Google Call Only Ads

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google ads call campaigns are a way for pbc marketers to push phone calls instead of website visits now most likely you probably have a call extension already added to your campaigns this is a way for users to still call from your ads but it's not going to show up every time it's also just a small piece of that ad itself and the main goal of your typical search campaign is to drive traffic to your website now a call only campaign is only available on mobile device and the main headline on that ad is going to be your phone number so it's really easy for a user on their phone to just tap your phone number and then ask if they want to call the business so if you have a better chance of converting users from a phone call instead of sending them to your website this is the video for you to see if you want to test call campaigns so we will go over the campaign setup because there are a few differences for call campaigns versus your typical search network campaign setup but the most important part is going to be the ad that's the really part that's going to make the difference of is this campaign going to be a success for you we'll then go over some of the metrics that you want to track within google ads and then a cool feature at the end of how you can actually record all these phone calls go back later and listen to them and see if the quality is exactly what you want for these campaigns when looking to set up a call campaign in google ads there are three campaign goal objectives that you can select from when you really want to focus just on phone calls those options are going to be sales leads or you can choose to create a campaign without a goals guidance select one of those and then we'll be sent to choose a campaign type call campaigns and google ads are only available on the search network next you have to choose the way you would like to reach your campaign goal and this is a call-only campaign so the obvious choice is that we want to select phone calls you will be then asked to enter your number so you can see united states that's the country where my account is set up but you do have the option to change the country to one of the options that are in google's list so whether your account is set up in a different country or you're a larger business and you have your accounts split up by country which i've seen very common just understand you have the option to change that country and then of course enter your number and then we can move on at any time you can change the goal of your search campaign but if you do want to leave it as a call only campaign you will have to change the goal to either in this case sales or no specific goal but then you can name your campaign underneath the campaign name is the network section and typically when we're setting up a search campaign we're used to seeing the option to add display to your search campaign personally i always keep my display absolutely separate from anything i'm doing from the search network to me they're two totally different intents and i want to keep not only budgets different but also that experience for the user completely separate and since call only campaigns are only available on the search network they just don't even give you the option to add it to display no complaints here let's leave it that way next the campaign setup is pretty familiar you have your locations languages if you want to add audiences to your search campaign go for it i just added a budget really quick next you can choose your bidding strategy i chose the leads campaign goal so by default it's going to give me the conversions bidding strategy if i click down there's other recommended options for conversion value focus on clicks or impression share these aren't our only options for call only campaigns i can click on this link even though google doesn't recommend it i can select a different bid strategy and here's where we're going to get all of our options so if you still like control manual cpc for now is still an option and since i am trying to get phone calls from these campaigns i am going to leave ecpc checked and try to push for specific conversions and i'm doing that in this particular account because this is just a dummy account we use for creating the videos and this account really doesn't have any search history so if i'm building anything new or an account that i'm working on doesn't have a ton of conversion history i will look at probably just getting overall traffic first if i'm seeing success from my call only campaign we're getting a lot of phone calls or other conversions which we'll show you later that's when i'm going to start looking towards some of the other automated bid strategies or possibly set up a campaign experiment to see which bid strategy works best for this particular campaign i opened up these additional settings because there's a couple settings under here that are hidden that to me are extremely important for this campaign type the first one could be conversions the default option for your conversion settings is to use the account level conversion action and we're going to go through later how to make sure that you're tracking your phone calls as a separate conversion within your reports but users also may take other conversion actions with these ads and you have the option to select campaign specific conversions if you want to we do have a separate video on that one if you want to learn more about campaign level conversions you can click on the video link right up above but this next setting to me is very important for call campaigns and that is your ad schedule and this is because google is going to run your call campaigns every hour of every day now when you're thinking about call focused campaigns or efforts one of the most important things is making sure that there's someone else on the line that could answer the call or at least you have some system in place to make paying for that phone call interaction worth it if you have some sort of automated system or a 24-hour customer service where you can take calls 24 hours a day and you want to be there just from a customer service standpoint fine leave it at all days at all hours but maybe you have clients that are smaller or you're a local business and you're only open during certain store hours and you can't take the phone call early in the morning or late at night ad scheduling is very important for these campaigns when you're adjusting your ad schedule in google ads it's very important to know that the time showing up are based on the ad accounts time zone this is not going to reflect the user's time zone so in this campaign setup i had the location targeting of just the united states so initially i could be thinking all right if i want to make sure that i'm set up for 6 a.m on the east coast i'll have to make sure it's set to 5 a.m because this account is central time but since i'm targeting the entire united states that means my ads are going to start running at 3 am for pacific time and i probably should know what time zone hawaii's in and how earlier that is so my ads are even going to start running earlier for anyone in hawaii so if i don't like these time selections i can either choose to adjust my location settings or potentially tightening up the hours i have for this ad schedule and ad schedules are set at the campaign level so i can't change this for any particular ad group i'm going to set my end time to 6 pm so just keep in mind whatever call setup you have there's no point in running call only campaigns if there's nobody there to answer the call or no system there to take the call and at least guide the user