Goodwill Jewelry Unboxing SGW Pennsylvania Gold Diamonds Sterling Amethyst

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Ali Borealis here welcome to my channel and thanks for subscribing I bought this box off of and I want to show you what I saw in the photos that had me want a bid on it so the listing wasn't anything special at all number two mystery box of miscellaneous jewelry great for crafts or just to have fun to rummage and then the item description was the exact same thing as the title it didn't say anything was branded or if there was any gold or any Sterling sometimes that works in my favor especially if you have a keen jewelry eye to decipher what you're seeing in the photos these are all of the six photos they had posted and the main thing that I zoomed in on is this particular bracelet right here I've seen QVC or HSN bracelets like this in the past that were Sterling with like 18 karat gold trim so fingers crossed that this is one of those all right let's open up my 2 lb 1.4 o box from shop Goodwill [Music] [Music] so this has shipped from Brookville Pennsylvania and you can see the total I paid $43 85 ooh O Let's see look at that first impression I love that there is stuff in here that's new in the box it's always easier to sell when you have the box with it and it a lot of times it gives you a little bit more information about the piece when you have the box with it and oh I'm excited about this box I think this box is going to be worth it but let's get to it okay first thing is a little uh pen like a tie Tac kind of thing sometimes these are gold most of the time they are not but sometimes they are so even the little tie Tacs you got to check the back oh my gosh 10 karat oh my gosh this is a 10 karat tiac brush out the box the first thing I have pulled out of the box is a 10 karat tiac this will at least pay for the whole box so that is lovely you can see the um it's a CTO 10K nobody checked this nobody in Goodwill checked this CTO is a company that made a lot of um you know like customy kind of tie taacs if you wanted tie taacs for organizations that is just fabulous I thought this was going to be a good box just because of that bracelet I had mentioned but we haven't even gotten to the bracelet this is so phenomenal I'm so pleased already this I've never pulled something out of a box first time and knew that my box was paid for yay 10K 10K oh look at it's identical is this a second 10K is this the second one that's the one I just opened look it's identical this is a pendant I bet this is tin karat as well look at the congrat it's congratulating me congratulations uh okay this is an award it's like congratulations for your award we don't know what kind of award this is and the person who got the award probably didn't get they were uh probably didn't understand they were getting 10 karat a 10 karat yes identical tin karat made by the same company I have two 10 karat pendants matched pendants I don't know what this company is or why they got this award it kind of looks like a puzzle piece maybe but this is just fabulous this is just fabulous I will have to weigh that out and let you guys know how how much uh how many grams that tin carrot is oh and look oh it's for Tina Andrews Tina Andrews gave up gold it was her 10year award woman woman's bll of a watch and corporate oh it's a hospital 10 year award Clarion Hospital wow I work in healthc Care at hospitals and they don't give out gold for 10 year I wonder where Clarion Hospital is most this this must be a big money hospital if they're giving gold for your your 10year okay sometimes you get like a gift certificate for 10 bucks at your 10 year that you work for a hospital I am so pleased and I'm so sorry Tina Andrews that you thought the hospital was giving you junk let's see what this is oh my gosh like Pennsylvania has not vetted very well which is great like in my favor hold this beautiful cross up to the light look through the Crystal and see the Lord's Prayer a lovely statement of faith for someone very spiritual and very special a great gift to give a receive made in the USA this was also a gift it appears that someone didn't want maybe it was Tina Andrews I don't know let me stop throwing her into the bus okay let's see they seem like they put a lot of care into this pendant but let's see if it's gold the necklace Is Not Gold let's take a look at the pendant it's very unique that you hold it to the light and you can see the Lord's Prayer no that's not gold that's not there's no markings I mean I can test that but it's probably not but you know what I'll put that in the test pile no you know what on close we inspection I can tell this is not just by the way it's made oh my gosh I do see the Lord's Prayer in there it's so tiny it's so tiny you look through that little bitty hole and you can see it you know all these little letters in here I doubt I could read it but