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hey it's Addie and today we are watching Good Will Hunting probably a crime that I have not seen this movie until now uh but I'm excited to finally fix that today I honestly don't know much about this movie other than I've heard it so well done I mean obviously it has a fantastic cast so I'm kind of just excited to see what I've been missing so yeah I I honestly this is embarrassing but when I was growing up and when I was younger I thought that this movie had something to do with Goodwill um I don't think it does but um I guess I should just dive in and find out what this movie is about this is Goodwill Hunting I didn't know that the movie was written by them too mod ethics Square DX I'm watching a lot of movies with him recently I also put an advanced Fourier system on the main hallway chalkboard former winners include Noble laureates and lowly MIT professors he works here I'm sure they are not happy about water getting close to them I will Justin how you doing why didn't you give me none of that nasty little hoochie which you usually throw at me like at least my energy spreading my legs for that Tootsie Roll I will never look at Tootsie Rolls the same where are you going I'm gonna take off okay you say I get off it's like what oh he's working he's working on it too [Music] oh does he have actually have the answer to it oh stop rushing me back ah you're crowd [Music] oh my gosh it's still tough come on come on yes I'm in your applied theories it's Saturday Monday to find out who prove the fear he did have it who does this no way guys [Music] you shut the [ __ ] up I know what you wanted give me that sandwich I bought it why don't you just give me my sandwich stop being a prick oh we'll put you on a program every day you come in with your Sixth Sense and at the end of the week you get your sandwich [Music] it'd be so fresh by then I know my food now please double burger oh we just seen the guy 15 minutes ago at the product if he's gonna fight him we should fight him then read that snacks now priorities he just wants his dang cheeseburger after two seconds when I'm done with them you're on next it's me Will remember we went to kindergarten together oh oh we're really just diving right on in [Music] geez and they could have just stayed in their car and enjoyed their cheeseburgers is this my imagination or is my class grown considerably it definitely has so without further Ado come forward a silent Road and receive thy prize I'm glad no one's owning up to it and they didn't actually do it and there is a problem on the board right now the gauntlet has been thrown down [Music] um sorry what are you doing don't you walk away from me [Music] it wasn't graffiti oh my God he's the one why did you get fireworks come on management was restructuring my uncle could probably get you on a demo team can you do that I asked you yesterday if I could get a job and I told you no Justin this is a hobbit bar huh time up I'm gonna have to bust a little movement and I have a down he's down near the bottom [Music] I think I had a class with you maybe yes that's what it was I not remember me they're with someone what class did you did you say that was yeah I remember that class it was um it was just between recess and lunch fun with my new friend that's why but we could have a problem no no you I was just hoping you might give me some insight the economic modalities could most aptly be characterized you're gonna be convinced that until next month when you get to James lemon that's gonna last until next year you're gonna be in here regurgitating Gordon Wood oh I'm so glad he knows what he's talking about would drastically underestimates the impact social good drastically underestimates the impact work in Essex County page 98 right oh oh he has page numbers and everything but you is that your thing you come into a buy you read some obscure passage your own idea just to impress some girls embarrass my friend called you out one don't do that you dropped 150 Grand in a education you could have got for a dollar fifty and you'll be serving my kids fries at a drive-through yeah maybe yeah but at least I won't be unoriginal it's cool it's cool it's cool back away you're like yeah that was pretty cool that was pretty cool yourself I swallowed a bug sitting over there for 45 minutes waiting for you to come and talk to me I'm well Skyla there's my number maybe we could just get together and eat a bunch of caramels well and think about it says arbitrary is drinking coffee [Music] I do I do enjoy a cup of coffee though I don't know are we gonna do this do you like apples thank you I got a number how do you like game apps excuse me this is the buildings and grounds office I have this guy who works in my building I can't give you his name unless you have a complaint please he's not in trouble Will Hunting whereby defendant can claim self-defense by the Constitution of the United States that Liberty man is a Cinco man is a what ibid your honor but you hit a cop