Good Will Hunting (1997) ♥Movie Reaction♥ First Time Watching!

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hiya how you doing hopefully your day is going amazingly if it's not maybe I can make it just a little bit better I'm whimsery and today we're going to be doing something different no we're not we're going to do the exact same thing as we always do so last we watched Terminator we are going back to the list and we're going to go up higher this time and we're going to pick it random sound good okay Goodwill Hunting 1997. why because uh I have never heard of it okay so also I filmed this before I posted my first video so before I had comments and recommendations so yeah um I'll pretty much work off of the recommendations after this one but yeah I'm not just like ignoring comments and stuff I'm just a really editor today I want to see who's in it okay okay so it looks like Matt Damon um who surprisingly I I've never seen anything with Matt Damon in it I know him from a South Park joke and that is all Ben Affleck don't recognize him I I've heard of him I know he's famous uh but yeah no I don't know him uh Robin Williams I don't know not really I know who Robin Williams is okay I'm not a crazy person I'm not an alien I love Robin Williams everything he's ever been in has been magical and amazing he's very lovable and hilarious um which means this is going to be a good movie it actually better be a good movie because it's number 81 on the list meaning it's twice as good as Terminator or twice as good as it's it's higher up on the list okay selling Skarsgard I actually I know that is you want to know how I know because I love musicals and he's in Mamma Mia and he's amazing anyway okay oh I love the music oh Danny Elfman that that's why it sounds so pretty sounds like a movie I'm gonna like if that makes sense I'm just excited that I'm Gonna Know Who Matt Damon is now after this oh what a mess oh someone lives there oh geez let's really run down thinking that's our main character right there I mean I've lived in terrible places myself so sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do come mod ethics Square DX oh there he is thank you I also put an advanced for your system on the main hallway chalkboard oh he's so young I'm hoping that one of you might prove it by the end of the former winners include Noble laureates and lowly MIT professors don't ask me what any of that means on the board there because I couldn't tell you uh so he's a maintenance guy okay so let's see work at the college where are you going I'm gonna take off [ __ ] you you say I get off it's like what 10 o'clock see right in there what you got oh yeah no you use it or lose it I can't tell you what that means but he seems to know hmm seems like a very quiet job stop rushing me back stop crowding the plate uh now oh are you trying to kill him or what it's still time come on [Music] Professor Lambo we're all up at the math and science building it's Saturday we just couldn't wait until Monday to find out what who proved the fear huh oh that's what um the the blonde guy was writing last night was just correct who did this the maintenance guy come on kid he's a guy she's good well nosy [ __ ] car mine's got packed that kid used to beat the [ __ ] out of me in kindergarten this accent oh that's a crowded car so give me that [ __ ] sandwich you mean you're a sandwich I bought it I don't be an [ __ ] well yeah he is rude hey hold up Jack what do we got I don't know yet that doesn't look good I would stay away just keep driving just keep oh seconds when I'm done with them you're on next it's me Will remember we went to kindergarten together oh looking for a fight not the face it's always the face oh oh no no no you're gonna mess him up oh oh my gosh yeah you can't do that why would you do that come forward to silent Road and receive thy prize is even in there well I'm sorry to disappoint my Spectators but it seems there will be no unmasking here today there is a problem on the board right now that took us more than two years to prove I love his accent oh yeah so he was in jail so he wasn't in that classroom he's a little messed up not too bad though I want to see the other day he's back at it you found your guy professor sorry oh why is he sorry what's your name he's very rude oh my God it looks right so he's like super smart super smart and very angry and beats people up and he's kind of rude why did you get fireworks come on management was restructuring my uncle could probably get you on a demo team can you do that I love how both of them are just messed up this guy so do you ladies uh do I think I had a class with you I am I not remember me hey how's it going how are you good how you doing you want it who are you I remember that class it was um it was just between recess and lunch go away just having fun with my new friend that's all but we could have a problem prior to the Revolutionary War could most aptly be characterized as oh he's calling him stupid that's gonna last until next year you're gonna be in here regurgitating Gordon Wood pre-revolutionary Utopia and the capital forming effects of military mobilization okay I y'all are smart yeah I read that too were you going to plagiarize the whole thing for us do you have any thoughts of your own on this matter oh on it off it's your own idea just to impress some girls embarrass my friend wow you dropped 150 Grand on a [ __ ] education you could have got for a dollar fifty in late hatches at the public library oh my gosh yeah but I will have a degree and you'll be serving my kids fries at a drive-through ew this guy but at least I won't be unoriginal you could just step outside we could figure it out damn yeah very confrontational I wish I could do that I had comebacks like that it'd be amazing are you like me not you didn't do anything you're an idiot what you're an idiot I've been sitting over there for 45 minutes waiting for you to