Get Paid $799.00 TODAY With Google Translate (FREE) With PROOF!! (Make Money Online)

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okay so guys i've actually come on to google right now and i type in uh google translate right here and i hit enter it's actually gonna bring me here and if i come here right now and i click on the tech language and i set this one to english right now and i hit enter and i set this one to hindi right now and i type in the keyword make money online right here it's actually gonna translate the keyword make money online to hindi for me and once you get that done you can actually make this amount of money right here so you can see this company right here sent me over 799 today so you can see says payments for completed translations and i'm gonna be showing you guys step by step in this video how i was able to make this amount of money right here straight to my paypal so that by the end of this video you two are going to be able to go out there do your own translations and actually make you some amount of money or even more money than i have made right here so i'm actually gonna do a reload because i don't just like showing you guys uh things without verifying the money right here so i'm gonna do a screen reload so so that you get to know that it's not some kind of a photoshop image or a fake screenshot i'm gonna do a live reload in front of you right here so i'm going to click on the reload button right here on my browser i'm going to click on reload right here and it's going to take a little bit of time to reload now that you have loaded if i actually come down here you can see everything is still intact it still says hi daniel lithium llc has sent you uh 799 us dollars payments for completed translations and that's the money right there that's life proof in front of you of money that i actually made by simply using google docs right here to translate documents like the one that i just did right in front of you right now and all i want you to do right now is to stick with me on this video because i'm going to be walking you guys through step by step through the process of how you can actually get this thing done but first of all before i get into walking you guys through all the steps i want to do a little bit of intro so that you get to know who's teaching you what you're learning right so this is my account inside of the websites by the way here it says danielle may you can see it says a freelancer approval rate you can see it says project submitted 34 uh project review 33 right here you can see i have a 78 approval rate right now you can see the kind of documents i actually have on here and you can see my hourly rate is about tetsy usd and i'm going to show you guys how to set all these things up and like you can see on the screen right here my name is daniel ume and i'm actually the owner of this youtube channel called daniel's josue and what i do here is that i actually make like 90 of my money on the internet and whenever i find something that's working for me someone that's making me money i come here i record the video showing you guys what i'm doing so that you guys can actually copy what i'm doing do the same thing for yourselves and actually make the same amount of money or even more money for yourselves and if you actually come onto my community tab right here you can see that i have students right here who are actually making money so you can see this guy right here made his first dollar online this one right here made over two thousand dollars in two months this one right here made over uh uh 100 in a day using ads this one right here made over 150 right there so these are real people that are here on my videos who are actually making money so make sure you take what i'm actually showing you right here very very serious make sure you take everything serious right so i'm going to get into showing you guys everything step by step but one thing i want you to do right now is to come here below the video click on the red subscribe button right there and turn on notifications bell icon and why you should do that is because here i actually make videos showing you guys like things i do to make money online like uh methods that are working so when you subscribe and turn on notifications what's gonna happen is that whenever i drop a video right here you're gonna get a notification from youtube saying hey daniel just dropped another video and when you get a notification you're gonna be the first to watch you're gonna be the first to do what i'm teaching and you're gonna be the first to obviously make money from what i'm teaching right so go ahead and subscribe turn on notifications on two more things before we get into the video first of all leave me a like on the video it really really helps me out it gives me encouragement it tells me that you guys enjoy what i'm doing here so leave me a like on the video and not just that last of all go to the comment section and comment let's get that money right comment the keyword let's get that money if you're actually motivated if you actually believe in yourself if you believe that you can do this just comment the keyword let's get that money right and with that said we're gonna get we're gonna get right into the video right and um i like starting my videos by getting um a few root blocks out of the way so i'm gonna get a few root block out of the way and after that i'm gonna now get into showing you guys the websites how to set things up and like everything that you have to do step by step all through the way right so a few things i want to get out of the way is that first of all um a lot of people are gonna ask me in the comments and they're gonna say hey daniel um i live in sudan i live in south africa i live in nigeria i live in bangladesh is this thing going to work for me in my