Goodwill Thrift With Me Cottage Decor For Resell And Profit - See Our Vintage Store!

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[Music] I'm waiting at the doorstep finally home hav't gone for too long standing here a while just to take it all in radio's playing a song Good morning it is a sunny 20° here in Utah uh it it look try to sound so jolly about that it looks warm but it's not we are slowly re-entering like after holiday schedule we did work obviously over the holidays but we took quite a bit of time off there is not one soul I got here quick I was expecting traffic and we're here 13 minutes early nobody was awake in Utah this morning I'm going to show you here we are driving into the thrift store it opens at 9: so we have about 13 minutes and there is no nobody here it makes me question if they're even open the employees are here so I'm pretty sure they're open we went into the shop this morning dropped off all of the thrift haul from last week I actually have not been there um except for one time after Christmas well you were sick and so I was the one running all the stuff over and you know if they need something I I went over and took care of it but they don't they don't really need things for us watch but I'm going to show you guys our Christmas is down I thought I was going to have to cuz my girls are working today I was going to have to give them some um ideas on what to do but Christmas is down and kaziah Maria I don't know who did it I maybe Ivy I'm pretty sure it was probably kazia the magical Shop fairies the Shop fairies have reset the store it's so cute ready for Valentine's Day so I'm going to be looking for more spring yeah more Valentine's Day because Christmas is out of the shop and I want to fill it in with things that are light and bright and make people happy well you know it's 20 outside but we're literally about 45 days out from warmer weather where like it could snow but we're going to get days in the 45 50° and you know that seems cold but when it's getting in the teens at night that's like a summer day the second that Christmas is done it's for me bunny season and Valentine's Day because I'm not a winter fan so that's what's coming in Z what are you looking up so intently I'm sending video to you second one in the store ze's headed out to the yard so we're looking at dishes first what do I spy a bunch of some transfer wear and if you remember last week I found a plate with this pattern P this one looks like it's a different brand but it's the same pattern so I'm going to go ahead and grab this cute little plate it does have some paint on the back it's only 75 cents and these little finger bowls are only 75 cents so it's good morning let's see if there's any more transfer wear saucer keep looking see what they've got here I always like it when I find good dishes right off the bat we're going to head to Goodwill next I don't know if I can convince Ze to go to the bins oh I like this creamer this is FAL scph and I also like the salt and pepper shaker and maybe the butter dish look the thrift store is ready too not seeing anything right here oh except for a big Yoda painting yeah they've cleaned the shells off in anticipation for all the New Year's donations that's kind of fun is it all grapes though it's very grapy all right first pass not seeing anything out there that I have to have I do kind of like these but they're going to be difficult to paint and they're resin uh for $3 each I think I'll grab them and a galvanized wall pocket I'm going to do this one too for floral probably so here's some more of the transfer wear I wish they had the big plates I wonder if they had them the other day somebody just left all the little ones but sometimes it's going through the back and they just haven't processed it yet so we'll come back another day people always give me a hard time about rayun but it always sells well for me a couple couple of plates are dollar a taste I'm going to grab them I'd get this one but it's got a chip and that's not actually R done what have we here $5 is wood how much is this one no price on this one everyone got new TVs for Christmas and donated them last week we're good on clocks right now so I'm not necessarily picking clocks up unless they're special but check this out this is got like a greasy residue on it for $5 though I think repainted to make this look like Stone could be pretty cool I love baskets especially this time of year $5 this one is perfect little picnic basket going to grab that so I know know Ze was out here and he passed on two bunnies you know it's bunny season I'm going to have to grab these also looking for pots and things to plant in so that's cute um I like this one and that little rosec colored one as well people are looking to bring Greenery in this time of year and I know Zeb ordered kazas some succulents I'm always curious to see what they're selling a dining set for this is big these are Big chairs very nice they're sturdy only 200 bucks for the whole set the table would need refinished uh it's got kind of like a big heavy it's got a big heavy feel to it right now let's look at these legs though oh it's got damage from being moved oh yeah those legs are amazing paint this up to make it look more cottagey could be really cool initially I was going to pass these up because I thought they were back here like ceramic or porcelain or something but these are metal they're press tin they're a little shiny but I think they'll paint up good and this is a great metal wall pocket although you know what's weird about this that hook is off center on the top and that's going to bug me so it's going to stay here new cart just came out and I'm obsessed with these oh I can't get it out look how cute they are I know that Christmas is gone but these will look great in the shop next year and somebody did the hard work loving this little crate here that's cute and always hooks this time and you're do well so I'm going to grab these we'll just sand that off and repaint them so this piece is old the hardware is yucky um but it's only $30 and we just sold a piece that we've got to ship so I think this would actually fit perfectly we could paint the base strip the top it's cute Zeb can we take this home the question is do we have a place for it if we take it home so Ze says it's too big and I think he might be right so I'm going to try to find something that's maybe like 4 in not as wide