Emotional * DAMAGE * - Girlfriend First Time Watching | Reaction - GOOD WILL HUNTING

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[Music] hi guys Daniel Lucy here and this is the movie that won the contest Lottery that we did lottery I like Lottery yeah and so congratulations to haga so you won the the lottery on this with this one you are the first winner of first winner yeah something that we hope we can do more times mhm so uh we're going to watch the um I'm going to say the Goodwill Hunting it's just Goodwill Hunting uh which is the movie that ha chose that's a movie that I'm very familiar with so I'm going to try to be silent the most as possible yeah sure uh so do you know anything about Goodwill Hunting I think it's about a hunt someone that will hunt it's like hunting right so it's about hunting about hunt I I will will hunt serial killers I will I will say that hag just uh assured you that it's not about hunting animals okay it's nothing about that yeah I know I know that because we um we saw so yeah just wanted to reassure you so the only thing that I can show you obviously as always it's just a poster uh I I do hope you don't get more uh much Clues honestly Good Will Hunting honestly from this title I I really can't get a very good hint of what of what we it will be but I would say it's like a professor kind of thing because he looks very young you know this is mad yes so he's very young and were you going to say the other guy no Mark wber no no here I was thinking about M Damon don't make fun of me and the other guy he has more like uh even the clothes it's a little bit more of um teacher Vibe so I would say something like that and it seems like they are in a sort of a bench so I would say in a school premisis i''s say or college the new film by Gan I don't know uh weakly charismatic impossibly brilliant totally rebellious for the first 20 years of his life Will Hunting has called the shots now he's is about to meet his match oh that was zip so Will Hunting might be the name of the teacher I would say and good it's because he's a good person maybe okay do you recognize the actor that plays oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I do recognize him I don't know his name I think it's like Robin Williams I bet but uh yeah I do recognize him from several movies a lot of movies yes he's a very known actor okay and I think it's interesting that it has a little dot in the middle with the th CLE no no not C in Portuguese is yeah it's that symbol yeah with the three leaves in Portugal normally we use Four Leaves because it's sign of good luck because they are more rare I I think they also use that but I suppose must be something so yeah I would say that it's something regarding that of good luck or something but we three leaves I'm not sure so I would say it's like a student that is going through something and that's my phone oh it a that of course it is hey guys sorry but we are back now it has it was a call we we had to answer where were we uh I was saying the the story that I think that it would be so I think it's like um a student that's kind of lost about what he's going to do and it's going to be more of a philosophical kind of movie okay so yeah and the teacher is going to help him to go through stuff and maybe they will like team up to get something done like a sort of research okay that's what I think okay it's interesting that yeah after you see the poster you have completely different idea just for the title you had yeah yeah yeah for the ti I was like we're going to we're going to hunt some [ __ ] you're like hun seral Killers why was is that your to go idea I don't know because it's like Good Will Hunt hunting I mean yeah yeah oh yeah sorry it was just me imagining stuff all right so let's check it out yeah yeah let's go let's go so uh Daniel from editing will add this part to the beginning of the video because we are at the end at the moment yeah we just finished watching the movie so yeah yeah uh just say that um this was part this was the result of a contest Lottery that we had and it was really great for uh having your par participation but also to remind you that we will probably do this in the future so each person chose a movie and then we just we had a lottery to see who who won independently of the how do you say the tiers any tiar that you might have so this is like any paying Patron could have had a chance and we hope to do this more often in the future to see if your movie gets picked and it's it's really interesting because it's one of those that where we have no idea what what we'll get yeah and the chances are equal for everyone so it is totally fair we do everything in front of you guys and we had so much fun last time that we really want to do that again yeah you can see the full length commentary get access to polls to what we will see next and more on our patre page the link is in the description below uh if you like the video please don't forget to leave a thumbs up and subscribe for more thank you okay he definitely is a student definitely yeah that that looks like um B slum slum oh this is Ben Affleck mhm he so young so they written by Matt Damon and Ben Affleck so they wrote this movie damn I know that Ben Affleck I know that he writes a lot of stuff he directs as well yeah we talk about that few few days ago but I didn't have that IDE about M Damon yeah that's more surprising yeah and this is the University campus I also put an advanced fua system on the main hallway chalkboard and I'm hoping that one of you might prove it by the end of the semester oh is he going to try to to do that maybe it's like a genius or something okay so maybe he's not a student he's more like of a school keeper I don't know that inan English uh the one who cleans um janitor janitor yeah going to take off [ __ ] you you taking off it's like what 10 o' yeah but that's one of them then I like and even my Damon that age did them good you [Music] know I don't understand why he raised that it's like I think he's like