country right and the good news about that is actually yes it's going to work no matter your country whether you're from us uk nigeria india bangladesh pakistan south africa it doesn't really matter where you are anywhere you're under water as long as you have an internet connection which i believe you have because you're watching this video you're gonna be able to make money from what i'm showing you right here right so apart from that people also ask me to say daniel uh i have an android device i have an ios device i have a laptop is this going to work for me and the good news about that is also a big yes because what i'm going to teach you here is going to work for both android users it's going to work for iphone users it's going to work for ipad just going to work for laptop users it's gonna work for depth uh for desktop users it's gonna work for anybody at all right so that one aside next thing i wanna get out of the way is that like it's actually a hundred percent free right you don't have to spend a single time and actually works for anybody at all any age he works for you if you're 18 if you're 13 if you're 50 if you're 60 you you're still gonna be able to get this thing done it works for both males and females and like i said it's 100 free and now that i've gotten those things off the of the way right i now know that you're ready to watch this video so grab a popcorn sit back and watch me as i show you guys everything step by step so the website we're gonna be going into is like the website we're gonna be actually making the money but when i show you guys the websites don't just click up the video and be like okay now i know the name of the site i'm gonna go and make money by myself if you actually do that if you get there you're not gonna make any money sadly because there are a bunch of things that you need to know about the site so don't just click on this of the video and go and try to do things yourself when i show you the site right so stick with me right here i'm going to show you guys how to get everything done step by step or through the way right so like i said um we're gonna get right into that so you have to you're gonna have to go over to google and you're gonna search for something called lithium search for lithium lte ium on google and you're gonna see this first one here that says lithium freelancing work and higher for cryptocurrency and usd so these are the sites where you actually get paid to get things done right so this is my account right here like i said so i'm going to log out of my account so i already had an account on here so i'm going to create a brand new account and show you guys like step by step how everything is done because creating an account on here is not easy right because like i said if you go and try to do it yourself if you click on this video right now i'm going to publish just do things yourself you're not gonna make any money so stick with me right here so when you're here latin actually has um two options they give you an option to hire that you're gonna be the ones who are gonna be spending money and paying people and then they give you an option to work and earn money which is what we ourselves are going to be doing because we are people who are trying to make money online right so you can actually see if you scroll down here you can see how lithium works it says post a project get free quotes select a freelancer pay only when satisfied and that's actually how people actually come here and pay money and then we are the ones who are going to be making money so if you click on here where says i want to work it's going to ask you for your email address so simply enter your email address an active email address so i'm going to enter my email address right here and i just have no use so i'm going to put it right here and put in a and i'm going to click on a robot right here and once that is checked i'm going to click on sign up right here and when you click on sign up it's going to actually give you a notification saying thanks for registering please check your email address we have sent a verification email containing a code to my email please visit your inbox and click the link inside so all you have to do right now is to go into your email inbox so i'm going to go into mine and you can see an email right here from lithium saying let's um let's um email confirmation so go ahead and click on that one right there you can see it says latin right here says let's confirm your email address right here so you have to scroll down here you can see uh here says uh he has a button saying confirm email so go ahead and click on that button right there and when you click on the button it's gonna actually like confirm your email address right and it's going to bring you here it's going to say complete your registration which is why i said this site is not like it's not just normal so you have to stick with me and watch everything i do all the way through right so here it says for your first name go ahead and put in your first name right here here say your last name putting your last name right there okay so here you have to put a username it's putting my old username so i'm gonna have to put in a new one okay okay here i'm gonna choose a password make sure you choose something you're gonna remember right so that you don't actually gonna start doing a bunch of uh password resets put in something that's simple that you're gonna remember and once you're done with that click on here where it says i'm not a robot then click on here where it says continue and when you click on that try what's going to happen is that it's going to bring you into here it's going to say welcome to lithium it's going to say where freelancers are employers can walk on higher using digital currencies so here you have two options right now it's going