Watching *GOOD WILL HUNTING (1997)* made me a BETTER Person..(first time watching) Movie Reaction

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hey what's going on guys I'm Devon G [Music] welcome that was embarrassing uh let's let's let's let's roll that back let's what's going on everybody welcome welcome back to the channel I am so so happy to be back man as you guys know which you probably don't know I actually went on a little small vacation to Wisconsin and I had like a beautiful beautiful scenery but the whole entire time I was literally thinking about you guys get back behind the camera just shows you how much I enjoy reacting but anyway today's movie reaction Gil wheel [Music] [Applause] hunting so I put a propo on my patreon and it came really really close between Goodwill Hunting in a movie called appenheimer so I had to pick so I chose a classic Goodwill Hunting it looks like Matt Damon and Robin Williams is in this film Matt Damon plays more like action and you know suspense Robin Williams in my opinion was more like a comedian so to see those two great actors in the same type of film it's going to be pretty interesting I'm talking too much if you guys are new to the channel feel free to subscribe but if you don't it's all good no it it is not all good subscribe subscribe to the godd dang Channel also if you guys want to see more of me more of myself before come out on YouTube check out my patreon link in the description below without further Ado good real real h [Music] didn't know Robert Williams commit suicide though that's so unfortunate man cuz he was a great great actor that just shows you boy you never know what it going to man [Music] [Music] he look young too being Affleck they both age well in my opinion they look exactly the same for [Music] real thank you Stephen I also put an advanced fua system on the main hallway chalkboard and I'm hoping that one of you might prove it by the end of the semester and the person to do so will not only be in my good graces but also go on to fame and fortune and the name printed and the auspicious MIT Tech and lowly MIT Professor I hope this D movie is not about Ma I'm a suck watching you have any questions I'm sure that Tom has the answers but he going to ring that [ __ ] m that boy just throwing water he didn't about to ring the damn M here boy a poor [Music] janitor you did another [ __ ] job boy being a genitor is not it for him I didn't get on Kathy last night no no why not I don't know Kathy what why didn't you give me none of that nasty little hoochie wooch you usually throw at me oh [ __ ] you and your Irish curs Chucky like I'd waste my energy spread in my legs for that Tootsie Roll dick Tootsie Roll dick yourself Tootsie Roll boy I hope you're not she missing the to I'm marrying her you know what I mean there's only so many times you can bang your friend's future wife hey person get nasty boy drunk take off what 10:00 I'm tired he walking on a damn math problem I guess it is maybe some kind of [Music] equation wow I wonder why why is it he in college I guess he can't afford it maybe [Music] there stop rushing me back stop crowding the plane which one will it be this [ __ ] got to hurt you're going to get charged you know that you think I'm afraid of you you big [ __ ] you're crowding the [ __ ] plate boy I'm done playing with you bro I'm done playing with you what's up [Music] you Professor Lambo yes I'm in Europe the's class we're all up at the math and science building come here it's Saturday unless you want to have a drink with me tonight maybe we just couldn't wait for M to find out find out what who proved the theorem he got it [Music] right what is this cor the most unlikely person who did Jack was name the Miss no way take that [ __ ] Guinea I hate that little [ __ ] will knows him [ __ ] beat the sh Kell Mar I'm not going to Kelly just cuz you like the take out girl it's 15 minutes out of our way hey hold up Jack slow it down what do we got I don't know yet yeah you shut the [ __ ] up we just seen the guy 15 minutes ago with the parck if he was going to fight him what you fight him then we eating our snacks now shut up I'm not going [ __ ] go morg what's the problem come on it's me it's me Will remember we went to kindergarten together [ __ ] hold up what's going on here bro I'm confused what the [ __ ] you do to him come on dck you can't store [ __ ] get your ass with bro there we go [ __ ] go store something got to finish but why is he be his hold up bro hold up stop oh [ __ ] dude I saw your [ __ ] officer dog why would he do that that was stupid bro so without further Ado come forward sign Rogue and receive thy prize you know what though I got respect no one Tak taking the credit for it seems there will be no unmasking here today however um my colleagues and I have conferred and there is a problem what's the problem that took us more than two years to prove so let this be said The Gauntlet has been thrown down but the faculty have answered and answered with Vigor it took they ass two years to do something he didn't one one night wow that boy a genius there's your man the janitor sorry what are you doing sorry that's people's work you can't graffiti here don't you walk away from me hey [ __ ] you hey [ __ ] you look at to work bro [Music] that boy pop smoke on his ass he think he's just a jerk off that boy genius oh my God that's him looks right this is this is a hobbit bot huh I will take a picture of the finest logger in the house time out