it is in there that's really unique I'll have to research that and see if these sell well it's a unique item and I like that it has the little pamphlet with it it looks a the box is just a little chewed up like maybe a rat started chewing on that or something I don't know what that is but wow okay yay this is an exciting box let see what else there's so much to see in here okay this is uh like a filigree is style that's not called filigree when it's done that way it's called something else I'll have to see um this looks costume but it's in great condition very pretty just a bangle bracelet it doesn't open you know looks great on all this is for sale I'm probably going to sell the gold but a lot of the other items you know if you're interested in anything just drop me a comment pretty it's a pretty bracelet okay so far so good let's see what else we have here wow there is so much that looks gold in here doesn't mean it is gold this looks like a Tiger's eyee little cuff there we go oh my God it has a stamp on the back what does this say oh it's gold fil it's a gold fill cuff cute little tiger's eye you know what I don't think that's real tiger's eye I think that's like a loose sight it doesn't feel you know Natural Stone feels cold to the touch and doesn't warm up and this doesn't feel cold at all so I believe this is a goldfilled cuff with a man-made uh tiger's eye like a plastic caveson but it's super cute if you've got an outfit where you're wearing Browns like fall colors that would go nicely winter winter chicken dinner let's see oh my gosh okay so this ring looks old which has me feel like maybe it's gold it almost seems like you could pop that top off but and oh no it's I don't think it is cuz it's adjustable back here but you know what let me look at it a little bit closer it says ralon on the side and it has like a horse on one side and like a pistol on the other I've got to research Ralston a little bit more so I looked this up on eBay and the first thing I saw was this ring 1938 Tom Mix mystery lookin photo ring Ralston cereal radio premium the Ralston Perina company started in 1894 and they made animal Chow they made horse chow dog chow catchow rabbit Chow cow Chow poultry Chow pig chow monkey Chow before transitioning into human Chow also known as cereal and Tom Mix was an actor around the turn of the century that made hundreds of cowboy films so they partnered with him and would put fun western style toys in the serial boxes so these Rings had a little view hole on the side and there would be a scene in there like a western scene but they've Det deteriorated over the years so when I looked in the hole you couldn't really see anything these Rings resell from what I can tell for about maybe 12 to $15 oh wow okay this is a heart ring I know sometimes Judith Ripka I had a big old Judith Ripka heart ring that looked similar to this but I want to see if this is Sterling and I want to see if um it's a pretty Stone I want to see if it's it has a maker on it just wanted to share the Judith Ripka ring that I got last year I paid $496 for it and I sold it for 120 bucks okay so I don't see any maker or stamp on this ring I'm going to see if it's Sterling what I'm noticing is this is a very large Stone and if you look at the back of it it's open in the back which you know costume if it's closed in the back it's usually costume but if it's open in the back it really means they want you to catch the light on that gemstone I don't know if you if I'm getting the angle that you can see it's open on the back but let's scratch it out let's scratch it out and see if we have um [Music] Sterling okay that's turning bright blue we have a big old honken sterling ring and I bet that that is a real gemstone that might be an amethy it's kind of purpley I would say that's an amethyst but do you see how that is really bright blue after I did this video I went out and bought a gem tester and I tested this and it tests as glass gosh I will I you know what so then let me tell you my strategy my strategy is is that this place in Pennsylvania doesn't they don't have good sorters so this gives me more information in that I will when I do my shop Goodwill I'll buy more boxes from this particular location in Pennsylvania okay yay what a great box look at these earrings I wonder if these are real Stones as well okay so sometimes there are gold marks you know tiny tiny gold marks but let me just see I love that I have a pair here I love that like oh this is a great pair of earrings and they kept them together I don't see any marks on these and they look costume but you know what you clean them up and they're a great pair of earrings I find that looking at earrings under magnification is often disgusting it's got people's ear junk in there and you know I I'll look at really vintage jewelry that's got ear junk in it from you know like the 1950s or something um anyway but these