to the right place don't waste your money like that you can then look at adjusting your ad rotation and then we get down to ad extensions the main effort will be to drive phone calls yes but this is still on the search network opening up the options right here google did encourage me to start adding call out extensions when i click to expand this option a little bit we can also add structured snippets the lead form extension which we also created in another video where you can check out the full setup for a lead form extension and this will allow you to collect pretty much what it says leads directly from your ppc ad without sending users to a website and then the last option is location extensions so if you are a local business running call only campaigns the location extension could be a nice compliment but for now let's save and continue and next we'll get to the ad group setup but i want to spend a little time on keyword ideas because where i've seen call only campaigns work the best is when you're focusing on a specific need for that user and this could be different depending on what company you are what industry you're in and what you want to utilize call campaigns for now i pasted in a group of keywords i'm not going to adjust the match type so don't worry about match types right now just look at the text of these keywords and we can get an understanding of one way i've used call only campaigns for certain clients if you're a brand that always wants to be there for the user to provide the best customer service if you don't care if your brand name shows up or you don't care if you're using ad spend on customer support terms these are where we've really seen call only campaigns work very well because look at the user intent in some of these search terms people are looking for a brand's phone number we've probably seen these in our search term reports before a good chunk of them were taken away right but seriously we still see these types of search terms within our brand campaigns people looking for the brand phone number you know what is the brand's phone number or anything along the lines of your particular accounts customer service customer support that sort of thing as performance marketers our initial habit is to take those terms and send them to a landing page like no you still want your free trial or free demo but that's not what the user looked up that's not what they wanted to yes you may convince them to a conversion but if someone's looking for customer support or they're looking for the phone number having that ad in there with just the phone number where you can actually send them directly to customer support or just show them the impression of their phone number even if they don't click the ad you're still giving them the information that they need if they call it somewhere else and you don't pay for the ad yes you might hurt your click-through rate but you're still giving the user the answer to the question that they originally asked and went to google for i'm going to remove these keywords and replace them with a second batch again no match type so don't yell at me but this is just a second example of the types of keywords i've seen work really well with call campaigns in google and these are more conversion-based keywords where people are looking to actually schedule an appointment make a reservation and they're ready to book something so the example i give right here is probably more in the service industry and that's fine but look at the more conversion focused search terms on your end because in this example if i know someone's looking for my brand and they're looking to schedule an appointment they can do that online that's great but it could be a lot easier to book that appointment over the phone for whatever reason if you know bookings schedule fast and there's not a lot of open times a user can potentially see that right away on the screen get turned off and try to find someone else however if there's someone on the other line they might be able to fulfill that order and say hey yes we're booked up right now but let me help you find the next opening time it could be a better experience and that's something that you're gonna have to figure out depending on what industry you're in a lot of different examples of how this could work but just look at all the keywords that you're currently targeting do any of them make sense that it'd be better off for the user to try to talk to someone on the phone to make that conversion if it does those are the keywords that you should test first with the call only campaign i could go through other examples but i want to keep moving on especially to the ad setup so if you have any different experience in what i've mentioned on what types of keywords you use and have seen success with for the call only campaigns let everyone else know in the comments below could help somebody else out with their campaigns now we have the country and the phone number already there remember that was one of the first things we did in the campaign setup and the next part's a little different because while we still call these call only campaigns and i still habitually do it as well google just calls them call campaigns because we can add a particular url to this ad and you can see in the ad preview on the right that that url does show up but on the bottom of the ad preview we do see a call to action letting users know that they can also visit the website the url is just an optional element to this ad you do not have to add it but when we do add it you probably saw that the verification url line which is one step down to the final url also got filled in i jumped back over to my super old website and the reason i'm showing it is that if you're sending users to a specific page from your call ad you have to have that phone number on the url so we can see i added it to the contact me portion of my personal website and users have the chance to call me go ahead spam it it's just a google voice number that i really don't check so go crazy if you want to but no matter what page you are sending users to that phone number needs to be visible and that is a requirement for adding the url to your call only ad next you have the option to change the display url that shows up top while the final url is going to slash contact we can change the url just like any other search ad while the headlines are next i'm going to jump down to business name because it actually shows up next visually within the ad preview you have to make sure that your business name accurately represents the business or company using these ads so don't try to sneak in an additional headline or anything like that most likely that ad is going to get rejected if it's caught so keep the business name accurate don't try to add anything salesy in there or try to get an additional promo message just avoid that completely actually make it your business name while the business name is mandatory you can next add a couple headlines both of the headlines are optional but it is something i definitely recommend give the user a reason to call you yes depending on the keywords that you're targeting there could be higher intent there but sometimes they might need a little extra push and that's where your headlines can really come in now the headlines are optional because technically your phone number is going to be the visible part and it's going to look like a typical headline in a search ad but your first description line is mandatory now the second description line is optional so it's up to you do you want to add more text to it to potentially capture more real estate or do you want that user to focus on some of the more important messages