Google Adsense: Earn $95.25 Per Day in These Easy Steps

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okay guys so right here this is my adsense this is my adsense uh dashboard and if you look at this place you're gonna see my balance it's uh six thousand five hundred and eighty point nine zero us dollars now the last payment right here this last moment i got from adsense is over eight thousand dollars almost nine thousand dollars right and if you look at this month i've made a one thousand two hundred and fifty seven point three zero dollars last seven days this is how much i've made yesterday this is how much i made and today so far i've made this amount right so i'm going to be showing you exactly what i'm doing to be making 95.24 dollars every single day guys every single you guys so what you need to do is to watch video to the very end i'm going to be taking you step by step on this journey guy now i know that normally if i told you that you can make 95 every day with google adsense but just doing a little work you will not believe it which is why i just showed you proof of the me making that same amount with google adsense we just need to work and what i'm going to be doing in this video is to show you exactly what i'm doing so you can do the exact same thing and get the exact same result guys right just a little amount of work that's what you need to put in and you're going to be making almost like a hundred dollars every day actually i'm an average i'm doing 95 every day on average right and you can do the exact same thing and i'm going to be guiding you in this video now guys my name is gerald may and what i do on my channel is that i make videos around making money online so that what i do is that i try things out the walk and i come here and show you exactly what i do what i've done so that i can do the exact same thing and get the exact same result so if you're really interested in making money online what you need to do is to click the subscribe button and the bell notification button now what that bell button does is that when i drop awesome videos just like what you are about to watch right now youtube is going to send you a notification so that you can jump right into it and practice immediately and make money online guys right also give this video a like right and leave a comment in the comment section just say thank you gerard or just say make money online or whatever it is they want to tell me put it in the comment section as i'll be there to answer all your questions guys now let's go to my screen right now and let me show you exactly how to make money with google adsense so let's go guys so before i jump into showing you guys exactly how to do this let me show you guys a few examples of people who have actually done this and i became successful by doing exactly what i'm going to be showing you guys in this video guys so i'm right now i'm similar with and let's look at this website called bella uh this website right here i'm just going to copy the url then i come right here and put it here right so let's um analyze how successful this website is at this particular point in time so i'm just going to select this and hit search of course okay so it's loading loading loading i'm searching with similar way so if you come right here you're going to see something interesting that this website has over 1.13 million visitors every month right and you see that it's increasing that's an increase of 8.0 right and if you look at the second website right here i'm just going to copy the url copy the url and come right here on similar web and uh come all the way up click here then drop the url here and hit search all right okay this is loading loading loading give it a while to finish loading up so it gives us an insight into how successful this website is so if i come right here right now and i come here this has 11 million 11.5 million and this website they have something in common which is what i'm going to be choosing to see in a while so let me come all the way down to the bottom and show you guys something real quick all right it's important for you to watch video completely to the very end so that you don't miss any step and like i always advise watch the video for the second time you're watching it you can now implement so i'm just gonna come here and go to about us come to about us right here and um okay you see that this website started with that's what i want you guys to see blog spots right the website that i'm using to make all this money i just showed you guys is i started with a blog spot it started with a blogspot and i have i have now um uh upgraded just like these guys have also done according to and this one upgraded to um this dot-com right so that's exactly what i'm going to be showing you guys exactly how to do it so what we're going to be doing right now is to go to so i'm just going to go to uh blog that's his first linkage unboxing right that's where you need to go go to so this is loading loading loading give it a while to finish loading up guys okay okay so this is it takes took you to that's the first link in the description box below so what you need to do is to create your blog that's where you need a click so you click on create your blog and uh okay so it's loading loading give it a while to finish loading up guys okay beautiful so it says that we should choose our gmail account so i'm just going to choose the gmail account right um in your own case you're going to be choosing your own not mine i'll put in my password right here right and i hit next so i hit next and it's loading loading loading give it a while and it's looking beautiful so he said that we should create our blog now the first thing we need to use to do is to um choose a domain name now this person here started with this right i started