come and talk to me tired now and I have to go home I'm well Skyla it's there's my number so maybe we can go out for coffee sometimes just get together and eat a bunch of caramels well and think about it says arbitrary is drinking coffee so he's kind of awkward I'm guessing she said she was waiting for him for 45 minutes why didn't she go to him see I would never do that oh there he is again he's back you like apples what yeah well I got a number how do you like their Maps oh I don't think he likes them apples that's that's pretty good kind of rude but he deserved it that guy was a jerk what can I do for you I just need the name of a student who works here I can't give you his name unless you have a complaint got this job through his PO you can call him po parole officer [ __ ] I am afforded the right to speak in my own defense sir I've been sitting here for 10 minutes now looking over this rap sheet of yours June 93 assault Grand Theft Auto February 94. oh my gosh he's been around January 95 impersonating an officer Mayhem theft resisting holy crap I'm also aware that you've been through several foster homes the state removed you from three because of serious physical abuse but you hit a cop you're going in fifty thousand dollar bail he couldn't talk himself out of it well you know the really funny good looking guy you met at the bar the other night he wrote just that description oh I remember you from two oh I was wondering maybe we could get together sure worry there's no chance that you're uh free law is that oh my gosh so he's been in trouble his whole life it looks like nice talking to you he's a smart ass too [ __ ] do you want oh I'm Gerald Lambo professor at Tilton [ __ ] yourself uh yeah I've spoken to the judge I disagreed to release you out of my supervision he did you a huge favor on the two conditions meet with me every week and the second condition is that that you see a therapist if you fail you will have to serve time all right I'll do the math but I'm not going to meet with any [ __ ] therapist it's a good deal take it oh he better just see a therapist it's not hard I wonder if this actually means something or if it's just like some letters and numbers they're just like no one will get it anyway they'll just assume they're smart they'll get the they'll get the idea anybody understand what that means you should comment tell me if it's real or not also you're very smart if you know no more tomfoolery no more Ballyhoo you're right no more Ballyhoo will do you find it hard to hide the fact that you're gay what I don't have a problem with it I can't do this pro bono because more it's just not it's not worth it an absolute limit I don't think he's crazy I think he's just really really rude how old are you what do you see it's a figure it's the hovering over me sky rockets in flight he's messing with you until noon to light and better things to do with my time oh no he's gonna leave too you really hypnotized me you know how many therapists have you gone through get out wheels I don't need therapy what do you want to do well there is someone who is he a roommate in college I wonder how many therapists he's scared off oh hi why is trust the most important thing trust is is uh trust his life that'd be my answer trust is life bro hey Jay Professor Gerald Lambeau Fields Medal winner it's like the Nobel Prize for math so how long has it been since we've seen each other yeah I'm sorry oh I got you God I got probation and then uh counseling two days a week I'm very busy this boy is incredible what makes him so incredible his genius was unparalleled boys just like that a bit defensive just a bit I need someone who can get through to him how many shrinks you go to before me five yeah Barry yeah more than I thought just meet with them please please do it do it you probably even read your book it's Let The Healing begin oh what is wrong with you yeah of course yeah why are you in there in the first place he can't open up if there's other people in there do you like books yeah you read any of these books the yellow books why don't you read he acts like he's not interested but he is what whatever blows your hair back you paint that yeah like that that it's a real piece of [ __ ] well tell me what you really think you haven't heard the saying any part in the storm yeah maybe that means you the sky is falling on your head the waves are crashing over your little boat maybe you do what you got to do to get out you know maybe you became a psychologist let me do my job now you still up with me maybe you married the wrong woman well he didn't like that nothing has offended him so far he's just chill about everything but he didn't like that comment you ever disrespect my wife again I thank you got the chief time's up oh he didn't fight him back that's nice he usually does I'll understand if you don't want to meet with him yeah Thursday oh wow you are a very patient man he did nothing but insult you though the whole time the whole time he was in there oh he looks sad I want to know more about him are you at my house just kidding I do dishes sometimes oh he's said he's on by himself this hurts my heart I hate it yes I always want to stop blue eyeshadow my brain's gonna be worth 250 000 I bet your parents were happy to pay Ryan Heritage the money wow lucky you wait wait where are they what is this yeah it does it looks better when I have my rabbit oh they're so cute he's being nice to her I was hoping for a guest I guess oh why would you just get out of the way now your mouth is full you guys are eating you're still chewing oh gosh I was actually cute for some reason I think I got some of your pickles ew I rip off the Band-Aid though I like how he's he's being nice to her the whole time so far this is really nice gotta think for swans because it's like a fetish why fell into a deep peaceful sleep I haven't thought about you since good be just a kid you've never been out of bastard