*GOOD WILL HUNTING* (1997) | First Time Watching | Movie Reaction

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Goodwill Hunting 1997 before we get into anything rest in peace to my guy that's my childhood man I've seen most of his movies I don't know why this never came up never heard of it up until a lot of y'all said you should do this or I also saw that other reactors did this movie and I'm like I didn't even know this was a movie but I asked y'all if I should do it and y'all said absolutely full length reaction is on patreon it's in the description below as well as my Instagram account as well as my series Channel let's do it gusb s is that how you say that when I watch somewhat of a classic I feel like this is a classic so when I watch a classic I ask all the time how many times y'all seen this movie Ben a wait wait wait did I just see Ben afflac the last time I saw Matt Damon in the movie was Interstellar I did that on a channel if you want to go check it out you can do that oh shoot not no know that what Ben Affleck is in the building did anybody get their start doing this movie written by Matt Damon and Ben Affleck so I'm guessing they didn't get their start with this one mod FX Square DX so please finish peral by next time I know many of you have this as undergraduates but he W herur to brush I know that guy um I I'm not familiar with his name though I remember he was an Avengers I also put an advanced F system if you have any questions sure that Tom has the answers yeah Tom yeah hey however you got to get that money get that [Music] money you doing why didn't you give me none of that nasty little hoochi woi usually throw at me not the Hoochie wooi I've never heard that before I am so used that oh my God yo when am I get that hoochie woochi you feel what I'm saying where you going I'm going to take off [ __ ] you you taking off it's like what 10:00 smart guy but uh are you drawing that on the bathroom mirror though I believe Matt Damon's first role was Saving Private Ryan I believe it was I also did that with my father on a channel if I'm wrong can y'all tell me what his first role was I never know where these people get their first rolles from I wonder what Robin Williams was too o stop rushing me back stop crowding the plate which one will it be I'm going to hit the sh out of this baseball oh you're crowding the [ __ ] plate hey uh Casey's bouncing up a bar at har next week yo are they both from Boston they got like a a Boston kind of accent Professor Lambo I'm in your applied theories class we're all up at the math and science build it's Saturday today unless you want to have a drink with me tonight maybe you heard that maybe she said maybe extra [Music] credit did this none of them none of them none of them smack that down that's how there's a girl with a sh pants she's got a nice ass that's her all nice ass he's the guy she's with [ __ ] Kine Scott packed that kid used to beat the [ __ ] out of me and kinderg yeah uhoh I can I can sense something about to go down I can sense it as soon as he said yo he used to beat me up in kindergarten like all right let's see now you feel what I'm saying he he going to run into him I feel I guarantee it chck ahe double you shut the [ __ ] up I know what you ordered I was this movie is clearly rated R I I didn't know that's what I'm saying like I didn't know anything about this movie which I don't really care I watch RAR stuff all the time hey hold up Jack slow it down the [ __ ] there she there he go [ __ ] go oh shoot come on it's me it's me Will remember we went to kindergarten together yo he about that oh I'm about to say hey when you run up on people like that just know you're going to get hit but you're going to get hit you know what you're looking for so don't matter if you in an octagon don't matter matter if you in a street fight you're going to get hit bud that's what a fight is he beating the [ __ ] out of this dude me oh but there's a police officer coming who oh my God see this is where he freaked up you don't need a freaking police officer bro this could have been so much easier but he just had to do that my colleagues and I have conferred and there is a problem that took us more than 2 years to prove and he did it in like a few minutes bro the person I was just okay so he's out of there the person who did that problem I was going to say he might be in jail somewhere sorry what are you doing he's walking away people's work don't you walk away from me hey [ __ ] you oh oh you're a clever one what's your name oh shoot where'd he go yo he ran around that corner he's like ain't no way it was him where was this uh you see I'm looking at the city like all around here I I really don't know where this is I'm not good at like just looking at a city in a movie knowing where it where it is I I haven't been that many places so I really don't know where this is up up I feel like the dude I I hope I'm wrong but I feel like the dude we're going to see him again the guy that he whooped the freak out of him on the basketball court I feel like we're going to see him again I will take a picture of the finest logger in the house Boston Boston I know an accent but I just I I wasn't sure if they were in the city or not I I've never been to Boston so I don't even know what it looks like oh hello oh hello Hi how are you fine so do you ladies uh do I I come here a bit I'm here oh shoot that's the that's the boyfriend hey how's it going good how you doing you what class did you did you say that one you know I found the class like bro you can't tell that this is like Elementary go away just having fun with my new friend that's all