Falling Down - "Korean Convenience Store"

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I get some change for the phones Lord says have to buy something I don't understand 85 cent 85 cent 85 cents that doesn't give me enough money for the phone call I'll give you 50 cents you give me 50 cents change no way yes way drink 85 cent you pay go what's a fire I don't understand a fighter to thee in the word just five you know got these in China not Chinese I'm waria whatever you come to my country you take my mind you don't even have the grace learn how to speak my language you're Korean you have any idea how much money my country has given your country how much I don't know it's gotta be allowed to be better men's you go now not trouble I stay what do you think of that take your hands wait stop it I speak slowly and distinctly take the money you think I'm a thief no see I'm not the thief I'm not the one charging 85 cents for his digging soda you're the thief just standing up for my rights as a consumer I'm rolling back prices to 1965 what do you think of that donis package of six how much power 12 too much aspirin price 340 double A batteries package of four [ __ ] 429 nice try I hate this whole whole shelf looks up one soda 12 ounces 57 so as you're frequenting your establishment
Channel: Cookiemon
Views: 4,531,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Falling, Down, Korean, Convenience, Store
Id: a2YRMixW9u8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 48sec (288 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2009
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