with this dot right um this wasn't started with this right so you can actually use your name or whatever it is that you want to use so let's say i want to um i want to use my name so i'm just going to close this this is not important right now uh okay so i'm just going to unboot it it means please try again okay so you need to choose a name for a blog that's facing only to you so what name are we going to be using let's say i want to go with jarrod general domain of that's how i want to go with that or online whatever so let me say i want to go with gerard may um okay or general just say gerard's also blog right that's title of our blog then i hit next right now what's the url of our blogs i'm just going to ge route also this is our this is our blog url and it's this is completely free you're not paying anything to actually get started right now and i'm going be showing you guys everything step by step like i always do on my channel i'm just gonna hit next i selected them to display name and then they want to display uh generate jarrod hustle right and i'm gonna hit finish so i hit finish and this is processing right now so you'll give it a while for the proposal to finish it says display name updated right so our blog this is our blog right now so what we need to do right now is to start at the post now the first thing i want to ask you is what is your blog going to be about this is about choosing a niche this is the step where you choose a niche now which what niche are you going to be talking about are you going to be doing the make money online which is what i do i'm going to be doing reviews are you going to be doing random news or entertainment news or whatever it is that you want to do like these particular websites their focus is and the fashion style entertainment and showbiz weddings so this is basically entertainment right so this website is about news you know like everything all around health and safety blah blah blah you know those those kind of things that's what this website is about so what do you want to talk about on your website that's a different decision that you need to make right it's about choosing a niche what do you want to talk about so for the purpose of this tutorial let's say i want to talk about making money online right i want to talk about making money online so now i need to find keywords and write articles on making money online that's what i need to do since that niche that i'm choosing in this in for this tutorial so let's say um i want to choose let's say right now i'm doing i'm going to go to a tool called google keyword planner so i'm just going to come here and search for google keyword planner right this is opening opening opening opening so i'm just going to come here and uh keyword google qr planner tool that's what i want to click on right and go to keyword planner click on keyword plan this is loading load loading give it a while so this is goggle qr planner here so i'm just going to hit got it so i'm just going to come here and click on discover new keywords right i'm going to remove my country unless your keywords are country specific so i'm just gonna click remove my country right here then come to i'll come here and go to google uh go to uh and type my niche is how to make money online right how to make money online right enter so okay beautiful then come all the way down to the bottom and you see this goggle suggest stuff right here these are how to make money online for beginners this is a keyword that you can actually go for right it's a good keyword so i'm just going to copy it then come back to google keyword planner i'm putting this keyword here right let's see if you actually have search and what kind of search does he have so this keyword has about 10k to 100 000 percent searching for this keyword actively every month right and um let me move this a bit so you can see the other options okay so this one how to make money online for beginners 2020. how to make money online for beginners without investment this one has 100k to 1k and competition is high uh this one has um 10 to 100 how to make money online as a beginner how to make money online for beginners in hindi right 2018 pdf so these are all possible keywords i can actually begin to go for right now so let's say that i want to go for this keyword right i want to go for this one this one will be less complete less complicated or how to make money online for beginners quara right but how to make money online for beginners 2021 or how to make money online for beginning without investment these are all possible keywords i can begin to attack right now let's say i want to go with this right my um my my advice would be for you to go for all of them at for different articles so take them put them in a newspaper document and begin to attack them one by one so what i'm going to be doing right now is to come back right here's the key what i want to go for i've imported the keyword so i'm just going to control videos and hit enter all right how to make money online for beginners without investment so this is something that somebody has written how to make money online without investments it's not home right um what you need to do is to look at these articles and see exactly what they have done so come here right now and uh this is the second one this is pinterest uh this is investor uh invest advice or add this saw right open the right click and open this in a new tab right click and open this in the new tab uh open this also right so open like what i want you to do the first thing and analyze them step by step analyze them step by step before we start with not our article out there so what we need to do right now is to um okay let's close this my story does come so this person has written how to make 11 proven ways to make money online without