to say i want to hire i want to work for us we want to work so go ahead and click on i want to work right there and uh when you click on that it's going to actually take it to the next step we're going to say upload the profile picture so i'm going to put in a profile picture right there so i'm gonna click on upload a photo right there and i'm gonna go into my pictures right here and i'm gonna go into my personal opinion i'm gonna put in this picture right this is me right here i'm gonna put in that picture and once it's done i'm gonna uh click on next right here and once i click on next right it's going to take me to the next part which is a very very important part and sign up because that part is going to determine if you're going to get joker now so you want to actually write something that's very very creative right here so i'm going to show you guys what to write so just write what i'm writing right here and it's going to work for you so go ahead and be like um my name is daniel and i have over five years of experience with over five different languages as i am a student of international [Music] relations and the course taught me to speak fluently five different languages and over the years i have used my skills to do translations for clients right simple and i guarantee that i will get your job done with a hundred percent uh test faction rate simple and once you're done with that that's a very very good one click on next right there when you click on next right it's going to bring you to the next part where it's going to say skills so click on here scroll down till you see where it says translational languages select that one right there then select five different popular languages because the more popular the language is uh like the the higher chances of you getting jobs so select somethings like hindi french english obviously uh select german and select chinese right there so these are the five languages you said you know how to speak and come down here uh you're gonna come here which is beginner click on that put in experts come here put in experts come here put in experts come here as well put in exports and come here as well and put in experts and once you're done simply scroll down below click on next and then here you're going to set your hourly which remember my own hourly rate of my main account was about 50 dollars so go ahead and put in 30 u.s dollars right here sorry 30 right there and click on next now when you click on next right it's going to ask you for your portfolio and what i simply do here is very very simple but most people are going to actually give up on this because they're going to get stuck here they're going to be like where am i supposed to get a portfolio and they're going to quit right but that's why i said you should actually watch everything i'm going to teach you here step by step because um i'm going through the process step by step and let me just check if my uh rocket is still on okay so it's still on okay at this point right now we're gonna upload our portfolio and um let me show you guys how i do what i do right so open up another tab on google and uh a portfolio first of all it's supposed to be like where people are gonna are gonna come to see your work and stuff like that so open up a a page on google then simply uh think of a keyword so let me just say how to take care of cats so let me just when you think of a keyword go back to your google translate come here then um clear this thing right here then put in the keyword how to take care of cats right when you search for that right uh copy the hindi version or whatever language you put in right here go into google search for that right there and when you search for that where it's going to show you a bunch of articles about taking care of cats that are written in hindi so simply click on one of the articles right there and when you click on that this is what the article looks like so at this point right now what's gonna happen is that google translate is gonna actually give you an option to actually translate what is on this page right but first of all i want you to take a screenshot of this particular hindi version so uh click on your screenshot tool on your browser right now scroll up a bit let me scroll up a bit right here and the page isn't actually downloading it's still loading but once it's done you should be able to just take a screenshot so i'm just going to take a screenshot of this one right here right we're going to take a switch off this first paragraph right here and i'm going to save that as um hindi version right then i'm gonna click on save and when i do that i'm gonna then copy this thing right here right now i'm gonna copy this thing right here right now i'm gonna copy that i'm going to go into my google translate i'm going to change this one from hindi to english so i'm going to paste what i copied right here okay it's actually i copied the wrong thing so i'm going to come back here i'm going to copy this thing right here click on copy and go back to google translate right there put it in right there and you can see right here what the article is talking about the english version so i'm just going to remove this thing right here like this one and right now just just um copy the english version that's in the direction inside here i copy it right away click on copy and open up a site called and you can paste it right there and you can see this is the english version right here so go ahead and uh do a screenshot of the english version of what you've written right so just do a screenshot like this right here so um and then click on save save it as um english version right and then click on save right here and yeah save it right there now we have a hindi version of an article talking about cats and an english version as well in image form right so at