use of negative keywords so i'm going to jump into a google ad account and show you how to set up your first google shopping campaign okay so now you're in your google ad account just click new campaign click sales click shopping your feed will pop up here select your country and let's select a standard shopping campaign so guys i forgot to mention earlier to do this your feed needs to be approved so in the merchant center everything needs to be green and that feed needs to be activated and approved which as i said can take up to 10 days to happen so let's just call this our test shopping campaign select maximize clicks as your bidding strategy and let's select a maximum bid of 30 cents our budget of say 100 our campaign priority of low if you're on a tight budget you can actually remove these here guys but i like that at least leaving on gmail and discovery and youtube here just because you can then be seen on all these different networks as well and it can do quite well select your country save and continue and now let's just go all products ad group now this is what i meant with segmentation you want to create multiple ad groups depending on you know and do them based on profit margin collection etc click save and you've created your first campaign guys it's as simple as that what i'm going to do now is i'm going to go into this account and kind of show you the steps and what i look at on a weekly kind of basis and then what i do to improve campaign performance so i'm now in my shopping campaign and guys what i'm going to do is i'm going to look at the keyword tab go search terms and i'm gonna look out probably let's go roughly two months and i'm gonna go filter down by cost and see okay what is chewing up all my spend and am i getting sales okay as you can see here this word playmat i spent 11.97 got zero sales so i've excluded it here's another one here i've spent 7.66 i've got zero sales i'd probably exclude this too the only reason i'm wearing is i know that it's very a very good keyword based on what i'm selling it might just be a little bit competitive and i might need to wait a little bit longer now here's where i'm talking about i guess some with broader keywords babymatt is a very very broad keyword if this continues to spend and doesn't get me sales i will be removing that okay so as you can see this is kind of the process and what how you add things as negative keywords you just click that click that as add as negative and click save so from here guys what i'd be doing is i'd then be looking at the product level and seeing which products are bringing in sales and which ones are chewing up on my spend and not giving me sales so you can filter by sales here and see okay i'm getting conversions on these i don't have to worry about them but let's filter by cost now and see is anything not profitable so this one here guys probably not profitable we've spent 65 had one conversion but it is a higher ticket product now if this was a product that was say 30 i'd probably be removing that and to be honest i'm going to be watching this one and seeing if i need to remove it currently out of stock so i probably will not be getting it back in as you can see pretty good spread here look this this is an example here so i've spent 23 dollars i've had zero sales this is one i need to keep my eye on same with this one here spent money made no sales but as you can see quite a good spread of sales on this account often what you'll find is the top costing products quite often aren't bringing sales and you need to remove them so this is these are the basics guys this is what i've been looking at if you want to get a bit more advanced you can go down to location you can put an ad schedule in but for more info on this topic guys go into my optimization video but as you've seen now this is my testing strategy for beginners most of you are going to be able to use this strategy and get some really good results okay thanks guys so this video will be about google shopping scaling with single product campaigns or sbcs so guys scaling with sbcs is probably one of the most used strategies out there i really like it because basically what we've got is we've got our test campaign strategy that i've shown you in the previous video we find consistent winners in there and then we scale them out into single product campaigns okay and so what that means is all the spend on this new single product campaign will be directed to that one product that we know does really well the reason we do this is we have better control over the keywords we appear for we've got better control over bidding and google can optimize for that specific product and obviously all of that data goes directly into there right so google is going to develop a really good history for that product and who buys it right so we've got heaps of control and then we can play around with the budget on that specific product and and basically how to determine whether or not to put a product into its own campaign basically what we're going to want to see guys is once you're getting consistent profitable sales on a product so the return on ad spend needs to be profitable for that product will create a product specific campaign so what i normally say is have five or more sales per week on that product and your cost per purchase is below your product profit margin right so you obviously need to be making money and you need to be getting regular sales right so now when i say five per week if it's just one week then you're probably jumping the gun two weeks you're starting to get a bit better so you know 10 sales three weeks is probably ideally when you want to go that being said you can do it quicker if you wait longer the chance of it being successful or obviously much much higher okay so from here what we're going to do is we're going to create a campaign using the same settings that we said that we used in the test campaign but we're going to set the max cpc roughly to what we're paying for the product in the campaign and it's slightly higher potentially right so 5 10 higher because we're going to want to scale it a little bit harder right we're going gonna set the priority to one level above what we have in our test campaign so if you chose a low priority for your test campaign this needs to be medium right if you chose medium this needs to be high the key here is it just needs to be higher because the priority determines which bids are used and so we wanted the slightly higher bids here the reason we're bidding higher here is because we obviously want our product to be shown more and to be shown for more keywords as well now the budget you can