How To Inspect Jewelry Lots To Find The GOOD STUFF!

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good morning cousins man you know what folks sun is shining uh I just I've been very productive already today got some uh some fulfillment done this morning uh and I just hit the first thrift store I bought um a little bit of jewelry a couple of grab bags some potentially broken or singles but sometimes those baggies have little pieces of silver or gold in them uh when I get back to the warehouse uh we'll go through that but this video today is really just showing you a day in the life of a reseller such as myself my name is Rusty Bivens II uh I I operate out of Western North Carolina and near the Asheville area um and uh you know we got this Warehouse here we got some staff Peach is my right-hand man uh he's he's at the warehouse getting some stuff done I'm getting all geared up because this weekend on Saturday uh there is a an outdoor sale happening and I'm both going to work it all right trying to sell some stuff locally but I'm also going to run around uh early on and try to Source myself and so uh the next video you get will be that experience my selling experience locally and also did I find any um you know did I find any awesome uh you know things to resell but today I got a handful of things I'm going to hit a couple of stores if I find anything in these stores we'll go through it I'm also got to replenish stuff at an antique store that I uh sell at locally because it kind of got stagnant you know you got to do this it's just maintenance you got to put new stuff in from time to time take out some old stuff change some prices and whatnot but hold on to your breaches Buckle yourself up for safety and uh and I'm going to take you uh through my world in a [Music] day [Music] all right back here at the warehouse and um going to talk about a couple of things I was at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore and I came across this right here it is a Stanley router guide It's a vintage piece uh two bucks these sell for $15 to $20 on on eBay you just put in Stanley and then this number right here that's your reference and then this cool uh uh piece here $2.50 it's the Yankee number 131a again a reference number which is nice so you just uh look this thing up these things can sell for between $4 and $60 it's a very long wooden handled unfortunately it's got a crack in it so that'll take the price down a little bit but uh you can unscrew this and put little bits in there and uh that's that's what it's for so uh you know some nice tools there but right here I got these little baggies uh it says broken jewelry for crafts and I only paid $5 a piece for these okay and then these are ones I handpicked out I'll show you those but we'll dump these out out and we'll see if $5 for these bags of maybe broken pieces or singles or things jewelry grab bags would be worth a $10 investment let's start off looking at these pieces why did I buy these well these and these are all2 or $3 a piece sterling silver right there these I don't see a brand on them but they're this kind of gold tone with like this little Stone I need to test it I don't think that they're gold cuz they got a steel post and the little backers say Avon on that but this is uh something I think that this thrift store put on they do that whenever they get errands in that don't have backs they got a variety of these um backs that they just throw on stuff I'll get some newer backs or some nicer backs to put on these the plastic kind of uh makes it look like the piece is not as valuable and so I I'll replace those but here's some another another uh silver uh with some sort of uh this crazy colored Stone here uh but those are attractive $2 or $3 a piece for those on at a minimum I think I can get $10 uh or you know I think I can get at least $10 out of each of those and then this set also in sterling silver but this Stone folks um is a genuine fcet cut gemstone it's open in the back it's deeper cut as you can see and uh and it's got this Shimmer you can kind of see that that color I believe these are citrine okay that's an actual gemstone and so that was nice mixed in there with the costume jewelry is some silver earrings with General actual gemstones and not just just um you know rhinestones plastic or glass all right I got the tops pulled off of them we're going to dump them out here and I'll just tell you uh my strategy for um looking sorting through this kind of stuff folks is I do an initial a couple of phases um phase one is I dump it all out and I do an initial sort meaning I'm going to separate out stuff that I know I can sell either individually or in a lot and then I'm going to put aside stuff that is what I think might be a nice maker maybe a precious metal maybe has a gemstone and you know after that I'll or trash right if it's broken if I can't if there's no resale value I'll take stuff that's cheaper I'll put it aside I'll sell it in bulk lots of jewelry the other stuff I'll go through and decide do I sell in small Lots individually or if further tests need to be done uh tests for metal tests for gemstones I'll do those and then do my research so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to kind of start sorting through this this is a large looks like a Christmas ornament and it says 1985 on it there okay which is kind of nice it's kind of like this um it looks almost like stained glass but um it's like a resin stuff but you can see through it uh so that'll that'll have some value because Christmas is coming up you know so I will be able to sell that or try to list it during Christmas time um let's see here we've got