GOODWILL Bins again! Can we Find More Hand Stitched Quilts and Home Decor? Thrifting For Resell

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[Music] it's Monday morning we are out it is can you see like super foggy outside it's cold we can see the mountains and Le and I should have filmed them for you this morning they were gorgeous with pink coming over the snow but it is lucky up here in Riverton you can kind of see the sign and it looks like there is not one Soul outside of the shop and they open an 8 minutes so I don't think they're going to be super slammed this morning I wonder if are you sure they're open today they should be they're always open on Mondays we come on Mondays all the time there's seriously there's like one car there one car in the back that I don't think anybody is there like don't be nervous they're open it says they're open Mondays I'm going to look online I'm standing out here I'm the only one in line 2 minutes ago it's like 24° right now uh Jamie's like I'm not getting out there I'm not going she's sitting over in the truck all warm and toasty with the heated seats they're going to open these doors in like a second it opens like right now oh there she comes just going to Brave the cold for a few seconds it's weird to be the only one here I mean there's a few other people but usually there's a bunch of guys that don't even grab a cart and they run down here see if they can grab the good stuff first oh some Christmasy things is this for bees what is this for wasps so this is like a first that Ze is going to be the first out to the yard and I'm going to be the first like on the floor cuz if we're not really uh people that get hair super early like we usually are just like a few minutes so it's going to be fun today to like see if there's anything better cuz we're the first ones in all right let's take a look at these platters this one's kind of fun made in the USA kind of worn it's got a lot of scratches on it so I'm going to pass doesn't look to be anything like super special I'm here first and I just don't think it looks any different than when I'm like fourth in line okay so I've been down three aisles and I have found nothing that I'm super interested in that's weird I actually think this is really cute but I do not enjoy the things they have put inside the bird so maybe just dump all those weird looking things out and then just leave the bird as is it's $2 I feel like that's what we're going to do with that it's not super full either so I don't know it's maybe because less people are donating CU they're like already in the holiday Groove what I do know is that when we come back from Christmas these thrift stores are always banging haing this looks like a like a pudding mold I don't know I'm going to grab that for $150 so see what else have oh here's another piece haen USA we'll buy it 5 years ago I had have grabbed these cotton reats for $3 each there's three of them but I don't know I don't know about them I'm going to be fairly selective today because we're hitting up a bunch of thrift stores we're going all the way into Salt Lake uh we're going to go to the bins and see what they've got so we we might hit like seven or eight thrift stores today seated glass vase is that a vase can you count that as a vase these are some giant frames they actually exceed the size I could print on my big printer so that's impressive Big C canvases actual stretch canvas on those 35 and 50 it's a couple little clocks up here though three bucks for this one it's wood all wood I like it when they're all wood and $3 for this one this is that it says Prairie two oh Prairie Town Clockworks usually there's like a Denver one that doesn't like that but I'm going get both of those I used to do cut out words and letters and stuff kind of like this on my CNC machine comment if you're still into that used to you know like this stuff like that bunch of socks say 2019 I wonder if the people that made these socks knew that in 2020 the world would go crazy it's like before things changed I wonder if they'll have like PC like be like BC like before Co everything got different not really seeing a whole lot here hopefully Zeb has better luck than me okay so there is one Candlestick of interest for me I'm not that interested in it actually so Zeb didn't find a whole lot either three things and they all need to be painted we're doing real good today I forgot my wallet uh cuz I switched pants from walking this morning we went to the gym and walked the track for a couple miles and Jamie doesn't have hers with her either the another car most things take tap to pay so we should be okay but we'll see we'll see how this adventure goes we come to this thrift store often enough that they know us pretty well here they're like what happened you only have you don't even have a full cart I was like listen where you're supposed to provide us with the good stuff they said with the holidays people just didn't donate a ton on Saturday so they just don't have that much new stuff so it might be that way across the board so we'll see what we find New Year's is coming in a couple weeks everybody