Goma At Home: Chicken Salad Sandwich Spread

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[Music] hello everyone welcome to go Matt home and we are here right now in or mock city what I'm going to show you today is a very simple dish like chicken what do you do with leftover chicken today we'll make a chicken salad sandwich spread I remember when I was a young boy whenever we have leftover chicken Molalla would always prepare it into a chicken salad sandwich bread so let me begin with washing my hand with some soap shampoo a firmly nice ok get to chicken make sure knife is sharp it's always nice to have a sharp knife eponymous it but I mean acid in the kitchen for the Mogami children a knife Hindi sharp then tendency is rapport set mode then you hurt yourself you shred nothing chicken first they go to check the chicken meat the end will aim at them it's a breast and then another breast so what I'm doing now set sin separated and add all parts of the chicken butter later on it will be easier for me t to chop the meat so right after cleaning of the meat we will add our simple ingredients of mayonnaise pickle relish we'll put some you can use IR por cider vinegar or lemon juices for Tang then for little spice would put some hot sauce salt and pepper and we need to wash your hands again so now the chopper chicken meat into small pieces some people would like it finer some people like it chunky I like it a bit chunky and lots of mayonnaise so one whole chicken will produce you at least a jar of chicken salad sandwich spread it keep it in the refrigerator old man okay my hobby Seeta biglan do my thing at least you have something to serve put it over Punta sul or sometimes tasty or sometimes crackers you have to be very careful somewhat the lead in you know the patent dilution dolly rate the Patna Club shanigan and then let the the fingertips guy didn't that knife landed on a sec inlet usually with this kind of knife we just roll the knifes aboard yeah me getting loud Nero rolling sir all you have to do is mix it pour a mixture London on mix you feel a measurement or separately pushing palliated dice Malaysia should be good next we put it in a bowl we'll add in some celery a certain celery stalks a it gives you some crunch now the food it don't leave still haven't get along on just throw it check on Malini's be among a stop it's too big we cut them in half there you go you know I like I like preparing food like this I said when I was young so refrigerator I mean like in Marin Granito anyone and Lola ha say even when I was a small boy my hillock of unnumbered element of friendship behind my bar cada semana but are you laughing it off elongate and cry in diba say that he make it fine this is very good for keen economic crunch makes a crunch and then something a flavor and celery hmm very good refreshing depends on how much you want to to put in to spread more I like to put a lot sir Pacific maraming maraming crunch oh come on that's good and then after this we blend it into chicken right there now that we've chopped the chicken and celery and I like it enough in you based napkin none mayonnaise so the number of mayonnaise it depends on your taste I like to put a lot of mayonnaise in my in my chicken salad sandwich bread you know when I was young favorite Leon mayonnaise and Punda salad because our mayonnaise next is we put some pickle relish Charlotte Mitchell may contain us in depends on how much you want I like a lot Padme Tang Tang Tang cabbage and some some hot sauce it's a little and then some salt and pepper it's all it's nice cool to grind pepper express it and do Latium aroma and then you strength and then you flavor yeah there you go simpler superb Ramy pepper there you go and some salt and then later on you have to keep on tasting your food but don't go my gosh just can't rely upon the salt ok lamp on and country mayo just fold it in you know hold it in the skip and folding it Wow there you go it's nice to see the the celery the call of celery looks fresh and green and then once it all folded in the best to try it out it's good okay the next is an upcoming set up an exam or some people like tasty some people who like pandas I'll tell myself in punta sal bachman it can happen the self so what we'll do with ptosis supplying pineapple will close a couple so there you go let's open it will make three three sandwiches we will toast our bread or punta sal let's put some oil just a little long and they go wow hot [Music] okay you go some color oh nice do not work [Music] precepts coming up and now we assemble our chicken salad sandwich bread with the lettuce you nice bird press the the bottom just to take out the hard bit and then take out the outer leaves sometimes it's soggy sometimes it's not as crispy I used to do this when I used to work in a fast-food restaurant when I was young grab it and then so now we assemble the chicken will you spoon scoop it out myself or marami shut up what it's all there put the lettuce on top and then we played it all right so here's your chicken salad sandwich and it's done so simple what they wanted to do have me free thank you sir bye try it out to miss O'Brien chicken try to do this and then tag me give me a comment or you can follow me on instagram and comment there so now Booga Ramanathan Wow oh nice let's try it out [Music] Oh so um so thank you for joining me and go Matt home I'll see you next episode try this out you Sabra you can keep it in the fridge seen it there you go bye guys [Music] you
Channel: Richard Gomez
Views: 411,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RichardGomez, GomaAtHome, Goma
Id: YWnCiLcfJ0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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