you're going in fifty thousand dollar bail thank you have a seat I'm Gerald Lambo professor your Tilton [ __ ] himself spoken to the judge and he's agreed to release you first condition is that you meet with me every week did you see a therapist [Music] we're doing it look at you oh I really like their relationship foreign no more Ballyhoo well I mean I do do things you know and what kind of things boom you know you start dancing ah yes boom boom boom do you find it hard to hide the fact that you're gay what uh Henry I don't think he's gonna oh Jerry an absolute lunatic he is yeah it's it's hovering over me where is it touching you it's touching me down there sky rockets in flight yeah he's just none of them well there is someone a roommate in college why is trust the most important thing and making a breakthrough with a client trust is life it's very deep thank you Vinnie hey Jay it's our last defense as we've seen each other before Nancy died I was in Paris it was that damn conference I got your card it was nice hey uh what happened probation and then I counseling two days a week you're a smoothie come on Morgan just submit what makes him so incredible Jerry ever heard of Romana jar yeah this is Romana John his his genius was unparalleled Sean this boy is just like that he's a bit defensive and I need someone who can get through to him are you the guy yeah how many shrinks you go to before me I will come here this is Sean McGuire we Will Hunting why great introductions all right let's go I like what you've done with the place do you like books yeah what about the ones in the top shelf you read those yeah I read those good for you the United States of America complete history this is already such a different approach than the any other um therapists the wrong books one of the right books well hey whatever blows your hair back I've got much hair left you know it'd be better off shoveling that cigarette up here yeah I know it really get somewhere in my yoga what you left three wins oh really what do you bench 285 what do you bench you paint like art it's a real piece of [ __ ] don't tell me what you really think what concerns you is the coloring you know the real pivot is paint by number and maybe you're in the middle of a stone a big storm you do what you got to do to get out now maybe you became a psychologist maybe you married the wrong woman maybe you should watch your mouth so you know banging some other guy time's up Thursday four o'clock make sure the kids here oh here ah oh you're still willing to go through this whoa oh you're going through a lot buddy well you look lovely in those glasses I think I always wanted that blue eyeshadow yeah those glasses work so well on you recommend on my side damn but I'm going there in June when I graduate hey you want to see my magic tricks this one's for you Rudolph thank all these cameras disappeared wow very impressed for us I know you've been thinking about that if you happen to get a good night guys open again good night late now I like the two of them so much he's back he's showing up come with me you got a thing for swans is it's like a fetish it's something like thought about what you said to me the other day you know what occurred to me you have the faintest idea of what you're talking about why thank you you've never been out of Boston so if I asked you about art you'd probably give me the skinny on every art book ever written but you can't tell me what it smells like in the Sistine Chapel but you can't tell me what it feels like to wake up next to a woman and feel truly happy I ask you about war you probably uh throw Shakespeare at me right but you've never been near one that you've never looked at a woman and been totally vulnerable feeling like God put an angel on Earth just for you and you wouldn't know what it's like to be her angel through cancer and you would know about sleeping sitting up in a hospital room for two months you don't know about real loss because that only occurs when you love something more than you love yourself I look at you see a scared this kid but you presume to know everything about me because you saw a painting of mine you ripped my [ __ ] life apart do you think I know the first thing about how hard your life has been because I've had Oliver Twist I can't learn anything from you I can't read in some book but you don't want to do that do you support you're terrified of what you might say you'll move what a monologue come on let's open up no smoking back are you going to spend this entire session not saying anything oh my gosh she is SEPTA counting the seconds until the session was over and of staring contest between two kids from the old neighborhood yeah kind of I can't talk first [Music] please talk please start this I was on this plane once captain gets on if he gets to turn it off all I could use right now is a job and a cup of coffee stewardess was bombing up the guy in the back of the planes like hey hun don't forget the coffee ever been on a plane no but it's a joke it works better if I