Spring Home Decor Thrift Flips - High End on a budget Thrift with us - Reselling

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[Music] iite for always all right guys we are in Provo today we had to take Caitlyn um to a test so we thought that it would be fun to do some thrifting while we're waiting for her to get finished so this is a Deseret indust Industries thrift store there are no Goodwills down in this area so this is like the biggest one that's around here and then there's a bunch of little little mom and pop antique stores in probo so this thrift store is the size of a Giant grocery store it's huge mostly closed like the home decor area is the same so I'm just looking at all the glassware zebs actually over there filming I like this organizer type thing I think like what do you think that would be for I don't even know I'm going to think about it I don't know I'm I wish these dividers went all the way up I feel like that would make it more functional as a divider it's been a while since we've down here I forgot how big this thrift store is they've got probably a quarter of the size of the other thrift stores just in Furniture here like this Jamie just asked me if I was going to take all the stuff before she got to it what do we we have here do we have some cobalt blue plates $2 each usually they're like a dollar but I'm going to pick these up cuz I think I sold all my last ones here's a Pampered Chef ston wear Baker $2 definitely going to grab that cuz I can't keep pampered shaff in stock especially the Bakers they sell really well so here's a decent amount of FAL scass I will get the salt and pepper shakers I will get this little dish I will probably leave the bowls on the plates behind because they're not as popular but this serving dish I will go ahead and grab because this is popular so these particular pattern I just like the interesting pieces but the like bowls and plates just aren't as big as sellers for me I'm out in the yard I don't know if it works but that's actually a really good price on a band saw even if the motor is not working oh $10 a crate little juice glasses looks like I kind of love this oh $8 though I don't love it for $8 so I'm out here in the yard I'm not seeing a ton of stuff that I'm interested in there are some things that if I didn't already have a lot I probably would pick up but I'm being really particular because we have a ton of stuff for this week so I'm going to go check out Collectibles actually have a huge collectible section here we'll see if there's anything worth grabbing out there big Flor Delite Candlestick Oh I thought it was wood it's actually fairly thin like por I think I'm going to leave it I think I'm going to leave that one we got we've got a lot of candlesticks this last week pineapple Candlestick got a lot of fun stuff here this is kind of neat is that a vase [Music] I kind of like this but for a different plate I think I'm going to go try and see if I can find a plate or pedestal to put that on likeing that too oh it's plaster I thought it was plastic $2 the collectible cabinets are pretty empty I wonder if they just haven't had anything good for a while but I'm not seeing anything thing that I can't live without so the only thing that I see that I'm interested is this picture it's $10 and it looks great with floral for spring so I think I'm going to grab that oh my goodness look at [Music] that five [Music] bucks these are cool $5 oh and that one's missing a foot I'm going a p we usually don't find these this big they're $3 each those are nice big flower buckets I wonder if Jamie's been through here and left these they're false cph not super old I'm going to guess she hasn't been through here I like this I wonder if that would fit with my little Dome let's take a look and see oh it does fit in that Circle kind of different design on the etching So Jamie has already been through here so if I see stuff there's a chance that she didn't see it but there's a higher chance that she saw it and didn't like it this little metal bow for example this is straight it's got a bend on the foot $2 though I think a new paint job in this could be awesome normally I probably wouldn't pass on this it's not like a really fine silver but for a dollar and it's got three little feet the feet are selling me how much is this little guy someone's already whitewashed it for me a dollar so I saw this here and there's another mercury glass situation over here let me [Music] see oh I think they're different tints not not a pair yeah that's too bright although it does fit on there uh no that's a no so we spent just under $50 I did get this picture it has an M on it it's right there not the honey hole that I was hoping it would be but we did find some good pieces that we don't always get everywhere so it's going to be a fun mix to the to the week that we got here did we need it to be a honey hole after everything we already bought this week no is this going on this week's thft call yeah oh goodness that's going to be we're going to have to Rapid Fire that's going to be a big Haul on Saturday we're also going to go visit an antique store and then I think we're going to call it cuz we got some time I hope they're open today it's right here to the Santa says antiques I Moon glass antiques I've never been inside before so we'll see I didn't even know was here I see everything when we're driving down the road so I don't know if we'll find anything we can actually flip for a profit are you filming too I'm filming you but I'm actually really excited to go in here just looking at the window from the outside there's stuff that I want to go in and look at there's lots of good stuff are you filming too I'm filming you I'm actually really excited to go in here just looking at the window from the outside there's stuff that I want to go in and look at all the good stuff I think got copper just chilling out here looks like this is like copper SL grass just Planters yeah they got a whole black spining section here couple andal vices some dyes I like how they have everything displayed here together like the brass and the silver looks good oh look found one similar to this the other day 20 bucks it's a really cute Square cutting board I was like all the woodwork dough balls cor rolling