well maybe I can try to do it but I'm not going to ever going to do it so screw it oh is he going to try to do it there [ __ ] well is is there're working and there's no one there so no one interrupts him which one will it be I seriously don't understand this game I don't think we have a single field of baseball here I've never seen [Music] any I know why you laughing no nothing we just couldn't wait until Monday to find out find out what oh he doesn't know yet damn well it's Saturday they weren't expecting it to I don't care they got interested now Chinese for me yeah who did this Jack I mean I wish Miss no way yeah yeah it's like it's curious of course I mean usually if you do something you want to be recognized for it and then it just mysteriously appears there I also recognize that actor this one where do I know I recognize all of them to be honest let go to Kelly Mar I'm not going to Kelly just cuz you like the take out girl 15 minutes out of our way what the [ __ ] are we going to do we can't spare 15 minutes the point though like to see some chicks you don't seem to be doing much so yeah well give me your [ __ ] 16 cents that you got on you now we'll put your [ __ ] sandwich on L there we go [ __ ] it's good it's it's for you to you have to pay your your stuff my food now pleas in double what do we got I don't know yet oh God he's being the Hero trying to be the hero no it's the guy that he was talking about earlier like he used to beat him up in kindergarten oh okay remember we went to kindergarten together love it they're beating them up damn [ __ ] that's enough [ __ ] bro what the hell damn I get it though it was very yeah in another place well by no stretch of my imagination do I believe you've all come here to hear me lecture or rather to Asain the identity of the mystery man I would like to know come forward silent Rogue and receive thy prize no one well I'm sorry to disappoint my Spectators but seems there will be no un masking here today like oh I I want um my colleagues and I have conferred and there is a problem on the board right now that took us more than 2 years to prove like you want to play Let's Play yeah oh he's doing it nice it's it's a [ __ ] genius though it's going to seem sorry that's people's work you can't graffiti here don't you walk away from me hey [ __ ] you it's like no he wasn't doing anything bad he was solving it now he's just doing graffi you can't graffi it yeah but now he's going to the other guy is going to tell him again Chinese for me that's him Am I Dreaming looks right holy hell maybe it was like way too poor and he couldn't afford school maybe like genius but he can't go to school to study this this stuff there something to do with that probably yeah why I have the idea that they will get trouble there somehow oh hello oh hello Hi how are you fine yeah that actress I recognized don't know it so I think I had a class with you oh yeah what class history maybe yes I think that's what it was you don't necessarily might not remember me yep here they are just getting into trouble it must have been a survey course then huh yeah it was it was surveys you should check it out it's a good course it's good oh God I remember that class it was um it was just between recess and lunch CL why a you go oh but she's not excited about him the economic modalities especially in the southern colonies could most aptly be characterized as agrarian preap all right of course that's your contention you're a first year grad student you just got finish reading some moxian historian Pete Garrison probably you're going to be convinced of that till next month when you get to James lemon then you're going to be talking about how the economies is of Virginia and Pennsylvania I love this guy though you got that from vickas work in Essex County page 98 right do you have any thoughts of your own on this matter honey every guy is horny with that conversation Jesus you dropped 150 Grand on a [ __ ] education you could have got for $150 in Lay charges at the public library I love but I mean if you have a problem like that I mean we could just step outside we can figure it out no man there's no problem how you like me not well done my Damon was fews over weight and I was like go [ __ ] yourself hi I swalled a bug good excuse you're an idiot what you're an idiot I've been sitting over there for 45 minutes waiting you to come and talk to me I'm tired now and I have to go home I'm well Skyla Skyla Skyla I love the name actually name yeah well I've got to go there's my number so maybe we can go out for coffee sometime all right yeah maybe we could just get together and eat a bunch of caramels do you mean when you think about it it's say arbitrary is drinking coffee yeah okay it's like trying to be cool I was reminded me someone do you like apples apples yeah well I got a number how do you like them that was a great Revenge though that was very cool that's is way more pleasurable than like a punch this the buildings in ground's office I just need the name of the student who works here I can't give you his name unless you have a complaint this is Professor Lambo this is Professor haes please this is important please I just be polite got this job through his PO you can call him po parole officer I love the guy that's always in the back no just it's Shadow yeah June 93 assault September 93 assault Grand Theft Auto February is the teacher going to stand by him mayam theft resistance all overturned I'm also aware that you've been through several foster homes the state removed you from three because of serious phys oh [ __ ] motion to the dismisses denied $50,000 bail it's a lot especially at that time you know the really funny good-looking guy the other night ugly obnoxious toothless loser who got hammered and wouldn't leave you alone on know oh well I remember it's a nice relationship they're building from jail I was wondering maybe we could get together in jail sometime this week sh out of the cafe he's in jail how is it going to go there oh nice