this point what we want to do is we want to actually go into uh lithium right now when i actually come here with his um cover image click on that it's gonna pull up your your your file manager for you so select the hindi version put it in right there then be like um my folio here where it says title and here we say skills click on that search for hindi translator select that in here that's enough right so come down and just close this right away come down here where it says description and be like um i can translate from hindi hindi to english and three other languages and the documents image are attached below is one showing showing um a translation of a short paragraph that i did simple then simply this is the image right here and then what you want to do is you want to like add another item right here click on image then you want to actually upload the english version then here the individual click on that it's going to upload now click on done and they're going to come to the description of that one and be like is the english version of the hindi article that i translated and boom once you're done with that right it's very very simple you have put in the the hindi version now someone that actually knows how to speak indian english will look at these two things and see that they correspond and see that you actually can do what you're promising that you're gonna do right and when you look at this right here you can see that we easily did that with google translate we didn't have to stress ourselves right so at this point right now what you're gonna have to do is you're gonna come down here and click on where it says publish right here click on publish then scroll down here it's going to say uploading 40 it's going to say 60 is going to say 80 percent and once it's done it's going to say portfolio success so go ahead and click on finish and when you click on finish click on boost my profile right here and when you click on boost my profile what we're going to try to do is now that we're going to try to like give them more information because the more the information you give them the more they're going to trust you and the more they trust you the more work they're going to give you so you're going to have to fill out these things right here so it's going to ask you where do you live so go ahead and click on this and find your your country for me i stay in nigeria so i'm going to find uh my country right here you should have nigeria somewhere right now this is nigeria here i'm going to select that so select your own country and move on to second question where it's going to ask you what's your agenda so you're gonna select your gender for me i'm a male so it's gonna take me to the next question putting your birthday right here i'm gonna put in my birthday i'm gonna select this one i'm gonna uh put in my bed here i'm gonna put in a random year right here it doesn't really matter it doesn't have to be activated i'm going to put in 2000 right here click on continue and when click on continue right there it's going to ask you what's your primary language i'm going to click on here i'm going to select english obviously because that's my own um uh language right here so here where it says what best describes your ethnicity click on this right here if you're asian put in your channel if you're american put in that if you're black which i am gonna put in that i'm gonna put in black so i'm gonna move on to the next one where it says what is your current employment status right so go ahead and click on this right here i'm going to put in employed past time right because if you put in full time they're going to think that you're too busy they're going to give you less work so put it put in part time then here it's going to say what industry do you currently work in click on that simply scroll down here just find whatever it doesn't really matter i'm going to put in um education right here it doesn't really matter you see what is your comment marital status right you want to put in single right here or whatever you have you're married cody married it doesn't really matter so here it says what is your highest level of education achieved i'm gonna click on this i'm gonna put in high school graduates and uh here it says what is your current income range so i'm going to click on this and personally i make over 15 to 20 thousand dollars monthly so i'm going to click on that right there and um here where it says postal code i'm gonna actually put in my postal code and if you don't know how to find your own postal code simply go over to google and do a search for me i can do a search for lagos nigeria postal code hit search right there and it's going to show me a bunch of postal codes in my city so you can do that for your city very very simple so i'm gonna put in this one that says one zero one two four one so we're gonna come here i'm gonna put in one zero one two four one i'm gonna hit continue and when i click on that one it's gonna say congratulations right and you can actually click on keep boosting profile and keep answering more questions and all click click on start ending now normally i recommend you click on keep boosting profile but i don't want this video to get too long so i'm going to click on starting now but for you click on here answer as much questions as you can until you get to this point right click keep on answering questions until you get to this point right here and at that point your profile is going to be as strong as it's supposed to be to start making money so but for me i'm just going to click on this one for the for the tutorial six i'm gonna click on start ending now by the way so it says get verified and start working today now they're gonna have to charge you money for you to get verified but you don't have to pay right now i would recommend you