are beautiful earrings these are very dressy look how much they sparkle too this is such a great box I pulled like what six things out of this already and it's it's just it's the box that's giving today so that necklace no that's costume let's see if somebody took a gold pendant and put it on a costume chain no this looks costume as well and if I had my presidium tester I could tell you what those stones are maybe I'll order one and then layer it into the video okay so we were we're going to test those stones when the when the test when I get my tester okay single earring oh it does it have a oh this is a Sarah Coventry it does have have a little okay sometimes I wonder oh look at that enamel on there sometimes I wonder like these little cushiony things if they came with the earring like these vintage ones cuz this little cushiony thing is cut exactly in the shape of this little earring back I don't know okay but I like that it's branded I like that it's Sarah Coventry maybe we can find a match to it would be my hope oh here's another one this looks costume let's see oh I think this is an Avon it's got the little Avon symbol it's cute though and it's not missing any Stones it's very dressy could be for like a holiday holiday wear put that with singles ooh look at that AB that sparkly AB single earring that's look at the back no markings I am going to take that one out I think these are gross no markings but it's super duper delicious and I hope I find a match to that gosh oh I do oh here's the match oh awesome yay these don't look vintage they look modern but they're so beautiful I think they'll sell well and if you want them like drop me a line please include the Tim stamp if you if you want anything and the video okay let's see what we have here oh I see another pair of earrings too I bet those are Sterling oh I got to look let's just look at these since they're out I think they have a mark oh these are napers they're little costume napers I wonder if these are in my Napier book these look a little more modern they're like a faux kind of maybe uh Moonstone they're like a faux Moonstone Napier look at this oh there's my other Sarah Coventry earring I'm glad I have a match on those it seems to be a little Tangled oh there we go yep I have a match vintage Sarah Coventry I'll have to look these up and see what they sell for so I looked these up and these are from 1962 Sarah coventry's snowflower collection they need a little cleaning the Nel looks a little cleaning but these are very wearable it would be great if I had another uh piece to this set in here if I had the necklace or um the brooch or something but I'm so happy I'm so happy with this box I'm thinking let's see oh interesting this is a glove clip an old timey glove clip let's see what this chain if this chains anything now it doesn't it doesn't it looks costume this chain looks costume glove clip when people we dry gloves and things like that okay we don't know what was in that box this is all tangled and sometimes it's you know really to your advantage because sometimes they just don't want to untangle it and it's actually gold but this looks costume maybe maybe not let's let's investigate yeah this is a costume hearing bone chain I don't see any marks on it I can just just tell by the way the metal is kind of melded that it's costume it looks a little twisted even and I think there's like a stain right there on the back hering bone bracelet fashion costume snowflake is that a snowflake or oh it's pretty whatever it is it almost looks like a fourleaf clover I'm sure this isn't anything uh precious metals no but I want to check cuz sometimes you know they could just put it that it's on a fashion card and it's actually real gold but that looks like a um a rhinestone or Cy fashion costume for leaf clover okay sometimes these are gold this has a tag on it it's very delicate I love how delicate this necklace is let's see what the tag says oh it's Avon it's an Avon I'll have to research and see you know Avon always named their pieces so every piece will tell you if you can find it uh what the what the name of it is and what year it was made they usually only made them for a year or a season so you can trace it back very pretty very delicate I researched this and it is a flower lace necklace from 1979 by Avon let's see what other goodies we can pull out of here this certainly looks costume that's certainly not a humongous multi carat diamond in here let's see okay the back is stamped tjg I don't know what that is but they're pretty they're costume it's a very large Stone let's see if I have a match let's hope I have a match so so tjg it stands for the jewelry group and they appear to be a manufacturing company that makes jewelry for other brands like gavinci and Ralph Lauren and an Klein DK and Y if you go to their website and check them out you can see everything they do moving right along