start 15 to 30 to begin with if you've got a big budget 50 100 even better right so i would use manual cpc with ecpc or target roads for this specific product okay so and again you're going to want to set it slightly above what it was in the other campaign now with the row as you're going to want to set the row as slightly lower to what you're getting so a lower os is going to get your product shown more we then want to grab the product id and add it in the inventory filter i'll quickly show you in a campaign right now uh but basically guys we only want that specific product in there and everything else to be excluded i'll show you exactly how to do it but this is my favorite strategy to scale right so if you've got multiple single product campaigns and your test campaign uh you're gonna find that you're gonna obviously be getting more and more and more sales and the more uh winning products you find in there and the more single products campaigns you're able to scale the more sales you're gonna make right that being said you can also scale just with your test campaign okay that is also a viable option i just like this for the controller gives and the ability to max out a specific product let me jump in and show you how to set one of these campaigns up okay so to highlight what i'm saying guys go into your shopping test campaign right at the moment i'm looking in the last roughly two months say we're going to go to all products and what we're going to do is let's have a look at which ones have given us the most conversion value or the most number of conversions right now this product here obviously we're out of stock of this at the moment but 99 7.90 cost per conversion i haven't got the conversion so i can actually i'll add in conversions here just so we have the actual numbers all right so we've got five conversions here look this would be something that i would be tempted to be putting in its own campaign these bottles here i definitely would right so these ones here eight only 3.46 cost per conversion okay so i'd grab these bottles here grab this id and i'd copy it okay and what i'd do now is go all campaigns there's a few ways you can do this right but i'll show you one so create a new campaign here go sales go shopping and we can either do a smart shopping campaign with that product on its own that said it may impact the other product in the previous campaign now if you do want to go smart i'd probably remove it from the other campaign so it can focus on its own otherwise if you choose standard you can leave it in there and you can just let it do its thing now if it doesn't do too well then either pause this campaign or remove it from the test campaign it's totally up to you guys for this let's go let's call this the bottles single product campaign and it's normally often a good idea to actually put the id as well there sometimes you definitely don't have to i'm not going to for this so go manual cpc with enhanced cpc for conversions let's do the budget we'll go thirty dollars per day we're gonna leave everything else here uh we let's put the campaign priority to medium so it's higher than the test campaign which is at low uh we'll go australia let's go save and continue and so we're just going to do a standard product shopping campaign we're going to go the bottles we might actually put the id there now and the bid in the previous one it was getting 35 cents from memory so in here let's go 0.4 okay click save all right so now we're in the product groups come down here where it says all products and click this little plus and add a subdivision okay grab go item id paste the item id in here click it here okay so this is segmenting this out and then let's save without editing bids because we've already set a bid all right and what we're going to do here is we're going to exclude everything in everything else in all products right let's exclude everything else okay so what this product is now going to do guys it's just going to focus on this one specific product all right that's as simple as that you've now created a single product campaign okay and now guys obviously you're going to want to follow the exact same procedures adding negative keywords giving it some time but make sure you give this a week or two minimum before you do too much you're going to find that at the start single product campaigns sometimes don't do too well especially if you jump the gun and don't overnight so that's it guys that's uh this is how to scale with single product campaigns the more of these you get the more you're going to maximize remember some of these products are just not that scalable right so you're only going to have limited search volume and you might find you max it out quickly some other ones you might make tens of thousands of dollars per month with thanks guys and see you in the next video this video is going to be about google shopping optimization so guys you've got your campaigns up and running what do you do to now further optimize them so optimization for google guys is all about matching the customer search query and their intent so every search query has different intent and google knows or has a pretty good idea what that person's intent based on all the data points they've got available right they know where the person is are they at home are they connected to wi-fi mobile data are they in the car just driving it could it could be any of those factors right and so they will play a part in when google shows that ad and so the longer you actually run it the better and more information and more conversion data google has the better over time google performs so part of optimization is actually just letting the campaign run for a longer period of time and so google is marrying our search query our customer search query and their intent with our landing page or product page so it's taking in all those factors and deciding when to show your ad so how can you help google optimize right two main ways there's campaign level changes and feed or on page optimization so this happens everything that's either on your feed or on your website so i'll take you through what sort of changes you can make in both of these two factors so at the end of the day these are the only two things you can really change to optimize your google ad account on top of leaving it the actual campaign run for a longer period of time so i'll go through the campaign optimization first and so what i would do guys is get into the habit even set a calendar reminder to check your search terms report and add any irrelevant or poor performing keywords into your negative keywords now what does that mean irrelevant