Early to GOODWILL | Thrift With Me | Reselling

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I might grab that for myself it's a vase stick some do in it and then when I'm done with it I can sell it all right well we are here today in Middletown Maryland and we are sitting outside of the Goodwill uh we're about to head in and see what we can find by and flip for a profit here we go all right so I'm going to start over here today is something white metal so that's like a pot metal it's usually very soft bends and breaks easily there is a little bit of art Pottery there's not a marking on the bottom it looks like it may have had a [Music] sticker not sure creeping in the back really see much there of interest those are kind of cool looking there's a ton of them those would make for a nice uh centerpiece dis [Music] spay um let's see lot of new stuff since last [Music] week great there's something I'm interesting in the back it's like a daisy and button pattern it's $15 it's a pretty blue color though do like the Daisy and Button as long as there's no chips or cracks I think that might clean up nicely um I also like this this is really cute I think it's contemporary um probably made in China I really like the little frogs all the way around it $77.50 on that we'll stick that in there as well um and then this is cool for 49 H I wonder what that is it looks contemporary there's not a whole lot of wear on the bottom it is a drawer of some sort I don't know I kind of like it I think that uh I think that for that price is worth picking up so I'm going s that in my card as well um what is this whatever it is it's interesting it's marked on the bottom it's a studio pottery huh I'm curious about it so I think I'm going to grab it the 250 S that in there um kind of loading up today aren't we we just got here we haven't even looked at the figurines yet uh there's something hiding back there I don't if you guys see it let's pull that out that is $14.99 fashion vase so it's really not as great as I was hoping we're going to put that back then I'm going to take a peek at this know it looks like maybe a souvenir [Music] thing all right probably Circle back but I think that's all I'm going to grab from here for now PR make sure they PR thank you all right let's start them around the corner right after we check these no not classy babies here's some Fiesta $249 usually get about four bucks a piece for those in my booth so I don't think it's really worth grabbing them this is where they have all the Shakers and the teapots all the odds and ends found some pretty neat canisters over here in the past I like this camel thing it's kind of neat uh $5.50 this's a planter probably I don't know I'm just asking myself do I really need another planter probably not that's kind of adorable another 10 with her chicks I think I'll grab that stick it in there um and then what is that I mean it looks like it's supposed to have a lid so for that reason we're probably not going to grab it but look at how beautiful and colorful that is I am tempted we have our um daffodils in the yard blooming and that would look so pretty with some daffodils I know how much I love color I might grab that for myself it's a vase stick some da in it and then when I'm done with it I can sell [Music] it here's a pretty Italian H plate I always have to beware of these pieces though because usually have the chips and sure enough this one is chipped up around the edges those are Coca-Cola I thought it looked like an interesting design around the edges that is in Interiors um kind of like that pattern down there done enough to fish it out though what is this it's like a holly Ross hand painted weeping gold that's kind of pretty I think uh maybe it was Nintendo as an ashtray originally but it's nice little trinket dish I'll take that with me um let's look down here I love to dig down here this is a really nice hand pain hand painted plate for $549 wonder if that one's dated sometimes these old pieces are dated this one is not dated a lot of the times artists would sign and date them this one unfortunately you can see they're on the edge there is a chip oh this is some neat looking art Pottery whole set of it there um this is recycled glass probably made in Spain I do like the purple color of [Music] it but I'm not really seeing much else here on these shelves so um I guess let's go check the figurines I did just find this vanity tray and I like that for 449 that would look nice on a vanity pretty blue I guess today the day of blue not quite matchy match with their other piece but it is very similar all right the figurine shelf I noticed that when I was walking in and thought that was really sweet I don't I don't know about that though and this oh you know what this is the floral frog that goes in that planter that may have just made it worthwhile to have both pieces I'm going to stick that in my cart and I might go back for that floral planter since there's actually a frog that goes with it a neat old tile somebody covered it up though so we can't see the maker on it it is kind of fun because it is a radish um let's see some little angel candle holders there a cocoa p in the [Music] back Kitty