and doing well so far this is a little vintagey little rhinestone U bracelet pretty little rhinestones has a little bit of wear but overall it's it's um the clasp is in good shape let's see what else oh this is a very large I did see this in the in the picture look at that little hole right there what I saw in the picture was that this has a big maker mark on the back of it and I couldn't make out from the picture what what kind of Mark it is oh I think it that was filled with like this little silver dot little silver dot here it was probably filled right there so it's not in the best shape there's another little hole right there but let's see if it's Sterling let's see what that Makers Mark says oh yeah that is Sterling I don't recognize that maker Mark STG 925 it looks like it almost looks like an anchor but I don't think that's an anchor but I can do a a Google image search on that or if you guys know what that is it's a it's a heavy amount of Sterling I can weigh this out for you guys and I will tell you how much it is it's a heavy amount of Sterling bonus we have got 10 karat gold and we have got Sterling so far this is a Charles bracelet and sometimes darling these are gold and I would be shocked if this was gold because it's so heavy I think it's it's probably gold plate and I see a mark on it love Nan it's a gold electri plate by speedle I've heard I've heard of that company before with more vintagey pieces I don't know how you get it unhooked oh there we go all right Nan gave it to Charles and there it is I wish that was gold but it's gold plate okay oh look how cute these little wreath earrings are I don't know if that's broken on the end right there I think the bow is broken so this might be just a costumey lot like a Christmas costume broken jewelry cuz I think the little bow is chipped but we'll put it in the single earrings and see if uh we have a match to it oh look at this little Turquoise Ring I bet that's Sterling maybe not I don't see any marks on it let's just test it real [Music] quick it's got it has little turquoise chips in there little bitty bits of turquoise no that's not you can see it the aetate right through that so that's a costume ring I think we have a pair of earrings here no markings but they're pretty little earrings they're in good shape they look clean clean wearable little uh dark grayish colored rhinestones so that's pair there oh my gosh there's so much to look at here oh my gosh I got to look at that I feel like that might be real let's take let's I'm too excited about it oh this is pretty this is obviously costume it does have a maker mark this is a Dana Buckman and it's in good shape clamper style I can see it would be nice as either a Christmas bracelet or a Valentine's bracelet there aren't any Stones missing it's a pretty pretty red color I like it we like you Pennsylvania we like what you're sending me okay I I think I think this is gold I think this is maybe gold and I think these are amethyst and I think do you see how tiny those little chips are a lot of times when they're diamond and they don't want to put a high price on the item they'll put like a little bitty tiny diamond chip I think if this if these were CZ they they would have put full CZ Stones so I suspect those little chips are diamond which would probably make this 14 karat let's see this is BB China but no gold Mark so I'm going to test it I'm debating I don't I don't know if that's gold or [Music] not and then I'm going to look and see the spot where I scratched it oh so the spot where I scratched it looks gold through and through this is 14 karat no that ate right through it and this is tin karat 10 carat looks like it's still there hopefully we'll have a match on that let's see what else we have there is so much to see here okay the chain is unmarked but you know sometimes people put real gold on costume chains that doesn't look gold that stone might be real but uh this doesn't look old but it's pretty it's a pretty uh almost um maybe a garnet color pendant on a nice chain so this Stone does test as Garnet on a gold filled surround if you have a garnet birthday let's see what this is that would be crazy if this was Sterling rhinstone studded it does have a um a mark on it we have to see what that Mark says it doesn't feel Sterling it feels rougher oh this is a Brighton it says brighten I can see it now I can see when I flip the heart over like all this looks very brightening to me but it's a in good shape it's a brighten heavy or style heart necklace again great for Valentine's Day if you like wearing silver colors this is beautiful beautiful I'm going to clean this up I wonder how much this sells for Brighton oh oh okay these are an kleines and there and it says right here on the I have the other one let's see it helps that these uh have the original card cuz then I get all the information I want and then I can resell these oh