so anything that's not directly related to your product or is extremely broad i would remove okay so then set yourself some targets so for example say i will only spend a maximum of ten dollars on a keyword or five dollars on a keyword before i add it as a negative keyword okay so you're gonna find that normally what will happen is your super super specific terms are what will convert and the broader terms just will not convert that well guys okay so get into the habit of adding these negative keywords into your campaigns and you will see over time your click-through rate will improve and your conversion rate will improve so from here guys let's remove or adjust bids on poor performing products so again set yourself a threshold the easiest one is either the sales value so what the product sells for or the profit margin of the product right so that's totally up to you if you want to put if you want to add that in there or take it out into a spreadsheet or add the formulas within uh google ads you can do all this but the easiest thing is just to set this the sales value and from there you can actually just remove the product once it hits that value okay from here guys we can actually also tweak bids and bidding strategies right so when i say tweak bids depending on how you're doing it if you have a whole account wide so if you're using maximize click my strategy the maximize click strategy and you have a top level max click bid set then guys you can actually just tone that up and down right so finding that sweet spot is more an art than a science and i find just periodical tweaks here and there can actually make quite big differences now if the tweaks don't work you can actually try a different strategy if you have plenty of conversion data switch over to manual cpc and this will give you more control over being on actual individual products collections and things like that if you have even more data then actually use ecpcs and maximize for either conversions or conversion value and then if you have heaps of conversion data you can try target row as or guys if you want to switch to a smart campaign that would be my last resort for something like that now from here you can change device level adjustments right so device level adjustments are go to the device level tab and say that mobile is performing better than desktop you can actually increase the bids by 10 20 percent whatever it is just play with it over time always jump in and do 20 or 30 from the get-go if i find something doing well or if something's doing poorly actually do a negative bid adjustment okay now you can also do demographic adjustments so if a particular gender isn't doing well and if you find that your ads are only converting at certain times a day like say between 12 midnight and 5 a.m they don't convert actually exclude those times and so this is going to mean you have more ad spend to use over the better parts of the day right from here guys play around with budgets and if you row as drops scale the budget back a little bit okay these are the main factors and main changes i make right and guys normally what happens is with experience you get better and better at knowing what to do and when okay so there's a bit of an experience and art and focusing on these things here okay eventually you will find your own groove as to what works for you as long as you stick to it long term now the next stage of optimizations guys are the on page so feed and page optimizations okay and there are only obviously a few factors that really matter the most important is price so tweaking the price can actually make a huge difference okay remember that this is a shopping comparison network and so people do obviously factor in price especially if you're selling the exact same product as someone else it's going to favor the person with a cheaper price right now price isn't the be-all end-all if you find that you cannot go lower than someone else maybe you can make a different package maybe you can add other products make it slightly different find different images get a better product title which is obviously the next stage right so you can tweak product title and descriptions and obviously adding relevant keywords in there and removing words that you just don't convert right so play around with that left to right is how you should order it in terms of importance and this is going to take some tweaks again go into your search terms report have a look in there and see if there's any really high converting keywords add them into your title and into your description yeah now a big important factor on the feed level end campaign actually guys with google shopping is the more conversions you get the more you'll be rewarded and pushed up the rankings so it's important to actually get those conversions and stick to this stuff longer term now the image actually guys can make a huge huge difference so if you have a really bad image or if the people are not sure what it is or google flags it has been like limited in terms of its ability to deliver because you know potentially the product is too small it doesn't have a white background which isn't you can get away not using a white background guys but the standard is white background with the product itself as the main uh obviously part of the image okay so ensuring your feed has all relevant fields filled in guys is important as well so make sure you've got your google product categories in there and and go down to the fifth level i believe which is the deepest level you can go down giving that information to google is going to better tell it when to show your products okay make sure you have everything in there is it used is it new is it for adults is it for kids whatever it might be add in color if you need it and all these factors do definitely make a difference guys the more info you give google the better other things you can do are on page cro so any on page zero improving your website speed so conversion rate optimization that is guys removing any roadblocks to purchases and and lastly guys review your competitors and make adjustments based on what they're doing if you see a competitor doing really really well in one space then you know see what they're doing well and kind of mimic it or at least make it better than what they're doing so guys here's a prime example of a bad image right which of these products would you be more likely to buy yeah the left hand side image is terrible it's really blurry and it would likely be have a major issue from google right on the right hand side is obviously a perfect image people can see exactly what the product is and it looks good right guys