investment in 2020 right this was written last year 2020. so um this might not be as relieved i have as many event as it is today so that's every tendency of you actually actually out ranking this person because he has to 20 20 and he's still ranking so and if you look at his um url right here he says 11 ways to make 11 ways money online without investment 2020 right so i the exact match keyword is not showing up in his url now let's look at this guy six three ways to make money online right the exact match keyword is not showing up in his url so this one also uh easy ways to earn money online without investment now this is a lot better right then this one also has just made money online so this is not lesser targeted it's not less i can target it so what what all this tells you is that you have an opportunity to actually do better right um for this keyword so what we're going to be doing right now is to use another tool called i'm going to open this in a new tab right here it's called word counter word counter it helps you count number of articles so what i'm going to be doing right now is opening a nosepad document a brand new notepad document i'm just going to note notepad n o t p i come to notepad right here and uh this is a right here notepad okay so what's the q over going for this keyword we're going for and that's our title right then um word count this is very important what count uh what what what count are we supposed to write now this is exactly how to find this out now the first person right here if i come to this website click ctrl a ctrl c right then i come here i come to what counter dot net and ctrl v what i just copied now scroll all the way down this person has written 7000 words right and it's ranking number one and this person um the second person let's see how many what he has written control a control c uh come right here ctrl a delete everything here and paste what we just copied this person has written lesser which is 4000 watts right now this person right here um which in my opinion is our closest competitor because he has uh this exact match investment is title right so i'm just going to come here ctrl a ctrl c come to word counter click here control a delete and then ctrl v which is paste then this person has written just 2797 words right then let's look at this last person that we opened control a control c and let's find out control a delete control v and come out the way down this person has reaching just one thousand twelve and six and it's ranking so this keyword is a piece of cake right so what you need to do is to outright everybody people say hi seven thousand just do like at least ten thousand words right and that will guarantee you a space um for this keyword right it's based on the google um search engine result page which means that you're going to rank very well on this page so we're going to be doing right now is to say that we are writing about 10 000 words right we need about 10 000 words right okay of very well written article so um that i'm going to be showing you exactly how to write this article you know so in a little while we're going to be getting into it do it so we've gotten um our article we've gotten our title of what we're going to write which is how to make money online for beginners without investments right then the word count is ten thousand we're doing 10 000 word count right so what we need to do right now is to actually write our article write our article so what we need to do is that you can actually write this article yourself now there's a video showing up right here which i talked about how to start affiliate marketing now i i mentioned i thought in detail how to start an affiliate marketing website right in this video if you don't want me to actually make a fresh video and put let me know in the comments section and maybe that will be my next video if a lot of persons are actually interested in it making the videos where i showed you exactly how to write article step by step and how to publish this article let me know in the comment section and i will consider making that video for you guys now um that said i'm going to come right here i'm going to come right here and um go to a website that's if you click on the next in your box below you'll you're going to it's going to prompt you to sign up for on fiverr and once you sign up with that link that i'm that i've put right there once you sign up with that link what's going to happen is that you're going to be getting a 20 discount right on your first purchase if you use my link is your box below then set up a new account on fiverr that's what it's gonna happen i can actually use it to buy your first article on fiverr so you can just come to fiverr right now and type article writing article right thing right come here and hit article writing so you're gonna see a lot of persons right here who write article for you now the first couple of ones we were gonna see they might be a little pricey little expensive now this is how to do it um okay this is still loading guys so if you're getting any value from this video i want to encourage you to hit subscribe button and verification button so that when i drop awesome videos just like you're watching right now sorry i'm making money online youtube will send you a notification instantly so you can jump right into my videos take advantage of the information and win guys right because i believe you being the fastest goal that is it's the meat and not the passion dog that is the book so what you need to do is to come here to budget and set your budget max five dollars right you want to get the people that are cheap people are not very expensive now what happens most time is that people that are not expensive will do a very bad job right so you have to be careful now this is what i normally do if