some some little beads um you know probably not all that valuable but I'm going to come in here I definitely am going to hold on to some of these um well has metal on one side the other side it's it's come off these are um sometimes these can be valuable there are certain brands that that doesn't look like these are those Brands but if there's especially if there's more in here I can sell those as a lot so those will be something these These are here are going to be probably either trash or go in probably a bulk lot not not trash it'll go in a bulk lot here's another some of these beads so all these beads I'm basically going to put off to the side um I'll sort those out later um here we got a little USA it's kind of like a a patch looking thing but it is a it is a pin back that the pin back is broken off and so again probably not oh look at this huge Stone probably just glass or plastic um but again it it passes sort number one I'll I'm going to do a secondary glance at that later I'm really just looking for broken stuff I got to throw away or what I got to do this right here says Israel Israel that's interesting it's a it's an Erin it looks to me like it might be made out of sterling silver although I don't see a 925 but let's pop the Omega back back look on the underside of it I don't see any Mark indicating that it could could be silver it certainly tarnishes that way so it may be silver it may be silverplated we'll get the magnet out in a little bit we'll do the test on that still seeing some beads some faux turquoise beads uh you know things um different types of stones that people uh that look like turquoise but they uh they Tarn they they dye them to look like turquoise but they're really a white stone usually here's one of an earring that's nice enough all the stones are intact move that off to the side here's just a little white plastic ball probably not worth much going to throw that over there here is uh looks like a pin uh with missing the back side I'm going to throw that off here to the side some pins some Wheels I'm not going to make you watch me go through all this but you're getting the idea of how I sort stuff here I'm taking these little beads I'm putting the beads all together this is like pre- sorting uh another plastic one g go through and so I'm gonna start going through this folks when I get finished so you don't have to watch me do all of this I'll pull out stuff that uh I need to do a secondary look at and I'll tell you why I pulled it out aside and we'll look at that together and we'll figure out if there's anything of very much value in here okay so here's the stuff that I'm just going to say it's not really worth selling individually or even in small groups it's either damaged or broken or pieces but there's some stuff that cra could do I'm going to throw it in a little jar like this and I'm going to sell it like that this is the stuff that I ended up with and I have sorted um a certain way in fact I meant to put these and these right here okay so that stuff kind of stays there this stuff over here and then this stuff and there these own piles okay and so here's what we got here this pile is these beads as you can see we've got these different types that are blown glass different colors and things those are pretty I can sell those in a lot right these are all going to go in a lot together they're not going to sell for a ton there's lots of these out there like I said they aren't great brand it's not like branded or anything so these are cheaper ones this right here is kind of blown glass like pendant quite pretty you got some kind of like looks like gold dust type stuff in there um beautiful little little piece you can you can hang I've not had the best look selling these I've I've got several of smaller ones and stuff they sell but they usually sit for a long time and then these beautiful little beads I've got a cousin out there who who makes rosaries and and other stuff with beads and these are glass these are not so these might be old these might be old um check glass pieces I'm not exactly sure but they're fast at cut and they're beautiful and they're heavy so I'm going to save those for her then we like I you saw that this uh then we've got uh some cuff links and several pairs of earrings this unfortunately is not a pair that's a single so I'm GNA put that aside I'll tell you about that in a moment and then here's a single here's a single here's a single here's a single and this is a trari brain no that's a Monae sorry that's a Monae one of those is a trari so those are all going to go these are all decent Brands good pieces but they're singles so I'm going to sell those separately in a lot with others that I have of singles because people do things craft wise with those as well and then these so this we've got it's an accessor craft NYC brooch good condition we got a couple of you know gold tone and red kind of knot looking uh earrings no brand but they're they're decent shaped different decent color these are not the best condition but they are Monae brand as you can see or no Avon rather Avon brand um not sure what I'll do with those probably throw them in uh to sweeten another type of a a a grab bag deal but look at these beautiful earrings I'm so glad that I found the full pair you can see these are older pieces uh you got these green rhinestones these uh plastic kind of rhinestone things and you got the rivet back this reminds me of stuff that like Coro uh makes or made during this period of time though I don't believe there's a maker mark on here well would you open doonas okay here we go you can see some that green tarnish in there from from the copper um or some of