there's a really good article and data feed watch that shows you how to structure your titles guys and if you have a look at this pause the video see which which of these here relate to you and so if you hard good so hard goods are anything that isn't in any of those categories right so it tends to be basically you know office chairs anything that's hard and isn't made of a material is normally a hard good that's where most of your stuff i would say would fit into okay depending on what you're selling so that there is going to show you how to structure your titles just google it this article is quite easy to find and and yet follow this as a guide as to how to structure your titles so when and how often to make changes i get asked this a lot guys i like to batch changes and do them weekly at the very most two times per week the reason for this is if you make changes too frequently we want to be really strategic guys if you make them too frequently i find that the algorithm resets and everything goes to complete and out of chaos for a short period of time right or sometimes it just doesn't recover so i like to make changes infrequently uh batch them and then wait and see and and don't if you make too many at once you don't know which change caused the you know increase or decrease in something right so make small changes and be patient with this stuff guys it does take time uh if you're spending large amounts of money you know 500 plus dollars per day on a campaign then you might want to make them a bit more frequently again though i find the algorithm is pretty good as long as you lay the foundation right you keep going through this optimization that i'm talking about over time even then you still only need to do them you know once or twice per week i sometimes have accounts where i'll only make changes once a fortnight or even once a month if it's had heaps and heaps history i'm not saying i don't review the accounts right i'm still watching them i'm still seeing what's doing well but at the end of the day things like outer stocks can impact ads as well right so if you're not in stock of an item that can have a big impact so it's it's managing all the back end stuff as well guys it's going to actually help your ads optimize as well in this video i'm going to take you through my smart shopping campaign strategy okay so guys further to my previous google shopping strategy this is a totally different approach you could take utilizing smart shopping campaigns okay now what i will say is i would choose one or the other or if you're going to use a mix remember that the smart shopping campaign is always going to take priority over a standard campaign so what that means is you will need to have if you have products in both if they're in the smart campaign they're going to take priority and so if you have two with the exact same things it is going to be completely pointless and you are going to have to segment the products out if you want to do that so my recommendation is to pick one approach realistically especially if you are a beginner so what are smart shopping campaigns smart shopping campaigns utilize google's machine learning or ai to decide when and where to show your ads in order to maximize conversion value so the bidding strategy that these ads use is maximize conversion value so the the algorithm is going to show products at times and and where it wants to show them so it shows them across all those networks there right so the sponsored google ads the display network in youtube and also in gmail so you will be seen across all those in one campaign with a smart campaign right so the algorithm is going to maximize conversion value now just make sure you understand that because what it's going to do there is if you have higher ticket items it's more than likely going to focus on those and if your budget is smaller you'll find that only really a handful of products get any kind of impressions under these campaigns so google automates the following things in smart shopping campaigns bidding targeting i.e audiences devices all those things it will assess bids and adjust up and down based on the historical data so realistically the longer you leave this run the better it theoretically should do so you've got no negative keywords no placements and it also covers uh remarketing so pretty much everything is automated under this for the most part which is good and bad right so how do they differ the pros are it's pretty quick and easy to set up it requires minimal skill to set up and and realistically mainly minimal skill to manage there's lots of things that can go wrong with these though as well covers remarketing all in one campaign your reach is expanded over a normal campaign because you've obviously got all those other networks you can be seen in as well minimal intervention really other than budget adjustments utilizes automated bid strategies and machine learning and i think it's really great for probably small business owners that really don't have a good understanding of how to you know optimize their campaigns adjust bids and make changes that can really impact uh the campaign now this all sounds really good guys but they're actually quite a lot of cons too you've got no negative keywords so you give up a lot of your control uh to smart campaigns right so you're handing all that over to google no device targeting bid adjustments no ad schedule so overall you're handing over your control right you've also not really got much uh as in depth reporting on the different networks or the impression share metrics so much i find uh it tends to be really really broad any sort of those metrics because you're being seen tons of display ads as well and remember because of this you get a lot of clicks from display and so i find the conversion rate is often a little bit lower as well the machine learning is only as good as the inputs that are put into it right so the feed and then plenty of data points i.e conversions so if those two aren't good so if your feed isn't clean and you don't have all the proper information there google's not going to know when to show your product and if you don't have enough conversion history before you start and ongoing so you need a certain budget as well um if you don't have a decent sized budget smart smart campaigns can do poorly in that instance as well in my experience i've been able to get standard campaigns out perform i've got 70 there but probably still it's probably like 65 now they're getting better and better and to be honest tends to be bigger catalog accounts tend to do really well with it so big general stores or big broad niches um