The BEST ‘Before & After’ Designs Of 2021 So Far!

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today's video is a compilation of the absolute  best before and after design examples across   2021 on my channel so follow along and see if you  agree with the design changes and what you might   do differently and later in today's video learn  how you can get access to skillshare premium now   skillshare is an online learning community with  thousands of different courses across a wide range   of creative areas these are things like logo  designing just graphic design in general web   design photography and so much more so yeah stay  tuned to the very end today's video to learn more   so here is the first design and it's trying to  raise awareness of plastic pollution in our oceans   it's a great cause but it's a bad design  unfortunately and we're soon going to see   why but firstly what does the design do correctly  i'm going to be frank the pros for this design are   quite few before i start i really like the concept  if you couldn't tell we actually have an image of   plastic or rubbish made to look like sushi rolls  this design is a classic example of an amazing   design concept which has been carried out with  poor execution i absolutely love love love this   concept and soon we're gonna build a design around  it together but yeah i guess we could also say the   design is quite minimal with lots of negative  space or shall i say it's kind of minimal but   anyway let's build a new design from the ground up  we essentially have a blank canvas and i've kept   the original design off to the right as a kind of  reference point thinking about this design where   would you personally start now i think i want to  make a focal point and a good choice here would be   the concept that being the image of the pollution  or rubbish sushi rolls down below the next step   is going to dictate the entire design and so  the choices you make need to be grounded firmly   looking at the image of that sushi roll pollution  what feelings do you get is it a dainty kind of   comforting image no it's not it's a very dirty  a very harsh and a blunt impacting kind of image   with that in mind the typography in the original  design simply doesn't match the original design   uses playful kind of informal non-impacting fonts  and this is a clear mismatch or disconnect within   the message we want to create typography that is  blunt and hard hitting so here are my choices and   for now let's just disregard color i've gone for  yes you've guessed it a bold sans-serif font for   the upper two lines and then a more rugged looking  font for the goes into you section now i've made   sure to keep the sizing pretty much equal to  the image below just for visual harmony's sake   the first color i'm going to add is blue  and this can be seen in the middle of those   plastic sushi rolls connecting color like this  throughout the design is a great hack and more   about that later in today's video the typeface  i chose here was han cf that's h h-a-n-s-i-e-f and that typeface does come with a normal  choice of font but also as you can see here   a textured font i feel like this textured option  really adds to that kind of rugged and polluted   scents you get from the sushi rolls  and i think it just complements it   you always want to be thinking in this kind of  way when designing something you want to try   and grasp the message or the tone of the message  and then make design choices around that notion   so i've then gone ahead and made the now section  red so it really stands out from the design   notice how i haven't used dark gray or black for  the other areas of typography this was done on   purpose and i did try to use a darker choice for  the typography but it kind of overpowered the   blue type and also it tried to compete with  the focal point below being that main image   i then finally went ahead and added their logo  in the bottom corner and this is just a minor   addition that's not really that important but yeah  side by side here is the before and after design   and i'm pretty happy with how this message and the  concept was delivered in the revision but let's   move on to the next one so the third design in  today's video is a landing page for a vr headset   and right off the bat you should be considering  just that the vr headset it's a tech niche and   so you want to base your decisions around that  niche sector and also the kind of people who   are in that niche but what does this design do  wrong well it's not a terrible design at all   but there are some things i personally would  change for starts this by now section isn't   attention grabbing considering the main point of  this design is to get somebody to buy the product   this design choice is pretty bad the next point  is more subjective and i don't like how far apart   the leading has been set on the main text the  leading is the spacing between each line of text   in case you didn't know the layout is good enough  because it has balance on two sides with the focal   point image dividing them down the middle but i  personally want to change things up a tiny bit   so i'm just going to fast forward  and show you the changes for this one   now you can see i've tightened the leading on the  main text i have really made the buy now option   visually attention seeking again my tried and  tested method of linking colors has been used   and that's by grabbing that deep vibrant pink and  making use of it in different areas of the design   the design now has balance in a different  way because i've enlarged the focal point   and then i've shifted all text content onto one  side but yeah again this is subjective and for me   it personally looks better this way and you  might or you might not agree when seeing both   designs side by side lastly the typeface  i chose for the main typography is more   futuristic and more modern looking and i think  that appeals to the niche viewer of this design   a whole lot more so i want you to take a look at  this poster design and all of the