you can't tell me what it feels like to wake up next to a woman and feel truly happy you never held your best friend's head in your lap watch him gasp his last breath wait is he telling his story it's horrible you've never looked at a woman and been totally vulnerable feeling like God put an angel on Earth just for you and you wouldn't know what it's like to be her angel through anything through cancer sitting up in a hospital room for two months because the doctors could see in your eyes that the terms visiting hours don't apply to you you don't know about real loss because that only occurs when you love something more than you love yourself you're an orphan right do you think I'd know the first thing about how hard your life has been because I've heard Oliver Twist is he actually getting through to him he's got this wall up he's not saying anything mean for once though well that hurt my heart I like how he's he's saying you know you can't understand me that fast I'm not that simple neither are you I like that this is the worst feeling ever to be misunderstood he's trying hello Professor you're calling me again back when you like had to answer the phone because you don't know who it is who did you call no and I forgot the number no it was your mother's 900 number I just ran out of Claude they're always fighting yet they're friends they're always hanging out together no smoking oh set to counting the seconds until the session was over it's pretty impressive actually just staring at each other prove to me doesn't have to talk to me if he doesn't want to I wrote it down it's simply this way sometimes people get lucky you're a brilliant man you're seriously just gonna sit there in silence oh my gosh she's just wasting time he is stubborn you know I was on his plane once going out again I don't know why not I haven't called it you did but you didn't say anything so call her up from you why so I can realize she's not that smart that she's [ __ ] boring maybe you're perfect right now maybe you don't want to ruin that that way you can go through your entire life without ever having to really know anybody I I suppose so my wife used to fart when she was nervous she used to fart in the Sleep one night it was so loud about the dog oh no oh was that you see I didn't have the heart to talk oh she's been dead two years and that's the [ __ ] I remember those are the things I missed the most people call these things imperfections but they're not I agree with that and then we get to choose who we let into our weird Little Worlds I like that this girl you met she isn't perfect either yeah would you want her to be a piece of [ __ ] I didn't say I know how to do it you ever think about getting remarried my wife's dead I think that's a super philosophy show time's up hello hey where have you been I've been really busy I thought you'd call you did you know let me take you out again tomorrow um yeah all right it's kind of awkward at least he finally did it he went up there that was very brave that's a good step I have 12 Big Brothers well they called Maki Ricky Danny Terry Mikey Davey Timmy Tommy Joey Robbie Johnny and Brian say again Maki Ricky Danny Terry Mikey Davey Timmy Tommy Joey Robbie Johnny and Brian that is a really good test to see if he's lying I'm living with three of them right now do you ever wonder what your life would be like if you never met your wife I don't regret a single day I spent with her when did you know like like that she was the one for you October 21st 1975. wow I was sitting in a bar waiting for the game to stop and in walks this girl you missed Pudge fish home run oh yeah to have a [ __ ] drink with some lady you never met she was a stunner I said sorry guys I gotta see about a girl they saw in my eyes that I meant it I'm not sure as hell don't regret missing a damn game she was worth it they're friends now when am I gonna meet your friends and your brothers you have lady brought Skyler here we bombed a drink they're always bickering circus she had me spilled all over herself telling the joke she's fun I like her it was nice to meet you oh she's fitting right in with them though wait a minute so we're gonna see your place No not tonight uh no we're gonna do that another time you talked a minute all about his future no I'm still banging away at the past my phones be ringing off the hook with job offers I don't really think he's ready for that it's better than what he's been doing this isn't about nothing compared to this young man I'm over here with Gerald Lambo yeah he's sitting right there he just hasn't got the direction but we can give that direction hey Tammy who's Ted Kaczynski beautiful oh Direction's one thing manipulation's another why don't we give him time to figure out what he wants it worked wonders for you didn't it you guys are both right come on we've already offered you a position you think you can find somebody you've done that's not will what are you doing here you want us to give you cash right now really fancy your situation would be concurrently improved pulling out those Million Dollar Words yes suspect why is he there here 2-4 you're speaking like that they're like oh my gosh that's not what we were expecting will to be like because it's not will you want some help no sorry do you have a photographic memory I don't know I just kind of remember so yes so much fun studying organic chemist nobody studies it for fun you do it so easily I don't understand Beethoven okay he looked at a piano and it just made sense Beethoven Mozart they saw it they could just play when it came to stuff like that I could always just play it must be nice it's the best I can explain there's people out there paying so much for that like her I have to tell you something oh I've been here for four years and I've only just found you where you found me yeah you did eventually so it's all good I know that feeling though it wasted so much time stupid crap no I never