Google Adsense Tutorial 2021

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Do you want to make money with your website  using Google AdSense? If that's the case,   then keep watching because in this store, I'll  show you step by step how to do that. My name   is Ferdy. And I'm pleased to show you what we  will cover. In this tutorial, I'll show you how   to sign up for Google Adsense talk about what  it says in the terms and services, what to do,   what not to do, and how to connect your Google  Adsense account which or website, I will show   you how to accomplish all the tasks Google asks  you to do for your website to complete, I will   show you how you can accomplish all the tasks  Google asks you to do for your website. In order   to become compliant with terms of service, you  don't want to be banned by Google. And then we   will place advertisements on your website. You  can google plays ads for you or choose different   kinds of units that you can place anywhere in your  website, I will show you how to place ads in our   content automatically, and how to adjust the style  of the ad to match the style of your website.   When everything is up or running, I show you how  to activate your account by leaving your bank   details and address. activate your account for  payments by filling in the pin you'll receive from   a letter from Google and how to add more websites.  In the end, I will show you how you can read   reports and how you can link your Google Adsense  account with our YouTube channel if you have one.   So if you like what you have seen so far, and  please like this video, feel free to subscribe for   more upcoming tutorials. And now let's get started  by signing up for a free Google Adsense account.   So the first thing we need to do we need to  go to ad sense that Google does come and hit   enter. So far, we're doing great. Now we click  on get started, what you need is a GMO account.   If you don't have that need to set it up. It  is free. Just as Google AdSense is also free.   I already have a Gmail account that is not  connected at all with AdSense. So I will start   from scratch and I will use my website in order  to create AdSense accounts. I click on Ferdy Corp.   That's the one I want to use. And now I need to  fill in my website. If you don't ever watch this,   just select over here. If you want to learn how to  make website I've talked about that you can go to   YouTube, search for how to make a website 30. And  I'll show you step by step how you can do that.   My website is HTTPS 30 porpoise. Who does comm get  more out of it says do we want to get help? No,   thank you. Your payment country territory. I'm  from the Netherlands. And I need to read those   terms. And of course speed reading. Oh, did you  saw that? Did you see that? You should never use   past tense in a sentence twice. Have I learned so  never say did you saw that? Then say Did you see   that? Okay, I'm talking about this. But what  are actually what to say? Read the Terms and   Conditions really important. Let me give you a few  highlights. You need to be at least 18. In order   to sign up for this. If you're not a thing, don't  sign up, you need to have a Google account, you   can create a free demo account that will do the  trick. never violate those terms. If you do that,   your account will be shut down and do not get  your money. Never ever never ever click on our   own advertisements. Also, never ask other people  to click on advertisements. Never do that. Don't   use this on websites with adult content. Do not  use a website containing copyrighted material   and do not create a second adsense account. If  you already have one. Do not create a second one.   But please read them and we have read them  in agree. Day you can start using AdSense.   Wow, that's it. That's it. Notice now that  of course we need to be accepted. Now it   says about payments tell us about you and it is  required. So I enter my information over here.   And then you can say to an individual or a  business, the name and address of my business. The   name is Ferdy and Anna media. My name is Ferdy  Korpershoek. My address is this one. Exactly.   My primary contact they already have it  somehow I can change it over here if I want to.   But I'm okay with that. So I click on Submit.  Congratulations are your new google adsense   account. Now we need to connect our Google  Adsense account with our website. Let me show you   two ways on how to do that. Also, they got my  info. See how as Luke on your website is optional.   Connect your site to AdSense that is required.  So I click on let's go. Connect your site to   AdSense copy and paste HTML code of  your site in the head. So I copy this link I go to my website Ferdy, which  refers to my website Ferdy Korpershoek. But   that's a stupid name to have as a YouTuber but you  know Even with stupid names, you can be active on   YouTube. Now I need to go to my website, what  I will do, I will go to themes over here. This   is the easy way is not the best way, especially  when you want to update your themes later. But   right now we can go to the theme editor give you  a warning, like are you sure you want to do this.   