Making a BIG Boring Bar | Shop Made Tools

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I like the dog.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/HAHA_goats 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

The best part of his videos are the outakes at the end. And the dog.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/marlovious 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

I did not find that bar boring.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Fullertons 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

The channel has one of the great dogs of YouTube.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/Yellow_Triangle 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

It's always satisfying watch someone who is very good at what they do. Great channel, always look forward to the new videos every Friday

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/dadst3r 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

FYI great youtube channel...

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/ZeusTheRecluse 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

TL;DW: Making a big-ass boring bar. Go watch it.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/elbekko 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2021 🗫︎ replies
wait oi leave it homeless come here good boy  how you going guys Kurtis from cutting edge engineering so   today i have to make a new tool for the workshop  i have a job i need to get done none of my boring   bars are big enough to reach down inside this  component and do what i need to do in there so i'm going to manufacture a new one a few  of the boring bars we've got here we've got our   wmg boring bars tcmt tpmrs we've got a couple of  anti-vibe bars two of these have been shop made so   the large 80mm one and then the 40mm one here the  40mm bar has got a square hole broached into one   end of it to take square 12mm tools the other  one has got a slot milled in the end of it to   take 16mm tools well this bar is going to take  25mm tools so we can run all of our big turning   tools within the boring bar there is quite a lot  of variety here there's not much you can't do   with the bars we have here now but i cannot do  this job none of these are big enough the 80mm   bar is 700mm long and it's still too small to  get down inside this job and do what i need to do   so what we need to do first we need to go outside  and have a look through what we've got laying   in the yard that we can make a new boring bar out  of we're going to be looking for something about   125 mil in diameter it's going to be a pretty big  bar so let's go for a look see what we can find this is where we keep all of our large  diameter and metric rods there is quite   a variety here we do hang on to a lot of the  big metric stuff because it is hard to get   and it is very very handy to have around the  workshop the smaller diameter stuff we generally   throw in the bin it's not worth the effort to  strip the chrome off it to use it with the big   metric stuff off the big excavators it's a  very high grade material it's actually an o2   tool steel that they use so it's the perfect  sort of material to use to make a boring bar   we don't keep old rod material to resell as a pin  or something like that everything when it comes   to cylinders is brand new because i don't know  what's happened to it if it has been stressed   there could be internal fractures there could be  a whole variety of things wrong with the material   so that stuff goes in the bin and all  this big diameter stuff in this grade   of material i will hang on to it because  it is handy for such jobs like this one 150 175 115 too small we found the piece of material we are  going to use it is a piece of 150 mm   induction hardened chrome bar i'll dig  that out get it into the workshop cut the   section off we need we'll get into the  machine and we'll start to machine it righto guys so we've got the piece of material  set up in the machine now first thing we're   going to have to do is get the induction layer  off the bar there is about five mil on there   to be removed we will be using a ceramic  insert to remove the induction layer being   that we're using ceramic inserts they are  super brittle they don't like thermal shock   and if you were to try and take it at a full  depth of cut you would have from the tip   to about here inside the job if that insert  was to burst you would have seconds to   disengage the machine before it crashed the  tool into the job you would then take out   the anvil and then take out the tool it's  just not worth risking the tool and the job   just to try and take that induction layer in  one hit that's why i take it off one mil per   pass you've got about a mil worth of room between  the insert and the anvil of the tool to the insert   bursts it's not actually going to collide with the  tool i'm not going to put a cbn insert to do this   because they're far too expensive to risk blowing  them out after we get through the induction layer   we can put some carbide back in and then we can  rip the bar down to size i'm going to be running   coolant generally you wouldn't run coolant with  ceramic because of thermal shock but because   i'm running flood coolant on the ceramic and on  the job they make the ceramics last a little bit   longer being that the length of the job how much  material has to come off it and how much the tool   is engaged on the job for every pass we will be  running coolant for the ceramic and the carbide started playing up where the steady was there's  a bit of oil on it that could have upset it 143.6 138.4 righto guys so we've completed 99 percent of the turning on  this job i will need to face this off at after   i've finished all the milling i might i might  not i'm not sure yet so how i'm going to hold   this into a tool post i'm not going to use  the standard arrangement of a telescoping   block where you can slide the bar in and out  to whatever depth you want i don't like that   style especially on a bar this size anything  that i've got that's over 50 mil in diameter   i won't do a block style where it clamps and  pinches on the bar for a bar that size that's   a lot of overhang outside