How To Build an Affiliate Marketing Website and Make $9000 Monthly (with Proof)

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guys mind you i'm on fiverr affiliates and not right so i'm just gonna sign into my fiverr affiliate account to show you um how much i've made with this alone so this is logging in right now so you give it a while to finish up and you see um let me just go down right here you see total have end over nine thousand dollars right now and then for the last two you to be x to be precise and i eight thousand eight hundred and ten for the last has been paid to me already and there's a balance of two hundred dollars and guys guess what this is still making money right and in this period um there's been okay let me let me just do from january january 2021 up until this moment i'm just going to do january 2021 and update okay so i've had seven seven thousand clicks right this is unique clicks and it's registrations and conversion is 14.8 percent which is over eight thousand dollars right here guys right on fiverr affiliate alone and this is one of the um affiliate independent affiliate programs i'm going to be introducing to you guys in this video hey guys so in today's video i'm going to be showing you guys exactly how to build an affiliate marketing website like i promised in my previous video what i'm going to be doing is to take you step by step from the journey so we're going to be buying a domain name right now and we're going to actually be building a website actually by getting website from scratch right and after that we're going to be writing an article we're going to see how to write winning attribute articles that's going to rank and actually make your money definitely get it so let's go to my screen right now and get this video started but before that if you see me when fostering my name is check out me and i make videos around making money online so what i do is that i try things out they work and i come here and show you exactly what i've done hoping that you can do the exact same thing and get the exact same result all i need to do right now is to hit subscribe button below this video button so that when i drop awesome video just like what you're about to watch right now youtube will send you a notification right because i i make videos like this all the time around making money online which is what i do i make money online and i come here and show you exactly what i've done and like i've said hoping that you can do the exact same thing and get the exact same result so let's go to my screen right now and get video started guys now the good news is that um 90 of the products of softwares or websites that you use on the internet on a daily basis has an affiliate program right so let's take a look at a few so let's say for instance um uh crypto cryptocurrency exchange platforms like binance finance for instance let's say binance and we can just google binance uh affiliate program right just a binary affiliate program and you see that binance has an affiliate program right so we've looked at fiverr actually this is balanced affiliate program and it says uh recommend finance to your audiences and up to 50 lifetime commission on every qualified trade right i've made a lot of money on on remittando so the metano also has an affiliate program remitano affiliate program right you can you can actually you can basically google all your um yeah this is it right here your referral so they call it a referral uh program right and um anything i can think of right now don't put it on google and see if they have an affiliate program now this is the first step to actually identify these things now the second step is actually do your keyword research and find out if those affiliate program is what you focusing on right is it worth your time is it gonna make you a lot of money are people searching for it right so this is something that you need to i'm gonna be guiding you step by step on how to do all of this in this video now this instrument channel it says we have new referral program you receive 40 percent trade fees from your first tire and if he refers another person with his second tire you can receive 10 percent of the trade fees from the second term so it's it it's more or less less like like a pyramid you know and you end from everybody you know so but it's not it's not a pyramid scheme where you have like mmm and stuff like that you know where you bring people in and stuff no that's not how it works so um this is affiliate marketing affiliate marketing is very very very different from network marketing and all of that um amazon for instance a lot of you guys shop on amazon amazon affiliate program program right and you're going to see that amazon has an affiliate program called amazon associate center or central where you recommend amazon products for people and once they sell it's made with your link you know and you are going to get a commission for it you know and i've made a lot of money doing this so that's basically how these things work and i call this the independent affiliate program because you don't need to sign up for warrior plus or jvzoo or clickbank or any of those affiliate marketing network like share and sell a lot of that and even digital to um you can actually identify this individually and see if they are what what's your time and promotion and if they if it is then you can focus on it now the important thing is to focus on things that is that works and i'm gonna be guiding you on exactly how to do all that in this video because if you waste your time promoting something that doesn't work right it has no search it has no uh people are not searching for people but people are not interested in it you will be wasting your time and trust me i have been there right i know what it means which is why i make these videos and i show you guys um exactly what i've done and the mistake that i've made so that you don't make the same mistake so that's why it's important for you to watch the video to the very end and also make sure you subscribe to my channel and hit the notification button so that subsequent videos as i drop them you get notified and you can watch it and also get the knowledge and practice the value that i provide in those videos and we can all win together guys right that is the end game for us all to win together so um i've talked about the five i've laid i've talked about finance i've talked about repetano i'll talk about amazon affiliate i've um let's look at one more let's think about something else now um another thing that we can do is to just come to google and type um best affiliate programs best independent affiliate program i like that in the independent athlete programs right if you you're going to see a whole lot of uh websites talking about this uh adam freud has a forex central a little known affiliate programs right i'm just going to open this in the new tab uh i've been searching for this stuff like this but i've never seen this website before this has been go online right this is the first day i'm seeing it huffpost huffpost has 45 of the best affiliate programs right uh okay so you can just go ahead open all of these in a new tab and go through them one after the other right and see if it's actually worth it so we're going to be picking one out of all of these we're going to pick you one and we're going to be using it as a case study in this video so and we are going to be doing it together so okay so we're looking at the voice sites right now and if you come all the way down let's look at what he has written so i will come all the way down and you see that there are categories that he has listed like web hosting which i would have tried before and it works pretty well website builders like elementor um page builder and stuff for wordpress vpn this is very very very very very important travel finance fashion beauty fitness right sports music video games cryptocurrency which i have explained before marriage marijuana uh cbd oil and stuff like this they all have affiliate opportunities so these are niches i can actually come into so if you come all the way down right here he says that number one best overall affiliate program is fiverr right and i have showed you guys the money that i actually made on fiverr affiliates i've showed you guys that so i agree with um adam frank when he says that the best is actually fiverr but let's talk about that it's not the only one your others that's almost as good as five but also um let's go on without glucose is right here it's something that you can promote actively and not just people's there's a lot and lots of opportunities in this niche uh where is it in the web hosting niche web western beach there's a lot of affordable opportunities work with the beach i talked about a lot of them in my course their their affiliate marketing bootcamp journal will be that's where you get the course you see our link in box below so um bluehost is an interesting one which i have tried to admit money on because um uh hosting guide is also in the same categories because it's it's a web hosting uh stuff uh elementor is a website builder uh okay cloudways is basically web hosting web hosting affiliate program um hostgator the same web hosting so there's a lot of web hosting in display in this niche uh web host again greg is also web posts i have not tried this before have you painted this website builder okay uh liquid web is one person i've tried this before okay um sending blue is a email marketing uh platform grow your marketing and sales which they could get their crm email marketing software so this is an email marketing software uh vpns vpn software it's a vpn and there's a whole lot of them soft chart ipvanish xbox vpn not strong vpn pr uh let's go all the way down then website view does you have weeks big commercial if i click meter you know all of this and big comments shopify click me that is our website viewers builders early drop referral candy selfie 3d card size then athlete networks athlete networks also let's look at affiliate networks now this is what are the best athlete networks now affiliate networks are basically um those platforms like clickbank uh warrior plus and um gives you where you have um affiliates where you have products right under one umbrella so that is not what we're talking about today you know some of them are impact um uh share cell uh commission junction gcg raccoon and all that so that that's what we are looking at today right we're looking at the independent affiliate program that's what we're looking at so okay so back to our in the benefit programs we have public um we have a passport we have the gifi we have so all these ones are independent affiliate program like i said i'm gonna be leaving the link to these articles in some box below right now you can go ahead and look at these for our articles also like click funnels have the program um builder all worthy affiliate uh five affiliates everybody's talking about five or five or five but it's part of every list that we've looked at right so maybe we're gonna be going with five with five shopify like k star which is web hosting fragile a zodiac um live partner program drives uh testy affiliates and all of this right so um let's look at this dead list i'm gonna be leaving the link to this all these articulation books of this video below so you can just go in there look at these articles and find out the ones that's gonna work for you okay so and um okay so and every website that you visit that you think that you like their product please go to the bottom of the page of that product and see if they have a referral or an affiliate program some call it referrals some qualitative call it partnership so find out if they have something like that and please go through it so um let's look at this one commission structure cookie jar socket here best affiliate programs uh okay so looking at this one let's see six figure mentors uh wp engine i can start teachable insta page smart proxy hubspot you know there's a whole lot right i'm gonna look at this other article also or you're gonna see like a whole lot again and some of the ones that some actually show up on all the articles those ones are like the best okay you see hubspot elementor ascended blue gets response see five are right here again so i've made a decision but don't be fiber this article so the next thing that we're gonna be doing let's say we want to go for fiverr affiliates what we're going to be doing is just go to um fiverr or go to the first five good five days fiverr affiliate that's what you want to go to fiverr affiliates right i'm gonna leave that's the first thing jump out below it's gonna be the five affiliates we can sign up for fiverr affiliates so you just come here and