Then over here at the right, we go to header dot  php. Then over here, I see the opening tag head.   Here's the closing tag. So below the closing tag,  I paste this code. I update the file. But keep in   mind when you update your theme, this code will  be removed. So there are better ways. But this   is the easiest way to get started right now. I can  request a review. Thanks for connecting the site.   Your website is now linked with google adsense.  Well, there is a better way on how to do that.   We'll show you that in a minute. Right now,  I want to show you how you can let Google   place ads on your website, ultimately. And  we can explore this. So let's take a look.   Google's are finding the best best places for  ads on your site. I don't see that many ads.   So if I turn this on, look at this. There  will be an ad between my header and my hero.   Well, there are three in page ads. But  I personally prefer also over here.   This sounds so this looks so spammy. I  don't want that. So there will be an ad   over here. Depends on the goal of your website.  If that's the goal of your website, go ahead   for me, I would like it even here  is an app. So above the header. Wow.   Hey, but you can apply it to the site. And then  this will happen. So let's do it for now. Let's   see what happens changes can take up to an hour  to reflect on your site. And then we can see   if we start to make some money. So far, so good.  Now let me show you the second way on how to link   your adsense account with our website. We'll use  Google Site get for that. If I go to sites over   here at the left, I see my website verticals are  good calm is a getting ready. If I click on it,   it says bear with us it will take a few days.  But in some cases up to two weeks. You don't   need to resubmit it just be patience. Well,  since we need to be patient what I can do,   I just showed you the relatively easy way on  how to basis code. Let's remove it right now.   And update the URL. What I want to  do I want to use a different way,   which is even certainly better. So I go to plugins  add new and we're gonna instal Google Site get not   only great for Google AdSense, but also our  Google Analytics and Google Search Console.   I search for Google sites get I click on instal  now then I need to activate it. And the great   thing is that I can see my revenue within my  WordPress website when I use this tool. Okay,   I need to start a setup or I go to Google  sidekick, get dashboard. And I need to sign   in with Google and I need to sign in with  same email address the Gmail account I use   to use for AdSense which is this one going  to verify a few things I trust Google   great now I need to connect AdSense as you see  I already connected Search Console and analytics   page speed. Now it's time for AdSense. So I click  on Connect service goes making sure things are   right over here. And it is again I need to  login. I'm okay with all this stuff. If you   want you can read the privacy policy and the terms  of service. And now it will connect with AdSense   looks like you're already using AdSense yes  site is well placed AdSense code on your site to   protect your site this and then says let's say get  place AdSense code on your site to get your site   approved. Well, that's what we just did ourselves  and now Psych is doing it for us in order for your   site to display as make sure you've completed the  steps in essence what we've done that continue. Great, it's connected. So now we have to wait so  if I click on AdSense over here, I do not see a   lot yet a lot of statistics because we need to be  approved. And our flattery done. We need to wait   and we need to make sure we do all the things  we need to do like not doing illegal stuff.   You gotta read the privacy policy and the terms  of service. And then make sure Your website is   in line with all the regulations of Google  AdSense. While we are waiting to be accepted   by Google, we better make sure that we do not  violate the terms of Google. So we need to do   something about the GDPR. And the CC a, that  means that we need to tell people from most of   the counters in Europe and from California, that  we place s and cookies on our website. Again,   I will show you two ways and how you can do that  using a free WordPress plugin, or I'll show you   how to do it from within Google Adsense itself. I  have a disclaimer over here Terms of Service and   Privacy Policy. Okay. But I want to do one more  thing. I go to the backend to Plugins Add New.   And I search for GDPR. And then I go to  follow on from web feed the FE the filler   instal now, and we're going  to use the basic version   and activated. Okay, then we go to the settings  over here GDPR cookie consent settings.   