problem no no no no no there's no problem so what is he trying to like dumb him down just got finished reading some moxian historian Pete Garrison probably you're going to be convinced of that till next month when you get I had a I had a yeah I had a feeling this was going to happen his his friend is not as bright as he is so he was he was basically trying to make him look stupid in front of the girl okay drastically underestimates impact of social distinctions predicated upon what oh look at the lip bite oh look at the girl in the back she said is that your thing you come into a bar you read some obscure passage and then pretend you you pawn it off as your own as your own idea just to impress some girls embarrass my friend not to mention you giving us ponytails a bad name my [ __ ] like not everybody acts like him I promise y'all oh so she wanton him you're an idiot what I've been sitting over there for 45 minutes waiting for you to come and talk to me but I'm tired now and I have to go home I couldn't sit there anymore waiting for you I mean I'm well I'm here now you feel what I'm saying I'm sorry for the the 45 minutes that I didn't notice so maybe we can go out for coffee sometime all right yeah maybe we could just get together and eat a bunch of caramels huh what you mean when you think about it it's as arbitrary as drinking coffee we can get together and eat a bunch of caramels that's different do you you like apples well I got a number how do you like them apples oh he is actually like okay he's I'm sensing just a little bit of a troublemaker he's a troublemaker I mean hey everybody has one of those friends bro excuse me I just need the name of the student who works here no students work for me I have this guy who works in my building he's about this High which one is your building he's not a student well he didn't show for work today got this job through his PO you can call him whereby a defendant can't claim self-defense against an agent of the government that act is deemed a defense against tyranny this cury excuse going to make a mark the cour I am afforded the right to speak yes by the Constitution of the United States this is the same United States then shut the up what then shut up June 93 assault September 93 assault Grand Theft Auto Grand Theft Auto he was out here running over people and going to the strip club I'm joking by the way I'm joking when I said you were a troublemaker I I was talking on of my own ass I didn't know it was that bad hello uh Sky yep hey uh it's will who it's the ugly obnoxious toothless loser who got hammer and wouldn't leave you alone on it I remember well actually this is a this is just a shot in the dock there's no chance that you're uh pre-law is it [ __ ] do you want I'm Gerald Lambo first condition is that you meet with me every week course go the proof you're working on get into some more advanced I got you gang even though cigarettes are cigarettes are bad for you I would never tell somebody to smoke a cigarette but that's just me let you see a therapist all right I'll do the math but I'm not going to meet with any [ __ ] therapist to be honest therapy definitely changes people's lives sometimes times I needed therapy for years and I finally got it after this many years so I can attest that it does work definitely don't write off therapy before you try [Music] it what the freak was that I have never seen that before it's a I read your book and uh and and Mike was having the same problems that Chad the stock broker was having absolutely right right on the button good for you will very nice you know what takes me by surprise watching this movie it's been 30 minutes haven't seen Robin Williams yet the music like owns you boom boom you know you start dancing no you you start dancing any any of y'all be going in the club like this you be like it's lit you'all be like it's lit do you find it hard to hide the fact that you're gay what are you what are you talking about look buddy two seconds ago you were ready to give me a jump you what what are you talking about that's when you know somebody got you you you not you're not even saying nothing hey you know something I can't do this proon work anymore it's just not it's not worth it what happened so I wonder if he was right or not cuz if he could see something I I can't I can't notice if he is or not what do you see something's in my room what is it it's touching where is he touching you it's touch me down there can make a lot of love before before the sun goes down bro I thought this was so much deeper than it was Afternoon Delight you really hypnotize me you know okay okay I'mma ask y'all cuz I I need your opinion is it one he thinks that this is a joke and he he feel like he doesn't need therapy at all or two he actually really needs it I'm kind of stuck in the middle cuz I see both sides to that trust very important in a relationship very important in the clinical oh man just hearing his voice like it just that actually really like mellowed me on the inside just now man and there really no point for them being in therapy I mean hey if they don't trust you you know never going to get them to sleep with you what Sean hey J we are in the presence of greatness Professor Gerald Lambo Fields Medal winner for combinatorial mathematics hello it's like the Nobel Prize for math the way he said that is like uh did they did they have a little competition about something look look look at him his his body language he's putting his head down and like oh yeah I think I got something interesting for you what you have to have flood and Ur what's up I don't know what age he was when he passed doing