The Sopranos - Paulie vs Ralph

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nice all cracking that strongbox almost 100k please my head [ __ ] weak now well let's see after you kick upstairs you'll net what are you my accountant I'm better with numbers than nine-tenths of your accounts and I've been arrears and a respect Department how would she [ __ ] you talking about your future stepson card game come on he pissed on your leg killed your dealer shot at to wait guys hey you're talking [ __ ] that's none of your business and B I'm gonna give that little [ __ ] our mots he'll never forget as soon as we can locate housing project and [ __ ] Boonton so there's 50 G's you think you deserve it deserve of guts it's my territory but it's me Tony Tony Tommy what is it it's really fetal you said to call in five minutes no no no I'm not doing nothing important right now Oh what can I do to be continued looks like Tony needs me we'll work this out another time just suck of [ __ ] Ralph that's what I gotta talk to you about he didn't pay me that 50 G's he owes me that comes out that check cashing store on Morristown you lost me I got an alarm guy on my payroll I tipped Ralphie's guys about the safe gave them the colds so Ruffy says that don't says I'll talk to him buddy [ __ ] that I've been telling you for months now this guy's no good and I need that money for my long-range planning I want to sit down all right you're late well come on I can be on time well you'll be stupid seven I was at my gumad all night ro with the grief poor kid can't get any sleep there it's incessant so what's the talk first what's the [ __ ] talk about I'm owed that 50 G's [ __ ] alarm called 50 G's five tops maybe as a finder's fee friggin heist fell in your left you spend your days [ __ ] old fat pigs in the other office at the Carpenters Union three mil a year from construction this family sees alright fives just the negotiating platform take it easy that's not five we all know that this guy's did the heavy lift little Paulie was good to go [ __ ] a car never came they left him waiting outside his house like an [ __ ] [ __ ] 11 degree weather I'll forgive them 12k I can't believe this why not last year you believed that flying saucer was over he's Rutherford I'm not gonna tell you again hey I'm asking you to reconsider this Paulie you requested a sit-down he heard you out oh jesus [ __ ] christ I'm leaving $38,000 on the tape yeah I'd like to make a collect call area code nine one seven speak okay I'll take it upward oh how you doing you know thanks for the stance how you getting on I feel old listen John I just want to say I hope your feelings weren't hurt to bed and that it never got back to the missus [ __ ] you talking about never mind let it die a debt what joke John you're better off not hearing it trust me [ __ ] that I demand you tell me Paulie Roth came through with those jobs what did Tony say was Tony made him do it I wished Albert happy birthday for you always bet to see my MA I don't think anybody Paulie Chrissy says Tony sent us some chocolates whoa Chrissy said T made a killing in real estate down Phelan Eisen that Assemblyman guy hyped to it Ralph told this funny [ __ ] joke though ed UM at Albert's party he goes Ginny sack had a 95-pound mole surgically taken off her ass he said that yeah and you think it's funny medicine takes time out of me Pauly told Johnny you think so he hates my success thinking about that birthday dinner always there when I told the Ginny sack joke how poorly I remember Albert say you didn't get a gift it was little Paulie the witless [ __ ] nephew he told Paulie Paulie tells Johnny [ __ ] telephone game like high school girls want to play phone games that party was the only time I ever mentioned shamon was fat ass hello Verona Green Grove retirement home something just connect me [ __ ] don't ya hello uh I'd like to talk to a mrs. Baltierra she's a resident there hello yes hi this is detective mike hunt Beaver Falls Pennsylvania Police Department you have a son Peter Paul oh my god what happened we found him in a public men's room in Lafayette Park I don't know how to put this delicately he was sucking a Cub Scouts dick what no it's a mistake ma'am I wish that was all uh-huh but I'm afraid we had to have emergency surgery performed upon arrival at headquarters at the discovery of a small rodent in the rectal passage oh my god a gerbil ma'am the county does not cover medical procedures deemed caused by criminal sexual activity Shin for paragraph 15 we'll need an insurance number well moto and I have Blue Cross Blue Shield is that Alright Matt ma'am could you hold on for one second I have the hospital on the other line fight how's it go man thanks for the flowers beautiful that poor [ __ ] guy well Kim and his alligator tears put his kids in the hospital little [ __ ] sympathy huh that gives him a piss I don't care if he's got a hundred kids in the ICU with arrows in their heads he's a piece of [ __ ] you know it and I know who got you those no-show jobs it's not a word of gratitude he's a saint you forget the thousand incidents with that guy getting a hospital take a look how he [ __ ] owns I know once that miserable prick called Myra at the home yeah put him on xanax just so he could sleep she was in the hospital unit for an hour and a half with nervous bowel syndrome whatever happened there that I was [ __ ] up [ __ ] up you don't know him was your friend here and I promise you something else on my own man's grave I get proof Oh with him he's a [ __ ] corpse nobody's killing anybody
Channel: borko
Views: 1,878,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Sopranos, The Sopranos funny, Paulie Walnuts Gualtieri, borkomcl, Tony Sirico, Tony Soprano, Silvio Dante, Ginny Sack joke
Id: 0xo7ialb4aU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 18 2018
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