I'll go for CCPA and GDPR is  for Europe is for California,   turn it on, enable it during the cookie bar on update. So now when people go to  our website for the first time   they get this area over here,  they can go to the settings and accept it. So when Google checks it, we  are compliant with that because if we go to   the homepage, it says get price ready, make sure  you're complying with privacy regulations like   GDPR and CCPA. before it starts showing as many  websites so we want to make sure when they review   our website, that everything is fine. Let's  go to ads. And then I go to Ferdy Korpershoek,   click over here at it. And now we can also adjust  the GDPR and CCPA settings over here. If I go to   more features, I can turn it on. And it will be  turned on only for the people that live in areas   where you need to have the GDPR consent message  done. It will look like this. And then we need   to have the privacy policy URL. So minus this  one. If you don't have it, I will show you in a   minute how you can create one. And then I get the  way it is for people from California. Turn it on.   And then over here, it looks a little bit  weird, do not sell my information. Or it   looks it looks like we're doing something  wrong. Like we're doing illegal stuff. And   maybe it gives people a feeling like hey, can I  trust this. So I prefer you can also hide message.   I prefer to turn it off and use the other one but  it's up to you what you want to do. Let me close   this discard the changes. In order to comply  with the terms of service on google adsense   we need to place in our privacy policy that  we make use of advertisement on our website.   We will place advertisements on our website.  So let me show you how to create a document   like that on our website. First, let's go to and search for Google Adsense privacy   arriver see policy generator privacy  policy for Google SM STURMS I feed   you need to have privacy  policy as a video about it   sets right and over here is  the privacy policy generator   so my website I have a website I  sites HBS. Verde corporate   website His name is How to Make a Website website.  I personally do not use students 21 Because then   in a year as well we it will look all I am  well depending on to our video or business. My business name is Ferdy and then  maybe media address of my website   Netherlands next step,   what kind of personal information do  we want to use from users? Actually, not that much. This next step people can send me  an email to info at Ferdy Korpershoek Not by phone Yes, I want to go for all of those. I don't  want to have to crush no one just normal one. Email the rest of receive it very  smart because then they can send   me spam emails or Just normal  emails generated, it's free. Now we can copy and paste this over here. So I go  to my website, I go to the privacy policy editor   edit the page. Right, I only talk  about I use affiliate links, I   have sorcerer. But I need to do, I need to  click on the plus HTML, custom HTML, base it. Or over here, I click on the  three dots, use a code editor.   Over here, I base all this stuff, update   view to page. And then there's this information  which I could never create myself. But if you want   to take it serious, I highly suggest you do take  a look at finding a lawyer or someone that can   fix this for you. But this is a good start. You  don't want to be banned by Google because you   do not have good privacy policy stuff. It's for  me, it's I don't like this part of the tutorial.   But I wanted to at least cover how you can  generate something. So you have something and you   do not get banned, you don't want to get banned.  So we have to wait. And I will be back with you   when it is ready. And I will tell you how  long it took before my account was being   approved. It is now two days later. And if I go  to AdSense dot google and I click on Sign In.   I see I made my first money. That means   that over here at sites, my website is approved  is ready. But there is a bot, I like what.   So to prevent severe impact on revenue, download  the ads txt file and then upload it to the root   level domain of each site in this case for  the corporate. So for every website you use   using AdSense, you need to place it as a txt  file in the root directory. So I go to my root   directory of Ferdy Korpershoek. Let's come. So  over here I am at my root directory of my website   Ferdy Korpershoek COMM I can download the file  over here. And there it goes. And there goes so   over here, I click on File Upload to my downloads,  and LS s dot txt, open it. And it is successfully uploaded. So over here it is in my root directory.   So if I would go to Ferdy  Corp for slash ads dot txt, I can see it over here. So we added the  ads, the txt, what is next. So I click on   Learn More. This is our action while I want  to take action. So I click over here. And   then I need to change my seller information  visibility from confidential to transparent.   And then I leave my business domain  only your business name no HTTPS   and Or let's go that's UK.  