this on a bouncy house I got a probation and then a counseling two days you're a smoothie you're a smoothie this this romaner John is his genius was unparal this boy is just like that he's a bit defensive and I need someone who can can get through to him like me yeah I like you I feel like in real life Robin Williams could have been all of our therapists bro and I'm honestly only asking because I I don't know I understand what he did but I never understood why I didn't really look too much into it so maybe y'all can help me out with that hi well this is Sean mcquire Will Hunting would you excuse us yeah please tell you too Jerry yeah of course how are you where you from selfie I like what you've done with the place buy all these books retail that you send away for like a shrink kit that comes with all these volumes included you like books yeah hey I'm not here for a [ __ ] book report they're your book I'm interested to see how this conversation goes you know you'd be better off shoving that cigarette up your ass if I would be healthier for you um I definitely heard what he just said but uh I got distracted by that that creepy ass painting in the back reason that bothered me what do you bench 285 what do you bench you paint that this conversation is like the the most ADHD conversation I've ever seen in my life you know what the real [ __ ] of it is it's paint by number is it color by number because the colors are fascinating them are they really I think you're about one step away from cutting your [ __ ] hair off think I should move to the south of France change my name to Vincent you ever heard the saying any part in the storm let me do my job now you start have with me come on maybe you married the wrong woman maybe you should watch your mouth he definitely tries to get under people's skin you married the wrong woman would she leave you or she you know hanging some other guy you ever disrespect my wife again I will end you bro did she die of cancer or something he said my wife he didn't say my ex he didn't he didn't say none of that he said my wife I I'll understand if you don't want to meet with him again Thursday 4:00 make sure the kids here I have a feeling it's it's something for sure it's not just we just broke up I don't think so that anger don't look like we broke up that's more of like a I still love her more than anything to this day but she's not around h I really can't tell what his age was when he did this movie how long has he been acting well you look lovely in those glasses thank you very much just beautiful yes I always wanted that blue eyes Shadow you know I figured out at the end my brain's going to be worth $250,000 that sounded horrible didn't it this one's for you Rudolph girl wait wait so that's called goofy RZ this is this is actually working okay honestly even as an adult sometimes it's just it's just fun to be a child again you feel what I'm saying like it's fun to be young and a teenager and a child I was hoping they good night late kind of laugh was that he said that's why y'all still have I think I got some of your pickle I was just going to say that's can I finish my food first you again huh come with me you're like yeah we not doing the office thing you need something different bud you got a thing for swans is it's like a fetish or something like maybe we need to devote some time to thought about what you said to me the other day about my painting you know what occurred to me you're just a kid you don't have the faintest idea of what you're talking about I bet you can't tell me what it smells like in a Stine Chapel you never actually stood there and looked up at that beautiful ceiling reading it knowing about it ain't being there it's not the same thing you can use that with anything in life but you can't tell me what it feels like to wake up next to a woman and feel truly happy M you've never held your best friend's head in your lap watch him gasp his last breath looking to you for help every time he speaks I don't even want to say nothing I know my job is to do commentary and it helps with copyright I get it I'm just taking this in though and you wouldn't know what it's like to be her angel through through anything through cancer you would know about sleeping sitting up in a hospital was it cancer holding her hand you don't know about real loss cuz that only occurs when you love something more than you love yourself I wonder if he has or not cuz you notice he's not saying anything he's just listening you're an orphan right do you think I'd know the first thing about how hard your life has been my hands are up you don't know someone until you know them you need to hear it from them a lot of y'all watch me on a regular basis y'all don't know me y don't know anything about me unless I tell you all you can do is speculate sexual dysfunction I couldn't read all it why what didn't y'all last date just go well am I missing something right now why did he not want to speak to her it might thank you I'm glad he said that cuz I was going to say it might be a good start to keep those in your pocket gang stop smoking bro not cigarettes that's coming from a personal place by the way I've had people I love that have lost their life because of freaking cigarettes I'm not just saying that just to be Petty you do what you want to with your life they're doing another session with just yo after he had that talk with him he don't know what to say to him this man falling asleep you know I was on this plane once captain gets on he does this whole you know we'll be cruising at 35,000 ft but then he puts the mic down forg gets to turn it off mhm and so he turns to