Believe It Or Not: These Jewelry Items Have Value. Learn How To Evaluate Them.

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i'm about to get into some work today but first i want to go over some jewelry and give you a couple of tips about some things that i found recently so that you'll know what to look for when you're out or even how to examine your own stuff let's do it [Music] well i have done it folks today we're going to be looking at a few pieces of jewelry here i'm going to try to give you some tips some pointers show you why i bought these what i think about them how i'm going to try to sell them and whatnot i'm going to have a few different tips and ideas for you bear with me hopefully um you'll get a few ideas but we're just going to start off today these are all pieces that i've picked up locally in the last six months and i just want to talk to you about why i got them and what they are so right here a couple of kind of a newer new rage design here when i saw these my first thought was those look to be uh some sort of artisan or custom type job but i didn't know you know there's this yellowish color on the top and sort of a tarnished silvery color on the side when i flipped him over this is what i saw etched in there it says sterling m-a as you can see that on both of those so i my suspicions were verified this was something made by an artist or some sort of a jewelry maker and on the back what they've done instead of using a stamp which would be a little metal piece that they would tap or do something to stamp the actual metal they did was they took this they if you hold them in their hand they look like a fat pen but basically you turn them on there they got a motor and they got these little tips and they can actually ride it's kind of like they etch in writing on here and so what they've done is they've identified that this is sterling silver that's the metal and ma must be the initials of the artisan each one of these small pieces folks i picked up for anywhere between one and two dollars and an artistic piece like that that has a maker's mark on it i'll pay two dollars for just about any day of the week next up we have this little brooch it's obviously the letter b it's a pin okay but if you look very closely i'm gonna see if how we're gonna do this here if this will work uh let me pull this up close maybe you can see and i got it upside down of course uh but what you're looking at here is it says trafari i don't know if i'm pulling that up very well trifari maybe we can look at it this direction and it'll be a little bit better for you there we go there it is trifari t-r-i-f-a-r-i that's a good brand that made a really nice costume jewelry a few decades back there's a variety of different styles some involve gemstones some do not uh or rhinestones this is just kind of an etched look the letter b they i've come across letter a before my guess is maybe they have every letter i don't know but a trifari sells really well a lot of people like that brand um next up i'm just going to show you a couple of pieces here again that we're selling for really cheap uh and people didn't know what they were and so what we have is just a few different i've just pulled out individual earrings here for you to take a look at but this one right here it's more of a gold tone uh on the outside let's see if i can zoom in on that better uh we've got kind of like these little bumps around here just giving it some texture or something for the light to bounce off of and so we're looking then a dark darkish purple colored stone in here when i flip it over first thing i notice is the back is open that's a good sign that this is probably the second sign actually that this is probably a genuine gemstone the first sign is that they have prong settings that are quite durable i can't pry it with my fingernail which means the maker wanted to make sure that they held that stone in tightly so it didn't fall out and they usually do that with stuff that is valuable upon closer inspection inside of here above the stone right in here it has some stamps one stamp first name says 925 and then it says china um you know stuff that says china on it usually lower quality but the fact that it has a mark of the actual metal content and the fact that i'm pretty confident that this is a genuine stone for two dollars a pair of amethyst earrings made out sterling silver i'll easily make my money back on that next up we have this little earring again very dark kind of silvery color uh kind of grayed out but the the stones here are pretty bright which tells me it's probably open back in the middle here you have what looks kind of like a moonstone and sure enough there's an opening in all those spots so what we're looking at here this is likely citrine and this is likely amethyst just based on the color and this is likely a moonstone a lot of cheaper jewelry have uh you know pieces that are fake to make it look like it but see if i can zoom in on this and you'll see the marking here on the back right here nine two five so folks again we said in all of our videos always always always investigate both sides of a piece of jewelry you're gonna get actually more information from the piece on the back than on the front on the front you really want to see are there stones is it an attractive piece are they prong set or durably set in there to not fall out on the back you're looking for metal content and maker's marks lastly up here in this little section what looks like a silver tone thing and you've got sort of like a more of a crimped or a bezel here that's been pressed over to hold that stone in place it's definitely a silver color silver tone but in this case there is no marking so either this again looks to me like this has been made by an artisan just based on the design and the look i believe this is a genuine piece of turquoise in here they did not mark the actual metal content on here although it has all the telltale's tell signs that it is sterling silver it's possible that the backing on this would have