Google Ads Tutorial | Google Ads Call Only Ads Campaign

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hello are you looking to increase the number of phone calls to generate more leads or sales for your business if so keep watching this video and I'm going to show you how you can do that using Google call ads teller my name is Jose and thanks for joining in in this video I'm going to show you how to set up a Google AdWords call only ad campaign now if your business is reliant on the phone ringing all the time to generate new leads or sales and you don't want visitors to go to your website but rather then pick up the phone and call you then a call only ad campaign is the best way to do that it is ideal for companies like cab company or restaurants when they want people to order a cab or to book a table or reserved a table at the restaurant or for companies like insurance companies solicitors where people want to talk to someone rather than go on to a website and download the PDF or submit a form then a call only ad is a perfect way to to generate that new lead or a new customer let's get started chatting up our call only ad now before you set up your campaign you need to set up the conversion tracking so you go into your conversions click the plus button and now you see the phone calls so track calls from your ads or your website you get three options over here I'm going to select the first one because we are tracking calls from ads using call extensions or call only ads the other ones is calls to ammo a phone number on your website and calls on your hunt number on your mobile website so these two are a little bit different because what Google does it puts in a different call forwarding number and tracks your conversions that way but we are convert tracking conversion through the call on the ads so I'm going to continue I'm going to call it call conversions call ads okay again whether used to categorize that as a lead sale sign up I'm gonna go back lead now you want to put up a value for each phone call what it is what so let me bring out my notepad so yes how you calculate the value per lead or customer let's say you get ten phone calls out of those ten phone calls three of them convert into a sale customer or a booking so you have a 30% conversion rate right and that's assume each sale or client is worth 300 so you've got 300 times three is nine hundred pounds divided by the number of calls so my value per lead or per phone call I should change that to but God is ninety pounds so I'm gonna enter that value in here British pounds so then if you do enter the value and you must enter a value otherwise you will not be able to track your return on investment so it's always a good idea to enter your value of the conversion and it's a good practice and you will know your numbers and you will know exactly how well AdWords is working for you or not count is 1 for lead is fine if you are receiving orders online or you're taking orders through your phone then you put in for direct sale so when you click on this little button you will see this little text change and this is for the leads yeah one is recommended for needs signups and other conversions called Lent I tend to keep it on 30 to 45 seconds because I know somebody who has made the phone call and is speaking to somebody and and not just by accident they clicked the ad and they hung up the phone after five seconds realizing that they've made a mistake or they this was not the company they wanted to call so you can put in the call and for a conversion to whatever you want so every time somebody calls through the ads and they are on the phone for more than 30 seconds AdWords is going to calculate that as a conversion conversion window you can decide whether you want to keep it to 30 60 days or custom days 30 is fine include conversions attribution is fine to last click and you're going to create and continue and then click the done button so now your conversion tracking has been set up and you will get that message in red because it has not started yet so that's fine that's not a problem at all okay so now let's go back to our campaign setup so here we are on our campaign setup page click on the plus button and for the call only ads you need to go to the search Network and from here I'm going to create a campaign with no goals click on get phone calls select my country and to my phone number continue okay I'm gonna put in only ads and I'm gonna put in the service so I know what this campaign is all about so let's say I'm advertising our web design service okay so I'm going to uncheck these two I just want my ads to show on the search Network location UK is fine or you can select your location or go into the Advanced section and choose a radius around where you are looking languages English bedding I'm going to change it to manual uncheck my enhanced CPC always start with manual and then see how it goes and once I've got enough data then I can change my bidding accordingly budget whatever you are comfortable with delivery method I tend to always go with standard some people go with accelerated but I want my asked to show evenly across the day okay start and end dates I'm going to put in the start date I've done bother about end dates unless it is for a special event or a time limited offer so to make sure not to run and it's after the event has finished now you will find different people saying different things about extensions for call only ads and the best place to get your answer is the AdWords Help Center so you could your AdWords Help Center and search for the call only ads in there you come to this page scroll down a bit and there you go select extensions including the location structure snippet and call-out extensions so these are the only three extensions which are able to show with you ad and none of the others you don't need to worry