awesome you were saying about the professor I've spoken to the judge and he agreed to release you out of my supervision oh okay like I said it would nice but under two conditions first condition is that you meet with me every week and the second condition is that that you see a therapist that's going to be interesting all right I'll do the math but I'm not going to meet with any [ __ ] therapist you will because you don't want to be in jail I mean I bet this is all correct math that they're showing the movie right of of course people like me will never understand this so they can put anything they want there that I'll believe the pressures and I'm not judging them I'm not labeling them they are destroying your potential you're right and you're not going to get off that easily come on will I do do things you know that you know I mean I have oh but he's actually talking about stuff yes what sort of clubs like uh like fantasy okay now he's just messing around do you find it hard to hide the fact that you're gay what are you what are you talking about what look buddy two seconds ago you were ready to give me a jump oh he's trying to annoy the yeah symphon oh the teacher is always trying to go into the girls the students I can't do this pro bono work anymore it's just not it's not worth it he didn't want to have a psychiatric so I don't think he will have one okay another one why do I have the feeling we will see several what do you see okay something's in my room he just playing around can make a lot of love before the sun goes down Afternoon Delight hey Afternoon Delight better things to do with my time he laugh you can't pin that on me you I told you to cooperate with these people I don't need therapy that's enough get out oh God what do you want to do oh God yeah what can you do I can't keep trying well there is someone who is he he used to be my um my roommate in college oh a them while they're vulnerable that's my Mel oh good everyone oh I think it's going to be so surprised to see him ladies and gentlemen we are in the presence of greatness Professor Gerald Lambo Fields Medal winner for combinatorial mathematics hello it's like the Nobel Prize for math except they only give it out once every four I do love his posture and I see why he thinks he's going to be the perfect person this boy is incredible I've never seen anything like him what makes him so incredible Jerry never heard of Romano joh yeah and from the simple text he was able to extrapolate theorist that had baffled mathematicians for years this boy is just like that but he's um he's a bit defensive while you're from the same neighborhood he's from souie oh Southie that's interesting I had a clients from souy they yeah born there just Bost there just meet with them once a week please so uncomfortable with this it's a poker game with this kid don't let him know what you got at least he he he already knows enough about him to to warn to warn him okay he's going to be difficult would you excuse us yeah please tell you too Jerry yeah I love the way that he didn't want to take out his authority do you like books yeah what about the ones on the top shelf you read those yeah I read those good for you oh I don't think he's going to allow him to smoke here must have taken you a long time yeah it did but they're actually talking with each other spend all your money on these [ __ ] fancy books you surround yourselves with them they the wrong [ __ ] books what are the right [ __ ] books will hey whatever blows your hair back that was funny free weights huh yeah big time yeah just like that what do you bench 285 what do you bench you paint that you see his brain is always from one side to the other so weird he always tries to escape the conversation maybe you're in the middle of a storm a big [ __ ] storm yeah you just piss in your pants you're crying for maybe it's really unpleasant you maybe you became a psychologist unpleasant Bingo that's it let me do my job now you still have with me come on maybe you married the wrong woman maybe you should watch your mouth oh so e he also has limits okay what happened supposedly it's the other way around you know bang some if you ever disrespect my wife again I will end you I will [ __ ] end time up I love this posture though and M will he also loved it will found his buttons well he was looking for it right yeah of course I I'll understand if you don't want to meet with me yeah Thursday 4:00 make sure the kids here but I thought it was from I mean not exactly math but I didn't exactly saw him as a therapist you know or psychologist so you thought he was like a teacher I remember yeah yeah oh something wrong yeah we were completely out of focus okay not anymore sorry guys this how is that after it's his his who oh Wills okay or or yeah of course because his wife died that's why you think his wife died and that's why he had this reaction okay and the house is a mess so my brain's going to be worth $250,000 Jesus it's so expensive there very expensive Jes oh God no that's cool I mean I bet your parents were happy to pay no I was happy to pay I inherited the money oh this one's for you Rudolph wait wait you need my w I love the whe they're having fun but if it was like a store here people would be like on top of you saying well don't touch that stuff don't touch stuff yeah two three now you need you have to clean this up that's a nice dat though different have you hoping to get a good night kid no you know I tell you I was hoping to get good night l oh I like when people are like so chill about each other you know and stuff it's amazing I we should just get out way now oh God no oh that's so disgusting you your mouths are full of food I think I got some of your pick I can't I can't deal with that you can't deal with food you again huh come with me oh that's interesting you got a thing for swans is it's like a fetish it's something like he needs to be talking all the time I don't know why but I'm kind of seeing myself in him he's kind of annoying yeah as well yeah