Good Rigging Friction Lowering Device - Operation

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all right on this particular tree we've got a lead that we strip the brush off of that needs to come out we've got a block set high in the tree a lowering line going through the block tied near the top of this long lead that we want to take out we're going to take it out in one piece and set the thing down very slowly and quietly the one thing we do with this winch system is quiet rigging we take big pieces we're able to use the mechanical advantage that the winch gives us to pull these pieces up toward a rigging point and lift them under a controlled manner and set them down nice and quietly so with the rigging point above the winch we're going to use this upper fairlead if you come through that fairly it comes straight through it you're going to be on the right side of the drum which automatically leads you to winding the rope clockwise the proper direction you always have to wind the rope clockwise we have these warning stickers that show up all the way around the base of the drum to remind you to wind clockwise that is absolutely critical to get the most efficiency out of the winch we need the most rope surface area contacting the winch drum area so we load the Rope of the winch up with as many wraps as will comfortably fit this is a 5/8 rope we get four wraps on there and the final raffle has to come over this peeler arm and then the people arm leads the rope right into the jaw this slot this round's slot that goes all the way around the top of the drum this slot is formed by two spring-loaded jaws which form the self tailing unit so now the rope is locked off and I'll put the handle in hold it with one hand get your thumb lever over pop it in turning the handle clockwise it has this in high gear which is about a four to one gear reduction when you turn the handle in the counterclockwise direction and that's approximately a 13 to one gear reduction and we're going to take the slack out of this rope reload it so we can start our cut so we're going to go a clockwise direction and the high gear until it gets kind of tough just go to the counterclockwise direction which puts us in the low gear range I'm really going to take the stretch out of this case you know you've developed a lot of tension and you're able to play a note you're able to take all the stretch out of these double braid ropes for nearly all the stretch out and something else to consider is when you're putting the mount on another note to consider is I thought that strap is and you'll find out a new system that there will be some stretch in the strap so if you may have to retention the strap a notch or two just about ready to cut but if you look at the angle of this piece the rigging point is off that way the piece itself wants is angled out to my left so when we release the buck we're going to release this giant pendulum because the piece is fairly very fairly vertical we didn't need to make a giant wide-open face here I think this will be adequate so when we tip it towards the rigging point but a guy my age you bring needs to revert the low gear and a bigger actually moving quite I'm going to take a walk back here and check my hinge see how it's doing yeah it's actually open you have played nicely my butt line isn't impeding the movement of the hinge I'll tension it a little bit more and then I'll come back and skip away at that last little bit hit a couple more clicks I should be able to lift that but off of the shelf and that's it now he's the porter up very slowly we're going to do here I'm going to go over to the winch take the handle out release the load until the piece is merely touching the ground I flipped the pigtail up I keep tension in the tail and I keep the rope wraps perpendicular to the drum just as they're wrapped on the drum oh god I've got some tension in the tail it doesn't take a lot of work to do that and now I put it through the pigtail so I can watch the piece I don't have to worry about feeding the rope onto the drum I can watch the keys I can actually walk out here and if I had to I could control that but grab this tag line and pull it wherever I needed to so it's just about above the ground I don't want to put weight on it because that will make up make it hard to saw what I'm going to do I keep your tension on here take it out of the pigtail take the wrap put it back into the self Taylor now that piece is locked up and on the crowded job site where there's guys running around I'll take an extra rep just so somebody doesn't kick the rope out of that pig tail or out of that self baler same way as before keeping tension in the tail carefully unwrapping contention you can thick now even your down knock it off yourself Tanner and then again taking that extra rep keeping my raps in the same line as they were as I'm unwrapping them and always use the pigtail for Laurie I don't have to worry about where the Rope is going because the fairleads keep the rope from crossing over I always tell people when you're done you got the piece set on the ground with your wraps off take the rope off completely that saves you a lot of grief you right before you cut I'm going to get a little tension on Oh wanna pop those limbs off now Drake clean the Mount deposit well okay rip Tompkins a royalty on that alright we're using a milwaukee whole-hog drill that has reverse gear with reverse gear on the drill we're using the low gear range on the winch which allows us to lift pretty good sized loads Oh that's it and we'll go nice and easy
Channel: Tony Powell
Views: 36,506
Rating: 4.9333334 out of 5
Keywords: Good Rigging Control System, Friction Lowering System, Arborist Lowering System, Tree Lowering, Tree Lowering Winch, Friction Drum, Tree Friction Drum, GRCS, GCRS-2, Greg Good Lowering System
Id: qEXho-ALb28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2013
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