i come right here and choose now i find people that have a lot of reviews now if you have a lot of reviews what what it means most in most cases is that you have um rooting for a lot of persons that they have trusted you now what a lot of persons do like this guy i have those five five reviews you can actually get your friends and family to give live reviews so i don't pay attention to this kind of people i patent show people that i have 4500 you know 200 and all those kind of things so this person has 43. so on this front page right now this person has 120 so i most likely go go with this guy right um okay so this 97 maybe this guy also you should be good it's in this one 382 now this is another interesting one but he's specific about writing dogs cats and pets article so if you have a blog about pets niche around dogs cats pets like that maybe this person is the right person to write this article for you right this person writes brazilian which is portuguese right so um and it has 153 so this is another good one uh okay so there's a whole lot of options right here this person highly engaging articles and blog posts in 24 hours this person will actually get this delivered for us in 24 hours so you can actually click on this guy right click on this guy and get him and just come here he writes 500 words for five dollars let's see his premium he'll write one five for fifteen dollars one time hundred dollars 500 words for 15 so let's say we want to do 10 000 words i'm just going to put 10 000 here 10 000 watts article it will cost 185 dollars to write right so this is the 10 000 is the best case scenario the best case number if you do a very good article for like this other one that has four thousand and so if you didn't you're going with that score five thousand words you have or you also have a chance but i like targeting the number one spot which is why i like i'm doing every other person that is ranking yeah so if you write five thousand it's not a bad idea if you write uh 30 000 also it's not a bad idea but i would i would encourage you to to aim for the top right so worst case scenario you'll be at by the second or third or fourth or something just make sure you are you are on the front page so what we need to do is to get somebody to actually write this article for us right so i'm just gonna copy something random please do not copy something random on the internet if you're copying something random youtube um goku will not index your article because they know that this this was copied from here so everything you are writing must be original right everything you are writing must be original so i don't see i'm spending 45 dollars for a 3000 wattage i don't think it's much considering the fact that at the end of the day in the long run we're going gonna be making this kind of money now if you look at my last payments right here it's 8783.600 that's what google sent into my bank account right and balance i have right here is six thousand actually set my threshold to ten thousand so they won't move this money to my account until it gets to ten thousand by next month i should buy by before these months ends i should be at like ten thousand i think or most cases you know first second week of next month i should have crossed that ten thousand and once i cross it i'm gonna be sending another ten thousand into my account right so if you consider um where you are going because of where you're going spending this money on fiverr shouldn't be a big deal that is my opinion right sometimes i write my attitudes myself other times i buy i pay for people who write that for me right here on fiverr guys so if you contact this guy and say i wanna click on continue click on continue and um it's gonna ask you for payment right you continue to check out and it's gonna take this money from your um from your balance for my balance or i can actually connected my favorite account straight to my paypal account so what happens is that i could check out right now if i don't have the balance on fiverr it's going to debit my paypal payment for me so you can pay with paypal or you can pay with all of this card whichever you have visa mastercard iphone paypal right so i'm just going to come here once you uh click on checkout the payment is going to be done and um a box will open right here for you to give the person instruction so what you need to do is to give him the number of words that he's writing right um what counts and all those things that's exactly what you need to give him to write yeah so i'm gonna assume that this person actually received this article for us and we've gotten the article article so i'm gonna i'm gonna copy something random on the internet and use it for the quotes of this tutorial please do not do that if you do that you are going to it will be an exercise in fertility it is not going to help you at all that article will never be ranked by me so i'm just going to come right here and um come back here and copy our title which is this right copy our title control c and the keyword research also you can actually pay somebody on fiverr to do keyword research so yeah people that do keyword research on fiverr just tell them what your what your blog is about and they'll give you maybe like 100 or 200 keywords and you know you just sit down and be writing it if you have money you pay somebody on fiverr the right one for you they write the second one the third one the fourth one the fifth one the sixth one the seventh one before you know what's up you have 100 articles you have 200 articles if you can actually what you want to do blogging now you don't have money what i would advise is this get money if you can focus on writing one article if you pay for one article every week right every week in a month you have four very good articles in two months you have