understood that question are you awake I want you to come to California I might find out something about me you don't like oh he's doing it again I just wanted to come to California with me do it I can't go to California why why not I've got a job here I live here if you don't love me you should just tell me because it's such a lovely you live in the safe little world where no one challenges you tell me about my world you're going to marry some rich prick who your parents will approve of you're afraid of me you're afraid that I won't love you back I want to give it a shot and at least I'm honest with you what about your 12 Brothers do you have 12 Brothers I don't think so what do you want to know that I'm a [ __ ] orphan no you don't want to hear that I got [ __ ] cigarettes put out of me when I was a little kid you don't want to hear that [ __ ] Skyla I just want to be with you because I love you don't [ __ ] me oh I love you you know what cool is oh it's hard to watch I don't love you oh my gosh that hurts why did he say that what are you doing you're useless self-destructive most people never get to see how brilliant they can be I hope you appreciate what he's doing that was so sad but consider pretty sure it's right take it home with you what happened at the McNeil meeting I sent my chief negotiator that's what we're calling him your dumb friend in your own time you can do whatever you like well you don't show up it reflects poorly on me it was a really fancy meeting I just wanted you to see what was out there she makes everything so difficult do you know how easy this is for me I'm sorry you can't do this I really am because this is probably a total waste of my time oh my gosh most times I wish I'd never I didn't have to walk around with a knowledge that there was someone like you out there I didn't have to watch you throw it all away that's what I'm saying he doesn't even appreciate his talents if you're watching pornos in my mom's room again I'm gonna give you a [ __ ] beat that's [ __ ] filthy come on not in my glove he's out of breath that's my little bit you'll hump a baseball glove I just use it for cleanup that's way worse it's just sad bro well the question isn't why should you work for the NSA question is why shouldn't you don't butcher this say I'm working at the NSA and somebody puts a code on my desk maybe that code was the location of some Rebel Army in North Africa now the politicians are saying I was sending the Marines so he's walking to the [ __ ] job interviews which sucks because the shrapnel in his ass has given him chronic hemorrhoid the whole mouth is something better you feel like you're alone will he's retelling it I could still remember it like that how somebody who challenges you Shakespeare Nietzsche Frost Okana can't Pope block that's great they're all dead all you see is every negative thing 10 miles down the road that's what I'm saying you're born with it so don't cop out behind I didn't ask for this sure that's why you took that job I mean for the honor of it you could be a janitor anywhere why did you work at the most prestigious Technical College in the whole [ __ ] world oh good point you sneak around at night and finish other people's formulas that only one or two people in the world could do true he commutes that far because he he wants to be at that building I want to be a Shepherd can't take anything seriously I thought we were friends look at you you [ __ ] burnout I talk about soul mates where is she dead what do you want to do but I ask you a very simple question and you can't give me a straight answer see you both people Bo Peep I just wanted to you know call you up uh before you left this is frustrating well you know I never really cared about that I love you oh she's still trying take care oh my gosh look he's just afraid he's afraid of failure before he so he doesn't even try that's so frustrating I get it but it's just ah it's hard to watch as everyone does that a little bit but he's just doing it his whole life she's leaving without him he missed his chance [Music] my camera keeps dying well if he doesn't show up and I file a report won't be on my conscious so how's your lady as she's gone she's gone it's like a week ago he's acting like he doesn't even care that sucks yeah it does I want a way out of here for I mean I'm gonna [ __ ] live here the rest of my life for 20 years if you're still living here still working construction I'll [ __ ] kill you you don't know what to yourself you owe it to me oh cause I do [ __ ] anything to have what you got every day I come by your house and I pick you up you know what the best part of my day is for about 10 seconds I think maybe I'll get up there and I'll knock on the door and you won't be there oh he loves him so much he just wants him to be in a better place don't you dare undermine what I'm trying to do here why doesn't he trust anybody because the first thing that happened to him he was abandoned come on don't give me that Freud all right he's got a point he pushes people away before they have a chance to leave him and if you push him right now it's going to be the same thing all over again and I'm not going to let that happen to him you resent me you angry at me for doing what you could have done I hate that they're fighting you think I'm a failure I know who I am feel smells it feels metal well you can have it shove the middle of your [ __ ] ass oh I hate this you you guessed that he's listening he's here I can come back that's awkward but he doesn't want you guys to fight a lot of that stuff goes back a long way between me and him yeah you can tell not about you this is some deep-seated issues that they never resolved have you had any experience with that hmm yeah the father was an alcoholic so I'd provoke him so I wouldn't go after my mother and little brother will has an attachment disorder is it all that stuff fear of abandonment we're here it makes me so angry