Goodfellas - Dinner in Prison

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in prison dinner was always a big thing we had a pasta course and then we had a meter of fish paully did the prep work he was doing a year for contempt and he had this wonderful system for doing the garlic he used a razor and he used to slice it so thin that it used to liquefy in the pan with just a little oil it's very good system Vinnie was in charge of the tomato sauce wow got the smell treat the kinds of meat and meat B got ve beef and pork ah good but you got to have the pork pork that's that's Flor I felt they used Too Many onions but it was still a very good sauce Vinnie don't put too many onions in the sauce I didn't put too much onions all three small onions that's all I did three onions how many cans of tomatoes you put in there I put two can two can you don't need Johnny Deo did the meat we didn't have a broiler so Johnny did everything in pans I used to smell up the joint something awful and the hack used to die but he still cooked a great steak how do you like your red medium red medium red Aristocrat see you know when you think of prison you get pictures in your mind of all those old movies with rows and rows of guys behind bars but it wasn't like that for Wise Guys it really wasn't that bad something that I missed Jimmy he was doing his time in Atlanta give me two staks while you're in there all right sure enough she goes I mean everybody else in the joint was doing real time all mixed together living like pigs but we lived alone I we own the joint both bed them two son of a you couldn't recognize them good they deserve it even the hacks we couldn't bribe would never R the guys that we did the neighbor had respect people love one another they left your doors open sorry it took so long the skinny guards getting to be a real paint in the ass we going to have to do something about that b I took care of him all right what' you bring all right uh some bread good fresh Vinnie I got your peppers and onions salami buo a lot of cheese come on come on what El SC nice some red wine okay now we could eat I got some white too give me the white too beautiful okay boys let's see come on Fry Vinnie for some more bread tomorrow we atat sandwiches you got to go on a diet kid believe me John yeah
Channel: msturbo2
Views: 1,261,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: goodfellas
Id: 6r_R2pqcpNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 31sec (151 seconds)
Published: Fri May 13 2011
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