actually do work make money and then pay to get verified because when you get verified you're going to obviously get more jobs you're going to get a better a higher amount of trust on the website right so right here right now are you we're gonna ignore this thing right here and what we're gonna do right now is we're gonna actually click on where it says browse right now that we have our accounts ready click on browse and click on browse projects right there sorry click on browse again and it's going to bring you to browse projects right here so here you're going to see a bunch of project now you can see this person here is going to pay you 15 to 20 dollars for this project this one's going to pay you social avatar illustrations it's going to pay you 200 for this this one is going to pay you 150 for this it was going to pay you um 175 dollars so i'm going to pay 500 right here but for us remember we're simply going to be doing simple things because if you notice these tasks right here this one involves you having graphic design skills this one here involves you having powerpoint and design skills this one right here involves you having um photoshop skills this one right here involves you having crypto chatting skills and programming skills but for us we're going to be doing the simplest one that we can actually do with google translate which is actually um the the the past where we get to um like do translational languages so come here to the left side scroll down to you see translation on languages and click on that one right there and when you click on that what's going to happen is that it's going to actually load up a bunch of translation projects for you and so you can see a bunch of them here this one wants you to translate from english to hindi tamil and maya lam for 25 to 100 dollars so this one here wants you to translate from russian this one here i want you to translate espanol to english this one here wants you to translate um spanish uh documents i want you to translate um okay russia this one here once you translate french so there are a bunch of jobs right here you can keep going down you can keep going down and down and down and down the walk doesn't finish all you need to do is to get your accounts ready verify your account and start working so you can simply click on one of these projects right there it's going to bring you into here all you have to do is to scroll down here to the bottom right here you can put in the amount of money you're going to beat you can see the person is actually giving you 25 200 laps what you can do is just put in 10 you're going to do it for 25 right there and then be like um here i'll get the job done fast manually and i'll revise the work till your [Music] shot satisfied with what i'll give you simple i assure them that you're going to keep them the best and uh once you've done that simply click on place a beat and your beat is going to be placed right this person is going to see your bid and if you actually feel that what you wrote here is convincing they're gonna buy from you so focus on actually writing something that's very very convincing here and that's how you're gonna get yourself here and like i said there are a bunch of jobs like there are a whole lot of projects right here a whole lot of press around translation and with google translate you can actually translate anything to anything easily in second try so that's literally how easy it is to actually make one that's how i actually made this money right here you can see it's lithium that sent me money right here and like you saw in my profile it took me about 34 34 translation jobs to actually make this money right here and that's like how you can actually make money online for free without having to pay anybody and at this point i believe you've actually got some value from my video so if you got value go ahead and leave me a like like i said drop a comment down below saying let's get that online money and uh like i said subscribe turn on notifications so that when i drop more videos like this one you're to get notified by youtube saying that daniel you're struck another video right here you're going to be the first to watch you're going to be the first to make money and we're all going to be winning together right so at this point now i believe you've watched you've lent you've liked you've subscribed you've turned notifications and one more thing i want you to do is to go to the description of this video you're going to see a bunch of links to a bunch of things right there because i have a full course where i actually students the methods i use to make over 40 000 in a single month so you can go check that out you can go check out my email list you can go check out my blog i have a bunch of what i make money online articles on there in the description um you can go check out my instagram everything is going to be in the description and at this point i'm going to see you guys in my next video so uh check out the two days on the screen i'm sure you're gonna like them if you like if you enjoyed this one and with that said let's go
Channel: Daniels Hustle
Views: 362,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: make money online, how to make money online, make money online for free, ways to make money online, make money online 2021, earn money online, easy way to make money online, make money, make money online fast, top ways to make money online, make money online doing nothing, make money online no work, best way to make money online, investor, work from home jobs, easiest way to make money online, how to make money online for free, investor plus, daniels hustle
Id: DSgooiivVOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 41sec (1661 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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