it in three months you have 12 right in four months you have 24 and before you know what in the first person for you you have four times 12 right that's what you're going to reach is 48 very wonderful articles in the space of one year and that is a win guys right so um if we have keywords keyword research right keyword research for seo uh okay you're gonna see a lot of persons that actually that's ready to do keyword reset for you i would um i would copyright seo websites content blog i will do seo qr research computer analysis you know so because this guy can contact them tell them exactly what you need tell them about your niche and your blog and get them to do a seo um my keyword research for you i'll do amazing keyword research for your job b person has over 1000 um um uh reviews right which it means that she actually knows what she's doing so i this one easy to rank keywords but like person has this another good person that i think i would i want to pay to do this thing for me this one i will write for your blog i can actually pay people like this to actually do stuff for me right so i spend a lot of money on fiverr look at this place you're gonna see that i have actually ordered over um 159 gigs on fiverr right like i've paid people to do something for me and most of them are articles that people lost for me right so i'm not telling you what i've not done right that's why i will show i'll show you exactly what i did to achieve that proof hoping that you can do the exact same thing and get the exact same result guys right so the next thing that we're going to be doing is to get our article and publish it on blogger so let me show you guys exactly how to do that so i'm going to i'm going to be assuming that you have written a vatican this is deathly radical like i've said before so i'm just going to copy this right then i'll come back to right which is our new blog and it which is gerrard huzzo blog right so i'm just going to hit on new post that's where you want to go go to new post and um this is our title of our post so i'm just going to put it here how to make money online for beginners without investment right so i'm just going to um then the body of our post is going to be here that's where i'm going to put it so let me just copy something random online like i said please do not do that so i'm assuming that is the article that the fiverr guy has delivered for us so i'm just gonna uh ctrl x right and i'll come back to blogger right here come back to blogger right here i'm back to blogger right here okay beautiful and i paste in the article that we just copied right so this is our article it has been pasted so after this guy written the article for us we've put it here right now and this is it so we're going to be doing next is to um set our permalink this is very important um custom permalink right custom permanent link so i'm just going to come here i always like let's do automatic automatic how to make money online for beginners donation right this is good right this is our exact match keyword that is what we have right here um in case you actually want to add something because he's taking our title i'm adding this as apparently for my link now for my link is what this thing let me show you open my link for those of you who don't know my link is this thing that appears here after our blog name this stuff that shows right here right so you can edit it and it's very important a lot of persons do not do not understand this thing this person is for this article he was targeting make money online which is why it's here so your exact match keyword is what you show up your family eventually was targeting 32 ways to earn money online without investment gibberishing was targeting six three ways to make money online right and if you look at his title it says 12 um uh three ways so when your title is different from the um or different or slightly different from the from the keyword they are going for that is where you use this automatic this user manual to actually fix this right so let's say for instance i want to go for make money online but i want to write or make money online for beginners that investment i want to remove the how let's say i want to uh go with this right this is this is the key what i'm targeting for instance i can just come right here and put it ctrl v h right here and hit enter right and it's going to show up in our url automatically but that's not what i want to do i want to go with the automatic which is fine okay so this is published uh labels i'm going to leave this alone uh location you need to leave this alone it doesn't matter this one also leave this alone the way it is allow readers to comment you actually want comments on this so what we need to do right now is to insert um images and pictures and headers and all these kind of things so let's say um make money online first thing first no matter how blah blah blah it does not and will not happen the notion that um let's say that the title of this this subtitle which is um um common misconception miscon with making money online right let's say this is a subtitle so i'm just gonna okay this is this is a subtitle i'm just going to change from paragraph to headed right now you should actually be subheading right subheading right then you can actually put it in the middle so i'm going to align the center line right it's in the middle right here okay so the next sub heading you do it like that again the next one you do it like that so you have a couple of sub headings right there of course images are also very important images are very important now what i'm going to be doing is to get images and attach images right here so these are making money online so i'm just going to go to this website called on splash on splash on splash on right you're going to get beautiful