go to uh join now or start ending whichever it's gonna take you to the exact same place so you're just gonna come here now put in your account type which is your name basically your privates right so that's where you want to go to then putting your name here uh your first name like gerard for instance your last name which is your surname like put your email address right here and choose a username choose a password choose a password uh confirm your password let's type your password again select your country uh english select your language your phone number and skype id now this type id is actually optional right so you can leave it you can just go and create an account to skype and put your id right here after you've done this you're gonna click on next right and it's gonna take you to the next page and that's the sign up process so it's very simple just like signing up for an email or whatever it is you know so it's the same exact same way and it's very very very simple now after you've done that what you need to do is to log into your account so i'm just going to log into my account again and i'll show you guys what you need to do so i'm just gonna come here and uh so want to understand the commission structure i'm gonna be showing you the commission structure of this that's what i'm trying to log in so i click on login sign in because i already have an account so and uh okay so it's logging me and just give it a while to finish up so if you're getting any value from this video i want to please encourage you to hit the subscribe button and verification button because what i do on this channel basically is that i show you guys exactly how to make money online so i try something out the world and i come here and show you exactly what i did so that you can do the exact same thing and get the exact same result guys now that said we are a lot fiver has a lot what we call a fiverr hybrid it has a fiver hybrid there's hybrid hybrid hybrid you're gonna be seeing cpa fiber cpa which is cause per action now personally i prefer going for cpa i'm going to be showing you well let's go to commission planner let me show you why let me show you why i prefer going for fiverr cpa as opposed to hybrid they'll be able to so let's look at the two of them and find out exactly what the difference is so if you come to um fiverr business this is this is what we have for okay fiber cpa by product is what we are focusing on i'm just gonna uh click here okay beautiful so um for fiverr pro fiverr will pay you 150 dollars for each person that you bring in you get to actually click on your link sign up on fiverr and buy your product under fiverr through you're gonna be getting a hundred fifty dollars instantly now that's a lot of money right so if the person buys something under this category of freedom editing yeah if i pay you thirty dollars if their purchase is under business plans it's thirty dollars illustration twenty five dollars you know all the way down e-commerce and development fifty dollars um all this you come all the way down continue and this is everything else that's not listed here it's 15 that's what i'm gonna pay you so they are paying you per action you get people to sign up and take action that action is actually buy something now at the amount they pay you depends on the category that they actually buy stuff now that is fiverr cpa that's the cpa now um let's look at fiverr hybrid this is the second type favorite hybrid so hybrid um uh cpa and revolution that's what i do so if you bring somebody to buy something on firefighter gives you ten dollars plus ten percent of whatever it is that the person actually buys so if the person spends hundred dollars on fiverr you're gonna be getting ten dollars the person spends one thousand dollars you're gonna be paying one thousand dollars as opposed to this one if that person spends one thousand dollars buying a pro plan they're gonna be getting 150 dollars if that person pays ten thousand dollars buying under proofread that editing you're gonna be getting thirty dollars right so you choose the one that works best for you for me personally i kind of like cpa right you just bring somebody once and you get money once and that's all right so that person buys in pro plan you get 150 dollars and that's all the money that you're gonna make now if you look at my analytics right here let's go to my dashboard again you see that um let's let me go let me go to uh from january 1st of this year and uh okay january uh february march uh first of this year so i'm just gonna hit updates up until this moment that i'm making this video which is seven seven twenty one you're gonna see that i have uh gotten two thousand three and forty eight percent actually register on fiverr using my link right i've got and i'm gonna be guiding you guys on the process exactly step by step which is why i want to say this again make sure you watch this video to the very end right and as you're watching this video just watch it for the first time then come back the second time and play bet right so that you understand this video before you jump right into it so um this is over to over 2000 registrations right and i am focusing solely solely on cpa if i have a cpa i'm not interested in revenue share or hybrid and everything that is wrong right now i'm focusing on fiverr cpa so cost per action just give me that money once and if you come here you're gonna see that this is my illustration on fiverr cpa i've gotten general which is where they pay me like fifteen dollars i think so 170 percent illustration this is a commission i've made over four thousand dollars in commission here i've made about three thousand dollars three hundred dollars here fifteen dollars in super bowl twenty two to one at this category category eleven dollars eighteen pesos one right in place registered travel business no uh nine registration fiverr learn fiverr cpa uh default video web game whatever whatever you know like so these are my top performing creatives right so that's exactly how this thing works so what you need to do is to copy your affiliate link that's very important so you can actually see my nutrition report right here you know how many people have registered and when they registered and stuff like that blah blah blah so people register and buy so you have to buy something before you can make money that's basically how this thing works so these are people that registered you know and the countries whether it's nigeria we have kenya perhaps zambia have us us bt whatever it is south africa south africa us ng you know i have people that people are registered for uh using my link to bring some fiverr and i'm gonna be guiding you guys on exactly what i'm talking to get them to actually get this time off of my link on this video so i want to also let you know that the the uh i'm gonna be teaching with fiverr in this video but i want to also let you know that this method can be applied to any independent affiliate platform right you just take a fiver and replace with whatever it is that you are promoting just in case you don't want to go with fiverr okay so that said i'm just going to come back to um marketing tools that's what you want to go marketing tools and uh all marketing tools that's what you want to come to here default and deep links okay so this is where you need to come to default and diplex and this is your affiliate link basically this after that basically now you can copy this the way it is or you can actually shorten the url i always do the shortening issue around this you have the link for cpa is for hybrid right and i normally go with cpa like i said before so i'm just going to copy this i'll come to my notepad document and drop it here so i'm just going to take all this up okay so this is our link i'm just gonna drop this here this is our fiverr link our fiverr affiliate link it's very important for you to pop you after that click and keep it safe so i've copied my favorite lately and i've kept it safe now so just a recap of what we've done we have um i'm showing you guys proof and we have found the product which is fiverr that's the one now the next thing for us to do is to do keyword research to find out if people are actually searching for this and if they're searching for this what are they searching for so that we um build this strategy to promote affiliates to common fiber as an affiliate so let's let me open the new tab right here and what we're going to be doing is to go to which is number one search engine in the world i go to all right go to and type uh come here and put 5a f-i-v-e-r-5-a right that's what i want to put i'm going to remove all these these are things that i've searched for before so just uh remove these remove these and remove this beautiful okay so we're going to we're going to place a clean slate right now so you play searching for fiverr athletes fiverr um program fiverr login fiber sign or five a quick view five in nigeria five out of five logo so i'm just gonna hit here and type search for five eight that's what i want to do i'm stepping aside for fiverr now if i come all the way down to the bottom you're going to see related searches people are searching for 500 jobs what is favorite gig favorite reviews how to make money on fiverr how to end from fiverr in india how to receive fiber this is what people are searching for so i'm just going to copy everything right ctrl c it then come into my notepad document right here uh come here and drop them that's what i just copied so i'm just going to delete all of these these are just uh stuff at the bottom that i copied mistakenly i just want what i want is these things under related searches that's what i want so i've copied all of this you know a couple of designs these are possible keywords that we're going to be going for so i'm just going to come all the way up here again type on fiverr i put space okay so without i put space let me go back again i type 5 5 then i put space then i put this asterisk right here put a service right here so you see what we're searching for fiverr review fiverr affiliates five and freelance so i'm just gonna write all of this down because they are possible keywords that we can go for so i'm just gonna put a fibers stock fibers sign up fiverr sign up 5a promo code fiverr logo design our logo design fiverr freelance write five reviews right fiverr affiliate right to open the searching for okay so i'm gonna clean this come at the back here and put the establish here right so these are all possible keywords again so i'm going to come down here and do how to sell how to sell on five um fiverr logo fiverr gig five a gig five april fiverr pro fiver quick view whatever that is people are actually apparently interested in it five view uh five logo design right so um okay so i'm just gonna uh remove this now come back here space and put a space a so you see what people are searching for fiverr affiliate program people are searching for fiverr affiliate program um these are all possible keywords fiverr affiliate program um fiverr account private account fiverr accelerator program whatever that is fiber architecture fiber app download fiber alternatives right so we've done and this is what we call the apc method of keyword research so i'm just going to delete this and do b right so um people are searching for 5a business so this is like i said this is going to be a very detailed video i'm going to show you guys all my secrets for free and all you all you have to do for me is just click this subscription box below be possible if you've not done that and the bell notification button that's all you need to do for me so i come a favor business people are searching for fiverr business um fiverr blog private blog fiverr buyer requests fiverr buyer request uh fiverr beauty uh fiverr box some of these i don't know what they are but people are searching for it so we're gonna be coming today will we actually check if it is worth it for us fiverr become a seller uh five by uh a request a reply example reply example fiverr buyer request templates download fiverr buyer request template download cover buyer request reply request reply fiverr business account other business accounts beautiful so this is the b then we go to c right favorite categories have a commission further competitor of ever content right if you have a community have a company if ever create account fiverr you know we go to age right fiverr won't be fiverr headquarters ever how to make money you know and all of this right so we do this what you get to see write down everything how to get the fiverr how to get paid that's the place you said in that so i'm just gonna jump so but it's important for you because of time basically you're making a tutorial fiverr how to get