who is he question get some ass I wonder what happened when he hit the cup oh hello oh hello Hi how are you fine so do you ladies uh I'm do I come here I come here a bit do you go to school here yeah so I think I had a class with you oh yeah maybe yes think that's oh [ __ ] this the dude very smart hey how's it going how are you how you doing you want what what class did you did you see get the [ __ ] on punck ass D hater just history it must have been a survey course then huh yeah it was it was surveys you should check it out it's a good course is that her boyfriend or something I found the class you know rather elementary elementary I remember that class it was just between recess and lunch who the hell is this clown here go away why don't you relax let's go why I'm just having fun with my new I don't know you have a problem ass problem I was just hoping you might give me some insight into the evolution of the market economy in the southern colonies my contention is that prior to the Revolutionary War the economic modalities especially in the southern colonies could most aptly be characterized as agrarian who gives a flying [ __ ] bro first year grad student you just got finished reading some moxian historian Pete Garrison probably talking about how the economies of Virginia and Pennsylvania were entrepreneur and capitalist way back in 1740 talking about you know the pre-revolutionary Utopia and the capital military mization because wood drastically underestimates the impact social W drastically underestimates the impact of social distinctions predicated upon wealth especially inherited wealth work in Essex County page 98 right that what recite Pages were you going to plagiarize the whole thing for us do you have any thoughts of your own on this m but do you is that your thing you're com to a by you read some obscure passage and then pretend you you pawn it off as your own idea just my one don't do that and two you dropped 150 Grand on a [ __ ] education you could have got for $150 in late chates at the public library yeah but I will have a degree that don't mean [ __ ] you'll be serving my kids Frid that don't mean nothing through on our way to a skiing trip yeah maybe yeah but at least I won't be unoriginal but I mean if you have a problem like that I mean we could just step outside we fure I'll beat your ass it's cool go I'm smart and I got these hands [ __ ] that's what I'm talking about you're an idiot what far from you're an idiot I've been sitting over there for 45 minutes waiting for you to come and talk to me but I'm tired now and I have to go home I'm well Sky hey no she oh by the way that guy over there Michael Bolton clone wasn't singing with us so to speak yeah I know I kind of got that impression good okay well I've got to go got to get up early and waste some more money on my overpriced education well get number I didn't mean you I that's all right there's my number never mind maybe we can go out for coffee sometime never mind right yeah maybe we could just get together and eat a bunch of caral oh yeah okay uh right then by two small for do you like apples yeah well I got a number how do you like them app I love him boy his ass is this the buildings in ground's office yeah what can I do for you I just need the name of the student who works here no students work for me what could you please check I have this guy who works in my building he's about this High which one is your building building too they want his ass bad boy that I just need his name I can't give you his name unless you have a complaint this is important please got this job through his PO you can call him po yeah parole officer didn't even look you're like what he the Troublemaker whereby a defendant can't claim self-defense against an agent of the government that act is deemed a defense against tyranny a defense of Liberty you're in Proverbs from the Plymouth Pulpit 1887 said this is Cy the I am afforded the right to speak in my own defense sir by the Constitution of the United States this is the same do guarant my United States Li in case youve forgotten is the Soul's right to breathe and when it cannot take a long breath laws are gerded too tight without Liberty man is a sinko I've been sitting here for 10 minutes now looking over this R sheet of yours I just can't believe it June 93 assault September 9 D you Grand Theft Auto February of '94 where apparently you defended yourself and had the case thrown out by citing free property rights of H and carriage from 1798 joke January 95 impersonating an officer mayam theft resisting all overturned I'm also aware that you've been through several foster homes the state removed you from three because of serious physical abuse yo hey fam if you enjoy my video why you playing with me dog go ahead and smash that thumbs up you know another judge might care but you hit a cop you're going in motion to dismiss is denied $50,000 bail thank you I figured hit that cop and you [ __ ] up bro I thought I was do ain't no damn way you thinking about that hit no cop hey uh it's will you know the really funny good-looking guy you met at the I don't me anyone who matches that description I think I'd remember oh will I remember how are you I was wondering if you'd call me he said you want something my ass I was wondering maybe we could get together um sometime this week you know sit out at a cafe maybe have some car oh that sounds wonderful yeah sure he call when he was in jail thank you [ __ ] do you want I'm Gerald Lambo