and it looks like it does need more repair than I thought so I'll pass it it needs quite a bit of drawer work I'm actually looking for a treasure box for church for prizes for birthdays and I think that is going to be perfect $3 I'm going to still look for a bigger one but if I don't find anything else that'll work for now and then this is cute three bucks all right all right so we spent $80 the C the cart is overflowing so I'm pretty good about I feel pretty good about that we do have some things that need to be painted but lots of really good stuff like not a lot of repairs needed um and some stuff for spring so I'm happy about about that I can't even talk so I'm happy about that so I think we're going to hit three stores today I thought about going to the bins but I think we'll save that for our next thrift I don't know if I have it in me for the good whe bins today I wasn't prepared I've got holiday hangover we have sold so many books um and so that's why I do want to hit the bins this week at least once just because we need to restock on books and they're such a great place but we're going to hit Goodwill next they open at 10:00 in like 20 minutes and then we'll go to the thrift store that's just across the street and I think that'll be it cuz we already scored like $80 worth of really good stuff so yeah it was I I thought we weren't getting a lot but by the time we walked out of there we had a whole car overflowing I like after the new year Purge thrifting it's the best so Goodwill's over here but it's not quite 10:00 so we're going to head to the Desert Industries thrift store first so that way we can make the best use of our time it's just right acoss stre a lot of patterns we do well normally we go to Goodwill first but you know today we're going to do Desert Industries first so we're breaking breaking the pattern zeev says I should go to the yard first because I keep fting too many dishes but it's cold and this yard's outside so you're on your own I'm going all right and this yard usually doesn't have a ton of good stuff so I'm just going to stick to the inside that's why that I figured that's why somebody left that one there this is really cute bunnies on a plate with some cabbage recipes I always love Leaf wear and this one's white three bucks oh comes apart oh it's glittery look at that it's a print it's on like a board where is the price oh it's long it just keeps going it's got like scratches and Spilled soda or something on it is it bad that I want it just for the frame like look how big that frame is I had to pull it down to see what the price was $35 it's a wood frame this gives you an idea of how tall it is it comes up to like my chin I'm 6'2 so I'm going to guess that that's like a little over 5T I love this mug it's like cottagey and cute and it's only a dollar that's cute for dollar I sent you out to the yard to do some shopping and what do you come back with there was a big frame for $35 it's over 5 ft tall and narrow like this wide and you you withheld I'm on the fence I might go back for it I don't know it's probably a good idea to to not grab that zeb's over and the first like I like this Candlestick gra that one two bucks yeah that's a good one this looks like a shelf or something it's only a $150 I don't see any hanging hardware I wonder if it's like part of a cabinet or something I'm going to grab it that's cool this is really cute I think all you wouldd have to do is maybe do like a little stencil on the front two bucks I'm going grab that so I actually want this specifically to put in the shop cuz it's so springy it's $5 kind of cottagey and it's in really good condition for five bucks even the lamp shade I feel like this deserves to be filmed this is for the really big chees it Enthusiast or if you need like a late night snack you just open your lamp and you have Cheez itss that's probably one of the weirder things I've seen thrifting Jamie's looking for something to put in that space where we just sold that table this might might be this this could fit there I think it's not super deep and it's pretty well made from what I can see it needs a top refinisher paint job Liberty Furniture the drawers all work good that's the first thing I'm looking for when I look at these at the risk of going home empty-handed I don't think I've ever been in a thrift store and not found something that I wanted I'm going back to the yard I'm going to get that frame so this is in the complete wrong section this is like Electronics but look how cute this cookie jar is I thought it might be vintage but I flipped it over and it's not but original price $64.99 oh it's got a crack in it shoot I'm going to leave this here but that is so cute if it was old and had a crack I'd probably still pick it up but I just feel like since it's modern and a crack it's probably not worth it and it probably wouldn't be more than five bucks people always give me a hard time about rayun but it always sells well for me a couple of placees are dollars say taste I'm going to grab them I'd get this one but it's got a chip and that's not actually very done cute little mug I've actually found this pattern before I love it it's like very cottagey only a dollar I always like to look at the metal section A lot of times I don't find things here that I want to keep as is but I find stuff I want to paint this is really interesting like hand painted but I'm not a huge fan of the outside of that see if I can find anything I want to pick up I'm over here looking at books and I'm I was literally going to leave the store empty-handed I had to get something that is not even going to fit in the back seat of the car you just drop it to the roof no I'll get it in there what what are you going to print in that I've got an idea for it I think it's going to be really cool it might be a uh local only no shipping how much is this 35 I feel like that's a lot of money but it's got It's going to be super spendy to print for just remember that cuz that's big yeah okay so we would have been under2 but we spent $35 on that uh giant print if it was actually a art I would keep it in there cuz it says it's Paul Delson 64 it's not even a good print of yeah it's not good quality so we'll see what Zeb does with this hi my name is Zeb and it's been zero days since I thrifted a frame it's been zero days since you've thrifted something that probably should go on the roof just going across the street