paid right just gonna drop some um let's say uh come to fiverr highest paying gigs five highest paying gigs right then uh we come here all the way to z right five has a level if ever zebra fiber zone five know you know so this um actually this is how to get to why then i come i come and do the same thing for before 5 8 right so i put a here a good description of fiber fibers thrillers alternatives alternative to a fiber how to be a copyrighted fiber how to be a fiver artist right these are what people are searching for so you do it on the back do it at the front so a good this creation for five alternative to five alternative to fiverr how to be a copywriter how to be a copy uh writer or five right how to be a fiver artist how to be a five artists okay how to be a fiver artist then um let's say we don't a let's say we do b become a seller five best fiver gigs best selling gig of ever 2020 this should be 2021 but gun removal on fiverr briefly describe your gig on fiverr uh buy a buyer review sample fiverr and all that right uh let's say we go for um let's look at uh like i'm i'm just dropping a few best description on five um best fiver gigs best five gigs uh background removal fiber background remover or fiber become a fiber pro become a fiver pro right so we do this bc we go to c and repeat the same process for c contact fiber supports create fiverr account change fiverr username now these are what people are actually searching for let's say um i want to go for a change create five account i change five user name uh creates gigafiver create gig or five uh contact 5a support um commercial use fiverr cancel fiverr for the council five or the and so on right content writing further copywriting fiber classified atmosphere fiber blah blah so let's go to hedge let's just drop the h how to make money on fiverr how does five a work these are all possible keywords right so you have to take your time this is very very very important how to make money on fiverr uh how does fiverr work how does fiverr work uh how to create fiverr account by their account how to freelance on fiverr 5a how to be a fiverpro how to be fiverr pro how to gig on fiverr how to review on fiverr how safe is fiverr how to sign in fiverr so this is very very very very important let's go to hg let's check you geeks on fiverr gigs in mini blah blah blah g h i is five and legit is five are safe it's five i wanted you know these are all possible keyboards that we can actually go for it's five what age is five legit uh is fiber safe five is safe impressions on fiverr image size for fiverr gig illustration invoices five by international blah blah blah i j yes we can j jobs on fiverr jesus fiverr okay keyword research on fiverr keyboards blah blah blah okay i j k l logo design on fiverr level two fiverr apply lm making money on fiverr my gig is not sure you know fiverr you know these are some of the things that's you know we can actually keep possible keywords so let me just take two more and then we'll jump into the next thing you know because i think i've taken another time so you guys understand how to do your easy first step to your keyword research right and we're going to go to the next second step right now so i'm going to take making money on fiverr uh my gig is not showing on fiverr my gig is not showing account make five accounts make a gig of five a make a gig offer services on fiverr offer you know on fiverr other others can be replaced with uh o p right q right arrow uh let's look at y right uh z right so this is what you need to do basically so we have got you quite a number of keywords right here i've gotten quite a few keywords now if you look at this keyword some of them we are going to take them out you know by ourselves for instance somebody that is looking for login apparently wants to log into fiverr now this brings us to what we call user intent now that's telling how google works google works with what you say they try to understand the reason why people are searching for certain keywords now for you to try to rank for this keyword login it is not going to happen because google understands business searching for this wants to log into fiverr so fiverr login is gonna be the first thing that's gonna show up right here how to log into file that is gonna be the first thing right so even if you like write five million articles on fiverr login and it is not going to rank number one this is going to be it and people are just searching for this once you log into fiverr so once i click on login i'm just going to click here right and log into fiverr basically google understand that this is what i'm searching for right so even if you're trying to rank for this keyword it is not going to work you're going to waste your time so that brings us to what we call user intent is very very very important for you to think like um google if you understand how google takes then you know you are halfway there so i'm going to take this thing out now father jobs what does it mean right so let's go to fiverr jobs and come here it's for me it sounds i save people that are looking for jobs to work with fiverr like fiverr jobs right so you come here and fiverr is ranking number one for it and uh you know um you know fiverr jobs several jobs these are people are looking for these are jobs basically right um people that are looking to be employed are full-time part-time um stuff like that so there is not a possibility of you this is not a good keyword for you to go for so we are doing our elimination we mentioned based on user intent this is not it what is fiber gig now this is a keyword right because the person asking this question what want to know what a gig is on fiverr so this is a good keyword fiverr reviews this is a buyer keyword somebody that wants to buy something on fiverr but he wants to actually check what people are saying about fiverr so this is a good keyword right so how to make money on fiverr this is somebody that is searching for how to make money on fiverr fiverr p right so this person most likely is searching for how five actually pays right so there's a way to find out let's copy this and come here let's see what google actually thinks about this keyword pay of course these are you will pay a fixed one dollar p every time you withdraw a fiver so five actually right so this is payoneer and so this is a keyword that you can actually go for this is a good keyword so i'm just gonna leave it there don't let it stay so i'm just gonna leave it there so i'm just gonna leave it there so how to be successful i'll find that this is another one that's interesting fiverr stop this person actually wants to buy stock or fiverr right and i don't know if you are promoting a stock broken effect for booking fame or whatever so this is what is going to show so these are a good keyword for you to go for these are finance um google stocks and stuff so this is based on user intent i'm going to eliminate this keyword called fiber stock if i sign up to somebody that's trying to sign up into fiverr goku will understand the final person and show like sign up as the first whatever regular first sovereign fee fiverr sign this is not for you basically right it is not a good keyword so i'm just going to eliminate this also based on user intent have a promo code basically looking for a promo code to sign up to log into vive and buy something with a promo code so this could actually work probably a good design somebody wants to buy local design on fiverr and he's looking for it fiverr freelancer who wants to start freelancing also now about freelancing now five reviews we've seen it here before right it's a good keyword i'm just going to remove it let me shot show up here fiverr actually somebody that wants to understand fiverr affiliates all right maybe you're gonna it's an affiliate marketer and he wants to know if that athlete is a good program for him to go for so um this is it right here if ever affiliate is going to show up and then from bunch of articles about fiverr affiliates and high works and blah blah blah so yes this is a good keyword i'm just going to leave it in place right based on user intent it's good for us how to sell on five or five i give a pro further quick review forever okay so all these ones they are staying perverse another program uh alternatives you know blog buyer requests beauty box by example um templates download request reply uh five how to get paid somebody searching for once again we also know how to actually pays people that work on fiverr right so that's a good one for us to live in place and uh talk about gun removal okay there's a few here right now but i'm gonna let you remove those ones yourself so i'm not touching this again so you do that to yourself i've explained and to show that you actually understand this is a test for you right now to show that you understand this now this takes me to the next step right of finding out if this keyword is actually worth our time so i'm going to go to a to a free tool called a google keyword planner this is very very very very important google keyword planner i'm going to go to google keyword planner and click on choose uh and click on it to open that's the first link and click on go to keyword planner right i'm going to go to keyword planner and because i already have an account it's going to be direct to me so if you don't have an account it's just going to prompt you to sign up for our account it's completely free right so i'm just going to sign up sign into this like my google keyword planner account so i'm just going to sign in so it's signing me again sending me and sending me you just give it a while to finish loading so beautiful you just signed us up right he says we need to click on discover new keywords but just in case you are not on this interface this is what you are going to do just come to tools and go to keyword planner right it's going to bring you here so i'm just going to click on qr planner okay so it brought me here so i'm just going to click on discover new keywords that's where you want to discover your keywords and you need to remove your country it's going to show you by default to move your country because you're not focusing on your country so you're just going to remove this and click save that's what you need to do and once you've done that you're going to put in your keywords right there so you can test them out so um it allows you to put in 10 keywords at the time so what i'm going to be doing right now is to take uh the first maybe cross five one two three four five all right i'm just gonna divide them into five uh let me uh so it's easy for us to deal with one five five one two three four five uh here okay one two three four five here okay delete this uh one two three four five just gonna do this one two three four five here so i just want to arrange them for uh it could be easy for us one two three four five here i want to just gonna join this here one two three four five space space uh remove this one two three four five okay um let me put in more space so the distinction is gonna be clear okay one two three four five okay uh one two three four five this is fine okay uh okay one two three four five okay uh okay beautiful so we have two more i'm just gonna join this one join this let it be seven let's join these guys together beautiful so let's take the first one first one and see if it's a good fit for us so i'm just gonna take these five keywords here control c then come here and control v right then i hit get result let's see what's going to happen so it's loading loading loading don't you know they give you the wireless mode now okay beautiful so um beautiful so he says he's saying that what is what is five again has two thousand nine hundred monthly searches averagely now this is number of persons searching for this in the last 12 months the average right so if you come to november last year okay let's let's come to reset last just last in the may there were total 76 000 questions that searched for this keyword for these keywords right so you can actually um do this uh individually you can do this individually if you want like uh you just come here and search for remove all of this and you know focus on them individually so you see the metrics individually so i'm just going to uh get results for what is five gig so he says that um in may there was twenty six thousand so two searches for this in april that was twenty six thousand three twenty then a match was 21 000 so this is a very good keyboard so from experience right the person ranking number one for this keyword gets about 33 of the search traffic every month right which is 2 900 average so the person gets is that three percent of this so let's find out what this person is so i'm just gonna put this in