of the ad and most importantly the call click to action next you can select your conversion action but you can break it down from calls from ads sometimes depending on the campaign level so we've done this a few times if certain companies that we work with different divisions have different phone numbers and many times we have to set up multiple phone numbers within google ads this will allow us to pick different phone numbers depending on what that campaign goal is but for the most part you're usually going to use your account settings scrolling back up again to look at the app preview now one thing we did mention in the intro is that these campaigns are only available for mobile devices so even if you're using some of these keyword examples or themes of the keywords that i'm kind of showing right now maybe you can test out the call only campaigns and just use these keywords on a separate mobile only campaign still run these keywords in the original campaigns but then change the device to just desktop only it might not apply to everybody but it could be an idea to see if this is a better performing campaign from a conversion standpoint or just a better experience when the user is on a mobile device so i just created this ad nothing is running yet but after this ad starts running of course we're going to want to come back and start looking at reporting so let's head up to our columns and change the view for this ad report we do have our typical conversion metrics but on a call specific campaign i want to make sure all of my call detail columns are added so first we have phone calls for a call campaign it's going to be the number of times people have touched the mobile click link within the ad for whatever reason if you're using a call number that forwards and they know that forward number every time that phone number is called it will show up as a phone call in this conversion column next are your phone impressions and this is going to be how many times the phone number was visible pretty straightforward from a call only campaign but this column is available if you're not doing call campaigns and this last one to me is the most important out of the three and that's your phone through rate and the formula for that one is the number of times the phone call was received divided by the phone impressions and that's important because people can potentially accidentally click on the number and cancel it before the phone call actually goes through so the fact that the phone through rate actually goes through phone calls received is to me a better metric of success than the actual total number of phone calls another one i would look at adding is under your conversions section and then look at cross device conversions and i like adding this one especially if you're adding a final url to your call ad depending on what terms you're using for this campaign a user can go to the website might not be ready yet but eventually go back later on through a different device and convert so to me i like to look at it specifically on any campaign that's using mobile devices just to try to see the user interaction in the full value of these campaigns the other columns that you can add are all going to be depending on what you'd like to see when reviewing your performance so now i'm going to just hit apply i slid all the way over to the right just so i can see all the new columns i added there are my three phone call conversion columns i see my cross device conversion column and then default the main conversion columns was already added to this particular ad so in this case since i did add a final url and sending users to the website if they want to go there i could see the difference between actual conversions and then the phone calls themselves now if you're looking to see more the quality of phone calls that you're getting from these campaigns we need to head to the account settings so let's jump to that page really quick and this page can be a little bit tricky to find so in the left column make sure that you're clicking on all campaigns and then under settings there's going to be a separate section for just account settings make sure you're not in any particular campaign this has to be on the account level but we see this section right here for call reporting and this is actually a fairly newer feature from google ads that allows us to record the phone calls we're getting from our ads so besides just looking at the metrics within google ads themselves this can potentially help a lot of accounts really review the quality of the phone calls they're getting from their ads and yes this option is free for all advertisers they just have to meet a few specific qualifications if you want to you can save the call recordings to do this you have to make sure that you're using a verified url one of the easiest ways to verify your url is to link your google search console account to google ads if you already have that done already good you're verified and then you can look at saving these call recordings for up to 30 days now if you're recording your phone calls this could potentially disrupt the user experience and you're going to want to keep that in mind when focusing on performance if you're recording the phone calls a user will hear a warning and they will be notified that the call is being recorded for legal reasons this is a mandatory feature we have to let the user know that they're being recorded but if you feel that's not going to be good for the user experience it could potentially be a turn off then you do have the option to turn off call recording and if you do that you've been running it for a while potentially you're not seeing the results that you were seeing because people just don't want to be recorded know that you will lose all recordings the moment you click accept and turn off your recording and then to listen to these phone calls you can go on reports choose your predefined reports then we want extensions and here we see information on call details that make it so easy to find so of course i just created this campaign i'm not even going to run it but once you do we can see how long the user called their country code their area code you'll be able to listen to the recording and then there's a few other options that kind of go beyond just the advertising portion of it if you are using some of google's forwarding numbers or their website tags so you can look at the call source if it was from an ad or if the recording was on the website and then the call type was it automatically called again from an ad or did they manually type in the number and then we get more details on the campaign and ad group so google is trying to have more features to really look at the value of the phone call i'll be the first to admit that call campaigns in google aren't the best fit for every single type of account out there to me it really goes back to your keyword targeting and the intent of the user especially on a mobile device if you feel that the action a user can take with those targets can better be satisfied or converted via the phone or potentially just there to provide a better customer experience and customer support then definitely give it a shot thanks for watching our video if you found it useful give us a thumbs up below we release a new video at least once a week so if you want to see more from the paid media pros channel be sure to subscribe
Channel: Paid Media Pros
Views: 11,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: call only ads, google call only ads, google call ads, google call only campaigns
Id: SdqyirPBDsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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