Google Ads Keyword Match Types Explained

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i believe we are live please give me a moment i'll make sure everything is working fine and those of you watching this live if you can hear me and see me fine please put a little yes in the comment box so i know i'm not talking to a computer screen okay everything seems to be working fine that's good all right lovely that's perfect brilliant hello and a very warm uh welcome my name is jose and it is november the 12th 2020 4 o'clock in the afternoon in the uk every weekday at this time we go live on this channel plus on youtube uh not youtube facebook twitter linkedin and where else i think we go linkedin twitter facebook yeah that's more than enough and of course youtube um we cover topics such as google ads digital marketing anything to do with generating leads or sales online promotions and content marketing and workflows these sessions are obviously completely free of charge everyone is welcome whether you are a beginner or an advanced marketeer i'm sure you will pick up few things every now and then from here if you are struggling with anything and you need help please uh put in the question in the comment box which is around your video the format of these sessions is that i'll cover today's topic which is the google as keyword mesh types and then towards the end i'm going to try and answer any questions you may have so hello to naveen sandeep a very warm welcome to you guys and to everyone who is watching as well so we're going to start the session um today it's all about google ads keyword mesh types i did cover this topic about a couple of months ago and i had quite a few requests to cover this again um because i think a lot of you who are using google ads are struggling as to which mesh types needs to be used used or which is the best mesh type there is no best keyword match types it is really a horses for courses what are you trying to achieve how far um you want to broaden your campaigns with those keywords so you can be as narrow or tight as possible using exact match keywords or as broad as possible to reach a wider audience using broad match keywords but there are a couple of other keywords as well which are really good and that will um help you in your campaigns to perform better and to give you a positive roi okay so let me plug in my ipad and whilst i'm doing this please put in any questions you may have and we'll get started why should you bother with keyword mesh types is because if you if you don't use the right mesh type you can blow up your budget within a matter of minutes or hours without any i'll return on your on your ad spend i'm gonna drag this up over here okay so you guys should be able to see my ipad now there are the positive keywords as well as the negative keywords so these are the two different types of keywords let's start with the negatives because this is where you will save a lot of money not many account holders use negative keywords properly and what they do is they let google or they allow google to run ads as widely as possible now that's not google's fault you need to to be able to block those search terms which you don't want your ads to show through so a great example is let's say you are a car garage and you um you do car batteries what you don't want to do is to for your ass to be shown for searches like iphone battery or samsung mobile or samsung tablet batteries and so on because those are completely different types of batteries or you can block keywords for such things like watch batteries so that's this is what you want to do is to be extremely uh careful how you use these positive keywords as well as negative keywords and talking about use of negative keywords you also need to be careful that you don't block any good search term queries which could be could potentially block some really good keywords for you now negative keywords you can either put them up as broad raise and in fact you know what i'm going to put this under there so it'll be easy for you guys to follow you can put them up as rod raise and exact um so these are the three mesh tabs you you can put up so let's say you are selling second-hand iphones and you want to block ads or search for search terms uh where people aren't searching for a uh second and iphone right so the types of keywords which will be good for me uh would be refurb keep clicking this on refurb second hand unlocked and so on right now if somebody searches for let's say iphone 7 i don't want to use um a phrase match in this case because if somebody then searches for refurb iphone 7 this negative is going to block it because this iphone is on there so what you want to do is you want to set this up as an exact match now your search term for refurb iphone 7 will go through whereas if somebody then goes ahead and searches for iphone 7 it's going to block it so you need to be careful as to which mesh type you use in in the negatives it's extremely important those of you who don't know what a phrase match it is i'm gonna go through that in a second but a phrase match is when if these two words or words is anywhere on the search term is going to block it or if you are using it as a positive phrase match is going to put your ad in in the in the auction if you win the ad auction so with negatives you need to be a little bit careful as to how you put these mesh types in right let's move on to the positive keywords so you've got the broad match raise exact broad modified four mesh types right be very and be very careful when you're using broad match are we never use broad match keywords it's too broad google is going to go wild is going to show your ads on extremely unrelevant and unrelated search terms so i would personally advise you not to use broad match if you have got a limited budget and your focus is on the roi if you have got a huge budget i'm not saying that you're going to blow it away because you still want to get a good roi but sometimes companies use these terms for brand awareness and the metrics are completely different for branding and brand awareness compared to a direct call to action so i wouldn't use it so major for majority of the advertisers we don't use this in our agency phrase match is in quotation marks so you need to have the keyword in there and you have the quotation marks at the front and at the end what phrase match is as long as that keyword is on that search term in any order your ads will show through so for example let's say a three word keyword by first somebody searches for that right and you have got this