Professor you told to [ __ ] himself what the [ __ ] do you want I've spoken to the judge and he's agreed to release you out of my supervision really what the [ __ ] is a kid but under two conditions what are those first condition is that you meet with me every week for go the proof you're working on and get into some more advanced coming to T mathematics finite math he could change his God life he just listen and the second condition is that you see a therapist you need it f Ang man I'm responsible to submit reports on those if you fail to meet with any of those conditions you will have to serve time all right I'll do the math but I'm not going to meet with any [ __ ] therapist [ __ ] stick his neck off of him he ain't got to cuz he don't owe him nothing [Music] [Music] having a competition right now playing [Music] around he jealous he jealous that about to be me [Music] oh about is he reading that [ __ ] I read your book and uh and and Mike was having the same problems that Chad the stock broker was having absolutely right right on the button good for you will very nice thank you they are destroying your potential you're right thr your life away CU you can't and you're not going to get off that easily come on will bit more well I mean I do I do do things you know what kind of things you know I mean I hide from from people what you hide do you no no I mean I like I I go places I interact I think he to you with him right now the music like owns you it's like that house music it's like cross something boom yes yes do you find it hard to hide the back that you're gay oh my God what are you talking about what buddy two seconds ago you were ready to give me a jump a jump are you nope he got his ass the way he laughing disint that's the truth look I don't have a problem with it I don't care if you putt From the Rough what are you to putting From the Rough don't Earth you the difficult theor can be like uh C him like what Henry hi Jerry hey you know something I can't do do this pro bono work anymore it's just not it's not worth it what happened well I'm going on National Television next week I hav got time to tell you much less talk to that raving Looney in there absolute lunatic he is better have patience to deal with his ass boy he a puff from the rut seven is he what do you see something's in my room what is it it's like a it's a figure it's hovering over me I don't trust this dude just touching where is he touching you touch me down there I'm nervous you don't have to be nervous it'sit TI you with them bro cuz we can make a lot of love before the sun goes down sky rocket flight Afternoon Delight hey Afternoon Delight sky rockets and flight I'm sorry better things to do with my time hey after you really hypnotized me you know for God's sake will what oh come on I he left you can't pin that on me I told you to cooperate with these people he stole his keys look into my eyes get out will I don't need therapy that's enough because he want to help him he see the potential but he don't want to use it they going to be in jail trust my man very important in a relationship it's also very important in a clinical situation why is trust the most important thing in making a breakthrough with a client Meen stop there all fixation for a moment and join us Vinnie um I cannot be a teacher because uh trust is uh trust is life wow it's very deep thank you Vinnie and there's really no point for them being in therapy I mean hey if they don't trust you you know never going to get them to sleep with you that should be the goal of any good therapist nail them while they're V that's oh good everyone's back welcome back everybody I can see that look that's his uh his speed there bro ladies and gentlemen we are in the presence of greatness Professor Gerald Lambo Fields Medal winner for combinatorial mathematics hello okay everybody that's it for today thanks um we'll see you Monday be talking about Freud why he did enough cocaine to kill a small horse thank you how are you I this going to work out well bro why didn't you come to the reunion you know what I've been busy you were missed really so how long has it been since we've seen each other I was in Paris it was the damn conference I got your card it was nice like keep the [ __ ] B I've never seen anything nothing like it what makes him so incredible Jerry he had no formal education he had no access to any scientific work and um but he came across this old math mix and from this simple text he was able to extrapolate theories that had baffled mathematicians for years yeah continued fraction bo boy I'm a genius probably even read your book if you could find it it's going to be hard for him to find say boy he's smart as hell you can't you can't outthink him this is Sean mcquire Will Hunting ha are you yeah start yeah let's do it I'm pumped let's Let The Healing begin 101 get person of course what about the ones on the top shelf you read those yeah I read those good for you what do you think about them hey I'm not here for a [ __ ] book report they're your books why don't you read them I did I had to that must have taken you a long time look this is a Jesus you want to read a real history book read how in's people's history the United I can knock better than try's manufacturing consent you think that's a good book [ __ ] people baffle me spend all your money on these [ __ ] fancy books you surround yourselves with them they're the wrong [ __ ] books what are the right [ __ ] books bench 285 what do you