Pinoy Style Chicken Macaroni Salad

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Welcome to Panlasang Pinoy! I'm Vanjo Merano. How are you? Today we'll cook Pinoy Style Chicken Macaroni Salad here are the ingredients for this recipe elbow macaroni, we have some alternatives for this I'll show the substitutes later canned pinepapple tidbits. You can also use pineapple chunks, slice it into smaller pieces like this carrots, sliced into small pieces since we are not going to use heat, it's easier to eat carrots if you cut it into small pieces carrots gives crunch texture to our salad "keso" or cheese. This is sharp cheddar cheese with a mixture of white cheddar cheese. As you can see in the bowl, there is a mixture of white and yellow cheese here you may also use quickmelt cheese, if that is available in your kitchen raisins or "pasas" this gives sweetness to our salad but if you want it sweeter, add sugar if you don't want it to be too sweet, sugar is an optional ingredient since we already have raisins garlic powder ground black pepper salt or "asin" chicken. This is a boneless chicken breast you may also use chicken with bones but sure to remove the skin and to complete our pinoy chicken macaroni salad, we'll use lady's choice mayonnaise you'll see the complete list of ingredients with measurements at the end of this video let's start guys first step is to cook the chicken boil water in a pot and once boiling, we'll put the chicken now it's boiling, we can now add the chicken add one by one. You may use chicken with bones. Just make sure you have removed the skin so it's less fat to make it easier, let's use boneless chicken. Boiling for 20-25 minutes then cool it down so we can hold it for the next step next step is shredding the chicken we'll separate the chicken meat after the chicken is the macaroni cover the pot you may cook the chicken and macaroni at the same time but in different pots so we can save time let's wait for the chicken to be cooked then we'll proceed with the macaroni after 20-25 minutes, let's remove the cover chicken breast is ready remove the chicken breast from the pot transfer in a clean bowl then let the temperature of the chicken cool down we need to cool it down so we can use our hands for shredding let's set this aside let's cool it down. And while we cool it down, let's boil the macaroni remove the cooking pot because while we're doing the chicken earlier, I already prepared the other cooking pot for our macaroni. So I'll just get that pot from my other stove here's the cooking pot for our macaroni, let it boil again the water immediately boils because I already boiled earlier let's prepare the macaroni we're using elbow macaroni, but before that, add salt to the boiling water set aside the salt bowl once salt is added, we can now add the elbow macaroni. here it goes aside from elbow macaroni, we can also use the following (I prepared it here) this is a tricolor rotini. It's called tricolor because it has 3 colors. It's also called spiral noodles so if you don't have elbow macaroni, you may also use this one you may aslo use shell pasta it has a shell shape. There are small and big type of this one it depends on you what size you want this one is the favorite of my children. It's bow tie pasta we can also use this one for a difference children wants the unique shapes. So they're attracted to eat let's boil then mix follow the package instruction on how long you should cook the macaroni usually it's 6, 7, 8 6 minutes for aldente 7 minutes for firm 8-10 minutes for soft macaroni. If more than that, the macaroni will not be that good anymore my suggestion for the cooking time of our Chicken Macaroni Salad is between 6-7 minutes or aldente to firm I don't recommend it to be soft because we will mix it later we will combine it with the other ingredients I showed you earlier. It will not turn out good if we make the macaroni too soft we don't want it to mush while mixing continue cooking the macaroni and don't forget to mix once in a while to avoid sticking on the bottom at this point our macaroni is ready I'll repeat, refer to the package instruction the macaroni manufacturer knows best for the time of cooking of their product ok, off the heat then drain the water I have here a strainer I placed the strainer in the sink while draining the macaroni, let's prepare the chicken here's the chicken breast that we boiled earlier let's tear it into small pieces by hand manually the finer shred the better so we can easily mix it in the salad later it's easier if we have a help from someone. For example, it's a weekend if we're making chicken macaroni salad for our family involve your children to boost their interest in cooking shredding the chicken is an example. Even though it's a bit messy with my children, it's alright because I know they are learning from it they will not be fussy in food just make sure the hands are washed clean before and after doing this continue shredding the chicken then we will assemble the salad with the other ingredients making this dish is very easy and quick that's why this is an ideal to dish for the family the chicken is ready set aside. Let's ready our salad get a big bowl. We will combine here all the ingredients, so make sure it's big enough first is the seasoning ingredients here goes the garlic powder