How To Create A Paypal Account In Nigeria In 2021 | Send & Receive Money | [2021 NEW UPDATED]

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hey what's up guys it's frank lemano here and in this video today i'm gonna be sharing with you guys a step-by-step process on how you can actually create a working paypal account here in nigeria now this is one of the biggest issues that you know most internet marketers have where they cannot receive their payments from in a different part of the world right here in nigeria via paypal and this is basically because you know nigeria is actually one of the strictest countries that you know can't receive funds via people and same with some other countries that retreated this video is really going to help you i'm going to show you guys you know a step-by-step process that i've actually used to receive paypal by myself right here so watching all through this video to the very end you're going to be learning all of this i'm going to walk you through everything that you actually need to know from creating your account to you know linking it up to your card so withdrawing from your paypal account down to your local bank account and also how to get past every of the limitations that you actually have on your paypal account so this video is one you actually want to steal and watch through to the very end now it's actually cool to know that i have more people accounts and you can see right here i've been receiving phones on this people account for 217.58 here i have a paper balance of 242 dollars right here right and moving over you can actually see the various transactions i have done on this paypal account right so this is to show you that you know this is basically this is no fluff and you know this is something that i myself have used steadily right i've used this steadily to you know um receive funds and definitely if i can receive funds man it means i have a process to get it down to my local bank account because i need to spend the money right i need to spend the money and guys you should also know that i've helped you know thousands of persons to you know um get their paypal account up you can see this it's really from the video i did so apparently i have a video on my channel like this one where i actually shared with you guys but there's been you know a lot of people who have been successful with creating their account and at the same time you know there are people who still have questions right due to you know some errors here and there they still have a lot of questions and that's why i'm making this video today so you can actually follow me all through to the very end and you can learn everything you need to number people all in one single video right so this video is basically for affiliate marketers this is a huge problem for apple marketers you actually are an athlete for a an international company and getting your phones down here for your payouts is quite hard because the request for people right the request of people and you can't use paypal at the moment and also online business owners who actually need to send down funds they can't get that freelancers or fiverr especially also have this same very issue and this is why i'm addressing this particular problem right here so i'm gonna solve it and you should actually stick with me guys so if you actually love this video and you actually love what i'm doing here make sure you go ahead and comment drop in the comment section just drop in paypal write in the comment section let me know that yes you actually following this video and at the same time we can trigger them let them know the there are people and more and more people who are currently having all these issues because they're in nigeria can actually you know um get to watch this particular video and you know they go over this issue on their own guys i'm basically doing this for educational purposes so you can implements and you can actually start receiving your phones right here in the country and at the same time guys you love this video give the thumbs up and also subscribe to my channel and hit the bell icon so that when i actually make you know videos like this one you shoot tips and share my strategies on how to make money online you can basically you know be the first to get notified that franklin has uploaded a new video and you need to watch it so like i said guys you know you're going to be learning you know the five different you know aspects here on this video and one is to create a people account right you're going to create a paypal account that receives and censored and two is you're going to verify the paypal account it's actually you know i'm needed to be verified it's it's important you get to verify these people account and the three you get to link your card your paypal account is one of the biggest issues people have and i'm gonna address it in this video and the next four is to withdraw from paypal to your bank account and the fifth one is getting past paper limitations now people have a lot of limitations and it's quite cool that you get to know that you know there are limitations and there are also ways to get past these limitations and that is exactly what i'm going to share with you guys in this video today now guys um i'm actually going to be walking away from this through my you know today screen where i'll be showing you guys this practical step-by-step process so it's just okay for you to you know sit right back and you know watch with me and everything i'm going to share with you guys in this video if there's any links i'm going to leave those links right down there in the description below and at the same time i'm going to leave timestamps so i can actually skip any part of this video you already have and you can you know you can actually visit watch through learn what you want to do and go ahead and take the necessary action but it's