these other Alloys in here that's that's causing that um but still beautiful pair this pair alone could probably sell for $4 $18 so like the entire bag of everything I got I could probably make my money back and be in the profit with just that pair of earrings here's a little clip some yellowed rhinestones okay and then this is a heartbreaker folks look look at these I say Heartbreaker because uh of this piece here it's beautiful you turn it over and you're going to discover that this is a crown trari pair of earrings but look we're missing the big rhinestone oh it just hurts the heart also a handful of these little Stones along the edge are also missing and so I might just throw this in with some broken pieces in a lot or I might sell this one as a single or I might even sell them as a pair and just say hey it's trari it's a nice it's missing some Stones if you think you can repair it do it um but I was disappointed as a bummer that's the kind of thing you get though in these lots and then this last two lots here is the second tier of Investigation this tier is is it sterling silver or is it branded and this tier is same thing is it branded or is it it made out of gold and so I need to do some visual inspections first some inspections with a magnet and then we'll go from there so let's start with the silver uh patch first all right here we do we go through we're going to see if any okay right off the bat not silver you see how that oh man it grab it just grabs it so okay doesn't mean it's not got any value it just means it's not going to have silver content value so this right here dog on it hold on where was that my goodness no my goodness gracious here no this is so frustrating I do this every time no maybe it's under here no oh I found it okay sorry um not silver uh well it's it could be silver but the real thing I want to see is it looks like a little barrel and on one side it has this little spot where you can unscrew it and when I shook it by my ear there's something inside of that so we'll get to that in a moment okay so it was not magnetic is this magnetic no that one's grabbing me okay let's try these okay and there we're good there so far nope nope this is all boating well so far allthough these could be silver so far doesn't mean just because it's not magnetic doesn't mean it is silver either we got to do further inspection further investigation okay drop you over there okay well all this stuff is still in the mix for possibly being silver and now we have to uh inspect it this piece here is made out of silver it's old very old strangely enough the indication where it's marked is not at the top here where you'd normally look it's actually at the very bottom of this piece here and um you can see if I can get those out of the way it says Sterling made in Siam so it's no longer called Siam uh I believe that's formerly uh is that Thailand is that what that was Thailand or something like that um in that area uh southeast Asia beautiful piece it's just a single though however so but that's going to be that sterling silver okay I'm going to move over to these earrings we're going to look at these what you're looking at is something that looks like sterling silver and has maraite in it which also kind of dates it makes it an older piece although it's a clip so not too terribly old the clip looks definitely more brassy than the rest of it so and now I'm going to do something folks and tell you something that I do not necessarily recommend to everybody to do on every piece of jewelry but some times this is what I do I've worked with enough metals and I know how to fabricate jewelry I've can repair jewelry various things I've handled thousands of pieces of fine in costume jewelry and so it would it would suffice it to say I'm pretty familiar with the these Metals with copper with aluminum with uh soft Alloys that that costume jewelry are made out of silver and gold okay and uh the thing about the metals the mixtures of metals that costume jewelry which are not silver and gold are made out of is that often times they're quite fragile you can bend them easily they can break easily if there's some sort of a coating on the outside of them to make them more shiny that stuff can crumble and scratch off but silver you have to understand is is a fairly strong fairly durable metal uh sterling silver okay gold even stronger gold is very hard very strong um typically when it's you know 10 12 14 and even 18 karat gold is usually fairly strong um but silver is softer but it still you know has some has some good strength to it so this pair of errings is missing some of the Markus set it's kind of faded if this ends up being sterling silver I'm not going to sell it as errings I'm going to sell it for scrap metal weight anyways so knowing that it doesn't matter if these are intact perfectly or broken I'm going to sell them the same way and the same buyer will buy them the same way I'm going to do something which is I'm going to try to bend it a little bit I don't want to break it necessarily first but I want to bend it and just see how durable is this metal if this metal is fairly durable it's going to be another indication that this may be silver if however it bends very easily or is very very soft or I see some sort of coat and crackle or I hear a crackle then my guess is this is some soft alley so here we we're going to try it now I'm noticing look at that I already bent it very easily I didn't even push that hard here again so what I'm going to do actually is I'm going to go ahead and break this off and we're going to look at the inside of the metal um see if I can just kind of push it around just very easily now if