the co-pilot and he's like you know all I could use right now is a [ __ ] [ __ ] and a cup of coffee okay you going out again I don't no why not haven't called her Christ you're an amateur this girl is like [ __ ] perfect right now I don't want to ruin that he likes the cupcake phase he likes where it is right now and he doesn't want to go too deep and ruin things there's a lot of people people who don't like to go deeper she woke up and go like oh was that you see I didn't have the heart to tell her oh my gosh oh here wheezing it's wonderful stuff you know little things like that you're not perfect sport this girl you met she isn't perfect question is whether or not you're perfect for each other I got a good question for y' all how do you ever know if you're perfect for somebody for each other how do you how do you know that is it something you can ever know or is it just something you trust you ever think about getting remarried my wife's dead hence the word remarried times up everybody has that trigger bro everybody has that trigger everybody has a trigger it doesn't matter who no one's perfect his is his wife hello hey hello where have you been um so I was was wondering if uh if you know you give me another crack at it you know let me take you out again I can't can't I just can't right now all right um but then maybe some other time like tomorrow yeah all right I don't know she was kind of hiding behind the door like she has somebody on the other side you feel what I'm saying what are you doing here I couldn't wait till tomorrow huh come on let's go have some fun no I I've got to learn this well you're not going to surgery tomorrow are you so did you grow up around here then not far South Boston still glang for my wi but how many you wouldn't believe me if I told you come on what five I have 12 Big Brothers you do not I swear to God I swear to God I'm lucky 13 right 12 do you know all their names do I yeah they're my brothers mcky Ricky Danny Terry Mikey Davey Timmy Tommy Joey Robbie Johnny and Brian say it again Moy Ricky Danny Terry Mikey Davey Timmy Tommy Joey Robbie Johnny and Bryan let me see if I could do all my siblings Mariah Maya Anthony Hannah Rachel Symphony I couldn't do it fast but I I know their names you ever wonder what your life would be like if you uh if you never met your wife wonder if I'd be better off without her no no no I'm not saying like better off I didn't mean it like it's all right cuz you'll have bad times but that'll always wake you up to the good stuff you weren't paying attention to well I got regrets will but I don't regret a single day I spent with her you know what's the most mature thing that I've ever said when I grew up even the relationships I've had that ended terrible and it brought me a lot of pain I still don't regret it what I've learned what I've been through the good moments I did have with them but a younger person can't really always see that steps up to the plate you know he's got that weird stand he [ __ ] it you know and then it hits a foul pole he goes a [ __ ] and 35,000 fans you know they charge the field you know yeah and he's [ __ ] B get get out the way get out the way did you rush the field no I didn't rush the [ __ ] field I wasn't there oh what no I was in a bar having a drink with my future wife you missed Pudge fist home run oh yeah that's why I'm not talking right now about some girl I saw at about 20 years ago and how I always regretted not going over and talking to her I'm very very useful on the court I'm extremely tall I dunk she said I dunk I I plan to I'm tall I like wearing shorts hook hook hook hook Dunk Dunk what the freak is a hook hook Dunk Dunk he has something in his life at the moment that can keep him out of trouble he has something in his life at at the moment that can keep his spirits a little bit up you feel what I'm saying something else be up but it's not my business he's always telling stor here every time he come here he's got another story but we all heard this one go ahead it's crazy to think this dude grew up he's Batman now he's about to throw the cuffs on in jail all of a sudden 50 Ys down the road this is huge [ __ ] boom gets up gets in his car and just drives home the next morning my uncle's just passed out the state trooper that pulled him over this is St lady's police cruiser is in my uncle's garage is that [ __ ] you so [ __ ] Hamed you drove the wrong car home that's wild how you drive the wrong car home there's an old couple in bed Mary and Patty and they wake up on the morning of the 50th Anniversary okay in 50 years there's one thing that's been missing I would like you to give me a blow job I would like one and Mary's like all right she takes the teeth out put them in the glass and she gives him a blood hey is like is there anything that I can do for you Mary looks up at him and she goes do Mr oh now it's in bettered in my head oh if you still at that age and you were freak you feel what I'm saying you were freak you feel what I'm saying hey that's [ __ ] really out of the way okay just cuz you don't have to sleep in your one room Palace tonight don't startop thinking you're bad hey wait a minute you said we were going to see your place he knows once you see that little [ __ ] hole he's getting dropped like a bad habit [ __ ] want to meet your brothers what is uh he didn't lie about his brothers right Kim this is Cherry can I get your beer um no just a faer you wanted to talk about will must be going well I think so have you talked to him at all about his future no we haven't gotten into that yet we're still banging away at the past well maybe you should you ever heard of