they were only $18 but that's okay an Klein cubic zirconia these are the ones marked tjg the jewelry Group which manufactures an Kleine so now the whole picture comes together but these are great earrings and new with original tag glad we found the match oh interesting okay this looks very old just by the clasp you can tell this is an older piece I don't see any marks on it and it has this cross somebody really liked this cross yeah both pieces look very very vintage even maybe antique it has a like kind of a filigree is box style uh clasp on it it's very unique looking at this closer this is also a cross that has a very tiny Lord's Prayer in the center of it so we have two of those this one appears to be much older than the first one I showed you here's a pretty little bracelet gold gold with pearls oh it has a brand Mark let's see what it is oh no it just says China no brand Mark but it looks like it's in decent shape okay let's see what else we have here I see a big old pair of earrings this looks costume this looks similar to that Herring bone one like they got them together look they both have um similar safety chains identical safety chains but they're different styles yep costume rope style and Herring bone style oh yes oh I have a pair of earrings I have this one I wonder if that's Sterling single hoop it's possibly Sterling let's check it out I don't think so it looks like it's rubbing in a Browner color yeah that's not I don't think that's Sterling okay we're going to put that in the single earring pile but we have a pair right here let's investigate this pair I just am just surprised that they threw all of this stuff together the the stamp on that is very tiny but it says um is a jcm stainless steel I bet the post are stainless steel China I don't see any 925 Mark CZ so these are little CZ stainless steel they're very large uh jcm very pretty they're almost the size of those inclines maybe I'll sell those together we'll see okay let's see what else I have oh I have this little chain this feels costume just the chain feels costume I don't see any marks let's see what the pendant looks like very delicate little citrine colored pendant I don't see any marks on the pendant but again it's a it's a beautiful like citrin orange topz colored pendant on a little delicate chain that one tested as glass so here's the match on that one I want to test these for sure oh not that one where' it Go the ones that I think tested 10K I'm so glad I have the match on those so I tested these with my new peridium tester and we have 10 karat gold amethyst and diamond earrings woohoo oh this is the earring on that one and then H that's like a one of those can like cancer you know whatever they're called let's see what the marks say made in Italy until there's a cure oh yeah it is one of those cancer ones so it doesn't have any Sterling marks on it but I would like to test it we'll see and then there's another one here I doubt this is Sterling oh wait there's a mark okay this has some sort of Asian lettering on it I'm going to test both of [Music] these this is rubbing in a darker bronzy color so that's definitely not but let's see the other one I would think of all the marks on this other one that if it was Sterling they would have marked it as Sterling oh but you know what look it's it's foaming up it's bluing up maybe a little maybe it's Sterling like plated cuz there's a slight blue color but not really I think that's like a plated like a sterling plated ooh I have another one of these same company these are both hum humongus Sterling bracelets this one's engraved and it says Greg s is this one engraved no but gosh these are heavy Sterling cuffs oh this one's much tinier this one's smaller than this one but they're both Sterling that's wild it's wild like I can't can't even get it off now it's wild because um there was a mark as plain as day on there that it's Sterling I can't get this off oh there we go and they threw it in the Box anyway let's see what this one is oh my gosh I've got neighbors doing stuff over there and it's loud this is a vintage Sarah Coventry uh I could see it used to have a safety chain there and it doesn't anymore but I will put it with the other Sarah Coventry and I have other Sarah Coventry from other lots that all sell together Sarah centry there's my Sarah centries okay let's see what else we have who oh my gosh there is just still so much stuff in here look at all the sparkly look at all this oo there there's so much to see in this box I'm going to put it on again I'm getting too excited about it look at this this is just costume but it's very pretty look at those pretty pretty pretty Stones I don't think it's a vintage but if anybody wants that it's spectac is what it is look how beautiful that looks like maybe a December birthstone cubic Z blue Z zironia blue ziron that's it blue ziron is one of the December I think the other