is really cute and then you have these F back I forget who the maker is oh is a b Bloom there you go it's right there I really like this statue she's missing her hand though right here she's a little more detailed than the other ones I come across it's a shame the hand is [Music] missing it's such a clean break see what I mean it's like almost like something was stupped in there kind of crazy she's really pretty is her hand on the Shelf anywhere I really like her but I don't think that I can do that not without a hand that's kind of unforgivable um here are some birds 449 there's enough room there let's check this out those pastel colors I always think mebe McKenzie tiles but that's not the case all right let's see if they fit together shall We There we go so there you go that's exciting what is that thing I don't know what that is it's weird um here is a powder box I was wondering if there'd be like a perfume or something to go with that vanity set but it's being a little optimistic those are fun sunglasses lurel is going through a sunglasses phase but she's very rough on them so when I come to Goodwill I'm like maybe I should get her a backup just in case um what do we have here oh Dolphins wooden Dolphins oh Bahamas it's very uh souvenir you guys know that's not really my uh my thing we see much in the wood so our last check is going to be the baggies we have lots to look at in the bags there are napkin rings fancy [Music] servers silare dolls even looks like she's seeing better days stamps crafts what are these oh drawer poles giraffe drawer poles those are kind of fun I just sold all of my um all of my dragonfly drawer poles the other day um there's a cat that bag he almost jumped off um I do like the cat in there but I don't know if it's worth grabbing just for the cat the cat has a really rough tail so I think it's actually broken for that reason I'll leave it um lots to explore in the bags today lots of little bundles here's some more Angels gosh that little girl is so cute I think she's left in I've had her before this one is pretty uh pretty broken of those fun Eagle things that balances on your fingers but I think that might be it for me see some candles over here I need some candles for my outdoor candleabra but they need to be thick ones and I don't think those will work so all right that might be it for us at this good Bowl I think we're going to move on to the next one quick cart review I think I'm happy with everything I got didn't go too crazy crazy I'm kind of curious about this thing and what it is what is that it's just a decorative thing just a colorful thing you sit on your shelf maybe all right let's see uh see what the total is and uh I'll get back to you in the car all right well I will put our total spend up here in the corner because I do not recall what it was um but we found some cool stuff at the Middletown Maryland Goodwill I actually got to it earlier than I normally do so um did that contribute to us finding more stuff I don't know I did end up leaving that blue glass compo behind it was $15 and when I got to the checkout um I didn't notice a chip on the underside and for $15 I just couldn't rationalize buying it with a chip um so it stayed behind but anyway I've moved on now I am on the west I'm at I'm at the West Patrick Street Goodwill and uh we're going to head in here see what we can find to buy and flip for a profit here we go it's a shame that little giraffe has a broken antler my goodness this place is hoot in today that is a fun plate back there let's get a closer look at that thing oh maybe it's a is that a bowl I don't know what that is do like the pattern on it it is made in Poland is that the only one it probably is because that's usually my lust all by itself ooh wait let's set that in there for a second we're going to back up a little bit and check out this blue opine glass that is nice look at the edge on that oh it's got a giant crack that's a shame definitely has some aids to it tell you what I would love to find some more of that really fun polish dinner wear I mean it's very distinct pattern though I feel like if there was more on the Shelf I would be able to pick it out those are cute little shakers marked Athens Texas praying hands the looks to that it would have had a um a lid with a bird head on it though bird head is missing looks like a carel oh it's a mug I was thinking maybe it was a little jar I was going to grab it there's a trinket box in the back that is Glory hand decorated Takahashi um $249 it strikes me as being like 1980s I think I may grab it stick it in there for now um I do want to look this up before we leave hopefully I remember sometimes I forget that's so colorful I really like that $249 but then I'm like I don't need that oh oh my gosh what is this was that just on the [Music] Shelf Polish pottery cat you don't want that it's a Polish pottery cat powdery cat yes now one St just said that I saw that one over there I didn't see that one well you get first dibs your husband found it those are really cute me in China I love those the clowns a little creepy there's some glass last swans got a little chip on the tail though what are those they're shiny not really sure