add small amount first so it will not over power the salad's flavor. We can add more later if it's not enough here goes the ground black pepper, same with the ground black pepper add small amount first then, let's adjust the taste later sugar, small amount of sugar only then let's add salt here goes the salt then let's add our lady's choice mayonnaise I really like this packaging because it's easy to open and the amount is enough for this dish it's very convenient, just push with your fingers to collect all the mayonnaise alright here is the mayonnaise this step is the preparation of the salad's dressing get a spoon and scoop a bit of pineapple juice from the pineapple tidbits we'll add the tidbits later let's add the juice first ok, it's that easy then mix it well for the new mommies out there, chicken macaroni salad is good for you. You can cook this for your family try this one if you're not yet ready for advance dishes cooking this can boost your confidence level in cooking. Once your confident in cooking this, visit for more advance dishes or watch our youtube channel so you have ideas what dishes you can cook I'm always doing this to guide you the ingredients are well mixed let's add the macaroni we boiled earlier let's put it here be careful, there you go it's a bit hot but that's alright. Let's put it here another tip, if you're using a strainer, make sure it's metal, not plastic. Plastics melt in hot water toss and mix well the dressing to the macaroni tossing is scooping from outside to inside then going outside again don't mix spirally to avoid rupturing the macaroni tossing it means were combining the dressing to the macaroni and to segregate the macaroni too mixing it with the dressing helps remove the macaroni lumps and separate them now, we're ready to add the other ingredients here's the pineapple tidbits we don't need to add more juice because we aready added some juice earlier remove the juice first so it's easier to pour out the tidbits get a clean container so the juice is not wasted transfer the juice to another container we just need the tidbits so here it goes let's set these aside here goes the raisins carrots put everthing in here I explained earlier why we sliced the carrots into very small pieces the carrot is a bit hard or crunchy, slicing it big will be a bit difficult to eat because we are not cooking this in fire slicing it into small pieces will make it easier to eat but still gives that crunchy texture to our salad continue tossing this is very simple you can let your children help you with tossing. I know it's messy with the children but it's fun cooking with them ok guys. Let's get the chicken here goes the shredded chicken So I'm using my hands, don't worry my hands are clean but if you don't want to dirty your hands, you can use gloves continue tossing let's add "keso" or cheese ther you go! Cheese makes our macaroni salad yummier let's put everything we can add more cheese later if needed mix it's very simple. I like my macaroni salad chilled before serving. Once were done mixing, I put this inside the refigerator 2-3 hours is alright. So if this is for lunch, I cook this in the morning so it's already chilled. I like it that way how about you? Do you want your chicken macaroni salad chilled too? ok guys, at this point, the macaroni salad is mixed well it's very simple, right? and very easy to make once all the ingredients are mixed, it's time to taste it! in the tasting portion, we will know if we need to add more seasonings like garlic powder, ground black pepper and salt let's try our salad Mmmm~ did you hear the crunch? Delicious, huh? it's so crunchy the taste of the salad is perfect not too salty. Very creamy I can really taste the chicken, pineapple mayonnaise is so creamy, so delicious Mmm~ when you bite the raisins, it gives sweet flavor so it compliments with the salad so I think guys, this dish is really awesome before we serve, let's chill it so I need to cover the bowl it's better if your bowl has its own cover let's put it in the refrigerator and chill it then serve but if you don't want a chilled one, you can serve it right away to make this more flavorful, I'll add more cheese there you go I will serve this to my family so it's better if we are more generous with the ingredients. So everyone will be happy guys, here's our final product here's the complete list of ingredients with their respective measurements get a screenshot of this portion before you go to the market so it's more convenient for you thank you so much for watching our videos here in PanlasangPinoy if you haven't subscribe yet, I'm inviting to our Panlasang Pinoy Youtube channel If you subscribe, Youtube will notify you everytime there's a new video upload I'm inviting you to follow us in instagram @PanlasangPinoy if you have questions, feedback, or suggestion just post your comments below thank you again for watching and see you on our next video
Channel: Panlasang Pinoy
Views: 3,021,890
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Keywords: Chicken Macaroni Salad, Filipino Macaroni Salad, pinoy chicken macaroni, macaroni salad, how to make macaroni salad, how to make chicken salad, macaroni salad recipe
Id: 3HM6Se0yQB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 28 2018
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