and then people that have a decent budget so say over 50 hundred plus 200 per day in ads so when should you use them when you have plenty of conversions on your account i prefer to have 30 to 50 as a bare minimum the more the better in short so a lot of people ask me what number i'd go the more the better right you can do it at any of these points in time but the more the better i also recommend having a decent sized budget guys so as i said look you can probably get away with 50 but i prefer 100 plus per day for these you can do smaller as i said more likely you're going to get luck rather than actual any skill if you go less but in some instances it can still do well so it's well worth giving it a try especially if you lack time or experience to manage ads or you've got a really big product catalog and standard campaigns can be a bit more tedious using the previous strategy that i said so i will actually show you quickly how to set up a campaign but if you ever need to check this is the setup guide here guys so run all products in a single campaign if we're already running standard shopping test one product group or collection in smart on its own so that's what i normally recommend if you're already doing standard campaigns uh just test one product or one collection uh on its own in a smart campaign pause all other shopping ads if you are running both so don't run them at the same time if you've got the same products in the same campaign so if you've got the same products in both campaigns pause the standard campaign in that instance you can leave it run but it's not really going to do much guys let it run for 15 days minimum before making any changes guys i prefer even longer sometimes i'll let it run a full 30 days without even touching it just potentially just because like if you don't give it enough data this is machine learning and it's just not going to learn so unless the results are completely diabolical let it run and let it run and then slowly increase the budget leaving it for seven days after each change and try not to do much above like a 10 or 20 percent even 20 is sometimes a bit too high depending on the products i like to do really small changes every seven days every seven day and it adds up over time that being said if it's doing really well you can do them a little bit faster but just make sure you're looking at your row as and if your rowers starts to really dip then dial it back a bit more i recommend if you have the ability to keep adding products into these campaigns they do better the more products you add i find and you can keep increasing that budget and then just remove any poor performance out of the campaign okay so i'll jump into uh the google ad manager and show you how to set one of these ads up it's very very straightforward and simple guys okay guys so to create a new campaign when you once you're in your ads manager just click new campaign click sales click shopping and click smart shopping here right so it'll check your requirements but as long as you meet all the requirements in here which are pretty minimal these days i believe they've toned it right back you used to have to have 20 conversions don't believe you need that anymore just click continue and just call this your smart shopping campaign at the start don't worry about setting a return on ad spend you can do this once you've got a bit of data set this set your budget right your account level rather than campaign level click continue in this next section here guys you can actually change which products that you select so if you only want one particular type of product just click that one product type right so if you've said anything properly in shopify and you've got type and all these other elements in there or item id so if you just want a particular one product you can add that there and you can just click save and it's just going to add that product otherwise have all your products in the one campaign and what you're going to need to do is make sure you've got a logo you're going to need an image which is going to be like a banner and then you're going to need to add like a headline so you know best online baby store or something like that and then a long headline just use whatever kind of tell the people a little bit about your brand this is just going to appear in your display ads right so you know we're going to have stuff like potentially australia's best online ethical baby store shop now shop our great range of products not sure what's happening here products description now obviously put something different but for this i'm just going to put that there grab your store's final url add it here and once you click save guys that's all and your campaign will now be live so guys give smart campaigns a go follow that strategy and also if you find that a standard campaign doesn't work for you give smart a go guys it's where the world is moving standard campaigns eventually i think will be phased out but i still find better results most of the time with them uh but give smart a go and see how they go for you so i've put together this bonus video guys just for you guys and it's how to lay out your store or the types of layouts i see that go really really well for google success now this video is mainly targeted towards uh general stores and broad niche stores but this is just some general concepts that i find and needed to succeed with google and and how to layout your store so the key factors for google's success guys is an easy to navigate store okay because what happens is if people come to your store on somewhat of a broader search term then you need to have lots of similar products to show them okay and that's where are frequently bought together or similar products on your product pages so if someone comes on your product page has a look at your product not quite what they want but you've got frequently brought together and similar products on there then they're going to be able to look around and potentially find something that they want now logically ordered collections with products like products grouped together a lot of people fail to do this and this is just a good practice to do no matter what but it's super important for google for the exact same reason i mentioned above and then plenty of options for customers so even if you offer one office desk so if you sell office desk try and offer quite a few different ones because someone might want a white wide one someone might want a brown small one someone might want a green office desk right so the more options you can give people size color things like that i find do really well on google again because people want to