December is turquoise let's see all this goodness in this bag now this is really what I was interested in this is what I saw in the photo photo these are usually Sterling and then the trim around it is usually gold but this might just be like a knockoff one I'm not seeing any marks on this and there's like glue around here on one of them I'm going to scratch it though I'm going to do a little scratch [Music] test oh no that looks coppery oh this was really why I bought the box but you know what we have all that tin karat it doesn't matter I thought this piece would pay for the box but I've got so many other things to pay for this box yeah that's definitely not Sterling it's costume but still cute oh this is one of those beaded thing beaded necklaces a lot of times these are Sterling as well I'm going to get to that in a minute this is a just a stretch um bracelet no markings on it I don't see any markings but it's in good shape it feels heavier like this is maybe a quality made piece it has um like a little maybe uh oh yeah it has little rhinestones on it it's shiny it's great again for like wintry festivy wintry or like going out if you like wearing a silver tone night evening evening type oh here's another one of these glove clips we have two of them oh that's got an earring stuck in it let's see oh yeah that's that Avon earring but yeah we have identical glove clips how unusual oh no they're not identical but they're both glove clips with these these chains on it sometimes old stuff like this is gold but that doesn't look to be [Music] gold and then here's the match the Avon the Avon match okay let's see what else ooh I bet this is Sterling I can I feel it because this is bent and you know Sterling so soft but maybe not that doesn't say it is the back doesn't say it is but let's test it um I'd love to see oh there's a marcasites it's very sparkly let's um let's just do a rubbing it looks coppery probably not no no Sterling just dressing costume we'll see if we have a match to those pretty very evening O Let's see what that is oh it's a moose like maybe it's a like a Moose Lodge or something oh it has a sterling Mark it's a sterling ring so it says l o m p a p which stands for Loyal Order of Moose fraternal organization service organization and the app is for Purity Aid and progress these sell decent on eBay this is [Music] interesting definitely handmade it has an interesting dangle it looks very vintage look at that clasp even I don't know why I'm not getting it un glasp let's see that is challenging to get unclasped okay well I'm not going to unclasp it but let's take a look at it I don't think it's Sterling but it's definitely unique and definitely handmade has like a bird on it this is my first time seeing one of these if anybody knows anything about it leave it in the comments oh here's the Matched pair they're in good shape Mar sites very shiny but they're very pretty nice little maraite pair of earrings for evening a evening attire this is definitely a costume ring pretty has a pretty Stone we have a brand new pair naier little clovers cubic zirconia I think these are modern Napier and I'll show you how to tell Napier was started in 1878 as the EA Bliss company and then in 1920 it became the Napier Bliss company and then in 1922 it became the Napier company so they made jewelry for you know over 100 Years starting from 1878 and then in 1999 the company got bought out and once they got bought out the agreement was they could still use the Napier name when they were selling so this is on a Napier card but the jewelry can't be stamped Napier so this is definitely a modern piece less collectible than or not even really collectible than the pieces that were actually stamped nap beer here is an earring oh it matches that pendant right it I think it matches that pendant let's see if we have another earring that goes with it yeah these are costume earrings costume pendant we'll put that over there and uh let's hope to get another one oh we have some little rhinestones I'm sure that's not a diamond right I would love to get my tester out though we have some other little Stones oh that might be an amethyst though little heart-shaped put that in that box okay here is a um that's pretty oh it does have a stamp on it let's see huh I'm just not really reading that stamp I'm going to have to look at that more closely I think it might be Sterling but it this ring looks like from the inside that it was worn and loved and cherished oh I think it's a 925 I think it's a 925 stamp it's gorgeous though I don't see that it's missing any Stones it's a large 925 CZ eternity band put that over there o look at how pretty that one is open in the back so it's probably a real gemstone it's maraite it doesn't look like it's um it it it doesn't look like it's Sterling or gold from the way that it's made but it's a beautiful ring gold heart the heart doesn't have any