you're just a kid you don't have the faintest idea what you're talking about well thank you so if I asked you about art you'd probably give me the skinny on every art book ever written but they never saw a piece of it I bet you can't tell me what it smells like in the cinee chapel that's not in the books you've never actually stood there and looked up at that beautiful ceiling if I ask you about women you probably give me a syllabus of your personal favorites you can't tell me what it feels like to wake up next to a woman and feel truly happy I think these kind of things that he's saying is going to touch him I ask you about war you probably throw Shakespeare at me right but you've never been near one you've never held your best friend's head in your lap watch him gasp his last breath looking to you for help he's very quiet now so he's really taking in everything that he's saying and you wouldn't know what it's like to be her angel through anything through cancer and you would know about sleeping sitting up in a hospital room for 2 months holding her hand because the doctor could see in your eyes that the terms visiting hours don't apply to you I doubt you've ever dared to love anybody that much I don't see an intelligent confident man just a kid I see a cocky scared shitless kid but you're a genius well no one denies that you are a genius you're an orphan right do you think I'd know the first thing about how hard your life has been because I read all of a Twist does that encapsulate you it's a very good way to put things you know and I think that will actually made him understand that he cannot catalog people unless you want to talk about you but you don't want to do that to your sport you're terrified of what you might say you're move Chief this was a beautiful scene and I think it was very well written this monologue let's say got to him yeah yeah he did it got me got to me too Jesus yeah yeah no it was it was very beautiful honestly hello hello profess Val you calling me again again why didn't he talk he was scared waiting for time to go by is there some kind of staring contest between two kids from the old neighborhood yeah it is and I can't talk first it's a different approach I wrote it down it's it's simpler than why you're a brilliant man it's like so easy for him Jesus so annoying yeah it's like oh this [ __ ] kid with no experience or anything or study or oh he's falling asleep actually I was on this plane once captain gets on he does his whole you know we'll be cruising at 35,000 ft but then he puts the mic down he forgets to turn it off mhm and so he turns the copot and he's like you know all I could use right now is a [ __ ] [ __ ] and a cup of coffee so the steart is [ __ ] goes bombing up from the back of the plane to tell him that the microphone's still on the sky in the back of the plane he like hey hun don't foret That's funny though I went on a date last week how to go oh we starting to talk he's talking that's an improvement it's different from most of the girls I've been with this girl is like [ __ ] perfect right now scared of maybe you're perfect right now maybe you don't want to ruin that yeah exactly well that way you can go through your entire life without ever having to really know anybody my wife used to fart she was nervous you know she used to fart and to sleep she woke herself up she's been dead two years and that's the [ __ ] I remember wonderful stuff you know those are the things I miss the most the little idiosyncrasies that only I knew about you're not perfect Sport and let me save you the suspense this girl you met she isn't perfect either but the question is whether or not you're perfect for each other now you can know everything in the world sport but the only way you're finding out that one is by giving it a shot that's a very nice way to give an advice if IU can talk more than any shrink I ever seen in my life I teach this [ __ ] I didn't say I know how to do it and he it dropped his language to the same level I think so you mhm you ever think about getting remarried my wife's dead well I think that's a super philosophy Sean I mean that way you could actually go through the rest of your life without ever really knowing anybody [ __ ] time's up but they talked yes I think he's happy about it he started talking he started he wanted to to tell about the things in his life hi there hey where have you been I mean we had really good time I had a really good time too I mean I just I was wondering if uh if you know you give me another crack at it you know let me take you out again I can't oh no I didn't I didn't mean I can't like ever I just can't right now I've got to assign the proton Spectrum for iboga me maybe some other time like tomorrow um yeah oh nice schedule like the time or place or whatever it is oh I think that's something to help her where the [ __ ] did you get this I had to sleep with someone in I love the sense of humor you got lots of brothers and sisters nope I have 12 big brothers do not SAR what are they called mcky Ricky Danny Terry Mikey Davey Timmy Tommy Joey Robbie Johnny and Brian I'm not sure that's true I'm living with three of them right now oh yeah yeah like okay with that sentence yeah yeah yeah exactly and you don't regret meeting your wife well I got regrets well but I don't regret a single day I spent with her he's so cute when he talks about her so when did you know like that she was the one for you October 21st 1975 Jesus Jesus Christ you know [ __ ] day oh yeah biggest game in Red Sox history yeah sure you got tickets yep day of the game we're sitting in the bar waiting for the game to start and in walks this girl that was amazing game though this must have been like a historical game or something like and 35,000 fans you know they charge the field you know did you rush the field no I didn't rush the [ __ ] field I wasn't there I was in a bar having a drink with my future wife I don't care if hel in Troy game oh my God and who are these [ __ ] friends of yours they let you get