free images so you have like a license to use this as my as well as i should please so i'm just going to make money online right that's what i want to search for i put make money online i hit enter okay it's giving me a couple of images so i'm just going to maybe download this or download this whichever you prefer right okay so i'm just gonna take this girl that's laughing i hit um i click and open right then i hit on this uh icon to download this small version right then i hit free download okay it's loading right here this is it right here right it's downloaded so i'm just gonna click here and go to show in folder this is very important go to showing folder and rename this to actually suit what's inside the image um uh young girl making money online right enter right so a lot of persons will leave this the way it is always rename your images name your images properly before you upload them to your blog this is very important the experts understand this thing a lot of persons will not tell you this on on youtube because you know people have hot information i don't do that right there's no me that knows very well i don't do that so i'm just going to be starting this image right here i click here and hit enter right then i click here and uh this is image you know this is video in session this is image i'm going to hit on it upload from computer i'm just gonna hit here uh okay it's loading loading loading beautiful so i'm just gonna uh upload okay choose file this is where i wanna choose file and um downloads yeah this is it double click this one and it comes here it's loading loading loading loading but it's almost done and uh okay it's done right so i'm just going to select this image and hit select right this image is going to come in here right now so the image is right here so you can just uh click on this place and drag it into place to make it a little uh sizeable and bigger and better okay beautiful so this is our image right so i'm just going to close this gap and there's a lot of gaps right here we need to close so just to make it uh make our blog look better and more appealing okay uh here here here here uh i'm trying to make this look more appealing okay and then the top here too let's close this small small gaps here and see what happens okay beautiful so we have this right now so um let's say we go down we want to add an image right want to add an image right here so i'm going to put in put our cursor where you won't want to insert this image exactly let's say i want to put this image right here okay put this image right here then i come here and hit insert video you're on youtube right that's where you want to get it from from youtube so come here and you can search search youtube put in um url right here and hit search you set youtube and uh it shows up this is it right here so i'm just going to click on this this is what i want to use click on it this is one click on it whichever you want to use click on it unless i want to i want to insert this one into this image and hit select right this is this is our video so just uh you know let's make it coming to play so i think this is too big so let's place this like this okay beautiful right so that we have our video i have our video right here so this is this is what we use we can have multiple videos you know a few images you know also have links you know external links also very important we want to link some places to some other stuff so i'm honest with you make what's making money online it's about let's say we want to do external linking so just a on an honest person what's making money online is all about so what making money online is all about i'm just going to take this right click on search and google right okay so um it's going to show me a couple of uh scrp so let's say this is when agents will make money online so i'm just going to copy this and copy this address then come back right here with this selected this is highlighted i'm going to come here right what making money is all about yes so it is going to go for go to this link right you can decide to open it in a new new window which is what i'm gonna do and you can make this no follow or not please um do a research on what no follow or follow is and let me know what what your answer is in the comment section and also let me know if you are going to be using it so i'm going to say no follow and hit apply all right this place becomes an external link right so um and let's say we are done with our image of course i'm going to add a couple more pictures a couple more video maybe like one or two videos right and stuff let's say we are done with our image right now we're done with our article right now so i'm going to hit um preview to actually see what our article is going to be looking like out there right so um okay so this is it right here it says gerald's hosuh blog and this is what our so i'm just gonna close this okay and close this also [Music] okay good so you can add um fix your profile right if you want to do that i didn't show that right here organization know your your blog name shows that this is your article this is what it's going to look like right so people people can put in their their comment section and if you look at this place it says ads go here at school here now this is very very very important i'm going to be coming back to this in a little while so let me go back let me go uh right here go back to this place and hit publish right so i'm gonna confirm that i actually want to publish this right okay it's being published right now and our article our new first post blog post is live on the internet it's left on the internet you can begin to share this with your friends you can begin to you know do everything that you want to do and all of that so what i'm going to be doing right now is to click on share