pin pretty good pricing I'll be curious to see if there's anything that we buy to like put in our St shop or if we just look and enjoy the beauty I think I have a couple of those at the shop that's pretty got some great buckets I love this antique tin building that's so cute they have a lot of good stuff here [Music] iite I was always the one to find myself lost in all conversations so cuz I've always been told the things will unfold if you keep on waiting but then you came along and prove me all wrong I was so mistaken cuz you glue all the pieces back together yeah you you take all my wrongs and make them better yeah you you're making me want to try forever and I feel so free oh my sweet [Music] baby I was never the one to give a the ghost I was so stuck price for these we usually sell them for like 12ish dollar so maybe I'll grab some for the shop cuz I think we're almost completely sold out all right moonglass antiques definitely a great place to stop we just picked up some jars most of things were probably right at what we would sell them for we sell these jars for about 12 to 14 and they just look really good in the shop so I think $5 a piece is a really great price the mountains and Provo are like amazing they're always really good to film we're headed to Savers next uh because we never come here anymore we'll see if it's overpriced or what cuz last time I came here I feel like everything was more expensive than I thought it would be I spy with my little eye something copper two copper 15 and is it 15 for the set um I think just each 10 I'm going to get this it's kind of Middle Eastern looking I'm not sure about that one but this one I'll get they are loaded with stuff today $7 does have a stamp on it Wallace there's a cool clock pendulum clock $4.99 yeah I think I'm I'm actually going to get that just in case I want the Dome no I think the whole thing is cool yeah no and I think it's a por face that's old I don't want anything that needs painted unless it's lifechanging that's the that's the quote of the day that doesn't need painted that's cute all right and it's heavy they have the best bag wall here they do bag wall loads of Christmas old Crockery jug $5.99 um that's a steel I'm going to get that this cute little base here for $3.49 I wasn't going to buy any more Christmas but these Peach ornaments are really good I'm definitely picking them up for $2.99 they're from made in the USA but apparently they're German inspired look how pretty they are so we're just going to buy a few things today and look what happened it was a thrifting accident it just jumped into our car three stores later you know even even the high-end expensive savers store high-end quotation marks uh you know their stuff is usually priced double or triple what we can find at the Desert Industries or even Goodwill but we found some things today and you know it's good stuff we don't find the junk the junk finds us all right so we are back from thrifting and we're just finishing up our flips I'll have Zeb insert some footage so you can see kind of where these started my um Clay is mostly dry and so I just need to stress and wax this these my milk paint shipped off the top so I'm going to just do a white on top and then dry brush and these I didn't get started so I'm going to ahead and get these painted this cute little set here and then zep's going to just finish up his candlesticks that we worked on we didn't pay over $5 for any of these Thrift lips but we've got to get them done cuz some of them have sold and the rest just need to go into the shop going to go with Americana just be delicate because this has a built-in sealer and then I will just distress back on the detail oh look at that you didn't even get any on the mirror well don't say that then the next time I paint I'm going to get some on the mirror it's okay and then you just paint the edge and it doesn't have to be perfect because I want some of that like detail to show so I'm just going to kind of paint solid and then these edges I'm just going to dry brush and then it'll be done on the live stream earlier I finished these up these are painted with white linen and Crockery in the cottage color and it's a single step built-in sealer paint I'm going to make all of these look like these two here with this kind of verree style finish little little grungy dark wax and this is a trio this is sold as a set someone's already purchased these and then these we also made as a set these didn't match at all came randomly from the thrift store you can see I have five different candlesticks we made a set of two and a set of three I think those are actually sold individual are you sure yeah well well maybe these are sold individually you'll have to check I'm not 100% I'm going to make them match they're all going to look like this okay so this one obviously needs a second coat going to get that painted on there and then we should be good once that dries to start doing the wax finish these already have like multiple layers of white and then milk paint and harbor and I'm just coming through and dry brushing them to bring out the detail and the tops kind of got like weirdly chippy so I'm actually just going to paint the top of the candlestick having trouble showing them looks like one color yeah the difference in the color cuz the harbor is such a light blue hold on it's not focusing yeah you can kind of see it I might have to the col it's very like soft and subtle but you can definitely see the difference did you do it on this one already no I was I wasn't sure what I wanted to do to this one I don't know maybe I'll dry brushes too paint the bottom yeah well I already painted the bottom white everything's looking yellowy in this afternoon light sorry guys the days are ending soon and it's like 4 o' not even 4 o' and it's twilight over here yeah well that's all right so can you see that oh yeah you can see that that looks good so this one already sold too so I'm just going to dry brush it then I'll clear wax it and dark wax the detail all right so these candlesticks are all the way dry hopefully you can see the contrast it's very subtle but it's just a really soft beautiful contrast between that if you wanted to not use milk paint you could use haint blue and white linen and get a