google and click on search now fiverr is ranking number one for it support an article that they would not remember the pictures stay paid for it you know so who is ranking number one let's find out find out google is ranking number one then they are discount ranking number two matrix 36 what is five by anyway the key idea is to make money on fiverr right so i'm going to open this guy in a new tab right i'm gonna we're gonna be coming to what he actually did and then we're gonna after that we're gonna be doing it ourselves so um okay so uh that said i'm just gonna come back here and remove this guy and come back here and let's look at the second guy uh fiverr reviews let's look at this fiber reviews control c uh ctrl v and click on get result click on get result and there is 12 100 right and guess what all of these things have low competition right they have all new competition so which means that you can actually grind you have a chance of ranking for this so for fiverr um review who is ranking number one for it let's go find out who that person is fiber reviews i hit search right uh so somebody wrote an article um with google sites and it's ranking in this snippet so let's find out uh this rocket book for this fiverr review server reviews february reviews they keep going all the way down and i'm not seeing my website i used to rank for this website a while ago okay that's that's by the way maybe i'm impatient now so um so you see that this is a good article for you to go for right now there's another article that says firefighter by forever review this is a good keyword again right it has 580 right so um once you put your keyword right it's going to suggest related keywords to us that is also very important right and if we take a look at this you're going to see that these are all good articles with good um uh msv monthly search volume right relatively good uh favorite fake reviews uh buy fiverr review sample five five are legit okay so these are all and it has very little competition basically very low competition so why not go for this right so i'm just going to uh come here and i'm just going to jump let's go for this one how to make money on fiverr control c and i come right here at the two days and control v days and hit sketch results and uh let's see what this one is telling us he said twenty thousand last month may april it has nineteen thousand and blah blah blah so if you come on the way down right here you're going to see that this guy has 600 percent searching for this every month at the average right so look at all these related keywords how to make money on fiverr without scales how to end on fiverr how to earn money on fiverr one thousand one thousand uh 130 how does fiber make money right how does ever make money um five how to get paid i think this at this stuff showed up showed up right solar list if i remember uh fiverr how to get paid i think it was in our lists right here we saw it here five how to get paid uh okay not so unique fiverr pay okay i think because how to get paid on five or something like that how to get paid on fiverr how to be a fiver pro okay i'm not saying here i think i think i think i think it's one of the people so these are all possible keywords that we can actually go for we're doing this for fiverr right so like i said we can do this for basically anything at all anything at all let's say for instance we are going with finance for restarts right so i can basically type by dance here right and hits a search once i hit set i come all the way down to the bottom and you're going to see this suggest suggestion right here finance review balance these binance that then i can come up right here and put smiles lyrics right i put in my exteriors and you see finance the finance dodge finance chair where the balance fees these are all possible keywords then i now use my abc method bonus academy apk account blah blah b right i kind of come to the back and put hedge space uh you know i put my aesthetics i put space right so i can do my uh abc method how to withdraw from balance how safe is banners how to stop loss or balance how to sort you can basically do this for every um keyword every major platform that you want to go for right so just identify the better for this program and do your keyword research exactly how i'm showing you so let's go back to what we're doing like we said we're using fiverr for this experiment on this tutorial basically so we have gotten our our keywords let's say we want to go for how to make money on fire but this is what i want to go for right now right now of course and i will advise you once you see these keywords that actually don't have search please write them down write down they said for you and um we're going to be our pollution method is going to focus on all of the all of them right so what we're going to be doing right now is that uh let's say you want to go for this first how to make money on fiverr that's what i want to go for first right what i'm going to be doing right now is to come right here and uh come right here right and our keyword key word uh keyword how to make money on fiverr how to make money that's our keyword right so um let's say msv monthly site volume what these are going to be six thousand six hundred six six hundred right um okay so let's do something else so we come back to google right here and put in our keyboard right here so we wanna see our competitors what they have done so that we can do better basically so come here won't be set for how to make money on fiverr this is ranking in google snippets i'm gonna need this i'm gonna come back to google snippets but i'm looking for the person ranking number one which is this guy how to make money on fiverr so i'm going to open my new tab uh the second person record number two open the neuter open a new tab open a new tab so i open the first file right here i could put the 10 or six or okay let's open this one too i'm going to leave this one because this fiber does complete stuff so i'm just gonna leave that right there so i have all the links open right here i hope you don't just give me the word opened up so if i get any value from this video i want to encourage you again to please subscribe notification button because what i do on this channel is i make detailed videos like this around making money online providing a real value right so that's what i need you to do so that um once you are once you click on the from the button you're gonna be notified whenever i drop or some videos just like what you're watching right now sorry around making money or online guys so um i just come right here okay come right here uh cody this is still looking now beautiful so this article has loaded up and the first thing that we're going to be we're going to do i want you guys to take notice of something now if you come to the url of this article you're going to see that the keyword you are going for is right here this is a mistake that a lot of persons actually need to make right this is the key what i'm going for it is your url so i'm going to put a url let me put a url url should be our keyword right how to make money on fiverr uh okay so that's one then number two um you see our keyword on the title is the first thing on the title now this is how to do your title right this is how to do your title the keyword is the function of the title now um so i'm going to put our title here i'm going to put our title type rtl type 2 i'm going to do control v right this will start with this whatever you can add whatever i want to add so it's not decided i want to add yet so um then another thing that i want to uh put is um i'm going to come here and put l o a which means length of article how long is our article going to be basically so um that's something that we need to figure out so i come right here to the second page right ranking number two number two and i come here you see he did the exact same thing they typed the keyword is the title now this is a mistake i see a lot of businesses that you need to make right the key word is in the title so the keyword that you're trying to rank for must always be your title and look at this look at his type in in the url now look at the title how to make money online on fiverr right is the first thing on the title now this is exactly how to do it right so open this one this machine will go out you see how to make money on fiverr right and if you come right here on the on the title you see how to make money on fiverr so it's right there so this is very very very very very important these are these are some of the things i'm sure that people are doing because we're going to be doing all of this in this video i'm going to show you exactly how to do it so um right here you see fiverr freelance geek ideas right this is the idea so this even doesn't belong here now what this tells you is that this article that is not optimized around this keyword is writing for this keyword that means that you have an opportunity to at least at least outrank this person right i'll correct this person because this article is not optimized for this keyword it's not properly automated for this keyword it is not intentionally optimized for this keyword so there is a possibility of you are drinking this person so this is a good article for you to actually go for guys that's what i'm sure that's the point i'm trying to make so that said let's go back and do what we should do so i come right here um look at this article so i'm just going to do ctrl a and ctrl c and i'm going to go uh to this um put a new tab and go to right all the links that i'm mentioning that all in short box below so you can just go there and click on it so i'm just going to write ctrl a and delete this guy then ctrl v what i just pasted in two days and this person ranking number one has written 11 000 words he has written 11 000 words so let's look at the person ranking number two uh which is no uh this is this ranking number two how many words has it written so uh ctrl a ctrl c right i come right here uh i come right here uh to my word counter ctrl a and delete everything i copied before then ctrl v when i copy right now let's see how many words the second guy has written the second guy has written just four thousand five hundred and fifty eight four thousand five eighty seven less than five thousand words now just don't control a and delete then uh this top guy forbes let's see our control a control c uh we come back to word counter come back to word counter and ctrl v and you find out that he has written uh just one thousand one thousand and seventeen words right and um go to ctrl a to beat this guy then come to this guy ultimately good work control a control c come right here ctrl v into what counter and he has written two thousand two thousand four hundred eighty five words right then i come to the uh this guy that is not optimized for this control a control c this guy was actually optimizing for five freelancers right happens to be ranking for this so i'm just gonna come here uh control a delete ctrl v uh okay 2085 2085 words that's what he has written so the personality number one um has written more than all of these other guys combined together now what am i trying to say longer articles do better the longer the articles are the more charges of them actually succeeded that is the point i am trying to make the longer they are the more chances of them succeed that's the point i'm trying to make now this guy that is number one it's very difficult to to displace this guy right so if you want to do that you you are going to at least write fifteen thousand way fifteen thousand watts article right so what are we writing right now let's come back to our stuff and say length of article 15 000 that's what we need to write to our to to to compete with this guy because that's that's almighty osman that's what we're trying to achieve right so our title let's look at the title of what these guys have done uh to perform title the complete guide um much woodward said make your first one online today uh this person said uh this person was not even optimizing for that so i don't think it's a good fit six ideas for m1a okay so my own i'm gonna i'm gonna do uh i like what this person has written he said the exact step i took to make two to three thousand every month uh okay so my own title is gonna be um how to make you how to make money or fiber i made 30k doing this i met that tk you can make yours better right i'm just trying to find a way to hook people to actually um um come and read my article so beautiful right we've gotten the what we need right so this is what we have what we need to do for all the keywords that we have found right let's say for instance we wanna let's go back up now let me repeat the same