just slid my ticket across the table and I said sorry guys I got to see about a girl that's why I'm not talking right now about some girl I saw at about 20 years ago and how I always regretted not going over and talking to her I don't that's a great way to put it again oh God I love the way you put stuff I sure as hell don't regret missing a damn game you can rewatch it would have been nice to catch that game though I know p is going to like you believe you brought Skyler here we [ __ ] all bombed and drinking I know Morgan it's a real Rarity we'd be all drinking oh I think that she's going to say something about the brothers or anything and it was nice to meet you take it easy slowly back away I can make it too brother I don't know what you're doing dude you're giving us a ride hey wait a minute you said we're going to see your place No not tonight oh No not tonight not any other night hun he knows once you see that little [ __ ] hole getting dropped like a bad habit F wanted to meet your brothers no we're going to do that another time oh we realized that he's been lying to her that's not cool them Keys yeah that's not cool mhm so you wanted to talk about will have you talked to him at all about his future no we haven't gotten into that yet we're still Bing away at the past maybe he should my phone's been ringing off the hood with job offers yeah but I don't think he's in the place yet I don't really think he ready for that you've heard of Albert Einstein how about Gerald Lambo ever heard of him no that's him right yeah so who won the bet I did nothing compared to this young man love the way that he realizes that you know can you imagine if Einstein would have given that up just to get drunk with his BU as in Bean every night agreed pretty dtic joery he has a point though but he also needs to want that you know otherwise it's pointless yeah yeah who's Ted cinski uni oh you remember we saw the we saw that show yeah uniom we saw that we got to give this kid rest you cannot push it you can contribute to the world look what happened to that guy I'm not sitting at home every night twisting my mustach catching a plan to ruin this boy's life there's more to life than a [ __ ] Fields metal true the boy is in a meeting right now I set up for him H mcneel you think you can find somebody who does tell you have my blessing but I think we all know that person's not going to represent you as well as I you want us to give you cash right now no I didn't say that sorry but I think this friend is like the best person to to do this kind of stuff can you can you go do an interview for me oh God the [ __ ] you tried to pull today you can better I'll be looking into you they just been robbed and until that day comes keep your head of the grindstone they just got like what happen yeah yeah it just lost money yeah yeah no one knows what the hell happened you want some help no like she has to do it for herself mhm do you have a photographic memory well have you studied organic chemistry a little bit oh just for fun and the thing is actually for fun exactly we completely lost your mind nobody studies it for fun it's not a necessity especially for someone like you someone who divides that time for even I think it's going to be nice what she's saying because like well they have no future bro come here I have to tell you something he's going of give him a kiss yeah did you guess that they look good together it's nice it's not fair what not fair I've been here for four years and I've only just found you it's so cute yeah it's good it did yeah it was cute yeah it was cute I want you to come to California with me I don't think you will yeah but how do you know I didn't know yeah some things you know don't make things weird Jesus but you know it's such a serious thing that you can't take it back and now I'm stuck in California someone doesn't really want to be with me just wish they had to take you're overthinking it but I get it yeah I just want you to come to California with me I can't go to California why not one because I I've got a job here and two because I live here if you don't love you should just tell me because it's such a what aren't you scared of oh they're going to have their first fight it's always so interesting then you're going to go off to Stanford you're going to marry some rich prick who your parents will approve of and just sit around with the other trust fund babies and talk about how you went sluming too once he he he really has like a psychological thing my father died when I was 13 and I inherited this money don't put your [ __ ] on me when you're the one that's afraid [ __ ] it I want to give it a shot and at least I'm honest with you you I'm not honest with you no what about your 12 Brothers she knows it's a lie that I'm a [ __ ] orphan no you don't want to hear that no you don't want to hear that you don't want to hear that I got [ __ ] cigarettes put out of me when I was a little kid that this isn't [ __ ] surgery that the [ __ ] stab me you don't want to hear that [ __ ] Skyla I just want to be with you because I love you don't [ __ ] me don't you [ __ ] [ __ ] me I want to hear you say that you don't love me because if you say that and I w't be in your life that's not how I expect things to go I don't love you she didn't know what she was getting herself into completely and then course you threw a lot of things yeah yeah yeah some truths right yeah but he's just trying to escape you know just I I like her reaction she was not like oh you're lying to me no it was like um I understand you're like [ __ ] up he's very good at pushing people away so yeah way too good don't set up any more me well I won't maybe I don't want to spend the rest of my [ __ ] life sitting around explaining [ __ ] to me that was kind of disappointing and humiliating for the guy too do you have any [ __ ] idea how easy this this is a [ __ ] joke yeah it's very humiliating [ __ ] you're being stupid bro most days I wish I never met you I didn't have to walk around with the knowledge