tell it in the first person I have been laid you know big time good for you I went on a date last week beautiful she's smart she's fine call her up Romeo why so I can realize she's not that smart girl it's like perfect right now I don't ruin that that way you can go through your entire life without ever having to really know anybody my wife used to fart when she was nervous because she used to fart in the sleep if you woke up and go like oh is that you see I didn't have the heart to tell oh broke yourself up yes oh nice those are the things I missed the most that's what made her my wife people call these things imperfections but they're not you're not perfect sport he isn't perfect I the question is whether or not you're perfect for each other now you can know everything in the world sport but the only way you're finding out that one is by giving it a shot even if I did know I wouldn't tell a piss ant like you talk more than any shrink I ever seen in my life I didn't say I know how to do it you ever think about getting remarried my wife's dead well I think that's a super philosophy shot I mean that way you could actually go through the rest of your life without ever really knowing anybody am I gonna tear up in every single one of their their interactions ah hello hey I've been really busy but um me too I mean we had a really good time I had a really good time too I mean I just I mean I wasn't there you did let me take you out again call it right now I've got to assign the proton Spectrum for the maybe some other time like tomorrow yeah all right we couldn't wait till tomorrow so you get this I had to sleep with someone in your class [Applause] I have 12 Big Brothers I'm lucky 13 right here well they called what are they Maki Ricky Danny Terry Mikey Davey Timmy Tommy Joey Robbie Johnny and Brian Willie Willie I'd like to meet them yeah we'll do that oh you know I read your book last night oh so you're the one you ever wonder what your life would be like if you never met your wife why because the pain I feel now I don't regret a single day I spent with her yeah I am going to tear up so when did you know she was the one for you October 21st 1975. [Music] it was game six of the World Series slept out in the sidewalk all night to get tickets we're sitting in a bar and walks this girl and stepped Carlton Fisk 35 000 people on their feet get over you know they charge the field you know did you rush the field no in a bar I'm gonna drink with my future wife yeah but you should seen her she was a stunner friends of yours they let you get away with that they slid my ticket across the table and I said gotta see about a girl it worked out I don't regret the 18 years I was married to Nancy I regret the six years had to give up counseling when she got sick I sure as hell don't regret missing a damn game yeah my uncle Marty's driving home right state trooper last season possible pukes and the guy Stadium pretty sure he's over the legal limit he's about to throw the cuffs on him this is huge I pulled you over last night is what you took off he said you know who I am let me get in your garage this is stady's police cruiser he's in my uncle's garage no oh my gosh state trooper I had been so embarrassed he didn't do anything yeah what the [ __ ] is the point that you start doesn't make any sense it does make sense if you listen to the store and quit asking questions there's an old couple in bed in the morning of the 50th Anniversary I want to give you a little peasant what would you like I would like you to give me a job take the teeth out now that's what I've been missing is there anything that I can do for you Mary looks up at him and she goes give us a kiss oh my God what is here's this and goes holding down the eye and I yell don't forget the coffee oh [ __ ] now someone actually happened to him can I get your beer um no just a Perrier you wanted to talk about will you talked about all about his future my phone's been ringing off the hook with job offers but I I don't really think he's ready for that got to give this kid Direction's one thing manipulation's another why don't we give him time to figure out what he wants it worked wonders for you didn't it yeah it did you arrogant prick boy's in a meeting right now I set up for him over at McNeil we've already offered you a position nobody in The Sound Works without a retainer guys gosh retainer you want us well I was gonna ask what Will's gonna do but this is apparently it until that day comes keep your head of the grindstone I'm so confused right you want some help no why don't we just hang out here all day yes why did we do you have a photographic memory I don't know I just kind of remembered well if you studied organic chemistry a little bit oh just for fun yeah very fun so much fun studying organic chemistry are you mad you know there are very smart people here at Harvard and even they have to study because this is really hard all right so when you when you look at a piano you see Mozart I see chopsticks Beethoven Mozart they saw it they