actually cool you get to watch everything right to the very end so that you can understand this new method this is a new procedure there's a new pattern on how to create a people account and things i'm actually going to share here you might not have seen it before so i actually think you should you know watch this video to the very end so let's dive in all right so the very first thing that i usually do is to go over and click on and this is what most of you guys are really going to do there right but the cool thing here is when you come over to this particular space and you click on just type in you're going to be greeted with this particular page and on this page right now i'm scrolling through you're going to see this is paypal this is a personal account and it's easier saying how does paypal work pay online you can pay online you can send payments you can also search for this with paypal but guys you cannot receive payments with this particular account right this is one of the biggest issues we're having because you know because you've actually just gone to right you can see that it adds this to ng because it has detected your ip and you know it brings you down here to nigeria basically like i said earlier nigerians are not allowed to receive funds with their paypal accounts now this is where your stock because as you can see here since this is an adrian account right you can only send payments there is no option to receive payment at this particular point right here right so what i'm going to do now is to show you guys how to do this so one you when you're actually opening up right make sure you add a slash ae now ae is actually arab emirates so this is you opening up your paypal account in another location right which is not nigeria because you know um you can't actually have access to some features with what you have right here and trust me like i showed you guys earlier this thing works i've used it and it works perfectly fine and that's what i'm sharing with you guys this we can also learn and implement what i'm sharing with you in this video so once you add slash ae you're going to be greeted with this particular page and on this page you are actually going to come over to this section and right here you can see how people works pay online send payments gets paid right so you can see you can send payments and at the same time you can also get paid right so this is these are the two things we want these are the two basic things we want here one to send payments and also be able to receive payment this is even more important because where people have the biggest issues is where they cannot receive payments that they have you know um in different places online so once you're here you know um you are going to go over to signing up for an account because it's actually time you get to sign up let's use this account and at this particular option there are two types of accounts there's a personal account and the personal account you guys need to shop you know around the world and you know shop their computers and all but the business accounts you can actually use asset payments send invoices and all now there are more features in the business account and for what you might most likely want to do it is actually you know better if you can go ahead with creating a business account right it gives you more options and more features for your business so i'm going to go over to creating a business account right here and i'm going to click on continue yeah so once i click on continue it's asking me to input my email so this is the very first step i'll have to input my email address and once i impose my email address i'm going to go to the next page so i'm going to click on continue and it's asking for my password and i am going to click on continue now once you have done that it brings us to this next step where you would have to you know um impute your business details now this is quite important because you know um they also it's a account basically right so they need your business details for you know i'm checking up on transactions that are going in and out of paypal right here so i'm going to click on my so i'm going to impose my business contact name all right and my sunday month all so basically so basically i just want to impose my name and my surname here and then for my organization name i am still going to you know impute my full name right so this is actually what my customers are going to see now when it comes to the business phone number right you can actually use your own phone number at this particular step right and guys one thing important to note is that i'm actually using a desktop for the signup and please use the desktop for this sign up basically right because most of the people that have issues they have issues because they're using their mobile phone right and they say this is not clicking they're using your mobile phone so it sometimes has a different ui to the desktop version so i'm going to smash on this you know and i want to select my my my my my phone region right my country region and so you can actually go ahead and use your nigerian phone number this is nigeria here i can go ahead and impute my nigerian phone number here and it's going to work perfectly fine all right so once i've been able to implement my phone number the next thing i want to do is to impose my business address and all right so at this particular section business address is very important but you know we are actually opening up our accounts like we're in the arab emirates and this means that most of the features you're going to see here is going to be you know in the in uae right but at this business address all you need to do is just go ahead and impute your details your normal details the way it is right and i'm going to show you what to do right here so here i'm just going to enter you know my this address my normal online url