this were really thin it could it silver could break in that way but uh but something this thick should not break so easily and I don't know if you can see that or not see if I can zoom in on that metal what you may or may not be able to tell because my my camera is not real great is that the color inside of that is not the same color as the outside it's not even really a silver color it's a little bit more of a yellowish color now this has been hidden from the oxygen so it's not like silver that may have tarnished to a a yellower color what we're looking at is some sort of mixture of an aloy that is much softer than silver and so actually the inside mirrors kind of that color there a little bit and and even more so this so inside what you're what the color of the metal is that and that is actually not silver all right this little sweet little older pair of flower earrings say Sterling and even on the inside there they see NY Sterling so those are nice those are made out of silver uh this right here is just a single I don't see anything on it but that that shine looks very much like a plating and so I can do a scratch test but I'm guessing that's going to go over here in the singles okay um these look like old pieces that came off of old jewelry they look like they could be silver I'll have to do scratch tests on those these are the earrings uh you know this one say they say Israel on them but they do not have any marks so I'm also going to have to do a scratch test but I believe those I believe that all of these are likely definitely these probably silver this may or may not be uh I haven't looked I'm not seeing a Mark um let's keep going we got this little bead here and what I'm looking for is there it is look at that 925 you can see it so that's a sterling silver a little bead that's nice okay we'll keep looking um here we we go here's an old single as well got that old screw back I don't believe this a silver at all but it is a cool piece got those uh rivets so that's a nice single it's got all its Stones I'm going to throw this over here all right winding down we'll get to that one in a moment we got these okay so again vintage uh costume jewelry screw back again you can see the plating the silver coated plating has worn off definitely not sterling silver that's going in the singles pile here's a cool old piece this is probably silver just based on the look of it it's got this is kind of like a hands oh man I wish I had both of these that's a cool piece hands and a bird you can see the top here that would clip onto the ear is broken off which is why it's in this bag but if you look very close on the back of the bird 925 and the bottom of one of the hands it's dirty but it would say 925 so that is sterling silver this by the way is all the stuff that I have identified for sure is Sterling so far um here's the here's the wh ifs these let's see if it says anything on it I'm not seeing anything written on it but it's Hollow it's very light um moving on what do we got here nice little earin nice and bright oh Monae well you're not sterling silver are you you're a looker but you're going in the singles pile okay again these little pieces that came off of something they broke they're the same looking pieces here very bright no tarnish at all that's a little bit suspect for me look on the back the way that that the little gritty stuff on the back also uh more often than not these pieces are not silver or if they're Mark Silver sometimes they're not even if they're marked I'm going to do the same thing I'm going to kind of Bend this a little bit and just see does it bend very very easily oh yeah it bends real easily silver of this weight and this thick should not Bend in my fingers like this I mean I'm not I'm no slouch but I'm not the strongest man in the world but being able to just sort of pinch this down and break it in half should not happen and so I can tell by that alone just the strength of the metal I can know I know that this is a Sol you know some sort of a an aluminum or some other softer alloy metal base and not silver all right I went ahead and bent this and broke it in half and I want to show you up close this metal can you see that edge here like that perfect you can see that there's a soft almost like a gray colored metal in the inside of it and on the outside you've got this coating this silver colored coating that is just I can just scrape it off I can just scratch it off okay and so you can see right there these little pieces of it that is this is just a base alloy something soft with either silver plating or some other type of shiny metal coating that has been coated on the outside of this um so there you go um not silver and I don't even believe that the coating is silver it's something else but it's highly polished um that's just going to go either in the trash or maybe this one I'll go and put in this pile over here that can go in in a in a grab back for somebody all right onto this little bracelet not bad looking here looks like czs or some sort of glass rhinestone and some sort of glass blue or perhaps a synthetic sapphires you got some heavy tarnish here so this could be silver go to one end you'll notice well it's broken it's broken off of and so that's why it was in this bag to begin with but then we come down here and we look at the latch okay there's the latch flipper over and what are we going to see here what's it see okay come on zoom in here oh it says China and 925 so we'll scratch test to me sure but I believe that this is sterling silver and so that's going to have some weight in it that's nice I have done testing and I've confirmed everything here is now silver so in a