GOODFELLAS Final Scene (1990) Martin Scorsese

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okay go ahead it's right in there right there [Applause] [Music] Aaron Karen what happened Karen no what happened what happened Karen I just getting it Ransom you all right yeah [Laughter] if you're part of a crew nobody ever tells you that they're going to kill you doesn't happen that way there aren't any arguments or curses like in the movies see your murderers come with smiles they come as your friends the people have cared for you all of your life and they always seem to come at a time when you're at your weakest and most in need of their help so I met Jimmy in a crowded place we both knew I got there 15 minutes early and I saw that Jimmy was already there he took the booth near the window so we could see everyone who drove up to the restaurant he wanted to make sure I wasn't tailed he was jumpy he hadn't touched the thing on the surface of course everything was supposed to be fine we were supposed to be discussing my case but I had the feeling Jimmy was trying to sense whether I was going to rat him out to save my neck I'll be telling you your whole life don't talk on a [ __ ] phone right now you understand huh it's gonna be okay I think you got a good chance of being the case but you know that kid you know from the city we're talking about you know yeah the kid turned out to be a rat as soon as he got pinched he ratted everybody out you're ready you saw him out I know where he is he's hiding now he's nice I'm saying would you have a problem going Anthony on vacation and take care of it no not at all I wait again huh Jimmy had never asked me to whack somebody before but now he's asking me to go down to Florida and do a hit with Anthony that's when I knew I would never have come back from Florida alive and you mean whenever you moved me I asked you once and I want to tell you again I don't want to go any place it's cold you really don't have a choice in that matter Ed come on just whoever [ __ ] controls it just no place called all right do that for me I'm trying to um but if he's legitimately bronchial we'll take them into consideration would you like to go someplace it's not cold okay can I can I ask you some questions here what about my parents am I gonna see them am I going to talk to them I mean don't I have some kind of contact with them no no wait a minute wait a minute you mean to tell me that God forbid something happens to my parents and they get sick I can't go and see them maybe something can be worked out sick if there's some extraordinary set of circumstances maybe something to do this I can't do this Henry I can't excuse me Karen for if you I I'm not gonna do this unless you and the kids come with me I can't do it without you okay so you do whatever but that's it you need Henry you don't need me right that's right and frankly I don't care whether you're going on if it's going to make him a happier witness a better witness I'd like you to be with him you want Henry they don't want me but Henry's gonna be in a witness protection program they're not going to be able to get to him the only way they can get to him is by getting to you getting to your kids if he goes into the program forget about it you're in a great deal of dangerous I don't know anything come on you don't know anything don't give me the babe in the woods routine Karen I've listened to those wiretaps and I've heard you on a telephone you're talking about cocaine conversation after conversation it doesn't matter because whether he goes to jail or whether he stays on the street he beats the case he's a dead man he knows it you know it all right what about the kids with school when they get left back I mean what goes on the Wall Street of those suits had a wonderful sense of humor when it comes down to Karen is with basically your only salvation we're going to save your life we're going to save his life and we're going to keep you out of jail this morning you told the members of this jury about you back it was easy for all of us to disappear my house was in my mother-in-law's name my cars were registered to my wife my social security cards and driver's licenses were phonies I never voted I never paid taxes my birth certificate my arrest sheet that's all you'd ever have to know I was alive see him here in the courtroom today yes please Point him out for the members of the jury please let the record reflect that Mr Hill has identified to defendant James Conway Mr Hill do you also know a man by the name of Paul Cicero yes do you see him here in the courtroom today yes can you point him out for the members of the jury if you want to let the record reflect that Mr Hill has identified the defendant Paul Cicero your honor I have a document that I'd like to have Mark see the hardest thing for me was leaving the life I still love the life and we were treated like movie stars with muscle we had it all just for the asking our wives mothers kids everybody rode along I had paper bags filled with jewelry stashed in the kitchen I had a sugar bowl full of coke next to the bed people call him rats because a rat will do anything to survive isn't that right Mr Hill objection objection system uh but they don't know nothing about being arrested Hill you know everything about being a rat rejection Iran and do of the violence anything I wanted was a phone call away free cars the keys to a dozen Hideout Flats all over the city I'd bet 20 30 grand over a weekend and then I'd either blow the winnings in a week or go to the Sharks to pay back the bookies didn't matter didn't mean anything when I was broke I would go out and Rob some more if he ran everything paid off cops we paid off lawyers we paid off judges everybody had their hands out everything was for the taking and now it's all over and that's the hardest part today everything is different there's no action I have to wait around like everyone else can't even get decent food right after I got here I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup when average nobody get to live the rest of my life like a Snook [Music] [Music]
Channel: JoBlo Movie Clips
Views: 464,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movie clips, movie clip, joblo movie clips, movieclips, clip compilation, 4k, marvel, 2021, joblo, clip, clips, movie scenes, Goodfellas, Goodfellas movie, goodfellas scene, goodfellas clip, goodfellas movie scene, goodfellas martin scorsese, martin scorsese, goodfellas ray liotta, ray liotta, goodfellas joe pesci, goodfellas robert de niro, joe pesci, robert de niro, goodfellas 1990
Id: L1PMraLG8Dw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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