knowledge that   you've soaked up and absorbed from my channel or  other channels on the internet or just anywhere   in terms of educational graphic design content  think about what is wrong with this poster when   we're making changes to a design we want to first  identify the problems that need to be resolved and   let's be honest with this design here there are  quite a few problems going on so the first thing   that i identified as a big problem in this design  was clutter there are too many things going on   which makes it too convoluted too complicated and  too busy when somebody views a design especially   a sale poster that viewer needs to access the  information as quickly and as easily as possible   and there are so many different ways that this  design is cluttered and too busy for the first   step here i have removed some of the background  imagery as you can see and also the dots because   i thought they were just insignificant and they're  just creating confusion but there are still a lot   of things that i would change about this poster  and i'm going to do that as well but i want you   to think what would you do and what kind of steps  would you take to refine and improve this design   so i've made quite a few changes on this  third step and it's still not finished   but as you can see i've put that fashion sale  title actually reading in a horizontal format   instead of going vertically which  i think is too convoluted you know   also i've really cleaned up the poster in general  and it's really refined down to a simplistic form   i've put most of the key information in  the top left and i put the main focal   point of the woman in the bottom right again  this creates a kind of division and some balance   and also you can think in terms of proximity  now the information that suggests the 30   discounts i've put this in a circle so it  stands out and is really easily recognizable   but yeah the main problem in this design well  actually there were two main problems in my   opinion one of them was things were just way too  busy and too hectic and the second was that the   information was displayed in a very poor manner  we have dates and we have you know websites and   textures all over the place and it's just it's  just crazy and this actually was how it was   downloaded the only thing i had to change was that  on freepik it didn't come with the female model   it did show a model but the ai file doesn't  come with one so i added one myself but there   are still a few minor changes i would make to  this design which we're gonna check out now   and so finally here we have the design on the left  is the before and on the right is the after i have   chosen a kind of muted red which i do think  works really well for a kind of sail design   but the kind of bluey green did work  but i do think this is a good choice   let me know what you think about my design  on the right compared to the one on the left   as soon as i saw this design i knew i had to  include it in today's video yeah it's pretty   pixelated i know but that's simply how i find it  on google and yeah there's a lot of things going   on in this design that don't work and i'm sure  most of you can work out and see what's wrong here   but yet this design is a classic example of  the overuse of fonts it's one of the most   basic rules of graphic design where you don't use  more than three different fonts on a single design   when the viewer tries to read this design they  will stumble get confused and they won't be able   to kind of obtain the information clearly graphic  design is all about presenting information to   people for whatever reason it's just a visual  language this design also lacks contrast   a solid focal point aside from the model who i  might add kind of blends into the design because   she's wearing a white dress the typography is  too tightly packed together which also adds   to the difficulty of reading it so from a blank  canvas i right away use the h m logo in its true   color of reds and this is simply to have a strong  focal point and an interjection of contrast   the white box behind it is also going to add more  contrast and we will see that as we move on next   below that the main message is displayed in one  single font and notice how the middle line of the   three lines of text breaks across past that white  box for me that was important because i didn't   want to have this whole section in a neat square  box so below that the finer print text is again   simply laid out with room to breathe and then the  final text displayed in black for contrast below   it's nothing too crazy or fancy it's just  methodical design layouts and then the price   tag for some reason says the dress is sold out  which is pretty odd for a design like this but   maybe that's just how exclusive it is who knows so  can you see by doing nothing to the image of the   background and just changing very small details on  a design we can make a big difference so here is   our first design which is a kind of an old-school  nike design a blast from the past so to speak   in today's video i'm making the least amount of  changes possible just to show how effective they   can be but what would you do to this design  and how would you change it to maybe solve   a problem or just to make it more effective as a  graphic design now you might be thinking well the   typography needs changing but how would you change  the typography and what style would you go with   you might be thinking that oh tom's just gonna  slap on a sans-serif font well in this instance   you'd be wrong in thinking that because i've gone  ahead and used a slab serif typeface instead of a   sans-serif so what is my logic here and how does  this actually work well we can see that the design   is more traditional and it's more old-school  and so the designer here has used a serif font   now i've decided to keep things more traditional  more retro but i've gone with a slab serve as   i think it does keep in with the older style  but it's kind of more trendy and more sporty   especially