markings Let's test [Music] it no I can see just by that scratch Mark you can see underneath that scratch Mark it's not gold it's it's a silvery color so that's definitely not gold e this looks Sterling but it might not be let's see I don't see any markings on the Chain this is this from um The Hobbit I only would know because I just I just rewatched Lord of the Rings recently and I was like oh that's such a pretty pendant they wear but maybe it's not from The Hobbit it doesn't have any markings on it it's gorgeous though like the Elven the elves I think wore no that's coppery when I scratch it but I want to test the chain that looks coppery as well yeah that's not that's not anything that's not Sterling but if it's you know if it's novel enough people might want that that Elven pendant if you're a Lord of the Rings fan and you like the elves here's a stretchy rhinestone bracelet here's another rhinstone with an older style clasp unmarked right yeah unmarked in good shape though it doesn't look like it's missing any Stones here's another what looks like a rhinestone but let's see oh it's Avon that's an Avon necklace or bracelet put it over with the Avon earrings okay there's another little bead or that might be a real gemstone it is a real gemstone it's cold that is cold and you can see in the back it's definitely not lab made because it has a streak running through it oh it's beautiful I'm going to have to get my tester that's beautiful bonus okay we got a lot of little other stones I still have others to look at but I like seeing all these little stones in the bottom of the Box these little bonus stones that they're giving me some of these might be diamonds we'll see oh here's the other match so that is one whole set right there this is a rhinestone set and that's a leaf we're going to look at that one so I took all these stones to the jewel and what he told me is that I have a couple of loose rhinestones I have four CZ Stones um this other one with all the pretty natural kind of veining through it he says is a polished agot and the last thing you know the difference between using my presidium tester and taking it to a jeweler is a jeweler can tell you if it's a natural or a lab grown Stone so he said this little heart is a natural amethyst and it's just beautiful oh this is another um cancer bracelet oh some of these are Sterling this one's Sterling okay oh these are all Sterling this one's milk glass that one looks amethyst but I don't know if it's real amethyst but it doesn't feel like it but these these seem Sterling these little beads seem Sterling you can like add beads to it I am thrilled about this I think these beads sell well especially the Sterling ones so we like that here's a cross earring no markings uh single earring we'll see if we have another one this is a little leaf necklace but it's missing the center Leaf let see what else we have here oh this is a delicate little earring it might be rose gold but it looks costume to me yeah that looks costume see if we have a match on that one oh here's a little mom that could be a Valentine's gift for Mom pendant ice cream in there or cupcake love and a heart elephant elephant bead yeah I don't think that's Sterling I'd be surprised if that was let's see no that scratches copper that's that's not Sterling let's see what some of these are in these little [Applause] baggies this is costume you can just tell by the way the chain is and it has a tag on it it's Avon let's see if this R though is Avon oh it's got a cat on it it's like a cat hugging an R yeah that definitely looks costume pretty if your name's R it starts with an r and you love cats that might be for you here's a large pendant Napier that's a Napier pendants a Napier I don't know about the necklace but the pendants in AER I don't feel like the pendant goes on that necklace they look like they're two different colors like this almost looks goldish tone and then this necklace isn't isn't marked at all but um the pendants Mark Napier I'll have to see if that's in the book as well we'll put it with an in the Napier poie I'm just determined that I've got a little bit more gold in here I'm just that's how I'm feeling okay this is stamped rmn I don't know it could be gold I'm going to test that oh it's got a stone missing but it might be gold I don't even know if I have a pair on that one but let me test it let me just do a rubbing on it and see what we get it feels softer is but when I look at it under the rubbing it's not it doesn't Stay Gold so that is um costume and then it's missing a stone so that's actually like a crafts area thing oh that's a unique ring H it's like [Music] Square oh it's Avon it's an Avon ring unique design put it with the Avon Avon pile Oh this is the match to that earring coming down to the end here okay here's a cute necklace that chain is costume let's see about this one that looks costume as well but it's