Google Embarrass Themselves (A.I. War Is Heating Up)

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IM sure they have a loads of great tech, they just don’t know how to integrate those in the existing business.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/mli 📅︎︎ Feb 09 2023 🗫︎ replies

My take on the current situation is that Google doesn’t have anything at the moment on par with ChatGPT, and that the rumours floating around that Google Employees think Bard pales in comparison to ChatGPT are accurate.

But I do think that they will produce something in the coming months (perhaps based on lambda) that could be a direct competitor to ChatGPT, but they have a lot of catching up to do this year. The problem is, Google developed the transformer back in 2017 and (like most of their projects) they axe all work on it and move on to something else. They got too complacent being at the top for so long they were used to having no direct competition. They could have been far ahead of OAI here and they decided to throw away yet another big innovation due to their complacency of the status quo.

The fact they called in Page and Brin is a clear sign they’re panicking over at the company. I expect them to pool a ton of their resources into making something that’s on par or better than ChatGPT, they can’t use the safety excuse anymore (although, I think that was always a BS excuse to begin with).

Regardless, Google knows they can’t hold back anymore, they have to push forward by force or be knocked from their throne.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/HeinrichTheWolf_17 📅︎︎ Feb 09 2023 🗫︎ replies

everyone here thinking Google is failing when LaMDA was having full on discussions 2 years ago and Deepmind are pushing the envelope with every single release they do.

have not released ≠ have not developed.

pretty sure they are holding back to make sure that people don't abuse LaMDA to make malware or be super racist and such.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/DigitalRoman486 📅︎︎ Feb 10 2023 🗫︎ replies

Did you see that Paris presentation? Those fonts? The music?

Made on a budget of pennies ... truly amateurish and abysmal.
The production quality was not worthy of even your local shoe shop.

And all they said is "something will be released one day, we promise"

I think that this horrific mess up will reveal to sw devs that in fact Google is not the key company to aspire too.

They are now a mature company, maybe on the downslope.
Their founders have retired, leaving the Grade B crowd, who simply take money from a 20 year old advertising model ... which is now failing.

Google has thousands of staff, ostensibly of high quality ... but God alone knows what they do all day.

I am not the only one who wonders this:

Hedge fund billionaire Christopher Hohn wrote a letter to Google and Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai advising him to "cut thousand more jobs". In a viral letter, dated January 20 the billionaire said that Google's 12,000 layoff is a step in the right direction, but it does not reverse the very strong headcount growth of 2022. "Ultimately management will need to go further".

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/MrEloi 📅︎︎ Feb 09 2023 🗫︎ replies