about any others except these three and in here as you can see you also see colony ads are only available for campaigns on the search Network and on and not on any other network you'll also have some more information about the example ad and the character limits and so on okay so you got you know how to set up your extensions now and which ones to set up I've got other with video links down in the description box where you can see how to set up your extensions in there so I'm not going to go through setting up the extensions in here okay additional settings so you can set up your structures there a structured snippet for this campaign which I've already done I don't need to worry about these ones actual is important because I don't want people clicking on my ads when my office is closed or out of hours so if I'm open Monday to Fridays then you select those and I want my ass to run between my opening times only so let's say nine o'clock file or whatever your times may be so then only during those times your ads will show through I want people in my location to see my ads and you don't need to worry about these two options save and continue' and your ad group name now bidding is quite important for colonias because you want to bid aggressively so you don't lose out in the option god only adds when give you the highest conversion rate because this is someone calling you or your business so it's not someone going to your website and submitting a form they may be not such a hot lead as they are form a colony yet so I will always bet a lot more aggressively and I know that my conversion rate is high so I can afford to wait a bit more higher so you can start off with whatever you comfortable with if you start with the low budget and you find that you're not getting any impressions then you slowly start to raise it and and see where you are getting the most impressions and not losing out in in in the impressions then the next important thing is the keywords so I'm gonna put in here Web Design because that's my campaign about web design so I'm going to select a few keywords from here now you would have heard me say in different videos that I always have one one keyword per ad group or have as few keywords as possible in an ad group so that your keywords your ads and your landing pages are already very relevant but in this case there's no landing page and call only ads run a little bit more differently than the search ads so what I would recommend you do is enter a handful of keywords and see what happens if you're not getting any impressions again increase the bed add some more keywords and just get it started and once you've got some data and you can see that some keywords are wasting money well one summer converting well then you can adjust your beds and tweak your campaigns accordingly and as you can see I'm just betting on a broad match whereas normally I wouldn't use broad match when setting up a campaign so call only ads are a little bit different to your normal campaigns save and continue' now we come to the ad creation put in your URL headline 1 which is normally the 30 characters long web web design agency in UK so I'm under my character limit which is fine now on headline two I tend to put in a very strong call-to-action what do you want them to do me know talk to a specialist book an appointment or whatever the call to action could be so I would say speak to a expert now and because my ads are showing only during my office hours so whenever they see that ad they can see that message that they can speak to somebody right now and I've got 26 characters which is fine couple towers web design as my keywords in here or I've got more character space so are good but in something like web design expert or an agency whatever you want to put in description we've got 80 characters long I've got description in here as you can see I've got 102 which is way over I'm going to delete this bit ah perfect we offer a complete and professional web design service this doesn't make sense I can just say call now to speak to us so again we are putting that call to action again over here so now we can see how the ad is going to look here and the phone number is there as well click down and you're and has been set up you can have multiple ads and again I would set up multiple ads to test see which one is giving me the most clicks and the conversions so I test with different call to actions save and continue now you say it's giving me an error message is because of this exclamation mark then save and continue your campaign is ready and it's going to get approved and as soon as it is approved I'm going to start seeing my ads getting the impressions and that is how you create a call on the ad I hope you enjoyed this video and if you would like me to create a video like this one for any questions or problems you have about AdWords put that in the comment box below and I will do my best to create a video for you please don't forget to subscribe and hit the bell notification button and you'll be the first one to be notified about other new videos when I upload thank you for your time and I appreciate it very much and I look forward to seeing you in the next one bye for now [Music] you
Channel: SF Digital Studios
Views: 57,678
Rating: 4.8583331 out of 5
Keywords: google adwords call ads, adwords call only campaign, adwords call only, call only ads campaign setup, how to setup call only ads campaign adwords, adwords call ads, call ads, call only ads adwords, call only campaigns, google adwords call ads tutorial, google adwords call only campaigns, how to set up google adwords call ads, sf digital studios, uzair kharawala, call-only ads, google adwords call only campaign 2018, how to adwords call only campaign 2018
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2018
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