see and search and find lots of different things right and and if you have more options there for them of the same thing then you've got a better shot at getting that sale but if it's not easy to navigate the store then you're probably they're not going to find it right and this leads on to my next one easily accessible and large search bar people are going to want to search for things right on these types of stores are going to come there say they wanted a gaming chair they didn't find the one they wanted they're going to type in gaming chairs and if your products don't come up or they don't find the search bar then yeah your chance of getting a sale is pretty minimal right so the next one is fast loading the reason for this is one obviously impacts your conversion rate and two 100 percent impacts your google ads faster loading stores get reward with better quality scores and cheaper ads it's that simple guys so these three things here guys if you've got them much better chance of succeeding with google for best themes guys for the free ones supply and minimal empire is my favorite paid thing for a google general store and i'll take you into it and show you in a second and then some store examples are ones like wayfair my deal here in australia over stock and amazon so i will take you through these right now and show you uh the reasons why i like them okay so this is the empire theme guys i will view the demo and show you why i like it so as you can see search bar is right at the top here really really easy to navigate people are going to find it no matter what page they're on it's right at the top right even if we go to mobile very very easy to navigate all the collections here right look at these all these different collections very very easy to navigate you've got a top of uh you've got a collection and then all the sub kind of collections beneath it so easy for people to shop a banner image here that relates exactly to the different types of products they're selling and obviously as you can see quite an easy to navigate and an aesthetically pleasing theme so if you go into one of the product pages again they've got the little um breadcrumbs here to find other categories that you'd like related products here customer reviews and just an easy to navigate store guys so yeah if you want a paid theme definitely recommend this one as and as you'll see it's because it kind of mimics these sort of stores that i recommend for you okay you've got all the categories here big search bar lots of different styles of products again right so have a look at this website they do really really well in australia they're actually about to list also gives you lots of product ideas amazon again guys play around with amazon it's got so many collections here it's easy to navigate the reason they do so there's a reason they do so well so take note of what they do especially with their like frequently bought together kind of items right so they're the masters of this so frequently brought together other types of products in the industry brands related to the one you're looking at so all this sort of stuff because you've got to remember that google is and especially google shopping is a comparison search engine remember people are there to compare to look around and do a bit of research as well right next one is overstock again very very similar has a huge search bar all their most popular collections are here and then if you go to actual product pages it'll be very easy to then find you know other betting products other bedding and bath the the top of the top category and then again you're gonna you're gonna find reviews customer images right people also searched and they find different categories here right uh wayfair's another one an american site again similar you're obviously starting to sense uh you you try you having shown you all these you'll no doubt be finding a bit of a common theme here right easy search bar lots of categories easy to shop lots of products right so i hope that's helped you guys uh this video was a bonus just for you guys um and yeah happy selling in today's video i'm going to show you how to not get your google accounts banned now a lot of you if you have been advertising on google of late you'll have noticed that google's been really cracking down particularly on merchant center accounts right so the merchant center has its own set of policies as does the google ads account right the focus of this video is going to be on the merchant center given that the focus of this presentation and course will be on shopping okay so these are the most common reasons i see for the bands and so to avoid obviously getting banned do not do any of these things i'm going to talk about right here okay or do the things right so missing legal pages is a big one and on top of this it's not just the missing legal pages guys these need to be clear and not confusing in any way to a customer i've actually had refund policy pages be flagged just because my policy was a little bit vague as to how customer could get a refund right it needs to be crystal clear with simple steps there what do they need to do what's the length of time and so sometimes using a standard template is not going to make you you're not going to necessarily comply just because you've taken someone's standard template even if it is the shopify one right you need to go in have a look at it and actually simplify it and make sure that it actually is what your refund policy is on top of this you need terms of service a privacy policy super super important and a contact us page right a bit more on the contact us page in just one moment but guys if you're missing these legal pages this is probably the number one reason i see people get banned okay and this also this bit here although it's its own little flag so within the merchant center you will see a red kind of message appear at the top uh this is often a common reason but the misleading or untrustworthy promotions ban also often relates to some of these things right so not enough info on the contact us page is another one it's super important that you have you need two not two there so the number two of either phone email or address okay so you need two of those so you need a phone and email an email address phone and so on and so forth you need two of those and on top of that i'll add to this these need to match what's in your merchant center what's on your google ad account what's on your website and everywhere else because again for the untrustworthy uh promotions ban this is often due to things just not adding up about a brand right so if you're trying to get away with using