with the italics going on here if we  can notice the lines of the model we have some   movement moving across from left to right and  that's backed up with the nike logo right here   so that's why i chose italics and not just a  static straight up kind of typeface for my design   also we have some hierarchy in size and  also thickness which i do think works well   and better than this here now i want you to focus  your attention on the left hand side in the blue   area what do you think might be a problem from a  technical design a viewpoint when thinking about   space now you might look at the design and think  well it's in fact okay there's not much wrong and   nothing really needs to be worked on however there  is an issue and it's based around something called   micro white space now white space and negative  space are different things and mainly in today's   video we are thinking in terms of white space and  micro white space is the space between the small   elements like letters text lines paragraphs icons  and buttons so if i make some small adjustments   while considering micro white space you can  see how again small changes equate to a big   difference so the micro white space between each  line of text and also the visual elements below   has been increased to bring a more harmonic and  clean design a solution and all of this is while   making it easier for the reader to obtain the  information but i couldn't help myself and i   had to add in some contrasting color for this  call to action button but yeah side by side   it's pretty obvious to see how thinking about  micro white space can really improve a design   the first question i have for you is this  circled here is a call to action button   and basically that's just where  designer wants the end user to click   but on my changes what two main reasons can you  give as to why it's better than the first example   so we're looking for two main reasons  why the second option on the right   is more effective than the design on the left  just specifically the call to action button   okay so first of all two points to the  first answer and that's obviously the color   having it in a bright pinky red makes it stand out  compared to it being in black as before and thus   it's more visible and more clickable so if you  guessed that right give yourself two points but   what about the second answer now if you notice the  isometric design is very square and very straight   edged and that also the call to action and the  original design is also a square shape then you're   on the right track and so on the revised design  the call to action button is a circle and this   makes it stand out geometrically speaking from the  rest of the design and in standing out we create   some contrast which again makes it more visible  and more clickable so for those two correct   answers you can have four points in total or just  two points if you have one correct do keep track   of your scores as we move through today's video  and see how many you get at the very end so for   the next two point answer in today's video i want  you to look at these areas circled in pink now   i've made some changes to the typography obviously  but what graphic design principle has been used   in the new changes now if you do watch my  videos often then this one should be pretty easy so for two points the answer is of course  hierarchy because we have some visual hierarchy   going on in color and size in this new change  design though thinking about it some people   might also say contrast or even emphasis was  used and so if you did guess these two instead   of hierarchy give yourself just one point but  yeah i was looking for hierarchy for two points   okay so the next answer is worth three  points so really get your thinking caps   on and try and figure this one out so there is  a specific connection with the isometric design   the illustration section with the call-to-action  button and it's something that ensures the viewer   sees the call-to-action button but  can you work out what that might be   looking at the isometric illustration  and then the call-to-action button   what ensures you finally do  end up noticing that button so yeah this one might be a bit tricky  but the answer i'm looking for is   flow and in this instance notice how the direction  of all the lines in the illustration lead to that   button those angled 45 degree whatever degree they  are lines do drag you in that direction this is   a subtle but a very effective method designers  use and it does work well but yeah that one was   worth three points if you got it correct and that  was the last question on this first design see   the sponsor of today's video is skillshare and  skillshare is an online learning community with   millions of different users taking thousands  of different classes now you can actually   learn new skills or nurture existing passions or  you might even discover a hidden talent that you   might have now i'm actually currently taking  a course by gestapo torres and i'm brushing up   on my skills even though my routine is pretty  jam-packed throughout each day if you want to   discover new skills then go ahead and sign up  via the link in the description box below and   the first 1000 people to use that link will get a  one month free trial to skillshare so yeah click   the link down below and sign up to skillshare and  discover new skills today if you want to see more   content just click the video on screen until  next time design your future today peace you
Channel: Satori Graphics
Views: 74,029
Rating: 4.9397473 out of 5
Keywords: before and after graphic designs, before and after graphic design, before and after designs, before and after satori graphics, satori graphics before and after, making graphic designs better, making famous graphic designs better (before & after design), making famous graphic designs better, graphic design changes, graphic design pro, satori graphics
Id: k2DWClcoHFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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