similar look um and then this was uh vintage linen which is DIY paint so I have to seal it so I'm just going to come in with clear wax seal this up it's so much better than that green color it just was not great and then my clock I will clear wax it and then I'll film it in just a second because I'm going to dark wax these um molds that we put on in the live video and I think it's going to look really good just have to be careful when you're waxing not to get it on the face I know I'm going to use my finger actually to wax that good call now that I've got my base layer in I'm going to come with the dark wax you always want to clear wax first otherwise it's just a big muddy mess and then I will wipe it back let me grab a bag and now we've got all that detail in there you dropped a random price tank yeah that happens oh careful when you're waxing I'm not going to wax inside there you might fling a little no I'm just doing inside here soon as you're done with that I need it back my candlesticks are ready oh okay I'll finish my job these mirrors I just did like a quick little caulk on the corners along these miters here because it didn't quite match up and it looks so much better uh still doesn't match up perfectly but now it looks like it's actually finished instead of just like big gap and I'm doing kind of a light paint job not really get down in the cracks cuz it's already white underneath so this just really makes it good once it's dry I'll clean this mirror and this Americana is Cottage color so it has a built-in sealer and once we're painted it'll be done Z what do you got going on this Candlestick so I'm just dark waxing I'm just I'm not like full dark waxing it I'm just kind of hitting anywhere there's a little bit of detail and then I'm going to wipe it back um it is going to get kind of a wet distress cuz I'm using a wet rag and I'm not going to let this sit on here very long and then wipe it back pretty much immediately cuz I just want it to be down in like these details so they pop a little more here's the set again together these are the two that he already finished so this third one will have the dark wax then we're going to use the Shipwrecked wax to get kind of a verree finish if you get really close you can kind of see the turquoise that's down in the details it's just very faint but we're going to take a complete mix match set and make it matching all right so going right back this is damp rag if you wanted it to be darker you know maybe don't use a damp cloth let it sit a little longer but I want most of it to come back off I want that lighter uh kind of tan color cream to come back through cuz we're going for a neutral not like a dark brown look so the last step is going to be the Shipwrecked wax this is the turquoise wax you can take clear wax and tint it to any color you want to but to get that vibrant going get that's going to be difficult like that works really well because it's mixed commercially so sometimes it's better to just buy the dark or the black or what brown or turquoise like the way you want it so I'm being kind of Ginger with this I'm not putting a lot on cuz I want this is just like a slight like accent I don't want it to be like bam in your face turquoise I just want it to be real subtle like it's aged over time and maybe settled where it got wet or something just wipe it back and then it'll just sit down down into the nooks and crannies and if you wipe off too much you can always come back and add more I'm not being delicate with it like I'm just whatever comes off comes off and where it sticks it sticks in real life I feel like you can see it more like when it dries like down in the crack right there yeah it's just a little hint of verree didn't do full paint coverage on here because we knew we were going to be doing a white brush and it almost looks just like a distress cuz it was white underneath and then we put like a real basic like light coat of paint over not even full coverage you can see here this one didn't even get in the cracks and details I actually didn't know I was going to do a dry brush but once I saw it like this I was like that still doesn't look complete to me and so to finish the look I came back with a dry brush and for whatever reason I don't have white swamp Zeb mixed it with Crockery that's white linen so or white linen so I'm having to use DIY paint so I will have to put a little bit of wax on this white paint that's right that's easy but then it'll be done and then we just need to clean the mirrors and I might do a wide dry brush on that what do you think yeah I think so so I'll do that and then we'll clean the mirrors and then we're done with all these Thrift flips and we will show you what they all look like up close I'm going to call this accidental thrifting Thursday because I feel like we got almost whole haul and we were just supposed to get some filler stuff we didn't get a whole haul we got like some really good like we Cherry Picked the best items at the three stores we went to was it three yeah yeah three stores that we went to and we finished up our Thrift flips for profit so stick around we'll show you a up close slowmo of everything and if you need the paint products make sure you're visiting jamr vintage.com Ze will put a detailed description in the description box so you can know each product that we use if you like this video be sure to give us a thumbs up and subscribe to jam R vintage for more DIY we'll see you on the next [Music] episode and I think to myself and I'm thinking out loud we won't need nothing else for the rest of our time and I know it so well I will always be by your side cuz you glow all the pieace is back together yeah you you take all my wrongs and make them better yeah you you're making me want to try forever I feel so free I'm a sweet [Music] baby
Channel: Jami Ray Vintage
Views: 47,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jrv, Jami Ray vintage, farmhouse, farmhouse decor, farm house, paint, painted furniture, painting furniture, DIY, how To, home decor, chippy paint, furniture, furniture painting, upcycle
Id: _00QVWwdMJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 52sec (1312 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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