Jonna sck sure cured polio how about Gerald Lambo ever heard of him nothing compared to this young man over here with Gerald Lambo he went to go ask someone else he can contribute to the world and and we can help him do that directions one thing manipulation enough why don't we give him time to figure out what he wants it worked wonders for you didn't it yeah it did you arrogant [ __ ] prick a that was low that was so low bro nobody in this town Works without a retainer guys you think you can find somebody who does me tell you you have my blessing why is he the you want us to give you cash right now ohy now I didn't say that for you would be concurrently improved if I had $200 in my they looking at him like who the freak this dude think he is bro oh shoot they actually putting oh they pulling out that money business we have here to4 you can speak with my for Manion attorney I mean he kind of he kind of got that [ __ ] on for one that's bad mothering athle you want some help no it is actually important that I learn this yeah lowkey yeah you got to let her learn bro well have you studied organic chemistry yeah for kicks yeah so much fun studying organic chemistry are you mad are you mad bloody hell do you think she says bloody hell you do it so easily I don't understand I don't understand how your mind did you play piano every time somebody like kind of tells him he's smart every time somebody tries to like pick his brain of like how smart he is he kind of looks the other way and just like dismisses it it's not fair I've been here for 4 years and I've only just found you o that line I've been here for 4 years and I just only found you I ain't going to lie that way that make me drop my pants super fast you feel what I'm saying I want you to come to Califoria with me you sure about that oh yeah cuz it's a really serious thing you're saying you could be in C California next week he's super defensive of of something but I can't see what the something is though I can't go to California if you don't love me you should just tell me because it's such what are you so scared of what am I so scared of what aren't you scared of please cuz cuz she got to know and I got to know bud do anything else don't tell me about my world don't tell me about my world I mean you just want to have your little fling with like the guy from the other side of town then you're going to go off to Stanford you're going to marry some rich prick who your parents approve of why are you saying this what is your obsession with this money my father died when I was 13 and I inherited this money and I wish that I could give it back I'm afraid what am I afraid of what the [ __ ] am I afraid of you're afraid of me you're afraid that I won't love you back I'm not honest with you no what about your 12 Brothers no you're not going you're not leaving what do you want to know what that I don't have 12 brothers that I'm a [ __ ] orphan no you don't want to hear that no you don't want to hear that you don't want to hear that I got [ __ ] cigarettes put out of me when I was a little kid what do I got a [ __ ] sign on my back that says save me do I look like I need that I want to hear you say that you don't love me because if you say that then I won't call you he can't say that he can't say that because he does he just doesn't like the idea that he does everybody is a certain way for a certain reason and sometimes it does just it just doesn't come to the surface as easier as some others would I mean yeah you can see that it's some they're messed up in some kind of way but they just they won't tell you and look look at these look at these two little if y'all don't go and freaking suck somebody else bro he is he is not in the mood and for the record 12 Brothers is a lot if he would have said three that's a little bit more believable this is correct you see you used mlan I don't know what you call it would you say that that scene would you say that's like one of Matt Damon's best scenes that he's known for what happened at the mcne meeting I couldn't go I had a day so I sent my chief negotiator think you could show me some appreciation a little appreciation do you know how easy this is for me and I'm sorry you can't do this I really am because I wouldn't have to [ __ ] sit here and watch you fumble around and [ __ ] it up imagine telling a professor that this is probably a total waste of my time good for you will most days I wish I never met you I didn't have to walk around with a knowledge that there was someone like you out there I don't know if this movie was going to be sad sad I don't know what it was going to be but I felt like it was going to be one of them little touchy movies what's up F do why don't you Dr off in your own [ __ ] house dud I mean nowadays you could just whip out this you watch what you want to watch you hump a baseball glove I didn't I didn't I just used it for the for clean up oh that's what you got that on for so the way I see it the question isn't why should you work for the NSA why shouldn't you it's a tough one say I'm working at the NSA and somebody puts a code on my desk something no one else can break maybe I take a shot at it and maybe I break it and I'm real happy with myself cuz I did my job well but maybe that code was the location of some Rebel Army in North Africa or the Middle East and once they have that location they bomb the village where the rebels are hiding 1500 people that I never met never had no problem with get killed meanwhile he realizes the only reason he was over there in the first place was so that we could install a government that would sell us oil at a good price [ __ ] drink