bench you paint that basic conversation you painted I think the rest of took the wrong approach you like music it's a real piece of [ __ ] oh well tell me what you really think that's odd one eh it wasn't very good that's not really what concerns me though what concerns you it's the coloring you know the real [ __ ] of it is it's paint by number is it color by number because the colors are fascinating to me are they really I think you're about one step away from cutting your [ __ ] hair off think I should move to the south of France change my name to Vincent you ever heard the Say in any port in the storm yeah and maybe that means you in what way the sky's falling on your head the waves are crashing over your little boat the ORS are about to snap you just piss in your pants you're crying for the h maybe what you got to do to get out you know maybe you became a psychologist Bingo that's it let me do my job now you still have with me come on maybe you married the wrong woman maybe you should watch your mou touch the nerve there t look I ain't no [ __ ] I Ain like the rest up you can't run me off F knock your ass out what happened she leave you taking the glasses hanging some if you ever disrespect my wife again I will end you I will [ __ ] end you the chief oh [ __ ] time up who the [ __ ] you playing with boy I I'll understand if you don't want to meet with him again Thursday 4:00 make sure the kids's here he enjoy a challenge to get a good night kid no you know I tell you I was hoping a good night late or no I was I was hoping for a kiss well I'm get out way now they better not kiss come on bro that sh can wait least two your fool bro I think I got some of your pick whatever works whatever this is really nice you got to think for swans is this like a fetish it's something like maybe we need to devote some time to thought about what you said to me the other day about my painting fell into a deep peaceful sleep and I haven't thought about you since Michelangelo know a lot about him life's work political aspirations him and the pope sexual orientation the whole works right but you can't tell me what it feels like to wake up next to a woman and feel truly happy I ask you about war you probably throw Shakespeare at me right once more into the breach dear friends he's ask right through you unless she want to talk about you who you are that boy say keep the tough fact I see you right through it boy you from the same place but you don't want to do that do your sport you're terrified of what you might say you move chief how was you dog look cut the [Music] shits that boy standing in the rain he like her hello hello profess Valente you calling me again in the room what the hell why didn't he say nothing I se he should like ditch his friends because those are his friends but think about how smoke he is no [Music] smoking silence silent time boy let that M what do you mean I didn't talk you were in there for an hour just sat to counting the seconds until the session was over it's pretty impressive actually Prov to me he doesn't have to talk to me if he doesn't want to what is this someing contest between from the old neighborhood yeah it is and I can't talk first you know your theory I know what you're doing if you want to talk to me you go talk I can't make you talk I wrote it down it's simpler this way sometimes people get lucky you're a brilliant man that boy smart no no look no comment no nothing my wife used to fart when she was nervous she had all sorts of wonderful little EOS synes you know she used to fart and to sleep shyy G night it was so loud it woke the dog up they show them that boy all right she woke up and go like was that you see I didn't have the heart to tell her she woke herself up yes where cool sh a moment oh Christ ah but will she's been Dead 2 years and that's the [ __ ] I remember it's wonderful stuff you know those are the things I miss the [Music] most hello hey where have you been I'm sorry I've been like I've been really busy and but me too yeah I thought you'd call he did yeah um I mean we had a really good time oh they a talks since the first date fantastically boring all right um but then maybe some other time like tomorrow um yeah all right okay bye said outside his comfort zone again M Ricky Terry Mikey Davey Timmy Tommy Joey Robbie Johnny and briyan and Willie Willie yeah Will wow wow do you still see all of them yeah well they all live in saly I'm living with three of them right now oh they all grew up in or I'd like to meet them got yeah we'll do that you know I'm very very useful on the court I'm extremely tall you're not that tall I dunk will I ever play in the NBA it is decidedly so I remember those damn things lying when am I going to meet your friends and your brothers well they don't really come down here that much I think I can make it to South Boston is he still um reserving himself what if I said I would not sleep with you again until you let me meet your friend she want to get close to you brother got his dick in the monkey's ass and Morgan comes running in going I don't mind it don't going on a Benda for 6 8 months ever tell you what happened to him when he was driving up there and he po I told you guys right what happened to my UNC cuz boy they don't give a damn what they talk about she with them I'll see you guys done that's what's up man all right take it easy Bill change my opinion of H people H well you don't want to rush to judgment on that one cuz you know they're not all like me I'm sure