that there was someone like you out there the difference that makes the difference that makes uh having a good a good home you know I'm not I'm not even talking about education just having a good home I I know what you mean not fancy not anything just can be a poor place but filled with Um passion and love and the family you know in whatever shape a real home exactly yeah know I I know what you mean you're always afraid to take the first step because all you see is every negative thing 10 miles down the road you're going to take the professor side on this don't give me a line of [ __ ] no look I didn't want the job what are you passionate about what you passionate this makes more sense this kind of approach I didn't ask for this no you were born with it so don't cop out behind I didn't ask for this what's wrong with with fixing somebody's car so I'm going to get to work the next time he he trying to escape the question you could be a janitor anywhere why am I team why did you work at the most prestigious Technical College in the whole [ __ ] world why did you sneak around at night and finish other people's formulas that only one or two people in the world could do and then lie about cuz I don't see a lot of Honor in that will again oh I love the psychiatrist here or psychologist or whatever you want to call it want to move up to nsha get a nice little spread get some sheep and tend to them maybe you should cook do that no time's not up yet yeah I'm not leaving no listen you're lecturing me on life look at you see it's posture that's right she's [ __ ] dead she [ __ ] dies and you just cash in your chips and you walk away hey what do you want to do yeah but the the guy knows him well enough to not be affected at this moment but I ask you a very simple question and you can't give me a straight answer yep and he also refus try to know you know see both yeah you know him enough to see how he he reacts and then [ __ ] you're the shepherd taking all these job interviews and stuff so not going to be just a construction worker well you know I never really cared about that she's so sad about it I love you he's going to hang up take care that's so heartbreaking Jesus Christ how the [ __ ] can you feel good when you know that you're hurting someone that you care about that guy is really a mess I would love this to be one of those movies where it's going to appear but I seriously doubt it but they will meet again I I think so uh when are you done with those meetings I am now yeah they're going to hook you up with a job or what sit in a room and do long division for the next 50 years be a [ __ ] Labyrinth better than this [ __ ] I want to way out of here for I mean I'm going to [ __ ] live here the rest of my life Jesus even the the the the friend is like that's not possibly what you want for your for your life 20 years if you're still living here I [ __ ] kill you I think this is the conversation you need from a friend you know to open his eyes say and this is a good friend I mean you're sitting on a winning lottery ticket and too much of a [ __ ] to cash it in that's [ __ ] every day I come by your house and I pick you up you know what the best part of my day is for about 10 seconds from when I pull up to the curb when I get to your door CU I think maybe I'll get up there and I'll knock on the door and you won't be there that's a friends I was say someone who doesn't hold you back you know Yep this boy is at a fragile point right now I do understand he is at a fragile Point okay he's got problems well what problems does he have Sean that he's better off as a janitor that he better off in jail he pushes people away before they have a chance to leave him if you push him right now it's going to be the same thing all over again and I'm not going to let that happen to him don't infect him with the idea that it's okay to quit that it's okay to be a failure and if you're angry at me for being being successful for being what you could have been Sean I'm not angry at you oh yes you're angry at me Sean oh God I don't think so because honestly I would not envy you come you think I'm a failure I know who I am you and your kiss ass chorus following you around going the fields medal the fields medal it's about my medal is it oh God I can go over and get so it annoys me he's a good kid and I won't see you [ __ ] him up like you're trying to [ __ ] up me right now I am what I am today because I was pushing hi there you're talking about me nice to meet you I can come back but it was also good because he knows that he was not expecting him to be there and he heard a real decision you this is your P have to send it back to the judge for evaluation what's it say it was [ __ ] stabbed though stabbed I mean punch isn't bad still but stabbed Jesus my father was an alcoholic this is good because it can relate actually will has an attachment disorder all [ __ ] up I'm talk about it no you see this all this [ __ ] it's not your fault but it's heart Jesus I know it's not your fault I know no no you don't it's not your fault it's not your fault don't [ __ ] with me don't [ __ ] with me all right don't [ __ ] with me Sean not you it's not your fault [Music] oh God I'm so sorry you could have let me know that I would need my teach sorry sorry you're right I think it's the first time that he actually opens up you know and the reality is like a lot of people experience this kind of crap you know with the adoption stuff and that here you don't have as much because we actually need to have we have like about two to four years process before you can adopt someone and the foster care thing is not at least as at my knowledge it's not something very developed here no no we actually don't have it uh it's very very few and just in special um [Music] situations I hate the idea of first parents that just abuse kids you know oh God I I want to strangle at them so badly you know just these things always get to me Jesus because I think about the the real kid you know the real life of things and breaks