cleans out like all the resolution people they they're going to have more donations than we can handle all right so we have 22 minutes before the Goodwill opens so we're going to hit up the deser industries here in West Jordan first hopefully they have more than Riverton had then we're going to hit up Goodwill and then we're probably going to head to the bins and I'm hoping that like rounds out the trip because we need to pick up wood for the dining table the I was building me for Christmas um and also we have to hit up Ikea because Jack has a presentation today and he needs some Swedish food that's store-bought or else we would have just made something already so yeah it has to be like wrapped in packaged they can't you can't bring like homemade food for your cultural presentation yeah and we got to have that there by like noon so we are on a schedule all right so not a ton of people here either it's cold and it's before Christmas you know I guess I guess not everybody drifts right before Christmas right off the bat I see a couple of cute candlesticks $2 each this store they always put like the carts down the middle and just kind of let people get what they want Amo box so we're in the lamp section and I actually really love this lamp it's really pretty it's all porcelain nothing's broken it's $10 it's got the original FAL on the top it looks like there's this one too but I don't love that one as much as I love this one so I'm going to pick this one up all right so the Easter section is pretty slim but I kind of like this chocolate bunny and somebody made it but it's cute doesn't have a price but I think it' probably be like a dollar so I'm going to pick that one up so I love this wise man I just wish there was more of the set I would totally get that look how big that is in detail look at my hand next to it it so I like this one here that's good $4 Jamie's not going to like the handles but that's okay this is also good and I kind of like this apothecary jar I wonder if it cleans up though cuz it's a I think it's just Frosty cuz it's so cold and we're basically outside that's just a chain link fence with some slats in it that's kind of fun it's going to need a paint job it's kind of shiny but we've got we got stuff that can handle that I'm tempted I'm tempted I could put something in that frame 35 bucks for the frame though oh look Jamie found a lamp and an ammo box it's a very eclectic mix here yeah it is I wonder if Jamie has been through here or saw this I kind of like the coloring on this one it's like a skeleton key type color it's only three bucks I was thinking about snagging these but they're super chintzy I did however find these three much better little tiny mirrors they're all different but $150 each I like those this is always the trick seeing if I can get this stuff home in one piece so we can show it to you guys in the thrift Hall we're in we're in the Goodwill here we have literally not even filled up half a car in two thrift stores so we're hoping they come in clutch but the truth is this Goodwill is never like a ton of stuff it's just like good stuff maybe that's why they call it Goodwill cuz they have good stuff let's see if they're open cuz they not supposed to open till 10:00 oh look at that they let us in like a minute early so I feel like that's winning these are interesting although I'm not $3 not $3 a piece interesting oh these are um candle wick so I'll grab those no they're everywhere we found them on like three di now at the Goodwill I think we still have some of the shop I we have one we have one at the shop they don't really fit my design aesthetic yeah yeah I know it's back together there's actually a kind of cool cherub looking thing 5.99 I don't know who the baker is but I'm willing to take a gamble on $5.99 for this are you going to grab that well it's so it's been glued back together actually I don't know like that feels sharp still but look uh yeah but that's not really like that might be worth $20 not broken I think so yeah we bought him before so I've looked them up Goodwill likes to do this they're like $2.99 but like two bowls I want one bowl I don't so it's not really worth it I do like that so I have one similar that I found just yeah I just saw that maybe they dropped one off here one off there make a set so I'm going to pick this up it's $33.99 but I think it would be really cute like glittered up for a decor ations I'm probably not going to do that I'll sell it as is but I have a feeling that that will sell oh look there's a little clo $2.99 that's a big ask for that little tiny thing but it's going to stay right there on the Shelf if these are Mason cash I'm going for it nope gift not that lucky gift is I mean they look like they're decent Stone wear is this topiary fun enough no I don't like I wish it was just one up and yeah the leaves are they're fabric but they're fraying yeah they don't so this is a $1.99 wood frame even though it's gold it's wood on the back and it's got a good mat and I don't I don't mind the sailboats in there either what is this is that porcelain why does it say XO it's a weird thing to say stay on