beautiful it's not your fault [Laughter] [Music] you know when that happens you've been holding so much in and it's just it's Gotta come out oh that was this is this is a lot of fun for me but that was a good sign he actually you know he actually let himself feel something and just shut him down make jokes run away I love the music what you up to can I help you yeah I'm a Will Hunting or about a position oh I'm here for a position he didn't send his dumb friend I like his friend though cares about him I won't call him the dumb friend anymore I went down there and I talked to my boss and my new boss he seemed like a good guy good job congratulations yeah thanks I just want you to know Sean you're welcome oh you don't need to say anything it's in your heart son you'll be fine do what's in your heart I like his accent it's probably like the patient doctor relationship only if you grab my ass this is so cute good luck son oh I hope he gets that girl back I need this I need this to work okay that was too sad he can't leave her like that it's the ugliest car I ever seen in my life oh my gosh he's so rude mine's not that cutie there I'm not gonna lie Sean I am me too Jerry that's it class of 72 is having a reunion in six months where did you come I'll buy you a drink they're friends again okay [Music] oh he's knocking on the door hoping that he doesn't answer 10 seconds it'd be a weird feeling like he'd be sad but she'd be happy for him too oh it's not there he gets the front seat now if the professor calls about that job just tell him sorry so I had to go see about a girl oh he's gonna do it son of a [ __ ] he did he really did this might be the half banding I love that okay I'm going to do a little bit of editing re-watch a couple parts and I will be right now upon further inspection AKA editing the video at a snail's pace I realized that Ben Affleck and Matt Damon actually wrote the script and then went on to star in it which is actually crazy to me because they are in their 20s still um it makes me feel like I have never done anything with my life and I'll never accomplish anything like I anticipated Robin Williams is amazing I just love him in every role he's ever done and this one was no different he has a way of just making you making you feel something I don't think there's been a Robin Williams movie that I I haven't hasn't made me cry basically I think he does in Aladdin he didn't make me cry in Aladdin go me anyway um it was just fantastic like the acting the script what a frustrating character though will was I can't remember being more like annoyed and frustrated by a character he just he gets in his own way just the entire time and it's like the only person who can kind of talk him out of it seems to be you know Sean and they're they're they're kind of they're kind of they have like a they have like a symbiotic relationship they have like uh they help each other you know I feel I feel like will need Sean as much as Sean needs will um in his healing process over his wife and yeah I've never seen a character just sabotage everything in his life all the time over and over again like you know he finds this perfect girl find me a girl who's that patient and smart and pretty they don't grow on trees and he just throws her away because he's scared because she might end up being actually a boring person maybe he got her all wrong and he wants her to stay perfect in his mind so he doesn't want to so he's just gonna end up like just not living his life that's so frustrating I was so happy that there was a happy ending I wasn't expecting it I was expecting it to be sad I was expecting him to just continue on his way and be annoying but thing about it is like you can't just be annoyed by will I am a firm believer in nurture over nature I don't believe anyone's born a certain way I believe that their childhood kind of shapes them you know and if you have such a rough start like that like will had it's like how do you get out of that how do you get out of that of course he's going to be effective and it was just beautiful that you know Sean came in at just the right time and was able to pull him out of it and I think he wouldn't have been able to do that without you know Professor limbo being like breathing down his neck like trying to trying to pull the pull the talent out of him and just being like we have to we have to do this now we have to do this now or he's he's a lost cause you know I feel like he would have given up on him sooner uh yeah what stood out to me in this movie was the performances like the acting was just top-notch like the chemistry was perfect even like with the guy is in the car all of them you know they just work together so well um Robin Williams always knocks it out of the park and the the the the the bench speech that he delivered that was just that was heartbreaking that hurt my heart and I was impressed by the ability to have such a such a sad and frustrating angry storyline and kind of tie it all back together and somehow create a happy ending out of it that's crazy and that's totally my thing because um I love happy endings I hate it when you you go to see a movie and it just destroys you and it's just like that's what I get for watching that I woke up this morning and I was so much better than I am now because that was a terrible ending I love it when they do the happy ones right so anyway I'm gonna stop rambling I know I said I would say something bad about the next movie but um the next one okay uh anyway uh I had fun hope you had fun I will see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: Whimsory
Views: 90,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: good will, goodwill, goodwill hunting, good will hunting reaction, movie reaction
Id: DKixHPce9tk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 15sec (1995 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2023
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