is gone it ain't too long till he hits one spills the oil and kills all the sea life H you're not going to tell me that this dude did this the first time is he talking to uh Robin Williams character I just realized that like he was in a different setting you feel like you're alone will what you have a soulmate he kind of just walked out on her yeah he walked out on her Shakespeare nii Frost okan Pope block that's great they're all dead me personally I know you don't care about it and I know this movie is mad old so I can't dictate where this is going but I think you should go to California that's just me what are you passionate about what do you want that girl I didn't ask for this no you were born with it so don't cop out behind I didn't ask for this I like I like both of the sides to this conversation I want to be a Shepherd really I want to move up to Nash get a nice little spread you know you're going to Jer off F you just do it at home with a moist towel you're chucking me yeah get the [ __ ] out hey no no no time's not up yet I'm not leaving no why are you kicking me out cuz he's being more serious about this where's your soulmate you want to talk about soulmates where is she dead that's right she's [ __ ] dead she [ __ ] dies and you just cash in your chips and you walk away hey at least I played a hand what do you want to do he's so freaking afraid bro and it's okay to not know something it's okay to not know you're a freaking child you know it he might not be a child he might not be a child but you get what I'm saying like he's he's extremely young well you take care my heart goes out to her I'm not going to lie I mean my heart goes out to both of them cuz he has he's going through his own stuff she genuinely wanted to be a part of it she saw the pain she saw the anger all of that she wanted to be a part of it you got to pay attention when people want to be a part of that cuz most people are just going to say the hell with you and be be about their business what it's 10 5 an hour and 10 minutes late well if he doesn't show up and I F A report saying he wasn't here when he goes back to Jil yeah so much has been going on in this movie that I just got completely sidetracked and forgot that he literally has to do that that's a part of his thing so how's your lady ah she's gone gone gone where med school medical school in California that sucks look you're my best friend so don't take this the wrong way in 20 years if you're still coming over my house watch the Patriots game still working construction I'll [ __ ] kill you you got something none of us oh come on why why is it always this I mean I can owe it to myself to do this that what if I don't want to no no no [ __ ] you you don't owe it to yourself you owe it to me CU tomorrow I'm going to wake up and I'll be 50 and I'll still be doing this [ __ ] tomorrow I'm going to wake up and I'll be 50 wow I don't know who's watching it really don't matter if that didn't resonate with every single last one of us and I know some people are already either 50 or over but it's it's not about that it's just the message behind it life will fly by we really don't have time to second guess what we want to do just do it I brought you in here because I wanted you to help me with a boy not to run him out I know what I'm doing with this boy is at a fragile point right now I do understand he is at a fragile Point okay he's got problems well what problems does he have Sean that is better rough as a janitor that is better off in jail better off hanging out with a bunch of [ __ ] gorillas oh what do you think he does you really just don't care about this this kid do you he was abandoned by the people who were supposed to love him the most oh come on don't give me that fry he pushes people away before they have a chance to leave him it's a defense mechanism all right and for 20 years he's been alone because of that and if you push him right now it's going to be the same thing all over again and I'm not going to let that happen to him Wow have you ever watched a movie and heard something in the movie and you learn something about yourself I push people away sometimes because I'm afraid that they'll do that to me and I'm just being a man and saying that I I believe me I truly do it's not about you you mathematical dick it's about the boy I won't see you make him feel like a failure too he won't be a failure see look at y'all I can come back come in he heard a lot of that just now bro this is this movie is making me feel things that I just did not expect to feel at all have you had any uh experience with that 20 years of counseling yeah I've seen some pretty awful [ __ ] I mean have you had any experience with that yeah I have sure ain't good my father was an alcoholic he come home hammered looking to wail on somebody so I had provoke him so he yeah he used to just put a uh a wrench a stick and a belt on the table just say choose I got to go with the belt there van I used to go with the wrench why the rench cuz [ __ ] him that's why I don't know how long it's been since uh I I I spoke I said anything just now but uh I don't know what to say when I tell you i' done I done been through some [ __ ] I done been through some [ __ ] you feel what I'm saying I'm not here to give you my life story I'm here to watch a movie but I understand that it's a reaction and you want to see how it affects me and I I get it look at me son it's not your fault it's not your fault I know no no you don't it's not your fault I know it's not your fault don't [ __ ] with me don't [ __ ] with me all right don't [ __ ] with me SE it's not your [Music] fault oh God oh God