there so apparently I'm going to find like 4 million candlesticks today $2.99 no they're easy to pay and that one's cute I'm going to we have a lot so I just want to be more selective when I'm buying candlesticks like they got to be super cool and that one is so it definitely counts $1.99 I feel like that's a little much for that just one single hook oh this is cool this is older for sure it's like a sifter bramwell's $1.99 very so surprising like a pretty regular day here about how much we spend uh like $26 26 yeah we usually spend between like 20 to $50 here so I'm feeling good about that definitely not enough stuff we might have to go through a them tomorrow like we had our schedule all planned out this week but that did not involve uh it's only 1010 we're actually doing real good on time yeah because there's not much so it doesn't take long to Thrift I was worried we'd have too much and we'd be in ze's truck but so far it's working out all right cuz we got to pick up wood so we brought the truck today put the seats up I can actually almost fit as much as you can get yeah cuz you can go all the way up yeah we're headed into the Goodwill bins it's so funny cuz we spent so much of our time in Suburbia and we just don't go to industrial areas and this is just a very much like it's been Industrial in Salt Lake for a really long time and that's just the area that it is the hardest thing about this good will is you cannot get a cart because the people that show up early literally stay here all day they never give it up and we forgot our Ikea bags again so we're just got to find stuff and make a pile nobody really messes with the piles here everybody seems to be pretty respectful of that so it works out okay so I'm wondering if Salt Lake is out look someone's got all the blankets yeah lots of kids here all right and here we go diving in it's like a whole different mix of stuff you find here I'm half tempted to get this just cuz I like the beads on it but I don't know what it is all right so success look at that couple of really cool like lens they're going to need they're going to need some oxyclean and then not uh hand done but a couple of quilts this one is wool Rich which is a really good brand and then this one I don't know it's put on the [Music] fence no that's good it's um it's a is a oh no it's not pie so not that one look at what I found that is a leather work apron ah I'm pumped about that four pockets on the front so I already found this uh picture history of American Sports that one's really cool so I'm going to look for more books and see if I can find anything that I want to take home so I just found this one I'm pretty excited all these flowers on here it's a lot of work this is fun definitely not like my vintage Vibe but I think somebody's going to love it so I'm digging through and I was right behind this lady and she was like chucking stuff out so a cute little silverplated dish uh pitcher creamer sugar dish and lid and these cute little aluminum pans you know we love those and I'm just going to wrap everything up in this blanket because I forgot to bring my Ikea bags so Ze and I usually go for like older books but I like this book from Joan a gam it's really good and the top is kind of hammered but the book itself isn't bad it's a little bit bent up but I feel like it's good enough somebody could really enjoy it and put something heavy on it to fix the the pages are all in really good condition I'm going to grab it always got to come dig through the books the books are just fun to come dig through this is copyright 1939 American Writers I just love the color love the age the eagle on the front you open it up you got a map of the US there's a bunch of art throughout found a dictionary from 1936 trying to figure out what this is I think it's German this is embossed Jamie with her spoils it was a good day we spent $40 but one of the things we got was sterling silver so I'm pretty excited about that we are headed to the Saratoga Springs Desert Industries um I'm not holding my breath that there's going to be a ton of stuff but sometimes they restock in the middle of the day so it's like 1:00 in the afternoon um and we're just going to see like we really just need like a cart full of good stuff and that combined with all the odds and ends we picked up I think we would be good and we really want to like round out this Thrift Hall so we can get it loaded and we just have other things we got to do this week it just goes to show you have to kind of be consistent about going and and finding the things we we Thrift every single week and you know some weeks you find stuff some some weeks you don't and some some weeks you just hit it out of the park you're like wow every store had everything I needed and this week it's like every store doesn't have anything we need this is actually the biggest drought I think we've ever had we've never gone to this many thrift stores and been there the first one right when it open and just had just nothing so we'll see what they got well um there's definitely people shopping so parking lot's full parking lot's full kids are not out of