The Sopranos - Walking out from sitdowns - compilation

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I was in traffic tunnel was a little backed up this time of day GW zip right over all right let's straighten this out I talked to the guy over Fernandez Paving the accountant and that has been using this joke for years anyway turns out you're right guy's been adding 50 gallons of seal in every thousand yards excuse me I can't do this Let's Roll I can't listen to this [ __ ] I'm trying to explain [ __ ] you John please don't [ __ ] John me hey we're trying to settle this it's not about that I'm sorry Carmen I can't be in the same room with this man is it safe we just got a new cell phone talk on it once you toss it totally untraceable that's what the Taliban used to do let's get started I don't know what's coming in with the baby later hello see that yeah Tom okay you're all set just talking today what's that Tony Junior's coming how you doing I'm going to the pool house that's how I'm doing when you had that Rico trial what did that run you where you going I told you I got to pick up Sophia Junior we do this already yeah yeah right um Johnny and Ralph sephoretta right John's wife that's correct who's underwire now oh so what did Rob do exactly he made a very hurtful remark it's not worth repeating it's not important let's just agree it was unkind let's point out to it's only been a ledge something was said he allegedly said what he said to a group of people friends of Oz if you weren't there how do you know it's true I'm not at Liberty to say somebody in my family is talking out of school and you're not at the beginning to say who I should be making the beef here my nephew is right let's stick to the issue a horrible insult was made against Jenny and the [ __ ] story I want to avenge your honor is this my right to do all right fine you tell me who told you about it we'll bring him in here he corroborates what you're saying I'll give you Ralph on a platter nothing sacred I mean this is my wife we're talking about here if this were years ago where they even have had to ask I mean what happened to this thing for God's sake we've been more rules than the Catholic Church the soul for the sake of argument Ralph said what you think he said is clipping Him Gonna unring that Bell nobody's getting clipped I want satisfaction would you accept an apology that ship has sailed you're being unreasonable John Russell is the only one who knows how to handle the Esplanade but Pat the corvo in there there were millions of dollars at stake again with the money yeah again with the money and sell John so read the name of place to get the [ __ ] over it foreign what would you say to a piece of Rob's company John just think about it at least what caused me is that before little Karma I went to Florida and I was actually close I was in his wedding party for Christ's sake organized this whole [ __ ] bachelor party lesbian show [ __ ] [ __ ] disgusting then when they had that kid with the lung problem what do you think on that doctor on Park Avenue put her over the damn huh I had no idea you guys were that close close we were like brothers it's a shame then you can't find a way to work things out give me a piece of bread huh have you thought about this maybe you let him keep Lorraine and you take a bigger piece of his Florida [ __ ] the clubs if I want to worry about Florida I would move to [ __ ] Miami you know it wasn't long ago I remember you used to wait in the car as far as I'm concerned you should still be there John it was your truck he was just everybody's got a goddamned opinion I didn't say nothing to him what the [ __ ] did I say I'm sorry T I just thought I'm gonna unfuck with you just [ __ ] up gonna do something nice for Johnny like what what the [ __ ] am I supposed to do 625k for the track plus all that land that's it that was the zoning restrictions well lucky we got a buyer at all this is what I propose it's all he gets 150. 25 comes from you the other 75 percent of that comes from hash Jesus Christ that's like 40 Grand you got to be [ __ ] kidding me John am I smiling you got some balls kid I'll give you that much you'll give me what I tell you to give oh I'll tell you all right take it easy take it easy [ __ ] that just ain't the 70s and I'm not a kid relax it's an expression well here's another expression you got five days to give me my money come on that was out of line Philly he's a boss Josie come on huh as you know Phil asked me to arranged his meeting after the fire in his wire room correction you asked me to [ __ ] attend I agreed fair enough now I won't call it a sit down because of the inclement negative implications let's think of it as A Meeting of Minds now for whatever reason certain incidents have expired lately that in addition to being dangerous could have an adverse impact on our respective bottom lines I know Vito's bottom was impacted if that's what you're referring to call them what you will but you're talking about one of my captains captain The Good Ship Lollipop right Phil please please my ass the man was a [ __ ] disgrace but before we came out of the closet he worked for me and he put a lot of money in my pocket and yours too talk about Earnest how about fat Dom gamiello a lot of people are concerned for his well-being so what the [ __ ] would I know about that well as coincidence would have it it was less seen in New Jersey so was the Hindenburg maybe you want to look into that too Tony please Phil we're getting off point I grew up in this guys and I just lost my friend Rusty and for reasons I will discern in time believe me there's one thing my father taught me it's this a pint of blood costs more than a gallon of gold my business all of our businesses this infighting's costing money I want to move forward let the past be bygones fine with me a wise decision on both your parts now what I'd love to see is a truce wipe the Slate clean the no shows the wire room veto put it all behind us your brother Billy whatever happened there all right then whatever happened there the shooting whatever happened there God Rest his soul man I'll tell you what [ __ ] happened this piece of shit's cousin put Six Bullets in the kid without any provocation whatsoever my cousin's dead [ __ ] you hey we were making Headway here I didn't mean to say what you meant [ __ ] come on Jesus Christ come on what the [ __ ] why would you possibly bring that up
Channel: borko
Views: 731,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Sopranos, Tony Soprano, Phil Leotardo, Johnny Sack and Paulie, Carmine Lupertazzi, The Sopranos funny, Junior Soprano, Vito Sopranos, Tony and Phil Sopranos, Silvio Sopranos, The Sopranos sitdowns
Id: XD7Ux82VrUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2023
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