You mean the institutional side took puts on Google ahead of this news

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/darthavelli 📅︎︎ Feb 10 2023 🗫︎ replies
foreign hi welcome to another episode of Cold Fusion last episode we took a deep dive into the emerging battle for AI Supremacy between Google and openai with Microsoft's backing just a couple of days later both Microsoft and Google came out with their announcements it's just crazy how fast things are moving so how did each company go with their announcements well very differently Microsoft gave an awe-inspiring presentation while Google scrambled and fumbled a Google presenter became embarrassed and flustered when she realized that there was no phone to give a live demonstration of what she was talking about Investors weren't so impressed either so Google's parent company alphabet lost 100 billion dollars worth of value during and after the presentation so sit back relax and enjoy the show as we take a look at the biggest war in technology in a very long time [Music] you are watching cool Fusion TV first of all I mean look I have the greatest of admirations uh for Google and what they've done and you know they're they're an unbelievable company they're the 800 pound gorilla on this which is uh what they are and I hope that with our Innovation um they will definitely want to come out and show that they can dance and I want people to know that we made them dance and I think that'll be a great day the race for AI dominance is heating up on February 7th Microsoft fires the first shot across the bow at Google they unveil their grand plan for AI then the next day Google shoots back and unveils their AI to say that both presentations were unequal would be an understatement so let's start with Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella takes to the stage he talks about how every Walk of Life is beginning to be changed by AI then goes on to talk about the three stages of the web its birth on PCS and servers than mobile and apps and then the next phase will be AI Satya and the rest of Microsoft have begun to see an issue with search the fact is search hasn't changed in 20 years and some people think that Google has gotten even less accurate lately because of SEO keyword stuffing Microsoft's new edge browser and Bing will be able to do three new things answer your questions chat with you and create new things to highlight some interesting insights into the current shortfalls of search they mentioned the statistic that forty percent of people search for something and immediately click back out of the result that they got this means that they can't find what they're looking for and they calculated that about half of all searches don't get the answers that you want most of these are very specific queries based on your personal situation Microsoft showed a chart highlighting the issue you've got search on the x-axis and generative AI on the y-axis the new Bing will bridge that gap between the two giving you the power of traditional search with the helpfulness of the good people on Reddit this chart specifically reminds me of the unveiling of the iPod and iPhone where Steve Jobs clearly laid out a gap in the market and showed where a new product could fit in to solve it I think this chart might be historic in the same way so getting onto the new Bing itself it's running on AI that is quote much more powerful than chat GPT and tuned specifically for search in the presentation Microsoft states that because they already have a search engine they can now use back-end web indexing and data to efficiently and directly tie into the new version of chat GPT so onto the new Bing interface when you type a complex query you'll get the typical results on the left and on the right you'll get a synthesized answer with sourcing you can ask about current events or future events and get the same experience particularly cool example was asking if a specific seat from Ikea would fit in a 2019 Honda Odyssey if that new love seat from Ikea is going to fit in the back of my Honda Odyssey and what you'll see is Bing can actually find the dimensions of the love seat the Interior Space of the car and then make an estimation as to whether it will fit in this case I'm choosing an example of where Bing does not know the answer and we know and we know that we can't be definitive about it and the reason I'm doing that is because we know we won't be able to answer every question every time but Bing can still provide some helpful information as you can see on this answer we also know we'll make our share of mistakes and as we begin to roll this out so we've added a quick feedback button at the top of every search so that you can give us feedback and we can learn but this was just the beginning the main feature was the new chat section think of this a search with your own personal helper to help you refine your query until you get exactly what you're looking for this comes in handy for activities like trip planning and shopping research let's start with shopping so I'm going to look for a 65 inch TV we give you a good set of answers but now I want to refine this query so I can do that by going to chat now I can either swipe up with my fingers or look up here at the top of the screen we have now a new chat scope and with that with one click you are now into chat look how beautiful that is search to chat just so seamless so you can really you can just talk to it you can just ask for it so in this case let's say I'm going to ask for a gaming optimized TV all I have to say is which of these are best for gaming and we remember all of the context since we know you're asking about gaming TVs we pull out oh this one has a game Optimizer this has game mode and so we make that really helpful I'm on a budget I'll ask you to adjust it for uh which one of these is the cheapest here I didn't know you could get a flat screen for under 500 but that's a good deal there on Bing if you're looking for a TV Engadget elaborates a bit more about how the experience was basically think of this layout as the physical manifestation of what Microsoft is calling your AI co-pilot in here you're encouraged to be way more conversational than you would be with say Bing's regular search bar or even a Google search so after you get your initial round of answers from Bing you can follow up with questions without all Every Little Bit of the keywords or contacts you provided earlier and the system will still know what it is that you're talking about in fact it'll keep all the context until you hit that sweep or the broom icon to the left of the input field to start a new topic and clean the Slate altogether so Microsoft has also added AI into their edge browser you can for example pull up a PDF ask questions about it summarize it and compare it to other stuff on the web just take a look it's pretty mind-blowing and you're going to notice now that we've integrated Bing in a really cool new way let me show you I'm browsing around in my new edge browser and I want to read a gaps quarterly report and up comes the 15 page Gap PDF it's pretty long I won't have time to read all that what I'd love is a summary of the key points with one click I can open up the sidebar I can use chat and Edge to Simply ask it to give me the key takeaways of the page I'm on so I'll just say key takeaways from the page and being an AI can now read that PDF and look how great it comes up with the summary of the key points here very very cool a massive Time Savings but now I want to compare this with say Lululemon who also has their third quarter earnings Bing can now call out to the web pull information from outside of this page bring it into Edge compare it with the information that's on this page all with an edge and I asked it to it in a table and look how amazing this is just like that in one table I can get an answer this question think about how much time that would have taken otherwise I really do have to say that's great execution by Microsoft there's also a new compose tab where you can generate whatever content you'd like specifying the tone length and other parameters so if you still couldn't see it with chat GPT there's no longer any doubt the world has just changed it's the summation of human knowledge squeezed into an AI or at least the start of that process just stop and think about that we're living through history so what was Google's answer unfortunately for Google everything got off to a horrendous start Google's new highly touted AI chat bot Bard has already made a boo-boo the very first advertisement