school in this District yet until THS I think Thursday is the last day yeah so maybe parents are trying to get their thrifting them before their kids get out I don't know I'm getting my own own cart today Ze has his cart we're going to pretend like we're actually expecting to find something so I was walking through I'm M I don't even know if I need to film any of this this is just kind of unique I'm not sure I I want I want your guys opinion I'm probably not going to buy it I do like the little knobs on there but honestly like what are these little doors that won't open oh there that one opened what what do you think those are for it's not outdoor planting season but I do like that it's got It's fiberglass it's got a little dink here I wonder if I could fix that which is like some Bondo or something oh big crack there is that on purpose though that looks like that's supposed to be there on purpose how much are they wanting for it $7 that's hard to pass up little Candlestick hiding down here in the greenery I'm going to paint that up so this actually just got put back and it's super cute and I'm going to grab it because we are not finding a lot of stuff and for four bucks that is a really great basket now I just need to see if I can find anything else I can't believe how empty these stores are I actually really love this the little doors on it oh it's not opening easy oh that's kind of tight all right that's going to be a pass I don't want to deal with fixing that I don't know this would be a good organizer her desk it's $4 I like the drawers just tring to think what would you put in here I'm going think on that one all right $2 it's been repainted it's actually not bad but if I was going to repaint it I would want to paint the back too so I'll just finish the job they started so I was going to pass up these cobalt blue plates um but they're just dirty I thought they were scratched so I'm going to grab these These are nice big plates and cobalt blue always sells well for us this is only $150 I don't love the color on it but I think repaint it and then leave the porcelain knob white I can sell it for like 10 or 12 bucks so I'm going to pick up this sometimes you got to dig a little deep in your repertoire of upcycling over here on the frame aisle spy these down here I think they're wood a lot of times these are foam what have we got here some welcome hooks with bears on them it's got some silver plate here and that's a fun little find so we we wanted a full cart I would say that's half full but just like two big things that take up a lot of space we we got like eight items I think but look you can see the Beautiful mountains yeah the the what we like to call that layer inversion we don't call that pollution it's not SM it's because we haven't had any wind rain or snow so as soon as it snows which I don't love snow all that just kind of washes out of the valley but you can see the tops of the mountains they're beautiful today how much have we spend Zeb $26 26 I feel like that's the second place we spent $26 today we spent 26 at Goodwill I think yeah that's apparently the number for the day I I feel like you're the only husband in the universe that's complaining that we're not spending enough money you're a keeper thanks for coming along with us well we I feel like hit our head against the wall at like multiple thrift stores but each thrift store yielded like just a few things and when you keep on going and just like giving things a second look what can I do with this then you really can get enough stuff you just have to keep going yeah we probably spent I think we spent I'd have to add receipts up but just doing like the quick math tally in my head about $160 today usually we spend about2 200 thrifting for the week so we're close we're not far off and it might be enough stuff we can just make it be our regular Thrift haul cuz we got enough stuff about seven or eight things per store If You tab calculate it like that ironically we spent the most at Goodwill bins which is surprising because we only spent $40 there and typically we don't spend under a hundred at a thrift store if it's got a decent amount of stuff stay stay tuned I'm going to give you a closeup of everything we bought so that way you guys can see what's going to be on the next thrift haul if you guys want to shop along be sure to visit Jamie Ray click Saturday Thrift haul we upload all the new items on Saturday night at 8:30 mountain time and if you like this video be sure to hit share give us a thumbs up and subscribe to jam R vintage for more DIY we'll see you on the next 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Channel: Jami Ray Vintage
Views: 50,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jrv, Jami Ray vintage, farmhouse, farmhouse decor, farm house, paint, painted furniture, painting furniture, DIY, how To, home decor, chippy paint, furniture, furniture painting, upcycle, good will bins, good will outlet, goodwill outlet
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 21sec (1461 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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