address and once i'm here i can actually change let me change it to abdabi right let me change it to abu dhabi right now and you can see the currency i want my you know paypal account to have right because it's actually quite important that you can choose your currency you can so you can choose in various currencies that are here and um you can see the various you know options we have here and for this purpose i'm choosing in us dollars right and once i do that i click on this and i click click on agree and continue yeah i'm going to click on agree and continue and at this step it takes me to this next page where i'll have to describe my type of business and i'll just say it's an individual business i'll say um online marketing right consulting and digital marketing okay so let me pick okay yeah so this works and the website option is optional now there was this website option outside i can actually skip this one and i click on continue yeah so it's asking for other personal details where i have to impose my date of birth you know and my country resistance and all so at this point i'm just gonna um check on same as the first address i used back there right and for my date of bet on all you know for the nationality i can actually go ahead and scrolling down right here you're gonna see that you can actually select your nigerian basically right you can select your nigerian and you want to impute your id passport so whatever id you have right you're going to impute it right here so i'm going to select you know my national id might be your nimc sleep or nin slip and all so you're gonna insert this inside of this space right and at the same time you are also going to you know um impute your real date of birth right so you can actually picture read with the birth here and um once you are here you know um you can actually flow on video so i'm going to increase my details right now i'm just actually personal so you don't want to see them i'm going to put my details and i'll go over to the next step once i click on submit right here all right so once you have actually been able to do that you click on submit it that's bringing just brought us to this page now you can see it says welcome paypal business account guys this basically means that your paypal account has successfully been opened right so hurry guys here you guys already so if you've actually gotten to this point go ahead and tell me yes i have opened up my account in the comment section go down there in the comments and tell me yes i have done this in the comment section we're going to move on to the next step but you know comment right now give this video a thumbs up and also you know make sure to subscribe to my channel and hit the bell icon so that you don't miss any of my videos right so um we've got to this point we have been able to create our people accounts and guys trust me you can actually receive funds from this particular account yes that is actually the good thing and you know um once you are able to do that you know you can see here request for fun so imagine you requested for fund right you can request for fund meaning that people can actually pay you into this account so you've been able to successfully create your own fee um paypal accounts for your use right so um once i'm here now um let me go over and click on this and um let me click on the request for fund and we just get look around you know this particular you know space so you can see here you can actually send payment to people you can request for payments from people and you know you can actually bring in your contacts to this particular space so let me go back to the summary section so on this summary section you know you can actually see that it says here you know your paper balance is zero zero zero zero and you need to confirm your email address and at the same time link and confirm a debit or credit card right you can confirm link or confirming debit and credit card now we are going to do all of this now to be able to help us to you know um um get verified now this is the step two where you would actually need to verify your paypal account all right so on step two now we're looking to verify our people account and the first thing i'm going to verify it is via email so i'm going to click on see details now and um once i click on see details it's saying here this is my primary email and i will use verified so i'm going to go back to my email address and verify my account all right so coming straight in my inbox now you can see i've received three emails from paypal you can see this one here this one is talking about you know they're asking for you know their policies on all so they're really asking for me to complete some information here which i'm going to do but we need to confirm my email address first so i need to confirm my email address so what i'm going to do now is to you know smash on this button right so once this machine is button it's going to open up a new page where it's confirmed that the account is basically you know verified 100 so i'm going to click on this right now yeah so once i actually click on that particular link right now i'll just have to sign into my account i'll just have to sign into my account right now so i want to confirm my email address yes so once i've actually done that confirmation you can see it's bringing me right straight back to this particular page and um here on this page i would okay so here on this page let me go back to summary um let me get updates from my account so i'm going to go back to the home page here or the summary page or dashboard so here you can actually see that it says um i've been able to verify my email so you won't see that option right here anymore right i've been able to verify my email so you can see this particular site or the section is gone and it's actually requesting to link and confirm my debits or credit card right but