process for another keyword um qr planner it's loading up okay so let's say uh let's come all the way down so i'm just gonna close this i'll come all the way down right here and let's say uh i want to go with this um how to earn money on fiverr how does ever make money uh let's say how to use fiverr to make money let's say i wanna go with this keyword right how to install to make money i'm just gonna right click on this guy and copy and come to i'm just going to close all of this i want to repeat the same process for another keyword so that you guys understand exactly how this thing works maybe you didn't get it the first time so i'm just going to uh come to google right here come to google uh paste this uh paste this and then how to use fiber to make money right so i come here and this is cover snippet i'm gonna leave it alone so i come all the way down and say you see that the same person actually rank it for this as well so what does this tell you this tells you that um there's a major keyword and there are um sub keywords that also rank for this major keyword now the problem here is that nobody has optimized for this particular keyboard so this could be your opportunity for you to go for this keyword you know and optimize better for it so if you check there's nobody that has this exact same keyword their title right so this could be an opportunity for you how to use fiverr to make one there's somebody that has called for this keyword that is ranking right here so this could be an opportunity for you to actually rank for this keyword basically right so um instead of going for that what i want let's go for this one that is actually um that has less competition you know so i'm just gonna uh come here and replace this how to use fiverr to make money so i'm just gonna replace this this is what we're going for right now a url should be how to use further to make money control v i think our msv is 320 30 20. this is easier for us to rank but i'm not saying that you shouldn't go for the other one you should go for the go for all of them right so because what we're trying to do requires was going for a lot and lots and lots and lots of keywords at the same time so how do you how to make money so here i'm going to optimize for that keyword how to use fiverr to make money i made that tk doing this doing this okay so length of article 15 000. right so i'm just gonna okay this is fine so we've gotten our length of vertical we've got some ingredients that we need for this article and another thing that we saw is that all the articles that we saw there's nobody that puts videos inside their article and their limited image inside their article now there's an opportunity for you to actually go for a kill but that's an opportunity for you to go for a kill now the next thing that we want to do is to write your article yourself so i'm writing the answer for myself basically right so these are the rancho articles now let's look at what i've done so far i've not finished it but i just want to guide you on how to actually get this thing done so how to use fiverr to make money right this is what we chose as our our title so i'm just going to put this here i remember that we chose something else uh we said how i made 30 000 doing this i'm just going to copy this and come here and drop it here right so this is our title okay so you want to know how to how to make money how to use however to make money interesting news is that you are not alone but most importantly you see i put this keyword here again right interesting thing is that you're not alone but most importantly i was in your shoes in 2016 but by the end of 2017 i had already made over 30k from was influenced on fiverr selling the most common gig and the most common of gigs the most common of gigs right and i will be guiding you on what exactly i did including the five gigs i sold with the aim of helping you get the exact same results i think the problem is that we are trained by the job mentality and blah blah blah so okay yeah of course you have access to this i'll tell you how to get this added go through it i'm talking about what is fiverr but that's something that's something else i did being a freelancer on fiverr does not require much you only need to set up an account right set up your profile to set up the right gigs which is services and promote your favorite gig respond to buyers requests and you are halfway to success you are way to the top right so um okay so all these things i'm going to explain all this in these basically so i talk about what fiverr is then after this i see truth is that whenever you have an offer whatever your service you have to offer there is someone ready to buy it and vice versa your journey to make every money or whatever starts with creating an account on fiverr like i said earlier most people will say that it is as easy as opening an email account but there are certain things that you must get right from the beginning or it will decrease your chances to react real success after fiverr i mentioned this year um after certain fiber accounts the next we should know your program after this gig setting up a gig promoting these gigs are responded by a request and everything that i need to so this is the flow of the article so i already explained the flow at the top right and as you're coming down it's it's going so right here i said um uh email account there are other things that you need to do uh so i talked about creating your account here right then i said how to create a file account that's the next uh sub category that we're gonna be looking at so this is the fourth step and you need to click here to get started now this is important i'm going to be explaining this you can go on fiverr your browser but you're missing out on amazing discount if you do that which is why i encourage you to join fiverr here this is also very important i'm gonna be explaining this so you'll be brought to fiverr's homepage and you will need to click on join button as shown in the image below so there's an image here right there's another image here and right here i reference the video you can refer to the video below if you prefer to watch a video to figure it out of course there's a video here i'm gonna put a video right there i'll be a video here right so this that and this is why i like writing with google docs because i can you can you can correct my english right uh this is prefix definitely put small yeah this is fine you will be taken of course okay so this is this is how it works right so the article is flowing and mind you we are not even halfway there because i've only written um i've already written uh days how many words have i written copy uh this thing can count towards there's a way to count towards you i've noticed let me go to work so i've written only 896 words right mind you the person ranking number one had eleven thousand words the number two had them four hundred four thousand five hundred and eighty seven number three had one 1000 1017 2045 and 2085 right so and we originally 896 so we have a long where we go we still have a long way to go so okay so the next thing we're going to be doing right now is so this as we know we finish writing this we are we're gonna be posting it right so i'm gonna be showing you exactly how to set up your affiliate marketing blog that's what i'm gonna be doing next so we're gonna set up a blog and i'm gonna walk you guys through the entire process like i've said right so let's do that right now so the first thing that we need to do is to click on the third link bishop box below the link that says join bluehost right so if you click on that link it's going to take you um to a discount it's a discount click the host we're gonna be i'm gonna walk you guys through everything that you need to do step by step once you click on this link it's gonna bring you right here and you're gonna see that instead of paying 8.99 you're going to be paying 2.95 dollars per month on bluehost right so that is why it's important for you to use that link below so once you click it's gonna bring you here so once you're here you're gonna click on get started that's the first thing you need to do you're gonna click on get started now before this it's important i don't talk about this you need to choose your domain name while your domain name is the name of your blog is it is it um fiverr all about right or how to do you know um how to whatever it is you need to choose your domain name and it's one time it's important to actually choose uh domain names that are related to what you are selling let's say um uh we'll focus this on affiliate management blog and we want to be able to do a fiverr finance you know different products on this on this blog right you need to choose something that's generic you can actually use your name right um uh let's say uh for instance i want to come right here so this is what they normally recommend which is this right but um for testing this out to adjust that's it i will advise you to start with this right but you allow just one website which is what you're doing like somebody like me this is what i use on bluehost i use bluehost to host all my websites and this is what i use right and uh you can actually use this i'm just going to click on get list select actually click on select and then let's say um uh let's say gerard reviews dot com let's say georgia reviews of which blessing to gerald let's say with right click on and we hit next right so and mind you our bluehost is going to be giving us a domain name for free so with so it's not available for registration so if somebody say you're already using this so they're suggesting a few for us right and uh i want to find something else with the general with general right so i'm just going to hit next i hit next and uh okay so let's see what happens okay beautiful so this one works right this one works so i'm going to be doing this first name i'm going to be using um princess right last name business this is optional so we can leave this alone this is optional uh country i'm gonna choose uh my country uh which is this is this right here um street address for city the key post school level 21.2 uh phone number uh phone number i'm gonna put okay so email address i'm gonna choose an email address so um account plan basic that is six months price so this is if you want to pay for the next 30 years which is 36 months right so you can actually start with one year which is the 12 months plan which is completely fine 12 months plan is completely fine you can do this so you renew every month so you see that domain they're giving you domain for free right and you're getting ssl certificate for free which is why it's important for you to use that link that i told you guys about now this is also not important i'm just going to take it out turn it off um this is also not important turn this off um this is also not important on it off right so total everything that we are paying is 35 dollars right but if you leave those things on you are going to pay more you know so you you don't want to do that you you just you know like pull it off basically so the credit card number so i'm just going to put in your credit card information right here this is where you put it in so this is the master card right then cvv which is the number at the back of your card we're going to put it here and the expiration date of the card you're going to select it which is the month and the year and the year right select it then come all the way down and see i have read and agreed to bluehost auto renewal times and blah blah blah so just select this and hit submit that's all you need to do so this is processing right now this is processing just give it a while to finish processing this processing just give it a while for the processor to finish okay so you say it looks like it's working beautiful you say success next let's create your account next let's create your account your receipt is below we also emailed a copy to the email address that we provided so this is the receipt of the payment that we just made so our 25 dollars um okay so 35 dollars i will also just pay right now you know so this is um you know like so i just hit hit create your account so you need to click click on create your account and i said domain is with general and um so i'm going to create a password so i create a password right then i hit i have read and i agree to bluehost policy and blah blah blah so i hit create account that's all i need to do create your account so my account is being created it says your account is ready to go now you can log it so i hit on go to login right then of course the domain name is here i'm going to put in my password here and it's locked in that's what i need to do i hit login and it's going to