indicated 925. i've got the other one too i'll find some backings put on there it's a nice little southwestern motif a couple more pieces that i'll show you which i was able to find maker's marks and that's why i bought it you got this nice bright necklace here i've seen necklaces like this made of gold made of silver and the cheapest metal you can think of all that you know just kind of at a glance would look basically the same but if what we do is we go to the clasp section and this is kind of a weird a duck this is a strange cat so you have a clasp here right a kind of a claw clasp then you have this section which is a magnet actually you can open up and shut that has its own claw connected to the other part of the necklace now this necklace originally would have only been this claw in this part here that it would have fastened to just like this these two pieces and i'll tell you why on this claw i look i don't see any well that's not true i do see a mark right here on the claw itself right there 925 so this piece is silver if i move on over to the chain itself right here there's a stamp that says 925 and if i flip it over this stamp says italy there's a lot of sterling silver jewelry coming that was manufactured in italy okay well let's say the same thing on the other side flip her over 925 by my thumbnail so what has likely happened was someone had this necklace they liked it but it was a little bit too short and so they had another piece it could be um well we did identify that this clasp is made of silver however looking at this claw so this claw here is made of silver that was original to the necklace but this piece and this magnet here that they've used to extend the size or the length of this is not made of silver it's really just a functional portion of the necklace but this was two dollars folks it was hanging with a bunch of other cheap stuff it's worth probably 60 to 70 dollars just in scrap silverweight so i was happy to pick that up this puppy i just got two day folks i mean just a couple hours ago i bought this at an estate sale it was priced at 15 and what you're looking at here folks is an antique inkwell this is made of lead crystal not unlike how a lot of decanters would have been made it's quite heavy that's one of the telltale reasons that i know it's made of that um the time period knowing what they used and then you've got this beautiful lid here that opens and shuts 15 you've got this beautiful squirrel work you've got um it's monogrammed with letters s-a-s sass uh now if you do a little bit of examination on the inside you can see kind of this lighter hue of the middle than it is on the outside this is definitely darkened and by all accounts this has all the telltale signs of the darkness inside here of how silver sterling silver tarnishes so what i do is i inspect around the rim down here where it's attached to the crystal and up along the edge it didn't take me long folks so do this with me if we look and we just start spinning go spin again this is not a this is not like a necklace but the same uh you know rules apply look at the latch or the clasp directly underneath this clasp you'll see it says sterling okay so this is a sterling silver top not terribly heavy it's quite thin on the inside in this piece the overall piece is quite heavy but for 15 this is a slam dunk these are selling you know 75 to 125 on ebay all day long i'll definitely make my money back on that and soon the following pieces i want to talk about are all pieces that are not marked with a maker or the type of metal but because i work with jewelry quite often i'm pretty confident that i know what i have here and i also am including this portion just to tell you that if your piece of jewelry does not have a mark of the metal content and it does not have a maker's name it does not mean that it is not valuable or cannot bring values if you want to resell things here are a few pieces that i've bought for two dollars each locally which will easily be able to be sold for a profit and they're all using about the same types of materials this particular material is a combination of copper and some other materials like like zinc or like a little bit of tin possibly this is just an old brooch it has a very old style clasp it's just a piece of metal that this kind of hook into or not and it's really pretty it's actually enamel painted so you can see the design here it's nice open you know it goes through and parts of it but you've got this flower it's very simple it's a rose you can see a little bit of white paint on the edges and this is a very kind of beautiful sort of art nouveau-ish um style um which so we're looking at very late 1800s to very early 1900s for that time period here's another one that is very uh art nouveau victorian-esque here you've got the woman with the big hair kind of um this is sort of you're familiar with a lot of artists like gibson and some of those this is the style of woman that they um did paintings and and uh sketches and things of it was sort of like this um symbol of beauty at the time a woman that looked like this and you've got the scroll work all around here in the back again this is a brooch that very old basic portion to hold on to it once it's pinned in you're seeing a variety of colors here what this was at one time was entirely silver in color i believe that this is silver coated over it looks like you know copper basically it's hollow on the inside but just because of how it was poured you've basically got this outer portion that was made into a mold and then it was soldered you can see this line here soldered at the back was soldered on to it so it's hollow inside they made it silver to make it look more beautiful to hide the fact that it's copper but over time it has worn but this is still a very popular um type of item people collect this type of thing here you have another brooch very kind of a dingy uh grimy kind of goldish color you've got marcosite pieces on the on the front here and the petals and in each of the middle of these if you