it says here it's time to start getting paid to go to the setup and you know so you can open your business let's let's also go there and finish our set up okay so it's bringing us over to this particular page here where we can actually send payment review basically so that's this info right here it's really not taking you anywhere right it's just telling you to go ahead and start receiving payments the paypal account is up all right so um we are here now and um this is actually the step three and here we actually looking at linking and confirming our debit or credit card down this is actually you know what next you are going to do right and now i am actually going to be you know speaking a little trying to break this down to you so that you can understand everything that is actually entailed in the first class space so um first of all as a nigerian or in most countries where paypal is a fully banned you can actually you know um get to link some cards now when i say some cards this is basically because some work and some do not work right this is basically because some work and some do not work um let's take questions in nigeria we have gtb first bank card we have the fidelity bank card now i've been able to successfully link my fidelity bank card my the master card sorry the visa card the fifth demand visa card and at the same time successfully linked the gt bank mastercard to my people account right some other person said they've been able to link you know zenith bank and all but at the same time you know some other person have advice to use fidelity bank or gt bank have used it and they declined like it was declined so um i actually i'm gonna be using one central you know card i'm gonna be i'm giving you a card that i know that works at least 99 of the time that people have tried it and when i mean 99 i mean that yes you can really fall on that one percent that would actually want to link up your card and it won't work right so now um what i'm going to do now is to see details this is exactly what i'm going to do now it's going to bring me up to this particular page where i would have to you know it's going to bring them to this particular page where i would have to you know i have two options either to link a credit card or i would have to link a a a bank account directly now for me we're starting to be linking a credit card now for you to be able to link a credit card um in nigeria first let me talk about bank account in nigeria you cannot link your bank account to paypal like 100 doesn't work right 100 100 of the time it doesn't work so let's say we're going to click you know linking a bank account here and in order for you to do this it's asking you for the account type is asking you for the different details here and the bank account that you can link to your people account that works is called the payoneer account right it is the payoneer account now i actually have a free video on my youtube channel on this youtube channel where you know um you can actually go ahead and watch how to set up a pioneer account and you can actually get a us account you can get the u.s bank accounts via pioneer and you can plug it right in here and it will work right but if you're looking to plug in your nigerian bank accounts here it won't work 100 of the time right so there's no need to try that so i'm going to walk back down and take you guys over to where we're going to be linking up the card because you know this is actually what we want to do at the moment so let me go back click on see details again and then click on link a credits card now when you have actually opened that up you are going to come over to this section here and this is where you need to link your card and the card i'm going to recommend for you is the uba prepaid card right this is the uba prepaid card and this card this card is actually the card you're going to be using right this is mine and you know you can basically see that you know um this is exactly what most people have actually been using well it's still it's still quite you know like everybody knows about this right so it's more like a secret i'm sharing with you guys trust me this is actually a secret you know um loop i'm sharing with you so guys you know make sure that you tell me yeah i love this secret in the comment section below and at the same time give this video a thumbs up subscribe my channel right now if you're loving this video so once you're actually doing this you're going to go to the bank and when you go to the bank you're going to request for a uba prepaid card right so as of now it is actually free of charge and you can get this card without having a ub account as at this moment like as a today i'm making this video right you can get a uba prepaid card without an account with ub a bank right but i don't know later in the future because of more and more people requesting for this card they can use it as a way to get more put open accounts with them so you have to also open accounts and you know you get the card so all you need to do is to go in you're going to ask for the ub a prepaid card and once you get a uba prepaid card it comes in this format right there too there's an error card as there's a dollar card so you can actually get an error card both of them works percent but getting narrow cards so they don't go to rest of holding dollars and all of those things right so once you actually get this dollar card you can come in here you're going to put in your card number you select your card type you select you the expiry date and the security code but when you get this card please make sure to impute into this card about you know let's say five dollars right try and put about five dollars into this card now five dollars converting to an error can be about 2500 or so right so make sure you impute about you know 2500 to this card and why we are doing this is because paypal is going to