take me to bluehost dashboard but we're going to start building our affiliate marketing blog right so guys how to do how to start affiliate marketing for beginners and this is exactly the process that is making me um eight thousand dollars on one independent um affiliate marketing platform right and there are others that i that i i promote actively i showed all of this in my course right the affiliate marketing bootcamp generator so that's a link on your screen right now go grab that course and you'll be happy that you did so um it says create your website that's what we need to do create your website so i'm just gonna hit create your website right it says when it comes to building your site how much of you want a little no help needed a little no help needed so i'm just going to skip this i'm going to skip this also are you comfortable creating websites very okay just skip this step let me just keep everything basically now what do you want to do how do you want to build your website your wordpress your website um limitless customization free and easy site building with uh its wordpress bluehost and wordpress i'm going to click on this this is what i want to use right i'm not using the bluehost website builder i'm using this wordpress so i'm just going to hit get started um what is it let's create your website tell us your books what is it i'm just going to skip all this it's not it's not really important right um tell us about your website i'm gonna skip this also okay so pick a premium team that inspires you you know so this is where um everything gets started getting interested from this point everything starts getting interesting so what you need to do right now is to select a theme right you can just come to blog come to blog right here and select a theme anything right here this shows you and this gives you an insight into what your website is gonna look like i'm just gonna hit cut it so i can see what's on top okay good so you can actually use any of these and there are 475 pages you know of something like this that you can choose from so but i want to skip this step because that's something that i'm actually aiming to achieve right so um this is what our website looks like right now this is what it looks like right now right here so if i click if i right click here right click here and open you're going to see what our website looks like so this is it's open this is the temporary url because we've not set up our our we've nominated live yet so and that's what we're going to be doing in a little while okay so this is that main login coming soon i'm just going to come here it says um log into wordpress that's where you want to go log into wordpress this is the one president won't press the dashboard right the back end to the workplace i'm just going to remove this coming soon active i'm just going to bring it so let's go to with so this is our website it has the commission interface right so i want to take this commission thing out so this is it right here this is what it looks like yeah so i want to take out this commission out right now that's what we want to do so let's go back to the uh right here i go to uh plugins plugins should be here plug it here this is a i come here to plug in and um it's going to show installed plugins so i want to take down one particular plugin so i want to deactivate this plugin and remove it i don't need it so i'm just going to deactivate click on the activate plug in don't activate then it's deactivated that's why i show you 98 and i hit delete yes i want to delete it i should go then i come here and refresh this guy and look at our blog our blog this is how we show you right now so we need to set up this blog so this is what our site looks like right so what we need to do right now is to come back up to the to the dashboard and go to [Music] go to uh appearance and teams right that's where we need to go under our appearance we go to team so that we can select the look and feel of our of our blog right so uh it's loading loading loading and we have it we have had a number of options right here so wordpress comes with our themes that that works right so we want to select something that is amazing so what we need to do right now is to click on add new right as a particular team that i'm interested in i've used it to view quite a number of blogs and it's completely free right so i'm trying to save you guys money as much as possible there are things that you can buy out there right i put up making subsequent videos on how to view different kind of websites and we're going to be buying teams in some of those websites we're doing them right but for this this is what we are doing so um okay so these ones are showing up i'll show you a lot by showing up beautiful beautiful beautiful good so look look at this see how simple it is how simple they are now a lot of persons think you want to make your website look beautiful and wonderful but that is not important trust me the most important thing is the content how your content that is the most important part of your website trust me i know this so um if i come all the way down you're gonna be seeing like a whole lot of things like a computer way down here i said lord there's page and next page the next page and next page and you're going to be seeing like your own laws now this is a blog okay um uh this is a website this is a 21 this is what we're using right now this is what's activated right now so we want something else something else that's going to do the job for or something else that looks like a blog basically so this is what i'm going to be going with right now so right here i'm going to hit install right i hit install and you see the team is being installed so just give it a one finish up and once it's done we're gonna set up our affiliate marketing blog so it's done install it so we hit activate that's what you want to do activate you can actually click on live preview to actually see what this tip is going to look like after you've installed it but i didn't point out that but of course you can go ahead and do that guys so our team is being installed so let's look at what uh it looks like right here on the front end okay so our website is taking another look and shape and field and everything so we just need to tweak it a bit so let's do that so we come right here and we go to um there's certain things that we need to put in place for so i'm just going to go to our key another appearance i don't want to do this now i'm going to settings right general this is very important settings and general um okay so this is loading uploading up but give it a while to finish building up so uh beautiful so our site when you come to our site it says welcome should you say welcome you should say with gerald right right so that's the name of our site tagline our tagline i'm gonna do real reviews that helps right so our address just gonna take this out this is very important i'm gonna replace it with the jabra out so um this i'm going to check this out with control v right our site address or email address this is fine anyone can register nope uh okay okay okay okay okay save all right i save this so this is saving 777 so i give it a while to finish saving and it's almost done because i change the url so it's asking me to log in okay beautiful so i'm going to log in with my email address but mind you we didn't create any login information so this is what i'm gonna do i'm gonna click on lost your password right lost your password and i'm gonna put in my email and they're gonna send me uh okay so i'm just gonna put online i'm gonna get new password click on get new password okay it says check your email for confirmation link then visit login. so let's go back to that okay so this is the email it's actually inside spam right that's where i found it so i'm just going to click on it and uh right click on this guy copy it and go back to i can just click on it to open but i want to paste it somewhere here so i'm using an incognito window to do this so i'm just going to ctrl v this enter all right so it's loading loading loading loading loading give it a while to finish up okay it says reset password beautiful so should choose a new password so i'm going to choose my password choose i'll choose my password and hit save password okay so i hit login i've chosen my new password after hit login then put in my email address right here and i hit enter okay so we are logged back in yeah we log back in so you see that our url has it's not using the the correct one not the temporary one so i'm just gonna go back to settings let's finish with settings then go back to writing okay so this is what we all worked on before everything is fine everything is completely fine so i'm just gonna hit the next one which is writing let's look at what's on the right and i've fixed those ones also so um okay so this is fine fine fine fine fine this is fine there's nothing to touch here for now so the next thing is ready let's look at reading i see what's up here okay so your homepage displays your latest posts blah blah blah full text summary want to summarize so i'm just going to add summary and save right then i'll come back to come back here and click on permalinks this is also important permalinks very very very important but you're going to be seeing why so uh okay so this has loaded up so i'm just going to go to primary links open it so that my link is open now this is how your link shows now this is not good for seo for affiliate marketing for anything this is not good now if you remember uh let's let's come here let's look at some of these websites that we're looking at there you see that this one is searching for best affiliate programs it has best affiliate program right here in the url this is very very very important if you leave this on what you're going to have is speed and numbers which is useless when it comes to seo it's very very very important that you pay attention to this so what are we going to do we're going to be changing this we're going to come here use post name this is what we're going to use right this is what we are going to use so he has your url will now be your name the name of your domain name slash the name of the post i'm going to show you how to fix this now a lot of persons who would prefer to go with a category and post name right so it shows the category where it falls under which is what is happening here this is also verified which is what is happening here he says there is market there is a category and this is the url this is the keyword right um and that's what's happening let's see this one this one has just the url this one has just the url this one has just the keyword keyword not url keyword actually right so anyone you decide to go with is completely fine so this is very very very important so i think i want to go with um okay let me go with this category let me go with this so i'm gonna go with this or look let me just go with this all right just a post name right so and i come here and hit um save changes or save changes so this is saving right now so we are done we don't want to do other settings so i want to fix our home page so i'm just going to compare to appearance and come to come to customize so this is what the site actually looks like right now yeah so we need to fix this so site identity uh we generate the main reviews that help tagline display tagline right you want to display that line you want to leave it the site icon which is the icon that shows [Music] that shows in your browser right here right this is where you choose so you can make it a square 5.2 by 5.2 if i put it there and stuff and this is what your site looks like on tablet this is what it looks like on mobile right so um your logo you want to put a little one place you to look you cannot design a logo and click here select your logo and put it right here so i'm not going to between that right now so um header image you want to put an image in the header stuff current header leave that that is not what we're interested so we're right here and what we need to do is to when we come to pages and go to widgets right let me show you what i'm trying to achieve before i do it i want to remove some of these things here like this meta tag this archive uh i'm gonna leave um i'm gonna remove this recent comments and stuff so i'm just gonna come to widgets and this is it right 17 on that side so the search bar uh this is the right and this search bar this is there so it's fine i'm gonna leave it a little recent post i'm gonna fit a load uh this i'm gonna remove this delete recent comments i don't i don't want it there okay so it's going going going [Music] and it's gone archives i want to remove archives i don't need it right and it should be gone by now then