as a sorry you have got this as a as a phrase match in your account somebody searches for um so we have got these three words got to be on that session we've got the word i you've got the word best you've got the word for you can have some more keywords over there or words over there or some more over here it really doesn't matter these three words got to be on that first term in any order it really doesn't matter at the front in the middle at the back in reverse order phrase match is going to trigger that keyword exact is in square brackets the buy best phone if if you're targeting that and somebody puts in that word best but phone to buy your ad will not get triggered because it needs to be in this order only and only these three words need to be on that search term right i think i made a mistake over here this one is not phrase this is bmm my apologies i'm gonna scrap that i'm gonna start that one again so if somebody if you're running a phrase match uh as a phrase match so let's say somebody puts in by best on near me these three words which is in your keyword by best phone cannot have any words between them in the it they got to be in that same order it cannot be best by phone or phone uh by phone uh best phone to buy or any any other combination you can have some words at the end or um in the beginning let's say if somebody is putting in a dollar sign hundred dollar by best phone or something like that as long as these three words are together unbroken it could be two words it could be three it could be four it really doesn't matter whatever you have put in as a phrase match got to be together on the search term you can have some words before and after not a problem and then that is going to trigger the bmm on the other hand gives you a little bit more flexibility and a bit more reach um and that is indicated with this word plus by then a space then a plus it really doesn't matter if you capitalize the words on there in the keyword or not i'm just doing it away so you cannot have a space between the plus and uh you would there shouldn't not be any space got to have that symbol plus then the word space plus symbol and so on and now the first one which i had said before best phone to buy this will get triggered by your bmm keyword because we've got the word to um we could have another word over here somewhere or whatever it really doesn't matter as long as these three words buy best phone is on that search term we will have um the ad shown for this for for for this phrase so you can see how these three mesh types can be used to run our ads now i'm sure somebody is going to ask me in a minute um which is the best one to use there isn't one because it really depends of how broad you want to go or how tight you want to keep your campaigns to exact match keywords will have the least amount of traffic because as the word as the keyword match type is exact whereas the bmm and the phrase is going to give you a little bit more a lot a lot more traffic than the than the phrase match the way we use these keywords we use don't uh we don't use that and we don't use that so we run only on exact match and broad modified and the this one keeps hunting and fishing for new search terms because on google on average there are 15 new search queries being searched which have never been searched before is because a lot of people are now using voice as a way of searching instead of typing in the the words so every time we speak into the computer or the device we probably are going to say it in a different way but that's why it is important to keep getting new search terms into your campaigns as ad groups and then we then filter them into exact match if we find that yes this is a good performing search term or not but this is how we we use our our mesh types so now i'm going to go to the comments and questions so now's your chance to put anything you would like to me and i'll try my best to answer them for you okay so sandeep should we use bm and exact separately with two campaigns no you'll go mad if you do it that way um what the way we so there's different ways and depending on how advanced you are with google ads and how you can manage and maintain these ad groups i've seen lots of people they will throw the exact and the bmm in the same ad group what we do is we have the exact in the exact match bmm in the bmm ad group so we keep them separate so then we bid on ad group level so we can keep the bids separate as well it really depends on how the structure of your campaign is it is it's very it's very difficult for me to give you an answer as to which one is how you should be using it or which one you should use hi rory we often run both exact and broad campaigns any high volume keywords in our broad campaigns will remove will move across to exactly yeah and then set individual cpcs and improve quality score yeah i mean uh i wouldn't go abroad i would go with bmm if you are doing that and this is what we do is we have the broad match and the this is the reason why we have them in separate key ad groups i'll try and explain to you let me try and explain to you on the ipad it will be much easier and i'll need to connect this again as soon as it switches off the bmm will only have one one bmm word and the exact match can have multiple exact matches okay okay okay let me try and explain this for you we got bmm so let's keep that one by iphone right and the exact ones can have by iphone um by iphone near me or something like that now if we find let's say someone we find a new search term which is really good which is the latest iphone buy latest iphone if we obviously this will come up over here because that will we don't have this in our ad group so this is going to start um hunting and fishing for search queries like this one and if we find that yes this is a good one we put this one in the exact match but then what we do is we take this search query in this bmm ad group and put it as a negative exact negative sorry you can't read it properly bit of a mess here so what we want to do is help the traffic right so we will have what's that keyword buy latest iphone by latest iphone as a exact match negative when someone searches for that keyword or search them again both these ad groups will be eligible for the auction but google will see that this ad group is being blocked by an exact negative so it's going to automatically run through to this one because we want to always run our ads on the exact keywords because that's the exact match is the most relevant out of all the search terms i hope you understand what i've been trying