No slash no SPS no www. And that's it,   it will be saved as medically don't click over  here because then you know, close your account. So   click on home again. So we fix the two things  they asked me. So automatically the Jason fell   is created because he filled in this information.  And if you take a look over here, from our content   on our website, we get 68% of the revenue that  Google gets, which is quite a lot. So when people   click on an advertisement on your website, and  the advertiser pays one euro or $1, you get   68 cents of that which is quite nice from Google.  Okay, let's take a look at payment settings.   Under the same name as I have on my passport,  I can have my phone number over here.   Save go to the homepage. Learn more when  they they showed it you need to fix it. Yeah,   this is fixed. So it takes a while before they  will check that and fix now. It says it may take   a few days or changes to update. If you're using  another network, remember to add the network.   So this find for me, it is ready. I'm already  making money. And if I go to my website I'm   already seeing the ads right now. I do not  really like the way how they place ads like this.   If I click somewhere I get an ad. I  don't like it. It's a little bit spammy.   But for now I just want to  get oh look at That is oh man.   Yeah, this is not what I prefer to do with my  website. So I hope my visitors aren't too mad   about it too angry. But I just wanted to show you  how to get started. But we're not finished, of   course, I will be back in a few days, I show you  what else you can do. Let's focus more on creating   ads, adjusting the automated ads and placing ad  units in your website manually. So again, it is   two days later. And the last day we earned almost  $4.50. And in total around eight euros, which is   quite nice in two days. So what else we can do  over here is my website. And if I scroll down,   I see ads here. And here. If I go to a different  page, visit Paris is really spammy. So let me talk   you a little bit more through what we can do  with automated ads. Over here, I go to ADS,   I see an overview. And right now, we use automated  ads, as you see over here for the option to come   auto ads on basic collusion zero, we  can take a look at the statistics.   Or we can take a look at how we can  change things. So I click on Edit,   there are quite a few things we can do. Over here,  advertisement is show on a mobile. So when you   scroll down, and then we see this information, if  I don't want that, I can just remove it over here.   And then on a mobile, there's no ad over there,  there will be an ad over here. And I like it. So   I leave it at that. And then there are two ads on  my page on my using a mobile phone. So here's one. And here's one, well, there are three. So I don't  know exactly what they mean. If I would go over   here, I can do the same thing. If I see something  I'll do like a spotlight on like, for instance,   that can be two ads over here. I can remove one.  But right now there are zero ads shown over here,   because one area is removed. In  order to adjust those settings.   Let me collapse this, let me go to the ad  settings, auto ads, it's turned on. And I   want to optimise my existing ad units. So they  will look more like the style of our website.   If you turn it off, they will look less like  the style of your website. I turn it on.   And then I want to go to ad formats.  I want to show in-page ads, which are   those over here. I want to remove one of  those two. I want to remove this one. Because   they were below each other. And this one is  okay. They want to match the content. Yes,   I want that because then it will look more  like the style of my website. So I turn it on.   Do I want to have anchor ads? Those are ads that  are sticky. So if I scroll down, it will stay with   us. Do I want to have? Do I want to have ads on  a wider screen as appear on the screen wider than   1000 pixels like a desktop? Yes, vignette ads.  That means that when I go to a different page   appears after I click on it,   as it says between page loads and also here  are also displayed on the white screen.   Yes. If I don't want that, I turn it off. That's  how easy it is. Now when I go to my website and I   go to a different page, there are no more ads.  For me. Those are the most frustrating ads.
Channel: Ferdy Korpershoek
Views: 17,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Google Adsense Tutorial, Google Adsense, Google Adsense Tutorial 2021, Google Adsense Pin, Activate Google Adsense, Google Adsense For Beginner, Google Adsense Youtube, how to make money with google adsense, make money with google adsense, what is google adsense, google adsense account, how to make money from google adsense, google adsense wordpress, google adsense explained, how to add google adsense to your wordpress website, add google adsense to wordpress website, adsense
Id: W7r2w0aq3kE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 1sec (3361 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 19 2021
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