How To Use Negative Keywords In Google Ads - Part 1 Advanced

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hello would you like to increase the profitability of your AdWords campaigns and waste last budget in this video I'm going to show you how you can do that using negative keywords hello and thanks for joining in my name is Isaiah and in this video I'm going to show you how to increase your profitability of your AdWords campaigns using negative keywords now many advertisers running AdWords campaign don't use a negative keywords in their account this results in a lot of wasted budget and you don't get the positive return on your investment so I'm going to show you a few ways as to how to use negative keywords effectively and some strategies as to why you need to use negative keywords at all times before you even start running an AdWords campaign so let's get started so the first thing you need to do is when you do enter negative keywords or setup negative keywords in your account you need to set them up as both singular and plural so negative keywords work differently so it's not like the other mesh types where Google will take into account on the close variation so always enter both I know it's a little bit more work but trust me it saves a lot of money in the long run then you need to research your your keywords or negative keywords before you start your campaign to do that you can either go to your Google Keyword planner or another tool which I would highly recommend is keyword dot IO now I've entered a keyword over here called for wedding photographer and I would do this exercise before I even start running my campaign because what I want to do is to enter the negative key as soon as possible and before I've started the campaign so that I don't waste any vested budget on unrelated or unwanted clicks so if I'm a wedding photographer in the UK and I'm going through this list and I see Toronto I'm going to put Toronto in my list so there are over six hundred and twenty-five keywords which you can go through or download and then sort them out so it may take a bit of a time but you will get at least 60 70 or possibly more keywords from here which you can use as negative and it will cut out all the wasted budget straight away so this is something which you must do spend a bit of time even if it takes you half an hour or an hour do it because you're going to save a lot of money so if I'm not let's have a look if I don't do destination wedding photography then I'll put in the word destination if it shows me something like amateur although you know if you are a professional photographer then you want to put the word amateur in here that's a negative keyword if I don't and if I don't do weddings in Iceland or Indian weddings I can put in so you can see so many ideas for your negative keywords Malaysia you got the gist as to how you can search our research for your negative keywords make a list and enter them straight of it for you even get started with your campaign so for my know research in Keyword planner and keyword dot IO third thing you need to do is to create negative keyword list unless saves you a ton of time so let's go into our AdWords account and then from here you go to your shared library negative keyword list as you can see I already made one over here in this account or in my test account but all you do is create a new one by clicking on the plus button name it and start adding your list over here and then what you can do is then you can apply this list to any campaign you want if you've got a list of over 200 300 negative keywords and you start under the new campaign then you don't need to physically enter those a number of keywords one by one and take so much time all you do is allocate or link this negative keyword list to your new campaign so it will save you a ton of time using a negative list okay then we move on to our match types so just like our keyword match types you can use magnet negative keywords as its exact match phrase match a broad match so let's have a look at a keyword and how are the negative mesh tags will affect the ad running or not so I'm going to bring this table over here for the word silk scarves which is set up as a negative broad negative phrase and negative exact so where you don't see any of these red circles it means that the this search terms will trigger your ads whereas wherever you see this red icon means that the that particular mesh type is going to stop the ad running through so let's have a look at the ones which are being blocked by the negative keyword so scarves silk is going to be blocked by the negative broad match although it is in the reverse order it is being blocked only by the broad match and not by the phrase and exact match so for the broad match type it doesn't matter which order they're in as long as they're both or all the keywords are on that search term your ad will be stopped and it won't show through even when there is a word between the two words which is the silk and the scarves we've got gift in between the broad match is going to stop so this will give you a really good idea and understanding of how the different mesh types can stop your ad showing through so you can direct your traffic to the relevant ad group or the relevant campaign and it's a great way to stop unwanted clicks happening on your on your ads and wasting your money so I hope this gives you a good idea as to how we can use the various mesh tie for negative keywords which don't not many people use it and quite often they don't understand how negative keywords work in different mesh types okay let's go back to our notes the next one is your search query report so once you've started running your campaign and you start to get impressions what you need to do is to go to your keywords and then go to your search term report and in here you will see a long list of search terms which triggered your ad and if you find any term or words or keywords which are not relevant to you or your product or business then you enter that into your negative keyword or onto your negative keyword to you on your list the next step is to use Nags for both search and display campaigns I don't see many people using negative keywords for the display campaigns so that will also help cut out wastage and the last one is to audit your nags regularly are the keywords or the list it just just to make sure that you haven't put anything in there which can potentially stop your impressions and that is it for this one now please don't forget to subscribe and hit the notification bell icon and you'll be the first one to be notified when I do upload other similar videos like this one or if you would like me to create any videos on AdWords for any problems or questions you may have then put that in the comment box below and I will my best to create one for you thank you for your time I really do appreciate it I hope you enjoyed it and I look forward to seeing you in the next one bye for now [Music] you
Channel: SF Digital Studios
Views: 7,574
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Keywords: adwords negative keywords, google adwords negative keywords, How To Use Negative Keywords In AdWords, negative keyword lists adwords editor, negative keyword match types, negative keywords, negative keywords adwords, negative keywords can help advertisers better target their ads by, negative keywords can help advertisers refine the targeting of their ads by, negative keywords explained, negative keywords google adwords, negative keywords google shopping, negative keywords list
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2018
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