you can share this with your friends on facebook on the you know your content gets your contact and share with anybody you want to share you can actually copy the link which is this copy this link right that which is what i actually wanted to do so i'm going to open a new tab open a new tab right here and ctrl v this right this is the link to our our first article so i'm going to hit enter and this is what our article looks like right this is what our blog looks like so if you can go to um i'm gonna close uh okay i'm gonna delete this i'm just gonna get that giraffe and hit enter now this is our first blog post right this is why it's what it look like the second one is going to show at the bottom the third one at the bottom you know like that so people will just come here and click on read more or click on comments actually leave a comment in the comment section right so if you watch this video and you actually found this interesting please leave a comment in the comment section just click on post a comment and leave a comment on under this um um stuff if you do that you know a lot of persons do that actually i might actually write a proper article and post it on this blog all right so um this is very very very i believe this is interesting right now this is how to actually get this done so um let's go back to this place um okay let's go back to how how to how to upgrade your url from from um gerard to maybe let's let me show you guys exactly how to do that so i'm just going to come back right here and go to set it right go to settings okay this is loading loading loading okay uh we have our title we have our okay page uh okay so if we can change fabric or which is actually this icon you can change it from here click on this place and upload an icon that will show here as opposed to this blogger default i icon right just like all this website you see the icon showing right here right this is this is where you can do it from so it says visible to search engines yes this sets engines right so maybe i should put this off so that that's an ebook please make sure your own is on because you actually need search engine this is an article like copy from somewhere it is not valuable touching me so i'm making it invisible to them so um right now it says our blog address is jarrah's which is what this website that i showed you guys at the beginning actually started with and this one also that's what they both started with so you want to upgrade to what these websites have done so what you need to do is to come right here go to settings come all the way down to the bottom and click on custom domain right this allows you to actually get your own domain so let's say i want to go for um jarrod hustle dot com for instance i put it right here and i click on buy a domain right and it's going to take me to price of actually paying for this domain and integrating it on this website on this blog easily now this is how to get your blog for free right and this is how i started i suppose i started making all the monies that i'm making right now and all these scripture that i've shown you they started the same way and guys there are thousands sometimes to other website that's actually started the same way right which i'm not gonna be covering in this video guys i'm not i'm not gonna be covering all of that in this video so um what you need to do right now is to okay so this is what is available okay so this is what is available we have gerald's household dot blog which is thirty dollars for a year we have generators which is twelve dollars for a year and we have all of this right here yeah you have all of this right here so you decide the one that you actually want to go for now um this one is not available gerard's also this is not unavailable so let's say you want to choose choosing the one you want to buy let's say gerard right or gerard com let's say i want to go with this for instance gerard's also the blog i'm just going to click on buy right and it's going to prompt me to actually pay the make this payment and once i make the payment you know it's done so 30 dollars um 12 dollars per month by user business workspace and blah blah if you want to add this you can actually add this if you want which is google wordpress i don't know i don't see why you need it right unless you want to have emails and stuff uh okay so the list you can pay for it's actually one year right so i'm just going to come right here when you click on checkout it's going to make you you're going to pay this with your card right so i don't want to do that right now i just go here for the post of this tutorial so i'm just going to go back right to my blog i'm just going to go back to the blog i'm gonna go back to the blog okay beautiful now and when you start making money from this this is where your adsense and it it's gonna start showing right this is where it's gonna show you and this is where it comes it says create adsense right create adsense now let me show you how you how to make money with access one will show in preview at the bottom right here you saw this it says add goods here now on all of this website that i showed you guys you see this ad right here is being served by google and that's exactly how they make money right but you need to get to a particular threshold before you can apply for google adsense right and get approved and google will start paying you this kind of money that they are paying me right here because i am grinding i'm turning out articles on my various blogs you know and of the platforms that i'm actually using google adsense you know for monetization right so let's go back uh here let's come back here so this i adds right now if uh when a thousand person sees it google pays um the owner of this blog when i click on it right now google charges the advertiser and