what they're supposed to [Music] be there are some bosson they always seem to be broken when I find them and then in the back we have this guy um I'm surprised that's not broken to be honest I don't know who makes that but it's a nice horse head mid-century and style we'll grab that for [Music] $4.49 a nice butterfly CM SMC Keller 2018 I do love butterflies found some really nice uh plates down here before but I'm not really seeing any right now and then up here is this really cool set but I did notice there's a oh well there's I guess there's a few giant chips on it so probably not worth picking up but I love that glaze kind of like oh my gosh knocking stuff over you can't take me anywhere um I kind of like the looks to this face pack here I don't know but it's kind of yellowed maybe not looked cool and then it wasn't um I did pick this up obviously my sister gets first Di that looks very boho I thought it was kind of neat I'm not really sure what its purpose is but it kind of like spins like I don't know I don't know what's going on there but my sister gets first dibs on that um I also grabbed a few other things right when I walked in um that I do have to research one of them was this um it is Lennox artist Sketchbook so I'm going to look that up um it is $8.49 and then I grabbed these These are spaghetti bowls so you can put your spaghetti in these and I thought those were wonderful so I'm going to check this shelf one more time and then we might do a few lookups and probably get out of here so there's no price on these candles but I feel like these might be the type of candles that I need actually those might be a little too wide is that the same that's a little bit more narrow I think I should just grab a couple and see what works and what does doesn't um it's all outdoor stuff so I don't really care if they're like special or not that's why I'm like whatever let's grab some candles all right so I looked this up and it's kind of interesting because it's saying that it's actually um France but obviously the bottom said Poland so I thought that was kind of curious um I don't think it's worth picking up after seeing what it sells for or what people are asking for it um just a single piece is probably not worth it um but it is it is a neat pattern I think if I had more than one it would probably be tempting all right well I just had another shoper let me know that they actually bought um the set of these the other day and they left uh these two behind this one because it had damage I appreciate the heads up um this one looks to be in good condition and I'm fine with just getting one because I think it's so fun and it's just kind of a silly silly inside joke and so I'm still going to buy this one um we're I'm going to set this back on the Shelf somewhere on the stacks of things and then I'm going to just look this up real quick all right so I looked this up it actually comes in a set with little dishes um I didn't see the dishes on the Shelf so for that reason I'm probably going to put this back um the complete set people are asking like 20 bucks for it um so for $9 I don't think it's worth it those are really cute for $4.49 we our souvenir but I think I'll still grab them um and then I was noticing this on the Shelf as well I thought that was kind of neat but it's got a little chip on it right there so for that reason I think I'll leave it and down here was a bottle I wanted to get a closer look at oh it's got the Liberty Bell on it there you go I don't think there's much value there I don't think it's old enough not that it has to be old to have value but I just don't think it's very very valuable she's lost her head there is a Williamsburg restoration uh that actually has a repair I mean it's not worth very much just regular but with a repair I'm assuming it's really not worth that much this thing is wild I'm not really sure what this is oh you know what that might be a camon is it um I don't know it's a very smudged marking but it's really wild looking all right so I total spent here at the West Patrick Street Goodwill was $385 um I feel like our find of the day was undoubtedly the Polish pottery cat which was not technically my find I did not find that it was on the Shelf in front of me um but I do owe that find um to a viewer um who stuck it who's stuck it on the Shelf in front of me because he knows that's what I look for um he was there shopping with his wife and I did offer it to her um I guess her style is more primitive so um they said nope it's yours so I'm very excited about that that is an awesome an awesomely cool find here at the Goodwill so if you're watching thank you very much um I am moving on now I am heading down the road to the next Goodwill um but you guys are going have to wait for that video and I guess I'll see L you tomorrow [Music] so [Music] oh
Channel: Crazy Lamp Lady
Views: 104,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: antiques, antique reselling, buying and selling antiques, thrifting, making money, never pay retail, relic recoverist, crazy lamp lady, vintage, thrift stores
Id: tEd3PqVLkhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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