the tool post itself not  a big fan of that so what i'm going to do is i'm   actually going to mill grooves down either side of  the bar so we can sit inside my tool post and i'll   use the bolts to hold the boring bar in the tool  post of the machine while this is set up in the   machine i'm going to show you the quick and easy  way to mark out the areas you need to mill away   in order for this to fit in your tool post  on the center line of the machine so the way   i mark them out i simply just use something  straight across the bottom of my tool post i scribe a line in and then i do  the same on the top jaw of the   tool post i scribe a line in there so that  there suits a 32 mil tool height machine   so that's my three larger lathes that's a quick  easy efficient way for something like this oooohhh he loves these let me get him this one yes oh yes good boy on your bed why have one when you could have two going to destroy that squeaker over that distance it's out by a mil righto guys so we've done all the turning on  the boring bar i've now got it set up in   the milling machine i need to machine out  the areas that i marked we'll be using a   25 mil indexable end mill so we'll mill out  all the pockets with that i've then got to   put my 90 degree milling head on to cut the  slot in the end of it for the tool to sit in   so this is the 90 degree milling head it's an nt40  these are a absolute awesome bit of kit if you've   got them they're not very common i haven't seen  many around do have to be very careful with them   though they don't like going over about a thousand  rpm they will blow apart not only can these be   used as a 90 degree milling attachment you can  actually put slitting saws and other cutters   into this up onto the dovetails of your machine  so this is what they're really designed for but   my other tools fit in this so i'm going to use it  for that so very good if you've got the use for it righto guys we've now completed all the  machining on the bar we've drilled and   tapped our holes we've cut our slots we've  done all the milling down there i've test   fitted the tool in there the grub screw's all  fit everything's good i'm going to pull it out   of the machine now i'm going to give it a bit  of a clean up with a grinder just deburr all   these nasty edges after we do that we'll throw  it in the lathe and show you what it looks like oi come on come on let's go let's go righto guys we've finished making our  boring bar now we've removed about 60   kilos of material from the original bar 155 kilo so we're going to do a bit of a comparison on our  smallest boring bar we have here in the workshop   to our largest so this is a 12 mil that's  our smallest boring bar we have this was our   biggest shop made boring bar it's  an 80 mil by think it's about 600 long   to our 125 mil bar 1100 long with 900 mm of reach why did i go 125 mil in diameter a good rule of thumb   i've been working with for many many years now is  if i'm going to make a shop made boring bar i'm   going to go five times the diameter of the bar in  the working length of it seems to be the the best   way to get the reach and this and still have that  that rigidity in the bar bit of a price point on   what would it cost to make this sort of bar it  took us about six hours so it's about half a   day's work i didn't pay for the piece of material  it was an off cut an old ram ram shaft off a   ex1900 excavator being that it is o2 steel it is  very very expensive to buy the piece of material   would have been about fourteen hundred dollars  um consumables maybe twenty dollars if that   all in all put in a little bit of time use up  some old material we had we've got ourselves a   boring bar now that'll reach up to 900 mil deep  we only needed to go to 600 for the next job but   for half a day's work we've now got a tool that  we can keep here in the workshop so yeah job done how you going guys Kurtis from cutting edge  engineering so today's job i need to build our how you going guys Kurtis from cutting  edge engineering so today i have to do a so today we're going to be making a new boring bar yeah [giggle] a new boring bar we'll use this the bolts on my tool pole tool pole it's a palbit 25 mil try insert in um [ __ ] me [ __ ] [ __ ] me i [ __ ] all that up um where the [ __ ] was i going with that so how keep going i've lost it i'm just gonna start again okay   do you want to what you're  good like that pretty comfy well you want to look at me or look down here  well i don't know what are you doing we'll use that to mill out all that material hang on what you got swarf on  your beard where on your neck beard I can't see it where is it gone yet it's gone am i starting again   the piece of material would have  been roughly a thousand actually let me find out for sure okay move again get out of the way what the hell birds flying around oi get out 0.015 of a mil over that distance is [ __ ] insanely good okay how heavy is that [ __ ] very it's in there somewhere ah [ __ ] dog [ __ ] OW [ __ ] AH you [ __ ] dog good one best tweezers there by about eight inches [laughter] nah playing it's about three angry hehe ah the cute one very cute so was that was that the biggest one that was the biggest one everyone was amazed how big that was yeah right look  how big that [ __ ] thing yes roaring angry [giggle] [ __ ] deep penetration oh my god that's it oh did he kill it already no he's trying to hang on ah ah ah hang on hey hey hey hey hey hey drop it drop it homeless
Channel: Cutting Edge Engineering Australia
Views: 470,903
Rating: 4.9600902 out of 5
Keywords: cutting edge engineering australia, machinist in australia, machininst, abom79, cee australia, Making a BIG Boring Bar, machining, boring bar, big boring bar, how to make a boring bar, making a boring bar, shop made boring bar, shop made tools, machine shop, homemade boring bar, heavy duty machining, large lathe work, milling, milling machine, lathe, 90 degree milling head, right angle milling, machining asmr, workshop asmr, face cutting on milling machine, drill and tap a hole
Id: xjNHjjanehc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 1sec (2761 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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