flip it over much more of a vibrant color that's a beautiful little color on the back there not as aged looking you have a little bit of a newer style of the clasp here it's missing the little ring that goes around in it to hold it actually in place so it has a little bit of damage but what we're looking at here is something that is gold-filled and or gold-plated over a cheaper uh like copper or brass and brass and copper both were quite popular in jewelry in the 1800s and even in the beginning of the 1900s because it was a gold color resembled gold but it was a cheaper metal easy to produce here another very old style early 1900s late 1800s brooch again very thin you can see that it's indented there this was just you know cast into a into like a mold again it's possible once i polish this up entirely it will reveal a small stamp someplace but this is sterling silver believe it or not it's got all this dark tarnish on it it looks quite ugly it even has some yellowish which to the naked eye might appear as though it's like this where it is silver that is coming off of copper on the other side but actually folks this yellowish color is just the color of the tarnish in this case it's a thin piece of silver if you were to polish this up it would it would shine bright that silver color and the fact that it's such a thin piece that tells me that this is a single type of metal it is not uh you know layers of metal over something else three more pieces that are bangle like like bracelets or what they would call bangles this is some sort of a knot type design very kind of complicated but kind of neat as well this you can see here where i have begun to polish not fully but i've just begun look how much uh lighter in color that is and there's still some of that residue on there it's not been finished it's just started to polish i did that just to kind of double check this is sterling silver as well again i might find a stamp someplace but uh based on the weight of it based on how thin it is based on how it polishes so well um i'm fairly confident this is sterling silver and you know honestly i started to polish but i kind of like the way it looks here you've got that dark contrast on the inside i like that look two dollars very easy purchase for me then you've got this older style bangle you can see the the beautiful kind of uh design work here with the flowers then you've got again this monogram the monogram letters this kind of screams late 1800s early 1900s looks like aba here uh so you've got sort of on either side you've got a mirror image design this particular clasp you push in and then it opens up all right so you've got this little this little hinge here that that when that pushes in it opens or shuts it connects right here right here we've got what says b b or sorry s b company s b co this what you're looking at right here the underside is that coppery or brass color this is what the base metal really is you can see it's much shinier and much brighter on the outside that's because this is gold-plated so you've got a gold-plated bangle and it still has much of that plating on it quite nice two dollars somebody was like well it's old it's out of style um it does not mean it doesn't have value and then this one i think i like even more there's just a whole lot going on here very victorian era the scroll work you've got this piece right here on the top these pieces here which you can see there i can put this all the way underside of here this portion had been soldered on uh on top like one here another one on top of that and then one below over here as well definitely got some wear got some changing in color definitely a golder color under here brighter than out here and so what you have again is a gold filled bracelet i don't believe that this is made of silver i think that this is some other cheaper metal you can see this uh color underneath here but you can see where the gold has over time faded from use from being on someone's arm and just uh time this is probably over 100 years old you've also got this chain here that's holding it together it's a nice little piece uh it's still in really decent condition aside from the fact that you kind of got this two-tone color looking going on here one more i wanted to show you before i moved on another piece this is not an actual gemstone this is what they would just call a rhinestone so it's something synthetic but it again has kind of a dingy kind of color and this is just copper folks this is a copper brooch there are people who collect just copper jewelry it was very popular earlier on when you couldn't get a hold of more valuable metals or you want to sell it for a lower price to have more potential customers they use some of these other less valuable metals but you can still see that you can make a beautiful piece out of this this particular piece looks to me like it has had a a new pin and by it's not new it's still decades old but this i don't think this pin came uh with this um originally i think that it was newer and it was soldered on when the old one probably fell off and you'll see that at times the functional pieces of jewelry are sometimes fixed or repaired somebody thought it was beautiful or maybe had a sentimental value they still wanted to wear it and uh so anyhow keep a lookout for this kind of stuff guys definitely is a throwback design and that's when we first tell tell science that it's older all right more pieces i picked all three of these up yesterday for two dollars a piece so six dollars in on all this what you have here is a design that has flowers on the inside of a horseshoe um if you know much about your history uh there was definitely a good period of time where this there was a lot of superstition represented in the media and in jewelry and uh even on postcards things like that a horseshoe is one of those the sign you know it's superstitious for good luck you've got these blue stones quite bright and beautiful nice looking piece the composition is quite good and then if you look down here at the bottom