debits you know about two dollars to verify this card so what they do is they debit the card and you know this debit is more of like to verify that this card is working 100 and they can transact via this card in future days right so they beat you know um two to about two dollars from this particular account now the thing is you know um also make sure that you do not forget to activate your card so once you have activated your card in the bank via the atm and all you activate by just changing your password according to what bankers have told me right and once you actually change your password it's been activated you go back in and you deposit five dollars into this particular card and you come in here and you're going to insert these details here and then paypal is going to debit you with two dollars and when the debit with two dollars please listen and listen good guys when you debit your two dollars you're going to get a four-digit code right with p starting with pp right this four digits code is gonna be starting with pp right pp you can see that i'm gonna show you to you guys on the screen here what it you know debit it's gonna look like right and it's gonna start with pp then four digits code now those four digits go down this code you're going to impute inside of this section after you've actually clicked on link in your card right so let me just try up something all right so it says here you link to your card already right so once you actually get that code right you would go ahead and you know input it and he says here i have successfully linked my card so you can see here you linked your visa prepaid blah blah blah successfully so once i've done this i'm going to click on done right i'm going to click on done and once i click on done so it's coming over to this page where i've been able to link my card and the next i'm going to do is to confirm right i'm going to confirm my card so it is right now at this confirmation section that you know they're going to debit me right they're going to debit me some amount so let's say i'm going to say get a code so it says here your card is declined this is basically because i do not have you know enough funds on this particular card right now so i'm going to fund this particular card and then go ahead and retry this but once i found it they're going to debit me and your debits a lot right listen in your debit alert you are going to get the four-digit code so that for the just code is exactly what you're going to impute into this section right yeah so once you have been able to do that then you would have successfully linked your card to your people account so this is basically how to do the 100 right this works and represents the time now once you've been able to link your account mover to step four which is you will drain from your paypal accounts to naira right so for this step four you'll be drawing people accounts never i'm gonna show you guys basically how that works and in order to demonstrate this to you guys i'm have i will have to sign into my another people i kind of have right where i have funds and i'm going to show you guys how to withdraw you know um these funds down to my local bank accounts so this is actually another you know people account i have and you can see that here i can really have some funds inside of this particular account and i'm showing you guys how to be referenced from this paypal account down to your local bank account and in order to do this and in order to do this i would just click on you know this is my phone i'm going to just click on transfer right and once i click on transfer now remember we've been able to link that card i actually told you guys so i am going to just go over to you know um this particular account i'm going to use and you can see i also added my pioneer accounts my u.s accounts remember i told you guys so this is it right here i'm going to click on next and so once i click on next i'm going to click on next again and once i click on next again it's bringing me over to this particular page where it's telling me you know you want to transfer the amount of one for two dollars the fees five dollars and i'm going to get 143 right so once i click on transfer now it's going to confirm and tell me you have transferred this particular amount to your bank right yeah i've been able to transfer this to my bank so this is actually the very simple and sweet process on how i've been able to use this particular method right i've used this particular method and i've transferred this into my you know bank account separately i'm going to show you guys in a series of a lot that i really get whenever i transfer phones down to my you know my my my local card and that's still the same as a card we use when we actually linked it up to paper the last time right so this is exactly how to go ahead with you know withdrawing your phones from paypal to nara right but at the same time you know there's still another method because some of you guys might as well be having issues here and there other particular points and a very huge alternative you actually want to do is you just using an exchanger right so an exchanger is somebody who you are going to send your paypal funds to you're going to transfer this phone to this person and he changes it for you to naira right it changes it's for you to deliver equivalent so um i'm gonna be showing you guys how to do this so you're gonna come over to this website here this website is called pal exchange right pal exchange and when you come over to you are going to you know be greeted with this particular page you can see here they do um deposits and withdrawal funds so they buy and sell paypal fund currently here so all you need to do is just to click on start exchange you're going to input your name and your details and once you actually impute your details you're going to increase how much you are exchanging