could just play probably can't hit the ball out of Fenway I can't play the piano when it came to stuff like that I could always just play [Music] I have to tell you something I don't think you're telling him anything I want you to come to California care about that because it's a really serious thing you're saying I mean I I might find out something about me you don't like you can know I'm stuck in California someone doesn't really want to be with me just wish they had to take back I just wanted to come to California with me I can't go to California why not got a job here if you didn't love me you should just tell me because she's such a muffin [Music] I mean you just want to have your little fling with like the guy from the other side of town and sit around with the other trust fund babies and talk about how you went slumming too once my father died when I was 13 and I inherited this money but I would get it back in a second so don't put your [ __ ] on me then at least I'm honest with you now what about your 12 Brothers out uh what do you want to know that I'm an orphan the mother stab me I want to help you what do I got a [ __ ] sign on my back I just want to be with you you say that you don't love me no correct hey look can we do this at Sean's office from now on because the commute is killing me did you think of the possibility don't set up any more memes I just wanted you to see what was out there look maybe I don't want to spend the rest of my life sitting around explaining [ __ ] like you could show me some appreciation you know how easy this is for me and I'm sorry you can't do this I wouldn't have to sit here and watch you fumble around and pick it up this is probably a total waste of my time most days I wish I'd never met you match to walk around with a knowledge that there was someone like you out there I I didn't have to watch you throw it all away do you have a soul mate somebody who challenges you uh Jackie I'm talking about someone who opens up things for you touches your soul Shakespeare Nietzsche Frost okay that's great they're all dead yeah because all you see is every negative thing 10 miles down the road I mean the guys who work their entire life land brick so that kids have a chance at the opportunities you have you were born with it so don't cop out behind I didn't ask for this there's nothing wrong with this so that somebody's home I'm building right my dad like brick you could be a janitor anywhere why did you work with the most prestigious Technical College in the whole [ __ ] world because I don't see a lot of Honor in that well so what do you really want to do I want to be a Shepherd maybe you should cook it you chucking me yeah no no no I thought we were friends what do you mean you did play time's over look at you you burn out I want to talk about soul mates where is she dead did you just cash in your chips and you walk away hey at least I played a hand some people lose a big hand like that and have the sack to Annie up again but I ask you a very simple question and you can't give me a straight answer see you both people I just wanted you know call you up uh before you left I love you well take care for Skyler oh she's hoping he'll be there [Music] well if he doesn't show up and I find a report saying he wasn't here when he goes back to jail he won't be on my conscious I guess [Music] I guess so how's your lady no she's gone yeah what was this it's like a week ago that sucks so uh when are you done with those meetings like the week after I'm 21. yeah they can hook you up with a job sit in a room and do long division for the next 50 years look you're my best friend so don't take this the wrong way 20 years if you're still living here kill you he'll kill you you've got something none of us oh come on why is it always this I mean I can owe it to myself you owe it to me I mean you're sitting on a winning lottery ticket too much because I do anything to happen you know what the best part of my day is for about 10 seconds from when I pull up to the curb when I get to your door there and I'll knock on the door and you won't be there I don't know much but I know that I hope that by the end of the movie maybe that does happen why is he hiding why doesn't he trust anybody he was abandoned by the people who was supposed to love him though I mean it's true and if you push him right now it's going to be the same thing all over again and I'm not going to let that happen to him you're angry at me for doing what you could have done but ask yourself Sean is you think I'm a failure I know who I am it was a conscious choice I didn't [ __ ] up not about you you mathematical dick he's a good kid and I won't see you [ __ ] him up like you're trying to [ __ ] me right now push them because I learned to push myself you guessed that [Music] that stuff goes back a long way between me and tell me I am weird why oh now I'm nervous to read it have you had any uh experience with that my father was an alcoholic mean [ __ ] drunk so I'd provoke him so he wouldn't go after my mother