it was nice to meet you take it easy slowly back away you're giving us a ride the [ __ ] do I look like as you're walking [ __ ] we'll taking the car U I'm not exactly sure what you mean we've already offered you a position nobody in what the [ __ ] but I think we all know that person's not going to represent you as well as I can will our offer is $84,000 a year Rainer he retainer feet retainer yeah you he going to [ __ ] his um reputation dude why is he here the [ __ ] you tried to pull today you can better I'll be looking into you your business we have here to4 you can speak with my forementioned attorney did we all see him there all right Mr nosy Parker see as your intent on breaking my balls let me ask you a question all right do you have a photographic memory how do you remember your phone number you know you just do well have you studied organic chemistry a little bit oh just for fun say for fun so much fun studying organic chemistry are you mad nobody studies it for fun it's not a necessity especially for someone like you someone like me yeah someone who divides their time fairly evenly between batting cages and bars who would hardly say it was a necessity I wonder if you do have a photog photographic memory that I can always just play that Bo natural it's the best I can explain that's crazy I have to tell you something well she like damn no you [ __ ] too damn smart you wasting your damn time drinking beer and Popp from board to board maybe she get his ass together at her I want you to come to go where you about to go sure about that oh said oh oh yeah I ain't got to through twice don't [ __ ] this up I to come to California with me he better not mess this up y'all yeah I I got a job here you don't have a [ __ ] what he talking about what job the janitor job um challenges you and you're scared shitless to do anything else don't tell me about my world don't tell me about my world I mean you just want to have your little fling with like the guy from the other side of town then you're going to go off to Stanford you're going to marry some rich prick who your parents will approve of and just sit around with the other trust fund babies and talk about how you went sluming too once what the hell is why are you saying this what is your obsession with this money my father died when I was 13 and I inherited this money you don't think every day I wake up what I wish that I could give it back oh your dad that I would get it back in a second you know what I'm afraid too [ __ ] it I want to give it a shot and at least I'm honest with you I'm not honest with you no what about your 12 brother no you're not going you're not leaving what do you want to know what that I don't have 12 brothers that I'm a [ __ ] orphan no you don't want to hear that no you don't want to hear that you don't want to hear that I got [ __ ] cigarettes put out of me when I was a little kid I didn't that this isn't [ __ ] surgery that the [ __ ] stabbed me you don't want to hear that [ __ ] Skyla tell me you want to hear that [ __ ] I want to hear it because I want to help you because I want to be what the [ __ ] what do I got a [ __ ] sign on my back that says save me do I look like I need that no God I just want to be with you because I love you don't [ __ ] me don't you [ __ ] [ __ ] me you serious [ __ ] I to hear you say that you don't love me because if you say that and I won Cody you going regret this [ __ ] for the rest of your life bro and I won't be in your life he going to regret it if he [ __ ] this up what I don't love you is he serious he can't say a good thing when it's in front of him just like him being a genius he going to regret this moment that's for sure well hold it you hear that if you're watching pornno in my mom's room again I'm going to give you a [ __ ] beat sit right her and smoke and drink with his friends I think he afraid to lose all of this he's so used to this crap this is easy for him that's the problem come on not in my glove I didn't use the glove bro that's my little Le glove wow bro this is so sad h two smartphones so what did I think I'm holding out for something better I figure [ __ ] it while I'm at it why not just shoot my buddy take his job give it to his sworn enemy hike up gas prices bomb a village Club a baby seal Hit The Hash Pipe and join the National Guard I could be elected president you feel like you're alone will he too smart for me what wow you have a soulmate do I Define that somebody who challenges he just [ __ ] that up Chucky no Chucky's family he'd lie down in [ __ ] traffic for you I'm talking about someone who opens up things for you touches your soul you just told her than you little lover just have a little question here you could be a janitor anywhere why did you work at the most prestigious Technical College in the whole [ __ ] world why did you sneak around at night and finish other people's formulas and then lie about it cuz I don't see a lot of Honor in that boy talk about [ __ ] honor you're lying so what do you really want to do I want to be a Shepherd I want to move up to nsha get a nice little spread get some sheep and tend to them maybe you should so full you know you're going to Jer off a moist towel you're chucking me yeah get the [ __ ] outy no no no time's not up yet yeah it you wasting my [ __ ] time you're not going to answer my questions you're wasting my [ __ ] time I thought we were friends what do you mean you why are you kicking me out Sean I mean what I mean you're lecturing me