a fake address or fake email or fake phone number it's just not going to fly anymore you need a legitimate one you can go out and purchase a phone number that's virtual and you ha it's easy to get an email right so if you don't want to use the address i recommend having all three maximizes your chance of not getting banned but that's just me personally to to comply you need two of these and that that untrustworthy ban is often due to this right selling banned products is the next one i would familiarize yourself with the merchant center policy there are a bunch of products there that are just outright banned things like gun cbd all sorts of things like that outright banned anything containing cannabis and and so on and so forth there's heaps of products that just out right then go through that list make sure you're not selling something that is bad my recommendation is if something is ingestible goes onto the body could potentially you know burn someone anything that's deemed high risk i just would steer away from right it's easier to just not sell these products on top of this if you're selling certain products that may fall under it so if you are making claims about a product like instant weight loss fast weight loss and you've got nothing to back it up all those kind of flags will tell google that you are untrustworthy and those products and potentially your whole account will be banned the next one is inaccurate shipping costs okay so your shipping costs on your cart need to match what is in the merchant center so within the merchant center remember we went in and we set up the shipping costs these need to match if they are different you can get your account banned or flag to be banned the next one is missing info regarding available payment methods okay you need to tell people under their terms and conditions what your available payment methods are easiest way is to at the footer of your page have the icons of the payment methods you accept i also recommend having them in your cart as well inaccurate pricing is a big one so google on top of looking at what's in your feed will also scan the schema so the website code and if these two don't match right you could be done for misleading or inaccurate pricing okay so make sure that there's a lot of apps out there that edit your theme's code and when you do that if you make a price update then often this doesn't flow through and so you need to make sure you're going into the merchant center regularly go in there regularly and have a look and see are there any error messages within there and just remove them right you'll see those messages they will be read within the merchant center and you'll be able to go in there and do your best to have that clean go in there as often as you possibly can and just make sure that you don't have those error messages in there get rid of the yellow ones and the red ones as well now number seven is really really broad and i've seen a wide range of things and to be honest it could be a course in and of its own basically misleading practices are you're doing something that is untruthful or something that is intended to mislead okay if you have fake reviews this could be misleading you may be banned for that if you have countdown timers that aren't real whether it is in cart or on the website itself on the product page you could be flagged for the untrustworthy bin okay if you're making claims about products that will be a little bit vague or unclear or you're trying to mislead or if you have heaps of things that are on sale all the time all of these things can lead to bans guys and if in doubt just don't do it try and run this like a real business do you think that someone like a walmart or target would intentionally try and mislead their customers consistently pretty much most of the drop shipping community in the small online stores try to do this all the time i'm telling you now it's not just going to be google that's going to be stepping up on this guys it's going to actually be governments as well they're going to eventually find out that everyone is misleading people people are being ripped off or they're not getting what they want and this is a big problem guys everyone that's contributing to it will it's going to come to an end at some point and my recommendation is if you wouldn't like it done to you don't do it okay don't mislead and your account will be fine so guys i hope you found this useful in the next video i'm going to show you what to do if your account actually does get banned okay so thanks and stay tuned so this is a simple guide as to how to get your account back okay so a lot of people complain that this isn't possible you can't do it it takes a long time and while i can relate to the it taking some time if you're persistent i find it very rare that you cannot get this account back unless you've done something really really bad misled them or continuously tried to create lots of new accounts with issues now if you're a business why would you let that person back on right you need to be persistent it may take some time you may lose some sales this is why i always recommend that you know you don't switch to just google or just facebook you want to diversify have good seo have facebook instagram uh google and being all sorts of avenues right because stuff like this happens this is the online game guys this is e-commerce so if you're persistent you you know 95 of the time will get your account back but if you've not if you've done some dodgy stuff if you've misled people if you've multiple had multiple warnings i find that most people when they say they haven't got their account back they leave out a lot of the story because in my experience having managed hundreds if not thousands of accounts there's very very few i've not gotten back and when i haven't gotten back i've been able to create new ones but in a very very very um in a way that has very strict criteria which i will talk you through okay so always the first thing you want to do guys is identify the issue or seek further information from google when your account is flagged as being suspended up the top in the merchant center there's a red section and in there it says contact us okay so you can click that and get more information there's an option there fill out the form it'll ask for a few bits and pieces of information to identify you and and ask what the issue is in there kind of elaborate on what your store's about what you do and give them some confidence and put a bit of actual substance to it right identifying the issue means going into your actual product feed and then i going within there you will see down