i want to remove this meta i'm going to remove this i don't need it for anything so it's gone right so if we come here and we refresh we're gonna see that this place is a little cleaner all these things are not here will be here anymore right so and this is showing this stuff at the bottom to show you because we're using a free theme right that is why this is showing up right here so that said um we're going to be deleting i'm putting on my post right here so let's do that right now so i'm just going to go to our widgets okay i'm just gonna not with you i'm gonna come back here and go to posts posts right i've got a condo posts then i come to categories now this is also very important you create categories for the different lessons like for instance what i want to do with this blog i want to promote five talk about fiverr talk about finance talk about cryptocurrency talk about a lot of things right so i'm gonna be creating categories for those things so here and i'm creating a fiverr category five a right and the slog should be five all right uh then uh apparently let's go to none add new category it's gonna come here right it's gonna come here now so i click on add new and it's here right then the next category will be finance finance uh we have okay let's do crypto because maybe we're gonna be uh reviewing or comparing two different crypto exchange platforms crypto we call it crypto all right and uh what else are we going to be promoting here we're going to be promoting uh what else what else let's say shopify let's say we should be fine we're going to building shopify ad uh what else are we going to be promoting uh fiverr crypto shopify vpns i'm going to be promoting vpn vpn also right we're going to promoting vpn okay okay beautiful beautiful beautiful let's let's leave it at this for now so the next thing that we're going to do is to add new posts i want to add a new post now this is where the article that we've written comes into play where is it that's good that we've written this so we'll bring it into life so i'm just going to come here and copy our article click ctrl a ctrl c and bring our article so we can publish it mind you i've not finished writing this article right it's going to take a long time because it's going to be very detailed it's going to take a little while and um so i'm going to be finishing it after i've posted this video right and of course this website is actually going to be live right so um you can you can come back to me at the time and refer to what i'm doing on this website i'm going to be regular recording videos i'm posting it in the playlist when this video actually does exist right it's going to be a step by step thinking so we've clicked on add new and it's still loading up so let's just give it a while to finish up okay beautiful now i'm gonna close this now this is the new um wordpress stuff uh when you publish thingy but um a lot of persons like me prefer the classic one we don't like it right we don't like it so i'm gonna install the old plugin so i'm gonna go back i'm gonna go back and go to uh plugins right plugins are basically extensions that help wordpress you know work better so i'm just going to come here uh come here and click on add new add new plugin so it's classic editor is what you want to on our install so it has over five million plus installation so i'm just going to hit install right so it's loading up now after it's installed after he has installed we're going to activate it so i hit activate okay beautiful right it has been activated so let's go back to posts and go back to add you and you're going to see that yeah it's going to be a visible difference okay so um yeah you see that there's a clear difference right and this is more straightforward so i just click here and paste in what we just copied now this is our article i paste it in here right so um i'm just going to take this this is our title control x our title and put it inside where our title should be right then i bring this up let's let's make this thing clean before we publish our article let's make it clean so if i right click on this uh the fd5f should be captured later okay five five there uh close this up okay beautiful uh close this up and this place you said that we're gonna put a video here i'm gonna be showing you how to get a view that's gonna be there now beautiful so let's go back up let me show you guys something real quick now if we publish this way this is what the url is gonna be right so we need to clean this out we are trying to rank for how to use fiber to make money right so we're gonna be deleting all of this right and hit ok this is the first mistake that another business actually to make right how i made i can make this one a capital uh no this should be later normal letter how to use 5a to make money i made that tk doing this i'm not completely doing this right so i will fix that so our guided guiding 30k 5a you should change all this f to capital right it's very important but i'm not going gonna be doing that because it's gonna it's gonna take a while so uh right here um enough money and blah blah blah now this is very important let's go all the way down image right you'll be brought to fiverr's home page you need to click the join down button now this is very important okay so let me let's go back to fiverr affiliate uh where is it it's open here somewhere forever deep links here this is it five affiliates so this is our link so i'm just gonna copy this right and come to our website here when you say click here you will highlight it click on this and turn it into a link right and hit enter but there's a problem with this once you click on this link it's going to it's going to close okay that i'm i'm going to talk about that in a little while so let me leave it we're going to practically i'm talking about it change this into a link also right uh we're going to be testing all of this out when we are done so when somebody say nobody reading this article the person comes here this is the first step you need to click here this is a link to get started now these have affiliate link you put it right here you can go to fiverr or your browser but you will be missing out on an amazing discount if you do this which is why i will encourage you to join fiverr here right so you click on the click on this place it's an affiliate link you'll be brought to fiverr's homepage five hours home page and you will need to click the join button as shown in the image below now this is very important important now let's do this so i come to fiverr on fiverr from page right i click here so fiber is open on the homepage so this one is on page i use this snipping tool these two right here then it's open it's on windows i think uh mac has something similar so i'm just gonna close this click here right i click on the sleeping tool and uh it's gonna show up now so i click on new new uh so i highlight here from here i highlight everything right highlight everything here right so i i put an arrow here using this put an arrow here then i save right i save as it's important what you save your active your images at fiverr home page right it's important what you save it as i'm gonna save save this right then i close uh okay so i'll come back to my article and add my image here right so i i clean this out then i put add media select media right it's going to open that go back to my download which is where the image is saved and double click this image and it's it's going to come into fiverr right it's it's loading loading give a while loading up so uh it's almost done so it's done right you can see that it's done so alternate text it's very important i'm going to say fiverr fiverr's home page right title fiverr's home page you're gonna uh let's make this correct let's be correct english for once control control a control v description you can put a description too homepage showing the join button oh what is right so that's the image of the image i'm just gonna hit insert into posts right and you guys are gonna see what's gonna happen uh our image is here so i'm just gonna click on this uh put it in the middle by clicking here then come back here right uh here and make it a little bigger right let's say full size or this so uh let's let's check check this out and see what it looks like okay yeah this is fine right this is this is completely fine this is completely fine right so five hours home page you need to click the join now join button as shown in the image where is the image so we come all the way down here uh facebook should be capture f even google should be come to g and apple should be capturing okay i will advise you to go to the option okay so join numbers after you click journal what shows up next so we just we're going to click on join button and this shows up there so we are going to slip this again um snip this again so i'm gonna click on new and i'm gonna uh snip this right snip this right uh i'm gonna show this okay i'm gonna undo this oh i can just do one two and three right right so i'm just gonna save this uh join fiverr but i'm gonna name this join fiverr now these details are very important right there's nobody that will show you all of this on youtube trust me these details are very important you know uh okay so i'm gonna come here and clean this out this image and insert our second image by clicking on media then i go to upload and go to select file go to select file and um join fiverr here join five by by control a control c uh ctrl g i'm just gonna ctrl v ctrl v uh i hit insert post instead in the post and it's gonna it's gonna show up you know right so i'm just gonna center it center it then click on this click on this and um make it a little bigger let's go with this large let's go with large and hit update right so it becomes a little more visible beautiful right so you you'll be taken to the next video where you'll be actually choose the image because there's so let's provide an email address here let's provide um [Music] and i hit continue right so this is the test window so i'm just going to snip this also i'm going to snip this also slip this right i'll slip this beautiful so i'm just going to save it i choose user name and password to join 5v right now hit save this is very very very very important so i'm just going to close this like i said nobody's going to teach you these details on youtube for free nobody's going to do it except me so i'm just going to click on this and then upload upload files select the file you want to upload from your local computer uh okay so you're gonna show up here double tap this and um okay so i'm just gonna wait for this to load up okay so this is i'm gonna put our writing here ctrl a ctrl v control v and jot inside so of course i'm going to change this again to make it a little bigger so it shows up and uh tap here go to latch sometimes i go to full size it depends i go to large and update beautiful so our article is taking shape so as we are talking about expansion okay as after talking about certain things and this one also i'm going to make it bold i'm going to make it bold and italicize it i'm going to board make it bold then italy size okay uh 5 30k okay online housing channel i'm going to make it bold and italicized also bold italicized okay beautiful now this is very very very important right that's another thing that i want to look at now a lot of persons don't understand this but this is important now this soap this is uh this is just they shouldn't be bold right this is this is a subtitles so you're gonna change them to like h2 tags or history tags but it has to be consistent so let's go with h2 tags for the subtitles right because google actually understands these things so uh the subtitles make them used to tags like i said before nobody will teach you all of these on youtube for free nobody will teach you all of this for you on youtube for free so uh yeah now the next thing that we need to we need to do is to uh put in our what's called a video we want to put in the video right here so this video is talking about how to create a gig right is it you know how to create an account or fiverr how to account so all we're gonna do is go to let's go to youtube and search for how to create a gig or fiverr basically find the video and put it there now this is something that others didn't do on their own article right so us doing this thing is going to give us an edge over everybody that's that is ranking right now because they need to do that to all of this uh how to create 5a gig enter right so how to create you got fiverr how to correct your fiber so there's a whole lot of articles right here you can basically just choose this one right uh which is my wait number four for this i'm just gonna click here and hit share hit share then