to explain it's very difficult to explain without being in the interface and with uh with the without the keyword uh in the campaign structure set up so you just have the opposite of the positive exact match as an exact match negative in the in the bmm so you're sculpting the traffic and should we add both singulars and plurals in the same for negative keywords yes for negatives absolutely but for keywords no google will uh search will uh uh will run your ads for plural or similar because exact match keywords as you well know is not exact match anywhere hi adam if a keyword health branding company as exact my triggers google to show your ad for health brand company how would you fix this branding is meant as a service yes this is the perfect example so i would then put in if a keyword so i'm just trying to understand which one are you running if a keyword health branding company triggers okay so i would then put in health branding company as a negative or i put in the word negative as well um in in my negative list the branding the word branding as well because most people obviously you put in the bracket for me but most people will be searching as health branding company so if you've got branding as a negative keyword in in your list then that will stop it create an exact of brand yeah or because you are you have if a keyword health branding company somebody puts in the word that phrase health branding company triggers google to show your ad for yeah so you would not put in your brand as a negative but exact brand is fine yes because a brand could be anything it could you know people may be looking for all sorts of brands so exact match brand i would definitely put in as a as a negative as well then only when someone is searching for if you want people to assure your ad for health brand company that's what you want to do and not just for the word brand okay please explain exact match once again so exact matches as the word says exact you know if somebody wants to use the word by iphone and somebody puts in there's google by iphone then the exact match is matching that search term so that's what it means i've got one more um videos i think i did one in september if you go back on that playlist or search our channel for a mesh keyword mesh tabs there's loads more in here which will help you or you can just re-watch this video again please naveen i mostly use nikki netcat i hope i've said your name properly i mostly use bmm but when i know that a word or a key phrase can bring in a lot of traffic i use exact yeah that's fine yes this is what i would do hi sunil i'm running an exact match campaign for flower shop in dubai but we are getting two to three orders every other day ad optimization score is above 90. well ad optimization score has got nothing to do with your conversions that is just an indication of what is happening in your account and whether you are using or run doing as what google's best practices now one of the optimization things which always will pop up is to increase your budget which you may not be able to do so or run certain smart campaigns which you again don't want to do so that does not make any difference whatsoever even if you've got 100 optimization um your ads may not perform again you are running for a flower shop now if it's an e-commerce store i would recommend you um run shopping ads you know and eco those these will be perfect for for a florist if you need any help get in touch we'll be able to help you out with your campaigns but two to three orders again it really depends on what you want are you expecting 20 to 30 orders a day if so then you need to look at the budget you need to look at the market size is there enough scope is there enough people searching for online florist or flower deliveries i would like to think so there are at least you know a few million people in dubai and people would be looking to order flowers online is google as playing game to distribute leads to all other competitors no i don't think google is in that game at all why would they distribute your leads to somebody else it's just a search engine and whoever is in the auction they are going to get the ads as shown if if i'm looking for your product or service i like your ad i'm going to click on it go to your website if i like what i see i may convert or do not convert i create campaigns without any guidance no it doesn't i mean what i think you're saying is without goals that's fine that's not a problem at all but you must have a conversion tracking set and that's very important adam does google shopping ads show up in amazon i wish it would um no it doesn't um google and amazon will never play ball together unfortunately rhs walaikum salaam all right so thank you guys and ladies for being with me today i hope you enjoyed this session um i will be back on monday tomorrow is my wife farzana coming along at the same place same time and i believe she's talking about content marketing which is a very interesting topic and which we are now um we for our company we're running a lot of content and uploading them on a regular basis of shield we'll go through what we are doing and where we will be heading in 2021 as well if you are new here you haven't subscribed or hit the bell button then please do so because we are uploading content every day come here live and also something new is happening which is the youtube shorts and i'll be covering that topic very soon but in the meantime if you have put click that bell button you will start to see our 30 second videos popping up just follow and study these videos and see how we are reaching everyone's devices because those short videos only uh upload and go on the smartphone which is even better for us so thank you so much everyone for being here and i shall look forward to seeing you on monday have a great weekend and stay safe
Channel: SF Digital Studios
Views: 456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sf digital studios, uzair kharawala, google ads, google ads keyword match types, keyword match types, adwords keyword match types, keyword match types explained, ppc keyword match types, keyword match types google ads, keyword match types adwords, negative keyword match types, keyword match types 2020, keyword match types in google adwords, google ads tips, google ads tutorials, google ads training, google ads optimisation, google advertising, learn google ads
Id: g373Pk0QZ-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 20sec (2000 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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