the bottom you'll see all the errors right so the ones i've been talking about in previous videos they'll be flagged as red for the most part and they will give you a specific reason normally now there are some really vague ones but if you go through the previous video that gave you the reasons and go through google's merchant center policy go through this in detail remove anything that is unclear a little bit dodgy and fix any issues right even if you have to remove certain products because they're the reason you got flagged go through clean it up and then seek further information or contact google to manually review which is step two right you can contact google and ask them to manually review your merchant center and store account guys this may take some time and you may need to go backwards and forwards for a while they may give you a reason tell you to fix it right just be persistent keep going backwards and forwards with them show them you're working with them and remove and tidy up the store the feed and every bit of the account right now as i said there will be some instances where you will not get this account back okay if you avoid all the things i said it is unlikely and even with the massive push they did yes even myself had some accounts banned i was able to get all of those back by one the one that i did not this is what i did to restore the account if you get a final ban you will likely need to recreate all of your accounts this means a new merchant center google ad account analytics and in if you really want to go extreme a new url and credit cards okay this needs to be a last resort guys and you need to be careful always always always try and get the accounts back first even if it takes you several weeks if not a month you may need to just do this guys this right here this step is a last resort so please do not just skip to doing this because if you do it and you are in somehow matched to the previous account then you will get an auto ban again okay so how to sell for free on google shopping okay so how to sell for free on google so what do i mean by how to sell for free on google guys basically google wants to take on amazon and get as many people on their platforms as possible okay so across the google suite it's really ramping up e-commerce and you can now actually submit your products for free shopping listings through the services program so this in essence guys means that shopping seo is now a thing right so you i will show you exactly how to do this and what you need but basically using your shopping feed as long as you have a feed a merchant center account and an online store yeah you can actually now have free listings so some of those ads that used to pop up will now be replaced with free listings that being said ads are still going to be super important guys um so a lot of people ask me does this mean i will not need to pay for ads anymore while google does claim they will favor listings based on relevancy so based on what the customer is searching for and obviously a well optimized feed and store is going to get preference there i see a similar situation and actually is happening right now to how text ads appear in search right so you will have some organic ads and you will get some sales your free ads will not be something you're going to be able to rely on entirely and you will still need paid ads i think it's almost a way to tease people to bring them into it but i definitely recommend at least signing up if you don't get anything out of this course this here you should at least create your feed link it to your store have everything linked together and then submit for the surfaces program okay so this will allow you to have free shopping listings getting you in essence free sales so requirements to participate in the free ads you obviously need a website or e-commerce store you need a merchant center account with the surfaces program switched on and you need a product feed now i recommend you upload all your products to your feed uh into this free program so you can capitalize on this right so the funny thing is guys this is taking google is taking this series it's partnering with paypal and shopify payments to allow you to verify really quickly and to allow you to process payments right there and then right you can actually plug your paypal accounts and stuff within this so it's making it super easy it's removing friction in the google shopping network and you if you don't do this you're going to be wasting you're going to be leaving money on the table guys another note is that bing also has this now so i recommend jumping on board across those two you can definitely get a few sales per day totally free doing this especially if you optimize your feed as per my optimization video so how to set it up go into your merchant center account click growth on the left hand side and then go manage programs click enable on the surfaces on the services across google section so as you can see on the right hand side what it looks like tick all requirements on the policy page make sure you obviously include your shipping policy link there and obviously all your policy pages need to be there and complying this image here is old so in us it's now available across the whole world where shopping ads are being used so there's a certain number of countries there agree to the policies click activate wait for a few hours and it should be live right now enjoy your free traffic that's all you need to do guys so this is how to get free shopping ads activated and sell your products for free on google thanks guys thanks so much for staying right to the end of the video guys i hope you've enjoyed this i put a lot of work into it and literally anyone that wants to get google shopping ads can use this course to get them up and running to get their first set of ads up okay so guys thank you so much and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Nik Armenis
Views: 11,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shopify, google ads, google ads ecommerce, google shopping, google shopping tutorial, google shopping ads, shopify google shopping, google shopping shopify, google ads course, google shopping course, google shopping ads shopify, google dropshipping, dropshipping with google, google shopping ads tutorial, google shopping ads setup, google shopping ads walkthrough, complete google shopping walkthrough, google shopping ads tutorial 2021, google shopping ads strategy 2021
Id: wIr2EB8pMCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 52sec (5992 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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