moment I'll pull a little scale over here and we'll weigh up just in scrap uh silver weight what we're looking at knowing that there are a couple of stones you know in here that will add a little bit of the weight okay folks what is in this barrel I've started to un unscrew it so I'm going to I'm going to try to get this out and we're going to see is it a diamond is it a gold nugget is it a vial of someone's blood old rusty does not know but I have to put down the camera here I'm gonna get this unscrewed and we'll see what's going on inside all right he is unscrewed we're going to see what is in here making all this racket oh my what what is this it appears to be a stone well it's cracked dog gone that's also crazy though what like why so this this is a fcet cut uh Stone and I believe it's genuine it's cracked so it's not going to be worth anything unfortunately but uh based on the color it looks to be a garnet like it's kind of a thinly cut you excuse my thumbnail here it's getting quite large old man large so sorry about that but uh look at that that's cool looking I mean it's cracked I'm going to have to pitch it but or maybe I'll throw it back in there I don't know throw it back in so that the next person can have a fun uh thing I have no idea idea what this would have gone to it hung on something it almost looks like a charm but that's not the kind of thing you'd use to to connect to a charm usually I don't know definitely bizarre but kind of fun anyways all right you know what I've decided I'm going to put this in here I'm going to pass her along to the next person to have some fun with that okay so now what I need to do is I need to get my scale um and I need to weigh the silver right and then we need to do some further investig ation on this pile right here okay got my scale here as you can see we're going to take this silver I'm G set it all on here oopsies let's see here all right get these on here see if I can get every oh gone this is a very small scale I should have got a larger one out okay I think it's all on there and we're looking at roughly 53 G of sterling silver uh of course there are a few stones in there but 53 that's not bad that means I should be able to sell this lot for between $35 and $40 just the scrap weight again $10 for everything here I'm already $40 into profit um or well $30 into profit probably after selling this and that's not all of this other stuff too not to mention if we find any gold in here all right I just looked at this piece I opened it up there's no indications no markings pretty sure this is just a basic alloy but it's nice condition so if I put a little chain on that I could sell that probably by itself honestly not much but for something um this here we got some earrings right here and I just took a little peek and look at that Avon another pair of earings that are perfectly fine and and there're a brand that people know so that's going to go over with the earrings now what do we have left here okay so we've got this piece which is gold tone definitely a little bit of corrosion on it um looks fairly it's not that heavy it also weight so like if this were gold solid gold I would expect it to to weigh more in my fingers in my hand than it does but of course I'll do the test anyway I'll scratch test this on an edge someplace to see so that's a that's an I don't know still right here here we got a two-tone cross pendant could be sold if I put a chain on it it's Tractive it's a religious symbol there are people who will buy this no markings my guess is it's also not gold or silver I'm going to push a little bit yep it's pretty soft I don't want to break it though I don't want to crack it because I want to be able to sell it so I'm putting that over there those are nose here's a maybe what else we got left here these so this is an earring there's no marks on it but same thing I'm going to kind of use my finger how strong is this metal is it very strong let's let's look and see oh did you hear that listen move this clip out of the way it bent very easily it's not gold or silver I can tell you right now here we go and I'm still bending it if you see the area where it cracked you can see right here see it's flaking off the gold part look at that look at that gray again that gray metal inside there and this kind of gold colored stuff that's just sort of flaking off there it isn't gold it's it is gold colored there's a single I wasn't going to get much for it anyways that's why it's fine but I'm using this as a demonstration so you can kind of see um you know how I go through this and then what do we have left these pieces all right so um I've taken this little pen like a brushed gold kind of color here and you can see the back of it but there's no marking that's not a good sign I don't think it's made out of gold I think it's just a gold color but it is a fully functional little tie clip thing get in there you booger and so I'm going to put this over here with the earrings and the and the and the uh cuff links we'll find a place for that and then we have these pieces okay so these are earrings let me zoom in here if I can come on now all right so you can see it's kind of ET interesting kind of look it has a you know a screw back which indicates that it's a little bit older um there is no marking of gold on it the back here is a little bit more brass than the rest of the gold but that's a pretty shiny gold color and so I think it's possible that this could be at the very least gold fi if not possibly gold so I'm GNA get get out the scratch tester here in a second and then there's this it's a single earring and uh so what I want to do is I'm going to look around the