you're going to see coro coro this is not one of the best pieces that i've ever seen there's fact the back is kind of grimy and and just sort of a dingy frankly so it's not the best design piece i've ever seen by them but cordo does hold some good values and definitely sell that for probably twenty dollars maybe something like that maybe more this right here though similar in appearance actually is gold filled and it does not have the market on it but i can just tell by looking at the color tone between this portion here okay and then this ring and this piece here is is it's difficult to tell and there's definitely some design work and some edge here but it's beautiful this portion and this portion are just some sort of a brass type uh metal um and then this ring here is the portion i think is primarily a gold filled piece this ring it's a slightly different color and this might have some gold uh you know plate on the outside of it but it's a pretty piece it's definitely older still has that kind of rivet design right here in the middle so this can spin it can rotate and move it's a beautiful little piece not a real stone i don't believe it does have a prong setting but it's quite superficial and it's very grainy very grainy underneath that if that was a real stone light was passing through it either that would be a very very poor quality stone or um or it's fake and in this case what you have is someone has painted the back of this stone to make it reflect a particular type of color it's like a foil either a gold foil or a silver foil so when the light hits that it bounces off it reflects off that like a mirror and comes right back out at you because this is a cheap stone the desired effect is not really coming out perfectly but it does have color and does attract the eye nonetheless then this piece which i think is the best piece it's the best constructed piece it's probably got more precious metal in it this is definitely a piece that i believe has is gold filled and it has a name right here it says on this it says diana now i do believe this is probably a diana piece it's always possible that people have soldered something onto another piece but on the front you've got this stone that is very well set it is set in a way that fine jewelry is set you've got these they make molds for these and all types of metals silver and gold molds like this and so what you do is you just take the size of a stone that would fit in the size mold and when you're soldering this you make this mold make this piece then you put this in there and then you work a tool all the way around you know sort of the crest of this stone to hold it in place that is rigid that is not popping out it's open in the back which tells me it's a real stone you know it's light enough in color it really looks like an aquamarine but aquamarines are quite a bit more valuable than topaz topaz's uh they're beautiful but they do not command the same prices so i'm gonna assume that this is probably a very pale colored topaz um it could be another light blue stone but when you're looking at blue stones nine times at a time ten times you're either talking about a topaz or an aquamarine a beautiful uh two gold tone this is a lighter gold color then this is a little bit of that uh kind of get into like a pinkish or an orangish gold tone but it's a beautiful piece two dollars this is probably a twenty to forty dollar piece depending last of today folks i want to talk about a few items and just to hit home the idea that you need to inspect everything and just to know certain things that might have precious metals in them here is a pair of scissors it says toledo on it right here i believe these are spanish made in spain cool design but they're heavily worn so this is i mean i paid in a bag a lot of other things too i think i paid 12 for the whole bag this pair of scissors probably sell between 15 and 20 dollars in the condition that they're in this is not gold folks but scissors a lot of scissors especially vintage ones did have silver and gold content either they were entirely made out of those metals or they were plated so if you see an old pair of scissors that has a gold tone like this you should definitely do some inspection on that here's another point these little this is like a little person inside you've got this old sewing kit kind of this says silverado sharps germany so we got some silver eyed needles in here you got another small tiny little pair of sew-in uh fabric scissors here and they say made in germany all right and this is a cool little piece uh i don't know how much this will sell for maybe 15 20 what do we got down here i didn't even see that i had not even looked at this phone what do we got here i'm kind of this is like case in point here okay so they look like maybe they're just really old um pens but shoot look at this thing this thing looks like it could could have had gold content on it it's so uh glittery that's beautiful huh i'm gonna try to polish that up you never know what you're gonna find folks that's uh this is so funny uh okay well the point i was trying to make here guys was just that uh i guess the point now is always heavily inspect what you got i just got this today so i i hadn't had a chance to look through it um i will now uh but always look this you know scissors i've found scissors like this before they're made out of silver i found pouches like this that this rim is made out of sterling silver so you always want to look around the hinges in here usually when it's marked it's marked on an inside area like inside of here or something so that it's not out where other people are seeing it but you should definitely keep a look i'm just looking folks because i haven't actually looked at this yet i pulled it out just to talk about it i don't think it is but keep a lookout for that stuff anything that's old anything that's old folks jewelry other stuff functional things check out the metal inspect it because it might have some sort of gold or silver content like this one this is an old leather