on life look at you you [ __ ] burnout where's your soulmate you want to talk about soulmates where is she dead that's right she's [ __ ] dead she [ __ ] dies and you just cash in your chips and you walk away hey at least I played a hand oh you played a hand and you lost you lost a big [ __ ] hand and some people lose a big hand like that and have the sack to Annie up again look at me what do you want to do simple question you don't even [ __ ] know you in your [ __ ] you got a [ __ ] answer for everybody but I ask you a very simple question and you can't give me a straight answer very simple somewhat as [ __ ] can answer that question just wanted to you know um call you up uh before you left boy I get the [ __ ] out of here um been taking all these job interviews and stuff so not going to be just a construction worker well you know I never really cared about that the I'm impressed she love him for real I love you will you take care this dude here this boy here you talk about living in regret that boy going to have big regrets show up right there something and the unknown he us was a swing of [ __ ] sludgehammer that's it we done I'm sitting in your office and the boy isn't here what it's 10 5 an hour and 10 minutes late well if he doesn't show up and I file a report saying he wasn't here when he goes back to jail he won't be on my conscience I forgot about that damn deal you fin to it in jail bro thanks because you chose you you afraid of growth so how's your lady ah she's gone gone gone where med school medical school in California really yeah what was this it's like a week ago so uh when are you done with those meetings like the week after I'm 21 yeah they're going to hook you up with a job or what yeah [ __ ] sit in a room and do long division for the next 50 years yeah probably make some nice Bank though be a [ __ ] labat better than this ain't that something the friend even got common sense to send it back to the judge for evaluation oh his friend got through to him that's why he's there you're not going to fil me are you he care read why it's okay to try and open up huh have you had any uh experience with that 20 years AG counseling yeah I've seen some pretty awful [ __ ] wow how many have you had any I don't know a lot you see this all this [ __ ] this is not your fault look at me son it's not your fault I know right it's not your fault don't [ __ ] with me it's not your fault don't [ __ ] with me all right don't [ __ ] with me Sean not you it's not your fault F finally let go [Music] huh oh God oh God so sorry I think too because he understood he was able to open up to him he went through the same exact thing [ __ ] them okay he like damn dude probably the closest thing as his father right man a therapist thank you Sean thank you well it is violate the uh patient doctor relationship only if you grab my ass got me what te you too look he don't me watch the time no more like damn this it good luck son he he helped them [Music] too he ain't there [Music] what he [Music] [Applause] say let just a crying boy beautiful movie finally [Music] left he went to the front [Music] seat me happy for him too that's how it should be true FR for you [Music] man Sean if the professor calls about that job just tell them sorry I had to go see about a girl there we go well stole my L they better show it they better show it [Music] face I was hoping it was going to show her face when he showed up but it's all good it's all good he went man you know something I was totally wrong about him I thought that he was just a dumbass kid and was afraid of trying something knew which he was but he had been traumatized for so long was so afraid of people abandoning him that he was afraid to open up and the main reason he was so loyal to his friends is because they never abandoned him he knew for effect that no matter what they had they had his back and I believe that what really changed his mind was that his friends saying that it was okay to spread your wings and I think what really hit it home for him is that when his friends told him that if he chose to stay here and accept the bare minimum in life because you felt like you had some kind of loyalty to us I was going to kill you myself and as far as Robin Williams go I feel like the reason he was able to connect with him is because he had been through the same exact thing but yeah man absolutely beautiful [ __ ] movie dog I haven't CRI watching the movie in a very long time man but this right here is absolutely worth the watch anyway hope you guys enjoy my reaction if you guys want to see more of me more of my reactions check out one of The Links at the top also if you guys want to see Full unedited reactions check out my patreon and until next time peace out [Music] h
Channel: DevinG Tv
Views: 28,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reaction, react, reactions, movie reaction, movie reaction channel, reaction channel, watching, first time watching, movie commentary, movie review, natalie gold, the normies, popcorn in bed, alex hefner, movie, film, best movies of all time, funny, Stephen King Movies, crying, good will hunting, green mile, Forrest Gump, robin williams, watching good will hunting for the first time, good will hunting reaction, matt damon, ben affleck, just trust ash, deving tv, cinebinge
Id: cl7obi1mshQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 59sec (2579 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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