sorry he right though it's not [ __ ] them okay that's crazy bro the fact that I'm just watching this movie never even heard of this movie bro I've never even even heard of it until what just a few months ago there is a lot of catalog and movies that I just don't know exists and that's what I got y'all for kind of just let me know what I've been missing I've seen a lot but there's a lot I haven't seen this movie is [Music] amazing so now that that's happened I wonder uh where he's going to go from there yeah it it didn't take me until this movie to realize that I really do push people away I went I went to down there and I talk to my boss and my new boss he seemed like a good guy time's up no freak that can I stay so that's it so we're we're done yeah that's it hell no can we go get some coffee something no i' I'd rather just be here with you and just talk bro I'll be traveling around a bit it'll be a little hard I've got an answering machine at the college I'll be checking in with you do what's in your heart son you'll be fine I wonder how how Matt Damon took the news when uh when he he passed or honestly anybody that worked with Robin Williams at that us like I'm saying us as a people who just knew him through movies if we felt some kind of way imagine how they felt happy birthday forgot h [ __ ] birthday's your present come on brother what we knew you had to get back and forth to Cambridge for your new job what do you got it's a straight [ __ ] six go re this engine s it's a good car dude the engine's good um pack pack up that that uh that poster Sean I am me too Jerry yeah good so where you going India and China and Baltimore how about a drink right now yeah it's a good idea come on this one's on me got the winner right here pal yes sir this is the one there's no way is this is this him just saying goodbye they playing the music the music sounding real good right [Music] now okay okay so he's he's not home clearly they expect him to be home cuz I mean that's it's been the same thing the whole time like that's he's always home [Music] so oh did he like oh so I was wrong wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait so he left left did he actually leave like permanently bro it was a part of that conversation that they had oh my gosh if the professor calls about that job just tell him sorry I had to go see about a girl son of a [ __ ] stole my life he said stole my line man okay so here here's what I thought here's what I thought at first it what I didn't think he was going after the girl cuz he said he was leaving to go like take a trip or something I thought he was going to be like can I join that's what I thought was going to happen so I was still wrong that's cool too though oh my poor heart oh my poor heart oh my poor heart I haven't physically teared up in a movie that I've done on the channel since I don't remember cuz it really it's not often it's not about something being sad because I've watched plenty of sad movies sad is subjective like a lot of things in the world is sad per se sad ain't good enough it has to hit me in a specific way for me to get that way you can watch something that's sad but if you feel like you can't relate to something it's just all that sad this was them having a conversation about the exact things that that I talk to people about and that I'm still trying to learn how to deal with myself we don't got long in this life bro yeah you can think about right now because it's always important to think about the the present and the right now but don't only live in the right now what do you want in your life what do you where do you want to be wherever that somewhere is you go for that shout out to anybody that was in this movie because this was a team effort everybody played an amazing role in this movie this might have been about Matt d character yes we can all agree who really gave you that that that feeling in this movie CU he does it with anything he's in it doesn't matter if it's a family movie it doesn't matter if it was Jumanji it it doesn't matter what it is there was something about him gave Purity to me I can't stand the idea of Purity leaving this Earth I can't stand it I wish I could tell y'all that I knew my mother more than I did and I did didn't know her that well anybody who told me how she was they said she was straight Purity when they see I do certain acts of kindness or They See Me online in my videos and they see the way I speak and they're so proud of me they said that's your mother Brian a lot of the stuff that he been through I done seen some things I done got through some things but we're here now you feel what I'm saying let me know what you felt about this movie how do you feel like it holds up today I enjoyed the mess out of this and please give me suggestions as always full length reaction is on patreon it's in the description below as well as my Instagram account as well as my series Channel I'm going to get out of here and I hope you guys have a great day night wherever you are stay love and stay [Music] [Music] blessed
Channel: Mr FLICKS
Views: 12,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movie, moviereaction, reaction, firsttimewatching, first, firsttime, classic, iconic, iconicmovie, classicmovie, commentary, moviecommentary, history, crying, tears, uglycrying, heartbreak, sadmovie, historymovie, historyreaction, intense, trending, goodwillhunting, robinwilliams, mattdamon, goodwillhuntingreaction, benaffleck
Id: hkwbj4eby9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 46sec (2506 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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