my heart I talk to my boss and my new boss he seem like a good guy is that what you want I don't know but yeah you know I think so until he finds out you know I think it's is is upset that the sessions will no longer yeah continue yeah you're a free man oh but I like our conversations hope we keep in touch you know yeah me too yeah you know I figured I'm just going to put my money back on the table and see what kind of cards I get you also learned something from the experience thank you Sean thank you well it is violate the uh patient doctor relationship only a you Gra yeah I think he was the perfect person for real good luck son happy birthday forgot h [ __ ] [ __ ] onally allowed of drinks we figure the best thing for you kid how the [ __ ] did they afford that yeah well it's a piece of [ __ ] car [Laughter] but that looks like [ __ ] it works we did not saw that working yet okay true so the working part is still questionable a class of 72 is having a reunion in 6 months yeah I got one of those too when did you come I'll buy you a drink the drinks of those things are free exactly I know Jerry I was being ironical how about a drink right now yeah it's a good idea come on oh that the teacher oh you already left oh nice what the friend was saying well one day I'll go and you will not be there and I'm going to be happy about [Music] it [Music] empty not there I go thank God I can go to the front want it and I hope he's going to meet the girl if the professor calls about that job just tell him sorry I had to go see about a girl son of a [ __ ] stole my life now he can drive to California yeah and the thing is he can find a job any day anywhere oh okay you were opening I was going to say well but you're not sure if it's going to end now first of all before we talk I think I I really need some tissues yes so uh that was Goodwill unting first time watching what are your thoughts it's um it's one of those movies that I really believe it's like a true story no no idea if it is but if they wrote It's not a true story but uh it's one of those that I think it's such a great story that you would not make it up you know okay okay I don't want you and I really liked uh the lines I really liked the script I think some of the lines were so well written and I think that the actors that played such a huge role in the whole movie to be that great because I I I really really love the movie um and yeah I think it was a little bit of everything you know I mean it was very emotional but you could uh also connect with the characters in a deeper level as well and yeah I really I really was able to connect with them and to feel what it was feeling and yeah it makes as well as we normally do it makes us think a little bit as well of the reality behind it and what eventually um LED them to create these kind of stories theuse and everything and it's such a shame for it to exist and to have happened but it is what it is honestly and um I really liked it I think so um like I said before in the beginning this was written by Matt neon and Ben they actually um they want the Oscar for best original screenplay oh okay this it does make sense because he was I think it was so well written yeah yeah I mean I think it's funny because they were really really young and they they like had the luck of um of having someone like reading the script and like okay let's make a movie out of this so I think they they they were quite lucky with that as far as I know I think they just they made they made a lot of money but they blew the money really fast yeah because you're young and stupid yeah I think that I've seen an interview once regarding yeah I think it was Ben Affleck that you went to the Jim Fallon or something oh and they talked about when was young sometime yeah yeah and uh I don't remember what TV show was but yeah he said that um now I I I realized it it was this one probably that he said well we did a script we earn I think 300 probably it was this 300K uh that was a lot of time at a lot of money at the time and they spent it with cars they bought each other a Rover and then uh they rented a house for part stting and when they realize they were broke again Jesus so yeah now at least it was B like I think that was saying those things um and he said well you learn with that that does show you you can yeah it does take a whole different role with money at this stage but at the time and being kids and exactly they were young starting to have Fame and money and yeah if you don't have a good background or if you're not mature enough to deal with money you get lost very easily yeah and it shows that some people you might they might get money but if you don't know how to handle the money it's not it's not going to help much yes it's pointless so um uh what did you like the most in the least usually that's what we yeah so one one one detail that you like the most and one that you like the least okay so I really like the the detail I I like the most was the Rel reltionship between uh will and his therapist especially the posture of the therapist and the way that he was able to insert his uh his uh theories and philosophies in the middle of his speech so I think it's genius honestly uh I also liked a lot of the relationship that the friends had um so what I like the most i' say is the script itself with this kind of in these little situations and relationships between the characters yeah I think it was very well built and I also like like I was saying uh the relationship of Ben Affleck with Matt Ton because it was like it's a a true friend you know it's like it is what it is and you don't need to say much you just well I want what's best for you and if you're still here I would love to be with you but [ __ ] it I wanted to have like something better than I can have it's yeah I can still see you in the future it's fine but yeah I think for me that that thing is also very important the the friends attitude because it's not one of those get upset more toxic like I want to hold you back so you stay