and little brother yeah he used to just put a wrench a stick in a belt to choose to go with the wrenches [ __ ] him that's why oh you know what is it like fear of Abandonment is that why I broke out with Skylock I didn't know you had yeah yeah it will you see this fault I know it's not your fault it's not your fault it's not your fault oh with me all right don't [ __ ] with me Sean not you foreign [Laughter] yeah you know I think so congratulations thanks so that's so that's it so we're done you're a free math [Music] I just want you to know Sean that you're welcome well hope we keep in touch you know me too I've got an answering machine at the college I'll be checking in with you call that I'll get back to you right away yeah you know I figured I'd put my money back on the table and see what kind of cards I get thank you Sean uh violate the patient doctor relationship only if you grab my um good luck son what's up did you guys go no I'm kind of talk I'm not go get me a beer two bits happy birthday we knew you had to get back and forth to Cambridge for your new job and I knew I wasn't gonna drive so I'm legally allowed to drink so we figured the best thing for you kid was a car it's the ugliest car I ever seen in my life and both scraped together the pots and Morgan was out panhandling for change every day I can't go reap up this engine I stopped Sam it's a good car dude the engine's good happy 21 well [Music] hi come on John hi me too Jerry I heard you're taking some time so where are you going India China and Baltimore hmm how about a drink right now it's a good idea but the winner right here about oh [Music] I was hoping that wouldn't be the last time they saw each other he's still home are you gonna shut your car door [Music] oh this is going to happen he's not going to be home is this the best part of your day and your day's about to get even better wow yeah he's all packed up [Music] it is kind of weird to me that you wouldn't tell your friends that you're leaving but I'm not gonna judge you I'm not here to judge you [Music] finally gets to ride up front if the professor calls about that job just tell him I had to go see about a girl [Music] ah that's the movie it leaves it very open-ended I mean you know he's going to see Skyler I wish I could see them reunite but that's okay that is okay I'm honestly just trying to think of what to say because my I mean ultimately my heart is just happy that he is following after Sean's footsteps and he has to go find out about his girl this uh this story really got me I mean there were a lot of moments that really got to me any of the moments with Sean talking about his wife um just heartbreaking just absolutely heartbreaking oh but ultimately like I mean you get to the movie too but I'm really but will oh yeah the movie will hunt we'll hunt whole life needed a figure like Sean he needed someone who knew what he had been through who understood that side of his life but also he just needed to be told that what happened in his childhood and what happened in his life is just not his fault I mean it took will a long time to accept that and again it's one thing to like tell yourself that but to like fully accept that it's just such a completely different thing and so oh Good Will Hunting that that movie got me the movie got me indeed it's really cool that in this movie it's like he had two different mentors in his life or at least in this part of his life where one person Rambo I think is his name he was more about what you can accomplish in life and like that life is what worse life is about what you accomplish in life and then on the other side there's Sean where he could have gone that route but I guess ultimately his happiness was based on his relationships and what he got out of life in that way I mean I think it was important for will to have both of those people in his life to finally figure out what he want wanted because I mean clearly the whole movie he had so many opportunities but just didn't know what he wanted out of life and so I'm glad he had both of those mentors and I'm glad that both of those mentors were friends with each other even though they had definitely had a complicated relationship that they needed to figure out at the end but ah this story got me what a fantastic cast literally everyone was perfect in this movie and perfect in their roles Good Will Hunting now it makes sense why um it's called that definitely earlier in life I was like oh it's about Goodwill no it's not obviously it's not I'm just going to be sitting in my feels for a little bit well that was Good Will Hunting thank you for watching be sure to like And subscribe and we will see you next time
Channel: Addie Counts
Views: 103,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Robin Williams, Minnie Driver, Cole Hauser, Stellan Skarsgard, Casey Affleck
Id: 5ykiMa4-06A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 45sec (1905 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2022
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