a heart pendant I'm getting I feel like I'm getting all this Valentine Associated stuff I am curious let's just scratch it I don't want to bypass gold if gold is there yeah that that doesn't look gold when I scratch it that doesn't look gold okay let's see what else we have this cute little bracelet I don't think it's marked like a little beaded bracelet with a oh that's missing a stone that's crafts that's missing too much okay okay here's this one what does that say just a chain oh it's an accesso craft accessive craft chain was an old jewelry company vintage jewelry company put it over there we have again a very old clasp on this little heart and pearl necklace old style I hear some doggies barking out [Music] there this might be Sterling oh look how old that clasp is this is called a sister clasp it's an old style Monae used to use sister clasp if I get a Monae piece with a sister clasp I know it's old uh not that this is Monae this is Sterling Italy so we have some more Sterling fabulous fabulous I'm curious about these save those though o this has a a tag on it what does that say oh this is a Whiting in Davis this is old as well we have a lot of vintage pieces Whiting and Davis chain I don't think that's Sterling this looks older though maybe it's just needs cleaning no this isn't Sterling this is costume it's a thick um chain necklace here is a tangled Pearl let's see what the tag says oh it's a uh PD like Premier Premier Designs I think that's what it stands for it's a little Tangled but it's a pearl pearl necklace maybe it's a double strand or you could wear it as a double strand Premier Designs Let's see we have two baggies of earrings here's these these look a little coppery oh they're Sterling 925 I think uh they need to be cleaned but they're stamped Sterling oh you know what they don't match this one stamp Sterling what is this one oh yeah they're both stamp Sterling they just don't match so we have that and then we have this pair 25 cents I don't even know if that's the right bag but you know these could be like white gold and diamond in a 25 cent bag let's see okay the earrings themselves don't have any markings let's see if the backs do no The Backs don't have any markings either but I'll get i'll test the gemstone on that just to make sure make sure what we're looking at so that's another pair of probably like CZ and then we have this bag of uh beads and um it's broken I'm assuming some of these are Sterling you know maybe maybe not oh oh that one's broken but um these are like glass beads pretty pretty pretty mostly glass let's see what that says 925 some of these are Sterling I don't know enough about these style bracelets or this bead you know the whole bead thing to know even what I have to be honest I will need to do some more research on these so I tested this one and the bracelet itself was not Sterling but the six main beads are the two milk glass beads the two crystal beads and the two ameth amethyst color beads are all Sterling the rest of the beads were not and then we have this bracelet and then all of these loose beads this particular bracelet did not test Sterling and then of the beads on this bracelet and the loose beads there were only two that tested Sterling one's this pretty red one and then if you look on the side of it I don't know if you can see it it has um a marking on it that says maybe h in but it might have a letter that's cut off and then it has an interesting little kind of female symbol marking on it if anyone knows what kind of brand that is I'm I'm not really clear and I can't find anything on it the second bead is another milk glass bead that's by Pandora if you can read the markings on the top it says Pandora 925 a e the only bracelet out of the three of these that tested Sterling is this one with all the glass beads on it and there were two beads on here that were Sterling this pretty pink and green one and then this other one that's actually stamped Morano Italy on one side and the other side says zabel zabel being the brand and Morano is the island in Italy that's been renowned for glass making for hundreds and hundreds of years and that's it that's the last of the Box thanks for joining me today and if you like what you're seeing hit that subscribe button it's free ye
Channel: Ali Borealis
Views: 629,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 10K Gold, Gold, Sterling, Silver, Napier, Ralston, Amethyst, CTO, Avon, Sarah Cov, Sarah Coventry, 925, Infintiny, Jewlery, Unboxing, Goodwill, SGW, Blue Box, Auction, Resale, Resell, Profit, Whiting Davis, Accessocraft, Pandora, Beads, Salvation Army, CT Bids, Ebay, Vintage, Boucher, Trifari, Monet, Hobbit, LOTR, Arwen, Evenstar, Elven, Dana Buchman, Gemtester, Marcasite
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 58sec (3538 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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