so let's say yes changing 20 for example i'm going to say 200 and you click on start exchange and the beauty of this is here is it's an android platform so once you click on start exchange it's going to redirect you to a page where you would have to contact your agent for whatsapp right so it's simple and you know it's a very straightforward process right so you're going to contact the agent via whatsapp and you know you get to exchange your funds they are not going to send to you the equipment in naira so what they basically do they're going to send you an email where you have to send your funds to and then when you come here you say send you're going to click on send when you enter your account you're going to click on send and then once you come over to this particular space the email the agent is going to give to you you're going to come in here and you're going to impute that email right here and once you impede the email right here all right you go over to the next and you impute the amount you want to send to these people and you can send it they're going to give you the equipment in naira they're going to send you the clients in there so this is very straightforward very simple and 100 it is guaranteed right it's guaranteed that you're going to get your money i actually trust this guy's 100 so go ahead and you know continue on with this transaction at this particular point so this is going to work for you if you have any issues with you know any car transaction any card issues and all of those things right they are really going to help you so that those issues will not really solve your issues basically but they're going to help you with exchanging your dollar funds on your paypal account to your naira equivalent and you also need to understand that sometimes when you're exchanging even with the bank right the the conversion rate is really very low usually within 360 380 400 right depending on the current rate so 360 380 400 they are just going to exchange the whole um funds for you right guys this is this about you withdrawing from your paypal account right i'm going to leave the link to pal exchange right down there in the description below so that you can use you know this link or you can also see you can see it on the screen right now right you can see the link right now this is actually exactly the link and notice the spelling because you know i think it's a little bit misspelt pal exchange right there's no e before the x so this is going to work super fine for you if you want to you know exchange your forms on paypal and all so once we have done this and i'm going to go back right now and um all right so the next i'm going to talk about now is getting past paypal limitations now people actually have series of limitations on their accounts right and if you're a beginner you you're actually limited to a particular amount and if you reach that threshold you will not be able to you know um to get past that particular threshold anymore and one of the basic reasons why you are limited on your accounts is because you've not been able to verify your account via email you've not verified or linked a bank account and you've not been able to verify your business right so the thing is you would have to verify all of these things now do not get scared because we actually used you know another country's you know um information basically just to make sure that you actually provide people with all of the details they're requesting from you and once you can actually provide all those things then your accounts the limitations is going to be removed no one actually faced this thing before now and that's why i'm actually telling you guys how to solve it right and you know i actually got this limitation and when i actually reached the threshold i couldn't actually access my paypal account anymore and i had to go back and you know feed them all of the business details and this is basically no more than your id snap and send it to them and confirm that you know um they get to confirm that it's equal and once you've been able to you know you've been able to confirm this then they are going to remove the limitations on your account currently my accounts will not have any limitations all right this is because i've been able to fully verify everything from a to z and this is exactly what you are going to do right so we've actually gotten to the end of this particular video and i'm actually glad you've been able to successfully create your own paypal account right i'm also going to be leaving you know links to how to get to create a payoneer account so that you can create a brilliant account into my channel my on youtube and you can also go and watch it for free and you know you can learn from this and you get value from what you know um you're going to learn from there too right so thanks so much for watching this particular video and i'm actually glad that you've been able to watch to this very point and yes it's actually making money time guys all right so go ahead and do what you got to do to make the cash flow in right and with this guys i'm gonna be seeing you guys in my next video peace [Music] [Music] so
Channel: Franklin Emmanuel
Views: 109,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to open paypal account in nigeria, nigerian paypal that can receive funds, how to verify paypal in nigeria, paypal in nigeria, create a paypal account in nigeria, paypal account in nigeria, paypal account, paypal nigeria 2021, open paypal account in nigeria, how to create a paypal account that receives money in nigeria, how to get free paypal money, nigeria paypal, paypal in nigeria 2020, nigerian paypal account, how to open lesotho paypal account in nigeria
Id: 3lFUqNiYyBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 6sec (1866 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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