inside of the Hoops you can see there's a dent here it's a single it's Hollow but I've come across lots of pieces like this are similar to this that are gold and lots like this if we flip it around okay yep there we go right here on the top let's see what it says down here what does that say can we tell something almost like a heart and something else it's indicating something let me get my Loop out all right success I looked it up with my Loop and it says it has a heart the letters o r and then it says 14k so we have a 14 karat gold single hoop air in here but it's light it's maybe barely weighs a gram let's see here half a gram well 14 karat is around $36 right now for a gram so you know we're looking at5 to $17 probably for that just that one piece of gold and so with this just one piece all this stuff that has come out that we've talked about this one piece was worth the $10 investment and now I got to get out my scratch test and check these out and see what's going on there I now have my 14 of my 10 karat gold out I have my scratch plate here and I got my two pieces that I want to uh test with regard to these pieces I'm going to scratch both this end right here of um goodness my gracious there we go I'm going to scratch this part and also this part and I want to verify that they're they're they're both made out of gold and then I'm going to check in on this I'm going to scratch the side here on a spot that's inconspicuous you wouldn't notice and see what it yields okay this piece I scratched right here these I I scratch right here and right there now this turns silver immediately it's a gold color but I scratched it silver that's kind of a dead giveaway that that's not going to be gold but these right here we got to we're going to have to really get in and see uh if they work and I got to drop this uh this stuff here and we're going to take a look okay got the 10 carat gold here we're going to drip a little drip on this and see what happens now if it ate that right away it would not have any gold content at all if it takes a while then it's got um you know maybe some gold content maybe it's gold fill or goldplated but that's holding up pretty darn well okay to the 14 karat it's not it's not smoking it doesn't seem like it's eating it at all um it's just sitting there and that's a really good sign folks really good sign so what I'm going to do now the reason I did two scratches that I can beat watching that 10 karat and meanwhile I'm going to come over here with a 14 karat okay and I'm going to drip that on over here on this one we're going to see what happens now can it hold up to the 14 karat well it mix but you can kind of see it smoking a little bit maybe can you tell also if you look at that it's turning kind of a coppery color it that means it's it's eaten at it it's eaten the gold portion and the other metals that's mixed with it and it it leaves the Copper at the last it's eating eating eating eating eating eating so that means this is likely a 10 karat although it's holding up it's still holding up pretty well also let's let's give it a little bit more time here and take a look all right so this confirmed not gold goes in the the singles pile up here okay this one 14 karat gold about a half a gram and these uh because the 10 karat didn't eat it but the 14 karat did these are 10 karat solid gold earrings they're not marked with the screw backs that means they're older probably 1800s possibly old enough that the Purity standards that required the Stampin weren't uh in place yet and these are gold so now we're going to come over here and see well how heavy are our 10 oops hold on how heavy are our 10 karat gold uh earrings go back to zero there we go and here all right looking at about 2 and2 grams of 10 karat gold uh we got to I got to check what the the gold price is uh right now for um 10 karat gold but I believe it's in the like24 to $26 a gram range so you know probably because they're old and antique I could get somewhere around $75 to $100 for this pair of earrings um let's just call it 75 plus maybe 30 bucks for this um so looking at you know over $100 in this gold we've got um not that right here this silver pile uh you know 50 some grams probably 40 bucks there we're let's call it $140 and then you know I'll sell this jar of of remnants beads everything else I might be able to squeeze 200 bucks out of this lot that I paid $10 for today and I'm quite happy about that thanks again all you cousins out there for tuning in today hopefully you learned something um we're going to get into some other stuff here today uh we'll be bringing another video to you very soon and also what's sold it's got a fresh that channel also done here at the warehouse got a fresh video out today on that as well so please check it out in our other channels and subscribe if you can we surely do appreciate it take care be safe and good luck treasure hunt let's go make some money rusty rusty rusty to rusty rusty rusty to rusty rusty rusty to Rusty that's
Channel: Rusty The Reseller
Views: 5,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Resell, reseller, reselling, ebay reseller, full-time reseller, ebay tips, ebay selling, reseller tips, reseller guide, reseller advice, reseller how to, vintage, thrifting, garage sale, yard sale, estate sale, antique store, goodwill haul, pawn shop, sourcing, make money on ebay, work for yourself, rusty how to, be your own boss, work from home, rusty the reseller, make money, make money online
Id: u-2jWFp5J60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 59sec (2399 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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