to the Goodwill it's 10 23 so they just opened up like 20 minutes ago and I think this will be our last stop today we have the best little route yeah and it it's nice to be done by 11: then we can like finish the video get things photographed and do some other stuff look at all those dragons Zeb says we have to go a different direction today it feels awkward to not start at the dishes but I think it's good because oh this is the one that's been here that's broken it's like teasing me every week look at these they're like are they I think they're like painted metal what are they I don't like that one but I do like this one so this will come home with me Siro croo all right look at that little brass Rose Candlestick please be priced right please be priced right that is Priced Right cute you know I saw the giraffe I spy with my little eye what about these do we need some big brass glasses no but here's a brass um pot $2.99 okay see it's oh look at this oh that's good I can tell from here this a what do you mean they didn't restock it look at all this stuff okay I guess I did this is good okay this has GRE on no grapes I'm going to get this one look at this that's cute 3.99 I like this space but I don't like the top you think they glued that on yeah it looks the base is brass so that's for sure glued on oh it's got feed on the bottom of it we'll take that off and just leave the brass look at this you didn't like this one has grapes what do you think there's two of them oh two of those yeah no two of those yeah I would do it okay get that get that one we convinc her to do grapes guys also one of these is this homeco I don't know no somebody just got rid of like a whole ton of wall stuff like look this is like a hanger we keep finding all of these wall things it's like somebody deashed or something it's like a brass towel holder are these some cherub candlesticks you know I love that and I got flowers for spring this is why we come to the Goodwill we find stuff we don't find anywhere else I'm trying to figure out what this even is they hold something looks like it was like a hanger like a towel hanger like a towel hook or something Candlestick 2.99 here's another couple pair these are smaller but only $1.99 they're like sconces I we're have to get two CS are we going to have to get two carts at the Goodwill this one's kind of fun it's plaster I may get this for me this is like a bacon press cast iron grill you can press a lot of things with this do like Panini bread all I'm getting that that's coming home with me cute little brass face lots of brass today I'm loving it handcarved Fox it's got a little chip in the ear but I wonder if Ze can just like sand that and then we'll just oil it you think you can fix the ear yeah here's some more like vintage Soko $3.99 that's good this car is like Fuller than it's ever been at Goodwill before it's all little stuff too yeah it's all good this is exactly what I was looking for there was like a bunch of little people in here and we need these for some friends of ours ah look at that there's a pair of these $1.99 each made out of wood going to grab that that's cool $4 last week we were talking about all the crystal that just gets donated that people don't like there's some good pieces here it's all kind of on the smaller side so I think I might pass but just I I always keep all my crystals so comment below if you love Crystal or if it's something that you don't Thrift and and don't want I'm going to grab this one oh no it's not it's not together it's like two pieces and it's kind of priced a little much for what it is but look how beautiful that is that one's good so I'm guessing this a chamber pot but I think it' be really cute planted in so I'm going to grab it it's only four bucks oh I'm excited cuz I found all those little plates and similar transfer wear patterns and these are the big ones so I'm going to grab all of these I'm finding more rayen we've sold out of everything that we have we get a lot of comments people are like I don't like rayen well people like it so we keep picking up make sure there's no chips in them oh the mama bear yeah and there's one like the specific ones always do really well there's like a military wife one watch out for those Mama bears yeah so we've got the Goodwill cart train we spent $126 and I would say we have a solid part and a half yeah that's a good day and it's like not even 11: and we are done thrifting we did spend $126 there but all of it's really good stuff yeah lots of vintage vintage goodness so before we go home we're going to head into the shop and grab some primer for this big frame so we've been sitting in here with this Frame and it's got a smell smells kind of like cigarette smoke so we've got to we got to get rid of that me as so many times before I'll never want to be way leave you again you are all I want and more is [Music] true if only I could do one thing I'll be with you is true baby I think we did good doing lots of spring things I got some floral we got bunnies and we hit the motherload of vintage wall decor at Goodwill yeah lots of brass lots of plaster it's really good like wall sconces and candle holders and candlesticks all the good things that we love all these items will be listed on our website Saturday night just before our live at 8:30 I know we have a ton of new followers that we've gotten probably in the last mountain time it gets tricky 8:30 mountain time we do one big listing so every Saturday if you check that it's there and if you want to see what items we have for available now we'll drop the link below if you like this video be sure to give us a thumbs up and subscribe to J Mary vintage for more DIY and thrifting we'll see you on the next [Music] episode waiting at the doorstep finally home I gone for too long standing here a while just to take it all in radio is playing song is [Music] true before only I could do one thing all be with you is [Music] true baby how I [Music] need
Channel: Jami Ray Vintage
Views: 104,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jrv, Jami Ray vintage, farmhouse, farmhouse decor, farm house, paint, painted furniture, painting furniture, DIY, how To, home decor, chippy paint, furniture, furniture painting, upcycle
Id: adcnWB0UsoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 54sec (1494 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2024
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