for Google's Bard showcased it giving a wrong answer after Fortune reported on the incident alphabet's share price began to slide in the ad Bard is given the prompt quote what new discoveries from the James Webb Space Telescope can I tell my nine-year-old about Bard responds with a number of answers including one suggesting the jwst was used to take the very first pictures of a planet outside the Earth's solar system or exoplanets this is inaccurate the error was spotted hours before Google hosted a launch event for Bard in Paris where a Google senior executive touted Bard as the future of the company shares of Google parent alphabet were down more than seven percent in early trading Wednesday outpacing declines in the broader s p 500. the event was very disappointing very little time was spent on The Bard conversational AI a lot more time was spent on reiterating how good existing Google products were like search translate Google lens and Maps the elephant in the room was what Microsoft and open AI were doing so after 13 minutes talking about other things they finally got onto their chat GPT competitor powered by their research language model Lambda the thing was it was presented as a standalone product what they showed was very similar to chat GPT there was no sourcing or further integration into any Os or any other kinds of features Google is basically where open AI was last year the biggest deal for Bard is its ability to answer questions with no one right answer Google calls this Nora and here's an example but for many questions there's no one right answer what we call Neural queries questions like what are the best constellations to look for when stargazing for questions like those probably won't explore a diverse range of opinions or perspectives and be connected to the expansive wisdom of the weapon that's why we bring in the magic of generative AI directly to your search results so soon if you ask what are the best constellations to look for when stargazing new generative AI features will help us organize complex information and multiple viewpoints and then of course the infamous moment of the presentation presenter Liz Reed was about to demonstrate multi-search a new Google Lens feature and this is what happened or you spot a floral pattern shirt but you want to embley Rouge instead you can use multi-search for that too let's see how that works with a live demo foreign [Music] it was the most embarrassing incident in a tech presentation since Steve Jobs Wi-Fi wouldn't connect back in 2010. our networks in here are always unpredictable so they're a little have no idea what we're going to find they are slow today you know you could help me out if you're on Wi-Fi if you could just get off appreciate it aside from this there wasn't much else and then the presentation just moved on to Google Maps overall the Google presenters seem flat and also the live stream's comments were turned off very unusual for a Google event so the event didn't provide any groundbreaking information or much information at all for that matter it only signaled that Google probably isn't prepared and doesn't have a solid plan yet or they would have showed it in my opinion they just shouldn't have done the event as mentioned 100 billion dollars of stock value was lost due to their poor performance of course markets are volatile and it's probably going to bounce back but it is an indication of what investors immediately thought Google No Doubt will probably regroup and figure something out there just isn't really another choice for the company Satya seems genuinely very calm cool and collected about the whole thing the most profitable large software business is search so I look at this and say look I just have to earn one user at a time an incremental GM I've never ever felt this liberated in terms of opportunity in the days ahead so I'm very excited about innovating meeting the needs knowing that the search category is the most profitable and large category just on Windows Google makes more money on Windows than all of Microsoft so that alone should sort of give us the impetus to really go after this there's a great interview by The Wall Street Journal where he behaves like he's just stumbled across a gold mine and I don't blame him we are grounded in the fact that you know Google dominates this space I I feel like a new race is starting with a complete new platform technology I'm excited for the users to have Choice finally and a real competitive race out there how are you thinking about monetizing this the last time I checked software it was a search was the most profitable category uh there is on planet Earth so therefore all I need is a few more users uh and someone else that I'm competing in has to keep all of their users and all of their gross margin that's I love I'm looking forward to that our intent is to do that which is to put stuff out there with safety but at the same time realizing that we are going to have to think about safety as an ongoing responsibility not a one-time responsibility there's a lot of fear that AI is going to take our jobs replace us is that unfounded and how do you think about tools like Bing now and how we use it in the job market like I I think of this as at the foundational level going to help us do our jobs better reduce some of the drudgery in some of of our jobs whether it's in coding or in writing or in automating workflow or searching for information so at the fundamental level I think we need a productivity boost I feel it'll create more jobs the barriers to knowledge work will come down so I mean the unintended consequences around labor market shifts are always something we need to be mindful of but I don't subscribe to this zero sum or one lump of Labor fallacy and I think that we're going to have new jobs get created and more job opportunities what about this guy does clippy haunt your dreams not really it's probably the thing that was the most fun character Microsoft introduced which you know think about it right we have been on a 30-year journey to perfect it so I'm excited to be here in 2023 launching Bing with AI so one of the key things in the story is that Microsoft has little to lose but Google has everything to lose Satya told the financial times that search has changed forever and Google has to defend their entire market share so what about the wider discussion what about the jobs that will be replaced website content makers May fret AI may have taken a lot from their businesses it will also be interesting to see how Publishers and content owners react to this the chat answers are more advanced and the simple query answers that we see in search engines today and it's clear that people will click on links less even if Bing is clearly sourcing information here there's about a billion questions that can be raised from this moment in history will there be lawsuits from new sites over using their content what about political bias and censorship what about all the unintended consequences time will only tell I can only hope that the benefits outweigh the risks and on the bright side it's obvious to see that there is a large benefit here I think the next wave to excite everyone would be an audio version of this a smart AI assistant that has actually good voice synthesis that's the next step I actually briefly mentioned this idea a few weeks ago on the through the web podcast so check it out if you haven't already so in conclusion as I said in the last video even just a year or two ago nobody would have thought that Google would be in this position from their presentation it looked like they were unprepared and they weren't integrating Bard as well as chat GPT was being used but that's just me what do you guys think anyway so that's an update to the beginning of the AI War I'll be interested to know your thoughts anyway thanks for watching if you did like this episode got a whole bunch of stuff on AI maybe if you're wondering how this all started and who invented AI I've got a video on that if not there's a bunch of other stuff on here too on science business and Technology it's the open watching cold fusion my name is the gogo and I'll play you out with yet another new track I made on the second Channel cheers guys have a good one foreign [Applause] [Music]
Channel: ColdFusion
Views: 2,423,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Coldfusion, TV, Dagogo, Altraide, Technology, Apple, Google, Samsung, Facebook, Tesla
Id: 5X1O5AS4nTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2023
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