click on embed click on embed and copy this copy this link right click right click on it and copy this link a copy and i'll come back to our article right this is where i want our video to be so i'm just going to place my cursor right there then click on center to center my custom microphone is going to be at the beginning here then i go to text here text right then just ctrl v it does paste in what i copy then come back to visual and our video is going to appear right here yeah our video is going to appear right here okay so we could enter and continue writing out my article right this is very very very very very important another thing that we need to do is to select a category that this this article belongs under so it's fiber right it's another category um a lot of persons will tell you to add tags but personally i have discovered that what i have to do is to just add bunch of keywords that is not really important sometimes google will see it as keyword stuffing so please just leave this don't attack and leave it black right that is once and i've discovered many mistakes so i know where the pitfalls are whatever i tell you are things that i have tried myself so um okay another thing is featuring me this is also very important so i can come here and go to all the links that i'm mentioning they're all gonna be in chunk of this video below and come here and come to the search box and search for five fiverr okay so yes no it doesn't have anything on fiverr right so i can come here and search for money because i'm talking about money right and a lot of persons are gonna be interested in money so this is money right here so this is money this is money so i'm just going to find one of these articles uh download it right and download it okay so it's downloading okay and it's done so what i'm going to be doing right now is to come back to uh to the back end of my article click on set featured image now but before i do that this is this is wrong but i'm missing an important step some of you that have smart already guessed what it is so i'm going to copy our keyword this is very very very important to copy our keyboard now go back to the article that i just downloaded uh downloads right go to the sql i rename this article you name this image right with our exact match keyword this is very important right exact match keyword so um then i come all the way down all the way down and click on set featured page then go to upload select file yeah select file then find that image the book tab 8 and it's going to be loaded onto our website this is very very very very very important so it's loading up right now i'm just going to give it a while to finish now if you're getting any value from this video it's important that you subscribe to my channel because i'm going to be making details videos like this like right in the long run i'm going to make it so what's going to happen is that if you subscribe and put on the notification button once i drop a video youtube will send you a notification right so that i can jump right into it because the first timers right always read that is when the passion dog is the father's bone one thing i always ask them is who eats the meat apparently the fastest the fastest dog in the meat right and left the bone for the patient dog so don't be patient be the fastest so you see that it says projection has failed because this image is over 200 pixels and if you check the image it's actually five thousand plus five thousand six one six by three seven four four right so it's not gonna fly so what i'm going to be doing right now is to um uh click on it click on it then come to free downloads and uh download this smaller version of the image which is this right photo show you don't can go with this or whichever so i'm going to go to free download so it does it's going to download a smaller version of the image so allow so okay it's been downloaded so i'm just going to come here uh why is it this one this one is yeah one two eight by five three yeah this is fine so i'm just gonna delete this one all right i'm gonna delete this one a lot of you are just gonna have this issue which is why i deliberately have these issues to show you guys where the pitfalls are you know because i'm taking you by the hand literally i'll show you exactly how these things are done so i'm just going to come back here come back here uh close this uh come to upload and upload the new image so you see i already renamed it right so because that naming is very important doesn't mean it's taking a lot of essence back so this is so this is loading up right now so give it a while to finish up guys so the image has successfully been uploaded so i'm just going to take this name ctrl a ctrl c ctrl v uh ctrl v days right you can take time to actually write a more description i click on this and the fusion image is going to show up here right it's going to show up here so i'll give it a while to show up so it's kind of supposed to show up here okay beautiful so it's loading loading and it's almost done right it's almost done so mind you that this article is not complete i'm going to be completing it but not in this video right i'm going to complete this article so let's assume that it's complete you've done you've completed it right and uh you've written your how to set up a gig and you put a video on how to set up you don't know that that's cool it's not complete and you come here you hit publish all right come here then you need publish now it's publishing publishing publishing publishing it's loading loading loading just give it a while to finish up guys okay so beautiful it says post publish post published so let's go to our front end and actually look at our website so i'm gonna add close this this is not so we're looking at uh what is our website with the java out here this is this is what so this is what it was looking like so let me just refresh let's see what's gonna happen so i've just refreshed now and this is our article right how to use further to make money i made the tk doing this that is our article this is the article that the website came with so you need to delete this so let me go and delete it i come here to go to posts all posts go to all posts right and load it up so it's loading loaded give it a while and um okay so this is it right here so i'm gonna trash this click on trash right because we don't need it it's basically a gibberish text that the team came with you know wordpress came with so if we come right here now i refresh we're going to see that we have just one article right here on this blog we have this one article on this blog and this is the right so guys this is exactly how to build you have never getting blocked so the next article we write it's gonna come down here the next one is gonna come down here but it doesn't end here so let's click on click continue review continue reading okay beautiful so this is a watercolor this is what it looks like so when people come here they see this and they come here these are posted by online also channel and this is our first image and this is the joint now right this is our first image our second image our third image uh this is the video people can play and watch this video hi guys so in today's video i'm going to be showing and yeah you know so our article continues of course it's going to continue people can leave comments right here and everything but there is something i said i was going to show you guys um let me let me show you guys that real quick so if you come right here and click on join click or click here to guess that it's going to take you to fiverr the website is going to be gonna disappear right this is not the best approach this is not the best way to do it that's the best way to do it so i'm just gonna come back right here click on our article to edit it i click on it you know in the background okay so i'm going to come here and create it i come here to a date then i come back to where i will put our links put our links here uh click here click here then come to settings come to settings it's always important for you to put your affiliate link like this click on open a new tab this is important so what happens is that uh we're gonna see what's gonna happen so update let me not say it let me show you others telling you so i click on settings and open link in new tab then updates right then i come here again i come here and pop on updates update this article right here update this article and let's see what's going to happen so uh i come here uh this is still loading guys i'll give it a while to finish loading okay so it's done so i'm just gonna refresh this we're gonna click on this after it's downloaded let's see what's gonna happen again so it's done right and let's click on this place uh you're gonna see that it opened in a new tab while our website remains open right so this is exactly how to do it guys right this is exactly how to do it now yeah yeah there are other things that i'm going to be uh expansioning more on when i'm going to do my next video most likely be how to build an affiliate marketing website right how to be the answer marketing blog now i'm going to be i'm expecting more on this video i'm going to be introducing links things like link whisperer i'm going to be introducing things like you see this this website it doesn't have it's not secure it doesn't have https right so in that video i'm gonna be doing uh talking about all that and how to add ads how to put ads on your website if you want them on the site yeah you put ads banners and all these kind of things to monetize with those metal and of course maybe uh we're going to write an article on finance or something or something else to show you guys how to do it and of course i would have finished this article by then right so that's the video you want to see let me know in the comment section and then that said let me show you guys something else real quick now as you have posted this article right now this article is not in text by google it takes about three days for google to index articles right this is about three days for google to index articles so how do you know if i had school has been indexed by google so let me show you guys that real quick um just go to go to and put in the url of your article here then you're going to put a s-i-t-e uh this and enter right google doesn't know that this article exists it takes about three days for google spider to actually find your article and index it now let's look at this for instance this page for instance control c uh we come here to google and uh control v8 then come to the edge and put s-i-t-e then uh column and you see it shows up right it shows up versus 100 banknotes but it shows up because it has been indexed so once your article gets indexed this is exactly how to do that has been indexed guys so if you have any questions put it down there in the comment section and this is not a one-off thing you have to find the keywords and promote them please do not come and tell me that your article is not ranking yet after you've received you've written articles and for like two days or three days please give it time give it time for articles to get to where they should be you want to give it at least between three days to three months right and so long that you are doing exactly what i'm showing with this video and what i'm going to be showing you then if you do i'm going to be talking about how to build an affiliate marketing blog proper i'm going to be talking about ssl i'm going to be talking about ranking i'm going to be talking about how to promote your articles after you have written them there are certain things that you need to do i'm going to be talking about how to embed email marketing how to collect people's email in your article i'm going to talk about all of that in the next video guys i'm going to see you right there if you want to see that video let me know in the comment section until i see you in my next video keep winning and won't forget that general. love you guys [Music] you
Channel: OnlineHustleTV
Views: 7,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: affiliate marketing website, affiliate marketing for beginners, affiliate marketing websites, affiliate marketing, affiliate marketing tutorial, make an affiliate marketing website, how to build an affiliate marketing website, affiliate marketing website tutorial, how to affiliate marketing website, how to start affiliate marketing, affiliate marketing website examples, amazon affiliate marketing, make money online, how to make an affiliate marketing website
Id: 2HyrWbr5j80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 51sec (6951 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 23 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.