pouch and inside of this old pouch is an old pack of cigarettes believe it or not i'm going to pull this out so you can see it old chesterfield cigarettes and yeah they've never been open they still got the seal on them which is really cool 20 cigarettes it says i'll slide the slide back down in here but what you see on this is is a patent applied for um right here it says real ostrich that's why these little bumps are here guys every time you see anytime you see a leather with this kind of look and design this is ostrich leather and it was made in england i noticed that there's metal up here that's gold color sure and then down here another piece but if you look even closer where it has initials cap below that it says one tenth 14k so this little metal medallion and a little yeah and these metal pieces are all one tenth of that metal content is 14 karat gold a lot of people would not even think to look at that but that definitely adds value anytime you can say hey this thing has gold in it people perk up so always keep an eye out for that stuff last of today folks and we have a video on this a long time back where i go into more detail about but let's talk about it um always inspect and just because something doesn't make isn't made of silver gold doesn't mean it doesn't have value i bought a lot of jewelry last year at goodwill locally back when they were selling bags for 25 they're not doing that anymore unfortunately i did really well on buying stuff and selling it but when i got this i opened it up and i pulled this thing out and i started to inspect and i could tell right away that it was quite old you have this fabric in here you've got what looks to be uh like a silver tone in here and there's all kinds you're not gonna be able to see it in this video most likely and it's probably more on the other side but there's all kinds of spots where different people who had serviced this worked on it tuned it up had scrolled numbers and things in and let's see if any of that bleeds through here if you can see i can kind of see that a little bit here and as i turn it you're going to see numbers all over this sucker where people had worked on it made made notes for themselves to help them in setting the time this is a ceramic um plate here the face with roman numeral numbers and if i go on in to open this up fully where was the is it right here yes it is and i pull this puppy open just look how incredible the inside of this thing looks not only is it incredibly complicated and very old but you have these very large gemstones of different colors all around here green blue [Music] these pink i do not know if these are genuine well that one's kind of loose in there you can see i did research on this folks this thing is from the 1700s i bought it in a bag for 25 i sold all the jewelry made money on the 25 this essentially is free to me but i would not have known how intricate i would not have known that there were gemstones in here if i just looked at the outside and didn't find any numbers or any marks i'm like well it's not silver it looks old but you know we'll just see what i can get for it no no no all right you always need to inspect you can see that this has this little metal piece here that helps wind it is has come out it's loose it's definitely not in working order in order to get something from the 1700s to work would cost quite a bit of money and i'm i'm not willing to do that at this time but it's a beautiful piece and it is for sale but i've not sold it yet because i'm asking what it's worth and it's just going to take a while there is a buyer out there who's gonna get it at some point but you need to inspect your items okay inspect them heavily before you put them up for sale and let me give you one more tip before i leave you today tip of the day folks if you're going on ebay to look for price comparisons for the item that you're trying to sell make sure you look at sold items and don't just look at the first sold item go through as many as you can and look at what they actually sold for a lot of times people will throw things up at auction at weird times like tuesday at 8 a.m or thursday at 9 30 in the morning or thursday night at like 2 a.m times when people are not really watching and sometimes people will be able to find good deals and buy things well below value because the person selling it just didn't even didn't know that they should time it better or they didn't know the value just because you see that something sold real cheaply doesn't mean that that's the actual value of it you need to take as much information in as possible to determine what it should sell for now the general rule of thumb is if you want to sell something fast look at what the cheapest prices are going for and price it about that or slightly under it but if you're okay waiting a little bit look at all of those sales i look at the ones that sold for around above halfway around the highest and i'll price mine around that at buy it now except in offers because someone eventually will take interest i can send them an offer or they'll send me an offer then if they accept i've still sold it for more than the average one sells for and they felt like they got a deal and so it's a good experience for everybody hope that helps folks take care b let's go [Music] rusty
Channel: Rusty The Reseller
Views: 120,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Resell, reseller, reselling, ebay reseller, full-time reseller, ebay tips, ebay selling, reseller tips, reseller guide, reseller advice, reseller how to, vintage, thrifting, garage sale, yard sale, estate sale, antique store, goodwill haul, pawn shop, sourcing, make money on ebay, work for yourself, rusty how to, be your own boss, work from home, rusty the reseller, make money, make money online, Jewelry You May Not Know Has Value And How To Evaluate It.
Id: YMNSDvnBiic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 19sec (1939 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 25 2022
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