paste the owner of this blog right and you see that lots and lots and lots of lots of adverts right here it's a lot of ads on this website and that's exactly how this website actually does make money on this ads right here and google actually pushes that right here with the google adsense program and we're going to be talking about that in the jfe so if i come right here on this website go back to the home page of this website and you're going to see there's an advert right here and most of these other adverts are from google look at this one here so um let's come back right here and um so create google adsense account this is where you set up an account for access this is where you set up an account so i'm just going to click um click create adsense account right and you are going to be seeing the requirements for google adsense so it's it's coming up in a little while guys so you see um get more out of the google adsense so you choose your country right here you choose your country from this list and start using adsense that's what you need to do so i'm just gonna um yes send me customized help and suggestions no yeah you can get let them send this to you select your country or or your location territory or whatever so let's say i'm gonna select my country right here right and terms and condition is gonna you're gonna scroll down and go to all of this then hit accept and hit start using adsense that's what you need to do start using adsense so it's loading loading loading loading loading loading so if you got any value from this video guys please leave a comment in the comment section just say thank you gerard or ask me any question that you and it's important for you to leave a like on this video guys that is very important also sharing to your friends so that your friends can benefit also you know so um this is your adsense it's been created right here so tell us more about you enter your information i'm not going to be entering my information because i already have a google adsense account and it's against policy to have to you can actually use one access account for all stuff that you have on the internet right so i'm not going to be filling out my information right here as a matter of fact i think i'll be deactivating this as uh you know so that doesn't affect my existing one right so you can put in your information right here your your full name your address uh poster code your state whatever it is and click submit right so this is how you apply for google adsense but it's important for me to actually mention the fact that that's for you to um to youtube you're eligible for the adsense program right i'm going to be leaving the link to this page in the sean box below right so you need to actually own this so he says do you have your own unique and interesting content now this is why it's important for right to only publish original content right get people to write this song change for you if you cannot write then try and try and write yourself because the way to actually perfect to to to become perfect is actually practice right try and write yourself and publish these things you can actually miss it in comment section send me the link or something you've written and let me know um and get me to actually analyze it for you right if i have time and you've written something interesting of course i'll give you a few pointers you know um people have contacted me for share their blogs with me i i um i give them my whatsapp number which i don't know what's happened you know like i i i did you review and show them how to improve and everything does your content comply with the adsense policy programs now this is important for you to look at the policy in terms of condition right and you must be at least 18 years of age to actually do this right and if you if you use blogger youtube and other host partners if you use product blogger which is what i just thought this is where you need to go right so you go to this place and you understand how to actually do this with blogger which is what i've shown you guys right you should click here right uh youtube here and other host partners you know so advertising on your blogger blog and all those kind of things set up an asset account for payments and stuff like that so i'm going to be leaving this link down box below right they help you actually to actually understand this even better you know so and this is exactly how these things are these things are done this is exactly what i did and i'm making money from from the only difficult part actually is to do your keyword research and publish articles which i have broken down exactly how to do it if you have further questions let me know in the comment section as i will be there to answer all your questions so thank you for watching this video to the very end if there's a particular video you want me to work on that's something that you want me to teach make a video let me know in the comment section guys until i see my next video keep winning and don't forget that gerard actually does love you guys from here guys
Channel: OnlineHustleTV
Views: 21,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: google adsense, what is google adsense, how to make money with google adsense, make money with google adsense, google adsense tutorial, google adsense account, adsense, open google adsense account, earn money with google adsense, how much can you make with google adsense?, make money on google adsense, earn money online from google adsense, google adsense earnings, make money with adsense, how to make money with adsense, adsense for beginners, Earn Money Online, earn money daily
Id: h3ysTW8La3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 1sec (2581 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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