at my level or anything like that it's more like okay I see that you are a how do you say a rare bird that I need to set free you know kind of that kind of stuff yeah so you know he's like it's fine go I don't want to hold you back and then you you can come back and you know we have some beers but I don't want to hold you here yeah so that was amazing probably what I liked the least yeah which aspect you like the least um it it can be a technical thing I mean I mean the only thing that at least I didn't realize that much was like the music of the the movie but the thing is I didn't had time or I didn't care about paying attention to the background you know one you just so yeah because it was so good I was just focus in the dialogues and everything else you know so yeah I just honestly it's one of those movies where I can't really um find I mean probably if I have it a little more thought I I could find but I don't find it at the first sight something that I didn't like I get it it's not something that obvious it's not something that you can go okay that thing I remember I really didn't like uh yeah me for example uh if I were to think about something that I don't like it's also because i' I've seen this movie like three four five times whatever and then I have some technical stuff like um this is not exactly my type of directing here or editing here but it's so minor things that it's not not not that worth discussing anyways it's like um isolated stuff yeah exactly exactly but I would say just to also say my favorite thing uh I think it's exactly what you said and I agree it's basically every scene that you have between will and Sean the therapist um is just I can just stay and listen and just it's such good character growth for both of them yes the dialogue is great and those scenes are just amazing it's just two people talking but it's it's it's very very good yeah yeah and and Robin Williams I think is just perfect for these kind of roles he has just this understanding face I don't know how to how to say I get perfect for these kind of roles so um yeah that's my favorite aspect of of this movie yeah the script like you were saying and uh the actors yeah yeah I also love the the mannerisms of Rob Williams here I think it was so I don't know I just loved seeing here but I didn't like as much let's say was some of the acting let's say and some mannerisms of Ben Affleck because in the beginning it was like this and the you know and it's like what the [ __ ] is wrong with your eyes I mean is that part of the character but we don't see it in the rest of the movie interesting in so right in the beginning you're saying that you you that I'm not surprised but I yeah yeah I found it odd that's the thing Ben Affleck for example I don't think he's a great actor you know what I'm saying in my opinion I think that he might have had like some good roles where he was able to fulfill what was supposed to but I don't consider him a good actor let's say I think he matured you know he got a bit better but but I would say that in general I kind of agree when I was younger I used to kind of hate him I didn't like him at all now well okay okay talking about acting just acting um I think he got better at it but still not one of my favorites anyways you know you know what I mean it's like I can be better at something doesn't not make me good at it you know he's a he's a very good director but that's completely different thing that I I don't have enough knowledge to be able to judge so I have no idea but yeah um maybe that's one of the things that I didn't like the most okay okay okay you find a little yeah yeah yeah but but I think that basically it for example with Rob Williams it's different with Matt Ton as well I think he's a great actor and here he he showed it that he had a lot of you know some scenes where you could actually it was amazing to see not mind-blowing but good but yeah it's a very a character-based movie so you do see a lot of details that even the actors bring to the character yes especially well I've seen the movie a couple of times so I notice more about little details like that like little acting details like because I know their personalities so you and you're able to see that so that's a lot of quality yeah yeah the acting yeah so yeah so it's it was a good one it was a good one thank you um she like the the pck I guess so so guys this was it for today thanks so much for being on that side um if you don't know this was like a sort of a lottery that we have in our patreon where everyone can have can choose a movie for us to to watch and then we will just make like a lottery regarding the movie and it's totally free literally we just wrote everything in a piece of paper we threw it inside of a thing it's like okay which one we pick yeah and these are some of the things that you will have access in our patreon this is part of the pay tiers but we have pay tiers from $5 so you can join us as well but if not you have our free tiers where you can just vote in our polls to choose our next videos and the without paying anything you can just help us to choose which movies we're going to put on YouTube basically yeah yeah exactly so if you don't want to do either it's fine just subscribe to our Channel it also helps us a lot leave a thumbs up and I hope you guys enjoy it that's it guys see you next see you next time bye bye bye so guys this is it for now thank you so much for being on that side thank you so much for participating in this Lottery and we hope to see you guys again soon that's it guys thank you so by hope you enjoy it bye
Views: 28,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: that's what she said, thats what she said, review, commentary, reaction, moviereaction, normie, girlfriend, first time, good will hunting, robin williams, gus van sant, boston
Id: oj5q51Io0-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 29sec (3389 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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